2020-06-15 09:40:34 +02:00

966 lines
32 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Werner Schweer and others
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef __MUSESCORE_H__
#define __MUSESCORE_H__
#include "config.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "singleapp/src/QtSingleApplication"
#include "updatechecker.h"
#include "libmscore/musescoreCore.h"
#include "libmscore/score.h"
#include "sessionstatusobserver.h"
class InspectorDockWidget;
namespace Ms {
class UploadScoreDialog;
class LoginManager;
class AboutBoxDialog;
class AboutMusicXMLBoxDialog;
class InsertMeasuresDialog;
class MeasuresDialog;
class Shortcut;
class ScoreView;
class Element;
class PreferenceDialog;
class InstrumentsDialog;
class Instrument;
class MidiFile;
class TextStyleDialog;
class PlayPanel;
class IPlayPanel;
class Mixer;
class Debugger;
class MeasureListEditor;
class MasterScore;
class Score;
class Tuplet;
class PageSettings;
class Palette;
class PaletteScrollArea;
class SelectionWindow;
class XmlWriter;
class MagBox;
class NewWizard;
class ExcerptsDialog;
class SynthControl;
class PianorollEditor;
class DrumrollEditor;
class Staff;
class ScoreTab;
class Drumset;
class TextTools;
class DrumTools;
class KeyEditor;
class ChordStyleEditor;
class Navigator;
class Timeline;
class PianoTools;
class MediaDialog;
class Workspace;
class WorkspaceDialog;
class AlbumManager;
class WebPageDockWidget;
class ChordList;
class Capella;
class OmrPanel;
class NScrollArea;
class TDockWidget;
class Sym;
class MasterPalette;
class PluginCreator;
class MsQmlEngine;
class PluginManager;
class QmlPluginEngine;
class MasterSynthesizer;
class SynthesizerState;
class Driver;
class Seq;
class ImportMidiPanel;
class ScoreComparisonTool;
class ScriptRecorder;
class ScriptRecorderWidget;
class Startcenter;
class HelpBrowser;
class ToolbarEditor;
class TourHandler;
class GeneralAutoUpdater;
class EditStyle;
class PalettePanel;
struct PaletteTree;
class PaletteWidget;
class PaletteWorkspace;
class QmlDockWidget;
struct PluginDescription;
enum class SelState : char;
enum class IconType : signed char;
enum class MagIdx : char;
extern QString mscoreGlobalShare;
extern QString revision;
static const int PROJECT_LIST_LEN = 6;
extern const char* voiceActions[];
extern bool mscoreFirstStart;
// IconActions
struct IconAction {
IconType subtype;
const char* action;
// LanguageItem
struct LanguageItem {
QString key;
QString name;
QString handbook;
LanguageItem(const QString k, const QString n)
key = k;
name = n;
handbook = QString();
LanguageItem(const QString k, const QString n, const QString h)
key = k;
name = n;
handbook = h;
// MuseScoreApplication (mac only)
class MuseScoreApplication : public QtSingleApplication
QStringList paths;
MuseScoreApplication(const QString& id, int& argc, char** argv)
: QtSingleApplication(id, argc, argv)
virtual bool event(QEvent* ev) override;
struct CommandLineParseResult {
QStringList argv;
bool exit = false;
static CommandLineParseResult parseCommandLineArguments(MuseScoreApplication* app);
static MuseScoreApplication* initApplication(int& argc, char** argv);
static bool setCustomConfigFolder(const QString& path);
// MuseScore
class MuseScore : public QMainWindow, public MuseScoreCore
QSettings settings;
ScoreView* cv { 0 };
ScoreTab* ctab { 0 };
QMap<MasterScore*, bool> scoreWasShown; // whether each score in scoreList has ever been shown
ScoreState _sstate;
UpdateChecker* ucheck;
ExtensionsUpdateChecker* packUChecker = nullptr;
static const std::list<const char*> _allNoteInputMenuEntries;
