//============================================================================= // MuseScore // Music Composition & Notation // // Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Werner Schweer // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 // as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in // the file LICENCE.GPL //============================================================================= //============================================================================= // Keyfinder.cpp uses code from the "Melisma Music Analyzer" // project: // // Copyright (C) 2000 Daniel Sleator and David Temperley // See http://www.link.cs.cmu.edu/music-analysis // for information about commercial use of this system //============================================================================= /* _Important comment about how pitches and keys are represented_ Notes may be inputted in either Note format (with just a pitch) or TPCNote format (with a TPC). The user may also specify "npc_or_tpc_profile": 0 for npc, 1 for tpc. (A TPC profile is like an NPC profile except that a user-settable default value is used for TPC's outside the range of b2 to #4.) We assume that Note format will be used with an npc profile; if not, a fatal error is reported. TPCNote format could be used with either; if you use TPCNote input with an npc profile, the notes are simply mapped on to one cycle of the LOF. (Scoring mode 0 or 3 requires an npc profile; otherwise a fatal error is reported.) Pitches (e.g. note[].tpc values) are always represented in line-of-fifths order, with C = 14. (This is done when the pitches are first read in). (If there's Note input, or TPCNote input and npc_or_tpc_profile = 0, all pitches are shifted into one cycle of the line of fifths, from 9 to 20 inclusive; again, this is done when the input is read.) Keys are also represented in line-of-fifths order. Major keys are 0 to 27, C=14; minor keys are 28-55, C minor = 42. If npc_or_tpc_profile = 0, the search is nominally done on all keys, but only keys from 9 to 20 (inclusive) and 37 to 48 (inclusive) are looked at; others are given large negative values. Although key-profiles are read in in pitch-height order, they are then adjusted (in generate_tpc/npc_profiles) to line-of-fifths order, with the tonic as 5. */ #include #include #include "keyfinder.h" #include "sig.h" #include "pitchspelling.h" #include "synthesizer/event.h" namespace Ms { #if 0 //--------------------------------------------------------- // SBeat //--------------------------------------------------------- struct SBeat { int time; }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // MidiSegment //--------------------------------------------------------- struct MidiSegment { int start; int end; QList snote; int numnotes; // number of notes in the segment qreal average_dur; // average input vector value (needed for K-S algorithm) }; #define CHANGE_PENALTY 12 static float change_penalty = CHANGE_PENALTY; static int npc_or_tpc_profile = 1; static int scoring_mode = 1; static int verbosity = 1; static qreal major_profile[12] = {5.0, 2.0, 3.5, 2.0, 4.5, 4.0, 2.0, 4.5, 2.0, 3.5, 1.5, 4.0}; static qreal minor_profile[12] = {5.0, 2.0, 3.5, 4.5, 2.0, 4.0, 2.0, 4.5, 3.5, 2.0, 1.5, 4.0}; static qreal default_profile_value=1.5; /* CBMS profiles: major_profile = 5.0 2.0 3.5 2.0 4.5 4.0 2.0 4.5 2.0 3.5 1.5 4.0 minor_profile = 5.0 2.0 3.5 4.5 2.0 4.0 2.0 4.5 3.5 2.0 1.5 4.0 Bayesian profiles (based on frequencies in Kostka-Payne corpus): major_profile = 0.748 0.060 0.488 0.082 0.670 0.460 0.096 0.715 0.104 0.366 0.057 0.400 minor_profile = 0.712 0.084 0.474 0.618 0.049 0.460 0.105 0.747 0.404 0.067 0.133 0.330 Krumhansl's profiles: major_profile = 6.35 2.23 3.48 2.33 4.38 4.09 2.52 5.19 2.39 3.66 2.29 2.88 minor_profile = 6.33 2.68 3.52 5.38 2.60 3.53 2.54 4.75 3.98 