//============================================================================= // MuseScore // Music Composition & Notation // $Id: figuredbass.cpp 5526 2012-04-09 10:17:11Z lvinken $ // // Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 // as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in // the file LICENCE.GPL //============================================================================= #include "figuredbass.h" #include "score.h" #include "note.h" #include "measure.h" #include "system.h" #include "segment.h" // the array of configured fonts static QList g_FBFonts; //--------------------------------------------------------- // F I G U R E D B A S S I T E M //--------------------------------------------------------- // used for indexed access to parenthesis chars // (these is no normAccidToChar[], as accidentals may use mult. chars in normalized display): const QChar FiguredBassItem::normParenthToChar[NumOfParentheses] = { 0, '(', ')', '[', ']'}; FiguredBassItem::FiguredBassItem(Score* s, int l) : Element(s), ord(l) { _prefix = _suffix = ModifierNone; _digit = FBIDigitNone; parenth[0] = parenth[1] = parenth[2] = parenth[3] = parenth[4] = ParenthesisNone; _contLine = false; } FiguredBassItem::FiguredBassItem(const FiguredBassItem& item) : Element(item) { ord = item.ord; _prefix = item._prefix; _digit = item._digit; _suffix = item._suffix; parenth[0] = item.parenth[0]; parenth[1] = item.parenth[1]; parenth[2] = item.parenth[2]; parenth[3] = item.parenth[3]; parenth[4] = item.parenth[4]; _contLine = item._contLine; textWidth = item.textWidth; _displayText= item._displayText; } FiguredBassItem::~FiguredBassItem() { } //--------------------------------------------------------- // FiguredBassItem parse() // // converts a string into a property-based representation, if possible; // return true on success | false if the string is non-conformant //--------------------------------------------------------- bool FiguredBassItem::parse(QString& str) { int retVal; parseParenthesis(str, 0); retVal = parsePrefixSuffix(str, true); // prefix if(retVal == -1) return false; parseParenthesis(str, 1); retVal = parseDigit(str); // digit if(retVal == -1) return false; parseParenthesis(str, 2); retVal = parsePrefixSuffix(str, false); // suffix if(retVal == -1) return false; parseParenthesis(str, 3); // check for a possible cont. line symbol(s) _contLine = false; // contLine while(str[0] == '-' || str[0] == '_') { _contLine = true; str.remove(0, 1); } parseParenthesis(str, 4); // remove useless parentheses if(_prefix == ModifierNone && parenth[1] == ParenthesisNone) { parenth[1] = parenth[0]; parenth[0] = ParenthesisNone; } if(_digit == FBIDigitNone && parenth[2] == ParenthesisNone) { parenth[2] = parenth[1]; parenth[1] = ParenthesisNone; } if(!_contLine && parenth[3] == ParenthesisNone) { parenth[3] = parenth[4]; parenth[4] = ParenthesisNone; } if(_suffix == ModifierNone && parenth[2] == ParenthesisNone) { parenth[2] = parenth[3]; parenth[3] = ParenthesisNone; } // some checks: // if some extra input, str is not conformant if(str.size()) return false; // can't have BOTH prefix and suffix // prefix, digit, suffix and cont.line cannot be ALL empty // suffix cannot combine with empty digit if( (_prefix != ModifierNone && _suffix != ModifierNone) || (_prefix == ModifierNone && _digit == FBIDigitNone && _suffix == ModifierNone && !_contLine) || ( (_suffix == ModifierPlus || _suffix == ModifierBackslash || _suffix == ModifierSlash) && _digit == FBIDigitNone) ) return false; return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // FiguredBassItem parsePrefixSuffix() // // scans str to extract prefix or suffix properties. Stops at the first char which cannot fit. // Fitting chars are removed from str. DOES NOT generate any display text // // returns the number of QChar's read from str or -1 if prefix / suffix has an illegal format // (no prefix / suffix at all IS legal) //--------------------------------------------------------- int FiguredBassItem::parsePrefixSuffix(QString& str, bool bPrefix) { Modifier * dest = bPrefix ? &_prefix : &_suffix; bool done = false; int size = str.size(); str = str.trimmed(); *dest = ModifierNone; while(str.size()) { switch(str.at(0).unicode()) { case 'b': if(*dest != ModifierNone) { if(*dest == ModifierFlat) // FLAT may double a previous FLAT *dest = ModifierDoubleFlat; else return -1; // but no other combination is acceptable } *dest = ModifierFlat; break; case 'h': if(*dest != ModifierNone) // cannot combine with any other accidental return -1; *dest = ModifierNatural; break; case '#': if(*dest != ModifierNone) { if(*dest == ModifierSharp) // SHARP may double a preivous SHARP *dest = ModifierDoubleSharp; else return -1; // but no other combination is acceptable } *dest = ModifierSharp; break; // '+', '\\' and '/' go into the suffix case '+': if(_suffix != ModifierNone) // cannot combine with any other accidental return -1; _suffix = ModifierPlus; break; case '\\': if(_suffix != ModifierNone) // cannot combine with any other accidental return -1; _suffix = ModifierBackslash; break; case '/': if(_suffix != ModifierNone) // cannot combine with any other accidental return -1; _suffix = ModifierSlash; break; default: // any other char: no longer in prefix/suffix done = true; break; } if(done) break; str.remove(0,1); // 'eat' the char and continue } return size - str.size(); // return