std::list<const char*> _noteInputMenuEntries { _allNoteInputMenuEntries };
static const std::list<const char*> _allFileOperationEntries;
std::list<const char*> _fileOperationEntries { _allFileOperationEntries };
static const std::list<const char*> _allPlaybackControlEntries;
std::list<const char*> _playbackControlEntries { _allPlaybackControlEntries };
bool _playPartOnly = true; // play part only vs. full score
QVBoxLayout* layout; // main window layout
QSplitter* splitter;
ScoreTab* tab1;
ScoreTab* tab2;
NScrollArea* _navigator;
TDockWidget* _timeline;
ImportMidiPanel* importmidiPanel { 0 };
QFrame* importmidiShowPanel;
QSplitter* mainWindow;
ScoreComparisonTool* scoreCmpTool { 0 };
ScriptRecorderWidget* scriptRecorder { nullptr };
MagBox* mag;
QComboBox* viewModeCombo;
QAction* playId;
QAction* pref;
QAction* onlineHandbookAction;
QAction* aboutAction;
QAction* aboutQtAction;
QAction* aboutMusicXMLAction;
QAction* checkForUpdateAction { 0 };
QAction* askForHelpAction;
QAction* reportBugAction;
QAction* leaveFeedbackAction;
QAction* revertToFactoryAction;
QProgressBar* _progressBar { 0 };
PreferenceDialog* preferenceDialog { 0 };
QToolBar* cpitchTools;
QToolBar* fotoTools;
QToolBar* fileTools;
QToolBar* transportTools;
QToolBar* entryTools;
QToolBar* feedbackTools;
QToolBar* workspacesTools;
TextTools* _textTools { 0 };
PianoTools* _pianoTools { 0 };
MediaDialog* _mediaDialog { 0 };
DrumTools* _drumTools { 0 };
QToolBar* voiceTools;
InstrumentsDialog* instrList { 0 };
MeasuresDialog* measuresDialog { 0 };
InsertMeasuresDialog* insertMeasuresDialog { 0 };
MasterPalette* masterPalette { 0 };
PluginCreator* _pluginCreator { 0 };
PluginManager* pluginManager { 0 };
QmlPluginEngine* _qmlEngine { 0 };
MsQmlEngine* _qmlUiEngine { 0 };
SelectionWindow* selectionWindow { 0 };
QMenu* menuFile;
QMenu* openRecent;
QMenu* menuEdit;
QMenu* menuView;
QMenu* menuToolbars;
QMenu* menuWorkspaces;
QMenu* menuAdd;
QMenu* menuAddMeasures;
QMenu* menuAddFrames;
QMenu* menuAddText;
QMenu* menuAddLines;
QMenu* menuAddPitch;
QMenu* menuAddInterval;
QMenu* menuTuplet;
QMenu* menuFormat;
QMenu* menuStretch;
QMenu* menuTools;
QMenu* menuVoices;
QMenu* menuMeasure;
QMenu* menuPlugins;
QMenu* menuHelp;
QMenu* menuTours;
#ifndef NDEBUG
QMenu* menuDebug;
AlbumManager* albumManager { 0 };
QWidget* _searchDialog { 0 };
QComboBox* searchCombo;
PlayPanel* playPanel { 0 };
Mixer* mixer { 0 };
SynthControl* synthControl { 0 };
Debugger* debugger { 0 };
MeasureListEditor* measureListEdit { 0 };
PageSettings* pageSettings { 0 };
QWidget* symbolDialog { 0 };
PaletteScrollArea* clefPalette { 0 };
PaletteScrollArea* keyPalette { 0 };
KeyEditor* keyEditor { 0 };
ChordStyleEditor* chordStyleEditor { 0 };
QStatusBar* _statusBar;
QLabel* _modeText;
QLabel* _positionLabel;
NewWizard* newWizard { 0 };
HelpBrowser* helpBrowser { 0 };
QDockWidget* manualDock { 0 };
PaletteWorkspace* paletteWorkspace { nullptr };
PaletteWidget* paletteWidget { nullptr };
InspectorDockWidget* _inspector { 0 };
OmrPanel* omrPanel { 0 };
QWidget* lastFocusWidget { 0 };
QPushButton* showMidiImportButton { 0 };
bool _midiinEnabled { true };
QList<QString> plugins;
QString pluginPath;
void createMenuEntry(PluginDescription*);
void removeMenuEntry(PluginDescription*);
QTimer* autoSaveTimer;
QList<QAction*> pluginActions;
PianorollEditor* pianorollEditor { 0 };
DrumrollEditor* drumrollEditor { 0 };
bool _splitScreen { false };
bool _horizontalSplit { true };
QString rev;
int _midiRecordId { -1 };
bool _fullscreen { false };
