//============================================================================= // MuseScore // Music Composition & Notation // // Copyright (C) 2020 MuseScore BVBA and others // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. //============================================================================= #include "notationinteraction.h" #include "log.h" #include #include #include #include "ptrutils.h" #include "libmscore/score.h" #include "libmscore/page.h" #include "libmscore/shadownote.h" #include "libmscore/staff.h" #include "libmscore/measure.h" #include "libmscore/part.h" #include "libmscore/drumset.h" #include "libmscore/rest.h" #include "libmscore/slur.h" #include "libmscore/system.h" #include "libmscore/chord.h" #include "libmscore/elementgroup.h" #include "libmscore/textframe.h" #include "libmscore/stafflines.h" #include "libmscore/icon.h" #include "libmscore/undo.h" #include "libmscore/navigate.h" #include "libmscore/keysig.h" #include "notation.h" #include "scorecallbacks.h" using namespace mu::domain::notation; using namespace Ms; NotationInteraction::NotationInteraction(Notation* notation) : m_notation(notation) { m_inputState = new NotationInputState(notation); m_selection = new NotationSelection(notation); m_scoreCallbacks = new ScoreCallbacks(); m_dragData.ed.view = new ScoreCallbacks(); m_dropData.ed.view = new ScoreCallbacks(); } NotationInteraction::~NotationInteraction() { delete m_inputState; delete m_selection; delete m_shadowNote; delete m_scoreCallbacks; } void NotationInteraction::init() { m_shadowNote = new ShadowNote(score()); m_shadowNote->setVisible(false); } Ms::Score* NotationInteraction::score() const { return m_notation->score(); } void NotationInteraction::paint(QPainter* p) { m_shadowNote->draw(p); drawAnchorLines(p); drawTextEditMode(p); } void NotationInteraction::startNoteEntry() { //! NOTE Coped from `void ScoreView::startNoteEntry()` Ms::InputState& is = score()->inputState(); is.setSegment(0); if (score()->selection().isNone()) { selectFirstTopLeftOrLast(); } //! TODO Find out what does and why. Element* el = score()->selection().element(); if (!el) { el = score()->selection().firstChordRest(); } if (el == nullptr || (el->type() != ElementType::CHORD && el->type() != ElementType::REST && el->type() != ElementType::NOTE)) { // if no note/rest is selected, start with voice 0 int track = is.track() == -1 ? 0 : (is.track() / VOICES) * VOICES; // try to find an appropriate measure to start in Fraction tick = el ? el->tick() : Fraction(0,1); el = score()->searchNote(tick, track); if (!el) { el = score()->searchNote(Fraction(0,1), track); } } if (!el) { return; } if (el->type() == ElementType::CHORD) { Ms::Chord* c = static_cast(el); Note* note = c->selectedNote(); if (note == 0) { note = c->upNote(); } el = note; } //! --- TDuration d(is.duration()); if (!d.isValid() || d.isZero() || d.type() == TDuration::DurationType::V_MEASURE) { is.setDuration(TDuration(TDuration::DurationType::V_QUARTER)); } is.setAccidentalType(AccidentalType::NONE); select(el, SelectType::SINGLE, 0); is.setRest(false); is.setNoteEntryMode(true); //! TODO Find out why. score()->setUpdateAll(); score()->update(); //! --- Staff* staff = score()->staff(is.track() / VOICES); switch (staff->staffType(is.tick())->group()) { case StaffGroup::STANDARD: break; case StaffGroup::TAB: { int strg = 0; // assume topmost string as current string // if entering note entry with a note selected and the note has a string // set InputState::_string to note physical string if (el->type() == ElementType::NOTE) { strg = (static_cast(el))->string(); } is.setString(strg); break; } case StaffGroup::PERCUSSION: break; } m_inputStateChanged.notify(); } void NotationInteraction::selectFirstTopLeftOrLast() { // choose page in current view (favor top left quadrant if possible) // select first (top/left) chordrest of that page in current view // or, CR at last selected position if that is in view Page* page = nullptr; QSizeF viewSize = m_notation->viewSize(); QList points; points.append(QPoint(viewSize.width() * 0.25, viewSize.height() * 0.25)); points.append(QPoint(0.0, 0.0)); points.append(QPoint(0.0, viewSize.height())); points.append(QPoint(viewSize.width(), 0.0)); points.append(QPoint(viewSize.width(), viewSize.height())); for (const QPointF& point : points) { page = point2page(point); if (page) { break; } } if (page) { ChordRest* topLeft = nullptr; qreal tlY = 0.0; Fraction tlTick = Fraction(0,1); QRectF viewRect = QRectF(0.0, 0.0, viewSize.width(), viewSize.height()); QRectF pageRect = page->bbox().translated(page->x(), page->y()); QRectF intersect = viewRect & pageRect; intersect.translate(-page->x(), -page->y()); QList el = page->items(intersect); ChordRest* lastSelected = score()->selection().currentCR(); for (Element* e : el) { // loop through visible elements // looking for the CR in voice 1 with earliest tick and highest staff position // but stop we find the last selected CR ElementType et = e->type(); if (et == ElementType::NOTE || et == ElementType::REST) { if (e->voice()) { continue; } ChordRest* cr; if (et == ElementType::NOTE) { cr = static_cast(e->parent()); if (!cr) { continue; } } else { cr = static_cast(e); } if (cr == lastSelected) { topLeft = cr; break; } // compare ticks rather than x position // to make sure we favor earlier rather than later systems // even though later system might have note farther to left Fraction crTick = Fraction(0,1); if (cr->segment()) { crTick = cr->segment()->tick(); } else { continue; } // compare staff Y position rather than note Y position // to be sure we do not reject earliest note // just because it is lower in pitch than subsequent notes qreal crY = 0.0; if (cr->measure() && cr->measure()->system()) { crY = cr->measure()->system()->staffYpage(cr->staffIdx()); } else { continue; } if (topLeft) { if (crTick <= tlTick && crY <= tlY) { topLeft = cr; tlTick = crTick; tlY = crY; } } else { topLeft = cr; tlTick = crTick; tlY = crY; } } } if (topLeft) { select(topLeft, SelectType::SINGLE); } } } void NotationInteraction::endNoteEntry() { InputState& is = score()->inputState(); is.setNoteEntryMode(false); if (is.slur()) { const std::vector& el = is.slur()->spannerSegments(); if (!el.empty()) { el.front()->setSelected(false); } is.setSlur(0); } hideShadowNote(); m_inputStateChanged.notify(); } void NotationInteraction::padNote(const Pad& pad) { Ms::EditData ed; ed.view = m_scoreCallbacks; score()->startCmd(); score()->padToggle(pad, ed); score()->endCmd(); m_inputStateChanged.notify(); } void NotationInteraction::putNote(const QPointF& pos, bool replace, bool insert) { score()->startCmd(); score()->putNote(pos, replace, insert); score()->endCmd(); m_noteAdded.notify(); } mu::async::Notification NotationInteraction::noteAdded() const { return m_noteAdded; } INotationInputState* NotationInteraction::inputState() const { return m_inputState; } mu::async::Notification NotationInteraction::inputStateChanged() const { return m_inputStateChanged; } void NotationInteraction::showShadowNote(const QPointF& p) { //! NOTE This method coped from ScoreView::setShadowNote const InputState& is = score()->inputState(); Position pos; if (!score()->getPosition(&pos, p, is.voice())) { m_shadowNote->setVisible(false); return; } // in any empty measure, pos will be right next to barline // so pad this by barNoteDistance qreal mag = score()->staff(pos.staffIdx)->staffMag(Fraction(0,1)); qreal relX = pos.pos.x() - pos.segment->measure()->canvasPos().x(); pos.pos.rx() -= qMin(relX - score()->styleP(Sid::barNoteDistance) * mag, 0.0); m_shadowNote->setVisible(true); Staff* staff = score()->staff(pos.staffIdx); m_shadowNote->setMag(staff->staffMag(Fraction(0,1))); const Instrument* instr = staff->part()->instrument(); NoteHead::Group noteheadGroup = NoteHead::Group::HEAD_NORMAL; int line = pos.line; NoteHead::Type noteHead = is.duration().headType(); if (instr->useDrumset()) { const Drumset* ds = instr->drumset(); int pitch = is.drumNote(); if (pitch >= 0 && ds->isValid(pitch)) { line = ds->line(pitch); noteheadGroup = ds->noteHead(pitch); } } m_shadowNote->setLine(line); int voice; if (is.drumNote() != -1 && is.drumset() && is.drumset()->isValid(is.drumNote())) { voice = is.drumset()->voice(is.drumNote()); } else { voice = is.voice(); } SymId symNotehead; TDuration d(is.duration()); if (is.rest()) { int yo; Rest rest(gscore, d.type()); rest.setTicks(d.fraction()); symNotehead = rest.getSymbol(is.duration().type(), 0, staff->lines(pos.segment->tick()), &yo); m_shadowNote->setState(symNotehead, voice, d, true); } else { if (NoteHead::Group::HEAD_CUSTOM == noteheadGroup) { symNotehead = instr->drumset()->noteHeads(is.drumNote(), noteHead); } else { symNotehead = Note::noteHead(0, noteheadGroup, noteHead); } m_shadowNote->setState(symNotehead, voice, d); } m_shadowNote->layout(); m_shadowNote->setPos(pos.pos); } void NotationInteraction::hideShadowNote() { m_shadowNote->setVisible(false); } void NotationInteraction::paintShadowNote(QPainter* p) { m_shadowNote->draw(p); } Element* NotationInteraction::hitElement(const QPointF& pos, float width) const { QList ll = hitElements(pos, width); if (ll.isEmpty()) { return nullptr; } return ll.first(); } Ms::Page* NotationInteraction::point2page(const QPointF& p) const { if (score()->layoutMode() == Ms::LayoutMode::LINE) { return score()->pages().isEmpty() ? 0 : score()->pages().front(); } foreach (Ms::Page* page, score()->pages()) { if (page->bbox().translated(page->pos()).contains(p)) { return page; } } return nullptr; } QList NotationInteraction::elementsAt(const QPointF& p) const { QList el; Page* page = point2page(p); if (page) { el = page->items(p - page->pos()); std::sort(el.begin(), el.end(), NotationInteraction::elementIsLess); } return el; } Element* NotationInteraction::elementAt(const QPointF& p) const { QList el = elementsAt(p); Element* e = el.value(0); if (e && e->isPage()) { e = el.value(1); } return e; } QList NotationInteraction::hitElements(const QPointF& p_in, float w) const { Ms::Page* page = point2page(p_in); if (!page) { return QList(); } QList ll; QPointF p = p_in - page->pos(); QRectF r(p.x() - w, p.y() - w, 3.0 * w, 3.0 * w); QList el = page->items(r); //! TODO // for (int i = 0; i < MAX_HEADERS; i++) // if (score()->headerText(i) != nullptr) // gives the ability to select the header // el.push_back(score()->headerText(i)); // for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FOOTERS; i++) // if (score()->footerText(i) != nullptr) // gives the ability to select the footer // el.push_back(score()->footerText(i)); //! ------- for (Ms::Element* e : el) { e->itemDiscovered = 0; if (!e->selectable() || e->isPage()) { continue; } if (e->contains(p)) { ll.append(e); } } int n = ll.size(); if ((n == 0) || ((n == 1) && (ll[0]->isMeasure()))) { // // if no relevant element hit, look nearby // for (Ms::Element* e : el) { if (e->isPage() || !e->selectable()) { continue; } if (e->intersects(r)) { ll.append(e); } } } if (!ll.empty()) { std::sort(ll.begin(), ll.end(), NotationInteraction::elementIsLess); } return ll; } bool NotationInteraction::elementIsLess(const Ms::Element* e1, const Ms::Element* e2) { if (!e1->selectable()) { return false; } if (!e2->selectable()) { return true; } if (e1->isNote() && e2->isStem()) { return true; } if (e2->isNote() && e1->isStem()) { return false; } if (e1->z() == e2->z()) { // same stacking order, prefer non-hidden elements if (e1->type() == e2->type()) { if (e1->type() == Ms::ElementType::NOTEDOT) { const Ms::NoteDot* n1 = static_cast(e1); const Ms::NoteDot* n2 = static_cast(e2); if (n1->note() && n1->note()->hidden()) { return