Maurizio M. Gavioli 2d76253fca Default style, base style, saving and reading score file styles.
Background: the MScore objects has two reference styles:
- _baseStyle, which is inited to the built-in default style (common to all MuseScore copies)
- _defaultStyle which is inited to the user-defined default style
They are equal in a default installation but become different as soon as the user chooses a custom default style in the Preferences.

- score style are saved as delta from the user-default style for texts and for articulations and as delta from the built-in default for the rest
- when the score is read back from file, it is inited to the user-default style and styles are read as a delta from it.

This makes:
- different parts of the saved style inconsistent among themselves
- styles saved in the score non-portable across different MuseScore copies (with potentially different user-default styles)

- all style parts are saved as delta from the built-in default (to be portable)
- score is inited to built-in default style before being read from file.

Note: it is expected that users with custom default styles notice style differences when reading scores saved with previous 2.0 commits, as they were saved as delta from their respective user default styles.
2013-12-26 01:33:19 +01:00

1563 lines
70 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include <unordered_map>
#include "mscore.h"
#include "style.h"
#include "style_p.h"
#include "xml.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "articulation.h"
#include "harmony.h"
#include "chordlist.h"
#include "page.h"
#include "mscore.h"
#include "clef.h"
namespace Ms {
MStyle* style;
// 20 points font design size
// 72 points/inch point size
// 120 dpi screen resolution
// spatium = 20/4 points
// styleTypes
struct StyleTypes2 {
StyleIdx idx;
StyleType val;
static const StyleTypes2 styleTypes2[] = {
{ ST_staffUpperBorder, StyleType("staffUpperBorder", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_staffLowerBorder, StyleType("staffLowerBorder", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_staffDistance, StyleType("staffDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_akkoladeDistance, StyleType("akkoladeDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_minSystemDistance, StyleType("minSystemDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_maxSystemDistance, StyleType("maxSystemDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_lyricsDistance, StyleType("lyricsDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_lyricsMinBottomDistance, StyleType("lyricsMinBottomDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_lyricsLineHeight, StyleType("lyricsLineHeight", ST_DOUBLE) }, // in % of normal height (default: 1.0)
{ ST_figuredBassFontFamily, StyleType("figuredBassFontFamily", ST_STRING) },
{ ST_figuredBassFontSize, StyleType("figuredBassFontSize", ST_DOUBLE) }, // in pt
{ ST_figuredBassYOffset, StyleType("figuredBassYOffset", ST_DOUBLE) }, // in sp
{ ST_figuredBassLineHeight, StyleType("figuredBassLineHeight", ST_DOUBLE) }, // in % of normal height
{ ST_figuredBassAlignment, StyleType("figuredBassAlignment", ST_INT) }, // 0 = top, 1 = bottom
{ ST_figuredBassStyle, StyleType("figuredBassStyle" , ST_INT) }, // 0=modern, 1=historic
{ ST_systemFrameDistance, StyleType("systemFrameDistance", ST_SPATIUM) }, // dist. between staff and vertical box
{ ST_frameSystemDistance, StyleType("frameSystemDistance", ST_SPATIUM) }, // dist. between vertical box and next system
{ ST_minMeasureWidth, StyleType("minMeasureWidth", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_barWidth, StyleType("barWidth", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_doubleBarWidth, StyleType("doubleBarWidth", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_endBarWidth, StyleType("endBarWidth", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_doubleBarDistance, StyleType("doubleBarDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_endBarDistance, StyleType("endBarDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_repeatBarTips, StyleType("repeatBarTips", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_startBarlineSingle, StyleType("startBarlineSingle", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_startBarlineMultiple, StyleType("startBarlineMultiple", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_bracketWidth, StyleType("bracketWidth", ST_SPATIUM) }, // system bracket line width
{ ST_bracketDistance, StyleType("bracketDistance", ST_SPATIUM) }, // system bracket distance
{ ST_akkoladeWidth, StyleType("akkoladeWidth", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_akkoladeBarDistance, StyleType("akkoladeBarDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_clefLeftMargin, StyleType("clefLeftMargin", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_keysigLeftMargin, StyleType("keysigLeftMargin", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_timesigLeftMargin, StyleType("timesigLeftMargin", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_clefKeyRightMargin, StyleType("clefKeyRightMargin", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_clefBarlineDistance, StyleType("clefBarlineDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_stemWidth, StyleType("stemWidth", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_shortenStem, StyleType("shortenStem", ST_BOOL) }, // ST_shortenStem,
{ ST_shortStemProgression, StyleType("shortStemProgression", ST_SPATIUM) }, // ST_shortStemProgression,
{ ST_shortestStem, StyleType("shortestStem", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_beginRepeatLeftMargin, StyleType("beginRepeatLeftMargin", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_minNoteDistance, StyleType("minNoteDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_barNoteDistance, StyleType("barNoteDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_barAccidentalDistance, StyleType("barAccidentalDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_multiMeasureRestMargin, StyleType("multiMeasureRestMargin", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_noteBarDistance, StyleType("noteBarDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_measureSpacing, StyleType("measureSpacing", ST_DOUBLE) },
