
1097 lines
42 KiB

* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
* MuseScore-CLA-applies
* MuseScore
* Music Composition & Notation
* Copyright (C) 2021 MuseScore BVBA and others
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "tie.h"
#include <cmath>
#include "draw/types/transform.h"
#include "accidental.h"
#include "chord.h"
#include "hook.h"
#include "ledgerline.h"
#include "measure.h"
#include "mscoreview.h"
#include "note.h"
#include "notedot.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "staff.h"
#include "stafftype.h"
#include "stem.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "log.h"
using namespace mu;
using namespace mu::draw;
namespace mu::engraving {
Note* Tie::editStartNote;
Note* Tie::editEndNote;
TieSegment::TieSegment(System* parent)
: SlurTieSegment(ElementType::TIE_SEGMENT, parent)
m_autoAdjustOffset = mu::PointF();
TieSegment::TieSegment(const TieSegment& s)
: SlurTieSegment(s)
m_autoAdjustOffset = mu::PointF();
bool TieSegment::isEditAllowed(EditData& ed) const
if (ed.key == Key_Home && !ed.modifiers) {
return true;
return false;
// edit
// return true if event is accepted
bool TieSegment::edit(EditData& ed)
if (!isEditAllowed(ed)) {
return false;
SlurTie* sl = tie();
if (ed.key == Key_Home && !ed.modifiers) {
if (ed.hasCurrentGrip()) {
ups(ed.curGrip).off = PointF();
return true;
return false;
// changeAnchor
void TieSegment::changeAnchor(EditData& ed, EngravingItem* element)
if (ed.curGrip == Grip::START) {
Note* note = toNote(element);
if (note->chord()->tick() <= tie()->endNote()->chord()->tick()) {
} else {
Note* note = toNote(element);
// do not allow backward ties
if (note->chord()->tick() >= tie()->startNote()->chord()->tick()) {
const size_t segments = spanner()->spannerSegments().size();
ups(ed.curGrip).off = PointF();
if (spanner()->spannerSegments().size() != segments) {
const std::vector<SpannerSegment*>& ss = spanner()->spannerSegments();
TieSegment* newSegment = toTieSegment(ed.curGrip == Grip::END ? ss.back() : ss.front());
// editDrag
void TieSegment::editDrag(EditData& ed)
Grip g = ed.curGrip;
ups(g).off +=;
if (g == Grip::START || g == Grip::END) {
// move anchor for slurs/ties
if ((g == Grip::START && isSingleBeginType()) || (g == Grip::END && isSingleEndType())) {
Spanner* spanner = tie();
EngravingItem* e = ed.view()->elementNear(ed.pos);
Note* note = (e && e->isNote()) ? toNote(e) : nullptr;
if (note && ((g == Grip::END && note->tick() > tie()->tick()) || (g == Grip::START && note->tick() < tie()->tick2()))) {
if (g == Grip::END) {
Tie* tie = toTie(spanner);
if (tie->startNote()->pitch() == note->pitch()
&& tie->startNote()->chord()->tick() < note->chord()->tick()) {
if (note != tie->endNote()) {
changeAnchor(ed, note);
} else {
} else if (g == Grip::BEZIER1 || g == Grip::BEZIER2) {
} else if (g == Grip::SHOULDER) {
ups(g).off = PointF();
ups(Grip::BEZIER1).off +=;
ups(Grip::BEZIER2).off +=;
} else if (g == Grip::DRAG) {
ups(Grip::DRAG).off = PointF();
roffset() +=;
void TieSegment::computeMidThickness(double tieLengthInSp)
const double mag = staff() ? staff()->staffMag(tie()->tick()) : 1.0;
const double minTieLength = mag * style().styleS(Sid::MinTieLength).val();
const double shortTieLimit = mag * 4.0;
const double minTieThickness = mag * (0.15 * spatium() - style().styleMM(Sid::SlurEndWidth));
const double normalThickness = mag * (style().styleMM(Sid::SlurMidWidth) - style().styleMM(Sid::SlurEndWidth));
bool invalid = RealIsEqualOrMore(minTieLength, shortTieLimit);
if (tieLengthInSp > shortTieLimit || invalid) {
m_midThickness = normalThickness;
} else {