false; } else if (n2->note() && n2->note()->hidden()) { return true; } } else if (e1->type() == Ms::ElementType::NOTE) { const Ms::Note* n1 = static_cast(e1); const Ms::Note* n2 = static_cast(e2); if (n1->hidden()) { return false; } else if (n2->hidden()) { return true; } } } // different types, or same type but nothing hidden - use track return e1->track() <= e2->track(); } // default case, use stacking order return e1->z() <= e2->z(); } void NotationInteraction::select(Element* e, SelectType type, int staffIdx) { if (isTextEditingStarted() && e != m_textEditData.element) { endEditText(); } score()->select(e, type, staffIdx); m_selectionChanged.notify(); } INotationSelection* NotationInteraction::selection() const { return m_selection; } void NotationInteraction::clearSelection() { score()->deselectAll(); m_selectionChanged.notify(); } mu::async::Notification NotationInteraction::selectionChanged() const { return m_selectionChanged; } bool NotationInteraction::isDragStarted() const { return m_dragData.dragGroups.size() > 0; } void NotationInteraction::DragData::reset() { beginMove = QPointF(); elementOffset = QPointF(); ed = Ms::EditData(); dragGroups.clear(); } void NotationInteraction::startDrag(const std::vector& elems, const QPointF& eoffset, const IsDraggable& isDraggable) { m_dragData.reset(); m_dragData.elements = elems; m_dragData.elementOffset = eoffset; for (Element* e : m_dragData.elements) { if (!isDraggable(e)) { continue; } std::unique_ptr g = e->getDragGroup(isDraggable); if (g && g->enabled()) { m_dragData.dragGroups.push_back(std::move(g)); } } score()->startCmd(); for (auto& g : m_dragData.dragGroups) { g->startDrag(m_dragData.ed); } } void NotationInteraction::drag(const QPointF& fromPos, const QPointF& toPos, DragMode mode) { if (m_dragData.beginMove.isNull()) { m_dragData.beginMove = fromPos; m_dragData.ed.pos = fromPos; } QPointF normalizedBegin = m_dragData.beginMove - m_dragData.elementOffset; QPointF delta = toPos - normalizedBegin; QPointF evtDelta = toPos - m_dragData.ed.pos; switch (mode) { case DragMode::BothXY: break; case DragMode::OnlyX: delta.setY(m_dragData.ed.delta.y()); evtDelta.setY(0.0); break; case DragMode::OnlyY: delta.setX(m_dragData.ed.delta.x()); evtDelta.setX(0.0); break; } m_dragData.ed.lastPos = m_dragData.ed.pos; m_dragData.ed.hRaster = false; //mscore->hRaster(); m_dragData.ed.vRaster = false; //mscore->vRaster(); m_dragData.ed.delta = delta; m_dragData.ed.moveDelta = delta - m_dragData.elementOffset; m_dragData.ed.evtDelta = evtDelta; m_dragData.ed.pos = toPos; if (isTextEditingStarted()) { m_textEditData.pos = toPos; toTextBase(m_textEditData.element)->dragTo(m_textEditData); m_textEditingChanged.notify(); return; } for (auto& g : m_dragData.dragGroups) { score()->addRefresh(g->drag(m_dragData.ed)); } score()->update(); QVector anchorLines; for (const Element* e : m_dragData.elements) { QVector elAnchorLines = e->dragAnchorLines(); const Ms::Element* page = e->findAncestor(ElementType::PAGE); const QPointF pageOffset((page ? page : e)->pos()); if (!elAnchorLines.isEmpty()) { for (QLineF& l : elAnchorLines) { l.translate(pageOffset); } anchorLines.append(elAnchorLines); } } setAnchorLines(anchorLines.toStdVector()); m_dragChanged.notify(); // Element* e = _score->getSelectedElement(); // if (e) { // if (_score->playNote()) { // mscore->play(e); // _score->setPlayNote(false); // } // } // updateGrips(); // _score->update(); } void NotationInteraction::endDrag() { for (auto& g : m_dragData.dragGroups) { g->endDrag(m_dragData.ed); } m_dragData.reset(); resetAnchorLines(); score()->endCmd(); m_dragChanged.notify(); // updateGrips(); // if (editData.element->normalModeEditBehavior() == Element::EditBehavior::Edit // && _score->selection().element() == editData.element) { // startEdit(/* editMode */ false); // } } mu::async::Notification NotationInteraction::dragChanged() const { return m_dragChanged; } //! NOTE Copied from ScoreView::dragEnterEvent void NotationInteraction::startDrop(const QByteArray& edata) { if (m_dropData.ed.dropElement) { delete m_dropData.ed.dropElement; m_dropData.ed.dropElement = nullptr; } XmlReader e(edata); m_dropData.ed.dragOffset = QPointF(); Fraction duration; // dummy ElementType type = Element::readType(e, &m_dropData.ed.dragOffset, &duration); Element* el = Element::create(type, score()); if (el) { if (type == ElementType::BAR_LINE || type == ElementType::ARPEGGIO || type == ElementType::BRACKET) { double spatium = score()->spatium(); el->setHeight(spatium * 5); } m_dropData.ed.dropElement = el; m_dropData.ed.dropElement->setParent(0); m_dropData.ed.dropElement->read(e); m_dropData.ed.dropElement->layout(); } } //! NOTE Copied from ScoreView::dragMoveEvent bool NotationInteraction::isDropAccepted(const QPointF& pos, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) { if (!m_dropData.ed.dropElement) { return false; } m_dropData.ed.pos = pos; m_dropData.ed.modifiers = modifiers; switch (m_dropData.ed.dropElement->type()) { case ElementType::VOLTA: return dragMeasureAnchorElement(pos); case ElementType::PEDAL: case ElementType::LET_RING: case ElementType::VIBRATO: case ElementType::PALM_MUTE: case ElementType::OTTAVA: case ElementType::TRILL: case ElementType::HAIRPIN: case ElementType::TEXTLINE: return dragTimeAnchorElement(pos); case ElementType::IMAGE: case ElementType::SYMBOL: case ElementType::FSYMBOL: case ElementType::DYNAMIC: case ElementType::KEYSIG: case ElementType::CLEF: case ElementType::TIMESIG: case ElementType::BAR_LINE: case ElementType::ARPEGGIO: case ElementType::BREATH: case ElementType::GLISSANDO: case ElementType::MEASURE_NUMBER: case ElementType::BRACKET: case ElementType::ARTICULATION: case ElementType::FERMATA: case ElementType::CHORDLINE: case ElementType::BEND: case ElementType::ACCIDENTAL: