2016-03-29 13:42:06 +04:00

293 lines
7.2 KiB

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Fons Adriaensen <>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef __ZITA_H__
#define __ZITA_H__
#include "effects/effect.h"
namespace Ms {
class EffectGui;
// Pareq
class Pareq
void calcpar1 (int nsamp, float g, float f);
void process1 (int nsamp, float*);
volatile int16_t _touch0;
volatile int16_t _touch1;
#if 0 // not yet (?) used
bool _bypass;
int _state;
float _fsamp;
float _g;
float _g0, _g1;
float _f;
float _f0, _f1;
float _c1, _dc1;
float _c2, _dc2;
float _gg, _dgg;
float _z1 [MAXCH];
float _z2 [MAXCH];
void setfsamp(float fsamp);
void setparam(float f, float g) {
_f = f;
_g = g;
_f0 = f;
_g0 = powf (10.0f, 0.05f * g);
void set_gn(float g) { setparam(_f, g); }
float gn() const { return _g; }
void set_fr(float f) { setparam(f, _g); }
float fr() const { return _f; }
void reset();
void prepare(int nsamp);
void process(int nsamp, float* data) {
if (_state != BYPASS)
process1(nsamp, data);
// Diff1
class Diff1
friend class ZitaReverb;
int _i;
float _c;
int _size = 0;
float* _line = 0;
Diff1() {}
void init(int size, float c);
void fini();
float process(float x) {
float z = _line [_i];
x -= _c * z;
_line [_i] = x;
if (++_i == _size)
_i = 0;
return z + _c * x;
// Filt1
class Filt1
friend class ZitaReverb;
Filt1 () : _slo (0), _shi (0) {}
~Filt1 () {}
void set_params (float del, float tmf, float tlo, float wlo, float thi, float chi);
float process(float x) {
_slo += _wlo * (x - _slo) + 1e-10f;
x += _glo * _slo;
_shi += _whi * (x - _shi);
return _gmf * _shi;
float _gmf;
float _glo;
float _wlo;
float _whi;
float _slo;
float _shi;
// Delay
class Delay
friend class ZitaReverb;
void init (int size);
void fini ();
float read () { return _line [_i]; }
void write (float x) {
_line [_i++] = x;
if (_i == _size)
_i = 0;
int _i;
int _size;
float *_line;
// Vdelay
class Vdelay
friend class ZitaReverb;
void init (int size);
void fini ();
void set_delay (int del);
float read () {
float x = _line [_ir++];
if (_ir == _size)
_ir = 0;
return x;
void write (float x) {
_line [_iw++] = x;
if (_iw == _size)
_iw = 0;
int _ir;
int _iw;
int _size;
float* _line;
// ZitaReverb
class ZitaReverb : public Effect
float _fsamp;
Vdelay _vdelay0;
Vdelay _vdelay1;
Diff1 _diff1[8];
Filt1 _filt1[8];
Delay _delay[8];
volatile int _cntA1;
volatile int _cntB1;
volatile int _cntC1;
int _cntA2;
int _cntB2;
int _cntC2;
float _ipdel;
float _xover;
float _rtlow;
float _rtmid;
float _fdamp;
float _opmix;
float _rgxyz;
float _g0, _d0;
float _g1, _d1;
Pareq _pareq1;
Pareq _pareq2;
static float _tdiff1 [8];
static float _tdelay [8];
int _fragm;
int _nsamp;
void prepare(int n);
ZitaReverb() : Effect() {}
virtual void init(float fsamp);
void fini();
virtual void process(int n, float* inp, float* out);
void set_delay(float v) { _ipdel = v; _cntA1++; }
float delay() const { return _ipdel; }
void set_xover(float v) { _xover = v; _cntB1++; }
float xover() const { return _xover; }
void set_rtlow(float v) { _rtlow = v; _cntB1++; }
float rtlow() const { return _rtlow; }
void set_rtmid(float v) { _rtmid = v; _cntB1++; _cntC1++; }
float rtmid() const { return _rtmid; }
void set_fdamp(float v) { _fdamp = v; _cntB1++; }
float fdamp() const { return _fdamp; }
void set_eq1fr(float f) { _pareq1.set_fr(f); }
float eq1fr() const { return; }
void set_eq1gn(float f) { _pareq1.set_gn(f); }
float eq1gn() const { return; }
void set_eq2fr(float f) { _pareq2.set_fr(f); }
float eq2fr() const { return; }
void set_eq2gn(float f) { _pareq2.set_gn(f); }
float eq2gn() const { return; }
void set_opmix(float v) { _opmix = v; _cntC1++; }
float opmix() const { return _opmix; }
virtual const char* name() const { return "Zita1"; }
virtual EffectGui* gui();
virtual const std::vector<ParDescr>& parDescr() const;
virtual void setNValue(int parameter, double value);
virtual double nvalue(int idx) const;
virtual SynthesizerGroup state() const;
virtual void setState(const SynthesizerGroup&);