2013-03-18 22:25:24 +01:00

417 lines
14 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// $Id: repeatlist.cpp 5568 2012-04-22 10:08:43Z wschweer $
// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "repeatlist.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "measure.h"
#include "tempo.h"
#include "volta.h"
#include "segment.h"
#include "marker.h"
#include "jump.h"
// searchVolta
// return volta at tick
Volta* Score::searchVolta(int tick) const
for (Measure* m = firstMeasure(); m; m = m->nextMeasure()) {
for(Spanner* e = m->spannerFor(); e; e = e->next()) {
if (e->type() != Element::VOLTA)
Volta* volta = static_cast<Volta*>(e);
int tick1 = volta->startMeasure()->tick();
int tick2 = volta->endMeasure()->endTick();
// qDebug("spanner %s %d - %d %d\n", e->name(), tick, tick1, tick2);
if (tick >= tick1 && tick < tick2)
return static_cast<Volta*>(e);
return 0;
// searchLabel
Measure* Score::searchLabel(const QString& s)
// qDebug("searchLabel<%s>\n", qPrintable(s));
if (s == "start") {
// qDebug(" found %p\n", firstMeasure());
return firstMeasure();
else if (s == "end") {
// qDebug(" found %p\n", firstMeasure());
return lastMeasure();
for (Segment* segment = firstMeasure()->first(); segment; segment = segment->next1()) {
foreach(const Element* e, segment->annotations()) {
if (e->type() == Element::MARKER) {
const Marker* marker = static_cast<const Marker*>(e);
if (marker->label() == s) {
// qDebug(" found %p\n", segment->measure());
return segment->measure();
// qDebug(" found %p\n", 0);
return 0;
// RepeatLoop
struct RepeatLoop {
enum LoopType { LOOP_REPEAT, LOOP_JUMP };
LoopType type;
Measure* m; // start measure of LOOP_REPEAT
int count;
QString stop, cont;
RepeatLoop() {}
RepeatLoop(Measure* _m) {
m = _m;
count = 0;
RepeatLoop(const QString s, const QString c)
: stop(s), cont(c)
m = 0;
type = LOOP_JUMP;
// RepeatSegment
tick = 0;
len = 0;
utick = 0;
utime = 0.0;
timeOffset = 0.0;
// RepeatList
RepeatList::RepeatList(Score* s)
_score = s;
idx1 = 0;
idx2 = 0;
// ticks
int RepeatList::ticks()
if (length() > 0) {
RepeatSegment* s = last();
return s->utick + s->len;
return 0;
// update
void RepeatList::update()
const TempoMap* tl = _score->tempomap();
int utick = 0;
qreal t = 0;
foreach(RepeatSegment* s, *this) {
s->utick = utick;
s->utime = t;
qreal ct = tl->tick2time(s->tick);
s->timeOffset = t - ct;
utick += s->len;
t += tl->tick2time(s->tick + s->len) - ct;
// utick2tick
int RepeatList::utick2tick(int tick) const
unsigned n = size();
if (n == 0)
return tick;
unsigned ii = (idx1 < n) && (tick >= at(idx1)->utick) ? idx1 : 0;
for (unsigned i = ii; i < n; ++i) {
if ((tick >= at(i)->utick) && ((i + 1 == n) || (tick < at(i+1)->utick))) {
idx1 = i;
return tick - (at(i)->utick - at(i)->tick);
if (MScore::debugMode) {
qDebug("utick %d not found in RepeatList\n", tick);
return 0;
// tick2utick
int RepeatList::tick2utick(int tick) const
foreach (const RepeatSegment* s, *this) {
if (tick >= s->tick && tick < (s->tick + s->len))
return s->utick + (tick - s->tick);
return 0;
// utick2utime
qreal RepeatList::utick2utime(int tick) const
unsigned n = size();
unsigned ii = (idx1 < n) && (tick >= at(idx1)->utick) ? idx1 : 0;
for (unsigned i = ii; i < n; ++i) {
if ((tick >= at(i)->utick) && ((i + 1 == n) || (tick < at(i+1)->utick))) {
int t = tick - (at(i)->utick - at(i)->tick);
qreal tt = _score->tempomap()->tick2time(t) + at(i)->timeOffset;
return tt;
return 0.0;
// utime2utick
int RepeatList::utime2utick(qreal t) const
