2014-07-29 18:37:20 +04:00

455 lines
17 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2013 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "importmidi_clef.h"
#include "libmscore/score.h"
#include "libmscore/staff.h"
#include "libmscore/measure.h"
#include "libmscore/segment.h"
#include "libmscore/clef.h"
#include "libmscore/chordrest.h"
#include "libmscore/chord.h"
#include "libmscore/note.h"
#include "libmscore/slur.h"
#include "libmscore/element.h"
#include "libmscore/sig.h"
#include "importmidi_tie.h"
#include "importmidi_meter.h"
#include "importmidi_fraction.h"
#include "importmidi_operations.h"
#include "preferences.h"
#include <set>
namespace Ms {
extern Preferences preferences;
namespace MidiClef {
class AveragePitch
AveragePitch() : sumPitch_(0), count_(0) {}
AveragePitch(int sumPitch, int count) : sumPitch_(sumPitch), count_(count) {}
int pitch() const { return qRound(sumPitch_ * 1.0 / count_); }
void addPitch(int pitch)
sumPitch_ += pitch;
AveragePitch& operator+=(const AveragePitch &other)
sumPitch_ += other.sumPitch_;
count_ += other.count_;
return *this;
int sumPitch_;
int count_;
class MinMaxPitch
MinMaxPitch() : minPitch_(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()), maxPitch_(-1) {}
MinMaxPitch(int minPitch, int maxPitch) : minPitch_(minPitch), maxPitch_(maxPitch) {}
int minPitch() const { return minPitch_; }
int maxPitch() const { return maxPitch_; }
int empty() const { return minPitch_ == std::numeric_limits<int>::max() || maxPitch_ == -1; }
void addPitch(int pitch)
if (pitch < minPitch_)
minPitch_ = pitch;
if (pitch > maxPitch_)
maxPitch_ = pitch;
int minPitch_;
int maxPitch_;
int clefMidPitch()
static const int midPitch = 60;
return midPitch;
ClefType clefTypeFromAveragePitch(int averagePitch)
return averagePitch < clefMidPitch() ? ClefType::F : ClefType::G;
void createClef(ClefType clefType, Staff* staff, int tick, bool isSmall = false)
Clef* clef = new Clef(staff->score());
const int track = staff->idx() * VOICES;
Measure* m = staff->score()->tick2measure(tick);
Segment* seg = m->getSegment(clef, tick);
AveragePitch findAverageSegPitch(const Segment *seg, int strack)
AveragePitch averagePitch;
for (int voice = 0; voice < VOICES; ++voice) {
ChordRest *cr = static_cast<ChordRest *>(seg->element(strack + voice));
if (cr && cr->type() == Element::Type::CHORD) {
Chord *chord = static_cast<Chord *>(cr);
const auto &notes = chord->notes();
for (const Note *note: notes)
return averagePitch;
MinMaxPitch findMinMaxSegPitch(const Segment *seg, int strack)
MinMaxPitch minMaxPitch;
for (int voice = 0; voice < VOICES; ++voice) {
ChordRest *cr = static_cast<ChordRest *>(seg->element(strack + voice));
if (cr && cr->type() == Element::Type::CHORD) {
Chord *chord = static_cast<Chord *>(cr);
const auto &notes = chord->notes();
for (const Note *note: notes)
return minMaxPitch;
#ifdef QT_DEBUG
bool doesClefBreakTie(const Staff *staff)
const int strack = staff->idx() * VOICES;
for (int voice = 0; voice < VOICES; ++voice) {
bool currentTie = false;
for (Segment *seg = staff->score()->firstSegment(); seg; seg = seg->next1()) {
if (seg->segmentType() == Segment::Type::ChordRest) {
if (MidiTie::isTiedBack(seg, strack, voice))
currentTie = false;
if (MidiTie::isTiedFor(seg, strack, voice))
currentTie = true;
else if (seg->segmentType() == Segment::Type::Clef && seg->element(strack)) {
if (currentTie) {
qDebug() << "Clef breaks tie; measure number (from 1):"
<< seg->measure()->no() + 1
<< ", staff index (from 0):" << staff->idx();
return true;
return false;
// clef index: 0 - treble, 1 - bass
int findPitchPenaltyForClef(int pitch, int clefIndex)
const int farPitchPenalty = 10000;
const int veryFarPitchPenalty = 20000;