const double A = 1 / (shortTieLimit - minTieLength);
const double B = normalThickness - minTieThickness;
const double C = shortTieLimit * minTieThickness - minTieLength * normalThickness;
m_midThickness = A * (B * tieLengthInSp + C);
// computeBezier
// compute help points of slur bezier segment
void TieSegment::computeBezier(PointF shoulderOffset)
const PointF tieStart = ups(Grip::START).p + ups(Grip::START).off;
const PointF tieEnd = ups(Grip::END).p + ups(Grip::END).off;
PointF tieEndNormalized = tieEnd - tieStart; // normalize to zero
if (RealIsNull(tieEndNormalized.x())) {
const double tieAngle = atan(tieEndNormalized.y() / tieEndNormalized.x()); // angle required from tie start to tie end--zero if horizontal
Transform t;
t.rotateRadians(-tieAngle); // rotate so that we are working with horizontal ties regardless of endpoint height difference
tieEndNormalized =; // apply that rotation
shoulderOffset =; // also apply to shoulderOffset
const double _spatium = spatium();
double tieLengthInSp = tieEndNormalized.x() / _spatium;
const double minShoulderHeight = style().styleMM(Sid::tieMinShoulderHeight);
const double maxShoulderHeight = style().styleMM(Sid::tieMaxShoulderHeight);
double shoulderH = minShoulderHeight + _spatium * 0.3 * sqrt(abs(tieLengthInSp - 1));
shoulderH = std::clamp(shoulderH, minShoulderHeight, maxShoulderHeight);
shoulderH -= shoulderOffset.y();
PointF shoulderAdjustOffset = tie()->up() ? PointF(0.0, shoulderOffset.y()) : PointF(0.0, -shoulderOffset.y());
addAdjustmentOffset(shoulderAdjustOffset, Grip::BEZIER1);
addAdjustmentOffset(shoulderAdjustOffset, Grip::BEZIER2);
if (!tie()->up()) {
shoulderH = -shoulderH;
double shoulderW = 0.6; // TODO: style
const double tieWidth = tieEndNormalized.x();
const double bezier1X = (tieWidth - tieWidth * shoulderW) * .5 + shoulderOffset.x();
const double bezier2X = bezier1X + tieWidth * shoulderW + shoulderOffset.x();
const PointF tieDrag = PointF(tieWidth * .5, 0.0);
const PointF bezier1(bezier1X, -shoulderH);
const PointF bezier2(bezier2X, -shoulderH);
PointF tieThickness(0.0, m_midThickness);
const PointF bezier1Offset =;
const PointF bezier2Offset =;
//-----------------------------------calculate p6
const PointF bezier1Final = bezier1 + bezier1Offset;
const PointF bezier2Final = bezier2 + bezier2Offset;
const PointF tieShoulder = 0.5 * (bezier1Final + bezier2Final);
m_path = PainterPath();
m_path.cubicTo(bezier1 + bezier1Offset - tieThickness, bezier2 + bezier2Offset - tieThickness, tieEndNormalized);
if (tie()->styleType() == SlurStyleType::Solid) {
m_path.cubicTo(bezier2 + bezier2Offset + tieThickness, bezier1 + bezier1Offset + tieThickness, PointF());
tieThickness = PointF(0.0, 3.0 * m_midThickness);
m_shapePath = PainterPath();
m_shapePath.cubicTo(bezier1 + bezier1Offset - tieThickness, bezier2 + bezier2Offset - tieThickness, tieEndNormalized);
m_shapePath.cubicTo(bezier2 + bezier2Offset + tieThickness, bezier1 + bezier1Offset + tieThickness, PointF());
// translate back
t.translate(tieStart.x(), tieStart.y());
m_path =;
m_shapePath =;
ups(Grip::BEZIER1).p =;
ups(Grip::BEZIER2).p =;
ups(Grip::END).p = - ups(Grip::END).off;
ups(Grip::DRAG).p =;
ups(Grip::SHOULDER).p =;
Shape shape(Shape::Type::Composite);
PointF start;
start =;
double minH = std::abs(2 * m_midThickness);
int nbShapes = 15;
const CubicBezier b(tieStart, ups(Grip::BEZIER1).pos(), ups(Grip::BEZIER2).pos(), ups(Grip::END).pos());
for (int i = 1; i <= nbShapes; i++) {
const PointF point = b.pointAtPercent(i / float(nbShapes));
RectF re = RectF(start, point).normalized();
if (re.height() < minH) {
