AboutBox About MuseScore Copy revision number <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Visit</span><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt; color:#00ffff;"> </span><a href="http://www.musescore.org/"><span style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#00ffff;">www.musescore.org</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"> for new versions and more information.</span></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Support MuseScore with </span><a href="http://www.musescore.org/en/donate"><span style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#00ffff;">your donation</span></a></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"><br /></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Copyright </span><span style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:10pt;">©</span><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"> 1999-2013 Werner Schweer and Others. </span></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Published under the GNU General Public License</span></p></body></html> AboutMusicXMLBox About MusicXML <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">MusicXML is an open file format for exchanging digital sheet music,</p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">supported by many applications. MusicXML is copyright © MakeMusic, Inc.</p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">All rights reserved. For more information, see: <a href="http://www.musicxml.com"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">MusicXML.com</span></a></p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;"></p></body></html> The MusicXML Public License: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:18px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><a name="ParentMain_MPMain_lblTitle"></a><span style=" font-size:xx-large; font-weight:600;">P</span><span style=" font-size:xx-large; font-weight:600;">ublic License 3.0</span> </p> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">This MusicXML™ work (including software, documents, or other related items) is being provided by the Copyright Holder under the following license. By obtaining, using and/or copying this work, each Contributor and Recipient (hereinafter, collectively known as &quot;Licensee&quot;) agree that he/she has read, understood, and will comply with the following terms and conditions:</p> <p style=" margin-top:14px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:large; font-weight:600;">A. DEFINITIONS</span></p> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">&quot;Copyright Holder&quot; means MakeMusic, Inc.</p> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">&quot;Contribution&quot; means:</p> <ol style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; -qt-list-indent: 1;"><li style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">in the case of MakeMusic, Inc., the Original Program, and</li> <li style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">in the case of each Contributor, </li></ol> <ol type="a" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; -qt-list-indent: 2;"><li style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">changes to the Program, and</li> <li style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">additions to the Program;</li></ol> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:1; text-indent:0px;">where such changes and/or additions to the Program originate from and are distributed by that particular Contributor. A Contribution 'originates' from a Contributor if it was added to the Program by such Contributor itself or anyone acting on such Contributor's behalf. Contributions do not include additions to the Program which: (i) are separate modules of software distributed in conjunction with the Program under their own license agreement, and (ii) are not derivative works of the Program.</p> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">&quot;Contributor&quot; means MakeMusic, Inc. and any other entity that distributes the Program.</p> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">&quot;MusicXML™ Mark&quot; means the MusicXML™ trademark owned by MakeMusic, Inc.</p> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">&quot;Original Program&quot; means the original version of the software accompanying this Agreement as released by MakeMusic, Inc., including source code, object code and documentation, if any.</p> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">&quot;Program&quot; means the Original Program and Contributions.</p> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">&quot;Recipient&quot; means anyone who receives the Program under this Agreement, including all Contributors.</p> <p style=" margin-top:14px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:large; font-weight:600;">B. GRANT OF RIGHTS</span></p> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute the Program, with or without modification, for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby granted, provided that each Recipient include the following on ALL copies of the Program or portions thereof, including modifications, that he/she make:</p> <ol style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; -qt-list-indent: 1;"><li style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">The full text of this License in a location viewable to users of the redistributed or derivative work.</li> <li style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Any pre-existing intellectual property disclaimers, notices, or terms and conditions. If none exist, a short notice of the following form (hypertext is preferred, text is permitted) should be used within the body of any redistributed or derivative code: &quot;© MakeMusic, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.makemusic.com</li> <li style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Notice of any changes or modifications to the MusicXML™ files, including the date changes were made. (We recommend you provide URLs to the location from which the code is derived.)</li></ol> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">In addition, creators of derivative works must include the full text of this License in a location viewable to users of the derivative work.</p> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Title to copyright in the Program will at all times remain with Copyright Holder.</p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:large; font-weight:600;">C. NO WARRANTY</span></p> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED ON AN &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS, AND COPYRIGHT HOLDER MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Each Recipient is solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using and distributing the Program and assumes all risks associated with its exercise of rights under this Agreement, including but not limited to the risks and costs of program errors, compliance with applicable laws, damage to or loss of data, programs or equipment, and unavailability or interruption of operations.</p> <p style=" margin-top:14px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:large; font-weight:600;">D. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY</span></p> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, NEITHER COPYRIGHT HOLDER NOR ANY CONTRIBUTORS SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOST PROFITS), HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM OR THE EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHTS GRANTED HEREUNDER, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.</p> <p style=" margin-top:14px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:large; font-weight:600;">E. TRADEMARK</span></p> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">1. The MusicXML™ Mark (or a derivative Mark, such as MusicXML™ Plus) may not be used to identify any product or service not originating from or licensed by Copyright Holder without specific, written prior permission. However, it is acceptable for a Contributor product or service to be described as being MusicXML™-compatible, assuming that the claim is true in Copyright Holder’s reasonable judgment.</p> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">2. This License does not grant any rights to use any other trademarks owned by Copyright Holder, including without limitation &quot;Recordare®&quot;, &quot;Dolet®&quot;, and &quot;In the Beginning Was the Note®&quot;, even if such marks are included in the Program. For purposes of clarification and the avoidance of doubt, the trademarks &quot;Recordare®&quot;, &quot;Dolet®&quot;, and &quot;In the Beginning Was the Note®&quot; must not be used to endorse or promote Contributor versions of the Program without the prior written permission of Copyright Holder.</p> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">3. All rights not expressly granted herein by Copyright Holder with respect to the MusicXML™ Mark or any other trademarks owned by Copyright Holder are reserved by and to Copyright Holder.</p> <p style=" margin-top:14px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:large; font-weight:600;">F. GENERAL</span></p> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the terms of this Agreement, and without further action by the parties hereto, such provision shall be reformed to the minimum extent necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable.</p> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">All Recipient's rights under this Agreement shall terminate if it fails to comply with any of the material terms or conditions of this Agreement and does not cure such failure in a reasonable period of time after becoming aware of such noncompliance. If all Recipient's rights under this Agreement terminate, Recipient agrees to cease use and distribution of the Program as soon as reasonably practicable. However, Recipient's obligations under this Agreement and any licenses granted by Recipient relating to the Program shall continue and survive.