const int approxPitchPenalty = 1;
const int dx = 5;
const int midPitch = clefMidPitch(); // all notes equal or upper - better in G clef
const int highPitch = midPitch + dx; // almost all notes equal or upper - in G clef
const int lowPitch = midPitch - dx; // almost all notes lower - in F clef
const int highestPitch = highPitch + dx; // all notes equal or upper - in G clef
const int lowestPitch = lowPitch - dx; // all notes lower - in F clef
switch (clefIndex) {
case 0:
if (pitch < lowestPitch)
return veryFarPitchPenalty;
else if (pitch < lowPitch)
return farPitchPenalty;
else if (pitch < midPitch)
return approxPitchPenalty;
case 1:
if (pitch >= highestPitch)
return veryFarPitchPenalty;
else if (pitch >= highPitch)
return farPitchPenalty;
else if (pitch >= midPitch)
return approxPitchPenalty;
Q_ASSERT_X(false, "MidiClef::pitchPenalty", "Unknown clef type");
return 0;
std::pair<Element::Type, ReducedFraction>
findChordRest(const Segment *seg, int strack)
Element::Type elType = Element::Type::INVALID;
ReducedFraction newRestLen(0, 1);
for (int voice = 0; voice < VOICES; ++voice) {
ChordRest *cr = static_cast<ChordRest *>(seg->element(strack + voice));
if (!cr)
if (cr->type() == Element::Type::CHORD) {
elType = Element::Type::CHORD;
else if (cr->type() == Element::Type::REST) {
elType = Element::Type::REST;
newRestLen = qMax(newRestLen, ReducedFraction(cr->globalDuration()));
return {elType, newRestLen};
int findClefChangePenalty(
int pos,
int clefIndex,
const std::vector<std::vector<int>> &trebleBassPath,
const Segment *segment,
const Staff *staff)
if (pos == 0)
return 0;
const int clefChangePenalty = 1000;
const int prevClefChangePenalty = 10001;
const int orphanChordPenalty = 2;
const int notesBetweenClefs = 5; // should be >= 2
int j = pos;
ReducedFraction totalRestLen(0, 1);
int penalty = 0;
const int strack = staff->idx() * VOICES;
const auto barFraction = ReducedFraction(
const ReducedFraction beatLen = Meter::beatLength(barFraction);
// find backward penalty
for (const Segment *segPrev = segment->prev1(Segment::Type::ChordRest); ;
segPrev = segPrev->prev1(Segment::Type::ChordRest)) {
if (!segPrev) {
penalty += clefChangePenalty;
const auto el = findChordRest(segPrev, strack);
if (el.first == Element::Type::CHORD) {
if (j == pos - notesBetweenClefs)
if (j == 0 || trebleBassPath[clefIndex][j] != clefIndex) {
if (j == pos - 1)
penalty += prevClefChangePenalty;
penalty += clefChangePenalty;
totalRestLen = {0, 1};
else if (el.first == Element::Type::REST) {
totalRestLen += el.second;
if (totalRestLen >= beatLen) {
if (j != pos)
penalty += orphanChordPenalty;
// find forward penalty
int chordCounter = 0;
for (const Segment *seg = segment; ; seg = seg->next1(Segment::Type::ChordRest)) {
if (!seg) {
penalty += clefChangePenalty;
const auto el = findChordRest(seg, strack);
if (el.first == Element::Type::CHORD) {
if (chordCounter == notesBetweenClefs)
totalRestLen = {0, 1};
else if (el.first == Element::Type::REST) {
totalRestLen += el.second;
if (totalRestLen >= beatLen) {
penalty += orphanChordPenalty;
return penalty;
ClefType clefFromIndex(int index)
return (index == 0) ? ClefType::G : ClefType::F;
void makeDynamicProgrammingStep(std::vector<std::vector<int>> &penalties,
std::vector<std::vector<int>> &optimalPaths,
int pos,
MidiTie::TieStateMachine::State tieState,
const MinMaxPitch &minMaxPitch,
const Segment *seg,
const Staff *staff)
for (int clefIndex = 0; clefIndex != 2; ++clefIndex)
optimalPaths[clefIndex].resize(pos + 1);
for (int curClef = 0; curClef != 2; ++curClef) {
const int significantPitch = (curClef == 0)
? minMaxPitch.minPitch() : minMaxPitch.maxPitch();
const int pitchPenalty = findPitchPenaltyForClef(significantPitch, curClef);