how many chars we had read into prefix/suffix } //--------------------------------------------------------- // FiguredBassItem parseDigit() // // scans str to extract digit properties. Stops at the first char which cannot belong to digit part. // Fitting chars are removed from str. DOES NOT generate any display text // // returns the number of QChar's read from str or -1 if no legal digit can be constructed // (no digit at all IS legal) //--------------------------------------------------------- int FiguredBassItem::parseDigit(QString& str) { int size = str.size(); str = str.trimmed(); _digit = FBIDigitNone; while(str.size()) { // any digit acceptable, if no previous digit if(str[0] >= '1' && str[0] <= '9') { if(_digit == FBIDigitNone) { _digit = str[0].unicode() - '0'; str.remove(0, 1); } else return -1; } // anything else: no longer in digit part else break; } return size - str.size(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // FiguredBassItem parseParenthesis() // // scans str to extract a (possible) parenthesis, stores its code into parenth[parenthIdx] // and removes it from str. Only looks at first str char. // // returns the number of QChar's read from str (actually 0 or 1). //--------------------------------------------------------- int FiguredBassItem::parseParenthesis(QString& str, int parenthIdx) { int c = str[0].unicode(); Parenthesis code = ParenthesisNone; switch(c) { case '(': code =ParenthesisRoundOpen; break; case ')': code =ParenthesisRoundClosed; break; case '[': code =ParenthesisSquaredOpen; break; case ']': code =ParenthesisSquaredClosed; break; default: break; } parenth[parenthIdx] = code; if(code != ParenthesisNone) { str.remove(0, 1); return 1; } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // FiguredBassItem normalizedText() // // returns a string with the normalized text, i.e. the text displayed while editing; // this is a standard textual representation of the item properties //--------------------------------------------------------- QString FiguredBassItem::normalizedText() const { QString str = QString(); if(parenth[0] != ParenthesisNone) str.append(normParenthToChar[parenth[0]]); if(_prefix != ModifierNone) { switch(_prefix) { case ModifierFlat: str.append('b'); break; case ModifierNatural: str.append('h'); break; case ModifierSharp: str.append('#'); break; case ModifierDoubleFlat: str.append("bb"); break; case ModifierDoubleSharp: str.append("##"); break; default: break; } } if(parenth[1] != ParenthesisNone) str.append(normParenthToChar[parenth[1]]); // digit if(_digit != FBIDigitNone) str.append(QChar('0' + _digit)); if(parenth[2] != ParenthesisNone) str.append(normParenthToChar[parenth[2]]); // suffix if(_suffix != ModifierNone) { switch(_suffix) { case ModifierFlat: str.append('b'); break; case ModifierNatural: str.append('h'); break; case ModifierSharp: str.append('#'); break; case ModifierPlus: str.append('+'); break; case ModifierBackslash: str.append('\\'); break; case ModifierSlash: str.append('/'); break; case ModifierDoubleFlat: str.append("bb"); break; case ModifierDoubleSharp: str.append("##"); break; default: break; } } if(parenth[3] != ParenthesisNone) str.append(normParenthToChar[parenth[3]]); if(_contLine) str.append('_'); if(parenth[4] != ParenthesisNone) str.append(normParenthToChar[parenth[4]]); return str; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // FiguredBassItem write() //--------------------------------------------------------- void FiguredBassItem::write(Xml& xml) const { xml.stag("FiguredBassItem"); xml.tagE(QString("brackets b0=\"%1\" b1=\"%2\" b2=\"%3\" b3=\"%4\" b4=\"%5\"") .arg(parenth[0]) .arg(parenth[1]) .arg(parenth[2]) .arg(parenth[3]) .arg(parenth[4]) ); if(_prefix != ModifierNone) xml.tag(QString("prefix"), _prefix); if(_digit != FBIDigitNone) xml.tag(QString("digit"), _digit); if(_suffix != ModifierNone) xml.tag(QString("suffix"), _suffix); if(_contLine) xml.tag("continuationLine", _contLine); xml.etag(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // FiguredBassItem read() //--------------------------------------------------------- void FiguredBassItem::read(XmlReader& e) { while (e.readNextStartElement()) { const QStringRef& tag(e.name()); if (tag == "brackets") { parenth[0] = (Parenthesis)e.intAttribute("b0"); parenth[1] = (Parenthesis)e.intAttribute("b1"); parenth[2] = (Parenthesis)e.intAttribute("b2"); parenth[3] = (Parenthesis)e.intAttribute("b3"); parenth[4] = (Parenthesis)e.intAttribute("b4"); e.readNext(); } else if (tag == "prefix") _prefix = (Modifier)(e.readInt()); else if (tag == "digit") _digit = e.readInt(); else if (tag == "suffix") _suffix = (Modifier)(e.readInt()); else if(tag == "continuationLine") _contLine = e.readInt(); else if (!Element::readProperties(e)) e.unknown(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // FiguredBassItem layout() // creates the display text (set as element text) and computes // the horiz. offset needed to align the right part as well as the vert. offset //--------------------------------------------------------- void FiguredBassItem::layout() { qreal h, w, x, x1, x2, y; // contruct font metrics int fontIdx = 0; QFont f(g_FBFonts.at(fontIdx).family); // font size in points, scaled according to spatium() qreal m = score()->styleD(ST_figuredBassFontSize) * spatium() / ( SPATIUM20 * MScore::DPI); f.setPointSizeF(m); QFontMetrics