QList<LanguageItem> _languages;
Startcenter* startcenter { 0 };
QWidget* loginDialog { 0 };
UploadScoreDialog* uploadScoreDialog { 0 };
LoginManager* _loginManager { 0 };
QFileDialog* loadScoreDialog { 0 };
QFileDialog* saveScoreDialog { 0 };
QFileDialog* loadStyleDialog { 0 };
QFileDialog* saveStyleDialog { 0 };
QFileDialog* saveImageDialog { 0 };
QFileDialog* loadChordStyleDialog { 0 };
QFileDialog* saveChordStyleDialog { 0 };
QFileDialog* loadSfzFileDialog { 0 };
QFileDialog* loadBackgroundDialog { 0 };
QFileDialog* loadScanDialog { 0 };
QFileDialog* loadAudioDialog { 0 };
QFileDialog* loadDrumsetDialog { 0 };
QFileDialog* loadPluginDialog { 0 };
QFileDialog* loadPaletteDialog { 0 };
QFileDialog* savePaletteDialog { 0 };
QFileDialog* saveDrumsetDialog { 0 };
QFileDialog* savePluginDialog { 0 };
WorkspaceDialog* _workspaceDialog { 0 };
EditStyle* _styleDlg { nullptr };
QDialog* editRasterDialog { 0 };
QAction* hRasterAction;
QAction* vRasterAction;
ToolbarEditor* editToolbars { 0 };
QActionGroup* workspaces { 0 };
bool inChordEditor { false };
QComboBox* layerSwitch;
QComboBox* playMode;
QNetworkAccessManager* _networkManager { 0 };
QAction* lastCmd { 0 };
const Shortcut* lastShortcut { 0 };
QHelpEngine* _helpEngine { 0 };
int globalX, globalY; // current mouse position
QAction* countInAction;
QAction* metronomeAction;
QAction* loopAction;
QAction* loopInAction;
QAction* loopOutAction;
QAction* panAction;
QLabel* cornerLabel;
QStringList _recentScores;
QToolButton* _playButton;
qreal _physicalDotsPerInch;
QMessageBox* infoMsgBox;
TourHandler* _tourHandler { 0 };
QWindow* _lastFocusWindow { nullptr };
bool _lastFocusWindowIsQQuickView { false };
std::unique_ptr<GeneralAutoUpdater> autoUpdater;
SessionStatusObserver sessionStatusObserver;
virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent*);
virtual void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent*);
virtual void dropEvent(QDropEvent*);
virtual void changeEvent(QEvent* e);
virtual void showEvent(QShowEvent* event);
void retranslate();
void setMenuTitles();
void updateMenu(QMenu*& menu, QString menu_id, QString objectName);
void playVisible(bool flag);
void launchBrowser(const QString whereTo);
void loadScoreList();
void editInstrList();
void symbolMenu();
void showKeyEditor();
bool saveFile(MasterScore* score);
void fingeringMenu();
int pluginIdxFromPath(QString pluginPath);
void startDebugger();
void midiinToggled(bool);
void undoRedo(bool undo);
void showPalette(bool);
void showInspector(bool);
void showPropertiesDialogByElementType(const ElementType &type);
void showOmrPanel(bool);
void showNavigator(bool);
void showTimeline(bool);
void showSelectionWindow(bool);
void showSearchDialog();
void showToolbarEditor();
void splitWindow(bool horizontal);
void removeSessionFile();
void editChordStyle();
void startExcerptsDialog();
void initOsc();
void editRaster();
void showPianoKeyboard(bool);
void showMediaDialog();
void showAlbumManager();
void showLayerManager();
void updateUndoRedo();
void changeScore(int);
virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*);
void showModeText(const QString&);
void addRecentScore(const QString& scorePath);
void updateViewModeCombo();
void switchLayoutMode(LayoutMode);
void setPlayRepeats(bool repeat);
void setPanPlayback(bool pan);
ScoreTab* createScoreTab();
void askResetOldScorePositions(Score* score);
QString getUtmParameters(QString medium) const;
void checkForUpdatesNoUI();
void doLoadFiles(const QStringList& filter, bool switchTab, bool singleFile);