2.69 3.34 3.17 Krumhansl's minor, normalized: 5.94 2.51 3.30 5.05 2.44 3.31 2.38 4.46 3.73 2.52 3.13 2.97 */ static int firstbeat; static QList note; static QList segment; // An array storing the notes in each segment static int segtotal; // total number of segments - 1 static qreal seglength; static QList seg_prof[28]; static QList keyscore()[56]; static QList sbeat; static QList analysis[56][56]; static QList best[56]; static QList final; // static int numnotes, numchords, num_sbeats; static int num_sbeats; static QList pc_tally; static QList finalscore(); static qreal key_profile[56][28]; static int final_timepoint; //--------------------------------------------------------- // print_keyname //--------------------------------------------------------- static void print_keyname(int f) { static const char letter[] = "CGDAEBF"; int mf = f % 27; mf -= 14; qDebug("(%d,%d)%c", f, mf, letter[f % 7]); if (f < 6 || (f >= 28 && f < 34)) qDebug("-"); if ((f >= 6 && f < 13) || (f >= 34 && f < 41)) qDebug("b"); if ((f >= 20 && f < 27) || (f >=48 && f < 55)) qDebug("#"); if (f == 27 || f == 55) qDebug("x"); if (f >= 28) qDebug("m"); if (f < 28) qDebug(" "); qDebug(" "); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // create_segments // Each segment starts at a sbeat and ends at the // following sbeat //--------------------------------------------------------- static void create_segments() { segment.append(MidiSegment()); segment[0].start = firstbeat; // Always start a segment at the very beginning of the piece (the first beat) for (int b = 0; b < num_sbeats; b++) { if (b == 0 && (sbeat[0].time - firstbeat) < ((sbeat[1].time-firstbeat) - (sbeat[0].time-firstbeat))/2) continue; /* If it's the first beat of the piece, and the upbeat is less than half of the first beat interval, don't start a segment */ else { MidiSegment seg; seg.start = sbeat[b].time; segment.back().end = sbeat[b].time; segment.append(seg); } } int s = segment.size() - 1; /* If final segment starts at or after final timepoint of piece, ignore it, decrementing number of segments by 1; if not, set that segment's ending to final timepoint of piece */ if (segment[s].start >= final_timepoint) { s--; } else { segment[s].end = final_timepoint; /* qDebug("Final segment ends at %d", segment[s].end); */ } segtotal = s; // index of final segment } //--------------------------------------------------------- // fill_segments //--------------------------------------------------------- static void fill_segments() { for (int s = 0; s < segment.size(); ++s) { foreach (const Event& n, note) { int ontime = n.ontime(); int offtime = n.offtime(); int start = segment[s].start; int end = segment[s].end; if (ontime >= start && ontime < end && offtime <= end) { // note begins and ends in segment Event sn(ME_NOTE); sn.setDataA(n.dataA()); sn.setTpc(n.tpc()); sn.setDuration(n.duration()); segment[s].snote.append(sn); } if (ontime >= start && ontime < end && offtime > end) { // note begins, doesn't end in segment Event sn(ME_NOTE); sn.setDataA(n.dataA()); sn.setTpc(n.tpc()); sn.setDuration(end - ontime); segment[s].snote.append(sn); } if (ontime < start && offtime > start && offtime <= end) { // note ends, doesn't begin in segment Event sn(ME_NOTE); sn.setDataA(n.dataA()); sn.setTpc(n.tpc()); sn.setDuration(offtime - start); segment[s].snote.append(sn); } if (ontime < start && offtime > end) { // note doesn't begin or end in segment Event sn(ME_NOTE); sn.setDataA(n.dataA()); sn.setTpc(n.tpc()); sn.setDuration(end - start); segment[s].snote.append(sn); } } segment[s].numnotes = segment[s].snote.size(); // qDebug("fillSegments %d: %d-%d %d", s, segment[s].start, // segment[s].end, segment[s].numnotes); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // count_segment_notes // In each segment, tally up the notes of each TPC //--------------------------------------------------------- static void count_segment_notes() { for (int s = 0; s <= segtotal; ++s) { pc_tally[s] = 0; for (int y = 0; y < 28; ++y) // cycle through the pc's, make sure all the seg_prof values are zero seg_prof[y].append(0); qreal total_dur = 0; for (int n = 0; n < segment[s].numnotes; ++n) { if (scoring_mode == 0) total_dur += segment[s].snote[n].duration(); for (int y=0; y<28; ++y) { if (segment[s].snote[n].tpc() == y) { if(seg_prof[y][s]==0) pc_tally[s]++; /* This keeps track of how many different pc's the segment contains. This counts TPCs, not NPCs! */ /* If scoring_mode is > 1, set array value to 1. If 0, add the note's duration to the array value (as in the K-S algorithm) */ if (scoring_mode > 0) seg_prof[y][s] = 1; else { seg_prof[y][s] += segment[s].snote[n].duration(); } } } } if(scoring_mode == 0) { if(pc_tally[s]==0) segment[s].average_dur = 0.0; segment[s].average_dur = total_dur / 12.0; /* qDebug("Segment %d total dur = %6.3f, average dur = %6.3f", s, total_dur, segment[s].average_dur); */ } if (verbosity>=2) { qDebug("Segment %d: ", s); for (int y=0; y<28; ++y) { if(npc_or_tpc_profile == 0 && (y<9 || y>20)) continue; qDebug("%d ", seg_prof[y][s]); } } /* qDebug("pc_tally = %d", pc_tally[s]); */ } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // prepare_profiles // We're only here if scoring_mode is 0 (the K-S algorithm). // Sum all the profile values, take the mean, // and subtract that from each value //--------------------------------------------------------- static void prepare_profiles() { qreal total = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { total += major_profile[i]; } qreal average = total / 12.0; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) major_profile[i]=major_profile[i] - average; total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { total += minor_profile[i]; } average = total / 12.0; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) minor_profile[i] = minor_profile[i] - average; if (verbosity > 2) { qDebug("Adjusted major profile: "); for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) qDebug("%6.3f ", major_profile[i]); qDebug("Adjusted minor profile: "); for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) qDebug("%6.3f ", minor_profile[i]); } } /* Here we generate the key profiles. (This is assuming tpc input.) Key_profile[key] numbers correspond to the line of fifths, with C = 14. Major keys are 0-27, minor keys are 28-55. PCs are also numbered according to the line of fifths. The major_step_profile has the tonic in step 5. For a given key, the profile value for a given tpc is equal to the line of fifths difference between the tpc and the key, plus 5. */ //--------------------------------------------------------- // generate_tpc_profiles //--------------------------------------------------------- static void generate_tpc_profiles() { int key, shift, tpc, i; float majp[12]; float minp[12]; /* First we rearrange the key profile values (inputted in pitch height order) into lof order, C = 5 */ for(i=0; i<12; i++) { majp[((((i * 7) % 12) + 5) % 12)] = major_profile[i]; minp[((((i * 7) % 12) + 5) % 12)] = minor_profile[i]; } for (key=0, shift=0; key<28; ++key, ++shift) { for (tpc=0; tpc<28; ++tpc) { if (tpc-shift >= -5 && tpc-shift <= 6) { key_profile[key][tpc] = majp[5 + (tpc-shift)]; /* For example: for key 14 (C major) and tpc 17 (A), use profile step 5 + (17-14) = 8 */ } if (tpc-shift < -5 || tpc-shift > 6) { key_profile[key][tpc] = default_profile_value; } } } for (key=28, shift=0; key<56; ++key, ++shift) { for (tpc=0; tpc<28; ++tpc) { if (tpc-shift >= -5 && tpc-shift <= 6 ) { key_profile[key][tpc] = minp[5 + (tpc-shift)]; } if (tpc-shift < -5 || tpc-shift > 6) { key_profile[key][tpc] = default_profile_value; } } } /* This routine just prints out the key profiles