</p> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">MakeMusic, Inc. may publish new versions (including revisions) of this Agreement from time to time. Each new version of the Agreement will be given a distinguishing version number. The Program (including Contributions) may always be distributed subject to the version of the Agreement under which it was received. In addition, after a new version of the Agreement is published, Contributor may elect to distribute the Program (including its Contributions) under the new version. No one other than MakeMusic, Inc. has the right to modify this Agreement. Except as expressly stated in Sections B and E above, Recipient receives no rights or licenses to the intellectual property of any Contributor under this Agreement, whether expressly, by implication, estoppel or otherwise. All rights in the Program not expressly granted under this Agreement are reserved.</p> <p style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of California and the intellectual property laws of the United States of America.</p> <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p></body></html> Accidental Form Formulár AlbumManager MuseScore: Album Manager Album Name: Album Name Add Score Remove Current Score Remove Score Move Current Score Down in List Down Nadol Move Current Score Up in List Up Nahor Create New Album New Nový Load an Existing Album Load Načítať Print Album Join Scores ArticulationBase Form Formulár Articulation Artikulácia Direction: Anchor: Kotva: ArticulationProperties MuseScore: Articulations Properties MuseScore: Vlastnosti artikulácie Appearance Direction: Auto Automaticky Up Nahor Down Nadol Anchor: Kotva: Top Staff Bottom Staff Chord Direction Top Chord Bottom Chord Channel Kanál Midi Action Činnosť MIDI BarLineBase Form Formulár BarLine Taktová čiara spanFrom: spanTo: BeamBase Form Formulár Type Typ Tick Chord/Rest Akord/pauza BendDialog MuseScore: Bend Properties Bend type: Click to add or remove some points Bend Bend/Release Bend/Release/Bend PreBend PreBend/Release BoxBase Form Formulár bottomMargin: topGap: bottomGap: leftMargin: topMargin: rightMargin: BoxPropertiesBase MuseScore: Frame Properties MuseScore: Vlastnosti rámu Gaps sp spatium unit ---------- spatium unit sp top/left bottom/right Inner Margins left: Zľava: mm mm right: Sprava: bottom: Zdola: top: Zhora: Size width: height: ChordBase Form Formulár Arpeggio Arpeggio Tremolo Tremolo Glissando Glissando ChordEdit MuseScore: Harmony Properties MuseScore: Vlastnosti harmónie Root Základný tón akordu C C E E bb (double flat) bb (dvojité béčko) F F b (flat) b (béčko) G G (no accidental) (bez posuviek) A A # (sharp) # (krížik) B H ## (double sharp) ## (dvojitý krížik) D D Extension Zväčšenie Maj Dur 2 2 Maj7 Dur7 Maj9 Dur9 6 6 69 69 m m m7 m7 m7b5 m7b5 7 7 sus sus 7Sus 7Sus m6 m6 m9 m9 mMaj7 mDur7 dim dim 9 9 13 13 7b9 7b9 Other: Ďalšie: 5b 5b aug aug Maj9#11 Dur9#11 Maj13#11 Dur13#11 Maj13 Dur13 + + Maj7#5 Dur7#5 maug maug m11 m11 m13 m13 m#5 m#5 m7#5 m7#5 m69 m69 Maj7Lyd Dur7Lyd Maj7b5 Dur7b5 m9b5 m9b5 5 5 7+ 7+ 9+ 9+ 13+ 13+ (blues) (blues) 7(Blues) 7(Blues) 7b13 7b13 7#11 7#11 13#11 13#11 7#11b13 7#11b13 9b13 9b13 9#11 9#11 9#11b13 9#11b13 13b9 13b9 7b9b13 7b9b13 7b9#11 7b9#11 13b9#11 13b9#11 7b9#11b13 7b9#11b13 7#9 7#9 13#9 13#9 7#9b13 7#9b13 13#9#11 13#9#11 7#9#11b13 7#9#11b13 7b5 7b5 13b5 13b5 7b5b13 7b5b13 9b5 9b5 9b5b13 9b5b13 7b5b9 7b5b9 13b5b9 13b5b9 7b5b9b13 7b5b9b13 7b5#9 7b5#9 13b5#9 13b5#9 7b5#9b13 7b5#9b13 7#5 7#5 13#5 13#5 7#5#11 7#5#11 13#5#11 13#5#11 9#5 9#5 9#5#11 9#5#11 7#5b9 7#5b9 13#5b9 13#5b9 7#5b9#11 7#5b9#11 13#5b9#11 13#5b9#11 7#5#9 7#5#9 13#5#9#11 13#5#9#11 7#5#9#11 7#5#9#11 7alt 7alt 7sus 7sus 13sus 13sus 7susb13 7susb13 7sus#11 7sus#11 13sus#11 13sus#11 7sus#11b13 7sus#11b13 9sus 9sus 9susb13 9susb13 9sus#11 9sus#11 9sus#11b13 9sus#11b13 7susb9 7susb9 13susb9 13susb9 7susb9b13 7susb9b13 7susb9#11 7susb9#11 13susb9#11 13susb9#11 7susb9#11b13 7susb9#11b13 7sus#9 7sus#9 13sus#9 13sus#9 7sus#9b13 7sus#9b13 13sus#9#11 13sus#9#11 7sus#9#11b13 7sus#9#11b13 7susb5 7susb5 13susb5 13susb5 7susb5b13 7susb5b13 9susb5 9susb5 9susb5b13 9susb5b13 7susb5b9 7susb5b9 13susb5b9 13susb5b9 7susb5b9b13 7susb5b9b13 7susb5#9 7susb5#9 13susb5#9 13susb5#9 7susb5#9b13 7susb5#9b13 7sus#5 7sus#5 13sus#5 13sus#5 7sus#5#11 7sus#5#11 13sus#5#11 13sus#5#11 9sus#5 9sus#5 9sus#5#11 9sus#5#11 7sus#5b9 7sus#5b9 13sus#5b9 13sus#5b9 7sus#5b9#11 7sus#5b9#11 13sus#5b9#11 13sus#5b9#11 7sus#5#9 7sus#5#9 13sus#5#9#11 13sus#5#9#11 7sus#5#9#11 7sus#5#9#11 4 4 Degrees Stupne Add Pridať Delete Odstrániť Bass Note / Inversion Basová nota/Obrat none žiadne /C /C /Db /Db /D /D /Eb /Eb /E /E /F /F /F# /F# /G /G /Ab /Ab /A /A /Bb /B /B /B 1 1 3 3 ChordRestBase Form Formulár Lyrics: Text piesne: ChordStyleEditor Form Formulár Id Id Name Názov Tab 1 Tab 2 Save As Uložiť ako Load Načítať Clef Form Formulár TransposingClef small showCourtesy Hide courtesy clef Show courtesy clef DebuggerBase Form Formulár Select Vyberte Layout Rozmiestnenie DynamicBase Form Formulár EditDrumsetBase MuseScore: Edit Drumset MuseScore: Upraviť bicie Note Nota Shortcut Skratka Name Názov Name: Názov: Note Head: Notová hlavička: Staff Line: Notová čiara: Load Načítať Save Uložiť No. Stem Direction: Smer nožičky: Auto Automaticky Up Nahor Down Nadol Default Voice: Predvolený hlas 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Shortcut: Skratka: A A B H C C D D E E F F G G -- -- EditInstrumentBase MuseScore: Edit Instrument Properties MuseScore: Úprava vlastností hudobného nástroja Instrument Properties Vlastnosti hudobného nástroja Name Názov Short Name Krátky názov Pitch Výška tónu Transpose Previesť Midi Program Program na Midi Staves Notové osnovy OK OK Cancel Zrušiť EditPitchBase Note Selection Select Note: Octave 8 Octave 7 Octave 6 Octave 5 Octave 4 Octave 3 Octave 2 Octave 1 Octave 0 Octave -1 C C C# D D Eb E E F F F# G G Ab A A Bb B C 8 C# 8 D 8 Eb 8 E 8 F 8 F# 8 G 8 Ab 8 A 8 Bb 8 B 8 C 7 C# 7 D 7 Eb 7 E 7 F 7 F# 7 G 7 Ab 7 A 7 Bb 7 B 7 C 6 C# 6 D 6 Eb 6 E 6 F 6 F# 6 G 6 Ab 6 A 6 Bb 6 B 6 C 5 C# 5 D 5 Eb 5 E 5 F 5 F# 5 G 5 Ab 5 A 5 Bb 5 B 5 C 4 C# 4 D 4 Eb 4 E 4 F 4 F# 4 G 4 Ab 4 A 4 Bb 4 B 4 C 3 C# 3 D 3 Eb 3 E 3 F 3 F# 3 G 3 Ab 3 A 3 Bb 3 B 3 C 2 C# 2 D 2 Eb 2 E 2 F 2 F# 2 G 2 Ab 2 A 2 Bb 2 B 2 C 1 C# 1 D 1 Eb 1 E 1 F 1 F# 1 G 1 Ab 1 A 1 Bb 1 B 1 C 0 C# 0 D 0 Eb 0 E 0 F 0 F# 0 G 0 Ab 0 A 0 Bb 0 B 0 C -1 C# -1 D -1 Eb -1 E -1 F -1 F# -1 G -1 Ab -1 A -1 Bb -1 B -1 EditRaster MuseScore: Edit Raster Edit Raster horizontal Raster: 1 / spatium vertical Raster: EditStaffBase MuseScore: Edit Staff/Part Properties MuseScore: Úprava vlastností notovej osnovy/hlasu 0 - Perfect Unison 1 - Augmented Unison 0 - Diminished Second 1 - Minor Second 2 - Major Second 3 - Augmented Second 2 - Diminished Third 3 - Minor Third 4 - Major Third 5 - Augmented Third 4 - Diminished Fourth 5 - Perfect Fourth 6 - Augmented Fourth 6 - Diminished Fifth 7 - Perfect Fifth 8 - Augmented Fifth 7 - Diminished Sixth 8 - Minor Sixth 9 - Major Sixth 10 - Augmented Sixth 9 - Diminished Seventh 10 - Minor Seventh 11 - Major Seventh 12 - Augmented Seventh 11 - Diminished Octave 12 - Perfect Octave Number of strings: Edit string data... Staff Properties Vlastnosti hlasu Invisible staff lines Type: Small staff Extra distance: sp sp Part Properties Vlastnosti hlasu Change Instrument... Zmeniť hudobný nástroj... Part Name: Instrument: Hudobný nástroj: Long Instrument Name: Dlhý názov hudobného nástroja: Short Instrument Name: Krátky názov hudobného nástroja: ... ... Usable Pitch Range: Použiteľný rozsah výšky tónu: Amateur: Amatér: - Professional: Profesionál Play Transposition: Prehrať prevod: +octave +oktáva up nahor down nadol EditStaffType MuseScore: Edit Staff Type Name: Názov: Lines: Čiary: Line Distance: sp sp Show Clef Show Time Sign. Show Barlines PITCHED STAFF Ledger Lines Key Signature Predznamenávanie Stemless Create a new staff type of current group. Create new pitched type TABLATURE STAFF Presets Select: « Full Configuration Upside Down Quick Presets » Fret Marks Font: Písmo: Size: Veľkosť pt pt Vert. Offset: Marks are: Numbers Čísla Letters Marks are drawn: On Lines Above Lines Lines are: Continuous Broken Note Values Shown as: None Note Symbols Stems and beams Stem style: Beside staff Through staff Stem position: Above Nad Below Half notes: As short stem As slashed stem Show Rests Preview Ukážka Create new tablature type PERCUSSION STAFF Preset: Prednastaviť: Create new percussion type Save Uložiť Load Načítať EditStringDataBase String Data Strings Tuning: New String... Edit String... Delete String NumOfFrets: EditStyleBase MuseScore: Edit Style MuseScore: Úprava štýlu Score Notový zápis Page Strana Header, Footer, Numbers System Systém Measure Takt Barlines Taktové čiary Notes Noty Clefs Kľúče Arpeggios Arpeggia Beams Zástavky Slurs/Ties Sizes Veľkosti Hairpins, Volta, Ottava Pedal, Trill Figured Bass Accidentals Posuvky Musical symbols font: Display in concert pitch Create multi measure rests Minimum number of empty measures: Hide empty staves Don't hide empty staves in first system Display note values across measure bar (EXPERIMENTAL, early music only!) Grand staff distance Min. system distance Vertical-frame upper margin Vertical-frame lower margin Create courtesy clefs Lyrics line height Max. system distance Header text show header also on first page Show first use odd even page header Odd/Even Styled Left Vľavo Middle Stred Right Even edit even page header Odd add odd page header Footer text show footer also on first page use odd even page footer edit odd page header edit even page footer <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Ubuntu'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt; font-weight:600;">Special symbols in header/footer:</span></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt;">$p </span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt; font-style:italic;">- page number </span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt;">$n</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt; font-style:italic;"> - number of last page </span></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt;">$$</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt; font-style:italic;"> - the character $</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt;"> $f - </span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt; font-style:italic;">score name</span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt;"> </span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt; font-style:italic;"> </span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt;">$F - </span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt; font-style:italic;">file path</span></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt;">$d - </span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt; font-style:italic;">current date </span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt;">$D - </span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt; font-style:italic;">creation date</span></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt;">$:tag: - </span><span style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:8pt; font-style:italic;">meta tag (copyright etc.)