fm(f); QString str = QString(); x = symbols[score()->symIdx()][quartheadSym].width(magS()) * .5; x1 = x2 = 0.0; // create display text int font = 0; int style = score()->styleI(ST_figuredBassStyle); if(parenth[0] != ParenthesisNone) str.append(g_FBFonts.at(font).displayParenthesis[parenth[0]]); // prefix if(_prefix != ModifierNone) { // if no digit, the string created so far 'hangs' to the left of the note if(_digit == FBIDigitNone) x1 = fm.width(str); str.append(g_FBFonts.at(font).displayAccidental[_prefix]); // if no digit, the string from here onward 'hangs' to the right of the note if(_digit == FBIDigitNone) x2 = fm.width(str); } if(parenth[1] != ParenthesisNone) str.append(g_FBFonts.at(font).displayParenthesis[parenth[1]]); // digit if(_digit != FBIDigitNone) { // if some digit, the string created so far 'hangs' to the left of the note x1 = fm.width(str); // if suffix is a combining shape, combine it with digit // unless there is a parenthesis in between if( (_suffix == ModifierPlus || _suffix == ModifierBackslash || _suffix == ModifierSlash) && parenth[2] == ParenthesisNone) str.append(g_FBFonts.at(font).displayDigit[style][_digit][_suffix-(ModifierPlus-1)]); else str.append(g_FBFonts.at(font).displayDigit[style][_digit][0]); // if some digit, the string from here onward 'hangs' to the right of the note x2 = fm.width(str); } if(parenth[2] != ParenthesisNone) str.append(g_FBFonts.at(font).displayParenthesis[parenth[2]]); // suffix // append only if non-combining shape or cannot combine (no digit or parenthesis in between) if( _suffix != ModifierNone && ( (_suffix != ModifierPlus && _suffix != ModifierBackslash && _suffix != ModifierSlash) || _digit == FBIDigitNone || parenth[2] != ParenthesisNone) ) str.append(g_FBFonts.at(font).displayAccidental[_suffix]); if(parenth[3] != ParenthesisNone) str.append(g_FBFonts.at(font).displayParenthesis[parenth[3]]); setDisplayText(str); // this text will be displayed // position the text so that [x1<-->x2] is centered below the note x = x - (x1+x2) * 0.5; h = fm.lineSpacing(); h *= score()->styleD(ST_figuredBassLineHeight); w = fm.width(str); textWidth = w; int lineLen; if(_contLine && (lineLen=figuredBass()->lineLength(0)) > w) w = lineLen; y = h * ord; setPos(x, y); bbox().setRect(0, 0, w, h); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // FiguredBassItem draw() //--------------------------------------------------------- void FiguredBassItem::draw(QPainter* painter) const { int font = 0; // set font from general style QFont f(g_FBFonts.at(font).family); #ifdef USE_GLYPHS f.setHintingPreference(QFont::PreferVerticalHinting); #endif // font size in pixels, scaled according to spatium() qreal m = score()->styleD(ST_figuredBassFontSize) * MScore::DPI / PPI; m *= spatium() / (SPATIUM20 * MScore::DPI); // make spatium dependent f.setPixelSize(lrint(m)); painter->setFont(f); painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); painter->setPen(figuredBass()->curColor()); painter->drawText(bbox(), Qt::TextDontClip | Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop, displayText()); // drawFrame(p); // continuation line qreal len = 0.0; if(_contLine) { len = figuredBass()->lineLength(0); if(len > 0.0) { qreal h = bbox().height() * 0.75; painter->drawLine(textWidth, h, len - ipos().x(), h); } } // closing cont.line parenthesis if(parenth[4] != ParenthesisNone) { int x = len > 0.0 ? len : textWidth; painter->drawText(QRectF(x, 0, bbox().width(), bbox().height()), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop, g_FBFonts.at(font).displayParenthesis[parenth[4]]); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // PROPERTY METHODS //--------------------------------------------------------- QVariant FiguredBassItem::getProperty(P_ID propertyId) const { switch(propertyId) { case P_FBPREFIX: return _prefix; case P_FBDIGIT: return _digit; case P_FBSUFFIX: return _suffix; case P_FBCONTINUATIONLINE: return _contLine; case P_FBPARENTHESIS1: return parenth[0]; case P_FBPARENTHESIS2: return parenth[1]; case P_FBPARENTHESIS3: return parenth[2]; case P_FBPARENTHESIS4: return parenth[3]; case P_FBPARENTHESIS5: return parenth[4]; default: return Element::getProperty(propertyId); } } bool FiguredBassItem::setProperty(P_ID propertyId, const QVariant& v) { score()->addRefresh(canvasBoundingRect()); int val = v.toInt(); switch(propertyId) { case P_FBPREFIX: if(val < ModifierNone || val >= ModifierPlus) return false; _prefix = (Modifier)val; break; case P_FBDIGIT: if(val < 1 || val > 9) return false; _digit = val; break; case P_FBSUFFIX: if(val < ModifierNone || val >= NumOfModifiers) return false; _suffix = (Modifier)val; break; case P_FBCONTINUATIONLINE: _contLine = v.toBool(); break; case P_FBPARENTHESIS1: if(val < ParenthesisNone || val > ParenthesisSquaredClosed) return false; parenth[0] = (Parenthesis)val; break; case P_FBPARENTHESIS2: if(val < ParenthesisNone || val > ParenthesisSquaredClosed) return false; parenth[1] = (Parenthesis)val; break; case P_FBPARENTHESIS3: if(val < ParenthesisNone || val > ParenthesisSquaredClosed) return false; parenth[2] = (Parenthesis)val; break; case P_FBPARENTHESIS4: if(val < ParenthesisNone || val > ParenthesisSquaredClosed) return false; parenth[3] = (Parenthesis)val; break; case P_FBPARENTHESIS5: if(val < ParenthesisNone || val > ParenthesisSquaredClosed) return false; parenth[4] = (Parenthesis)val; break; default: