J. Edward Sanchez f363220a1b Fix #297426: The playback cursor is not repositioned when selecting items other than notes, rests or measures
Improved the functionality of the playhead (a.k.a. the playback cursor) so that whenever the user selects an element, the playhead is automatically repositioned to the element's time position. Previously, this worked only for noteheads and rests, but it now works for note stems, beams, augmentation dots, accidentals, ties, slurs, articulations, time signatures, key signatures, clefs, tempo changes, dynamics, lines, barlines, breaks, spacers, measure numbers, text, and so on.

Special cases handled:

* Barlines. The playhead is moved to the start of the measure to the right of the barline, unless it's the last barline in either the entire score or the system, in which case the playhead is moved to the start of the measure to the left of the barline.

* Brackets always have a time position of zero, so the playhead is moved to the start of the first measure in the system that the bracket belongs to.

* Instrument names always have a time position of zero, so the playhead is moved to the start of the first measure in the system that the instrument name belongs to.
2020-04-14 05:15:05 -07:00

562 lines
20 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2013 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "bracket.h"
#include "xml.h"
#include "style.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "measure.h"
#include "staff.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "sym.h"
#include "mscore.h"
#include "bracketItem.h"
namespace Ms {
// Bracket
Bracket::Bracket(Score* s)
: Element(s)
ay1 = 0;
h2 = 3.5 * spatium();
_firstStaff = 0;
_lastStaff = 0;
_bi = 0;
_braceSymbol = SymId::noSym;
_magx = 1.;
setGenerated(true); // brackets are not saved
// playTick
Fraction Bracket::playTick() const
// Brackets always have a tick value of zero, so play from the start of the first measure in the system that the bracket belongs to.
const auto sys = system();
if (sys) {
const auto firstMeasure = sys->firstMeasure();
if (firstMeasure)
return firstMeasure->tick();
return tick();
// setHeight
void Bracket::setHeight(qreal h)
h2 = h * .5;
// width
qreal Bracket::width() const
qreal w;
switch (bracketType()) {
case BracketType::BRACE:
if (score()->styleSt(Sid::MusicalSymbolFont) == "Emmentaler" || score()->styleSt(Sid::MusicalSymbolFont) == "Gonville")
w = score()->styleP(Sid::akkoladeWidth) + score()->styleP(Sid::akkoladeBarDistance);
w = (symWidth(_braceSymbol) * _magx) + score()->styleP(Sid::akkoladeBarDistance);
case BracketType::NORMAL:
w = score()->styleP(Sid::bracketWidth) + score()->styleP(Sid::bracketDistance);
case BracketType::SQUARE:
w = score()->styleP(Sid::staffLineWidth) + spatium() * .5;
case BracketType::LINE:
w = 0.67f * score()->styleP(Sid::bracketWidth) + score()->styleP(Sid::bracketDistance);
case BracketType::NO_BRACKET:
w = 0.0;
return w;
// setStaffSpan
void Bracket::setStaffSpan(int a, int b)
_firstStaff = a;
_lastStaff = b;
if (bracketType() == BracketType::BRACE &&
score()->styleSt(Sid::MusicalSymbolFont) != "Emmentaler" && score()->styleSt(Sid::MusicalSymbolFont) != "Gonville")
int v = _lastStaff - _firstStaff + 1;
// total default height of a system of n staves / height of a 5 line staff
_magx = v + ((v - 1) * score()->styleS(Sid::akkoladeDistance).val() / 4.0);
if (v == 1)
_braceSymbol = SymId::braceSmall;
else if (v <= 2)
_braceSymbol = SymId::brace;
else if (v <= 3)
_braceSymbol = SymId::braceLarge;
_braceSymbol = SymId::braceLarger;
// layout
void Bracket::layout()
path = QPainterPath();
if (h2 == 0.0)
switch (bracketType()) {
case BracketType::BRACE: {
if (score()->styleSt(Sid::MusicalSymbolFont) == "Emmentaler" || score()->styleSt(Sid::MusicalSymbolFont) == "Gonville") {
_braceSymbol = SymId::noSym;
qreal w = score()->styleP(Sid::akkoladeWidth);
#define XM(a) (a+700)*w/700
#define YM(a) (a+7100)*h2/7100
path.moveTo( XM( -8), YM(-2048));
path.cubicTo(XM( -8), YM(-3192), XM(-360), YM(-4304), XM( -360), YM(-5400)); // c 0