for(key=0; key<56; ++key) { for(tpc=0; tpc<28; ++tpc) { qDebug("%1.2f ", key_profile[key][tpc]); } } */ } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // generate_npc_profiles // This is an alternative function for generating profiles given NPC // profile. It's similar to the TPC version, except that only keys on // a certain range of the line are assigned non-zero values. (This is // really an unnecessary step, as steps outside the range will be // disqualified in "match_profiles" in any case.) Also, for those keys // considered, only key profile slots within the 9-to-20 range are // assigned non-zero values. (This is necessary, since the input profile // is within this range as well.) We begin by assigning default values // of ZERO to everything. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void generate_npc_profiles() { int key, shift, tpc, tpc_to_use, i; float majp[12]; float minp[12]; /* First we rearrange the key profile values (inputted in pitch height order) into lof order, C = 5 */ for(i=0; i<12; i++) { majp[((((i * 7) % 12) + 5) % 12)] = major_profile[i]; minp[((((i * 7) % 12) + 5) % 12)] = minor_profile[i]; } for (key=0; key<56; ++key) { for(tpc=0; tpc<28; ++tpc) { key_profile[key][tpc]=0; } } for (key=9, shift=9; key<21; ++key, ++shift) { for (tpc=0; tpc<28; ++tpc) { /* tpc_to_use is the profile slot to use for a given value of the key-profile. In this way we keep all profile slots within the 9-to-20 range */ if(tpc<9) tpc_to_use=tpc+12; else if(tpc>20) tpc_to_use=tpc-12; else tpc_to_use = tpc; if (tpc-shift >= -5 && tpc-shift <= 6) { /* For example: for key 14 (C major) and tpc 17 (A), read from profile step 5 + (17-14) = 8. For degree 6 of B major (key 19), degree 6 (22) is outside the 9-to-20 range, so tpc_to_use is 22-12=10; still read from profile step 5 + (22-19) = 8. */ key_profile[key][tpc_to_use] = majp[5 + (tpc-shift)]; } } } for (key = 37, shift = 9; key < 49; ++key, ++shift) { for (tpc = 0; tpc < 28; ++tpc) { if (tpc<9) tpc_to_use = tpc + 12; else if (tpc > 20) tpc_to_use = tpc - 12; else tpc_to_use = tpc; if (tpc - shift >= -5 && tpc - shift <= 6 ) { key_profile[key][tpc_to_use] = minp[5 + (tpc-shift)]; } } } /* for(key = 0; key < 56; ++key) { for(tpc=0; tpc<28; ++tpc) { qDebug("%1.2f ", key_profile[key][tpc]); } } */ } //--------------------------------------------------------- // match_profiles // Here we generate the "key scores" - the local score for each key // // Notice that we generate profiles for all 56 keys and all 28 // tpc's, even in the case where npc profiles are being used. In // this case, though, all keys outside the allowable NPC range are // given large negative values. And within both the key profiles // and the segment profiles, only TPC's within the range 9 to 20 // have been given nonzero values. //--------------------------------------------------------- static void match_profiles() { int key, tpc, s, best_key, i; qreal major_sumsq, minor_sumsq, input_sumsq; qreal kprob[56]; for (key = 0; key < 56; ++key) { for (s = 0; s <= segtotal; ++s) keyscore()[key].append(0.0); } if (scoring_mode==0) { major_sumsq = 0.0; minor_sumsq = 0.0; for(i=0; i<12; i++) major_sumsq += major_profile[i]*major_profile[i]; for(i=0; i<12; i++) minor_sumsq += minor_profile[i]*minor_profile[i]; if (verbosity==3) qDebug("major_sumsq = %6.3f, minor_sumsq = %6.3f", major_sumsq, minor_sumsq); } qreal total_prob[segtotal + 1]; for (s = 0; s <= segtotal; ++s) { if (scoring_mode==0) { input_sumsq = 0.0; for (i = 9; i <= 20; i++) { input_sumsq += pow((seg_prof[i][s]-segment[s].average_dur), 2.0); /* qDebug("%d X %6.3f squared is %6.3f", seg_prof[i][s], segment[s].average_dur, pow((seg_prof[i][s]-segment[s].average_dur), 2.0)); */ } if (verbosity==3) qDebug("For segment %d: average_dur = %6.3f; input_sumsq = %6.3f", s, segment[s].average_dur, input_sumsq); } best_key=0; for (key=0; key<56; ++key) { kprob[key] = 0.0; keyscore()[key][s] = -1000000.0; if (npc_or_tpc_profile==0 && (key<9 || (key>20 && key<37) || key>48)) continue; kprob[key] = 1.0; keyscore()[key][s] = 0.0; for (tpc=0; tpc<28; ++tpc) { /* If scoring mode is 0, this is the K-S algorithm (this works for npc mode only). Segment profile values represent total duration of each pc (in all other cases, they're just 1 for present pc's and 0 for absent ones). Key-profiles have been normalized linearly around the average key-profile value. We normalize the input values similarly by taking (seg_prof[tpc][s]-segment[s].average_dur). Then we multiply each normalized KP value by the normalized input value, and sum these products; this gives us the numerator of the correlation expression (as commented below). We've summed the squares of the normalized key-profile value (major_sumsq and minor_sumsq above) and the normalized input values (input_sumsq above), so this allows us to calculate the denominator also. If scoring_mode is 1, the key score is the sum of key-profile values for all pc's present (this is the algorithm used in CBMS) If scoring_mode is 2, calculate key scores as above, but divide each one by the number of pc's in the segment If scoring_mode is 3: for each key, add the log of the key-profile value for all present pc's; subtract values for all absent pc's. (This is the Bayesian approach; assume key-profiles represent pc distribution's in a corpus, i.e. the number of segments containing each scale degree) */ if(scoring_mode == 0) { if(tpc<9 || tpc>20) continue; /* calculate numerator */ keyscore()[key][s] += key_profile[key][tpc] * (seg_prof[tpc][s]-segment[s].average_dur); /* qDebug("x-X=%6.3f, y-Y=%6.3f, product=%6.3f, new total=%6.3f", key_profile[key][tpc], seg_prof[tpc][s]-segment[s].average_dur, key_profile[key][tpc] * (seg_prof[tpc][s]-segment[s].average_dur), keyscore()[key][s]); */ } if(scoring_mode==1 || scoring_mode==2) keyscore()[key][s] += (key_profile[key][tpc] * seg_prof[tpc][s]); if(scoring_mode == 3) { /* if(tpc>11) continue; */ /* if(tpc<9 || tpc>20) continue; */ if(seg_prof[tpc][s]==0) { keyscore()[key][s] += log(1.000 - key_profile[key][tpc]); /* qDebug("kp value = %6.3f: log(1-p) = %6.3f: score = %6.3f", key_profile[key][tpc], log(1.000 - key_profile[key][tpc]), keyscore()[key][s]); */ if(tpc>=9 && tpc<=20) kprob[key] *= (1.000 - key_profile[key][tpc]); } else { keyscore()[key][s] += log(key_profile[key][tpc]); if(tpc>=9 && tpc<=20) kprob[key] *= key_profile[key][tpc]; } /* qDebug("kp value = %6.3f: log(p) = %6.3f: score = %6.3f", key_profile[key][tpc], log(key_profile[key][tpc]), keyscore()[key][s]); */ } } if(scoring_mode == 0) { /* qDebug("sqrt(major_sumsq * input_sumsq) = %6.3f", sqrt(major_sumsq * input_sumsq)); */ /* calculate denominator */ if(key<28) keyscore()[key][s] = keyscore()[key][s] / sqrt(major_sumsq * input_sumsq); else keyscore()[key][s] = keyscore()[key][s] / sqrt(minor_sumsq * input_sumsq); } if(scoring_mode == 2) { if(pc_tally[s] == 0) keyscore()[key][s] = 0; else keyscore()[key][s] = keyscore()[key][s] / pc_tally[s]; } /* if(s==0) qDebug("local score for key %d on segment %d: %6.3f", key, s, keyscore()[key][s]); */ if (keyscore()[key][s] > keyscore()[best_key][s]) best_key = key; } if(verbosity>=2) { qDebug("The best local key for segment %d at time %d is ", s, segment[s].start); print_keyname(best_key); qDebug("with score %6.3f", keyscore()[best_key][s]); } if(scoring_mode==3) { total_prob[s]=0.0; for(key=0; key<56; key++) { total_prob[s] += kprob[key] / 24.0; /* qDebug(" Prob of segment %d given key %d: %6.8f", s, key, kprob[key]); */ } /* Now total_prob[s] is the total probability of the segment occurring: its probability given a key, summed over all keys. But suppose we want to know the probability of ANY major triad occurring? Then we have