#!/bin/python import fileinput import sys inFile = 'mscore/loginmanager.cpp' def encode(inString): result = "" for i, c in enumerate(inString): # add a musescore tab at the beginning of the line if i % 4 == 0: result += " " result += 'ba[' + str(i) + '] = 0x' + format(ord(c), '02x') + ';' if (i+1) % 4 == 0: if i != (len(inString) - 1): result += "\n" else: result += " " return result def processFile(consumerKey, consumerSecret): doneKey = False doneConsumer = False omit = 0 for line in fileinput.input(inFile, inplace=1): if line.strip().startswith("ba.resize(32)"): if not doneKey: print line.rstrip("\n") print encode(consumerKey) doneKey = True omit = 9 if line.strip().startswith("_consumerKey"): if not doneConsumer: print line.rstrip("\n") print encode(consumerSecret) doneConsumer = True omit = 9 if omit <= 0: print line.rstrip("\n") omit = omit - 1 if doneKey and doneConsumer: print "Keys successfully added" if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 3: exit() consumerKey = sys.argv[1] consumerSecret = sys.argv[2] if len(consumerKey) != 32: print "Wrong size of consumerKey" exit() if len(consumerSecret) != 32: print "Wrong size of consumerSecret" exit() processFile(consumerKey, consumerSecret)