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// MusE Score
// Linux Music Score Editor
// $Id:$
// Copyright (C) 2010 Werner Schweer and others
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef __IMPORTGTP_H__
#define __IMPORTGTP_H__
#include "libmscore/mscore.h"
#include "libmscore/fraction.h"
#include "libmscore/fret.h"
#include "libmscore/chordrest.h"
#include "libmscore/slur.h"
#include "libmscore/clef.h"
#include "libmscore/keysig.h"
#include "libmscore/chordrest.h"
#include "libmscore/clef.h"
#include "libmscore/keysig.h"
#include "libmscore/hairpin.h"
#include "libmscore/ottava.h"
#include "libmscore/drumset.h"
namespace Ms {
class Score;
class Chord;
class Note;
class Segment;
class Measure;
class Tuplet;
static const int GP_MAX_LYRIC_LINES = 5;
static const int GP_MAX_TRACK_NUMBER = 32;
static const int GP_MAX_STRING_NUMBER = 7;
static const int GP_INVALID_KEYSIG = 127;
static const int GP_VOLTA_BINARY = 1;
static const int GP_VOLTA_FLAGS = 2;
enum class Repeat : char;
struct GpTrack {
int patch;
uchar volume, pan, chorus, reverb, phase, tremolo;
struct GPVolta {
int voltaType;
QList<int> voltaInfo;
/* How the fermatas are represented in Guitar Pro is two integers, the
* first is an index value and the second is the time division that
* index value refers to, and they are givin with respect to a
* measure. Time division 0 means a minim, 1 is a crotchet, 2 is a
* quaver and so on, with the index (counting from 0) refering to how
* many time divisions occur before the fermata. These numbers are
* separated in GP6 with a '/' character. For example, a note
* occurring on the third beat of a measure in a 4/4 bar would be
* represented as 2/1.
struct GPFermata {
int index;
int timeDivision;
struct GpBar {
Fraction timesig;
bool freeTime;
int keysig;
QString marker;
BarLineType barLine;
Repeat repeatFlags;
int repeats;
GPVolta volta;
QString direction;
QString directionStyle;
// GuitarPro
class GuitarPro {
static const char* errmsg[];
int version;
int key;
QMap<int, QList<GPFermata>*> fermatas;
Ottava** ottava;
Hairpin** hairpins;
Score* score;
QFile* f;
int curPos;
int previousTempo;
int previousDynamic;
int ottavaFound;
QString ottavaValue;
int tempo;
QMap<int,int> slides;
int voltaSequence;
QTextCodec* _codec;
Slur** slurs;
void skip(qint64 len);
void read(void* p, qint64 len);
int readUChar();
int readChar();
QString readPascalString(int);
QString readWordPascalString();
QString readBytePascalString();
int readInt();
QString readDelphiString();
void readVolta(GPVolta*, Measure*);
virtual void readBend(Note*);
virtual bool readMixChange(Measure* measure);
virtual int readBeatEffects(int track, Segment*) = 0;
void readLyrics();
void readChannels();
void setTuplet(Tuplet* tuplet, int tuple);
Fraction len2fraction(int len);
void addDynamic(Note*, int d);
void setTempo(int n, Measure* measure);
void createMeasures();
void applyBeatEffects(Chord*, int beatEffects);
void readTremoloBar(int track, Segment*);
void readChord(Segment* seg, int track, int numStrings, QString name, bool gpHeader);
void restsForEmptyBeats(Segment* seg, Measure* measure, ChordRest* cr, Fraction& l, int track, int tick);
void createSlur(bool hasSlur, int staffIdx, ChordRest* cr);
void createOttava(bool hasOttava, int track, ChordRest* cr, QString value);
void createSlide(int slide, ChordRest* cr, int staffIdx);
void createCrecDim(int staffIdx, int track, int tick, bool crec);
void addTextToNote(QString string, TextStyle textStyle, Note* note);
void addPalmMute(Note* note);
void addLetRing(Note* note);
void addTap(Note* note);
void addSlap(Note* note);
void addPop(Note* note);
void initGuitarProDrumset();
QString title, subtitle, artist, album, composer;
QString transcriber, instructions;
QStringList comments;
GpTrack channelDefaults[GP_MAX_TRACK_NUMBER * 2];
int staves;
int measures;
QList<GpBar> bars;
