2014-05-07 18:09:01 +02:00

364 lines
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// MusE Score
// Linux Music Score Editor
// $Id: musicxmlsupport.cpp 5595 2012-04-29 15:30:32Z lvinken $
// Copyright (C) 2012 Werner Schweer and others
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
MusicXML support.
#include "globals.h"
#include "musicxmlsupport.h"
namespace Ms {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STAVES; ++i)
_staffNoteLists << StartStopList();
void NoteList::addNote(const int startTick, const int endTick, const int staff)
if (staff >= 0 && staff < _staffNoteLists.size())
_staffNoteLists[staff] << StartStop(startTick, endTick);
void NoteList::dump(const QString& voice) const
// dump contents
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STAVES; ++i) {
printf("voice %s staff %d:", qPrintable(voice), i);
for (int j = 0; j <; ++j)
printf(" %d-%d",,;
// show overlap
printf("overlap voice %s:", qPrintable(voice));
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STAVES - 1; ++i)
for (int j = i + 1; j < MAX_STAVES; ++j)
stavesOverlap(i, j);
Determine if notes n1 and n2 overlap.
This is NOT the case if
- n1 starts when or after n2 stops
- or n2 starts when or after n1 stops
static bool notesOverlap(const StartStop& n1, const StartStop& n2)
return !(n1.first >= n2.second || n1.second <= n2.first);
Determine if any note in staff1 and staff2 overlaps.
bool NoteList::stavesOverlap(const int staff1, const int staff2) const
for (int i = 0; i <; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j <; ++j)
if (notesOverlap(, {
// printf(" %d-%d", staff1, staff2);
return true;
return false;
Determine if any note in any staff overlaps.
bool NoteList::anyStaffOverlaps() const
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STAVES - 1; ++i)
for (int j = i + 1; j < MAX_STAVES; ++j)
if (stavesOverlap(i, j))
return true;
return false;
// qDebug("VoiceOverlapDetector::VoiceOverlapDetector(staves %d)", MAX_STAVES);
void VoiceOverlapDetector::addNote(const int startTick, const int endTick, const QString& voice, const int staff)
// if necessary, create the note list for voice
if (!_noteLists.contains(voice))
_noteLists.insert(voice, NoteList());
_noteLists[voice].addNote(startTick, endTick, staff);
void VoiceOverlapDetector::dump() const
// qDebug("VoiceOverlapDetector::dump()");
QMapIterator<QString, NoteList> i(_noteLists);
while (i.hasNext()) {;
void VoiceOverlapDetector::newMeasure()
// qDebug("VoiceOverlapDetector::newMeasure()");
bool VoiceOverlapDetector::stavesOverlap(const QString& voice) const
if (_noteLists.contains(voice))
return _noteLists.value(voice).anyStaffOverlaps();
return false;
QString MusicXMLDrumInstrument::toString() const
return QString("pitch %1 name %2 notehead %3 line %4 stemDirection %5")
void ValidatorMessageHandler::handleMessage(QtMsgType type, const QString& description,
const QUrl& /* identifier */, const QSourceLocation& sourceLocation)
// convert description from html to text
QDomDocument desc;
QString contentError;
int contentLine;
int contentColumn;
if (!desc.setContent(description, false, &contentError, &contentLine,
&contentColumn)) {
qDebug("ValidatorMessageHandler: could not parse validation error line %d column %d: %s",
contentLine, contentColumn, qPrintable(contentError));
QDomElement e = desc.documentElement();
if (e.tagName() != "html") {
qDebug("ValidatorMessageHandler: description is not html");
QString descText = e.text();
QString strType;
switch (type) {
case 0: strType = "Debug"; break;
case 1: strType = "Warning"; break;
case 2: strType = "Critical"; break;
case 3: strType = "Fatal"; break;