</span></p></body></html> Measure numbers All staves Every system Interval System bracket distance: Brace distance: Fix number of measures/system: Fix measure width System bracket width: Brace width: Minimum measure width Note to barline distance Barline to note distance Minimum note distance Key signature left margin Time signature left margin Clef/Key right margin Clef to barline distance Staff line width Bar width: End bar width: End bar distance: Double bar width: Double bar distance: Shorten stems Ledger line length Stem width Default TAB clef Clef 1 Clef 2 Line width at end Line width middle Bow Dotted line width Hairpins Spony na (de)crescendo Line width: Height: Line break height: Default Y-position: Volta Volta Hook height: Ottava Oktáva Pedal Line Trill Line Distance to fret diagram: Minimum chord spacing: Font: Písmo: Size: Veľkosť pt pt Line height: Vertical position: from top of staff of font height Alignment Top Bottom Style Štýl Modern Historic Note head distance Articulation distance Accidental Posuvky semitones offset cents offset Naturals in key signatures Only for change to C Maj / A min Before change to less sharps / flats After change to less sharps / flats (but before change sharps <=> flats) Stem direction in multi-voice context up nahor down nadol Chordnames Názvy akordov Articulations, Ornaments Artikulácia, ozdoby Voices Hlasy Minumum width of measure: Minimálna šírka taktu: sp spatium unit ---------- spatium unit ---------- spatium unit ---------- spatium unit ---------- spatium unit ---------- spatium unit ---------- space unit ---------- space unit ---------- spatium unit ---------- spatium unit ---------- spatium unit ---------- spatium unit ---------- spatium unit ---------- spatium unit ---------- spatium unit ---------- spatium unit ---------- spatium unit sp Music upper margin Horný okraj nôt Music lower margin Dolný okraj nôt Staff distance Vzdialenosť notovej osnovy Lyrics upper margin Horný okraj textu piesne Lyrics lower margin Dolný okraj textu piesne V-frame upper margin Horný okraj rámčeka V V-frame lower margin Dolný okraj rámčeka V % % Last system fill threshold Limit naplnenia poslednej osnovy Create clef for all systems Vytvoriť kľúč pre všetky osnovy Create key sig for all systems Vytvoriť označenia taktov pre všetky osnovy Create time signatures Vytvoriť označenia taktov Create courtesy time signatures Vytvoriťkonvenčné označenia taktov Create courtesy key signatures Vytvoriť konvenčné tóniny Spacing (1=tight) Riadkovanie (1 = tesné) Clef left margin Ľavý okraj kľúča Show repeat bar tips ("winged" repeats) Zobrazovať konce opakovacích taktových čiar s krídlami Barline at start of single staff Taktová čiara na začiatku jednoduchej notovej osnovy Barline at start of multiple staves Taktová čiara na začiatku viacerých notových osnov Progression Prechod Shortest stem Najkratšia notová nožička Accidental note distance Vzdialenosť noty od posuvky Accidental distance Vzdialenosť posuvky Note dot distance Vzdialenosť noty od bodky Dot dot distance Vzdialenosť bodiek Ledger line width Šírka notovej čiary Distance to note Vzdialenosť od noty Line width Šírka čiary Hook length Dĺžka háčika Beam width Šírka zástavky spaces Medzery Beam distance Vzdialenosť zástavky beam width units Jednotky šírky zástavok Minimum length Minimálna dĺžka Minimum slope Minimálne stúpanie Maximum slope Maximálne stúpanie Small staff size Veľkosť malej notovej osnovy Small note size Veľkosť malej noty Grace note size Veľkosť ozdoby Small clef size Veľkosť malého kľúča Use German names Používať nemecké názvy nôt Chord description file Súbor popisu akordu ... ... sp space unit sp Voice 1 Hlas 1 Voice 2 Hlas 2 Voice 3 Hlas 3 Voice 4 Hlas 4 EditTempoBase MuseScore: Tempo Text MuseScore: Text tempa BPM: Úderov/min.: Text: Text: OK OK Cancel Zrušiť ElementBase Form Formulár ExcerptsDialog MuseScore: Parts MuseScore: Hlasy Select Part: Vyberte hlas Delete Odstrániť New All New Nový Edit Part: Upraviť hlas: Part Title: Názov hlasu: Instrument: Hudobný nástroj: FretDiagramProperties MuseScore: Fret Diagram Properties Strings: Frets: GlissandoProperties MuseScore: Glissando Properties MuseScore: Vlastnosti glissanda Show Text Zobraziť text Text: Text: GreendotButton record Nahrať HairpinBase Form Formulár HarmonyBase Form Formulár Left Paren Before Right Paren After Type Typ Value Hodnota Alter Zmeniť ImportMidiPanel Form Formulár ... ... Apply Použiť MIDI file: InsertMeasuresDialogBase Mscore: Insert Measures Mscore: Vloženie taktov Insert empty measures: Vložiť prázdne takty Number of measures to insert Počet taktov, ktoré treba vložiť OK OK Cancel Zrušiť InspectorAccidental Form Formulár Accidental Posuvky reset value ... ... Small Malá InspectorArticulation Form Formulár Articulation Artikulácia Direction: Anchor: Kotva: Top Staff Bottom Staff Chord Automatic Top Chord Bottom Chord Auto Automaticky Up Nahor Down Nadol ... ... Time Stretch: InspectorBarLine Form Formulár Barline Normal Normálne Double Start Repeat Začať opakovanie End Repeat Skončiť opakovanie Dashed Čiarkované End Koniec End-Start Repeat Skončiť-Začať Opakovanie Dotted Type: reset value ... ... InspectorBeam Form Formulár Beam Zástavka Auto Automaticky Up Nahor Down Nadol Grow Right Grow Left Direction sp sp Position ... ... User Position Local Relayout InspectorChord Form Formulár Chord Akord ... ... Stem direction Auto Automaticky Up Nahor Down Nadol Offset Y: sp spatium unit ---------- spatium unit sp reset value Offset X: Small Malá Stemless InspectorClef Form Formulár Clef Kľúč reset value ... ... Show Courtesy InspectorDynamic Form Formulár Dynamic Dynamika Dynamic Range: reset value ... ... Velocity Staff Part SYstem InspectorElement Form Formulár Element Prvok Offset Y: sp spatium unit ---------- spatium unit sp ... ... Offset X: Color: Farba: Visible Viditeľná InspectorGlissando Form Formulár Glissando Glissando Text Text Type Typ ... ... straight wavy Show Text Zobraziť text InspectorGroupElement Form Formulár Element Group Set Color Set Visible Nastaviť ako viditeľné Set Invisible Nastaviť ako neviditeľné InspectorHBox Form Formulár Element Prvok sp spatium unit ---------- spatium unit sp Width: Šírka: Left Gap: Right Gap: reset value ... ... InspectorHairpin Form Formulár Hairpin Spona pre (de)crescscendo crescendo crescendo decrescendo decrescendo Subtype: Dynamic Range: reset value ... ... Velo. change: Staff Part SYstem InspectorImage Form Formulár Image Obrázok Scale to Frame Size Lock Aspect Ratio ... ... Size Scale: Mierka: % % Size in Spatium Units InspectorJump Form Formulár Jump Skok JumpTo Play Until Continue At ... ... InspectorKeySig Form Formulár Key Signature Predznamenávanie reset value ... ... Show Courtesy Show Naturals InspectorLasso Form Formulár Lasso Laso Position: mm mm Size InspectorLine Form Formulár Line Allow Diagonal reset value ... ... InspectorMarker Form Formulár Marker Značka ... ... Label Segno Segno Segno Variation Coda Koda Coda Variation Codetta Codetta Fine Fine To Coda do kody User defined Marker Type InspectorNote Form Formulár Note Nota Tuning Offset Velocity Mirror Head Auto Automaticky Top Bottom reset value ... ... normal normálna cross krížik diamond kosoštvorec triangle slash xcircle do do re re mi mi fa fa sol sol la la ti si alt. brevis Whole Half Quarter Breve Offset Posun User Používateľ Note Head Type Typ notovej hlavičky Note Head Group Skupina notových hlavičiek Dot Position Velocity Type Left Vľavo Right Small Malá InspectorOttava Form Formulár Ottava Oktáva 8va 8va 15ma 15ma 8vb 8vb 15mb 15mb Type Typ reset value ... ... InspectorRest Form Formulár Rest reset value ... ... Small Malá InspectorSegment Form Formulár Segment Časť Trailing space: sp spatium unit ---------- spatium unit sp Leading space: reset value ... ... InspectorSpacer Form Formulár Spacer Odsadenie Height: sp spatium unit sp ... ... InspectorTempoText Form Formulár TempoText reset value ... ... Tempo Tempo Follow Text bpm InspectorTextLine Form Formulár TextLine Riadok textu Line Color: reset value ... ... InspectorTimeSig Form Formulár Time Signature Označenie taktu timesig reset value ... ... Show Courtesy global timesig InspectorTrill Form Formulár Trill Trilok Type Typ trill line up prall Náraz nahor down prall Náraz nadol prall prall Náraz náraz wavy line reset value ... ... InspectorTuplet Form Formulár Tuplet Rytmická skupina reset value ... ... Number Číslo Relation Nothing Number Type Bracket Type Automatic Bracket Zátvorka Direction Auto Automaticky Up Nahor Down