to multiply this by 12. (But not for something like a diminished seventh which is symmetrical! */ if (verbosity>=3) { qDebug("Best key for segment %d = %d, score = %6.8f", s, best_key, kprob[best_key]); qDebug("Total (local) probability of segment %d: %6.8f", s, total_prob[s]); } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // choose_best_i //--------------------------------------------------------- static void choose_best_i(int seg) { for (int j = 0; j < 56; ++j) { int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 56; ++i) { if (analysis[i][j][seg] > analysis[k][j][seg]) k=i; } /* For a given segment seg, and the key j at that segment, the best previous key is k */ int size = best[j].size(); for (int i = size; i < seg+1; ++i) best[j].append(0); best[j][seg] = k; /* qDebug("For segment-%d-key %d, best segment-%d-key is %d, with score %d", seg, j, seg-1, k, analysis[k][j][seg]); */ } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // make_first_table //--------------------------------------------------------- static void make_first_table(int seg) { int i, j, s; qreal seg_factor, mod_factor, nomod_factor; if (scoring_mode==3) { mod_factor = log(change_penalty); nomod_factor = log(1.0 - change_penalty); seg_factor = 1.0; } else { mod_factor = -change_penalty; nomod_factor = 0.0; seg_factor = seglength; } for(s = 0; s <= segtotal; s++) { for(i = 0; i < 56; ++i) { for(j = 0; j < 56; ++j) analysis[i][j].append(-1000.0); } } for(i = 0; i < 56; ++i) { for(j = 0; j < 56; ++j) { if (j != i) analysis[i][j][1] = ((keyscore()[i][0] + keyscore()[j][1]) * seg_factor) + mod_factor; else analysis[i][j][1] = ((keyscore()[i][0] + keyscore()[j][1]) * seg_factor) + nomod_factor; } } choose_best_i(seg); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // make_tables //--------------------------------------------------------- static void make_tables() { qreal seg_factor, mod_factor, nomod_factor; /* When scoring_mode = 3, the change_penalty represents the probability of changing key. So raising the penalty actually _increases_ the likelihood of modulations. */ if (scoring_mode == 3) { mod_factor = log(change_penalty / 23.0); nomod_factor = log(1.0 - change_penalty); seg_factor = 1.0; } else { mod_factor = -change_penalty; nomod_factor = 0.0; seg_factor = seglength; } for (int seg = 2; seg <= segtotal; ++seg) { /* qDebug("mod_factor = %6.6f; ; nomod_factor = %6.6f", mod_factor, nomod_factor); */ for(int j = 0; j < 56; ++j) { for(int i = 0; i < 56; ++i) { int n = best[i][seg-1]; if (j != i) analysis[i][j][seg] = analysis[n][i][seg-1] + (keyscore()[j][seg] * seg_factor) + mod_factor; else analysis[i][j][seg] = analysis[n][i][seg-1] + (keyscore()[j][seg] * seg_factor) + nomod_factor; } } choose_best_i(seg); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // best_key_analysis //--------------------------------------------------------- static void best_key_analysis() { int n, m, f, tie1=-1, tie2=-1; int s = segtotal; int k = 0; for(int j = 0; j < 56; ++j) { n = best[j][s]; m = best[k][s]; if (analysis[n][j][s] < analysis[m][k][s] + .001 && analysis[n][j][s] > analysis[m][k][s] - .001 && j!=k) { tie1=j; tie2=k; } if (verbosity>1 && !(npc_or_tpc_profile == 0 && (j<9 || (j>20 && j<37) || j>48))) { qDebug("Final score for "); print_keyname(j); /* qDebug("is %6.3f", analysis[n][j][s] * 1000 / (segment[segtotal].end - segment[0].start)); */ qDebug("is %6.3f", analysis[n][j][s]); } if (analysis[n][j][s] > analysis[m][k][s] + .000001) { /* The .000001 is to fix a strange bug: sometimes it thinks the conditional is satisfied in the case of ties */ k = j; /* compute best key of final segment */ } } // To force a key choice at the final segment, insert key number here final[s] = k; if (verbosity > 1) if (k==tie1 || k==tie2) qDebug("Tie at the end between %d and %d", tie1, tie2); // Here's where