Werner Schweer 1f9ccfcdce add libmscore
git-subtree-dir: libmscore
git-subtree-mainline: 412ca45401
git-subtree-split: 6047361bd0
2012-05-26 14:54:47 +02:00

108 lines
3.9 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// $Id: line.h 5214 2012-01-11 09:45:40Z wschweer $
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __LINE_H__
#define __LINE_H__
#include "spanner.h"
#include "mscore.h"
class SLine;
class System;
class MuseScoreView;
class QPainter;
// LineSegment
// Virtual base class for segmented lines segments
// (OttavaSegment, HairpinSegment, TrillSegment...)
// This class describes one segment of an segmented
// line object. Line objects can span multiple staves.
// For every staff a segment is created.
class LineSegment : public SpannerSegment {
QPointF _p2;
QPointF _userOff2;
virtual bool isEditable() const { return true; }
virtual void editDrag(const EditData&);
virtual bool edit(MuseScoreView*, int grip, int key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers, const QString& s);
virtual void updateGrips(int*, QRectF*) const;
virtual void setGrip(int grip, const QPointF& p);
virtual QPointF getGrip(int) const;
virtual QPointF gripAnchor(int) const;
virtual void layout() {}
LineSegment(Score* s);
LineSegment(const LineSegment&);
virtual LineSegment* clone() const = 0;
virtual void draw(QPainter*) const = 0;
SLine* line() const { return (SLine*)spanner(); }
const QPointF& userOff2() const { return _userOff2; }
void setUserOff2(const QPointF& o) { _userOff2 = o; }
void setUserXoffset2(qreal x) { _userOff2.setX(x); }
void setPos2(const QPointF& p) { _p2 = p; }
QPointF pos2() const { return _p2 + _userOff2; }
const QPointF& ipos2() const { return _p2; }
virtual void toDefault();
virtual void spatiumChanged(qreal, qreal);
virtual QPointF pagePos() const;
virtual bool isEdited(SpannerSegment*) const;
friend class SLine;
// SLine
// virtual base class for Ottava, Pedal, Hairpin,
// Trill and TextLine
class SLine : public Spanner {
bool _diagonal;
SLine(Score* s);
SLine(const SLine&);
virtual void layout();
bool readProperties(const QDomElement& node);
void writeProperties(Xml& xml, const SLine* proto = 0) const;
virtual LineSegment* createLineSegment() = 0;
void setLen(qreal l);
virtual QRectF bbox() const;
virtual QPointF linePos(int grip, System** system);
virtual void write(Xml&) const;
virtual void read(const QDomElement&);
bool diagonal() const { return _diagonal; }
void setDiagonal(bool v) { _diagonal = v; }
int tick() const;
int tick2() const;
LineSegment* frontSegment() const { return (LineSegment*)spannerSegments().front(); }
LineSegment* backSegment() const { return (LineSegment*)spannerSegments().back(); }
LineSegment* takeFirstSegment() { return (LineSegment*)spannerSegments().takeFirst(); }
LineSegment* takeLastSegment() { return (LineSegment*)spannerSegments().takeLast(); }
LineSegment* segmentAt(int n) const { return (LineSegment*)spannerSegments().at(n); }