tieLengthInSp = (minH - re.height()) * .5;
re.adjust(0.0, -tieLengthInSp, 0.0, tieLengthInSp);
shape.add(re, this);
start = point;
// adjustY
// adjust the y-position of the tie. this is called before adjustX()
// p1, p2 are in System coordinates
void TieSegment::adjustY(const PointF& p1, const PointF& p2)
* use SlurTieLayout::adjustY() instead
m_autoAdjustOffset = PointF();
const StaffType* staffType = this->staffType();
bool useTablature = staffType->isTabStaff();
Tie* t = toTie(slurTie());
Chord* sc = t->startNote() ? t->startNote()->chord() : 0;
if (!sc) {
return; // don't adjust these ties vertically
double sp = spatium();
const double ld = staff()->lineDistance(sc->tick()) * sp;
const double lines = staff()->lines(sc->tick());
const int line = t->startNote()->line();
double tieAdjustSp = 0;
const double staffLineOffset = 0.110 + (styleP(Sid::staffLineWidth) / 2 / ld); // sp
const double noteHeadOffset = 0.185; // sp
bool isUp = t->up();
//Adjust Y pos to staff type offset before other calculations
if (staffType) {
mutldata()->moveY(staffType->yoffset().val() * spatium());
if (isNudged() || isEdited()) {
if (!t->isInside()) {
setAutoAdjust(PointF(0, noteHeadOffset * spatium() * (slurTie()->up() ? -1 : 1)));
RectF bbox;
if (p1.y() == p2.y()) {
#if 0
// for horizontal ties we can estimate the bbox using simple math instead of having to call
// computeBezier() which uses a whole lot of trigonometry to draw the entire tie
bbox.setWidth(p2.x() - p1.x());
// The following is ripped from computeBezier()
// TODO: refactor this into its own method
double shoulderHeight = bbox.width() * 0.4 * 0.38;
shoulderHeight = qBound(shoulderHeightMin * spatium(), shoulderHeight, shoulderHeightMax * spatium());
double actualHeight = 3 * (shoulderHeight + styleP(Sid::SlurMidWidth)) / 4;
bbox.setY(p1.y() - (slurTie()->up() ? actualHeight : 0));
// more correct, less efficient
bbox = m_path.boundingRect();
} else {
// don't adjust ties that aren't horizontal, just add offset
auto spansBarline = [staffLineOffset, lines](double a, double b) {
if (b < a) {
std::swap(a, b);
if (b < -staffLineOffset || a > (lines - 1) + staffLineOffset) {
return false;
if (a < -staffLineOffset && b > staffLineOffset) {
// a and b straddle line zero
return true;
if (floor(a - staffLineOffset) != floor(b + staffLineOffset)) {
return true;
return false;
Chord* ec = t->endNote() ? t->endNote()->chord() : 0;
double staffDistance = 0.;
if (sc && sc->staffMove() != 0 && ec->vStaffIdx() == sc->vStaffIdx()) {
staffDistance = system()->staff(sc->vStaffIdx())->y() - system()->staff(staffIdx())->y();
double endpointYsp = (bbox.y() + (isUp ? bbox.height() : 0) - staffDistance) / ld;
double tieHeightSp = bbox.height() / ld;
double tieThicknessSp = (styleP(Sid::SlurMidWidth) + ((styleP(Sid::SlurMidWidth) - styleP(Sid::SlurEndWidth)) / 2)) / ld;
double tieMidOutsideSp = endpointYsp + (isUp ? -tieHeightSp : tieHeightSp);
double tieMidInsideSp = tieMidOutsideSp + (isUp ? (tieThicknessSp) : -(tieThicknessSp));
if (useTablature && t->isInside()) {
const double tieEndpointOffsetSp = 0.2;
Note* sn = tie()->startNote();
int string = sn->string();
m_shoulderHeightMax = 4 / 3; // at max ties will be 1sp tall
double newAnchor = (double)string;
newAnchor += tieEndpointOffsetSp * (isUp ? -1 : 1);
setAutoAdjust(PointF(0, (newAnchor - endpointYsp) * ld));
} else if (!t->isInside()) {
double endpointYLineDist = endpointYsp - floor(endpointYsp);
// ENDPOINTS ////////////////////////////////
// If the endpoints are less than staffLineOffset from a line, they need to be adjusted
// in the direction of the tie.
