2021-11-09 15:01:20 +02:00

104 lines
3.4 KiB

* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
* MuseScore-CLA-applies
* MuseScore
* Music Composition & Notation
* Copyright (C) 2021 MuseScore BVBA and others
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import QtQuick 2.15
import MuseScore.Dock 1.0
DockPageView {
id: root
property alias central: central.sourceComponent
property var toolBarLeftDropDestination: { "dock": toolBarLeftDockingHolder, "dropLocation": DropLocation.Top }
property var toolBarRightDropDestination: { "dock": toolBarRightDockingHolder, "dropLocation": DropLocation.Top }
property var toolBarTopDropDestination: { "dock": toolBarTopDockingHolder, "dropLocation": DropLocation.Left }
property var toolBarBottomDropDestination: { "dock": toolBarBottomDockingHolder, "dropLocation": DropLocation.Left }
property var panelLeftDropDestination: { "dock": panelLeftDockingHolder, "dropLocation": DropLocation.Top }
property var panelRightDropDestination: { "dock": panelRightDockingHolder, "dropLocation": DropLocation.Top }
property var panelTopDropDestination: { "dock": panelTopDockingHolder, "dropLocation": DropLocation.Left }
property var panelBottomDropDestination: { "dock": panelBottomDockingHolder, "dropLocation": DropLocation.Left }
centralDock: DockCentralView {
objectName: root.objectName + "_central"
Loader {
id: central
anchors.fill: parent
toolBarsDockingHolders: [
DockingHolder {
id: toolBarLeftDockingHolder
objectName: root.objectName + "_toolBarsDockingHolderLeft"
location: DockBase.Left
DockingHolder {
id: toolBarRightDockingHolder
objectName: root.objectName + "_toolBarsDockingHolderRight"
location: DockBase.Right
DockingHolder {
id: toolBarTopDockingHolder
objectName: root.objectName + "_toolBarsDockingHolderTop"
location: DockBase.Top
DockingHolder {
id: toolBarBottomDockingHolder
objectName: root.objectName + "_toolBarsDockingHolderBottom"
location: DockBase.Bottom
panelsDockingHolders: [
DockingHolder {
id: panelLeftDockingHolder
objectName: root.objectName + "_panelsDockingHolderLeft"
location: DockBase.Left
DockingHolder {
id: panelRightDockingHolder
objectName: root.objectName + "_panelsDockingHolderRight"
location: DockBase.Right
DockingHolder {
id: panelTopDockingHolder
objectName: root.objectName + "_panelsDockingHolderTop"
location: DockBase.Top
DockingHolder {
id: panelBottomDockingHolder
objectName: root.objectName + "_panelsDockingHolderBottom"
location: DockBase.Bottom