void windowSplit(bool);
void musescoreWindowWasShown();
void workspacesChanged();
void scoreStateChanged(ScoreState state);
private slots:
void cmd(QAction* a, const QString& cmd);
void autoSaveTimerTimeout();
void helpBrowser1() const;
void resetAndRestart();
void about();
void aboutQt();
void aboutMusicXML();
void reportBug(QString medium);
void askForHelp();
void leaveFeedback(QString medium);
void openRecentMenu();
void selectScore(QAction*);
void startPreferenceDialog();
void preferencesChanged(bool fromWorkspace = false);
void seqStarted();
void seqStopped();
void cmdAppendMeasures();
void cmdInsertMeasures();
void magChanged(MagIdx);
void showPageSettings();
void removeTab(int);
void removeTab();
void clipboardChanged();
void inputMethodAnchorRectangleChanged();
void inputMethodAnimatingChanged();
void inputMethodCursorRectangleChanged();
void inputMethodInputDirectionChanged(Qt::LayoutDirection newDirection);
void inputMethodInputItemClipRectangleChanged();
void inputMethodKeyboardRectangleChanged();
void inputMethodLocaleChanged();
void inputMethodVisibleChanged();
void endSearch();
void saveScoreDialogFilterSelected(const QString&);
#ifdef OSC
void oscIntMessage(int);
void oscVolume(int val);
void oscTempo(int val);
void oscGoto(int m);
void oscSelectMeasure(int m);
void oscVolChannel(double val);
void oscPanChannel(double val);
void oscMuteChannel(double val);
void oscOpen(QString path);
void oscCloseAll();
void oscTriggerPlugin(QString list);
void oscColorNote(QVariantList list);
void oscAction();
void deleteWorkspace();
void resetWorkspace();
void showWorkspaceMenu();
void switchLayer(const QString&);
void switchPlayMode(int);
void networkFinished();
void switchLayoutMode(int);
void showMidiImportPanel();
void changeWorkspace(QAction*);
void onLongOperationFinished();
void onFocusWindowChanged(QWindow*);
virtual QMenu* createPopupMenu() override;
QByteArray exportPdfAsJSON(Score*);
public slots:
virtual void cmd(QAction* a);
void dirtyChanged(Score*);
void setPos(const Fraction& tick);
void pluginTriggered(int);
void pluginTriggered(QString path);
void handleMessage(const QString& message);
void setCurrentScoreView(ScoreView*);
void setCurrentScoreView(int);
void setCurrentScores(Score* s1, Score* s2 = nullptr);
void setNormalState() { changeState(STATE_NORMAL); }
void setPlayState() { changeState(STATE_PLAY); }
void setNoteEntryState() { changeState(STATE_NOTE_ENTRY); }
void checkForUpdatesUI();
void checkForExtensionsUpdate();
void midiNoteReceived(int channel, int pitch, int velo);
void midiNoteReceived(int pitch, bool ctrl, int velo);
void instrumentChanged();
void showMasterPalette(const QString& = 0);
void selectionChanged(SelState);
void createNewWorkspace();
void editWorkspace();
void changeWorkspace(Workspace* p, bool first=false);
void mixerPreferencesChanged(bool showMidiControls);
void checkForUpdates();
void restartAudioEngine();
bool checkDirty(MasterScore*);
IPlayPanel* playPanelInterface() const;
PlayPanel* getPlayPanel() const { return playPanel; }
Mixer* getMixer() const { return mixer; }
QMenu* genCreateMenu(QWidget* parent = 0);
virtual int appendScore(MasterScore*);
void midiCtrlReceived(int controller, int value);
void showElementContext(Element* el);
void cmdAppendMeasures(int);
bool midiinEnabled() const;
void incMag();
void decMag();
void readSettings();
void writeSettings();
void play(Element* e) const;
void play(Element* e, int pitch) const;
bool loadPlugin(const QString& filename);
QString createDefaultName() const;
void startAutoSave();