{ ST_staffLineWidth, StyleType("staffLineWidth", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_ledgerLineWidth, StyleType("ledgerLineWidth", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_ledgerLineLength, StyleType("ledgerLineLength", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_accidentalDistance, StyleType("accidentalDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_accidentalNoteDistance, StyleType("accidentalNoteDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_beamWidth, StyleType("beamWidth", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_beamDistance, StyleType("beamDistance", ST_DOUBLE) }, // in beamWidth units
{ ST_beamMinLen, StyleType("beamMinLen", ST_SPATIUM) }, // len for broken beams
{ ST_beamNoSlope, StyleType("beamNoSlope", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_dotMag, StyleType("dotMag", ST_DOUBLE) },
{ ST_dotNoteDistance, StyleType("dotNoteDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_dotRestDistance, StyleType("dotRestDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_dotDotDistance, StyleType("dotDotDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_propertyDistanceHead, StyleType("propertyDistanceHead", ST_SPATIUM) }, // note property to note head
{ ST_propertyDistanceStem, StyleType("propertyDistanceStem", ST_SPATIUM) }, // note property to note stem
{ ST_propertyDistance, StyleType("propertyDistance", ST_SPATIUM) }, // note property to note property
{ ST_articulationMag, StyleType("articulationMag", ST_DOUBLE) }, // note property to note property
{ ST_lastSystemFillLimit, StyleType("lastSystemFillLimit", ST_DOUBLE) },
{ ST_hairpinY, StyleType("hairpinY", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_hairpinHeight, StyleType("hairpinHeight", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_hairpinContHeight, StyleType("hairpinContHeight", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_hairpinLineWidth, StyleType("hairpinWidth", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_pedalY, StyleType("pedalY", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_pedalLineWidth, StyleType("pedalLineWidth", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_pedalLineStyle, StyleType("pedalListStyle", ST_INT) },
{ ST_trillY, StyleType("trillY", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_harmonyY, StyleType("harmonyY", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_harmonyFretDist, StyleType("harmonyFretDist", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_minHarmonyDistance, StyleType("minHarmonyDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_capoPosition, StyleType("capoPosition", ST_INT) },
{ ST_showPageNumber, StyleType("showPageNumber", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_showPageNumberOne, StyleType("showPageNumberOne", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_pageNumberOddEven, StyleType("pageNumberOddEven", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_showMeasureNumber, StyleType("showMeasureNumber", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_showMeasureNumberOne, StyleType("showMeasureNumberOne", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_measureNumberInterval, StyleType("measureNumberInterval", ST_INT) },
{ ST_measureNumberSystem, StyleType("measureNumberSystem", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_measureNumberAllStaffs, StyleType("measureNumberAllStaffs", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_smallNoteMag, StyleType("smallNoteMag", ST_DOUBLE) },
{ ST_graceNoteMag, StyleType("graceNoteMag", ST_DOUBLE) },
{ ST_smallStaffMag, StyleType("smallStaffMag", ST_DOUBLE) },
{ ST_smallClefMag, StyleType("smallClefMag", ST_DOUBLE) },
{ ST_genClef, StyleType("genClef", ST_BOOL) }, // create clef for all systems, not only for first
{ ST_genKeysig, StyleType("genKeysig", ST_BOOL) }, // create key signature for all systems
{ ST_genTimesig, StyleType("genTimesig", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_genCourtesyTimesig, StyleType("genCourtesyTimesig", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_genCourtesyKeysig, StyleType("genCourtesyKeysig", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_genCourtesyClef, StyleType("genCourtesyClef", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_useStandardNoteNames, StyleType("useStandardNoteNames", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_useGermanNoteNames, StyleType("useGermanNoteNames", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_useSolfeggioNoteNames, StyleType("useSolfeggioNoteNames", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_lowerCaseMinorChords, StyleType("lowerCaseMinorChords", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_chordStyle, StyleType("chordStyle", ST_STRING) },
{ ST_chordsXmlFile, StyleType("chordsXmlFile", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_chordDescriptionFile, StyleType("chordDescriptionFile", ST_STRING) },
{ ST_concertPitch, StyleType("concertPitch", ST_BOOL) }, // display transposing instruments in concert pitch
{ ST_createMultiMeasureRests, StyleType("createMultiMeasureRests", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_minEmptyMeasures, StyleType("minEmptyMeasures", ST_INT) }, // minimum number of empty measures for multi measure rest
{ ST_minMMRestWidth, StyleType("minMMRestWidth", ST_SPATIUM) }, // minimum width of multi measure rest
{ ST_hideEmptyStaves, StyleType("hideEmptyStaves", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_dontHideStavesInFirstSystem, StyleType("dontHidStavesInFirstSystm", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_gateTime, StyleType("gateTime", ST_INT) }, // 0-100%
{ ST_tenutoGateTime, StyleType("tenutoGateTime", ST_INT) },
{ ST_staccatoGateTime, StyleType("staccatoGateTime", ST_INT) },
{ ST_slurGateTime, StyleType("slurGateTime", ST_INT) },
{ ST_ArpeggioNoteDistance, StyleType("ArpeggioNoteDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_ArpeggioLineWidth, StyleType("ArpeggioLineWidth", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_ArpeggioHookLen, StyleType("ArpeggioHookLen", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_FixMeasureNumbers, StyleType("FixMeasureNumbers", ST_INT) },