return Element::setProperty(propertyId, v); } score()->setLayoutAll(true); return true; } QVariant FiguredBassItem::propertyDefault(P_ID id) const { switch(id) { case P_FBPREFIX: case P_FBSUFFIX: return ModifierNone; case P_FBDIGIT: return FBIDigitNone; case P_FBCONTINUATIONLINE: return false; default: return Element::propertyDefault(id); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // UNDOABLE PROPERTY SETTERS //--------------------------------------------------------- void FiguredBassItem::undoSetPrefix(Modifier pref) { if(pref < ModifierPlus) { score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_FBPREFIX, (int)pref); // if setting some prefix and there is a suffix already, clear suffix if(pref != ModifierNone && _suffix != ModifierNone) score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_FBSUFFIX, ModifierNone); layout(); // re-generate displayText } } void FiguredBassItem::undoSetDigit(int digit) { if(digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) { score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_FBDIGIT, digit); layout(); // re-generate displayText } } void FiguredBassItem::undoSetSuffix(Modifier suff) { score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_FBSUFFIX, suff); // if setting some suffix and there is a prefix already, clear prefix if(suff != ModifierNone && _prefix != ModifierNone) score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_FBPREFIX, ModifierNone); layout(); // re-generate displayText } void FiguredBassItem::undoSetContLine(bool val) { score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_FBCONTINUATIONLINE, val); layout(); // re-generate displayText } void FiguredBassItem::undoSetParenth1(Parenthesis par) { score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_FBPARENTHESIS1, par); layout(); // re-generate displayText } void FiguredBassItem::undoSetParenth2(Parenthesis par) { score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_FBPARENTHESIS2, par); layout(); // re-generate displayText } void FiguredBassItem::undoSetParenth3(Parenthesis par) { score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_FBPARENTHESIS3, par); layout(); // re-generate displayText } void FiguredBassItem::undoSetParenth4(Parenthesis par) { score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_FBPARENTHESIS4, par); layout(); // re-generate displayText } void FiguredBassItem::undoSetParenth5(Parenthesis par) { score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_FBPARENTHESIS5, par); layout(); // re-generate displayText } //--------------------------------------------------------- // // MusicXML I/O // //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- // Convert MusicXML prefix/suffix to Modifier //--------------------------------------------------------- // TODO add missing non-accidental types FiguredBassItem::Modifier FiguredBassItem::MusicXML2Modifier(const QString prefix) const { if (prefix == "sharp") return ModifierSharp; else if (prefix == "flat") return ModifierFlat; else if (prefix == "natural") return ModifierNatural; else if (prefix == "double-sharp") return ModifierDoubleSharp; else if (prefix == "flat-flat") return ModifierDoubleFlat; else if (prefix == "sharp-sharp") return ModifierDoubleSharp; else if (prefix == "slash") return ModifierSlash; else return ModifierNone; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Convert Modifier to MusicXML prefix/suffix //--------------------------------------------------------- // TODO add missing non-accidental types QString FiguredBassItem::Modifier2MusicXML(FiguredBassItem::Modifier prefix) const { switch (prefix) { case ModifierNone: return ""; case ModifierDoubleFlat: return "flat-flat"; case ModifierFlat: return "flat"; case ModifierNatural: return "natural"; case ModifierSharp: return "sharp"; case ModifierDoubleSharp: return "double-sharp"; case ModifierPlus: return ""; // TODO TBD case ModifierBackslash: return ""; // TODO TBD case ModifierSlash: return "slash"; case NumOfModifiers: return ""; // prevent gcc "‘FBINumOfAccid’ not handled in switch" warning } return ""; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Read MusicXML // // Set the FiguredBassItem state based on the MusicXML
node de. // In MusicXML, parentheses is set to "yes" or "no" for the figured-bass // node instead of for each individual
node. //--------------------------------------------------------- #if 0 void FiguredBassItem::readMusicXML(XmlReader& e, bool paren, bool& extend) { // read the
node de while (e.readNextStartElement()) { const QStringRef& tag(e.name()); if (tag == "extend") extend = true; else if (tag == "figure-number") { // MusicXML spec states figure-number is a number // MuseScore can only handle single digit int iVal = e.readInt(); if (1 <= iVal && iVal <= 9) _digit = iVal; } else if (tag == "prefix") _prefix = MusicXML2Modifier(e.readElementText()); else if (tag == "suffix") _suffix = MusicXML2Modifier(e.readElementText()); else e.unknown(); } // set parentheses if (paren) { // parenthesis open if (_prefix != ModifierNone) parenth[0] = ParenthesisRoundOpen; // before prefix else if (_digit != FBIDigitNone) parenth[1] = ParenthesisRoundOpen; // before digit else if (_suffix != ModifierNone) parenth[2] = ParenthesisRoundOpen; // before suffix // parenthesis close if (_suffix != ModifierNone) parenth[3] = ParenthesisRoundClosed; // after