double getMag(ScoreView*) const;
void setMag(double);
bool noScore() const { return scoreList.isEmpty(); }
TextTools* textTools();
void showDrumTools(const Drumset*, Staff*);
void updateDrumTools(const Drumset* ds);
void showPluginCreator(QAction*);
void showPluginManager();
// void updateTabNames();
void updatePaletteBeamMode();
QProgressBar* showProgressBar();
void hideProgressBar();
void addRecentScore(Score*);
QFileDialog* saveAsDialog();
QFileDialog* saveCopyDialog();
EditStyle* styleDlg() { return _styleDlg; }
void setStyleDlg(EditStyle* es) { _styleDlg = es; }
QString lastSaveCopyDirectory;
QString lastSaveCopyFormat;
QString lastSaveDirectory;
QString lastSaveCaptureName;
bool saveFile();
SynthControl* getSynthControl() const { return synthControl; }
void editInPianoroll(Staff* staff, Position* p = 0);
void editInDrumroll(Staff* staff);
PianorollEditor* getPianorollEditor() const { return pianorollEditor; }
DrumrollEditor* getDrumrollEditor() const { return drumrollEditor; }
PianoTools* pianoTools() const { return _pianoTools; }
PluginManager* getPluginManager() const { return pluginManager; }
QmlPluginEngine* getPluginEngine();
MsQmlEngine* getQmlUiEngine();
void writeSessionFile(bool);
bool restoreSession(bool);
bool splitScreen() const { return _splitScreen; }
void setSplitScreen(bool val);
virtual void setCurrentView(int tabIdx, int idx);
void loadPlugins();
void unloadPlugins();
void addPluginMenuEntries();
ScoreState state() const { return _sstate; }
void changeState(ScoreState);
void updateInputState(Score*);
void updateShadowNote();
bool readLanguages(const QString& path);
void setRevision(QString& r) { rev = r; }
Q_INVOKABLE QString revision() { return rev; }
Q_INVOKABLE QString version() { return VERSION; }
static QString fullVersion();
Q_INVOKABLE void newFile();
MasterScore* getNewFile();
Q_INVOKABLE void loadFile(const QString& url);
void loadFile(const QUrl&);
QTemporaryFile* getTemporaryScoreFileCopy(const QFileInfo& info, const QString& baseNameTemplate);
QNetworkAccessManager* networkManager();
virtual Score* openScore(const QString& fn, bool switchTab = true);
bool hasToCheckForUpdate();
bool hasToCheckForExtensionsUpdate();
static bool unstable();
bool eventFilter(QObject*, QEvent*);
void setMidiRecordId(int id) { _midiRecordId = id; }
int midiRecordId() const { return _midiRecordId; }
void setDefaultPalette();
void scorePageLayoutChanged();
bool processMidiRemote(MidiRemoteType type, int data, int value);
ScoreTab* getTab1() const { return tab1; }
ScoreTab* getTab2() const { return tab2; }
QList<LanguageItem>& languages() { return _languages; }
QStringList getOpenScoreNames(const QString& filter, const QString& title, bool singleFile = false);
QString getSaveScoreName(const QString& title, QString& name, const QString& filter, bool folder = false);
QString getStyleFilename(bool open, const QString& title = QString());
QString getFotoFilename(QString& filter, QString* selectedFilter);
QString getChordStyleFilename(bool open);
QString getScanFile(const QString&);
QString getAudioFile(const QString&);
QString getDrumsetFilename(bool open);
QString getPluginFilename(bool open);
QString getPaletteFilename(bool open, const QString& name = "");
QString getWallpaper(const QString& caption);
bool hRaster() const { return hRasterAction->isChecked(); }
bool vRaster() const { return vRasterAction->isChecked(); }
PaletteWorkspace* getPaletteWorkspace();
PaletteWidget* getPaletteWidget() { return paletteWidget; }
std::vector<QmlDockWidget*> qmlDockWidgets();