{ ST_FixMeasureWidth, StyleType("FixMeasureWidth", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_SlurEndWidth, StyleType("slurEndWidth", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_SlurMidWidth, StyleType("slurMidWidth", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_SlurDottedWidth, StyleType("slurDottedWidth", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_SectionPause, StyleType("sectionPause", ST_DOUBLE) },
{ ST_MusicalSymbolFont, StyleType("musicalSymbolFont", ST_STRING) },
{ ST_showHeader, StyleType("showHeader", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_headerStyled, StyleType("headerStyled", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_headerFirstPage, StyleType("headerFirstPage", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_headerOddEven, StyleType("headerOddEven", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_evenHeaderL, StyleType("evenHeaderL", ST_STRING) },
{ ST_evenHeaderC, StyleType("evenHeaderC", ST_STRING) },
{ ST_evenHeaderR, StyleType("evenHeaderR", ST_STRING) },
{ ST_oddHeaderL, StyleType("oddHeaderL", ST_STRING) },
{ ST_oddHeaderC, StyleType("oddHeaderC", ST_STRING) },
{ ST_oddHeaderR, StyleType("oddHeaderR", ST_STRING) },
{ ST_showFooter, StyleType("showFooter", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_footerStyled, StyleType("footerStyled", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_footerFirstPage, StyleType("footerFirstPage", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_footerOddEven, StyleType("footerOddEven", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_evenFooterL, StyleType("evenFooterL", ST_STRING) },
{ ST_evenFooterC, StyleType("evenFooterC", ST_STRING) },
{ ST_evenFooterR, StyleType("evenFooterR", ST_STRING) },
{ ST_oddFooterL, StyleType("oddFooterL", ST_STRING) },
{ ST_oddFooterC, StyleType("oddFooterC", ST_STRING) },
{ ST_oddFooterR, StyleType("oddFooterR", ST_STRING) },
{ ST_voltaY, StyleType("voltaY", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_voltaHook, StyleType("voltaHook", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_voltaLineWidth, StyleType("voltaLineWidth", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_voltaLineStyle, StyleType("voltaLineStyle", ST_INT) },
{ ST_ottavaY, StyleType("ottavaY", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_ottavaHook, StyleType("ottavaHook", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_ottavaLineWidth, StyleType("ottavaLineWidth", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_ottavaLineStyle, StyleType("ottavaLineStyle", ST_INT) },
{ ST_ottavaNumbersOnly, StyleType("ottavaNumbersOnly", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_tabClef, StyleType("tabClef", ST_INT) },
{ ST_tremoloWidth, StyleType("tremoloWidth", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_tremoloBoxHeight, StyleType("tremoloBoxHeight", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_tremoloStrokeWidth, StyleType("tremoloLineWidth", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_tremoloDistance, StyleType("tremoloDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_linearStretch, StyleType("linearStretch", ST_DOUBLE) },
{ ST_crossMeasureValues, StyleType("crossMeasureValues", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_keySigNaturals, StyleType("keySigNaturals", ST_INT) },
{ ST_tupletMaxSlope, StyleType("tupletMaxSlope", ST_DOUBLE) },
{ ST_tupletOufOfStaff, StyleType("tupletOufOfStaff", ST_BOOL) },
{ ST_tupletVHeadDistance, StyleType("tupletVHeadDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_tupletVStemDistance, StyleType("tupletVStemDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_tupletStemLeftDistance, StyleType("tupletStemLeftDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_tupletStemRightDistance, StyleType("tupletStemRightDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_tupletNoteLeftDistance, StyleType("tupletNoteLeftDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
{ ST_tupletNoteRightDistance, StyleType("tupletNoteRightDistance", ST_SPATIUM) },
class StyleTypes {
StyleType st[ST_STYLES];
for (auto i : styleTypes2)
st[i.idx] = i.val;
const char* name(StyleIdx i) const { return st[i].name(); }
StyleValueType valueType(StyleIdx i) const { return st[i].valueType(); }
static const StyleTypes styleTypes;
static const QString ff("FreeSerifMscore");
#define MM(x) ((x)/INCH)
#define TR(x) QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("MuseScore", x)
#define AS(x) s->addTextStyle(x)
// setDefaultStyle
// synchronize with TextStyleType
void initStyle(MStyle* s)
// this is an empty style, no offsets are allowed
// never show this style
"", ff, 10, false, false, false, ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_BASELINE, QPointF(), OS, QPointF(), false,
Spatium(0.0), Spatium(0.0), 25, QColor(Qt::black), false, false, QColor(Qt::black),
QColor(255, 255, 255, 0), TextStyle::HIDE_ALWAYS));
TR("Title"), ff, 24, false, false, false,
ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_TOP, QPointF(), OA, QPointF(50.0, .0)));
TR("Subtitle"), ff, 14, false, false, false,
ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_TOP, QPointF(0, MM(10)), OA, QPointF(50.0, .0)));
TR("Composer"), ff, 12, false, false, false,
ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BASELINE, QPointF(MM(-1), MM(-2)), OA, QPointF(100.0, 100.0)));
TR("Lyricist"), ff, 12, false, false, false,
ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_BASELINE, QPointF(MM(1), MM(-2)), OA, QPointF(0.0, 100.0)));
TR("Lyrics Odd Lines"), ff, 11, false, false, false,
ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_BASELINE, QPointF(0, 7), OS, QPointF(), true));
TR("Lyrics Even Lines"), ff, 11, false, false, false,
ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_BASELINE, QPointF(0, 7), OS, QPointF(), true));
TR( "Fingering"), ff, 8, false, false, false,
ALIGN_CENTER, QPointF(), OA, QPointF(), true));
TR( "Instrument Name (Long)"), ff, 12, false, false, false,
ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_VCENTER, QPointF(), OA, QPointF(), true));
TR( "Instrument Name (Short)"), ff, 12, false, false, false,
ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_VCENTER, QPointF(), OA, QPointF(), true));
TR( "Instrument Name (Part)"), ff, 18, false, false, false,
ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_TOP, QPointF(), OA, QPointF()));