suffix else if (_digit != FBIDigitNone) parenth[2] = ParenthesisRoundClosed; // after digit else if (_prefix != ModifierNone) parenth[1] = ParenthesisRoundClosed; // after prefix } } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------- // Write MusicXML //--------------------------------------------------------- void FiguredBassItem::writeMusicXML(Xml& xml, bool doFigure, bool doExtend) const { xml.stag("figure"); if (doFigure) { QString strPrefix = Modifier2MusicXML(_prefix); if (strPrefix != "") xml.tag("prefix", strPrefix); if (_digit != FBIDigitNone) xml.tag("figure-number", _digit); QString strSuffix = Modifier2MusicXML(_suffix); if (strSuffix != "") xml.tag("suffix", strSuffix); } if (doExtend) { xml.tagE("extend"); } xml.etag(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // startsWithParenthesis //--------------------------------------------------------- bool FiguredBassItem::startsWithParenthesis() const { if (_prefix != ModifierNone) return (parenth[0] != ParenthesisNone); if (_digit != FBIDigitNone) return (parenth[1] != ParenthesisNone); if (_suffix != ModifierNone) return (parenth[2] != ParenthesisNone); return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // F I G U R E D B A S S //--------------------------------------------------------- #include "chord.h" #include "rest.h" FiguredBass::FiguredBass(Score* s) : Text(s) { setOnNote(true); TextStyle st("local", g_FBFonts[0].family, score()->styleD(ST_figuredBassFontSize), false, false, false, ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_TOP); st.setSizeIsSpatiumDependent(true); setTextStyle(st); setTicks(0); items.clear(); } FiguredBass::FiguredBass(const FiguredBass& fb) : Text(fb) { setOnNote(fb.onNote()); setTicks(fb.ticks()); items = fb.items; } FiguredBass::~FiguredBass() { } //--------------------------------------------------------- // write //--------------------------------------------------------- void FiguredBass::write(Xml& xml) const { xml.stag("FiguredBass"); if(!onNote()) xml.tag("onNote", onNote()); if (ticks() > 0) xml.tag("ticks", ticks()); foreach(FiguredBassItem item, items) item.write(xml); Element::writeProperties(xml); xml.etag(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // read //--------------------------------------------------------- void FiguredBass::read(XmlReader& e) { QString normalizedText; int idx = 0; while (e.readNextStartElement()) { const QStringRef& tag(e.name()); if (tag == "ticks") setTicks(e.readInt()); else if(tag == "onNote") setOnNote(e.readInt() != 0l); else if (tag == "FiguredBassItem") { FiguredBassItem * pItem = new FiguredBassItem(score(), idx++); pItem->setTrack(track()); pItem->setParent(this); pItem->read(e); items.append(*pItem); // add item normalized text if(!normalizedText.isEmpty()) normalizedText.append('\n'); normalizedText.append(pItem->normalizedText()); } else if(!Element::readProperties(e)) e.unknown(); } setText(normalizedText); // this is the text to show while editing } //--------------------------------------------------------- // layout //--------------------------------------------------------- void FiguredBass::layout() { qreal y; // if(items.size()) { TextStyle st("local", g_FBFonts[0].family, score()->styleD(ST_figuredBassFontSize), false, false, false, ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_TOP); st.setSizeIsSpatiumDependent(true); setTextStyle(st); // } layoutLines(); // vertical position y = 0; // default vert. pos. // if a staff exists for this F.B., use its y position if(parent() && track() >= 0) { System* sys = ((Segment*)parent())->measure()->system(); if (sys == 0) qDebug("FiguredBass layout: no system!"); else { SysStaff* staff = sys->staff(staffIdx()); y = staff->y(); } } y += point(score()->styleS(ST_figuredBassYOffset)); // bounding box if(editMode()) { qreal h, w, w1; QFontMetricsF fm(textStyle().font(spatium())); // box width w = 0; QStringList list = getText().split('\n'); foreach(QString str, list) { w1 = fm.width(str); if(w1 > w) w = w1; } // bbox height h = fm.lineSpacing(); h *= score()->styleD(ST_figuredBassLineHeight); h *= (list.size() > 1 ? list.size() : 1); // at least 1 line // ready to set position and bbox setPos(0, y); bbox().setRect(0-2, 0-2, w+4, h+4); } else { setPos(0, y); bbox().setRect(0, 0, _lineLenghts.at(0), 0); // if element could be parsed into items, layout each element if(items.size() > 0) { // layout each item and enlarge bbox to include items bboxes for(int i=0; i < items.size(); i++) { items[i].layout(); addbbox(items[i].bbox().translated(items[i].pos())); } } else // if not, fall back to standard Text layout Text::layout(); } adjustReadPos(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // layoutLines // // lays out the duration indicator line(s), filling the _lineLengths array //--------------------------------------------------------- void FiguredBass::layoutLines() { if(_ticks <= 0) { NoLen: _lineLenghts.resize(1); _lineLenghts[0] = 0; return; } // Adapted from System::layoutLyrics(Lyrics* l, Segment* s, int staffIdx) (system.cpp, line 829 and foll) Segment * nextSegm; // the Segment beyond this' segment int nextTick = segment()->tick() + _ticks; // the tick beyond this' duration // locate the measure containing the last tick of this; it is either: // the same measure containing nextTick, if nextTick is not the first tick of a measure // (and line should