void changeWorkspace(const QString& name);
void disableCommands(bool val) { inChordEditor = val; }
Tuplet* tupletDialog();
void selectSimilar(Element*, bool);
void selectSimilarInRange(Element* e);
void selectElementDialog(Element* e);
void transpose();
void realizeChordSymbols();
Q_INVOKABLE void openExternalLink(const QString&);
void endCmd(const bool isCmdFromInspector = false, const bool undoRedo = false) override;
void printFile();
void exportFile();
bool exportParts();
virtual bool saveAs(Score*, bool saveCopy, const QString& path, const QString& ext);
QString saveFilename(QString fn);
bool savePdf(const QString& saveName);
bool savePdf(Score* cs, const QString& saveName);
bool savePdf(QList<Score*> cs, const QString& saveName);
bool savePdf(Score* cs, QPrinter& printer);
MasterScore* readScore(const QString& name);
bool saveAs(Score*, bool saveCopy = false);
bool saveSelection(Score*);
void addImage(Score*, Element*);
bool saveAudio(Score*, QIODevice*, std::function<bool(float)> updateProgress = nullptr);
bool saveAudio(Score*, const QString& name);
bool canSaveMp3();
bool saveMp3(Score*, const QString& name);
bool saveMp3(Score*, QIODevice*, bool& wasCanceled);
bool saveSvg(Score*, const QString& name);
bool saveSvg(Score*, QIODevice*, int pageNum = 0, bool drawPageBackground = false);
bool savePng(Score*, QIODevice*, int pageNum = 0, bool drawPageBackground = false);
bool savePng(Score*, const QString& name);
bool saveMidi(Score*, const QString& name);
bool saveMidi(Score*, QIODevice*);
bool savePositions(Score*, const QString& name, bool segments);
bool savePositions(Score*, QIODevice*, bool segments);
bool saveMetadataJSON(Score*, const QString& name);
QJsonObject saveMetadataJSON(Score*);
/////The methods are used in the backend
bool exportAllMediaFiles(const QString& inFilePath, const QString& outFilePath = "/dev/stdout");
bool exportScoreMetadata(const QString& inFilePath, const QString& outFilePath = "/dev/stdout");
bool exportMp3AsJSON(const QString& inFilePath, const QString& outFilePath = "/dev/stdout");
bool exportPartsPdfsToJSON(const QString& inFilePath, const QString& outFilePath = "/dev/stdout");
bool exportTransposedScoreToJSON(const QString& inFilePath, const QString& transposeOptions,
const QString& outFilePath = "/dev/stdout");
void scoreUnrolled(MasterScore* original);
virtual void closeScore(Score* score);
void addTempo();
void addMetronome();
SynthesizerState synthesizerState() const;
static Synthesizer* synthesizer(const QString& name);
Q_INVOKABLE QString getLocaleISOCode() const;
Navigator* navigator() const;
NScrollArea* navigatorScrollArea() const { return _navigator; }
Timeline* timeline() const;
TDockWidget* timelineScrollArea() const { return _timeline; }
QWidget* searchDialog() const;
SelectionWindow* getSelectionWindow() const { return selectionWindow; }
void updateLayer();
void updatePlayMode();
bool loop() const { return loopAction->isChecked(); }
bool metronome() const { return metronomeAction->isChecked(); }
bool countIn() const { return countInAction->isChecked(); }
bool panDuringPlayback() const { return panAction->isChecked(); }
void noteTooShortForTupletDialog();
void openFiles(bool switchTab = true, bool singleFile = false);
void importScore(bool switchTab = true, bool singleFile = false);
// midi panel functions
void midiPanelOnSwitchToFile(const QString& file);
void midiPanelOnCloseFile(const QString& file);
void allowShowMidiPanel(const QString& file);
void setMidiReopenInProgress(const QString& file);