double newAnchor = endpointYsp;
bool farAdjust = false;
if ((isUp && endpointYsp > -staffLineOffset) || (!isUp && endpointYsp < (lines - 1) + staffLineOffset)) {
if (isUp) {
if (endpointYLineDist < staffLineOffset) {
newAnchor = floor(endpointYsp) - staffLineOffset;
farAdjust = true;
} else if (endpointYLineDist > (1 - staffLineOffset)) {
newAnchor = ceil(endpointYsp) - staffLineOffset;
} else { // down
if (endpointYLineDist < staffLineOffset) {
newAnchor = floor(endpointYsp) + staffLineOffset;
} else if (endpointYLineDist > (1 - staffLineOffset)) {
newAnchor = ceil(endpointYsp) + staffLineOffset;
farAdjust = true;
tieAdjustSp += newAnchor - endpointYsp;
tieMidOutsideSp += tieAdjustSp;
tieMidInsideSp += tieAdjustSp;
// TIE APOGEE ///////////////////////////////
// If the middle of the tie conflicts with a staff line, the tie must be adjusted to resolve
// that collision.
if (farAdjust) {
// we've already adjusted the tie pretty far from the notehead, so let's just
// constrain the tie height to fit within a single space
if (endpointYsp + tieAdjustSp > 0 && endpointYsp + tieAdjustSp < lines - 1) {
m_shoulderHeightMax = 4 * (1 - ((staffLineOffset * 2) + (tieThicknessSp / 2))) / 3;
} else {
if (spansBarline(tieMidOutsideSp, tieMidInsideSp)) {
newAnchor = tieMidInsideSp;
if (isUp) {
newAnchor = floor(tieMidInsideSp + staffLineOffset) - staffLineOffset;
} else { // down
newAnchor = ceil(tieMidInsideSp - staffLineOffset) + staffLineOffset;
tieAdjustSp += newAnchor - tieMidInsideSp;
// we've adjusted the midpoint, but maybe the endpoint is too close to a barline now
double newEndpoint = endpointYsp + tieAdjustSp;
newAnchor = newEndpoint;
if (isUp && newEndpoint - floor(newEndpoint + staffLineOffset) < staffLineOffset) {
// clamp endpoint and adjust tie height
newAnchor = floor(newEndpoint + staffLineOffset) + staffLineOffset;
m_shoulderHeightMin = 4 * (staffLineOffset * 2 + (tieThicknessSp / 2)) / 3;
m_shoulderHeightMin *= (ld / spatium()); // shoulderHeightMin and Max are in spatium units, not line distance
m_shoulderHeightMax = m_shoulderHeightMin;
} else if (!isUp && ceil(newEndpoint - staffLineOffset) - newEndpoint < staffLineOffset) {
// clamp endpoint and adjust tie height
newAnchor = ceil(newEndpoint - staffLineOffset) - staffLineOffset;
m_shoulderHeightMin = 4 * (staffLineOffset * 2 + (tieThicknessSp / 2)) / 3;
m_shoulderHeightMin *= (ld / spatium());
m_shoulderHeightMax = m_shoulderHeightMin;
tieAdjustSp += newAnchor - newEndpoint;
setAutoAdjust(PointF(0, (tieAdjustSp * ld) - (p1.y() - (endpointYsp * ld + staffDistance))));
} else {
// INSIDE TIES (non-tab)
bool collideAbove = false;
bool collideBelow = false;
Note* sn = tie()->startNote();
Chord* sc2 = sn->chord();
// figure out if there are situations where a tie collides with a tie above or below it
// in a chord
for (Note* note : sc2->notes()) {
if (note == sn || !note->tieFor()) {
if (note->line() == sn->line() - 1 && t->up() == note->tieFor()->up()) {
collideAbove = true;
if (note->line() == sn->line() + 1 && t->up() == note->tieFor()->up()) {
collideBelow = true;
m_shoulderHeightMax = 4 / 3; // at max ties will be 1sp tall
// ENDPOINTS ////////////////////////////////
// Each line position in the staff has a set endpoint Y location
double newAnchor;
if (isUp) {
newAnchor = floor(line / 2.0) + (line & 1 ? staffLineOffset : -staffLineOffset);
} else {
newAnchor = floor((line + 1) / 2.0) + (line & 1 ? -staffLineOffset : staffLineOffset);
// are the endpoints within the staff?
