MarcSabatella 10b3da92db reimplement firstVisibleSysStaff and lastVisibleSysStaff to return int
Previosly, these functions returned the SysStaff itself,
but there is no way to get the numeric index from that.
The functions now return the numeric index,
and their callers are adjusted to derived the SysStaff from that
(if necessary, in one case the index was the goal all along).
2019-11-20 13:42:09 -07:00

188 lines
6.3 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __SYSTEM_H__
#define __SYSTEM_H__
Definition of classes SysStaff and System
#include "element.h"
#include "spatium.h"
#include "symbol.h"
#include "skyline.h"
namespace Ms {
class Staff;
class StaffLines;
class Clef;
class Page;
class Bracket;
class Lyrics;
class Segment;
class MeasureBase;
class Text;
class InstrumentName;
class SpannerSegment;
class VBox;
class BarLine;
// SysStaff
/// One staff in a System.
class SysStaff {
QRectF _bbox; // Bbox of StaffLines.
Skyline _skyline;
qreal _yOff { 0 }; // offset of top staff line within bbox
bool _show { true }; // derived from Staff or false if empty
// staff is hidden
//int idx { 0 };
QList<InstrumentName*> instrumentNames;
const QRectF& bbox() const { return _bbox; }
QRectF& bbox() { return _bbox; }
void setbbox(const QRectF& r) { _bbox = r; }
qreal y() const { return _bbox.y() + _yOff; }
void setYOff(qreal offset) { _yOff = offset; }
bool show() const { return _show; }
void setShow(bool v) { _show = v; }
const Skyline& skyline() const { return _skyline; }
Skyline& skyline() { return _skyline; }
SysStaff() {}
// System
/// One row of measures for all instruments;
/// a complete piece of the timeline.
class System final : public Element {
SystemDivider* _systemDividerLeft { 0 }; // to the next system
SystemDivider* _systemDividerRight { 0 };
std::vector<MeasureBase*> ml;
QList<SysStaff*> _staves;
QList<Bracket*> _brackets;
QList<SpannerSegment*> _spannerSegments;
qreal _leftMargin { 0.0 }; ///< left margin for instrument name, brackets etc.
mutable bool fixedDownDistance { false };
qreal _distance; // temp. variable used during layout
int firstVisibleSysStaff() const;
int lastVisibleSysStaff() const;
int getBracketsColumnsCount();
void setBracketsXPosition(const qreal xOffset);
Bracket* createBracket(Ms::BracketItem* bi, int column, int staffIdx, QList<Ms::Bracket *>& bl, Measure* measure);
virtual System* clone() const override { return new System(*this); }
virtual ElementType type() const override { return ElementType::SYSTEM; }
virtual void add(Element*) override;
virtual void remove(Element*) override;
virtual void change(Element* o, Element* n) override;
virtual void write(XmlWriter&) const override;
virtual void read(XmlReader&) override;
virtual void scanElements(void* data, void (*func)(void*, Element*), bool all=true) override;
void appendMeasure(MeasureBase*);
void removeMeasure(MeasureBase*);
void removeLastMeasure();
Page* page() const { return (Page*)parent(); }
void layoutSystem(qreal);
void addBrackets(Measure* measure);
void layout2(); ///< Called after Measure layout.
void clear(); ///< Clear measure list.
QRectF bboxStaff(int staff) const { return _staves[staff]->bbox(); }
QList<SysStaff*>* staves() { return &_staves; }
const QList<SysStaff*>* staves() const { return &_staves; }
qreal staffYpage(int staffIdx) const;
qreal staffCanvasYpage(int staffIdx) const;
SysStaff* staff(int staffIdx) const { return _staves[staffIdx]; }
bool pageBreak() const;
SysStaff* insertStaff(int);
void removeStaff(int);
void adjustStavesNumber(int);
int y2staff(qreal y) const;
void setInstrumentNames(bool longName, Fraction tick = {0,1});
Fraction snap(const Fraction& tick, const QPointF p) const;
Fraction snapNote(const Fraction& tick, const QPointF p, int staff) const;
const std::vector<MeasureBase*>& measures() const { return ml; }
MeasureBase* measure(int idx) { return ml[idx]; }
Measure* firstMeasure() const;
Measure* lastMeasure() const;
Fraction endTick() const;
MeasureBase* nextMeasure(const MeasureBase*) const;
qreal leftMargin() const { return _leftMargin; }
Box* vbox() const;
const QList<Bracket*>& brackets() const { return _brackets; }
QList<SpannerSegment*>& spannerSegments() { return _spannerSegments; }
const QList<SpannerSegment*>& spannerSegments() const { return _spannerSegments; }
SystemDivider* systemDividerLeft() const { return _systemDividerLeft; }
SystemDivider* systemDividerRight() const { return _systemDividerRight; }
virtual Element* nextSegmentElement() override;
virtual Element* prevSegmentElement() override;
qreal minDistance(System*) const;
qreal topDistance(int staffIdx, const SkylineLine&) const;
qreal bottomDistance(int staffIdx, const SkylineLine&) const;
qreal minTop() const;
qreal minBottom() const;
qreal spacerDistance(bool up) const;
void moveBracket(int staffIdx, int srcCol, int dstCol);
bool hasFixedDownDistance() const { return fixedDownDistance; }
int firstVisibleStaff() const;
int nextVisibleStaff(int) const;
qreal distance() const { return _distance; }
void setDistance(qreal d) { _distance = d; }
typedef QList<System*>::iterator iSystem;
typedef QList<System*>::const_iterator ciSystem;
} // namespace Ms