Nadol InspectorVBox Form Formulár Vertical Frame Right Margin: reset value ... ... Bottom Margin: mm mm sp spatium unit ---------- spatium unit sp Top Gap: Height: Top Margin: Left Margin: Bottom Gap: InspectorVolta Form Formulár Volta Volta Open Closed Type Typ reset value ... ... InstrumentDialogBase MuseScore: Create Instruments MuseScore: Vytvorenie hudobných nástrojov Instrument List Zoznam hudobných nástrojov Search Clear Vyčistiť show more Viac Add Pridať Remove Odstrániť Up Nahor Down Nadol Add Staff Add Linked Staff Staves Visible Viditeľná Clef Kľúč Linked Staff Linked to Previous Staff type Load Načítať Save Uložiť OK OK Cancel Zrušiť InstrumentWizard Form Formulár 0 0 Search Clear Vyčistiť show more Viac Add Pridať Remove Odstrániť Up Nahor Down Nadol Add Staff Add Linked Staff 3 3 4 4 1 1 KeyEdit Form Formulár Create Key Signature Vytvoriť predznamenávanie Clear Vyčistiť add time signature to palette Pridať označenie taktu na paletu Add Pridať KeySig Form Formulár accidentalType custom customType invalid naturalType showCourtesySig showNaturals Hide Courtesy Key Signature Show Courtesy Key Signature Hide Naturals Show Naturals LayerManager MuseScore: Layers Layer Create Delete Odstrániť Tags Add Tag Delete Tag 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 Tag Description LinePropertiesDialog MuseScore: Line Properties MuseScore: Vlastnosti čiary Line Čiara Width: Šírka: sp sp Line style: Štýl čiary: solid plná dash čiarkovaná dot bodkovaná dash dot bodkočiarkovaná dash dot dot bodkočiarkovaná s 2 bodkami Color: Farba: diagonally šikmo Begin Začiatok Text Text ... ... place: Umiestnenie: Below Left Vľavo Above Nad Symb. Symb. Ped (Pedal) Pedál (zadržaný bas) x: x: y: y: Hook Háčik Up Nahor 90° 90° 45° 45° Continue Pokračovať End Koniec LineSegmentBase Form Formulár LyricsBase Form Formulár Lyrics Text piesne Syllabic: Slabiky: Single Jednoduchý Begin Začiatok End Koniec Middle Stred Row: Riadok: End Tick: Posledná nota: MP3Exporter Where is %1 ? Save as MP3 MuseScore does not export MP3 files directly, but instead uses the freely available LAME library. You must obtain %1 separately, and then locate the file for MuseScore. You only need to do this once. Would you like to locate %2 now? MasterPalette MuseScore: Master Palette Grace Notes Noty ozdôb Clefs Kľúče Key Signatures Predznamenávanie Time Signatures Označenia taktov Barlines Taktové čiary Lines Čiary Arpeggio & Glissando Breath & Pauses Brackets Zátvorky Articulations & Ornaments Accidentals Posuvky Dynamics Dynamika Fingering Prstoklad Note Heads Notové hlavičky Tremolo Tremolo Repeats Opakovania Text Text Breaks & Spacer Beam Properties Vlastnosti zástavok Frames & Measures Symbols Symboly MeasureBase Form Formulár TextLabel Textový popis breakMultiMeasureRest Zlom viactaktovej pomlčky endBarLine: Section Break spannerFor spannerBack MeasurePropertiesBase MuseScore: Measure Properties MuseScore: Vlastnosti taktu Staves Osnovy New Row Nový riadok Staff Notová osnova Visible Viditeľná Stemless Bez nožičiek a a visible viditeľné c c Measure Duration Dĺžka taktu nominal predpísaná / / actual skutočná 1 1 2 2 4 4 8 8 16 16 32 32 64 64 Other Iné do not count nepočítať Exclude from measure count Repeat Count: Layout Stretch: Add to Measure Number Measure Number Mode: AUTO always show always hide goto previous measure <- goto next measure -> break multi measure rest Zlom viactaktovej pauzy MeasuresDialogBase Mscore: Append Measures Mscore: Pripojiť takty Append empty measures: Pripojiť prázdne takty Number of measures to append Počet taktov, ktoré treba pripojiť OK OK Cancel Zrušiť MediaDialog Dialog Dialógové okno PDF-Scan ... ... Add Scan Remove Scan Audio Add Audio Remove Audio MenuNotes &Notes &Noty MetaEditDialog MuseScore: Score information MuseScore Version: Revision: API-Level: New Nový Ms::AboutBoxDialog Unstable Prerelease for Version: Nestabilná verzia pred stabilným vydaním verzie: Version: Verzia: Revision: %1 Úprava: %1 Ms::AlbumManager MuseScore Files (*.mscz *.mscx);; All Files (*) MuseScore: Add Score MuseScore Album Files (*.album);; MuseScore: Load Album Ms::ChordEdit Type Typ Value Hodnota Alter Zmeniť Ms::ChordStyleEditor MuseScore: Chord Style Editor MuseScore: Editor štýlu akordu Ms::DrumTools Drum Tools Edit Drumset Drums Bicie Ms::DrumrollEditor toolbar1 Panel s nástrojmi 1 toolbar2 Panel s nástrojmi 2 Cursor: Ukazovadlo: Velocity: offset user používateľ Pitch: Výška tónu: MuseScore: <%1> Staff: %2 MuseScore: <%1> Notová osnova: %2 Ms::EditDrumset invalid Open File Otvoriť súbor failed: nepodarilo sa: MuseScore: Open File MuseScore: Otvorenie súboru Write File failed: Zápis súboru sa nepodaril: MuseScore: Write Drumset MuseScore: Zapísať bicie Ms::EditStaff Edit Short Name Edit Long Name Ms::EditStaffType Custom Ms::EditStyle Symbol Symbol Anchor Ukotvenie TopStaff Horná osnova BottomStaff Dolná osnova Chord Akord Edit Plain Text Edit HTML Text Ms::EditTools Edit Mode Tools sp sp x: x: y: y: Ms::ImportMidiPanel MIDI file not found Ms::Inspector Inspector Kontrola Ms::InspectorBarLine Staff default Tick Tick alt. Short Short alt. Ms::InspectorNote Select Vyberte Dot1 Dot2 Dot3 Hook Háčik Stem Nožička Beam Zástavka Ms::InstrumentWizard Instrument List Zoznam hudobných nástrojov Staves Visib. Clef Kľúč Link. Staff type Ms::InstrumentsDialog Staff %1 Notová osnova %1 Staves Visib. Clef Kľúč Link. Staff type MuseScore: Save Instrument List MuseScore: Uložiť zoznam hudobných nástrojov MuseScore Instruments (*.xml);; Hudobné nástroje MuseScore (*.xml);; Open Instruments File Otvoriť súbor s hudobnými nástrojmi failed: nepodarilo sa: MuseScore: Open Instruments file MuseScore: Otvorenie súboru s hudobnými nástrojmi Write Style failed: Zapís štýlu sa nepodaril: MuseScore: Write Style MuseScore: Zápis štýlu MuseScore: Load Instrument List MuseScore: Načítanie zoznamu hudobných nástrojov MuseScore Instruments (*.xml);;All files (*) Hudobné nástroje MuseScore (*.xml);;Všetky súbory (*) Ms::KeyEditor MuseScore: Key Signatures MuseScore: Predznamenávanie Ms::LayerManager MuseScore: select layer tag layer tag Ms::MagBox Zoom Ms::MeasureProperties MuseScore: Measure Properties for Measure %1 visible stemless Ms::MediaDialog MuseScore: Additional Media Ms::MetaEditDialog MuseScore: Input Tag Name New Tag Name: Ms::Mixer MuseScore: Mixer Ms::MuseScore Error opening lame library Could not open MP3 encoding library! Not a valid or supported MP3 encoding library! Encoding error Unable to initialize MP3 stream Unable to open target file for writing Error %1 returned from MP3 encoder MuseScore Save changes to the score "%1" before closing? Uložiť pred zatvorením zmeny do notového zápisu „%1“? All Supported Files (*.mscz *.mscx *.xml *.mxl *.mid *.midi *.kar *.md *.mgu *.MGU *.sgu *.SGU *.cap *.capx *.pdf *.ove *.scw *.bww *.GTP *.GP3 *.GP4 *.GP5);; All Supported Files (*.mscz *.mscx *.xml *.mxl *.mid *.midi *.kar *.md *.mgu *.MGU *.sgu *.SGU *.cap *.capx *.ove *.scw *.bww *.GTP *.GP3 *.GP4 *.GP5);; MuseScore Files (*.mscz *.mscx);; MusicXML Files (*.xml *.mxl);; Súbory MusicXML (*.xml *.mxl);; MIDI Files (*.mid *.midi *.kar);; Súbory MIDI (*.mid *.midi *.kar);; Muse Data Files (*.md);; Súbory Muse Data (*.md);; Capella Files (*.cap *.capx);; BB Files <experimental> (*.mgu *.MGU *.sgu *.SGU);; Súbory BB <experimentálne> (*.mgu *.MGU *.sgu *.SGU);; PDF Files <experimental omr> (*.pdf);; Overture / Score Writer Files <experimental> (*.ove *.scw);; Bagpipe Music Writer Files <experimental> (*.bww);; Guitar Pro (*.GTP *.GP3 *.GP4 *.GP5);; All Files (*) MuseScore: Load Score MuseScore: Načítanie notového zápisu Compressed MuseScore File (*.mscz) Komprimovaný súbor MuseScore (*.mscz) MuseScore File (*.mscx) Súbor MuseScore (*.mscx) MuseScore: Save Score MuseScore: Uloženie notovej osnovy MuseScore: Save File MuseScore: Uloženie súboru Untitled Bez názvu MuseScore: Load Style MuseScore: načítanie štýlu MuseScore Styles (*.mss);;All Files (*) Štýly MuseScore (*.mss);;Všetky súbory (*) MuseScore: Save Style MuseScore: Uloženie štýlu MuseScore Style File (*.mss) Súbor štýlov MuseScore (*.mss) MuseScore Chord Style File (*.xml) ;;All Files (*) MuseScore: Load Chord Style MuseScore: Save Chord Style PDF Scan File (*.pdf);;All (*) Choose PDF Scan MuseScore: Choose PDF Scan OGG Audio File (*.ogg);;All (*) Choose Audio File MuseScore: Choose OGG Audio File MuseScore: Save Image MuseScore: Load Palette MuseScore Palette (*.mpal);;All Files (*) MuseScore: Save Palette MuseScore Palette (*.mpal) MuseScore: Load Plugin MuseScore Plugin (*.qml);;All Files (*) MuseScore: Save Plugin MuseScore Plugin File (*.qml) MuseScore: Load Drumset MuseScore: Načítanie bicích MuseScore Drumset (*.drm);;All Files (*) MuseScore: Save Drumset MuseScore: Uložiť bicie MuseScore Drumset File (*.drm) Uncompressed MuseScore Format (*.mscx) MusicXML Format (*.xml) Formát MusicXML (*.xml) Compressed MusicXML Format (*.mxl) Formát komprimovaný MusicXML (*.mxl) Standard MIDI File (*.mid) Štandardný súbor MIDI (*.mid) PDF File (*.pdf) Súbor PDF (*.pdf) PostScript File (*.ps) Súbor PostScript (*.ps) PNG Bitmap Graphic (*.png) Bitmapová grafika PNG (*.png) Scalable Vector Graphic (*.svg) Prispôsobiteľná vektorová grafika (*.svg) Wave Audio (*.wav) Zvuk wave (*.wav) Flac Audio (*.flac) Zvuk Flac (*.flac) Ogg Vorbis Audio (*.ogg) Zvuk Ogg Vorbis (*.ogg) MP3 Audio (*.mp3) MuseScore: Export MuseScore: Save As MuseScore: Uložiť ako cannot determine file type Nedá sa určiť typ súboru MuseScore: Export Parts Parts were successfully exported MuseScore Format (*.mscz) MuseScore Format (*.mscx) Formát MuseScore (*.mscx) MuseScore: Save a Copy MuseScore: Uloženie kópie MuseScore: Save Selection MuseScore: Save Selected MuseScore: InsertImage All Supported Files (*.svg *.jpg *.png *.xpm);;Scalable vector graphics (*.svg);;JPEG (*.jpg);;PNG (*.png);;XPM (*.xpm);;All Files (*) Images (*.jpg *.gif *.png);;All (*) Repeat measure sign Značka opakovania taktu Segno Segno Segno Variation Coda Koda Varied coda Rôzna koda Codetta Codetta Fine Fine Da Capo Da Capo Da Capo al Fine Da Capo al Fine Da Capo al Coda Da Capo al Coda D.S al Coda D.S al Coda D.S al Fine D.S al Fine D.S D.S To Coda do kody Line break Zlom riadka Page break Zlom strany Section break Staff spacer down Staff spacer up Fingering %1 Prstoklad %1 String number %1 Struna číslo %1 Thumb 1/8 through stem 3 cez nožičku {1/8 ?