bool endpointsInStaff = endpointYsp >= -staffLineOffset && endpointYsp <= (lines - 1) + staffLineOffset;
// are the endpoints outside, but still close enough to need height adjustment?
int lastLine = (lines - 1) * 2;
bool downTieAbove = !isUp && line >= -2 && line < 0;
bool upTieBelow = isUp && line > lastLine && line <= lastLine + 2;
if (endpointsInStaff || downTieAbove || upTieBelow) {
// TIE APOGEE ///////////////////////////////
// Constrain tie height to avoid staff line collisions
if (line & 1) {
// tie endpoint is right below the line, so let's adjust the height so that the top clears the line
m_shoulderHeightMin = 4 * ((staffLineOffset * 2) + (tieThicknessSp / 2)) / 3;
m_shoulderHeightMin *= (ld / spatium());
} else {
// avoid collisions with the next line up by constraining maximum
m_shoulderHeightMax = 4 * (1 - ((staffLineOffset * 2) + tieThicknessSp / 2)) / 3;
m_shoulderHeightMax *= (ld / spatium());
if ((isUp && collideBelow) || (!isUp && collideAbove)) {
m_shoulderHeightMin = 4 * ((staffLineOffset * 2) + (tieThicknessSp / 2)) / 3;
m_shoulderHeightMin *= (ld / spatium());
if ((isUp && collideAbove && newAnchor > staffLineOffset)
|| (!isUp && collideBelow && newAnchor < (lines - 1))) {
m_shoulderHeightMax = 4 * (1 - (staffLineOffset * 2) - (tieThicknessSp / 2)) / 3;
m_shoulderHeightMax *= (ld / spatium());
setAutoAdjust(PointF(0, (newAnchor - endpointYsp) * ld));
// finalizeSegment
// compute the bezier and adjust the bbox for the curve
void TieSegment::finalizeSegment()
// adjustX
// adjust the tie endpoints to avoid staff lines. call adjustY() first!
void TieSegment::adjustX()
* use SlurTieLayout::adjustX() instead
const bool adjustForHooks = false;
double offsetMargin = spatium() * 0.25;
double collisionYMargin = spatium() * 0.25;
Note* sn = tie()->startNote();
Note* en = tie()->endNote();
Chord* sc = sn ? sn->chord() : nullptr;
Chord* ec = en ? en->chord() : nullptr;
double xo = 0;
if (isNudged() || isEdited()) {
// ADJUST LEFT GRIP -----------
if (sc && (spannerSegmentType() == SpannerSegmentType::SINGLE || spannerSegmentType() == SpannerSegmentType::BEGIN)) {
// grips are in system coordinates, normalize to note position
// (now generalized for the case of non-defined system (M.S.))
PointF p1 = system() ? ups(Grip::START).p + PointF(system()->pos().x() - sn->canvasX() + sn->headWidth(), 0)
: ups(Grip::START).p + sn->posInStaffCoordinates();
xo = 0;
if (tie()->isInside()) { // only adjust for inside-style ties
// for cross-voice collisions, we need a list of all chords at this tick
std::vector<Chord*> chords;
track_idx_t strack = sc->staffIdx() * VOICES;
track_idx_t etrack = sc->staffIdx() * VOICES + VOICES;
for (track_idx_t track = strack; track < etrack; ++track) {
if (Chord* ch = sc->measure()->findChord(sc->tick(), track)) {
const std::vector<Chord*>& graceNotes = ch->graceNotes();
if (ch != sc && std::find(graceNotes.begin(), graceNotes.end(), sc) == graceNotes.end()) {
for (Chord* chord : chords) {
double chordOffset = chord->x() - sc->x() - sn->x() - sn->width(); // sn for right-offset notes, width() to normalize to zero
// adjust for hooks
if (chord->hook() && chord->hook()->visible() && adjustForHooks) {
double hookHeight = chord->hook()->ldata()->bbox().height();
// turn the hook upside down for downstems
double hookY = chord->hook()->pos().y() - (chord->up() ? 0 : hookHeight);
if (p1.y() > hookY - collisionYMargin && p1.y() < hookY + hookHeight + collisionYMargin) {
xo = std::max(xo, chord->hook()->x() + chord->hook()->width() + chordOffset);
// adjust for stems
if (chord->stem() && chord->stem()->visible()) {
double stemLen = chord->stem()->ldata()->bbox().height();
double stemY = chord->stem()->pos().y() - (chord->up() ? stemLen : 0);
if (p1.y() > stemY - collisionYMargin && p1.y() < stemY + stemLen + collisionYMargin) {
xo = std::max(xo, chord->stem()->x() + chord->stem()->width() + chordOffset);
// adjust for ledger lines
for (LedgerLine* currLedger = chord->ledgerLines(); currLedger; currLedger = currLedger->next()) {