TR( "Dynamics"), "Bravura", 12, false,
false, // italic?
ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_BASELINE, QPointF(0.0, 8.0), OS, QPointF(), true));
TR( "Technique"), ff, 12, false, true, false,
ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_BASELINE, QPointF(0.0, -2.0), OS));
TR( "Tempo"), ff, 12, false, false, false,
ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_BASELINE, QPointF(0, -4.0), OS, QPointF(),
true, MMSP(.0), MMSP(.0), 0, Qt::black, false, true));
TR( "Metronome"), ff, 12, true, false, false, ALIGN_LEFT));
TR( "Measure Number"), ff, 8, false, false, false,
ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_BOTTOM, QPointF(.0, -2.0), OS, QPointF(), true));
TR( "Translator"), ff, 11, false, false, false,
TR( "Tuplet"), ff, 10, false, true, false,
ALIGN_CENTER, QPointF(), OA, QPointF(), true));
TR( "System"), ff, 10, false, false, false,
ALIGN_LEFT, QPointF(0, -4.0), OS, QPointF(), true,
Spatium(0.0), Spatium(0.0), 25, Qt::black, false, true));
TR( "Staff"), ff, 10, false, false, false,
ALIGN_LEFT, QPointF(0, -4.0), OS, QPointF(), true));
TR( "Chord Symbol"), ff, 12, false, false, false,
ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_BASELINE, QPointF(), OS, QPointF(), true));
TR( "Rehearsal Mark"), ff, 14, true, false, false,
ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_BASELINE, QPointF(0, -3.0), OS, QPointF(), true,
Spatium(0.2), Spatium(.5), 20, Qt::black, false, true));
TR( "Repeat Text Left"), "MScore", 20, false, false, false,
ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_BASELINE, QPointF(0, -2.0), OS, QPointF(), true,
MMSP(0.0), MMSP(0.0), 25, Qt::black, false, true));
TR( "Repeat Text Right"), ff, 12, false, false, false,
ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_BASELINE, QPointF(0, -2.0), OS, QPointF(100, 0), true,
MMSP(0.0), MMSP(0.0), 25, Qt::black, false, true));
TR( "Repeat Text"), ff, 12, false, false, false, // for backward compatibility
ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_BASELINE, QPointF(0, -2.0), OS, QPointF(100, 0), true,
MMSP(0.0), MMSP(0.0), 25, Qt::black, false, true));
// y offset may depend on voltaHook style element
TR( "Volta"), ff, 11, true, false, false,
ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_BASELINE, QPointF(0.5, 1.9), OS, QPointF(), true));
TR( "Frame"), ff, 12, false, false, false, ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_TOP));
TR( "Text Line"), ff, 12, false, false, false,
ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_VCENTER, QPointF(), OS, QPointF(), true));
TR( "Glissando"), ff, 8, false, true, false,
TR( "String Number"), ff, 8, false, false, false,
ALIGN_CENTER, QPointF(0, -5.0), OS, QPointF(100, 0), true,
Spatium(0.1), Spatium(0.2), 0, Qt::black, true, false));
TR( "Ottava"), ff, 12, false, true, false,
ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_VCENTER, QPointF(), OS, QPointF(), true));
TR( "Bend"), ff, 8, false, false, false,
ALIGN_CENTER | ALIGN_BOTTOM, QPointF(), OS, QPointF(), true));
TR( "Header"), ff, 8, false, false, false,
TR( "Footer"), ff, 8, false, false, false,
TR( "Instrument Change"), ff, 12, true, false, false,
ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_BOTTOM, QPointF(0, -3.0), OS, QPointF(0, 0), true));
TR("Lyrics Verse"), ff, 11, false, false, false,
ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_TOP, QPointF(), OS, QPointF(), true));
TR("Figured Bass"), "MScoreBC", 8, false, false, false,
ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_TOP, QPointF(0, 6), OS, QPointF(), true,
Spatium(0.0), Spatium(0.0), 25, QColor(Qt::black), false, // default params
false, QColor(Qt::black), QColor(255, 255, 255, 0), // default params
TextStyle::HIDE_IN_EDITOR)); // don't show in Style Editor
#undef MM
#undef OA
#undef OS
#undef TR
// Style
: _values(ST_STYLES)
_customChordList = false;
struct StyleVal2 {
StyleIdx idx;
QVariant val;
static const StyleVal2 values2[] = {
{ ST_staffUpperBorder, 7.0 },
{ ST_staffLowerBorder, 7.0 },
{ ST_staffDistance, 6.5 },
{ ST_akkoladeDistance, 6.5 },
{ ST_minSystemDistance, 8.5 },
{ ST_maxSystemDistance, 15.0 },
{ ST_lyricsDistance, 3.5 },
{ ST_lyricsMinBottomDistance, 2 },
{ ST_lyricsLineHeight, QVariant(1.0) },
{ ST_figuredBassFontFamily, QVariant(QString("MuseScore Figured Bass")) },
{ ST_figuredBassFontSize, QVariant(8.0) },
{ ST_figuredBassYOffset, QVariant(6.0) },
{ ST_figuredBassLineHeight, QVariant(1.0) },
{ ST_figuredBassAlignment, QVariant(0) },
{ ST_figuredBassStyle, QVariant(0) },
{ ST_systemFrameDistance, QVariant(7.0) },
{ ST_frameSystemDistance, QVariant(7.0) },
{ ST_minMeasureWidth, QVariant(5.0) },
{ ST_barWidth, QVariant(0.16) }, // 0.1875
{ ST_doubleBarWidth, QVariant(0.16) },
{ ST_endBarWidth, QVariant(0.5) }, // 0.5
{ ST_doubleBarDistance, QVariant(0.30) },
{ ST_endBarDistance, QVariant(0.40) }, // 0.3
{ ST_repeatBarTips, QVariant(false) },
{ ST_startBarlineSingle, QVariant(false) },
{ ST_startBarlineMultiple, QVariant(true) },
{ ST_bracketWidth, QVariant(0.45) },
{ ST_bracketDistance, QVariant(0.8) },
{ ST_akkoladeWidth, QVariant(1.6) },
{ ST_akkoladeBarDistance, QVariant(.4) },
{ ST_clefLeftMargin, QVariant(0.64) },
{ ST_keysigLeftMargin, QVariant(0.5) },
{ ST_timesigLeftMargin, QVariant(0.5) },
{ ST_clefKeyRightMargin, QVariant(1.75) },
{ ST_clefBarlineDistance, QVariant(0.18) }, // was 0.5
{ ST_stemWidth, QVariant(0.13) }, // 0.09375
{ ST_shortenStem, QVariant(true) },
{ ST_shortStemProgression, QVariant(0.25) },
{ ST_shortestStem, QVariant(2.25) },
{ ST_beginRepeatLeftMargin, QVariant(1.0) },
{ ST_minNoteDistance, QVariant(0.25) }, // 0.4
{ ST_barNoteDistance, QVariant(1.2) },
{ ST_barAccidentalDistance, QVariant(.3) },
{ ST_multiMeasureRestMargin, QVariant(1.2) },
{ ST_noteBarDistance, QVariant(1.0) },
{ ST_measureSpacing, QVariant(1.2) },
{ ST_staffLineWidth, QVariant(0.08) }, // 0.09375
{ ST_ledgerLineWidth, QVariant(0.12) }, // 0.1875
{ ST_ledgerLineLength, QVariant(.6) }, // note head width + this value
{ ST_accidentalDistance, QVariant(0.22) },
{ ST_accidentalNoteDistance, QVariant(0.22) },
{ ST_beamWidth, QVariant(0.5) }, // was 0.48
{ ST_beamDistance, QVariant(0.5) }, // 0.25sp
{ ST_beamMinLen, QVariant(1.316178) }, // exactly note head width
{ ST_dotMag, QVariant(1.0) },