static Palette* newTempoPalette(bool defaultPalette = false);
static Palette* newTextPalette(bool defaultPalette = false);
static Palette* newTimePalette();
static Palette* newRepeatsPalette();
static Palette* newBreaksPalette();
static Palette* newBeamPalette();
static Palette* newDynamicsPalette(bool defaultPalette = false);
static Palette* newFramePalette();
static Palette* newFingeringPalette();
static Palette* newTremoloPalette();
static Palette* newNoteHeadsPalette();
static Palette* newArticulationsPalette();
static Palette* newOrnamentsPalette();
static Palette* newAccordionPalette();
static Palette* newBracketsPalette();
static Palette* newBreathPalette();
static Palette* newArpeggioPalette();
static Palette* newClefsPalette(bool defaultPalette = false);
static Palette* newGraceNotePalette();
static Palette* newBagpipeEmbellishmentPalette();
static Palette* newKeySigPalette();
static Palette* newAccidentalsPalette(bool defaultPalette = false);
static Palette* newBarLinePalette();
static Palette* newLinesPalette();
static Palette* newFretboardDiagramPalette();
static PalettePanel* newTempoPalettePanel(bool defaultPalette = false);
static PalettePanel* newTextPalettePanel(bool defaultPalette = false);
static PalettePanel* newTimePalettePanel();
static PalettePanel* newRepeatsPalettePanel();
static PalettePanel* newBreaksPalettePanel();
static PalettePanel* newBeamPalettePanel();
static PalettePanel* newDynamicsPalettePanel(bool defaultPalette = false);
static PalettePanel* newFramePalettePanel();
static PalettePanel* newFingeringPalettePanel();
static PalettePanel* newTremoloPalettePanel();
static PalettePanel* newNoteHeadsPalettePanel();
static PalettePanel* newArticulationsPalettePanel();
static PalettePanel* newOrnamentsPalettePanel();
static PalettePanel* newAccordionPalettePanel();
static PalettePanel* newBracketsPalettePanel();
static PalettePanel* newBreathPalettePanel();
static PalettePanel* newArpeggioPalettePanel();
static PalettePanel* newClefsPalettePanel(bool defaultPalette = false);
static PalettePanel* newGraceNotePalettePanel();
static PalettePanel* newBagpipeEmbellishmentPalettePanel();
static PalettePanel* newKeySigPalettePanel();
static PalettePanel* newAccidentalsPalettePanel(bool defaultPalette = false);
static PalettePanel* newBarLinePalettePanel();
static PalettePanel* newLinesPalettePanel();
static PalettePanel* newFretboardDiagramPalettePanel();
static PaletteTree* newMasterPaletteTree();
WorkspaceDialog* workspaceDialog() { return _workspaceDialog; }
void updateIcons();
void updateMenus();
InspectorDockWidget* inspector() { return _inspector; }
PluginCreator* pluginCreator() { return _pluginCreator; }
ScoreView* currentScoreView() const { return cv; }
ScoreTab* currentScoreTab() const { return ctab; }
QToolButton* playButton() { return _playButton; }
void showMessage(const QString& s, int timeout);
void showHelp(QString);
void showContextHelp();
void showHelp(const QUrl&);
TourHandler* tourHandler() { return _tourHandler; }
void registerPlugin(PluginDescription*);
void unregisterPlugin(PluginDescription*);
Q_INVOKABLE void showStartcenter(bool);
void reDisplayDockWidget(QDockWidget* widget, bool visible);
void showPlayPanel(bool);
QFileInfoList recentScores() const;
void saveDialogState(const char* name, QFileDialog* d);
void restoreDialogState(const char* name, QFileDialog* d);
QPixmap extractThumbnail(const QString& name);
void showLoginDialog();
void showUploadScoreDialog();
LoginManager* loginManager() { return _loginManager; }