// search through ledger lines and see if any are within .5sp of tie start
if (std::abs(p1.y() - currLedger->y()) < spatium() * 0.5) {
xo = std::max(xo, (currLedger->x() + currLedger->len() + chordOffset));
for (auto note : chord->notes()) {
// adjust for dots
if (note->dots().size() > 0) {
double dotY = note->pos().y() + note->dots().back()->y();
if (std::abs(p1.y() - dotY) < spatium() * 0.5) {
xo = std::max(xo, note->x() + note->dots().back()->x() + note->dots().back()->width() + chordOffset);
// adjust for note collisions
if (note == sn) {
double noteTop = note->y() + note->ldata()->bbox().top();
double noteHeight = note->height();
if (p1.y() > noteTop - collisionYMargin && p1.y() < noteTop + noteHeight + collisionYMargin) {
xo = std::max(xo, note->x() + note->width() + chordOffset);
xo += offsetMargin;
} else { // tie is outside
if ((slurTie()->up() && sc->up()) || (!slurTie()->up() && !sc->up())) {
// outside ties may still require adjustment for hooks
if (sc->hook() && sc->hook()->visible() && adjustForHooks) {
double hookHeight = sc->hook()->ldata()->bbox().height();
// turn the hook upside down for downstems
double hookY = sc->hook()->pos().y() - (sc->up() ? 0 : hookHeight);
if (p1.y() > hookY - collisionYMargin && p1.y() < hookY + hookHeight + collisionYMargin) {
double tieAttach = sn->outsideTieAttachX(slurTie()->up());
double hookOffsetX = sc->hook()->width() - (slurTie()->up() ? 0 : tieAttach);
xo = hookOffsetX + offsetMargin;
} else if (sc->stem()) {
xo = offsetMargin;
} else if (sn->tieBack()) {
xo += spatium() / 6; // 1/3 spatium in either direction, so .33/2
xo *= sc->mag();
ups(Grip::START).p += PointF(xo, 0);
// ADJUST RIGHT GRIP ----------
if (ec && (spannerSegmentType() == SpannerSegmentType::SINGLE || spannerSegmentType() == SpannerSegmentType::END)) {
// grips are in system coordinates, normalize to note position
// (now generalized for the case of non-defined system (M.S.))
PointF p2 = system() ? ups(Grip::END).p + PointF(system()->pos().x() - en->canvasX(), 0)
: ups(Grip::END).p + en->posInStaffCoordinates();
xo = 0;
if (tie()->isInside()) {
// for inter-voice collisions, we need a list of all notes from all voices
std::vector<Chord*> chords;
track_idx_t strack = ec->staffIdx() * VOICES;
track_idx_t etrack = ec->staffIdx() * VOICES + VOICES;
if (!ec->isGraceAfter()) {
for (track_idx_t track = strack; track < etrack; ++track) {
if (Chord* ch = ec->measure()->findChord(ec->tick(), track)) {
if (ch != ec) {
for (Chord* chord : chords) {
double chordOffset = (ec->x() + en->x()) - chord->x(); // en->x() for right-offset notes
for (LedgerLine* currLedger = chord->ledgerLines(); currLedger; currLedger = currLedger->next()) {
// search through ledger lines and see if any are within .5sp of tie end
if (std::abs(p2.y() - currLedger->y()) < spatium() * 0.5) {
xo = std::min(xo, currLedger->x() - chordOffset);
if (chord->stem() && chord->stem()->visible()) {
// adjust for stems
double stemLen = chord->stem()->ldata()->bbox().height();
double stemY = chord->stem()->pos().y() - (chord->up() ? stemLen : 0);
if (p2.y() > stemY - offsetMargin && p2.y() < stemY + stemLen + offsetMargin) {
xo = std::min(xo, chord->stem()->x() - chordOffset);
for (Note* note : chord->notes()) {
// adjust for accidentals
Accidental* acc = note->accidental();
if (acc && acc->visible()) {
double accTop = (note->y() + acc->y()) + acc->ldata()->bbox().top();
double accHeight = acc->height();
if (p2.y() >= accTop && p2.y() <= accTop + accHeight) {
xo = std::min(xo, note->x() + acc->x() - chordOffset);
if (note == en) {
// adjust for shifted notes (such as intervals of unison or second)
double noteTop = note->y() + note->ldata()->bbox().top();
double noteHeight = note->headHeight();
if (p2.y() >= noteTop - collisionYMargin && p2.y() <= noteTop + noteHeight + collisionYMargin) {
xo = std::min(xo, note->x() - chordOffset);
xo -= offsetMargin;
} else {
// tie is outside
if (!tie()->up() && !ec->up() && ec->stem() && ec->stem()->visible()) {