default: strType = "Unknown"; break;
QString errorStr = QString("%1 error: line %2 column %3 %4")
// append error, separated by newline if necessary
if (errors != "")
errors += "\n";
errors += errorStr;
// printDomElementPath
static QString domElementPath(const QDomElement& e)
QString s;
QDomNode dn(e);
while (!dn.parentNode().isNull()) {
dn = dn.parentNode();
const QDomElement& e = dn.toElement();
const QString k(e.tagName());
if (!s.isEmpty())
s += ":";
s += k;
return s;
// domError
void domError(const QDomElement& e)
QString m;
QString s = domElementPath(e);
// if (!docName.isEmpty())
// m = QString("<%1>:").arg(docName);
int ln = e.lineNumber();
if (ln != -1)
m += QString("line:%1 ").arg(ln);
int col = e.columnNumber();
if (col != -1)
m += QString("col:%1 ").arg(col);
m += QString("%1: Unknown Node <%2>, type %3").arg(s).arg(e.tagName()).arg(e.nodeType());
if (e.isText())
m += QString(" text node <%1>").arg(e.toText().data());
qDebug("%s", qPrintable(m));
// domNotImplemented
void domNotImplemented(const QDomElement& e)
if (!MScore::debugMode)
QString s = domElementPath(e);
// if (!docName.isEmpty())
// qDebug("<%s>:", qPrintable(docName));
qDebug("%s: Node not implemented: <%s>, type %d",
qPrintable(s), qPrintable(e.tagName()), e.nodeType());
if (e.isText())
qDebug(" text node <%s>", qPrintable(e.toText().data()));
// stringToInt
Convert a string in \a s into an int. Set *ok to true iff conversion was
successful. \a s may end with ".0", as is generated by Audiveris 3.2 and up,
in elements <divisions>, <duration>, <alter> and <sound> attributes
dynamics and tempo.
In case of error val return a default value of 0.
Note that non-integer values cannot be handled by mscore.
int MxmlSupport::stringToInt(const QString& s, bool* ok)
int res = 0;
QString str = s;
if (s.endsWith(".0"))
str = s.left(s.size() - 2);
res = str.toInt(ok);
return res;
// durationAsFraction
Return duration specified in the element e as Fraction.
Caller must ensure divisions is valid.
Fraction MxmlSupport::durationAsFraction(const int divisions, const QDomElement e)
Fraction f;
if (e.tagName() == "duration") {
bool ok;
int val = MxmlSupport::stringToInt(e.text(), &ok);
f = Fraction(val, 4 * divisions); // note divisions = ticks / quarter note
else {
qDebug() << "durationAsFraction tagname error" << f.print();
return f;
// noteTypeToFraction
Convert MusicXML note type to fraction.
Fraction MxmlSupport::noteTypeToFraction(QString type)
if (type == "1024th")
return Fraction(1, 1024);
else if (type == "512th")
return Fraction(1, 512);
else if (type == "256th")
return Fraction(1, 256);
else if (type == "128th")
return Fraction(1, 128);
else if (type == "64th")
return Fraction(1, 64);
else if (type == "32nd")
return Fraction(1, 32);
else if (type == "16th")
return Fraction(1, 16);
else if (type == "eighth")
return Fraction(1, 8);
else if (type == "quarter")
return Fraction(1, 4);
else if (type == "half")
return Fraction(1, 2);
else if (type == "whole")
return Fraction(1, 1);
else if (type == "breve")
return Fraction(2, 1);
else if (type == "long")
return Fraction(4, 1);
else if (type == "maxima")
return Fraction(8, 1);
return Fraction(0, 0);
// calculateFraction
Convert note type, number of dots and actual and normal notes into a duration
Fraction MxmlSupport::calculateFraction(QString type, int dots, int normalNotes, int actualNotes)
// type
Fraction f = MxmlSupport::noteTypeToFraction(type);
if (f.isValid()) {
// dot(s)
Fraction f_no_dots = f;
for (int i = 0; i < dots; ++i)
f += (f_no_dots / (2 << i));
// tuplet
if (actualNotes > 0 && normalNotes > 0) {
f *= normalNotes;
f /= actualNotes;
// clean up (just in case)
return f;