path.cubicTo(XM( -360), YM(-5952), XM(-264), YM(-6488), XM( 32), YM(-6968)); // c 1
path.cubicTo(XM( 36), YM(-6974), XM( 38), YM(-6984), XM( 38), YM(-6990)); // c 0
path.cubicTo(XM( 38), YM(-7008), XM( 16), YM(-7024), XM( 0), YM(-7024)); // c 0
path.cubicTo(XM( -8), YM(-7024), XM( -22), YM(-7022), XM( -32), YM(-7008)); // c 1
path.cubicTo(XM( -416), YM(-6392), XM(-544), YM(-5680), XM( -544), YM(-4960)); // c 0
path.cubicTo(XM( -544), YM(-3800), XM(-168), YM(-2680), XM( -168), YM(-1568)); // c 0
path.cubicTo(XM( -168), YM(-1016), XM(-264), YM( -496), XM( -560), YM( -16)); // c 1
path.lineTo( XM( -560), YM( 0)); // l 1
path.lineTo( XM( -560), YM( 16)); // l 1
path.cubicTo(XM( -264), YM( 496), XM(-168), YM( 1016), XM( -168), YM( 1568)); // c 0
path.cubicTo(XM( -168), YM( 2680), XM(-544), YM( 3800), XM( -544), YM( 4960)); // c 0
path.cubicTo(XM( -544), YM( 5680), XM(-416), YM( 6392), XM( -32), YM( 7008)); // c 1
path.cubicTo(XM( -22), YM( 7022), XM( -8), YM( 7024), XM( 0), YM( 7024)); // c 0
path.cubicTo(XM( 16), YM( 7024), XM( 38), YM( 7008), XM( 38), YM( 6990)); // c 0
path.cubicTo(XM( 38), YM( 6984), XM( 36), YM( 6974), XM( 32), YM( 6968)); // c 1
path.cubicTo(XM( -264), YM( 6488), XM(-360), YM( 5952), XM( -360), YM( 5400)); // c 0
path.cubicTo(XM( -360), YM( 4304), XM( -8), YM( 3192), XM( -8), YM( 2048)); // c 0
path.cubicTo(XM( - 8), YM( 1320), XM(-136), YM( 624), XM( -512), YM( 0)); // c 1
path.cubicTo(XM( -136), YM( -624), XM( -8), YM(-1320), XM( -8), YM(-2048)); // c 0*/
else {
if (_braceSymbol == SymId::noSym)
_braceSymbol = SymId::brace;
qreal h = h2 * 2;
qreal w = symWidth(_braceSymbol) * _magx;
bbox().setRect(0, 0, w, h);
case BracketType::NORMAL: {
qreal _spatium = spatium();
qreal w = score()->styleP(Sid::bracketWidth) * .5;
qreal x = -w;
qreal bd = _spatium * .25;
_shape.add(QRectF(x, -bd, w * 2, 2 * (h2+bd)));
_shape.add(symBbox(SymId::bracketTop).translated(QPointF(-w, -bd)));
_shape.add(symBbox(SymId::bracketBottom).translated(QPointF(-w, bd + 2*h2)));
w += symWidth(SymId::bracketTop);
qreal y = - symHeight(SymId::bracketTop) - bd;
qreal h = (-y + h2) * 2;
bbox().setRect(x, y, w, h);
case BracketType::SQUARE: {
qreal w = score()->styleP(Sid::staffLineWidth) * .5;
qreal x = -w;
qreal y = -w;
qreal h = (h2 + w) * 2 ;
w += (.5 * spatium() + 3* w);
bbox().setRect(x, y, w, h);
case BracketType::LINE: {
qreal _spatium = spatium();
qreal w = 0.67 * score()->styleP(Sid::bracketWidth) * .5;
qreal x = -w;
qreal bd = _spatium * .25;
qreal y = -bd;
qreal h = (-y + h2) * 2;
bbox().setRect(x, y, w, h);
case BracketType::NO_BRACKET:
// draw
void Bracket::draw(QPainter* painter) const
if (h2 == 0.0)
switch (bracketType()) {
case BracketType::BRACE: {
if (_braceSymbol == SymId::noSym) {
else {
qreal h = 2 * h2;
qreal _spatium = spatium();
qreal mag = h / (4 *_spatium);
painter->scale(_magx, mag);
drawSymbol(_braceSymbol, painter, QPointF(0, h/mag));
case BracketType::NORMAL: {
qreal h = 2 * h2;
qreal _spatium = spatium();
qreal w = score()->styleP(Sid::bracketWidth);
qreal bd = _spatium * .25;
QPen pen(curColor(), w, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap);
painter->drawLine(QLineF(0.0, -bd - w * .5, 0.0, h + bd + w * .5));
qreal x = -w * .5;
qreal y1 = -bd;
qreal y2 = h + bd;
drawSymbol(SymId::bracketTop, painter, QPointF(x, y1));
drawSymbol(SymId::bracketBottom, painter, QPointF(x, y2));
case BracketType::SQUARE: {
qreal h = 2 * h2;
qreal _spatium = spatium();
qreal w = score()->styleP(Sid::staffLineWidth);
QPen pen(curColor(), w, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::SquareCap);
painter->drawLine(QLineF(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, h));
painter->drawLine(QLineF(0.0, 0.0, w + .5 *_spatium, 0.0));
painter->drawLine(QLineF(0.0, h , w + .5 *_spatium, h));
case BracketType::LINE: {
qreal h = 2 * h2;
qreal _spatium = spatium();
qreal w = 0.67 * score()->styleP(Sid::bracketWidth);
QPen pen(curColor(), w, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap);
qreal bd = _spatium * .25;
painter->drawLine(QLineF(0.0, -bd, 0.0, h + bd));