int minPenalty = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
int minIndex = 0;
for (int prevClef = 0; prevClef != 2; ++prevClef) {
int penalty = pitchPenalty;
if (prevClef != curClef) {
if (tieState == MidiTie::TieStateMachine::State::TIED_BACK
|| tieState == MidiTie::TieStateMachine::State::TIED_BOTH) {
continue; // there is a tie breakage that is incorrect
penalty += findClefChangePenalty(pos, prevClef, optimalPaths, seg, staff);
penalty += (pos > 0) ? penalties[prevClef][(pos + 1) % 2] : 0;
if ((prevClef != curClef && penalty < minPenalty)
|| (prevClef == curClef && penalty <= minPenalty)) {
minPenalty = penalty;
minIndex = prevClef;
penalties[curClef][pos % 2] = minPenalty;
if (pos > 0)
optimalPaths[curClef][pos] = minIndex;
// clefs should be created from the beginning to the end of the score
// (otherwise clefs that are equal the default staff clef at the beginning
// will be ignored),
// results of dynamic programming are collected from the end to the beginning
// so we need to store temporary results
bool createClefs(
Staff *staff,
const std::vector<std::vector<int>> &optimalPaths,
int lastClef,
const std::vector<Segment *> &segments)
std::vector<std::pair<ClefType, int>> clefsAndTicks;
int currentClef = lastClef;
for (size_t i = optimalPaths[0].size() - 1; i; --i) {
const int prevClef = optimalPaths[currentClef][i];
if (prevClef != currentClef) {
clefsAndTicks.push_back({clefFromIndex(currentClef), segments[i]->tick()});
currentClef = prevClef;
if (clefsAndTicks.empty())
return false;
createClef(clefFromIndex(currentClef), staff, 0); // main staff clef
for (size_t i = clefsAndTicks.size(); i; --i) // clef changes
createClef(clefsAndTicks[i - 1].first, staff, clefsAndTicks[i - 1].second, true);
return true;
void createMainClefFromAveragePitch(Staff *staff, int strack)
AveragePitch allAveragePitch;
for (Segment *seg = staff->score()->firstSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest); seg;
seg = seg->next1(Segment::Type::ChordRest)) {
allAveragePitch += findAverageSegPitch(seg, strack);
ClefType mainClef = clefTypeFromAveragePitch(allAveragePitch.pitch());
createClef(mainClef, staff, 0);
void createClefs(Staff *staff, int indexOfOperation, bool isDrumTrack)
if (isDrumTrack) {
createClef(ClefType::PERC, staff, 0);
const int strack = staff->idx() * VOICES;
const auto &opers =>trackOpers;
bool mainClefWasSet = false;
if (opers.changeClef.value(indexOfOperation)) {
MidiTie::TieStateMachine tieTracker;
// find optimal clef changes via dynamic programming
std::vector<std::vector<int>> penalties(2); // 0 - treble, 1 - bass
// remember only 2 last positions to save memory
for (size_t i = 0; i != penalties.size(); ++i)
penalties[i].resize(2); // 2 = current + prev
std::vector<std::vector<int>> optimalPaths(2); // first col is unused
std::vector<Segment *> segments;
int pos = 0;
for (Segment *seg = staff->score()->firstSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest); seg;
seg = seg->next1(Segment::Type::ChordRest)) {
const auto minMaxPitch = findMinMaxSegPitch(seg, strack);
if (minMaxPitch.empty()) // no chords
tieTracker.addSeg(seg, strack);
makeDynamicProgrammingStep(penalties, optimalPaths, pos,
tieTracker.state(), minMaxPitch, seg, staff);
if (!optimalPaths[0].empty()) {
const int lastClef = (penalties[1][(pos - 1) % 2] < penalties[0][(pos - 1) % 2])
? 1 : 0;
// get the optimal clef changes found via dynamic programming
if (createClefs(staff, optimalPaths, lastClef, segments))
mainClefWasSet = true;
if (!mainClefWasSet)
createMainClefFromAveragePitch(staff, strack);
Q_ASSERT_X(!doesClefBreakTie(staff), "MidiClef::createClefs", "Clef breaks the tie");
} // namespace MidiClef
} // namespace Ms