} 1/16 through stem 3 cez nožičku {1/16 ?} 1/32 through stem 3 cez nožičku {1/32 ?} 1/64 through stem 3 cez nožičku {1/64 ?} 1/8 between notes 3 medzi noty {1/8 ?} 1/16 between notes 3 medzi noty {1/16 ?} 1/32 between notes 3 medzi noty {1/32 ?} 1/64 between notes 3 medzi noty {1/64 ?} Bracket Zátvorka Brace Square Breath Caesura Cezúra Arpeggio Arpeggio Glissando Glissando fall doit plop scoop staff-text Staff Text Text notovej osnovy system-text System Text Text osnovy Rehearsal Mark Značka opakovania Instrument Instrument Change 1. 1. Lyrics Verse Number Tempo Text Chord Name Názov taktu 4/4 common time 2/2 alla breve 2/2 alla breve set visible set invisible change staff type change instrument Fret Diagram &Create &Vložiť &Measures &Frames &Text No measure selected: Please select a measure and try again switch layer synthesizer audio track switch play mode File Operations Operácie so súbormi Transport Tools Nástroje na prevod na zvuk Page View Continuous View Concert Pitch Koncertné ladenie Foto Mode Note Entry &File &Súbor Open &Recent Otvoriť &naposledy používané súbory &Edit &Upraviť &Measure &Voices W&orkspaces &Preferences... Add N&ote Add &Interval T&uplets &Layout Rozmiestnenie &Style Š&týl &View &Plugins &Help &Pomocník &Online Handbook &About &O programe About &Qt About &MusicXML Check for &Update Report a bug MuseScore: Load error Open failed: unknown file extension or broken file System no score žiaden notový zápis NOTE entry mode DRUM entry mode TAB entry mode edit mode Režim úprav text edit mode lyrics edit mode chords/fig.bass edit mode play Prehrať foto mode Score Locked Bar %1 Beat %2.%3 Takt %1 Doba %2.%3 The previous session quit unexpectedly. Restore session? Predchádzajúca práca bola skončená neočakávane. Obnoviť prácu? MuseScore: Transpose MuseScore: Prevod There is nothing selected. Transpose whole score? Nič ste nevybrali. Previesť celý notový zápis? MuseScore: save style MuseScore: load style MuseScore: warning Cannot create tuplet: note value too short Go To: Prejsť na: you cannot create an element MuseScore: Tuplet Error Cannot create tuplet with ratio %1 for duration %2 New Nový Delete Odstrániť Undo Changes MuseScore: Read Workspace Name Workspace Name: '%1' does already exist, please choose a different name: Ms::MyWebView Could not<br /> connect Nedá sa pripojiť To connect with the community, <br /> you need to have internet <br /> connection enabled Aby ste sa mohli spojiť s ostatnými používateľmi,<br />musíte mať zapnuté<br />pripojenie na internet Retry Skúsiť znova Close this permanently Zatvoriť navždy Ms::NewWizard MuseScore: Create New Score MuseScore: Vytvorenie nového notového zápisu Ms::NewWizardPage1 Create New Score Vytvoriť nový notový zápis This wizard creates a new score Tento sprievodca vytvorí nový notový zápis Ms::NewWizardPage2 Create New Score Vytvoriť nový notový zápis Define a set of instruments. Each instrument is represented by one or more staves Vyberte skupinu hudobných nástrojov. Každý nástroj sa zapisuje jednou alebo viacerými notovými osnovami. Ms::NewWizardPage3 Create New Score Vytvoriť nový notový zápis Create Time Signature Vytvoriť označenie taktu Ms::NewWizardPage4 Create New Score Vytvoriť nový notový zápis Select Template File: Vyberte súbor šablóny MuseScore: Select Template MuseScore Template Files (*.mscz *.mscx) Ms::NewWizardPage5 Create New Score Vytvoriť nový notový zápis Select Key Signature and Tempo: Key Signature Predznamenávanie Tempo Tempo BPM: Úderov/min.: Ms::OmrPanel Omr Panel Ms::Palette Show More... Clear Vyčistiť Properties... Vlastnosti... Ms::PaletteBox Palettes Palety new Palette Ms::PaletteBoxButton Palette Properties... Insert New Palette... Move Palette Up Posunúť paletu nahor Move Palette Down Posunúť paletu nadol Enable Editing Umožniť upravovanie Save Palette Load Palette Delete Palette Odstrániť paletu Ms::PathListDialog Choose a directory Ms::PianoTools Piano Ms::PianorollEditor toolbar1 Panel s nástrojmi 1 Wave show wave display toolbar2 Panel s nástrojmi 2 Cursor: Ukazovadlo: Velocity: offset user používateľ Pitch: Výška tónu: MuseScore: <%1> Staff: %2 MuseScore: <%1> Notová osnova: %2 Ms::PluginCreator File Operations Operácie so súbormi Edit Operations MuseScore Plugin Editor MuseScore Plugin "%1" has changes save before closing? untitled Manual Ms::PreferenceDialog Choose Notepaper Vybrať notový papier Choose Background Wallpaper Vybrať obrázok pozadia Choose Default Style Choose Default Style for Parts Choose Instrument List Vybrať zoznam hudobných nástrojov Instrument List (*.xml) Zoznam hud. nástrojov (*.xml) Choose Starting Score Vybrať začiatočný notový zápis MuseScore Files (*.mscz *.mscx *.msc);;All (*) Súbory MuseScore (*.mscz *.mscx *.msc);;Všetky (*) Choose Scores Directory Choose Styles Directory Choose Templates Directory Choose Plugins Directory Choose Images Directory Soundfont folders SFZ folders MuseScore Shortcuts Print Shortcuts Ms::ScoreView Foto-Mode Resolution (%1 dpi)... transparent background Set Standard Size... Save As (print mode)... Save As (screenshot mode)... MuseScore: Set Output Resolution Set output resolution for png/svg PNG Bitmap Graphic (*.png) Bitmapová grafika PNG (*.png) PDF File (*.pdf) Súbor PDF (*.pdf) Encapsulated PostScript File (*.eps) Scalable Vector Graphic (*.svg) Prispôsobiteľná vektorová grafika (*.svg) MuseScore: Save As MuseScore: Uložiť ako cannot determine file type Nedá sa určiť typ súboru Set Invisible Nastaviť ako neviditeľné Set Visible Nastaviť ako viditeľné Color... Farba... Layer Text Properties... Articulation Properties... Vlastnosti artikulácie... Bend Properties... TremoloBar Properties... Add Pridať Frame Properties... Volta Properties... Vlastnosti volty... Time Signature Properties... Line Properties... Vlastnosti čiary... Staff Text Properties... Vlastnosti textu notovej osnovy Change Instrument Properties... Edit Mode Režim úprav Slur Properties... Vlastnosti egátového oblúčika... Staff Staff Properties... Vlastnosti notovej osnovy... Measure Takt Measure Properties... Vlastnosti taktu... Style... Chord Articulation... Section Break Properties... Change Instrument... Zmeniť hudobný nástroj... Fret Diagram Properties... Glissando Properties... Vlastnosti glissanda Harmony Properties... Vlastnosti harmónie... Select Vyberte More... Viac... Object Debugger Edit Drumset... Upraviť bicie... Drumroll Editor... Editor zvuku bubnov... Pianoroll Editor... Editor valčeka v klavíri Split Staff... Rozdeliť notovú osnovu Please select the complete tuplet and retry the copy operation Vyberte, prosím, celú rytmickú skupinu a znova skúste kopírovanie Please select the complete tuplet and retry the cut operation Vyberte, prosím, celú rytmickú skupinu a znova skúste vystrihnutie No chord/rest selected: please select a chord/rest and try again Cannot split measure here: cannot split tuplet No measures selected: please select range of measures to join and try again No staves found: please use the instruments dialog to first create some staves Žiadne notové osnovy sa nenašli: Na vytvorenie notovej osnovy, vyberte, prosím, nástroj v paneli nástrojov a vytvorte aspoň zopár taktov No measure selected: Please select a measure and try again Ms::ShortcutCaptureDialog Shortcut conflicts with Klávesová skratka je v konflikte s Undefined Nezadaná Ms::StartDialog MuseScore Startup Dialog Ms::SymbolDialog MuseScore: Symbols MuseScore: Symboly Ms::TextEditor bold Tučné italic Kurzíva underline Podčiarknúť align left Zarovnať doľava align center align right subscript superscript Ms::TextProp Text Style mm millimeter unit mm sp spatium unit sp Ms::TextProperties MuseScore: Text Properties MuseScore: Vlastnosti textu Ms::TextStyleDialog MuseScore: Read Style Name Text Style Name: '%1' does already exist, please choose a different name: Ms::TextTools Text Tools Textové nástroje Text Edit Úprava textu bold Tučné italic Kurzíva underline Podčiarknúť align left Zarovnať doľava align horizontal center align right align top align bottom align vertical baseline align vertical center subscript superscript unordered list ordered list indent more indent less unstyled Ms::TimeDialog MuseScore: Time Signatures MuseScore: Označenia taktov Ms::UpdateChecker An update for MuseScore is available: <a href="%1">MuseScore %2 r.%3</a> Aktualizácia MuseScore je dostupná: <a href="%1">MuseScore %2 r.