{ ST_dotNoteDistance, QVariant(0.35) },
{ ST_dotRestDistance, QVariant(0.25) },
{ ST_dotDotDistance, QVariant(0.5) },
{ ST_propertyDistanceHead, QVariant(1.0) },
{ ST_propertyDistanceStem, QVariant(1.8) },
{ ST_propertyDistance, QVariant(1.0) },
{ ST_articulationMag, QVariant(1.0) },
{ ST_lastSystemFillLimit, QVariant(0.3) },
{ ST_hairpinY, QVariant(8) },
{ ST_hairpinHeight, QVariant(1.2) },
{ ST_hairpinContHeight, QVariant(0.5) },
{ ST_hairpinLineWidth, QVariant(0.13) },
{ ST_pedalY, QVariant(8) },
{ ST_pedalLineWidth, QVariant(.15) },
{ ST_pedalLineStyle, QVariant(int(Qt::SolidLine)) },
{ ST_trillY, QVariant(-1) },
{ ST_harmonyY, QVariant(-2.5) },
{ ST_harmonyFretDist, QVariant(-1.5) },
{ ST_minHarmonyDistance, QVariant(0.5) },
{ ST_capoPosition, QVariant(0) },
{ ST_showPageNumber, QVariant(true) },
{ ST_showPageNumberOne, QVariant(false) },
{ ST_pageNumberOddEven, QVariant(true) },
{ ST_showMeasureNumber, QVariant(true) },
{ ST_showMeasureNumberOne, QVariant(false) },
{ ST_measureNumberInterval, QVariant(5) },
{ ST_measureNumberSystem, QVariant(true) },
{ ST_measureNumberAllStaffs, QVariant(false) },
{ ST_smallNoteMag, QVariant(qreal(.7)) },
{ ST_graceNoteMag, QVariant(qreal(0.7)) },
{ ST_smallStaffMag, QVariant(qreal(0.7)) },
{ ST_smallClefMag, QVariant(qreal(0.8)) },
{ ST_genClef, QVariant(true) },
{ ST_genKeysig, QVariant(true) },
{ ST_genTimesig, QVariant(true) },
{ ST_genCourtesyTimesig, QVariant(true) },
{ ST_genCourtesyKeysig, QVariant(true) },
{ ST_genCourtesyClef, QVariant(true) },
{ ST_useStandardNoteNames, QVariant(true) },
{ ST_useGermanNoteNames, QVariant(false) },
{ ST_useSolfeggioNoteNames, QVariant(false) },
{ ST_lowerCaseMinorChords, QVariant(false) },
{ ST_chordStyle, QVariant(QString("std")) },
{ ST_chordsXmlFile, QVariant(false) },
{ ST_chordDescriptionFile, QVariant(QString("chords_std.xml")) },
{ ST_concertPitch, QVariant(false) },
{ ST_createMultiMeasureRests, QVariant(false) },
{ ST_minEmptyMeasures, QVariant(2) },
{ ST_minMMRestWidth, QVariant(4) },
{ ST_hideEmptyStaves, QVariant(false) },
{ ST_dontHideStavesInFirstSystem, QVariant(true) },
{ ST_gateTime, QVariant(100) },
{ ST_tenutoGateTime, QVariant(100) },
{ ST_staccatoGateTime, QVariant(50) },
{ ST_slurGateTime, QVariant(100) },
{ ST_ArpeggioNoteDistance, QVariant(.5) },
{ ST_ArpeggioLineWidth, QVariant(.18) },
{ ST_ArpeggioHookLen, QVariant(.8) },
{ ST_FixMeasureNumbers, QVariant(0) },
{ ST_FixMeasureWidth, QVariant(false) },
{ ST_SlurEndWidth, QVariant(.07) },
{ ST_SlurMidWidth, QVariant(.15) },
{ ST_SlurDottedWidth, QVariant(.1) },
{ ST_SectionPause, QVariant(qreal(3.0)) },
{ ST_MusicalSymbolFont, QVariant(QString("Emmentaler")) },
{ ST_showHeader, QVariant(false) },
{ ST_headerStyled, QVariant(true) },
{ ST_headerFirstPage, QVariant(false) },
{ ST_headerOddEven, QVariant(true) },
{ ST_evenHeaderL, QVariant(QString()) },
{ ST_evenHeaderC, QVariant(QString()) },
{ ST_evenHeaderR, QVariant(QString()) },
{ ST_oddHeaderL, QVariant(QString()) },
{ ST_oddHeaderC, QVariant(QString()) },
{ ST_oddHeaderR, QVariant(QString()) },
{ ST_showFooter, QVariant(true) },
{ ST_footerStyled, QVariant(true) },
{ ST_footerFirstPage, QVariant(true) },
{ ST_footerOddEven, QVariant(true) },
{ ST_evenFooterL, QVariant(QString("$p")) },
{ ST_evenFooterC, QVariant(QString("$:copyright:")) },
{ ST_evenFooterR, QVariant(QString()) },
{ ST_oddFooterL, QVariant(QString()) },
{ ST_oddFooterC, QVariant(QString("$:copyright:")) },
{ ST_oddFooterR, QVariant(QString("$p")) },
{ ST_voltaY, QVariant(-3.0) },
{ ST_voltaHook, QVariant(1.9) },
{ ST_voltaLineWidth, QVariant(.1) },
{ ST_voltaLineStyle, QVariant(int(Qt::SolidLine)) },
{ ST_ottavaY, QVariant(-3.0) },
{ ST_ottavaHook, QVariant(1.9) },
{ ST_ottavaLineWidth, QVariant(.1) },
{ ST_ottavaLineStyle, QVariant(int(Qt::DashLine)) },
{ ST_ottavaNumbersOnly, true },
{ ST_tabClef, QVariant(int(ClefType::TAB2)) },
{ ST_tremoloWidth, QVariant(1.2) }, // tremolo stroke width: note head width
{ ST_tremoloBoxHeight, QVariant(0.65) },
{ ST_tremoloStrokeWidth, QVariant(0.35) },
{ ST_tremoloDistance, QVariant(0.8) },
{ ST_linearStretch, QVariant(qreal(1.5)) },
{ ST_crossMeasureValues, QVariant(false) },
{ ST_keySigNaturals, QVariant(NAT_NONE) },
{ ST_tupletMaxSlope, QVariant(qreal(0.5)) },
{ ST_tupletOufOfStaff, QVariant(true) },
{ ST_tupletVHeadDistance, QVariant(.5) },
{ ST_tupletVStemDistance, QVariant(.25) },
{ ST_tupletStemLeftDistance, QVariant(.5) },
{ ST_tupletStemRightDistance, QVariant(.5) },
{ ST_tupletNoteLeftDistance, QVariant(0.0) },
{ ST_tupletNoteRightDistance, QVariant(0.0)}
for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(values2)/sizeof(*values2); ++i)
_values[values2[i].idx] = values2[i].val;
// _textStyles.append(TextStyle(defaultTextStyles[i]));
_spatium = SPATIUM20 * MScore::DPI;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_Fermata] = A_TOP_STAFF;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_Shortfermata] = A_TOP_STAFF;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_Longfermata] = A_TOP_STAFF;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_Verylongfermata] = A_TOP_STAFF;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_Thumb] = A_CHORD;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_Sforzatoaccent] = A_CHORD;
// _articulationAnchor[Articulation_Espressivo] = A_CHORD;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_Staccato] = A_CHORD;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_Staccatissimo] = A_CHORD;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_Tenuto] = A_CHORD;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_Portato] = A_CHORD;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_Marcato] = A_CHORD;
// _articulationAnchor[Articulation_Ouvert] = A_CHORD;
