Marc Sabatella 07962f4a5a MusicXML export of unrecognized chords
A chord description object is now generated for each (unique) unrecognized
chord, and MusicXML tags are generated during parsing for inclusion in the
chord description.  This allows unrecognized chords to be exported to
MusicXML using the same mechanisms as recognized chords.
2013-06-02 22:52:21 -06:00

167 lines
6.2 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __HARMONY_H__
#define __HARMONY_H__
#include "text.h"
namespace Ms {
struct ChordDescription;
class ParsedChord;
// TextSegment
struct TextSegment {
QFont font;
QString text;
qreal x, y;
bool select;
qreal width() const;
QRectF boundingRect() const;
QRectF tightBoundingRect() const;
TextSegment() { select = false; x = y = 0.0; }
TextSegment(const QFont& f, qreal _x, qreal _y) : font(f), x(_x), y(_y), select(false) {}
TextSegment(const QString&, const QFont&, qreal x, qreal y);
void set(const QString&, const QFont&, qreal x, qreal y);
void setText(const QString& t) { text = t; }
// @@ Harmony
// @P id int harmony identifier
// @P rootTpc int root note as "tonal pitch class"
// @P baseTpc int bass note as "tonal pitch class"
/// root note and bass note are notated as
/// "tonal pitch class":
/// bb b - # ##
/// 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, // C
/// 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, // D
/// 4, 11, 18, 25, 32, // E
/// -1, 6, 13, 20, 27, // F
/// 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, // G
/// 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, // A
/// 5, 12, 19, 26, 33, // B
struct RenderAction;
class HDegree;
class Harmony : public Text {
Q_PROPERTY(int id READ id WRITE setId)
Q_PROPERTY(int rootTpc READ rootTpc WRITE setRootTpc)
Q_PROPERTY(int baseTpc READ baseTpc WRITE setBaseTpc)
int _rootTpc; // root note for chord
int _baseTpc; // bass note or chord base; used for "slash" chords
// or notation of base note in chord
int _id; // >0 = id of matched chord from chord list, if applicable
// -1 = invalid chord
// <-10000 = private id of generated chord or matched chord with no id
QString _userName; // name as typed by user if applicable
QString _textName; // name recognized from chord list, read from score file, or constructed from imported source
ParsedChord* _parsedForm; // parsed form of chord
QList<HDegree> _degreeList;
QList<QFont> fontList; // temp values used in render()
QList<TextSegment*> textList; // rendered chord
bool _leftParen, _rightParen; // include opening and/or closing parenthesis
mutable QRectF _tbbox;
virtual void draw(QPainter*) const;
void render(const QString&, qreal&, qreal&);
void render(const QList<RenderAction>& renderList, qreal&, qreal&, int tpc);
Harmony(Score* = 0);
Harmony(const Harmony&);
virtual Harmony* clone() const { return new Harmony(*this); }
virtual ElementType type() const { return HARMONY; }
void setId(int d) { _id = d; }
int id() const { return _id; }
bool leftParen() const { return _leftParen; }
bool rightParen() const { return _rightParen; }
const ChordDescription* descr() const;
const ChordDescription* getDescription();
const ChordDescription* getDescription(const QString&);
const ChordDescription* generateDescription();
virtual void layout();
const QRectF& bboxtight() const { return _tbbox; }
QRectF& bboxtight() { return _tbbox; }
void setbboxtight(const QRectF& r) const { _tbbox = r; }
virtual bool isEditable() const { return true; }
virtual void startEdit(MuseScoreView*, const QPointF&);
virtual bool edit(MuseScoreView*, int grip, int key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers, const QString& s);
virtual void endEdit();
QString hUserName() const { return _userName; }
QString hTextName() const { return _textName; }
int baseTpc() const { return _baseTpc; }
void setBaseTpc(int val) { _baseTpc = val; }
int rootTpc() const { return _rootTpc; }
void setRootTpc(int val) { _rootTpc = val; }
void setTextName(const QString& s) { _textName = s; }
void addDegree(const HDegree& d);
int numberOfDegrees() const;
HDegree degree(int i) const;
void clearDegrees();
const QList<HDegree>& degreeList() const;
virtual void write(Xml& xml) const;
virtual void read(XmlReader&);
QString harmonyName() const;
void render(const TextStyle* ts = 0);
bool parseHarmony(const QString& s, int* root, int* base);
const QString& extensionName() const;
QString xmlKind() const;
QString xmlText() const;
QString xmlSymbols() const;
QString xmlParens() const;
QStringList xmlDegrees() const;
void resolveDegreeList();
virtual bool isEmpty() const;
virtual qreal baseLine() const;
const ChordDescription* fromXml(const QString& s, const QList<HDegree>&);
const ChordDescription* fromXml(const QString& s);
virtual void spatiumChanged(qreal oldValue, qreal newValue);
virtual QLineF dragAnchor() const;
void setHarmony(const QString& s);
virtual QPainterPath shape() const;
} // namespace Ms