lasconic f71c339094 fix #273032: Provide an easy way to install soundfont, templates and instruments.xml
Introduce extensions files aka .muxt. These files are archives with additional data to extend MuseScore with soundfonts, templates, custom workspaces, etc.

Update qzip to fix bug with symlink.
Add extensions management to resource manager.
2018-07-09 18:59:08 +02:00

131 lines
4.1 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "mscore.h"
#include "instrument.h"
#include "clef.h"
#include "stringdata.h"
namespace Ms {
class XmlWriter;
class Part;
class Staff;
class StringData;
class StaffType;
// InstrumentGenre
class InstrumentGenre {
QString id;
QString name;
InstrumentGenre() {}
void write(XmlWriter& xml) const;
void write1(XmlWriter& xml) const;
void read(XmlReader&);
// InstrumentTemplate
class InstrumentTemplate {
int staves; // 1 <= MAX_STAVES
QString id;
QString trackName;
StaffNameList longNames; ///< shown on first system
StaffNameList shortNames; ///< shown on followup systems
QString musicXMLid; ///< used in MusicXML 3.0
QString description; ///< a longer description of the instrument
char minPitchA; // pitch range playable by an amateur
char maxPitchA;
char minPitchP; // pitch range playable by professional
char maxPitchP;
Interval transpose; // for transposing instruments
StaffGroup staffGroup;
const StaffType* staffTypePreset;
bool useDrumset;
Drumset* drumset;
StringData stringData;
QList<NamedEventList> midiActions;
QList<MidiArticulation> articulation;
QList<Channel> channel;
QList<InstrumentGenre*> genres; //; list of genres this instrument belongs to
ClefTypeList clefTypes[MAX_STAVES];
int staffLines[MAX_STAVES];
BracketType bracket[MAX_STAVES]; // bracket type (NO_BRACKET)
int bracketSpan[MAX_STAVES];
int barlineSpan[MAX_STAVES];
bool smallStaff[MAX_STAVES];
bool extended; // belongs to extended instrument set if true
InstrumentTemplate(const InstrumentTemplate&);
void init(const InstrumentTemplate&);
void linkGenre(const QString &);
void addGenre(QList<InstrumentGenre *>);
bool genreMember(const QString &);
void setPitchRange(const QString& s, char* a, char* b) const;
void write(XmlWriter& xml) const;
void write1(XmlWriter& xml) const;
void read(XmlReader&);
int nstaves() const { return staves; }
void setStaves(int val) { staves = val; }
ClefTypeList clefType(int staffIdx) const;
// InstrumentGroup
struct InstrumentGroup {
QString id;
QString name;
bool extended; // belongs to extended instruments set if true
QList<InstrumentTemplate*> instrumentTemplates;
void read(XmlReader&);
void clear();
InstrumentGroup() { extended = false; }
extern QList<InstrumentGenre *> instrumentGenres;
extern QList<MidiArticulation> articulation;
extern QList<InstrumentGroup*> instrumentGroups;
extern void clearInstrumentTemplates();
extern bool loadInstrumentTemplates(const QString& instrTemplates);
extern bool saveInstrumentTemplates(const QString& instrTemplates);
extern InstrumentTemplate* searchTemplate(const QString& name);
extern InstrumentTemplate* searchTemplateForMusicXmlId(const QString& mxmlId);
extern ClefType defaultClef(int patch);
} // namespace Ms