// _articulationAnchor[Articulation_Plusstop] = A_CHORD;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_Upbow] = A_TOP_STAFF;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_Downbow] = A_TOP_STAFF;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_Reverseturn] = A_TOP_STAFF;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_Turn] = A_TOP_STAFF;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_Trill] = A_TOP_STAFF;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_Prall] = A_TOP_STAFF;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_Mordent] = A_TOP_STAFF;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_PrallPrall] = A_TOP_STAFF;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_PrallMordent] = A_TOP_STAFF;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_UpPrall] = A_TOP_STAFF;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_DownPrall] = A_TOP_STAFF;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_UpMordent] = A_TOP_STAFF;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_DownMordent] = A_TOP_STAFF;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_PrallDown] = A_TOP_STAFF;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_PrallUp] = A_TOP_STAFF;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_LinePrall] = A_TOP_STAFF;
_articulationAnchor[Articulation_Schleifer] = A_TOP_STAFF;
// _articulationAnchor[Articulation_Snappizzicato] = A_TOP_STAFF;
// _articulationAnchor[Articulation_Tapping] = A_TOP_STAFF;
// _articulationAnchor[Articulation_Slapping] = A_TOP_STAFF;
// _articulationAnchor[Articulation_Popping] = A_TOP_STAFF;
_spatium = SPATIUM20 * MScore::DPI;
StyleData::StyleData(const StyleData& s)
: QSharedData(s)
_values = s._values;
_chordList = s._chordList;
_customChordList = s._customChordList;
_textStyles = s._textStyles;
_spatium = s._spatium;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)ARTICULATIONS; ++i)
_articulationAnchor[i] = s._articulationAnchor[i];
// Style
// TextStyle
d = new TextStyleData;
_hidden = HIDE_NEVER;
TextStyle::TextStyle(QString _name, QString _family, qreal _size,
bool _bold, bool _italic, bool _underline,
Align _align,
const QPointF& _off, OffsetType _ot, const QPointF& _roff,
bool sd,
Spatium fw, Spatium pw, int fr, QColor co, bool _circle, bool _systemFlag,
QColor fg, QColor bg, Hidden hidden)
d = new TextStyleData(_name, _family, _size,
_bold, _italic, _underline, _align, _off, _ot, _roff,
sd, fw, pw, fr, co, _circle, _systemFlag, fg, bg);
_hidden = hidden;
TextStyle::TextStyle(const TextStyle& s)
: d(s.d)
_hidden = s._hidden;
// TextStyle::operator=
TextStyle& TextStyle::operator=(const TextStyle& s)
d = s.d;
// _hidden = s._hidden;
return *this;
// TextStyleData
family = "FreeSerif";
size = 10.0;
bold = false;
italic = false;
underline = false;
hasFrame = false;
sizeIsSpatiumDependent = false;
frameWidth = Spatium(0);
paddingWidth = Spatium(0);
frameWidthMM = 0.0;
paddingWidthMM = 0.0;
frameRound = 25;
frameColor = MScore::defaultColor;
circle = false;
systemFlag = false;
foregroundColor = Qt::black;
backgroundColor = QColor(255, 255, 255, 0);
QString _name, QString _family, qreal _size,
bool _bold, bool _italic, bool _underline,
Align _align,
const QPointF& _off, OffsetType _ot, const QPointF& _roff,
bool sd,
Spatium fw, Spatium pw, int fr, QColor co, bool _circle, bool _systemFlag,
QColor fg, QColor bg)
ElementLayout(_align, _off, _ot, _roff),
name(_name), size(_size), bold(_bold),
italic(_italic), underline(_underline),
sizeIsSpatiumDependent(sd), frameWidth(fw), paddingWidth(pw),
frameRound(fr), frameColor(co), circle(_circle), systemFlag(_systemFlag),
foregroundColor(fg), backgroundColor(bg)
hasFrame = (fw.val() != 0.0) || (bg.alpha() != 0);
family = _family;
frameWidthMM = 0.0;
paddingWidthMM = 0.0;
// operator!=
bool TextStyleData::operator!=(const TextStyleData& s) const
return != name
|| != family
|| s.size != size
|| s.bold != bold
|| s.italic != italic
|| s.underline != underline
|| s.hasFrame != hasFrame
|| s.sizeIsSpatiumDependent != sizeIsSpatiumDependent
|| s.frameWidth != frameWidth
|| s.paddingWidth != paddingWidth
|| s.frameRound != frameRound
|| s.frameColor != frameColor
|| != circle
|| s.systemFlag != systemFlag
|| s.foregroundColor != foregroundColor
|| s.backgroundColor != backgroundColor
|| s.align() != align()
|| s.offset() != offset()
|| s.rxoff() != rxoff()
|| s.ryoff() != ryoff()
|| s.offsetType() != offsetType()
// font
QFont TextStyleData::font(qreal _spatium) const
qreal m = size;
QFont f(family);
if (sizeIsSpatiumDependent)
m *= _spatium / ( SPATIUM20 * MScore::DPI);
return f;
// font
QFont TextStyleData::fontPx(qreal _spatium) const
qreal m = size * MScore::DPI / PPI;
QFont f(family);
if (sizeIsSpatiumDependent)
m *= _spatium / (SPATIUM20 * MScore::DPI);
return f;
// write
void TextStyleData::write(Xml& xml) const
// writeProperties
void TextStyleData::writeProperties(Xml& xml) const
if (!name.isEmpty())
xml.tag("name", name);
xml.tag("family", family);
xml.tag("size", size);
if (bold)
xml.tag("bold", bold);
if (italic)
xml.tag("italic", italic);
if (underline)
xml.tag("underline", underline);
if (sizeIsSpatiumDependent)
xml.tag("sizeIsSpatiumDependent", sizeIsSpatiumDependent);
if (foregroundColor != Qt::black)
xml.tag("foregroundColor", foregroundColor);
if (backgroundColor != QColor(255, 255, 255, 0))
xml.tag("backgroundColor", backgroundColor);
if (hasFrame) {
xml.tag("frameWidthS", frameWidth.val());
xml.tag("paddingWidthS", paddingWidth.val());
xml.tag("frameRound", frameRound);
xml.tag("frameColor", frameColor);
if (circle)
xml.tag("circle", circle);
if (systemFlag)
xml.tag("systemFlag", systemFlag);
// read
void TextStyleData::read(XmlReader& e)
frameWidth = Spatium(0.0);
name = e.attribute("name");
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
if (!readProperties(e))
// readProperties
bool TextStyleData::readProperties(XmlReader& e)
const QStringRef& tag(;
if (tag == "name")
name = e.readElementText();
else if (tag == "family")
family = e.readElementText();
else if (tag == "size")
size = e.readDouble();
else if (tag == "bold")
bold = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "italic")
italic = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "underline")
underline = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "align")
else if (tag == "anchor") // obsolete
else if (ElementLayout::readProperties(e))
else if (tag == "sizeIsSpatiumDependent" || tag == "spatiumSizeDependent")
sizeIsSpatiumDependent = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "frameWidth") {
hasFrame = true;
frameWidthMM = e.readDouble();
else if (tag == "frameWidthS") {
hasFrame = true;
frameWidth = Spatium(e.readDouble());
else if (tag == "frame") // obsolete
hasFrame = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "paddingWidth") // obsolete
paddingWidthMM = e.readDouble();