xo -= offsetMargin;
} else if (en && en->tieFor()) {
xo -= spatium() / 6;
xo *= ec->mag();
ups(Grip::END).p += PointF(xo, 0);
void TieSegment::consolidateAdjustmentOffsetIntoUserOffset()
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_adjustmentOffsets.size(); ++i) {
Grip grip = static_cast<Grip>(i);
PointF adjustOffset = m_adjustmentOffsets[i];
if (!adjustOffset.isNull()) {
ups(grip).p -= adjustOffset;
ups(grip).off = adjustOffset;
// setAutoAdjust
void TieSegment::setAutoAdjust(const PointF& offset)
PointF diff = offset - m_autoAdjustOffset;
if (!diff.isNull()) {
Shape sh = ldata()->shape();
for (int i = 0; i < int(Grip::GRIPS); ++i) {
m_ups[i].p += diff;
m_autoAdjustOffset = offset;
// isEdited
bool TieSegment::isEdited() const
for (int i = 0; i < int(Grip::GRIPS); ++i) {
if (!m_ups[i].off.isNull()) {
return true;
return false;
void TieSegment::addLineAttachPoints()
// Add tie attach point to start and end note
Note* startNote = tie()->startNote();
Note* endNote = tie()->endNote();
if (startNote) {
startNote->addLineAttachPoint(ups(Grip::START).pos(), tie());
if (endNote) {
endNote->addLineAttachPoint(ups(Grip::END).pos(), tie());
// Tie
Tie::Tie(EngravingItem* parent)
: SlurTie(ElementType::TIE, parent)
// calculateDirection
static int compareNotesPos(const Note* n1, const Note* n2)
if (n1->line() != n2->line() && !(n1->staffType()->isTabStaff())) {
return n2->line() - n1->line();
} else if (n1->string() != n2->string()) {
return n2->string() - n1->string();
} else {
return n1->pitch() - n2->pitch();
void Tie::calculateDirection()
Chord* c1 = startNote()->chord();
Chord* c2 = endNote()->chord();
Measure* m1 = c1->measure();
Measure* m2 = c2->measure();
if (m_slurDirection == DirectionV::AUTO) {
std::vector<Note*> notes = c1->notes();
size_t n = notes.size();
StaffType* st = staff()->staffType(startNote() ? startNote()->tick() : Fraction(0, 1));
bool simpleException = st && st->isSimpleTabStaff();
// if there are multiple voices, the tie direction goes on stem side
if (m1->hasVoices(c1->staffIdx(), c1->tick(), c1->actualTicks())) {
m_up = simpleException ? isUpVoice(c1->voice()) : c1->up();
} else if (m2->hasVoices(c2->staffIdx(), c2->tick(), c2->actualTicks())) {
m_up = simpleException ? isUpVoice(c2->voice()) : c2->up();
} else if (n == 1) {
// single note
if (c1->up() != c2->up()) {
// if stem direction is mixed, always up
m_up = true;
} else {
m_up = !c1->up();
} else {
// chords
// first, find pivot point in chord (below which all ties curve down and above which all ties curve up)
Note* pivotPoint = nullptr;
bool multiplePivots = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
if (!notes[i]->tieFor()) {
continue; // don't include notes that don't have ties
for (size_t j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) {
if (!notes[j]->tieFor()) {
int noteDiff = compareNotesPos(notes[i], notes[j]);
if (!multiplePivots && std::abs(noteDiff) <= 1) {
// TODO: Fix unison ties somehow--if noteDiff == 0 then we need to determine which of the unison is 'lower'
if (pivotPoint) {
multiplePivots = true;
pivotPoint = nullptr;
} else {
pivotPoint = noteDiff < 0 ? notes[i] : notes[j];
if (!pivotPoint) {
// if the pivot point was not found (either there are no unisons/seconds or there are more than one),
// determine if this note is in the lower or upper half of this chord
int notesAbove = 0, tiesAbove = 0;
int notesBelow = 0, tiesBelow = 0;
int unisonTies = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (notes[i] == startNote()) {
// skip counting if this note is the current note or if this note doesn't have a tie
int noteDiff = compareNotesPos(startNote(), notes[i]);
if (noteDiff == 0) { // unison
if (notes[i]->tieFor()) {
if (noteDiff < 0) { // the note is above startNote
if (notes[i]->tieFor()) {
if (noteDiff > 0) { // the note is below startNote
if (notes[i]->tieFor()) {
if (tiesAbove == 0 && tiesBelow == 0 && unisonTies == 0) {
// this is the only tie in the chord.