QHelpEngine* helpEngine() const { return _helpEngine; }
virtual void updateInspector() override;
void updateInstrumentDialog();
void reloadInstrumentTemplates();
void showSynthControl(bool);
void showMixer(bool);
qreal physicalDotsPerInch() const { return _physicalDotsPerInch; }
static const std::list<const char*>& allNoteInputMenuEntries() { return _allNoteInputMenuEntries; }
std::list<const char*>* noteInputMenuEntries() { return &_noteInputMenuEntries; }
void setNoteInputMenuEntries(std::list<const char*> l) { _noteInputMenuEntries = l; }
void populateNoteInputMenu();
static const std::list<const char*>& allFileOperationEntries() { return _allFileOperationEntries; }
std::list<const char*>* fileOperationEntries() { return &_fileOperationEntries; }
void setFileOperationEntries(std::list<const char*> l) { _fileOperationEntries = l; }
void populateFileOperations();
static const std::list<const char*>& allPlaybackControlEntries() { return _allPlaybackControlEntries; }
std::list<const char*>* playbackControlEntries() { return &_playbackControlEntries; }
void setPlaybackControlEntries(std::list<const char*> l) { _playbackControlEntries = l; }
void populatePlaybackControls();
bool playPartOnly() const { return _playPartOnly; }
void setPlayPartOnly(bool val);
static void updateUiStyleAndTheme();
void showError();
static void saveGeometry(QWidget const* const qw);
static void restoreGeometry(QWidget* const qw);
void updateWindowTitle(Score* score);
bool importExtension(QString path);
bool uninstallExtension(QString extensionId);
Q_INVOKABLE bool isInstalledExtension(QString extensionId);
void focusScoreView();
void notifyElementDraggedToScoreView();
ScriptRecorder* getScriptRecorder();
bool runTestScripts(const QStringList& scripts);
static void init(QStringList& argv);
friend class TestWorkspaces;
extern MuseScore* mscore;
extern QStringList recentScores;
extern QString dataPath;
extern MasterSynthesizer* synti;
MasterSynthesizer* synthesizerFactory();
Driver* driverFactory(Seq*, QString driver);
extern QAction* getAction(const char*);
extern Shortcut* midiActionMap[128];
extern void loadTranslation(QString fileName, QString localeName);
extern void setMscoreLocale(QString localeName);
extern bool saveMxl(Score*, const QString& name);
extern bool saveMxl(Score*, QIODevice*);
extern bool saveXml(Score*, QIODevice*);
extern bool saveXml(Score*, const QString& name);
extern QString getSharePath();
#ifdef AVSOMR
extern Score::FileError importMSMR(MasterScore*, const QString& name);
extern Score::FileError loadAndImportMSMR(MasterScore*, const QString& name);
extern Score::FileError importMidi(MasterScore*, const QString& name);
extern Score::FileError importGTP(MasterScore*, const QString& name);
extern Score::FileError importBww(MasterScore*, const QString& path);
extern Score::FileError importMusicXml(MasterScore*, const QString&);
extern Score::FileError importCompressedMusicXml(MasterScore*, const QString&);
extern Score::FileError importMuseData(MasterScore*, const QString& name);
extern Score::FileError importLilypond(MasterScore*, const QString& name);
extern Score::FileError importBB(MasterScore*, const QString& name);
extern Score::FileError importCapella(MasterScore*, const QString& name);
extern Score::FileError importCapXml(MasterScore*, const QString& name);
extern Score::FileError readScore(MasterScore* score, QString name, bool ignoreVersionError);
int runApplication(int& argc, char** argv);
} // namespace Ms
extern Ms::Score::FileError importOve(Ms::MasterScore*, const QString& name);