case ElementType::TEXT: case ElementType::FINGERING: case ElementType::TEMPO_TEXT: case ElementType::STAFF_TEXT: case ElementType::SYSTEM_TEXT: case ElementType::NOTEHEAD: case ElementType::TREMOLO: case ElementType::LAYOUT_BREAK: case ElementType::MARKER: case ElementType::STAFF_STATE: case ElementType::INSTRUMENT_CHANGE: case ElementType::REHEARSAL_MARK: case ElementType::JUMP: case ElementType::REPEAT_MEASURE: case ElementType::ICON: case ElementType::CHORD: case ElementType::SPACER: case ElementType::SLUR: case ElementType::HARMONY: case ElementType::BAGPIPE_EMBELLISHMENT: case ElementType::AMBITUS: case ElementType::TREMOLOBAR: case ElementType::FIGURED_BASS: case ElementType::LYRICS: case ElementType::FRET_DIAGRAM: case ElementType::STAFFTYPE_CHANGE: { Element* e = dropTarget(m_dropData.ed); if (e) { if (!e->isMeasure()) { setDropTarget(e); } return true; } else { return false; } } break; default: break; } return false; } //! NOTE Copied from ScoreView::dropEvent bool NotationInteraction::drop(const QPointF& pos, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) { if (!m_dropData.ed.dropElement) { return false; } IF_ASSERT_FAILED(m_dropData.ed.dropElement->score() == score()) { return false; } bool accepted = false; m_dropData.ed.pos = pos; m_dropData.ed.modifiers = modifiers; bool firstStaffOnly = false; bool applyUserOffset = false; //bool triggerSpannerDropApplyTour = m_dropData.ed.dropElement->isSpanner(); m_dropData.ed.dropElement->styleChanged(); score()->startCmd(); score()->addRefresh(m_dropData.ed.dropElement->canvasBoundingRect()); switch (m_dropData.ed.dropElement->type()) { case ElementType::VOLTA: // voltas drop to first staff by default, or closest staff if Control is held firstStaffOnly = !(m_dropData.ed.modifiers & Qt::ControlModifier); // fall-thru case ElementType::OTTAVA: case ElementType::TRILL: case ElementType::PEDAL: case ElementType::LET_RING: case ElementType::VIBRATO: case ElementType::PALM_MUTE: case ElementType::HAIRPIN: case ElementType::TEXTLINE: { Spanner* spanner = ptr::checked_cast(m_dropData.ed.dropElement); score()->cmdAddSpanner(spanner, pos, firstStaffOnly); score()->setUpdateAll(); accepted = true; } break; case ElementType::SYMBOL: case ElementType::FSYMBOL: case ElementType::IMAGE: applyUserOffset = true; // fall-thru case ElementType::DYNAMIC: case ElementType::FRET_DIAGRAM: case ElementType::HARMONY: { Element* el = elementAt(pos); if (el == 0 || el->type() == ElementType::STAFF_LINES) { int staffIdx; Segment* seg; QPointF offset; el = score()->pos2measure(pos, &staffIdx, 0, &seg, &offset); if (el && el->isMeasure()) { m_dropData.ed.dropElement->setTrack(staffIdx * VOICES); if (m_dropData.ed.dropElement->isImage()) { m_dropData.ed.dropElement->setParent(el); offset = pos - el->canvasPos(); } else { m_dropData.ed.dropElement->setParent(seg); } if (applyUserOffset) { m_dropData.ed.dropElement->setOffset(offset); } score()->undoAddElement(m_dropData.ed.dropElement); } else { qDebug("cannot drop here"); delete m_dropData.ed.dropElement; m_dropData.ed.dropElement = nullptr; } } else { score()->addRefresh(el->canvasBoundingRect()); score()->addRefresh(m_dropData.ed.dropElement->canvasBoundingRect()); if (!el->acceptDrop(m_dropData.ed)) { qDebug("drop %s onto %s not accepted", m_dropData.ed.dropElement->name(), el->name()); break; } Element* dropElement = el->drop(m_dropData.ed); score()->addRefresh(el->canvasBoundingRect()); if (dropElement) { score()->select(dropElement, SelectType::SINGLE, 0); score()->addRefresh(dropElement->canvasBoundingRect()); } } } accepted = true; break; case ElementType::HBOX: case ElementType::VBOX: case ElementType::KEYSIG: case ElementType::CLEF: case ElementType::TIMESIG: case ElementType::BAR_LINE: case ElementType::ARPEGGIO: case ElementType::BREATH: case ElementType::GLISSANDO: case ElementType::MEASURE_NUMBER: case ElementType::BRACKET: case ElementType::ARTICULATION: case ElementType::FERMATA: case ElementType::CHORDLINE: case ElementType::BEND: case ElementType::ACCIDENTAL: case ElementType::TEXT: case ElementType::FINGERING: case ElementType::TEMPO_TEXT: case ElementType::STAFF_TEXT: case ElementType::SYSTEM_TEXT: case ElementType::NOTEHEAD: case ElementType::TREMOLO: case ElementType::LAYOUT_BREAK: case ElementType::MARKER: case ElementType::STAFF_STATE: case ElementType::INSTRUMENT_CHANGE: case ElementType::REHEARSAL_MARK: case ElementType::JUMP: case ElementType::REPEAT_MEASURE: case ElementType::ICON: case ElementType::NOTE: case ElementType::CHORD: case ElementType::SPACER: case ElementType::SLUR: case ElementType::BAGPIPE_EMBELLISHMENT: case ElementType::AMBITUS: case ElementType::TREMOLOBAR: case ElementType::FIGURED_BASS: case ElementType::LYRICS: case ElementType::STAFFTYPE_CHANGE: { Element* el = dropTarget(m_dropData.ed); if (!el) { if (!dropCanvas(m_dropData.ed.dropElement)) { qDebug("cannot drop %s(%p) to canvas", m_dropData.ed.dropElement->name(), m_dropData.ed.dropElement); delete m_dropData.ed.dropElement; m_dropData.ed.dropElement = nullptr; } break; } score()->addRefresh(el->canvasBoundingRect()); // TODO: HACK ALERT! if (el->isMeasure() && m_dropData.ed.dropElement->isLayoutBreak()) { Measure* m = toMeasure(el); if (m->isMMRest()) { el = m->mmRestLast(); } } Element* dropElement = el->drop(m_dropData.ed); if (dropElement && dropElement->isInstrumentChange()) { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; // mscore->currentScoreView()->selectInstrument(toInstrumentChange(dropElement)); } score()->addRefresh(el->canvasBoundingRect()); if (dropElement) { if (!score()->noteEntryMode()) { score()->select(dropElement, SelectType::SINGLE, 0); } score()->addRefresh(dropElement->canvasBoundingRect()); } accepted = true; } break; default: delete m_dropData.ed.dropElement; break; } m_dropData.ed.dropElement = nullptr; setDropTarget(nullptr); // this also resets dropRectangle and dropAnchor score()->endCmd(); // update input cursor position (must be done after layout) // if (noteEntryMode()) { // moveCursor(); // } // if (triggerSpannerDropApplyTour) { // TourHandler::startTour("spanner-drop-apply"); // } if (accepted) { m_dropChanged.notify(); } return accepted; } //! NOTE Copied from Palette::applyPaletteElement bool NotationInteraction::applyPaletteElement(Ms::Element* element, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) { IF_ASSERT_FAILED(element) { return false; } Score* score = this->score(); if (!score) { return false; } const Selection sel = score->selection(); // make a copy of selection state before applying the operation. if (sel.isNone()) { return false; } //-- if (element->isSpanner()) { //-- TourHandler::startTour("spanner-drop-apply"); //-- } //#ifdef MSCORE_UNSTABLE // if (ScriptRecorder* rec = adapter()->getScriptRecorder()) { // if (modifiers == 0) { // rec->recordPaletteElement(element); // } // } //#endif bool isCmdStarted = false; if (!score->undoStack()->active()) { score->startCmd(); isCmdStarted = true; } if (sel.isList()) { ChordRest* cr1 = sel.firstChordRest(); ChordRest* cr2 = sel.lastChordRest(); bool addSingle = false; // add a single line only if (cr1 && cr2 == cr1) { // one chordrest selected, ok to add line addSingle = true; } else if (sel.elements().size() == 2 && cr1 && cr2 && cr1 != cr2) { // two chordrests selected // must be on same staff in order to add line, except for slur if (element->isSlur() || cr1->staffIdx() == cr2->staffIdx()) { addSingle = true; } } auto isEntryDrumStaff = [score]() { const InputState& is = score->inputState(); Staff* staff = score->staff(is.track() / VOICES); return staff->staffType(is.tick())->group() == StaffGroup::PERCUSSION; }; if (isEntryDrumStaff() && element->isChord()) { // use input position rather than selection if possible Element* e = score->inputState().cr(); if (!e) { e = sel.elements().first(); } if (e) { // get note if selection was full chord if (e->isChord()) { e = toChord(e)->upNote(); } // use voice of element being added to (otherwise we can might corrupt the measure) element->setTrack(e->voice()); applyDropPaletteElement(score, e, element, modifiers, QPointF(), true); // continue in same track score->inputState().setTrack(e->track()); } else { qDebug("nowhere to place drum note"); } } else if (element->isLayoutBreak()) { LayoutBreak* breakElement = toLayoutBreak(element); score->cmdToggleLayoutBreak(breakElement->layoutBreakType()); } else if (element->isSlur() && addSingle) { cmdAddSlur(toSlur(element)); } else if (element->isSLine() && !element->isGlissando() && addSingle) { Segment* startSegment = cr1->segment(); Segment* endSegment = cr2->segment(); if (element->type() == ElementType::PEDAL && cr2 != cr1) { endSegment = endSegment->nextCR(cr2->track()); } // TODO - handle cross-voice selections int idx = cr1->staffIdx(); QByteArray a = element->mimeData(QPointF()); //printf("<<%s>>\n", a.data()); XmlReader e(a); Fraction duration; // dummy QPointF dragOffset; ElementType type = Element::readType(e, &dragOffset, &duration); Spanner* spanner = static_cast(Element::create(type, score)); spanner->read(e); spanner->styleChanged(); score->cmdAddSpanner(spanner, idx, startSegment, endSegment); } else { for (Element* e : sel.elements()) { applyDropPaletteElement(score, e, element, modifiers); } } } else if (sel.isRange()) { if (element->type() == ElementType::BAR_LINE || element->type() == ElementType::MARKER || element->type() == ElementType::JUMP || element->type() == ElementType::SPACER || element->type() == ElementType::VBOX || element->type() == ElementType::HBOX || element->type() == ElementType::TBOX || element->type() == ElementType::MEASURE || element->type() == ElementType::BRACKET || element->type() == ElementType::STAFFTYPE_CHANGE || (element->type() == ElementType::ICON && (toIcon(element)->iconType() == IconType::VFRAME || toIcon(element)->iconType() == IconType::HFRAME || toIcon(element)->iconType() == IconType::TFRAME || toIcon(element)->iconType() == IconType::MEASURE || toIcon(element)->iconType() == IconType::BRACKETS))) { Measure* last = sel.endSegment() ? sel.endSegment()->measure() : nullptr; for (Measure* m = sel.startSegment()->measure(); m; m = m->nextMeasureMM()) { QRectF r = m->staffabbox(sel.staffStart()); QPointF pt(r.x() + r.width() * .5, r.y() + r.height() * .5); pt += m->system()->page()->pos(); applyDropPaletteElement(score, m, element, modifiers, pt); if (m == last) { break; } } } else if (element->type() == ElementType::LAYOUT_BREAK) { LayoutBreak* breakElement = static_cast(element); score->cmdToggleLayoutBreak(breakElement->layoutBreakType()); } else if (element->isClef() || element->isKeySig() || element->isTimeSig()) { Measure* m1 = sel.startSegment()->measure(); Measure* m2 = sel.endSegment() ? sel.endSegment()->measure() : nullptr; if (m2 == m1 && sel.startSegment()->rtick().isZero()) { m2 = nullptr; // don't restore original if one full measure selected } else if (m2) { m2 = m2->nextMeasureMM(); } // for clefs, apply to each staff separately // otherwise just apply to top staff int staffIdx1 = sel.staffStart(); int staffIdx2 = element->type() == ElementType::CLEF ? sel.staffEnd() : staffIdx1 + 1; for (int i = staffIdx1; i < staffIdx2; ++i) { // for clefs, use mid-measure changes if appropriate Element* e1 = nullptr; Element* e2 = nullptr; // use mid-measure clef changes as appropriate if (element->type() == ElementType::CLEF) { if (sel.startSegment()->isChordRestType() && sel.startSegment()->rtick().isNotZero()) { ChordRest* cr = static_cast(sel.startSegment()->nextChordRest(i * VOICES)); if (cr && cr->isChord()) { e1 = static_cast(cr)->upNote(); } else { e1 = cr; } } if (sel.endSegment() && sel.endSegment()->segmentType() == SegmentType::ChordRest) { ChordRest* cr = static_cast(sel.endSegment()->nextChordRest(i * VOICES)); if (cr && cr->isChord()) { e2 = static_cast(cr)->upNote(); } else { e2 = cr; } } } if (m2 || e2) { // restore original clef/keysig/timesig Staff* staff = score->staff(i); Fraction tick1 = sel.startSegment()->tick(); Element* oelement = nullptr; switch (element->type()) { case ElementType::CLEF: { Clef* oclef = new Clef(score); oclef->setClefType(staff->clef(tick1)); oelement = oclef; break; } case ElementType::KEYSIG: { KeySig* okeysig = new KeySig(score); okeysig->setKeySigEvent(staff->keySigEvent(tick1)); if (!score->styleB(Sid::concertPitch) && !okeysig->isCustom() && !okeysig->isAtonal()) { Ms::Interval v = staff->part()->instrument(tick1)->transpose(); if (!v.isZero()) { Key k = okeysig->key(); okeysig->setKey(transposeKey(k, v, okeysig->part()->preferSharpFlat())); } } oelement = okeysig; break; } case ElementType::TIMESIG: { TimeSig* otimesig = new TimeSig(score); otimesig->setFrom(staff->timeSig(tick1)); oelement = otimesig; break; } default: break; } if (oelement) { if (e2) { applyDropPaletteElement(score, e2, oelement, modifiers); } else { QRectF r = m2->staffabbox(i); QPointF pt(r.x() + r.width() * .5, r.y() + r.height() * .5); pt += m2->system()->page()->pos(); applyDropPaletteElement(score, m2, oelement, modifiers, pt); } delete oelement; } } // apply new clef/keysig/timesig if (e1) { applyDropPaletteElement(score, e1, element, modifiers); } else { QRectF r = m1->staffabbox(i); QPointF pt(r.x() + r.width() * .5, r.y() + r.height() * .5); pt += m1->system()->page()->pos(); applyDropPaletteElement(score, m1, element, modifiers, pt); } } } else if (element->isSlur()) { cmdAddSlur(toSlur(element)); } else if (element->isSLine() && element->type() != ElementType::GLISSANDO) { Segment* startSegment = sel.startSegment(); Segment* endSegment = sel.endSegment(); bool firstStaffOnly = element->isVolta() && !(modifiers & Qt::ControlModifier); int startStaff = firstStaffOnly ? 0 : sel.staffStart(); int endStaff = firstStaffOnly ? 1 : sel.staffEnd(); for (int i = startStaff; i < endStaff; ++i) { Spanner* spanner = static_cast(element->clone()); spanner->setScore(score); spanner->styleChanged(); score->cmdAddSpanner(spanner, i, startSegment, endSegment); } } else { int track1 = sel.staffStart() * VOICES; int track2 = sel.staffEnd() * VOICES; Segment* startSegment = sel.startSegment(); Segment* endSegment = sel.endSegment(); //keep it, it could change during the loop for (Segment* s = startSegment; s && s != endSegment; s = s->next1()) { for (int track = track1; track < track2; ++track) { Element* e = s->element(track); if (e == 0 || !score->selectionFilter().canSelect(e) || !score->selectionFilter().canSelectVoice(track)) { continue; } if (e->isChord()) { Chord* chord = toChord(e); for (Note* n : chord->notes()) { applyDropPaletteElement(score, n, element, modifiers); if (!(element->isAccidental() || element->isNoteHead())) { // only these need to apply to every note break; } } } else { // do not apply articulation to barline in a range selection if (!e->isBarLine() || !element->isArticulation()) { applyDropPaletteElement(score, e, element, modifiers); } } } if (!element->placeMultiple()) { break; } } } } else { qDebug("unknown selection state"); } if (isCmdStarted) { score->endCmd(); // if (adapter()->mscoreState() == STATE_NOTE_ENTRY_STAFF_DRUM) { // adapter()->moveCursor(); // } }/* else if (adapter()->mscoreState() & STATE_ALLTEXTUAL_EDIT) { adapter()->setFocus(); }*/ setDropTarget(nullptr); return true; } //! NOTE Copied from Palette applyDrop void NotationInteraction::applyDropPaletteElement(Ms::Score* score, Ms::Element* target, Ms::Element* e, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, QPointF pt, bool pasteMode) { EditData dropData; dropData.pos = pt.isNull() ? target->pagePos() : pt; dropData.dragOffset = QPointF(); dropData.modifiers = modifiers; dropData.dropElement = e; if (target->acceptDrop(dropData)) { // use same code path as drag&drop QByteArray a = e->mimeData(QPointF()); XmlReader n(a); n.setPasteMode(pasteMode); Fraction duration; // dummy QPointF dragOffset; ElementType type = Element::readType(n, &dragOffset, &duration); dropData.dropElement = Element::create(type, score); dropData.dropElement->read(n); dropData.dropElement->styleChanged(); // update to local style Element* el = target->drop(dropData); if (el && el->isInstrumentChange()) { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; //selectInstrument(toInstrumentChange(el)); } if (el && !score->inputState().noteEntryMode()) { select(el, SelectType::SINGLE, 0); } dropData.dropElement = 0; m_dropChanged.notify(); } } //! NOTE Copied from ScoreView::cmdAddSlur void NotationInteraction::cmdAddSlur(const Ms::Slur* slurTemplate) { InputState& is = score()->inputState(); if (is.noteEntryMode() && is.slur()) { const std::vector& el = is.slur()->spannerSegments(); if (!el.empty()) { el.front()->setSelected(false); // Now make sure that the slur segment is redrawn so that it does not *look* selected m_selectionChanged.notify(); } is.setSlur(nullptr); return; } score()->startCmd(); ChordRest* cr1; ChordRest* cr2; const auto& sel = score()->selection(); auto el = sel.uniqueElements(); if (sel.isRange()) { int startTrack = sel.staffStart() * VOICES; int endTrack = sel.staffEnd() * VOICES; for (int track = startTrack; track < endTrack; ++track) { cr1 = 0; cr2 = 0; for (Element* e : el) { if (e->track() != track) { continue; } if (e->isNote()) { e = toNote(e)->chord(); } if (!e->isChord()) { continue; } ChordRest* cr = toChordRest(e); if (!cr1 || cr1->tick() > cr->tick()) { cr1 = cr; } if (!cr2 || cr2->tick() < cr->tick()) { cr2 = cr; } } if (cr1 && (cr1 != cr2)) { addSlur(cr1, cr2, slurTemplate); } } } else { cr1 = 0; cr2 = 0; for (Element* e : el) { if (e->isNote()) { e = toNote(e)->chord(); } if (!e->isChord()) { continue; } ChordRest* cr = toChordRest(e); if (!cr1 || cr->isBefore(cr1)) { cr1 = cr; } if (!cr2 || cr2->isBefore(cr)) { cr2 = cr; } } if (cr1 == cr2) { cr2 = 0; } if (cr1) { addSlur(cr1, cr2, slurTemplate); } } score()->endCmd(); } //! NOTE Copied from ScoreView::addSlur void NotationInteraction::addSlur(ChordRest* cr1, ChordRest* cr2, const Slur* slurTemplate) { bool switchToSlur = false; if (cr2 == 0) { cr2 = nextChordRest(cr1); if (cr2 == 0) { cr2 = cr1; } switchToSlur = true; // select slur for editing if last chord is not given } Slur* slur = slurTemplate ? slurTemplate->clone() : new Slur(cr1->score()); slur->setScore(cr1->score()); slur->setTick(cr1->tick()); slur->setTick2(cr2->tick()); slur->setTrack(cr1->track()); if (cr2->staff()->part() == cr1->staff()->part() && !cr2->staff()->isLinked(cr1->staff())) { slur->setTrack2(cr2->track()); } else { slur->setTrack2(cr1->track()); } slur->setStartElement(cr1); slur->setEndElement(cr2); cr1->score()->undoAddElement(slur); SlurSegment* ss = new SlurSegment(cr1->score()); ss->setSpannerSegmentType(SpannerSegmentType::SINGLE); if (cr1 == cr2) { ss->setSlurOffset(Grip::END, QPointF(3.0 * cr1->score()->spatium(), 0.0)); } slur->add(ss); InputState& is = score()->inputState(); if (is.noteEntryMode()) { is.setSlur(slur); ss->setSelected(true); } else if (switchToSlur) { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; //startEditMode(ss); } } //! NOTE Copied from ScoreView::dragLeaveEvent void NotationInteraction::endDrop() { if (m_dropData.ed.dropElement) { score()->setUpdateAll(); delete m_dropData.ed.dropElement; m_dropData.ed.dropElement = nullptr; score()->update(); } setDropTarget(nullptr); } mu::async::Notification NotationInteraction::dropChanged() const { return m_dropChanged; } //! NOTE Copied from ScoreView::dropCanvas bool NotationInteraction::dropCanvas(Element* e) { if (e->isIcon()) { switch (toIcon(e)->iconType()) { case IconType::VFRAME: score()->insertMeasure(ElementType::VBOX, 0); break; case IconType::HFRAME: score()->insertMeasure(ElementType::HBOX, 0); break; case IconType::TFRAME: score()->insertMeasure(ElementType::TBOX, 0); break; case IconType::FFRAME: score()->insertMeasure(ElementType::FBOX, 0); break; case IconType::MEASURE: score()->insertMeasure(ElementType::MEASURE, 0); break; default: return false; } delete e; return true; } return false; } //! NOTE Copied from ScoreView::getDropTarget Element* NotationInteraction::dropTarget(Ms::EditData& ed) const { QList el = elementsAt(ed.pos); for (Element* e : el) { if (e->isStaffLines()) { if (el.size() > 2) { // is not first class drop target continue; } e = toStaffLines(e)->measure(); } if (e->acceptDrop(ed)) { return e; } } return nullptr; } //! NOTE Copied from ScoreView::dragMeasureAnchorElement bool NotationInteraction::dragMeasureAnchorElement(const QPointF& pos) { int staffIdx; Segment* seg; MeasureBase* mb = score()->pos2measure(pos, &staffIdx, 0, &seg, 0); if (!(m_dropData.ed.modifiers & Qt::ControlModifier)) { staffIdx = 0; } int track = staffIdx * VOICES; if (mb && mb->isMeasure()) { Measure* m = toMeasure(mb); System* s = m->system(); qreal y = s->staff(staffIdx)->y() + s->pos().y() + s->page()->pos().y(); QRectF b(m->canvasBoundingRect()); if (pos.x() >= (b.x() + b.width() * .5) && m != score()->lastMeasureMM() && m->nextMeasure()->system() == m->system()) { m = m->nextMeasure(); } QPointF anchor(m->canvasBoundingRect().x(), y); setAnchorLines({ QLineF(pos, anchor) }); m_dropData.ed.dropElement->score()->addRefresh(m_dropData.ed.dropElement->canvasBoundingRect()); m_dropData.ed.dropElement->setTrack(track); m_dropData.ed.dropElement->score()->addRefresh(m_dropData.ed.dropElement->canvasBoundingRect()); m_dragChanged.notify(); return true; } m_dropData.ed.dropElement->score()->addRefresh(m_dropData.ed.dropElement->canvasBoundingRect()); setDropTarget(nullptr); return false; } //! NOTE Copied from ScoreView::dragTimeAnchorElement bool NotationInteraction::dragTimeAnchorElement(const QPointF& pos) { int staffIdx; Segment* seg; MeasureBase* mb = score()->pos2measure(pos, &staffIdx, 0, &seg, 0); int track = staffIdx * VOICES; if (mb && mb->isMeasure() && seg->element(track)) { Measure* m = toMeasure(mb); System* s = m->system(); qreal y = s->staff(staffIdx)->y() + s->pos().y() + s->page()->pos().y(); QPointF anchor(seg->canvasBoundingRect().x(), y); setAnchorLines({ QLineF(pos, anchor) }); m_dropData.ed.dropElement->score()->addRefresh(m_dropData.ed.dropElement->canvasBoundingRect()); m_dropData.ed.dropElement->setTrack(track); m_dropData.ed.dropElement->score()->addRefresh(m_dropData.ed.dropElement->canvasBoundingRect()); m_dragChanged.notify(); return true; } m_dropData.ed.dropElement->score()->addRefresh(m_dropData.ed.dropElement->canvasBoundingRect()); setDropTarget(nullptr); return false; } //! NOTE Copied from ScoreView::setDropTarget void NotationInteraction::setDropTarget(Element* el) { if (m_dropData.dropTarget != el) { if (m_dropData.dropTarget) { m_dropData.dropTarget->setDropTarget(false); m_dropData.dropTarget = nullptr; } m_dropData.dropTarget = el; if (m_dropData.dropTarget) { m_dropData.dropTarget->setDropTarget(true); } } m_anchorLines.clear(); //! TODO // if (dropRectangle.isValid()) { // dropRectangle = QRectF(); // } //! --- m_dragChanged.notify(); } void NotationInteraction::setAnchorLines(const std::vector& anchorList) { m_anchorLines = anchorList; } void NotationInteraction::resetAnchorLines() { m_anchorLines.clear(); } void NotationInteraction::drawAnchorLines(QPainter* painter) { if (m_anchorLines.empty()) { return; } const auto dropAnchorColor = configuration()->anchorLineColor(); QPen pen(QBrush(dropAnchorColor), 2.0 / painter->worldTransform().m11(), Qt::DotLine); for (const QLineF& anchor : m_anchorLines) { painter->setPen(pen); painter->drawLine(anchor); qreal d = 4.0 / painter->worldTransform().m11(); QRectF rect(-d, -d, 2 * d, 2 * d); painter->setBrush(QBrush(dropAnchorColor)); painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); rect.moveCenter(anchor.p1()); painter->drawEllipse(rect); rect.moveCenter(anchor.p2()); painter->drawEllipse(rect); } } void NotationInteraction::drawTextEditMode(QPainter* painter) { if (!isTextEditingStarted()) { return; } m_textEditData.element->drawEditMode(painter, m_textEditData); } void NotationInteraction::moveSelection(MoveDirection d, MoveSelectionType type) { IF_ASSERT_FAILED(MoveDirection::Left == d || MoveDirection::Right == d) { return; } IF_ASSERT_FAILED(MoveSelectionType::Undefined != type) { return; } if (MoveSelectionType::Element == type) { moveElementSelection(d); return; } //! NOTE Previously, the `Score::move` method directly expected commands (actions) //! Now the `Notation` provides only notation management methods, //! and interpretation of actions is the responsibility of `NotationActionController` auto typeToString = [](MoveSelectionType type) { switch (type) { case MoveSelectionType::Undefined: return QString(); case MoveSelectionType::Element: return QString(); case MoveSelectionType::Chord: return QString("chord"); case MoveSelectionType::Measure: return QString("measure"); case MoveSelectionType::Track: return QString("track"); } return QString(); }; QString cmd; if (MoveDirection::Left == d) { cmd = "prev-"; } if (MoveDirection::Right == d) { cmd = "next-"; } cmd += typeToString(type); score()->move(cmd); m_selectionChanged.notify(); } void NotationInteraction::moveElementSelection(MoveDirection d) { Element* el = score()->selection().element(); if (!el && !score()->selection().elements().isEmpty()) { el = score()->selection().elements().last(); } if (!el) { ChordRest* cr = score()->selection().currentCR(); if (cr) { if (cr->isChord()) { if (MoveDirection::Left == d) { el = toChord(cr)->upNote(); } else { el = toChord(cr)->downNote(); } } else if (cr->isRest()) { el = cr; } score()->select(el); } } Element* toEl = nullptr; if (el) { toEl = (MoveDirection::Left == d) ? score()->prevElement() : score()->nextElement(); } else { toEl = (MoveDirection::Left == d) ? score()->lastElement() : score()->firstElement(); } if (toEl) { score()->select(toEl, SelectType::SINGLE, 0); if (toEl->type() == ElementType::NOTE || toEl->type() == ElementType::HARMONY) { score()->setPlayNote(true); } } m_selectionChanged.notify(); } void NotationInteraction::movePitch(MoveDirection d, PitchMode mode) { IF_ASSERT_FAILED(MoveDirection::Up == d || MoveDirection::Down == d) { return; } QList el = score()->selection().uniqueNotes(); IF_ASSERT_FAILED(!el.isEmpty()) { return; } score()->startCmd(); bool isUp = MoveDirection::Up == d; score()->upDown(isUp, mode); score()->endCmd(); m_dragChanged.notify(); } void NotationInteraction::moveText(MoveDirection d, bool quickly) { Element* el = score()->selection().element(); IF_ASSERT_FAILED(el && el->isTextBase()) { return; } score()->startCmd(); qreal step = quickly ? MScore::nudgeStep10 : MScore::nudgeStep; step = step * el->spatium(); switch (d) { case MoveDirection::Undefined: IF_ASSERT_FAILED(d != MoveDirection::Undefined) { return; } break; case MoveDirection::Left: el->undoChangeProperty(Pid::OFFSET, el->offset() - QPointF(step, 0.0), PropertyFlags::UNSTYLED); break; case MoveDirection::Right: el->undoChangeProperty(Pid::OFFSET, el->offset() + QPointF(step, 0.0), PropertyFlags::UNSTYLED); break; case MoveDirection::Up: el->undoChangeProperty(Pid::OFFSET, el->offset() - QPointF(0.0, step), PropertyFlags::UNSTYLED); break; case MoveDirection::Down: el->undoChangeProperty(Pid::OFFSET, el->offset() + QPointF(0.0, step), PropertyFlags::UNSTYLED); break; } score()->endCmd(); m_dragChanged.notify(); } bool NotationInteraction::isTextEditingStarted() const { return m_textEditData.element != nullptr; } void NotationInteraction::startEditText(Element* element, const QPointF& cursorPos) { if (!element || !element->isEditable() || !element->isTextBase()) { qDebug("The element cannot be edited"); return; } m_textEditData.startMove = cursorPos; if (isTextEditingStarted()) { // double click on a textBase element that is being edited - select word TextBase* textBase = toTextBase(m_textEditData.element); textBase->multiClickSelect(m_textEditData, MultiClick::Double); textBase->endHexState(m_textEditData); textBase->setPrimed(false); } else { m_textEditData.clearData(); m_textEditData.element = element; if (m_textEditData.element->isTBox()) { m_textEditData.element = toTBox(m_textEditData.element)->text(); } element->startEdit(m_textEditData); } m_textEditingChanged.notify(); } void NotationInteraction::editText(QKeyEvent* event) { IF_ASSERT_FAILED(m_textEditData.element) { return; } m_textEditData.key = event->key(); m_textEditData.modifiers = event->modifiers(); m_textEditData.s = event->text(); m_textEditData.element->edit(m_textEditData); score()->update(); m_textEditingChanged.notify(); } void NotationInteraction::endEditText() { IF_ASSERT_FAILED(m_textEditData.element) { return; } if (!isTextEditingStarted()) { return; } m_textEditData.element->endEdit(m_textEditData); m_textEditData.element = nullptr; m_textEditData.clearData(); m_textEditingChanged.notify(); } void NotationInteraction::changeTextCursorPosition(const QPointF& newCursorPos) { IF_ASSERT_FAILED(isTextEditingStarted() && m_textEditData.element) { return; } m_textEditData.startMove = newCursorPos; m_textEditData.element->mousePress(m_textEditData); m_textEditingChanged.notify(); } mu::async::Notification NotationInteraction::textEditingChanged() const { return m_textEditingChanged; }