if (notesAbove == notesBelow) {
m_up = !c1->up();
} else {
m_up = (notesAbove < notesBelow);
} else if (tiesAbove == tiesBelow) {
// this note is dead center, so its tie should go counter to the stem direction
m_up = !c1->up();
} else {
m_up = (tiesAbove < tiesBelow);
} else if (pivotPoint == startNote()) {
// the current note is the lower of the only second or unison in the chord; tie goes down.
m_up = false;
} else {
// if lower than the pivot, tie goes down, otherwise up
int noteDiff = compareNotesPos(startNote(), pivotPoint);
m_up = (noteDiff >= 0);
} else {
m_up = m_slurDirection == DirectionV::UP ? true : false;
void Tie::calculateIsInside()
if (_tiePlacement != TiePlacement::AUTO) {
setIsInside(_tiePlacement == TiePlacement::INSIDE);
const Note* startN = startNote();
const Chord* startChord = startN ? startN->chord() : nullptr;
const Note* endN = endNote();
const Chord* endChord = endN ? endN->chord() : nullptr;
if (!startChord || !endChord) {
const bool startIsSingleNote = startChord->notes().size() <= 1;
const bool endIsSingleNote = endChord->notes().size() <= 1;
if (startIsSingleNote && endIsSingleNote) {
setIsInside(style().styleV(Sid::tiePlacementSingleNote).value<TiePlacement>() == TiePlacement::INSIDE);
} else {
setIsInside(style().styleV(Sid::tiePlacementChord).value<TiePlacement>() == TiePlacement::INSIDE);
PropertyValue Tie::getProperty(Pid propertyId) const
switch (propertyId) {
return tiePlacement();
return SlurTie::getProperty(propertyId);
PropertyValue Tie::propertyDefault(Pid id) const
switch (id) {
return TiePlacement::AUTO;
return SlurTie::propertyDefault(id);
bool Tie::setProperty(Pid propertyId, const PropertyValue& v)
switch (propertyId) {
return SlurTie::setProperty(propertyId, v);
return true;
// setStartNote
void Tie::setStartNote(Note* note)
// startNote
Note* Tie::startNote() const
assert(!startElement() || startElement()->type() == ElementType::NOTE);
return toNote(startElement());
// endNote
Note* Tie::endNote() const
return toNote(endElement());
bool Tie::isOuterTieOfChord(Grip startOrEnd) const
if (m_isInside) {
return false;
const bool start = startOrEnd == Grip::START;
const Note* note = start ? startNote() : endNote();
if (!note) {
return false;
const Chord* chord = note->chord();
return (note == chord->upNote() && up()) || (note == chord->downNote() && !up());
bool Tie::hasTiedSecondInside() const
const Note* note = startNote();
if (!note) {
return false;
const Chord* chord = note->chord();
const int line = note->line();
const int secondInsideLine = up() ? line + 1 : line - 1;
for (const Note* otherNote : chord->notes()) {
if (otherNote->line() == secondInsideLine && otherNote->tieFor() && otherNote->tieFor()->up() == up()) {
return true;
return false;
bool Tie::isCrossStaff() const
const Note* startN = startNote();
const Note* endN = endNote();
return (startN && startN->chord()->staffMove() != 0) || (endN && endN->chord()->staffMove() != 0);