else if (tag == "paddingWidthS")
paddingWidth = Spatium(e.readDouble());
else if (tag == "frameRound")
frameRound = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "frameColor")
frameColor = e.readColor();
else if (tag == "foregroundColor")
foregroundColor = e.readColor();
else if (tag == "backgroundColor")
backgroundColor = e.readColor();
else if (tag == "circle")
circle = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "systemFlag")
systemFlag = e.readInt();
return false;
return true;
// load
void StyleData::load(XmlReader& e)
QString oldChordDescriptionFile = value(ST_chordDescriptionFile).toString();
bool chordListTag = false;
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
QString tag =;
if (tag == "TextStyle") {
TextStyle s;;
else if (tag == "Spatium")
setSpatium (e.readDouble() * MScore::DPMM);
else if (tag == "page-layout");
else if (tag == "displayInConcertPitch")
set(ST_concertPitch, QVariant(bool(e.readInt())));
else if (tag == "ChordList") {
_customChordList = true;
chordListTag = true;
else if (tag == "pageFillLimit") // obsolete
else if (tag == "systemDistance") // obsolete
set(ST_minSystemDistance, QVariant(e.readDouble()));
else {
if (tag == "stemDir") {
int voice = e.attribute("voice", "1").toInt() - 1;
switch(voice) {
case 0: tag = "StemDir1"; break;
case 1: tag = "StemDir2"; break;
case 2: tag = "StemDir3"; break;
case 3: tag = "StemDir4"; break;
// for compatibility:
if (tag == "oddHeader" || tag == "evenHeader"
|| tag == "oddFooter" || tag == "evenFooter")
tag += "C";
QString val(e.readElementText());
StyleIdx idx;
for (int i = 0; i < ST_STYLES; ++i) {
idx = static_cast<StyleIdx>(i);
if ( == tag) {
switch(styleTypes.valueType(idx)) {
case ST_SPATIUM: set(idx, QVariant(val.toDouble())); break;
case ST_DOUBLE: set(idx, QVariant(val.toDouble())); break;
case ST_BOOL: set(idx, QVariant(bool(val.toInt()))); break;
case ST_INT: set(idx, QVariant(val.toInt())); break;
case ST_DIRECTION: set(idx, QVariant(MScore::Direction(val.toInt()))); break;
case ST_STRING: set(idx, QVariant(val)); break;
if (idx >= ST_STYLES) {
if (tag == "oddHeader")
else if (tag == "evenHeader")
else if (tag == "oddFooter")
else if (tag == "evenHeader")
else {
int idx2;
for (idx2 = 0; idx2 < ARTICULATIONS; ++idx2) {
ArticulationInfo& ai = Articulation::articulationList[idx2];
if (tag == + "Anchor"
|| (tag == "U" + + "Anchor")
|| (tag == "D" + + "Anchor")
) {
_articulationAnchor[idx2] = ArticulationAnchor(val.toInt());
if (idx2 == ARTICULATIONS)
// if we just specified a new chord description file
// and didn't encounter a ChordList tag
// then load the chord description file
QString newChordDescriptionFile = value(ST_chordDescriptionFile).toString();
if (newChordDescriptionFile != oldChordDescriptionFile && !chordListTag) {
if (!newChordDescriptionFile.startsWith("chords_") && value(ST_chordStyle).toString() == "std") {
// should not normally happen,
// but treat as "old" (114) score just in case
set(ST_chordStyle, QVariant(QString("custom")));
set(ST_chordsXmlFile, QVariant(true));
qDebug("StyleData::load: custom chord description file %s with chordStyle == std", qPrintable(newChordDescriptionFile));
if (value(ST_chordStyle).toString() == "custom")
_customChordList = true;
_customChordList = false;
// make sure we have a chordlist
if (!_chordList.loaded() && !chordListTag) {
if (value(ST_chordsXmlFile).toBool())"chords.xml");;
// Compatibility with old scores/styles:
// translate old frameWidthMM and paddingWidthMM
// into spatium units
int n = _textStyles.size();
qreal spMM = _spatium / MScore::DPMM;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
TextStyle* s = &_textStyles[i];
if (s->frameWidthMM() != 0.0)
s->setFrameWidth(Spatium(s->frameWidthMM() / spMM));
if (s->paddingWidthMM() != 0.0)
s->setPaddingWidth(Spatium(s->paddingWidthMM() / spMM));
// isDefault
bool StyleData::isDefault(StyleIdx idx) const
return _values[idx] == MScore::baseStyle()->value(idx);
// save
// if optimize is true, save only data which are different
// from built-in style ( MScore::baseStyle() )
void StyleData::save(Xml& xml, bool optimize) const
for (int i = 0; i < ST_STYLES; ++i) {
StyleIdx idx = StyleIdx(i);
if (optimize && isDefault(idx))
switch(styleTypes.valueType(idx)) {
case ST_DOUBLE: xml.tag(, value(idx).toDouble()); break;
case ST_BOOL: xml.tag(, value(idx).toBool()); break;
case ST_INT: xml.tag(, value(idx).toInt()); break;
case ST_DIRECTION: xml.tag(, value(idx).toInt()); break;
case ST_STRING: xml.tag(, value(idx).toString()); break;
for (int i = 0; i < TEXT_STYLES; ++i) {
if (!optimize || _textStyles[i] != MScore::baseStyle()->textStyle(i))
for (int i = TEXT_STYLES; i < _textStyles.size(); ++i)
if (_customChordList && !_chordList.isEmpty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < ARTICULATIONS; ++i) {
if (optimize && _articulationAnchor[i] == MScore::baseStyle()->articulationAnchor(i))
const ArticulationInfo& ai = Articulation::articulationList[i];
xml.tag( + "Anchor", int(_articulationAnchor[i]));
xml.tag("Spatium", _spatium / MScore::DPMM);
// chordDescription
const ChordDescription* StyleData::chordDescription(int id) const
return _chordList.value(id);
// chordList
ChordList* StyleData::chordList()
return &_chordList;
// setChordList
void StyleData::setChordList(ChordList* cl, bool custom)
_chordList = *cl;
_customChordList = custom;
// textStyle
const TextStyle& StyleData::textStyle(int idx) const
Q_ASSERT(idx >= 0 && idx < _textStyles.count());
return _textStyles[idx];
// value
QVariant MStyle::value(StyleIdx idx) const
return d->_values[idx];
// isDefault
bool MStyle::isDefault(StyleIdx idx) const
return d->isDefault(idx);
// chordDescription
const ChordDescription* MStyle::chordDescription(int id) const
return d->chordDescription(id);
// chordList
ChordList* MStyle::chordList()
return d->chordList();
// setChordList
void MStyle::setChordList(ChordList* cl, bool custom)
d->setChordList(cl, custom);
// textStyle
const TextStyle& StyleData::textStyle(const QString& name) const
foreach(const TextStyle& s, _textStyles) {
if ( == name)
return s;
qDebug("TextStyle <%s> not found", qPrintable(name));
return _textStyles[0];
// textStyleType
int StyleData::textStyleType(const QString& name) const
for (int i = 0; i < _textStyles.size(); ++i) {
if (_textStyles[i].name() == name)