unsigned n = size();
unsigned ii = (idx2 < n) && (t >= at(idx2)->utime) ? idx2 : 0;
for (unsigned i = ii; i < n; ++i) {
if ((t >= at(i)->utime) && ((i + 1 == n) || (t < at(i+1)->utime))) {
idx2 = i;
return _score->tempomap()->time2tick(t - at(i)->timeOffset) + (at(i)->utick - at(i)->tick);
if (MScore::debugMode) {
qDebug("time %f not found in RepeatList\n", t);
return 0;
// dump
void RepeatList::dump() const
qDebug("==Dump Repeat List:==\n");
foreach(const RepeatSegment* s, *this) {
qDebug("%p tick: %3d(%d) %3d(%d) len %d(%d) beats %f + %f\n", s,
s->utick / 480,
s->utick / 480 / 4,
s->tick / 480,
s->tick / 480 / 4,
s->len / 480,
s->len / 480 / 4,
s->utime, s->timeOffset);
// unwind
// implements:
// - repeats
// - volta
// - d.c. al fine
// - d.s. al fine
// - d.s. al coda
void RepeatList::unwind()
Measure* fm = _score->firstMeasure();
if (!fm)
// qDebug("unwind===================");
rs = new RepeatSegment;
rs->tick = 0;
Measure* endRepeat = 0;
Measure* continueAt = 0;
int loop = 0;
int repeatCount = 0;
bool isGoto = false;
for (Measure* m = fm; m; m = m->nextMeasure())
for (Measure* m = fm; m;) {
m->setPlaybackCount(m->playbackCount() + 1);
int flags = m->repeatFlags();
// qDebug("repeat m%d(%d) lc%d loop %d repeatCount %d isGoto %d endRepeat %p flags 0x%x",
// m->no(), m->tick(), m->playbackCount(), loop, repeatCount, isGoto, endRepeat, flags);
if (endRepeat) {
Volta* volta = _score->searchVolta(m->tick());
if (volta && !volta->hasEnding(m->playbackCount())) {
// skip measure
if (rs->tick < m->tick()) {
rs->len = m->tick() - rs->tick;
rs = new RepeatSegment;
rs->tick = m->tick() + m->ticks();
else {
// Jumps are only accepted outside of other repeats
if (flags & RepeatJump) {
Jump* s = 0;
for (Segment* seg = m->first(); seg; seg = seg->next()) {
foreach(Element* e, seg->annotations()) {
if (e->type() == Element::JUMP) {
s = static_cast<Jump*>(e);
if (s)
if (s) {
Measure* nm = _score->searchLabel(s->jumpTo());
endRepeat = _score->searchLabel(s->playUntil());
continueAt = _score->searchLabel(s->continueAt());
isGoto = true;
if (nm && endRepeat) {
rs->len = m->tick() + m->ticks() - rs->tick;
rs = new RepeatSegment;
rs->tick = nm->tick();
m = nm;
qDebug("Jump not found\n");
if (isGoto && (endRepeat == m)) {
if (continueAt == 0) {
// qDebug(" isGoto && endReapeat == %p, continueAt == 0", m);
rs->len = m->tick() + m->ticks() - rs->tick;
if (rs->len)
delete rs;
rs->len = m->tick() + m->ticks() - rs->tick;
rs = new RepeatSegment;
rs->tick = continueAt->tick();
m = continueAt;
isGoto = false;
else if (flags & RepeatEnd) {
if (endRepeat == m) {
if (loop >= repeatCount) {
endRepeat = 0;
loop = 0;
else {
m = jumpToStartRepeat(m);
else if (endRepeat == 0) {
endRepeat = m;
repeatCount = m->repeatCount();
loop = 1;
m = jumpToStartRepeat(m);
m = m->nextMeasure();
if (rs) {
Measure* lm = _score->lastMeasure();
rs->len = lm->tick() - rs->tick + lm->ticks();
if (rs->len)
delete rs;
// jumpToStartRepeat
Measure* RepeatList::jumpToStartRepeat(Measure* m)
Measure* nm;
// go back to start of repeat or section break
// handle special case of end repeat (Measure m) has a section break
for (nm = m; nm && nm != _score->firstMeasure(); nm = nm->prevMeasure()) {
if (nm->repeatFlags() & RepeatStart || (nm->sectionBreak() && m != nm)) {
if (nm->sectionBreak() && nm->nextMeasure())
nm = nm->nextMeasure();
rs->len = m->tick() + m->ticks() - rs->tick;
rs = new RepeatSegment;
rs->tick = nm->tick();
return nm;