%3</a> Update Available Je dostupná aktualizácia No Update Available Žiadna aktualizácia nie je dostupná Ms::WebPageDockWidget Connect with the <br /> Community Spojiť sa s ostatnými používateľmi Find help Nájsť pomoc Improve your skills Zlepšite svoje zručnosti Read the latest news Prečítať si najnovšie správy Download free sheet music Stiahnuť bezplatný notový zápis Start Začať Close this permanently Zatvoriť navždy NewWizard Form Formulár Title: Názov: Subtitle: Podnázov: Composer: Autor hudby: Lyricist: Copyright: Autorské práva: Create new score from template Vytvoriť nový notový zápis podľa šablóny Create new score from scratch Vytvoriť úplne nový notový zápis NoteBase Form Formulár head index Register hlavičiek note head group Skupina notových hlavičiek NoteEvents invalid Dot1 Dot2 Dot3 NoteGroups GroupBox Note Groups 1/16 1/16 1/32 1/32 1/8 1/8 Reset OmrPanel Form Formulár mm mm Spatium Process MarkStaves MarkSlices Mark Barlines Show Lines PageBase Form Formulár Page Strana Page No.: Č. strany: PageSettingsBase MuseScore: Page Settings MuseScore: Nastavenia strany Height: Width: Šírka: Distance between two lines on a normal staff Space: First page no.: Preview Ukážka Apply Použiť OK OK Cancel Zrušiť Page Size Veľkosť strany Two Sided Dvojstrana Landscape Na šírku Scaling Nastavenie mierky mm mm inch palce Printable Area Even Page Margins Okraje pánych strán Odd Page Margins Okraje nepárnych strán Palette Beam Properties Vlastnosti zástavok Frames Dynamics Dynamika Key Signatures Predznamenávanie Accidentals Posuvky round bracket okrúhla zátvorka Barlines Taktové čiary Normal Normálne Dashed Čiarkované Dotted End Bar Koncová taktová čiara Double Bar Dvojitá taktová čiara Start Repeat Začať opakovanie End Repeat Skončiť opakovanie End-Start Repeat Skončiť-Začať Opakovanie Tick 1 Tick 2 Short 1 Short 2 Repeats Opakovania Breaks && Spacer &Zlomy a odsadenie Fingering Prstoklad Tremolo Tremolo Note Heads Notové hlavičky Articulations && Ornaments Artikulácia a melodické ozdoby Brackets Zátvorky Breath && Pauses Dýchanie a &pauzy Arpeggio && Glissando Arpeggio a &glissando Clefs Kľúče Grace Notes Noty ozdôb Lines Čiary Diminuendo Diminuendo Prima volta Prima volta Seconda volta Seconda volta Terza volta Terza volta Seconda volta 2 Seconda volta 2 8va 8va 15ma 15ma 8vb 8vb 15mb 15mb Pedal Trill line Riadok s trilkami Upprall line Downprall line Prallprall line Wavy line Text line Riadok s textom Line Text Text Time Signatures Označenia taktov Staff Changes Symbols Symboly Open Palette File failed: nepodarilo sa: MuseScore: Writing Palette file PaletteCellProperties Cell Properties Palette Cell Properties Vlastnosti bunky palety Name: Názov: Content Offset Posun obsahu Content scale x: x: sp sp draw Staff y: y: PaletteProperties MuseScore: Palette Properties MuseScore: Vlastnosti palety Name: Názov: Cell Size: Veľkosť bunky: Show Grid Zobraziť mriežku Element Offset Posun prvku width: height: sp sp Scale: Mierka: show 'more Elements' PartEditBase Form Formulár Part Name Názov hlasu Volume Hlasitosť Panorama Position Umiestnenie vyrovnania Reverb Ozvena Chorus Zbor Vol Hlasit. Pan Vyrovnáv. Rev Ozvena Cho Zbor Mute Stlmiť Solo Sólo Drumset MIDI Sound drumset Bicie Sound: Zvuk midi sound for part Zvukové pásmo midi hlasu/nástroja PathListDialog Dialog Dialógové okno Delete Odstrániť Add Pridať PlayPanelBase MuseScore: Play Panel MuseScore: Prehrávací panel measure.beat takt.doba 001.01 001.01 h:mm:s h:mm:s 0:00:00 0:00:00 actual tempo Skutočné tempo 120bpm 120 ú/m relative tempo Pomerné tempo 100% 100 % master volume master volume Vol. short text for volume slider Tmp. short text for tempo slider PluginCreatorBase MainWindow Run Stop File Help Edit Upraviť New Nový Open Save Uložiť Manual Undo Odvolať Redo Opakovať Quit Skončiť PluginManager Plugin Manager Define Shortcut Path: Shortcut Skratka Version: Load Načítať Name: Názov: PrefsDialogBase MuseScore: Preferences MuseScore: Predvoľby MuseScore Preferences Predvoľby MuseScore General Všeobecné Program Start Spustenie programu start empty Spustiť prázdny continue last session Pokračovať v predchádzajúcej práci start with new score Začať s novým notovým zápisom start with score: Začať s notovým zápisom: Choose MIDI input interface Browse... Prehliadať... show splash screen Zobraziť úvodnú obrazovku Language Jazyk Attention: changing the language requires a restart of MuseScore. Pozor: zmena jazyka si vyžaduje opätovné spustenie MuseScore. Paths Umiestnenia Windows Okná Show Play Panel Zobraziť prehrávací panel Show Navigator Zobraziť Navigátora Show MuseScore Connect Zobraziť MuseScore Connect Style Štýl Auto Save Automatické ukladanie Save every Uložiť každých minutes min. Canvas Plátno Background Pozadie Wallpaper Obrázok pozadia Color Farba Proximity for selecting elements Vzdialenosť prvkov na výber disable antialiased drawing Vypnúť vyhladzovanie uncheck this to speed up drawing odznačte to, ak chcete zrýchliť vykresľovanie Draw Antialiased Kresliť vyhladené Text Text Auto-correction Automatické opravy Replace 1/2 with fraction character ½ Nahrádzať 1/2 zlomkom ½ Replace (C) with copyright symbol © (Only applies to text in the copyright section) Nahrádzať (C) symbolom copyrightu © (platí len na text v časti Autorské práva) Note Entry Zadanie noty Play notes when editing Prehrávať noty pri úpravách ms ms Color notes outside of usable pitch range Vyfarbiť noty mimo použiteľného rozsahu výšky tónu Score Notový zápis I/O Vstup/Výstup Ports Porty Remember last connection(s) Zapamätať si posledné spojenie /-a Use internal synthesizer Použiť vnútorný syntetizátor JACK Audio Server Zvukový server JACK Left-Port: Ľavá prípojka Right-Port: Pravá prípojka ALSA Audio Zvuk ALSA Reset All Preferences to Default OSC remote control Port Number: dark native Icon size: Images Directory: Scores Directory: Styles Directory: Templates Directory: Plugins Directory: SoundFonts Folders: Sfz Files Folders: ... ... Paper Miscellaneous Enable MIDI input Default Duration: enable MIDI remote control MIDI Remote Control rewind is active record toggle play whole note half note quarter note 8th note rest Pauza augmentation dot double augmentation dot tie ligatúra play Prehrať stop note entry 16th note 32nd note 64nd note View default scale for new score views Default zoom Default Files Instrument List2: Instrument List1: Style: Štýl: Style for Part: Use JACK MIDI PulseAudio PortAudio API: Device: Zariadenie: default predvolené Sample Rate: Frekvencia ukážky 192000 192 000 96000 96 000 88200 88 200 48000 48 000 44100 44 100 32000 32 000 22050 22 050 Fragments: Fragmenty: Period Size: Veľkosť periódy: 4096 4 096 2048 2 048 1024 1 024 512 512 256 256 128 128 64 64 Attention: Any changes on this page require a restart of MuseScore. Pozor: Akékoľvek zmeny na tejto strane si vyžadujú opätovné spustenie MuseScore. Import Nahrať Style Used for Import Štýl, ktorý sa použije pri nahrávaní Built in style Vstavaný štýl Use style file: Použiť súbor štýlov: Character Set used when import non-unicode strings. (For binary file import) Znaková sada, ktorá sa použije pri nahrávaní reťazcov, ktoré nepatria do unicode. (Pre načítanie binárnych súborov) Export Exportovať Shortcuts Skratky Action Úkon Shortcut Skratka Clear Vyčistiť Character Set: MusicXML Import layout Import system and page breaks MIDI Shortest Note: 1/4 1/4 1/8 1/8 1/16 1/16 1/32 1/32 1/64 1/64 PNG/SVG Resolution DPI Transparent background Expand repeats Audio Export layout Export all system and page breaks Export manually added system and page breaks only Do not export system or page breaks Reset Shortcut to Default Define... Zadať... Print Tlačiť Update Aktualizovať Automatic Update Check Automatická kontrola aktualizácie Check for new versions of MuseScore on startup Hľadať nové verzie MuseScore pri štarte programu Properties small QComboBox Ped (Pedal) Ped (Pedál) * (Pedal) * (Pedál, zadržaný bas) . (Pedal) . (Pedál, zadržaný bas) dash (Pedal) čiarka (Pedál) tr (Trill) tr (trilok) QWidget MuseScore: Import Capella MuseScore: Nahratie súboru Capella Compressed MuseScore File (*.mscz);; MuseScore: Save Album into Score MuseScore: Save File MuseScore: Uloženie súboru MuseScore: Open Album failed: Quit Skončiť MuseScore: Save Album MuseScore Files (*.album);; Open Album File failed: nepodarilo sa: MuseScore: Open Album file Write Album failed: MuseScore: Write Album Untitled Bez názvu MuseScore: load midi MuseScore: načítanie midi Load failed: Spustenie sa nepodarilo MuseScore: load Style failed: MuseScore: načítanie štýlu sa nepodarilo: MuseScore: Load languages failed: MuseScore: nepodarilo sa nahrať jazyky: MuseScore: invalid command MuseScore: Neplatný príkaz MuseScore: Import GuitarPro RecordButton record Nahrávať Rest Form Formulár SLineBase Form Formulár SectionBreakProperties MuseScore: Section Break Properties Pause: sec start new section with long instrument names start new section with measure number one SegmentBase Form Formulár Segment Časť Annotations: SpannerFor: SpannerBack: Ticks tick: Bar Beat Clef Segment Časť kľúča Key Signature Predznamenávanie Time Signature Označenie taktu Begin Repeat Začať opakovanie Chord/Rest Akord/Pauza Breath Segment Časť dýchania End Bar Line Skončiť notovú čiaru Time Signature Announce Uvedenie označenia taktu Lyrics: Text piesne: rTick: Segment Type: Typ časti: SelectDialog MuseScore: Select MuseScore: Výber Search for Vyhľadať Element Type: Typ prvku: same staff rovnaká notová osnova same voice rovnaký hlas same subtype same system rovnaký systém Action Úkon replace selection nahradiť výber add to selection pridať do výberu search in selection hľadať vo výbere subtract from selection odobrať z výberu SelectInstrument MuseScore: Select Instrument Current Instrument: 0 0 show more Zobraziť viac ShortcutCaptureDialogBase Enter shortcut sequence Zadajte skratku Press up to 4 keys to enter shortcut sequence! Ak chcete zadať klávesovú skratku, stlačte najviac 4 klávesy! Old shortcuts: Add Pridať Replace New shortcut: Nová skratka: Clear Vyčistiť Cancel Zrušiť SlurBase Form Formulár SlurPropertyBase Slur Properties Vlastnosti egátového oblúčika Solid Dotted Dashed Čiarkované SlurSegment Form Formulár SlurSegment Časť legátového oblúčika UP1: UP2: UP3: UP4: pos-x pos-y offset-x offset-y SlurTieBase Form Formulár startElement do not translate začiatok prvku endElement do not translate - only for debugging koniec prvku SpannerBase Form Formulár CHORD NOTE SplitStaff MuseScore: Edit Staff/Part Properties MuseScore: Upraviť vlastnosti notovej osnovy/hlasu Split Staff Rozdeliť notovú osnovu Split Point Deliaci bod StaffTextProperties MuseScore: Staff Text Properties MuseScore: Vlastnosti textu notovej osnovy Change Channel Switch one ore more voices to a specified channel: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Voice Channel Kanál Midi Action Činnosť Midi Channel: Name Názov Description Actions for selected channel: Aeolus Stops Change Stops: III Principal 8 Gemshorn 8 Quinta- dena 8 Suabile 8 Rohrflöte 8 Dulzflöte 4 Quintflöte 2 2/3 Super- octave 2 Sifflet 1 Cymbel VI Oboe Tremulant II Harmonic Flute 8 Flauto Dolce 4 Nasard 2 2/3 Ottavina 2 Tertia 1 3/5 Sesqui altera Septime