case BracketType::NO_BRACKET:
// startEdit
void Bracket::startEdit(EditData& ed)
ay1 = pagePos().y();
// gripsPositions
std::vector<QPointF> Bracket::gripsPositions(const EditData&) const
return { QPointF(0.0, h2 * 2) + pagePos() };
// endEdit
void Bracket::endEdit(EditData& ed)
// endEditDrag(ed);
ed.element = 0; // score layout invalidates element
// editDrag
void Bracket::editDrag(EditData& ed)
h2 += * .5;
// endEditDrag
// snap to nearest staff
void Bracket::endEditDrag(EditData&)
qreal ay2 = ay1 + h2 * 2;
int staffIdx1 = staffIdx();
int staffIdx2;
int n = system()->staves()->size();
if (staffIdx1 + 1 >= n)
staffIdx2 = staffIdx1;
else {
qreal ay = parent()->pagePos().y();
System* s = system();
qreal y = s->staff(staffIdx1)->y() + ay;
qreal h1 = staff()->height();
for (staffIdx2 = staffIdx1 + 1; staffIdx2 < n; ++staffIdx2) {
qreal h = s->staff(staffIdx2)->y() + ay - y;
if (ay2 < (y + (h + h1) * .5))
y += h;
staffIdx2 -= 1;
qreal sy = system()->staff(staffIdx1)->y();
qreal ey = system()->staff(staffIdx2)->y() + score()->staff(staffIdx2)->height();
h2 = (ey - sy) * .5;
bracketItem()->undoChangeProperty(Pid::BRACKET_SPAN, staffIdx2 - staffIdx1 + 1);
// brackets do not survive layout
// make sure layout is not called:
// acceptDrop
bool Bracket::acceptDrop(EditData& data) const
return data.dropElement->type() == ElementType::BRACKET;
// drop
Element* Bracket::drop(EditData& data)
Element* e = data.dropElement;
Bracket* b = 0;
if (e->isBracket()) {
b = toBracket(e);
undoChangeProperty(Pid::SYSTEM_BRACKET, int(b->bracketType()));
delete e;
return this;
// edit
// return true if event is accepted
bool Bracket::edit(EditData& ed)
if (!(ed.modifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier))
return false;
if (ed.key == Qt::Key_Left) {
bracketItem()->undoChangeProperty(Pid::BRACKET_COLUMN, bracketItem()->column()+1);
return true;
if (ed.key == Qt::Key_Right) {
if (bracketItem()->column() == 0)
return true;
bracketItem()->undoChangeProperty(Pid::BRACKET_COLUMN, bracketItem()->column()-1);
return true;
return false;
// getProperty
QVariant Bracket::getProperty(Pid id) const
QVariant v = Element::getProperty(id);
if (!v.isValid())
v = _bi->getProperty(id);
return v;
// setProperty
bool Bracket::setProperty(Pid id, const QVariant& v)
return _bi->setProperty(id, v);
// propertyDefault
QVariant Bracket::propertyDefault(Pid id) const
if (id == Pid::BRACKET_COLUMN)
return 0;
QVariant v = Element::propertyDefault(id);
if (!v.isValid())
v = _bi->propertyDefault(id);
return v;
// undoChangeProperty
void Bracket::undoChangeProperty(Pid id, const QVariant& v, PropertyFlags ps)
// brackets do not survive layout() and therefore cannot be on
// the undo stack; delegate to BracketItem:
BracketItem* bi = bracketItem();
bi->undoChangeProperty(id, v, ps);
// setSelected
void Bracket::setSelected(bool f)
// _bi->setSelected(f);
// Bracket::bracketTypeName
const char* Bracket::bracketTypeName(BracketType type)
switch(type) {
case BracketType::BRACE:
return "Brace";
case BracketType::NORMAL:
return "Normal";
case BracketType::SQUARE:
return "Square";
case BracketType::LINE:
return "Line";
case BracketType::NO_BRACKET:
return "NoBracket";
// Bracket::write
// used only for palettes
void Bracket::write(XmlWriter& xml) const
switch (_bi->bracketType()) {
case BracketType::BRACE:
case BracketType::SQUARE:
case BracketType::LINE:
const char* type = bracketTypeName(_bi->bracketType());
xml.stag(this, QString("type=\"%1\"").arg(type));
case BracketType::NORMAL:
case BracketType::NO_BRACKET:
if (_bi->column())
xml.tag("level", _bi->column());
// Bracket::read
// used only for palettes
void Bracket::read(XmlReader& e)
QString t(e.attribute("type", "Normal"));
_bi = new BracketItem(score());
if (t == "Normal")
else if (t == "Akkolade") //compatibility, not used anymore
else if (t == "Brace")
else if (t == "Square")
else if (t == "Line")
qDebug("unknown brace type <%s>", qPrintable(t));
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "level")
else if (!Element::readProperties(e))