
351 lines
12 KiB

// Zerberus
// Zample player
// Copyright (C) 2013 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include <stdio.h>
#include "voice.h"
#include "instrument.h"
#include "channel.h"
#include "zerberus.h"
#include "zone.h"
#include "sample.h"
#include "synthesizer/msynthesizer.h"
float Voice::interpCoeff[INTERP_MAX][4];
float Envelope::egPow[EG_SIZE];
float Envelope::egLin[EG_SIZE];
static const char* voiceStateNames[] = {
// setTime
void Envelope::setTime(float ms, int sampleRate)
val = 1.0;
steps = int(ms * sampleRate / 1000);
count = steps;
// Voice
Voice::Voice(Zerberus* z)
: _zerberus(z), attackEnv(Envelope::egLin), stopEnv(Envelope::egPow)
// stop
void Voice::stop(float time)
_state = VoiceState::STOP;
stopEnv.setTime(time, _zerberus->sampleRate());
// init
void Voice::init()
// Initialize the coefficients for the interpolation. The math comes
// from a mail, posted by Olli Niemitalo to the music-dsp mailing
// list (I found it in the music-dsp archives
double ff = 1.0 / 32768.0;
for (int i = 0; i < INTERP_MAX; i++) {
double x = (double) i / (double) INTERP_MAX;
interpCoeff[i][0] = (x * (-0.5 + x * (1 - 0.5 * x))) * ff;
interpCoeff[i][1] = (1.0 + x * x * (1.5 * x - 2.5)) * ff;
interpCoeff[i][2] = (x * (0.5 + x * (2.0 - 1.5 * x))) * ff;
interpCoeff[i][3] = (0.5 * x * x * (x - 1.0)) * ff;
static const float MIN_GAIN = -80.0;
static const float dbStep = MIN_GAIN / float(EG_SIZE);
for (int i = 0; i < EG_SIZE; ++i) {
Envelope::egPow[EG_SIZE-i-1] = pow(10.0, (dbStep * i)/20.0);
Envelope::egLin[i] = 1.0 - (double(i) / double(EG_SIZE));
// start
void Voice::start(Channel* c, int key, int v, const Zone* z)
_state = VoiceState::ATTACK;
//_state = VoiceState::PLAYING;
_channel = c;
_key = key;
_velocity = v;
Sample* s = z->sample;
audioChan = s->channel();
data = s->data() + z->offset * audioChan;
eidx = s->frames() * audioChan;
_loopMode = z->loopMode;
_offMode = z->offMode;
_offBy = z->offBy;
float offset = -z->ampVeltrack;
if (offset <= 0)
offset += 100;
float curve = _velocity * _velocity / (127.0 * 127.0);
gain = z->volume * (offset + z->ampVeltrack * curve)
* .005 * c->gain();
float sr = float(s->sampleRate()) / _zerberus->sampleRate();
phaseIncr.set(_zerberus->ct2hz(key * 100.0 + z->tune) * sr/_zerberus->ct2hz(z->keyBase * 100.0));
fres = 13500.0;
last_fres = -1.0;
qreal GEN_FILTERQ = 100.0; // 0 - 960
qreal q_db = GEN_FILTERQ / 10.0f - 3.01f;
q_lin = pow(10.0f, q_db / 20.0f);
filter_gain = 1.0 / sqrt(q_lin);
hist1r = 0;
hist2r = 0;
hist1l = 0;
hist2l = 0;
filter_startup = true;
modenv_val = 0.0;
modlfo_val = 0.0;
attackEnv.setTime(1, _zerberus->sampleRate()); // 1 ms attack
stopEnv.setTime(z->ampegRelease, _zerberus->sampleRate());
// updateFilter
void Voice::updateFilter(float _fres)
// The filter coefficients have to be recalculated (filter
// parameters have changed). Recalculation for various reasons is
// forced by setting last_fres to -1. The flag filter_startup
// indicates, that the DSP loop runs for the first time, in this
// case, the filter is set directly, instead of smoothly fading
// between old and new settings.
// Those equations from Robert Bristow-Johnson's `Cookbook
// formulae for audio EQ biquad filter coefficients', obtained
// from / Computer / Programming. They are
// the result of the bilinear transform on an analogue filter
// prototype. To quote, `BLT frequency warping has been taken
// into account for both significant frequency relocation and for
// bandwidth readjustment'.
float sr = _zerberus->sampleRate();
float omega = (float) 2.0f * M_PI * (_fres / sr);
float sin_coeff = sin(omega);
float cos_coeff = cos(omega);
float alpha_coeff = sin_coeff / (2.0f * q_lin);
float a0_inv = 1.0f / (1.0f + alpha_coeff);
/* Calculate the filter coefficients. All coefficients are
* normalized by a0. Think of `a1' as `a1/a0'.