enum class GuitarProError : char { GP_NO_ERROR, GP_UNKNOWN_FORMAT,
GuitarPro(Score*, int v);
virtual ~GuitarPro();
virtual void read(QFile*) = 0;
QString error(GuitarProError n) const { return QString(errmsg[int(n)]); }
// GuitarPro1
class GuitarPro1 : public GuitarPro {
void readNote(int string, Note* note);
virtual int readBeatEffects(int track, Segment*);
GuitarPro1(Score* s, int v) : GuitarPro(s, v) {}
virtual void read(QFile*);
// GuitarPro2
class GuitarPro2 : public GuitarPro1 {
GuitarPro2(Score* s, int v) : GuitarPro1(s, v) {}
virtual void read(QFile*);
// GuitarPro3
class GuitarPro3 : public GuitarPro1 {
virtual int readBeatEffects(int track, Segment* segment);
GuitarPro3(Score* s, int v) : GuitarPro1(s, v) {}
virtual void read(QFile*);
// GuitarPro4
class GuitarPro4 : public GuitarPro {
int slide;
void readInfo();
bool readNote(int string, int staffIdx, Note* note);
virtual int readBeatEffects(int track, Segment* segment);
virtual bool readMixChange(Measure* measure);
int convertGP4SlideNum(int slide);
GuitarPro4(Score* s, int v) : GuitarPro(s, v) {}
virtual void read(QFile*);
// GuitarPro5
class GuitarPro5 : public GuitarPro {
int slide;
void readInfo();
void readPageSetup();
virtual int readBeatEffects(int track, Segment* segment);
bool readNote(int string, Note* note);
virtual bool readMixChange(Measure* measure);
void readMeasure(Measure* measure, int staffIdx, Tuplet*[], bool mixChange);
void readArtificialHarmonic();
void readTracks();
void readMeasures(int startingTempo);
int readBeat(int tick, int voice, Measure* measure, int staffIdx, Tuplet** tuplets, bool mixChange);
bool readNoteEffects(Note*);
GuitarPro5(Score* s, int v) : GuitarPro(s, v) {}
virtual void read(QFile*);
// GuitarPro6
class GuitarPro6 : public GuitarPro {
// an integer stored in the header indicating that the file is not compressed (BCFS).
const int GPX_HEADER_UNCOMPRESSED = 1397113666;
// an integer stored in the header indicating that the file is not compressed (BCFZ).
const int GPX_HEADER_COMPRESSED = 1514554178;
int position=0;
QMap<int, int>* slides;
QByteArray* buffer;
// a constant storing the amount of bits per byte
const int BITS_IN_BYTE = 8;
// contains all the information about notes that will go in the parts
struct GPPartInfo {
QDomNode masterBars;
QDomNode bars;
QDomNode voices;
QDomNode beats;
QDomNode notes;
QDomNode rhythms;
// a mapping from identifiers to fret diagrams
QMap<int, FretDiagram*> fretDiagrams;
void parseFile(char* filename, QByteArray* data);
int readBit();
QByteArray getBytes(QByteArray* buffer, int offset, int length);
void readGPX(QByteArray* buffer);
int readInteger(QByteArray* buffer, int offset);
QByteArray readString(QByteArray* buffer, int offset, int length);
int readBits(int bitsToRead);
int readBitsReversed(int bitsToRead);
void readGpif(QByteArray* data);
void readScore(QDomNode* metadata);
void readChord(QDomNode* diagram, int track);
int findNumMeasures(GPPartInfo* partInfo);
void readMasterTracks(QDomNode* masterTrack);
void readDrumNote(Note* note, int element, int variation);
int readBeats(QString beats, GPPartInfo* partInfo, Measure* measure, int tick, int staffIdx, int voiceNum, Tuplet* tuplets[], int measureCounter);
void readBars(QDomNode* barList, Measure* measure, ClefType oldClefId[], GPPartInfo* partInfo, int measureCounter);
void readTracks(QDomNode* tracks);
void readMasterBars(GPPartInfo* partInfo);
Fraction rhythmToDuration(QString value);
Fraction fermataToFraction(int numerator, int denominator);
QDomNode getNode(QString id, QDomNode nodes);
void unhandledNode(QString nodeName);
void makeTie(Note* note);
int* previousDynamic;
void addTremoloBar(Segment* segment, int track, int whammyOrigin, int whammyMiddle, int whammyEnd);
void readNote(int string, Note* note);
virtual int readBeatEffects(int track, Segment*);
GuitarPro6(Score* s) : GuitarPro(s, 6) {}
virtual void read(QFile*);
} // namespace Ms