we take the best key choices and put them into final[s] for(s = segtotal; s >= 1; --s) { final[s-1] = best[k][s]; k = final[s-1]; } if (verbosity >= 2) { qDebug("Segment 0: key choice %d; total score %6.3f; segment score %6.3f", final[0], keyscore()[final[0]][0], keyscore()[final[0]][0]); qDebug("Segment 1: key choice %d; total score %6.3f; segment score %6.3f", final[1], analysis[final[0]][final[1]][1], analysis[final[0]][final[1]][1] - keyscore()[final[0]][0]); for(s = 2; s <= segtotal; s++) { qDebug("Segment %d: key choice %d; total score %6.3f; segment score %6.3f", s, final[s], analysis[final[s-1]][final[s]][s], analysis[final[s-1]][final[s]][s] - analysis[final[s-2]][final[s-1]][s-1]); } } if (verbosity > 1) qDebug("'Key-fit' scores for preferred analysis:"); /* This routine calculates the key-fit scores for the final analysis. These are really per-second scores. Key-profile scores are not multiplied by seglength (as they would be in actually computing the analyses); change penalties are divided by seglength. */ for (s = 0; s <= segtotal; ++s) { f = final[s]; if (s > 0 && final[s] != final[s-1]) finalscore()[s] = (keyscore()[f][s]) - (change_penalty / seglength); else finalscore()[s]=keyscore()[f][s]; if (verbosity > 1) { qDebug(" segment %d: %6.3f", s, finalscore()[s]); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // findKey //--------------------------------------------------------- int findKey(MidiTrack* mt, TimeSigMap* sigmap) { int tpc_found, npc_found; if ((scoring_mode == 0 || scoring_mode == 3) && npc_or_tpc_profile == 1) { qDebug("Error: scoring mode %d requires an npc profile", scoring_mode); exit(1); } final_timepoint=0; tpc_found = 0; npc_found = 0; int lastTick = 0; const EventList el = mt->events(); foreach (Event e, el) { if (e.type() != ME_NOTE) continue; if (e.offtime() > lastTick) lastTick = e.offtime(); // For note input, generate TPC labels within the 9-to-20 range e.setTpc((((((e.pitch() % 12) * 7) % 12) + 5) % 12) + 9); note.append(e); } spell(note, 0); npc_found = 1; // create one segment for every measure for (int i = 0;; ++i) { int tick = sigmap->bar2tick(i, 0, 0); SBeat b; b.time = tick; sbeat.append(b); if (tick > lastTick) break; } firstbeat = sbeat.first().time; final_timepoint = sbeat.last().time; num_sbeats = sbeat.size(); numnotes = note.size(); numchords = 0; if (note.empty()) { qDebug("Error: No notes in input."); return 0; } seglength = (sbeat[1].time - sbeat[0].time) / 1000.0; /* define segment length as the length of the first segment */ if (verbosity > 1) qDebug("seglength = %3.3f", seglength); create_segments(); for (int i = 0; i < segtotal+1; ++i) { final.append(0); pc_tally.append(0); finalscore().append(0.0); } fill_segments(); count_segment_notes(); if (scoring_mode==0) prepare_profiles(); if (npc_or_tpc_profile == 1) generate_tpc_profiles(); else generate_npc_profiles(); match_profiles(); if (segtotal > 0) { make_first_table(1); make_tables(); best_key_analysis(); } QList keys; for (int i = 0; i < 27; ++i) keys.append(0); for (int i = 0; i <= segtotal; ++i) { keys[final[i] % 27]++; // fold major/minor // qDebug("key %d: %d %d", i, final[i], (final[i] % 27) - 14); } int xkey = 0; int xcount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 27; ++i) { if (keys[i] > xcount) { xcount = keys[i]; xkey = i; } } xkey -= 14; if (xkey < -7 || xkey > 7) { qDebug("findKey(): illegal key %d found", xkey); xkey = 0; } spell(note, xkey); // spell again with found key // // clear all arrays // note.clear(); segment.clear(); sbeat.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 28; ++i) seg_prof[i].clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 56; ++i) { keyscore()[i].clear(); best[i].clear(); for (int k = 0; k < 56; ++k) analysis[i][k].clear(); } final.clear(); pc_tally.clear(); finalscore().clear(); return xkey; } #endif }