None Krumhorn Melodia II+III PushButton I I Principal 4 Octave 2 Octave 1 Quint 5 1/3 Quint 2 2/3 Tibia 8 Celesta 8 Flöte 8 Flöte 4 Flöte 2 Mixtur Trumpet I+II I+III P Subbass 16 Principal 16 Fagott 16 Trombone 16 Bombarde 32 P+I P+II P+III StartDialog Dialog Dialógové okno Create New Score Vytvoriť nový notový zápis Load Score Startup Dialog StemBase Form Formulár SymbolDialogBase Form Formulár System Flag Systémový príznak SynthControl Synthesizer Syntetizátor Store Save to Score Save Uložiť Load from Score Load Načítať Recall master volume master volume Vol Zvuk Master Effects Effect B: Effect A: Tuning Ladenie Change Tuning Master Tuning Hlavné ladenie Hz Frequency Herz Hz TextBase Form Formulár Text do not translate Text Text: do not translate Text: Offset: do not translate Posun: MM MM Space Medzera Type: Typ: Abs.: do not translate Abs.: Rel.: do not translate Rel.: styled layoutToParentWidth TextStyle: do not translate Štýl textu: TextLineBase Form Formulár TextPaletteBase MuseScore: Special Characters Musical Symbols Other Iné Code Page: TextProperties Form Formulár Styled Style: Štýl: Unstyled Text Text Font: Písmo: font face písmo Size: Veľkosť font point size Veľkosť písma v bodoch bold Tučné B italic Kurzíva I I underline Podčiarknúť U U Align: Zarovnať: align left edge of text to reference point Zarovať ľavý okraj textu na orientačný bod ... ... center text on reference point Vycentrovať text podľa orientačného bodu align right edge of text to reference point Zarovnať pravý okraj textu na orientačný bod align top edge of text to reference point Zarovnať horný okraj textu na orientačný bod center text vertical to reference point Zarovnat text zvislo nastred podľa orientačného bodu center text vertical to text baseline vystrediť text zvislo na základnú čiaru textu align bottom edge of text to reference point Zarovnať dolný okraj textu na orientačný bod size follows Space unit Color: Farba: text color Farba textu System Flag Systémový príznak Offset Posun X: coordinate X: horizontal offset to reference point Vodorovný posun orientačného bodu relX: relX: reference point offset in percent of parent width Posun orientačného bodu v percentách pôvodnej šírky % % Y: coordinate Y: vertical offset to reference point Zvislý posun orientačného bodu relY: relY: reference point offset in percent of parent height Posun orientačného bodu v percentách pôvodnej výšky Unit: Jednotka: offset is absolute Posun je úplný MM MM offset in Space units Posun v medzerníkoch Space spatium unit Medzera enable text frame Povoliť textový rám Frame Rám draw circled frame Nakresliť okrúhly rám Circle Kruh draw boxed frame Nakresliť hranatý rám Box Pole Width: Šírka: frame line width Šírka čiary rámu sp sp Margin: Okraj: frame inner margin Vnútorný okraj rámu Round: Okrúhly: corner round oblé hrany Foreground Color: frame color Farba rámu Background Color: TextStyleDialog MuseScore: Edit Text Styles MuseScore: Úprava textových štýlov New Nový TimeDialogBase Form Formulár Create Time Signature Vytvoriť označenie taktu Value: / / 1 1 2 2 4 4 8 8 16 16 32 32 64 64 Text: Text: add time signature to palette Pridajte označenie taktu do palety Add Pridať TimeSig Hide Courtesy Time Signature Show Courtesy Time Signature TimeSigProperties Time Signature Properties / / Text: Text: Common Time Alla Breve GroupBox Actual Value: Global Value: TimesigWizard Form Formulár Enter Time Signature: Zadajte označenie taktu: / / 1 1 2 2 4 4 8 8 16 16 32 32 64 64 Pickup Measure Takt s pomlčkou na začiatku Duration: Enter Number of Measures: Zadajte počet taktov: Measures: Taktov: <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Hint: you can also add or remove measures after creation of the score.</p></body></html> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Pomôcka: takty môžete pridávať alebo odstraňovať aj po vytvorení notovej osnovy.</p></body></html> TransposeDialogBase MuseScore: Transpose MuseScore: Prevod Cb major / Ab minor Ces dur/As mol Gb major / Eb minor Ges dur/Es mol Db major / Bb minor Des dur/Bes mol Ab major / F minor As dur/F mol Eb major / C minor Es dur/C mol Bb major / G minor B dur/G mol F major / D minor F dur/D mol C major / A minor C dur/A mol G major / E minor G dur/E mol D major / B minor D dur/H mol A major / F# minor A dur/Fis mol E major / C# minor E dur/Cis mol B major / G# minor H dur/Gis mol F# major / D# minor Fis dur/Dis mol C# major / A# minor Cis dur/Ais mol Up Nahor Down Nadol Closest Najbližší Perfect Unison Čistá prima Augmented Unison Zväčšená prima Diminished Second Zmenšená sekunda Minor Second Malá sekunda Major Second Veľká sekunda Augmented Second Zväčšená sekunda Diminished Third Zmenšená tercia Minor Third Malá tercia Major Third Veľká tercia Augmented Third Zväčšená tercia Diminished Fourth Zmenšená kvarta Perfect Fourth Čistá kvarta Augmented Fourth Zväčšená kvarta Diminished Fifth Zmenšená kvarta Perfect Fifth Čistá kvinta Augmented Fifth Zväčšená kvinta Diminished Sixth Zmenšená kvinta Minor Sixth Malá sexta Major Sixth Veľká sexta Augmented Sixth Zväčšená sexta Diminished Seventh Zmenšená sexta Minor Seventh Malá septima Major Seventh Veľká septima Augmented Seventh Zväčšená septima Diminished Octave Zmenšená oktáva Perfect Octave Čistá oktáva Transpose Diatonically Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Keep degree alterations Options Voľby Transpose key signatures Previesť predznamenávanie Transpose Chromatically By Key By Interval Transpose chord names Previesť názvy akordov Single sharps and flats only Len jednoduché krížiky a béčka Use double sharps and flats Používať aj dvojité krížiky a dvojité béčka TremoloBarDialog MuseScore: Bend Properties Bend type: Click to add or remove some points Dip Dive Release(up) Inverted Dip Return Release(down) TremoloBase Form Formulár firstChord do not translate Prvý akord secondChord do not translate - only for debugging Druhý akord TupletBase Form Formulár TupletDialog MuseScore: Create Tuplet Type Typ relation: vzťah: / / Format Formát Number Číslo number číslo relation vzťah nothing nič Bracket Zátvorka auto bracket Automatické zátvorky bracket zátvorka VoltaPropertyBase Volta Properties Vlastnosti volty Text: Text: Repeat List: Zoznam opakovaní: Workspace Open Workspace File failed: nepodarilo sa: MuseScore: Writing Workspace file action Local handbook Príručka na počítači Show local handbook Zobraziť príručku na počítači File open Otvorenie súboru Open... Otvoriť... Load score from file Nahrať notovú osnovu zo súboru File save Uloženie súboru Save Uložiť Save score to file Uložiť notovú osnovu do súboru File save as Súbor uložiť ako Save As... Uložiť ako... Save score under a new file name Uložiť notovú osnovu pod novým menom File save a copy Uloženie kópie súboru Save a Copy... Uložiť kópiu Save a copy of the score in addition to the current file Okrem uloženia notovej osnovy do aktuálneho vytvoriť ešte kópiu notovej osnovy File close Zatvorenie súboru Close Zatvoriť Close current score Zatvoriť aktívnu notovú osnovu New... Nový... Create new score Vytvoriť novú notovú osnovu Print Tlačiť Print... Tlačiť... Print score Vytlačiť notovú osnovu Undo Odvolať Undo last change Odvolať poslednú zmenu Redo Opakovať Redo last undo Opakovať poslednú zmenu Cut Vystrihnúť Copy Kopírovať Paste Prilepiť Show instruments dialog Zobraziť okno hudobných nástrojov Instruments... Hudobné nástroje... Note input mode Režim vkladania nôt Note Input Vložiť notu Enter unison above Zadať primu nad Unison Above Primu nad Enter second above Zadať sekundu nad Second Above Sekundu nad Enter third above Zadať terciu nad Third Above Terciu nad Enter fourth above Zadať kvartu nad Fourth Above Kvartu nad Enter fifth above Zadať kvintu nad Fifth Above Kvintu nad Enter sixth above Zadať sextu nad Sixth Above Sextu nad Enter seventh above Zadať septimu nad Seventh Above Septimu nad Enter octave above Zadať oktávu nad Octave Above Oktávu nad Enter ninth above Zadať nonu nad Ninth Above Nonu nad Enter second below Zadať sekundu pod Second Below Sekundu pod Enter third below Zadať terciu pod Third Below TErciu pod Enter fourth below Zadať kvartu pod Fourth Below Kvartu pod Enter fifth below Zadať kvintu pod Fifth Below Kvintu pod Enter sixth below Zadať sextu pod Sixth Below Sextu pod Enter seventh below Zadať septimu pod Seventh Below Septimu pod Enter octave below Zadať oktávu pod Octave Below Oktávu pod Enter ninth below Zadať nonu pod Ninth Below Nonu pod Enter note A Pridať notu A A A Enter note B Pridať notu H B H Enter note C Pridať notu C C C Enter note D Pridať notu D D D Enter note E Pridať notu E E E Enter note F Pridať notu F F F Enter note G Pridať notu G G G Add note A to chord Pridať do akordu notu A Add A Pridať A Add note B to chord Pridať do akordu notu H Add B Pridať H Add note C to chord Pridať do akordu notu C Add C Pridať C Add note D to chord Pridať do akordu notu D Add D Pridať D Add note E to chord Pridať do akordu notu E Add E Pridať E Add note F to chord Pridať do akordu notu F Add F Pridať F Add note G to chord Pridať do akordu notu G Add G Pridať G Enter rest Zadať pauzu (pomlčku) Rest Pauza (pomlčka) Add staccato Pridať staccato Staccato Staccato Add trill Pridať trilok Trill Trilok Add More Stretch Roztiahnuť Add more stretch to selected measure Roztiahnuť vybraný takt Less stretch Zúžiť Add Less Stretch Zúžiť Add less stretch to selected measure Zúžiť vybraný takt Reset Beam Mode Obnoviť režim zástavok Reset beam mode of selected measures Obnoviť režim zástavok vo vybraných taktoch Flip direction Otočiť smer Pitch up Zvýšiť Up Nahor Pitch up octave Zvýšiť o oktávu Up Octave O oktávu vyššie Pitch up by an octave Zvýšiť oktávou Up Note in Chord O notu v akorde vyššie Go to higher pitched note in chord Prejsť na vyššiu notu v akorde Go to top note in chord Prejsť na najvyššiu notu v akorde Top Note in Chord Nejvyššia nota v akorde Move up Posunúť nahor Pitch down Znížiť Down Nadol Pitch down octave Znížiť o oktávu Down octave O