stop right before it) // or the previous measure, if nextTick is the first tick of a measure // (and line should stop before any measure terminal segment (bar, clef, ...) ) Measure* m = score()->tick2measure(nextTick-1); if (m != 0) { // locate the first segment (of ANY type) right after this' last tick for (nextSegm = m->first(Segment::SegAll); nextSegm; ) { if(nextSegm->tick() >= nextTick) break; nextSegm = nextSegm->next(); } } if (m == 0 || nextSegm == 0) { qDebug("FiguredBass layout: no segment found for tick %d\n", nextTick); goto NoLen; } QList* systems = score()->systems(); System* s1 = segment()->measure()->system(); System* s2 = nextSegm->measure()->system(); int sysIdx1 = systems->indexOf(s1); int sysIdx2 = systems->indexOf(s2); int i, len ,segIdx; for (i = sysIdx1, segIdx = 0; i <= sysIdx2; ++i, ++segIdx) { len = 0; if (sysIdx1 == sysIdx2 || i == sysIdx1) { // single line len = nextSegm->pageX() - pageX() - 4; // stop 4 raster units before next segm } else if (i == sysIdx1) { // initial line qreal w = s1->staff(staffIdx())->right(); qreal x = s1->pageX() + w; len = x - pageX(); } else if (i > 0 && i != sysIdx2) { // middle line qDebug("FiguredBass: duration indicator middle line not implemented"); } else if (i == sysIdx2) { // end line qDebug("FiguredBass: duration indicator end line not implemented"); } // store length item, reusing array items if already present if (_lineLenghts.size() <= segIdx) _lineLenghts.append(len); else _lineLenghts[segIdx] = len; } // if more array items than needed, truncate array if(_lineLenghts.size() > segIdx) _lineLenghts.resize(segIdx); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // draw //--------------------------------------------------------- void FiguredBass::draw(QPainter* painter) const { // if not printing, draw duration line(s) if( !score()->printing() ) { foreach(qreal len, _lineLenghts) if(len > 0) { painter->setPen(QPen(Qt::lightGray, 1)); painter->drawLine(0.0, -2, len, -2); // -2: 2 rast. un. above digits } } if(editMode()) Text::draw(painter); else { if(items.size() < 1) Text::draw(painter); else foreach(FiguredBassItem item, items) { painter->translate(item.pos()); item.draw(painter); painter->translate(-item.pos()); } } /* DEBUG QString str = QString(); str.setNum(_ticks); painter->drawText(0, (_onNote ? 40 : 30), str); */ } //--------------------------------------------------------- // endEdit //--------------------------------------------------------- void FiguredBass::endEdit() { int idx; Text::endEdit(); QString txt = getText(); if(txt.isEmpty()) { // if no text, nothing to do return; } // split text into lines and create an item for each line QStringList list = txt.split('\n', QString::SkipEmptyParts); items.clear(); QString normalizedText = QString(); idx = 0; foreach(QString str, list) { FiguredBassItem* pItem = new FiguredBassItem(score(), idx++); if(!pItem->parse(str)) { // if any item fails parsing items.clear(); // clear item list Text::layout(); // keeping text as entered by user return; } pItem->setTrack(track()); pItem->setParent(this); items.append(*pItem); // add item normalized text if(!normalizedText.isEmpty()) normalizedText.append('\n'); normalizedText.append(pItem->normalizedText()); } setText(normalizedText); // if all items parsed, replaced entered text with normal. text layout(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // setSelected /setVisible // // forward flags to items //--------------------------------------------------------- void FiguredBass::setSelected(bool flag) { Element::setSelected(flag); for(int i=0; i < items.size(); i++) { items[i].setSelected(flag); } } void FiguredBass::setVisible(bool flag) { Element::setVisible(flag); for(int i=0; i < items.size(); i++) { items[i].setVisible(flag); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // PROPERTY METHODS //--------------------------------------------------------- QVariant FiguredBass::getProperty(P_ID propertyId) const { switch(propertyId) { default: return Text::getProperty(propertyId); } } bool FiguredBass::setProperty(P_ID propertyId, const QVariant& v) { score()->addRefresh(canvasBoundingRect()); switch(propertyId) { default: return Text::setProperty(propertyId, v); } score()->setLayoutAll(true); return true; } QVariant FiguredBass::propertyDefault(P_ID id) const { switch(id) { default: return Text::propertyDefault(id); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // TEMPORARY HACK!!! //--------------------------------------------------------- FiguredBassItem * FiguredBass::addItem() { int line = items.size(); FiguredBassItem fib(score(), line); items.append(fib); return &(items.last()); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // STATIC FUNCTION // adding a new FiguredBass to a Segment; // the main purpose of this function is to ensure that ONLY ONE F.b. element exists for each Segment/staff; // it either re-uses an existing FiguredBass or creates a new one if none if found; // returns the FiguredBass and sets pNew to true if it has been newly created. // // Sets an initial duration of the element up to the next ChordRest of the same staff. // // As the F.b. very concept requires the base chord to have ONLY ONE note, // FiguredBass elements are created and looked for only in the first track of the staff. //--------------------------------------------------------- FiguredBass * FiguredBass::addFiguredBassToSegment(Segment * seg, int track, int extTicks, bool * pNew) { int endTick; // where this FB is initially assumed to end int staff = track / VOICES; // convert track to staff track = staff * VOICES; // first track for this staff // scan segment annotations for an existing FB element in the same staff const QList& annot = seg->annotations(); int i; int count = annot.size(); FiguredBass* fb; for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { if(annot.at(i)->type() == FIGURED_BASS && (annot.at(i)->track() / VOICES) == staff) { // an FB already exists in segment: re-use it fb = static_cast(annot.at(i)); *pNew = false; endTick = seg->tick() + fb->ticks(); break; } } if(i >= count) { // no FB at segment: create new fb = new FiguredBass(seg->score()); fb->setTrack(track); fb->setParent(seg); // locate next SegChordRest in the same staff to estimate presumed duration of element endTick = INT_MAX; Segment * nextSegm; for (int iVoice = 0; iVoice < VOICES; iVoice++) { nextSegm = seg->nextCR(track + iVoice); if(nextSegm && nextSegm->tick() < endTick) endTick = nextSegm->tick(); } if(endTick == INT_MAX) { // no next segment: set up to score end Measure * meas = seg->score()->lastMeasure(); endTick = meas->tick() + meas->ticks(); } fb->setTicks(endTick - seg->tick()); // set onNote status fb->setOnNote(false); // assume not onNote for(i = track; i < track + VOICES; i++) // if segment has chord in staff, set onNote if(seg->element(i) && seg->element(i)->type() == CHORD) { fb->setOnNote(true); break; } *pNew = true; } // if we are extending a previous FB if(extTicks > 0) { // locate previous FB for same staff Segment * prevSegm; FiguredBass* prevFB = 0; for(prevSegm = seg->prev1(Segment::SegChordRest); prevSegm; prevSegm = prevSegm->prev1(Segment::SegChordRest)) { const QList& annot = prevSegm->annotations(); count = annot.size(); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { if(annot.at(i)->type() == FIGURED_BASS && (annot.at(i)->track() ) == track) { prevFB = static_cast(annot[i]); // previous FB found break; } } if(prevFB) { // if previous FB did not stop more than extTicks before this FB... int delta = seg->tick() - prevFB->segment()->tick(); if(prevFB->ticks() + extTicks >= delta) prevFB->setTicks(delta); // update prev FB ticks to last up to this FB break; } } } return fb; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // STATIC FUNCTIONS FOR FONT CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT //--------------------------------------------------------- bool FiguredBassFont::read(XmlReader& e) { while (e.readNextStartElement()) { const QStringRef& tag(e.name()); if (tag == "family") family = e.readElementText(); else if (tag == "displayName") displayName = e.readElementText(); else if (tag == "defaultPitch") defPitch = e.readDouble(); else if (tag == "defaultLineHeight") defLineHeight = e.readDouble(); else if (tag == "parenthesisRoundOpen") displayParenthesis[1] = e.readElementText()[0]; else if (tag == "parenthesisRoundClosed") displayParenthesis[2] = e.readElementText()[0]; else if (tag == "parenthesisSquareOpen") displayParenthesis[3] = e.readElementText()[0]; else if (tag == "parenthesisSquareClosed") displayParenthesis[4] = e.readElementText()[0]; else if (tag == "doubleflat") displayAccidental[1] = e.readElementText()[0]; else if (tag == "flat") displayAccidental[2] = e.readElementText()[0]; else if (tag == "natural") displayAccidental[3] = e.readElementText()[0]; else if (tag == "sharp") displayAccidental[4] = e.readElementText()[0]; else if (tag == "doublesharp") displayAccidental[5] = e.readElementText()[0]; else if (tag == "digit") { int digit = e.intAttribute("value"); if (digit < 1 || digit > 9) return false; while (e.readNextStartElement()) { const QStringRef& tag(e.name()); if (tag == "simple") displayDigit[0][digit][0] = e.readElementText()[0]; else if (tag == "crossed") displayDigit[0][digit][1] = e.readElementText()[0]; else if (tag == "backslashed") displayDigit[0][digit][2] = e.readElementText()[0]; else if (tag == "slashed") displayDigit[0][digit][3] = e.readElementText()[0]; else if (tag == "simpleHistoric") displayDigit[1][digit][0] = e.readElementText()[0]; else if (tag == "crossedHistoric") displayDigit[1][digit][1] = e.readElementText()[0]; else if (tag == "backslashedHistoric") displayDigit[1][digit][2] = e.readElementText()[0]; else if (tag == "slashedHistoric") displayDigit[1][digit][3] = e.readElementText()[0]; else { e.unknown(); return false; } } } else { e.unknown(); return false; } } return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Read Configuration File // // reads a confoiguration and appends read data to g_FBFonts // resets everythings and reads the built-in config file if fileName is null or empty //--------------------------------------------------------- bool FiguredBass::readConfigFile(const QString& fileName) { QString path; if(fileName == 0 || fileName.isEmpty()) { // defaults to built-in xml #ifdef Q_WS_IOS { extern QString resourcePath(); QString rpath = resourcePath(); path = rpath + QString("/fonts_figuredbass.xml"); } #else path = ":/fonts/fonts_figuredbass.xml"; #endif g_FBFonts.clear(); } else path = fileName; QFile f(path); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QString s = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("file", "cannot open figured bass description:\n%1\n%2"); MScore::lastError = s.arg(f.fileName()).arg(f.errorString()); qDebug("FiguredBass::read failed: <%s>\n", qPrintable(path)); return false; } XmlReader e(&f); while (e.readNextStartElement()) { if (e.name() == "museScore") { // QString version = e.attribute(QString("version")); // QStringList sl = version.split('.'); // int _mscVersion = sl[0].toInt() * 100 + sl[1].toInt(); while (e.readNextStartElement()) { if (e.name() == "font") { FiguredBassFont f; if (f.read(e)) g_FBFonts.append(f); else return false; } else e.unknown(); } return true; } } return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Get Font Names // // returns a list of display names for the fonts configured to work with Figured Bass; // the index of a name in the list can be used to retrieve the font data with fontData() //--------------------------------------------------------- QList FiguredBass::fontNames() { QList names; foreach(const FiguredBassFont& f, g_FBFonts) names.append(f.displayName); return names; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Get Font Data // // retrieves data about a Figured Bass font. // returns: true if idx is valid | false if it is not // any of the pointer parameter can be null, if that datum is not needed //--------------------------------------------------------- bool FiguredBass::fontData(int nIdx, QString * pFamily, QString * pDisplayName, qreal * pSize, qreal * pLineHeight) { if(nIdx >= 0 && nIdx < g_FBFonts.size()) { FiguredBassFont f = g_FBFonts.at(nIdx); if(pFamily) *pFamily = f.family; if(pDisplayName) *pDisplayName = f.displayName; if(pSize) *pSize = f.defPitch; if(pLineHeight) *pLineHeight = f.defLineHeight; return true; } return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // // MusicXML I/O // //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- // Read MusicXML // // Set the FiguredBass state based on the MusicXML node de. // Note that onNote and ticks must be set by the MusicXML importer, // as the required context is not present in the items DOM tree. // Exception: if a element is present, tick can be set. // Return true if valid, non-empty figure(s) are found // Set extend to true if extend elements were found //--------------------------------------------------------- #if 0 bool FiguredBass::readMusicXML(XmlReader& e, int divisions, bool& extend) { extend = false; bool parentheses = e.attribute("parentheses") == "yes"; QString normalizedText; int idx = 0; while (e.readNextStartElement()) { const QStringRef& tag(e.name()); if (tag == "duration") { QString val(e.readElementText()); bool ok = true; int duration = val.toInt(&ok); if (ok) { duration *= MScore::division; duration /= divisions; setTicks(duration); } else qDebug("MusicXml-Import: bad duration value: <%s>", qPrintable(val)); } else if (tag == "figure") { bool figureExtend = false; FiguredBassItem * pItem = new FiguredBassItem(score(), idx++); pItem->setTrack(track()); pItem->setParent(this); pItem->readMusicXML(e, parentheses, figureExtend); if (figureExtend) extend = true; items.append(*pItem); // add item normalized text if (!normalizedText.isEmpty()) normalizedText.append('\n'); normalizedText.append(pItem->normalizedText()); } else { e.unknown(); return false; } } setText(normalizedText); // this is the text to show while editing bool res = !normalizedText.isEmpty(); return res; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------- // hasParentheses // // return true if any FiguredBassItem starts with a parenthesis //--------------------------------------------------------- bool FiguredBass::hasParentheses() const { foreach(FiguredBassItem item, items) if (item.startsWithParenthesis()) return true; return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Write MusicXML //--------------------------------------------------------- void FiguredBass::writeMusicXML(Xml& xml, bool doFigure, bool doExtend) const { if (doFigure || doExtend) { QString stag = "figured-bass"; if (hasParentheses()) stag += " parentheses=\"yes\""; xml.stag(stag); foreach(FiguredBassItem item, items) item.writeMusicXML(xml, doFigure, doExtend); xml.etag(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // // METHODS BELONGING TO OTHER CLASSES // // Work In Progress: kept here until the FiguredBass framwork is reasonably set up; // To be finally moved to their respective class implementation files. // //--------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------- // Score::addFiguredBass // called from Keyboard Accelerator & menus //--------------------------------------------------------- #include "score.h" FiguredBass* Score::addFiguredBass() { Element* el = selection().element(); if (el == 0 || (el->type() != Element::NOTE && el->type() != Element::FIGURED_BASS)) { QMessageBox::information(0, QMessageBox::tr("MuseScore:"), QMessageBox::tr("No note or figured bass selected:\n" "Please select a single note or figured bass and retry.\n"), QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::NoButton); return 0; } FiguredBass * fb; bool bNew; if (el->type() == Element::NOTE) { ChordRest * cr = static_cast(el)->chord(); fb = FiguredBass::addFiguredBassToSegment(cr->segment(), (cr->track() / VOICES) * VOICES, 0, &bNew); } else if (el->type() == Element::FIGURED_BASS) { fb = static_cast(el); bNew = false; } else return 0; if(fb == 0) return 0; if(bNew) undoAddElement(fb); select(fb, SELECT_SINGLE, 0); return fb; }