return i;
if (name == "Dynamics2")
qDebug("TextStyleType <%s> not found", qPrintable(name));
// setTextStyle
void StyleData::setTextStyle(const TextStyle& ts)
for (int i = 0; i < _textStyles.size(); ++i) {
if (_textStyles[i].name() == {
_textStyles[i] = ts;
// TextStyle method wrappers
QString TextStyle::name() const { return d->name; }
QString TextStyle::family() const { return d->family; }
qreal TextStyle::size() const { return d->size; }
bool TextStyle::bold() const { return d->bold; }
bool TextStyle::italic() const { return d->italic; }
bool TextStyle::underline() const { return d->underline; }
bool TextStyle::hasFrame() const { return d->hasFrame; }
Align TextStyle::align() const { return d->align(); }
const QPointF& TextStyle::offset() const { return d->offset(); }
QPointF TextStyle::offset(qreal spatium) const { return d->offset(spatium); }
OffsetType TextStyle::offsetType() const { return d->offsetType(); }
bool TextStyle::sizeIsSpatiumDependent() const { return d->sizeIsSpatiumDependent; }
Spatium TextStyle::frameWidth() const { return d->frameWidth; }
Spatium TextStyle::paddingWidth() const { return d->paddingWidth; }
qreal TextStyle::frameWidthMM() const { return d->frameWidthMM; }
qreal TextStyle::paddingWidthMM() const { return d->paddingWidthMM; }
void TextStyle::setFrameWidth(Spatium v) { d->frameWidth = v; }
void TextStyle::setPaddingWidth(Spatium v) { d->paddingWidth = v; }
int TextStyle::frameRound() const { return d->frameRound; }
QColor TextStyle::frameColor() const { return d->frameColor; }
bool TextStyle::circle() const { return d->circle; }
bool TextStyle::systemFlag() const { return d->systemFlag; }
QColor TextStyle::foregroundColor() const { return d->foregroundColor; }
QColor TextStyle::backgroundColor() const { return d->backgroundColor; }
void TextStyle::setName(const QString& s) { d->name = s; }
void TextStyle::setFamily(const QString& s) { d->family = s; }
void TextStyle::setSize(qreal v) { d->size = v; }
void TextStyle::setBold(bool v) { d->bold = v; }
void TextStyle::setItalic(bool v) { d->italic = v; }
void TextStyle::setUnderline(bool v) { d->underline = v; }
void TextStyle::setHasFrame(bool v) { d->hasFrame = v; }
void TextStyle::setAlign(Align v) { d->setAlign(v); }
void TextStyle::setXoff(qreal v) { d->setXoff(v); }
void TextStyle::setYoff(qreal v) { d->setYoff(v); }
void TextStyle::setOffsetType(OffsetType v) { d->setOffsetType(v); }
void TextStyle::setRxoff(qreal v) { d->setRxoff(v); }
void TextStyle::setRyoff(qreal v) { d->setRyoff(v); }
void TextStyle::setSizeIsSpatiumDependent(bool v) { d->sizeIsSpatiumDependent = v; }
void TextStyle::setFrameRound(int v) { d->frameRound = v; }
void TextStyle::setFrameColor(const QColor& v) { d->frameColor = v; }
void TextStyle::setCircle(bool v) { d->circle = v; }
void TextStyle::setSystemFlag(bool v) { d->systemFlag = v; }
void TextStyle::setForegroundColor(const QColor& v) { d->foregroundColor = v; }
void TextStyle::setBackgroundColor(const QColor& v) { d->backgroundColor = v; }
void TextStyle::write(Xml& xml) const { d->write(xml); }
void TextStyle::read(XmlReader& v) { d->read(v); }
QFont TextStyle::font(qreal space) const { return d->font(space); }
QFont TextStyle::fontPx(qreal spatium) const { return d->fontPx(spatium); }
QRectF TextStyle::bbox(qreal sp, const QString& s) const { return d->bbox(sp, s); }
QFontMetricsF TextStyle::fontMetrics(qreal space) const { return d->fontMetrics(space); }
bool TextStyle::operator!=(const TextStyle& s) const { return d->operator!=(*s.d); }
void TextStyle::layout(Element* e) const { d->layout(e); }
void TextStyle::writeProperties(Xml& xml) const { d->writeProperties(xml); }
const QPointF& TextStyle::reloff() const { return d->reloff(); }
void TextStyle::setReloff(const QPointF& p) { setRxoff(p.x()), setRyoff(p.y()); }
bool TextStyle::readProperties(XmlReader& v) { return d->readProperties(v); }
// setFont
void TextStyle::setFont(const QFont&)
// MStyle
d = new StyleData;
MStyle::MStyle(const MStyle& s)
: d(s.d)
MStyle& MStyle::operator=(const MStyle& s)
d = s.d;
return *this;
// set
void MStyle::set(StyleIdx id, const QVariant& v)
d->_values[id] = v;
// TextStyle
const TextStyle& MStyle::textStyle(int idx) const
return d->textStyle(idx);
const TextStyle& MStyle::textStyle(const QString& name) const
return d->textStyle(name);
// textStyleType
int MStyle::textStyleType(const QString& name) const
return d->textStyleType(name);
// setTextStyle
void MStyle::setTextStyle(const TextStyle& ts)
// addTextStyle
void MStyle::addTextStyle(const TextStyle& ts)
// removeTextStyle
void MStyle::removeTextStyle(const TextStyle& /*ts*/)
// TODO: d->_textStyles.append(ts);
// textStyles
const QList<TextStyle>& MStyle::textStyles() const
return d->_textStyles;
// set
void MStyle::set(StyleIdx t, Spatium val)
set(t, QVariant(val.val()));
void MStyle::set(StyleIdx t, const QString& val)
set(t, QVariant(val));
void MStyle::set(StyleIdx t, bool val)
set(t, QVariant(val));
void MStyle::set(StyleIdx t, qreal val)
set(t, QVariant(val));
void MStyle::set(StyleIdx t, int val)
set(t, QVariant(val));
void MStyle::set(StyleIdx t, MScore::Direction val)
set(t, QVariant(val));
// load
bool MStyle::load(QFile* qf)
return d->load(qf);
void MStyle::load(XmlReader& e)
// save
void MStyle::save(Xml& xml, bool optimize)
d->save(xml, optimize);
// load
// return true on success
bool StyleData::load(QFile* qf)
XmlReader e(qf);
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "museScore") {
QString version = e.attribute("version");
QStringList sl = version.split('.');
int mscVersion = sl[0].toInt() * 100 + sl[1].toInt();
if (mscVersion != MSCVERSION)
return false;
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "Style")
return true;
// pageFormat
const PageFormat* MStyle::pageFormat() const
return d->pageFormat();
// setPageFormat
void MStyle::setPageFormat(const PageFormat& pf)
void StyleData::setPageFormat(const PageFormat& pf)
// spatium
qreal MStyle::spatium() const
return d->spatium();
// setSpatium
void MStyle::setSpatium(qreal v)
// articulationAnchor
ArticulationAnchor MStyle::articulationAnchor(int id) const
return d->articulationAnchor(id);
// setArticulationAnchor
void MStyle::setArticulationAnchor(int id, ArticulationAnchor val)
return d->setArticulationAnchor(id, val);