oktávu nižšie Pitch down by an octave Znížiť oktávou Down Note in Chord O notu v akorde nižšie Go to lower pitched note in chord Prejsť na nižšiu notu v akorde Go to bottom note in chord Prejsť na najnižšiu notu v akorde Bottom Note in Chord Najnižšia nota v akorde Move down Prejsť nadol Previous chord Predchádzajúci akord Previous measure Predchádzajúci takt Next chord Ďalší akord Next measure Ďalší takt Delete Odstrániť Delete contents of the selected measures Odstrániť obsah vybraných taktov Timewise Delete Časovo úsporné odstraňovanie Delete element and duration Odstrániť prvok a trvanie Delete Selected Measures Odstrániť vybrané takty Append measures Pripojiť takty Append Measures... Pripojiť takty... Insert measures Vložiť takty Insert Measures... Vložiť takty... Local Handbook... Save Selection... Save Selection Save current selection as new score Export... Export score Save a copy of the score in various formats Export Parts... Export Parts Save a copy of the score's parts in various formats File new Respell pitches Insert A Insert note A Insert B Insert note B Insert C Insert note C Insert D Insert note D Insert E Insert note E Insert F Insert note F Insert G Insert note G Tenuto Add tenuto Marcato Add marcato Diatonic up Diatonic pitch up Diatonic down Diatonic pitch down Add previous chord to selection Select to beginning of measure Add next chord to selection Select Section Move chord/rest right Move chord/rest left Select to end of measure Select to beginning of line Select to end of line Select to beginning of score Select to end of score Add staff above to selection Add staff below to selection Page: previous Page: next Page: top Page: end Slur Legátový oblúčik Add Slur Crescendo Crescendo Add Crescendo Decrescendo Escape Timewise delete Append One Measure Insert One Measure Insert Horizontal Frame Vložiť vodorovný rám Insert Text Frame Append Text Frame Insert Fret Diagram Frame Insert Vertical Frame Vložiť zvislý rám Append Horizontal Frame Pripojiť vodorovný rám Append Vertical Frame Pripojiť zvislý rám Duplet Duplet Triplet Triplet Quadruplet Kvadruplet Quintuplet Kvintuplet Sextuplet Sextuplet Septuplet Septuplet Octuplet Oktuplet Nonuplet Nonuplet Other... Ďalšie... Longa Longa Flat Béčko Enable sound while editing Povoliť zvuk pri upravovaní Palette Paleta Play Panel Prehrávací panel Navigator Navigátor Mixer Mixovací pult Transport Prevod na zvuk Status Bar Stavový panel Quit Skončiť Lyrics Text piesne Metronome Metronóm System Text Text osnovy Staff Text Text notovej osnovy Title Názov Subtitle Podnázov Composer Hudba Chord Name Názov taktu Harmony Properties Vlastnosti harmónie Rehearsal Mark Značka opakovania Player play Prehrať v prehrávači Play Prehrať Other tuplets Note duration: longa Double whole note Note duration: double whole Whole note Note duration: whole Half note Note duration: half Quarter note Note duration: quarter 8th note Note duration: 8th 16th note Note duration: 16th 32nd note Note duration: 32nd 64th note Note duration: 64th 128th note Note duration: 128th Increase active duration Decrease active duration Augmentation dot Note duration: augmentation dot Double augmentation dot Note duration: double augmentation dot Tie Ligatúra Note duration: tie Note entry: rest Double sharp Note entry: double sharp Sharp Note entry: sharp Natural Note entry: natural Note entry: flat Double flat Note entry: double flat Acciaccatura Acciaccatura Appoggiatura Appoggiatura Grace: quarter Grace: 16th Grace: 32nd Grace: 8th after Voice 1 Hlas 1 Voice 2 Hlas 2 Voice 3 Hlas 3 Voice 4 Hlas 4 MIDI input Enable MIDI input Editing sound on Beam start Beam middle No beam Žiadna zástavka Beam 32nd sub Beam 64th sub Auto beam Automatická zástavka Feathered beam, slower Feathered beam, faster MIDI Import Panel Transport toolbar Note input toolbar Zoom canvas Tempo Marking... Tempo Marking Add system text Add staff text Text Text Add Frame Text Add title text Add subtitle text Add composer text Lyricist Add lyricist text Add chord name Show harmony properties for chord Add rehearsal mark Picture Add picture Start or stop playback Spustiť alebo zastaviť playback Double duration Half duration Follow song Display documents side by side Manage parts Enharmonic up Enharmonic down Create new revision Toggle foto mode Show OMR image Full Screen Enable horizontal raster Enable vertical raster Configure raster Re-Pitch Mode Replace pitches without changing rhythms Stack down Piano Keyboard Additional Media... Show media dialog Split Measure Join Measure Page Settings... Nastavenia strany... Page Settings Album... Album Layers... Layers Next Score Previous Score MuseScore Connect Plugin Creator Plugin Manager Show inspector OmrPanel Show OMR Panel toggle metronome Figured Bass Transpose Up Transpose Down Master Palette... Show master palette Toggle View Mode next syllable previous syllable toggle visibility set visible set unvisible Staff Types... Staff type editor Show staff type editor Note anchored Textline Lock Score Longa (TAB) Note duration: longa (TAB) Double whole note (TAB) Note duration: double whole (TAB) Whole note (TAB) Note duration: whole (TAB) Half note (TAB) Note duration: half (TAB) Quarter note (TAB) Note duration: quarter (TAB) 8th note (TAB) Note duration: 8th (TAB) 16th note (TAB) Note duration: 16th (TAB) 32nd note (TAB) Note duration: 32nd (TAB) 64th note (TAB) Note duration: 64th (TAB) 128th note (TAB) Note duration: 128th (TAB) Increase active duration (TAB) Decrease active duration (TAB) Rest (TAB) Note entry: rest (TAB) String above (TAB) Select string above (TAB only) String below (TAB) Select string below (TAB only) Fret 0 (TAB) Add fret 0 on current string (TAB only) Fret 1 (TAB) Add fret 1 on current string (TAB only) Fret 2 (TAB) Add fret 2 on current string (TAB only) Fret 3 (TAB) Add fret 3 on current string (TAB only) Fret 4 (TAB) Add fret 4 of current string (TAB only) Fret 5 (TAB) Add fret 5 of current string (TAB only) Fret 6 (TAB) Add fret 6 of current string (TAB only) Fret 7 (TAB) Add fret 7 of current string (TAB only) Fret 8 (TAB) Add fret 8 of current string (TAB only) Fret 9 (TAB) Add fret 9 of current string (TAB only) Longa advance (F.B./Harm.) Advance of a longa (F.B./Harm. only) Breve advance (F.B./Harm.) Advance of a double whole note (F.B./Harm. only) Whole note advance (F.B./Harm.) Advance of a whole note (F.B./Harm. only) Half note advance (F.B./Harm.) Advance of a half note (F.B./Harm. only) Quarter note advance (F.B./Harm.) Advance of a quarter note (F.B./Harm. only) 1/8 note advance (F.B./Harm.) Advance of a 1/8 note (F.B./Harm. only) 1/16 note advance (F.B./Harm.) Advance of a 1/16 note (F.B./Harm. only) 1/32 note advance (F.B./Harm.) Advance of a 1/32 note (F.B./Harm. only) 1/64 note advance (F.B./Harm.) Advance of a 1/64 note (F.B./Harm. only) Previous measure (F.B./Harm.) Next measure (F.B./Harm.) Previous beat (Harmony) Next beat (Harmony) add brackets to notehead Player rewind Pretočiť v prehrávači Rewind Pretočiť Play Previous Chord Play Previous Measure Play Next Chord Play Next Measure Player Seek to Begin Rewind to start position Pretočiť na začiatok Play repeats on/off Prehrať opakovania zapnúť/vypnúť Repeat Opakovať Player Seek to End Pan Vyrovnáv. Pan score while playing on/off Load style Nahrať štýl Load Style... Nahrať štýl... Save style Uložiť štýl Save Style... Uložiť štýl... Select All Vybrať všetko Transpose Previesť Exchange Voice 1-2 Vymeniť hlas 1 – 2 Exchange Voice 1-3 Vymeniť hlas 1 – 3 Exchange Voice 1-4 Vymeniť hlas 1 – 4 Exchange Voice 2-3 Vymeniť hlas 2 – 3 Exchange Voice 2-4 Vymeniť hlas 2 – 4 Exchange Voice 3-4 Vymeniť hlas 3 – 4 Concert Pitch Koncertné ladenie Repeat last command Zopakovať posledný príkaz Toggle System Break Upraviť systémový zlom Toggle Page Break Upraviť zlom strany Edit Element Upraviť prvok Inspector Kontrola Reset Stretch Pôvodné roztiahnutie Show Invisible Zobraziť nevideteľné Show Frames Zobraziť rámy Zoom In Zväčšiť Zoom Out Zmenšiť Select all similar elements Vybrať všetky podobné prvky All Similar Elements Všetky podobné prvky Save Style as Default... &Transpose... Violin Clef Bass Clef Display in concert pitch Info... Edit score info Toggle Section Break Reset Reset user settings Debugger Reset measure stretch Show Unprintable Show Page Margins Insert Special Characters... Insert Special Characters Whole rest Note entry: whole rest Half rest Note entry: half rest Quarter rest Note entry: quarter rest 8th rest Note entry: 8th rest Backspace Find Mirror note head General... Edit general style Text... Edit text style Chords... Edit chord style Select all similar elements in same staff Vybrať všetky podobné prvky v rovnakej notovej osnove All Similar Elements in Same Staff Všetky podobné prvky v rovnakej notovej osnove Synthesizer Syntetizátor Repeat selection Výber opakovania Documents Side by Side Dokumenty vedľa seba Documents Stacked Dokumenty za sebou Display documents stacked Parts... Hlasy... articulation Bend Tremolo Bar file file not found internal error: could not open resource musicxml.xsd internal error: MusicXML schema is invalid error reading container.xml at line %1 column %2: %3 can't find rootfile this is not a valid MusicXML file error at line %1 column %2: %3 could not open MusicXML file could not open compressed MusicXML file images_directory Images lines Slur Legátový oblúčik Crescendo Crescendo magTable Page Width Na šírku strany Whole Page Na celú stranu Two Pages Dvojstránka noteheadnames normal normálna cross krížik diamond kosoštvorec triangle trojuholníkové mi mi slash šikmá čiara xcircle x-kruh do do re re fa fa la la ti si plugins_directory Plugins preferences Every day Každý deň Every 3 days Každé 3 dni Every week Každý týždeň Every 2 weeks Každé 2 týždne Every month Každý mesiac Every 2 months Každé 2 mesiace Never Nikdy scores_directory Scores sfz_files_directory SfzFiles soundfonts_directory Soundfonts styles_directory Styles templates_directory Templates