* Here a couple of multiplications are saved by reusing common expressions.
* The original equations should be:
* b0=(1.-cos_coeff)*a0_inv*0.5*voice->filter_gain;
* b1=(1.-cos_coeff)*a0_inv*voice->filter_gain;
* b2=(1.-cos_coeff)*a0_inv*0.5*voice->filter_gain; */
float a1_temp = -2.0f * cos_coeff * a0_inv;
float a2_temp = (1.0f - alpha_coeff) * a0_inv;
float b1_temp = (1.0f - cos_coeff) * a0_inv * filter_gain;
// both b0 -and- b2
float b02_temp = b1_temp * 0.5f;
if (filter_startup) {
/* The filter is calculated, because the voice was started up.
* In this case set the filter coefficients without delay.
a1 = a1_temp;
a2 = a2_temp;
b02 = b02_temp;
b1 = b1_temp;
filter_coeff_incr_count = 0;
filter_startup = false;
else {
/* The filter frequency is changed. Calculate an increment
* factor, so that the new setting is reached after some time.
static const int FILTER_TRANSITION_SAMPLES = 64;
a1_incr = (a1_temp - a1) / FILTER_TRANSITION_SAMPLES;
a2_incr = (a2_temp - a2) / FILTER_TRANSITION_SAMPLES;
b02_incr = (b02_temp - b02) / FILTER_TRANSITION_SAMPLES;
b1_incr = (b1_temp - b1) / FILTER_TRANSITION_SAMPLES;
/* Have to add the increments filter_coeff_incr_count times. */
filter_coeff_incr_count = FILTER_TRANSITION_SAMPLES;
// process
void Voice::process(int frames, float* p)
float modlfo_to_fc = 0.0;
float modenv_to_fc = 0.0;
float _fres = _zerberus->ct2hz(fres
+ modlfo_val * modlfo_to_fc
+ modenv_val * modenv_to_fc);
int sr = _zerberus->sampleRate();
if (_fres > 0.45f * sr)
_fres = 0.45f * sr;
else if (_fres < 5.f)
_fres = 5.f;
if ((fabs(_fres - last_fres) > 0.01f)) {
last_fres = _fres;
if (audioChan == 1) {
while (frames--) {
int idx = phase.index();
if (idx >= eidx) {
const float* coeffs = interpCoeff[phase.fract()];
float f;
f = (coeffs[0] * data[idx-1]
+ coeffs[1] * data[idx+0]
+ coeffs[2] * data[idx+1]
+ coeffs[3] * data[idx+2]) * gain
- a1 * hist1l
- a2 * hist2l;
float v = b02 * (f + hist2l) + b1 * hist1l;
hist2l = hist1l;
hist1l = f;
if (filter_coeff_incr_count) {
a1 += a1_incr;
a2 += a2_incr;
b02 += b02_incr;
b1 += b1_incr;
if (_state == VoiceState::STOP) {
if (stopEnv.step()) {
v *= stopEnv.val;
*p++ += v * _channel->panLeftGain();
*p++ += v * _channel->panRightGain();
phase += phaseIncr;
else {
// handle interleaved stereo samples
while (frames--) {
int idx = phase.index() * 2;
if (idx >= eidx) {
// printf("end of sample\n");
const float* coeffs = interpCoeff[phase.fract()];
float f1, f2;
f1 = (coeffs[0] * data[idx-2]
+ coeffs[1] * data[idx]
+ coeffs[2] * data[idx+2]
+ coeffs[3] * data[idx+4])
* gain * _channel->panLeftGain();
f2 = (coeffs[0] * data[idx-1]
+ coeffs[1] * data[idx+1]
+ coeffs[2] * data[idx+3]
+ coeffs[3] * data[idx+5])
* gain * _channel->panRightGain();
if (_state == VoiceState::ATTACK) {
if (attackEnv.step())
_state = VoiceState::PLAYING;
else {
f1 *= attackEnv.val;
f2 *= attackEnv.val;
else if (_state == VoiceState::STOP) {
if (stopEnv.step()) {
f1 *= stopEnv.val;
f2 *= stopEnv.val;
f1 += -a1 * hist1l - a2 * hist2l;
float vl = b02 * (f1 + hist2l) + b1 * hist1l;
hist2l = hist1l;
hist1l = f1;
f2 += -a1 * hist1r - a2 * hist2r;
float vr = b02 * (f2 + hist2r) + b1 * hist1r;
hist2r = hist1r;
hist1r = f2;
if (filter_coeff_incr_count) {
a1 += a1_incr;
a2 += a2_incr;
b02 += b02_incr;
b1 += b1_incr;
*p++ += vl;
*p++ += vr;
phase += phaseIncr;
// state
const char* Voice::state() const
return voiceStateNames[int(_state)];