2020-05-28 09:50:45 +02:00

851 lines
34 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "repeatlist.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "measure.h"
#include "tempo.h"
#include "volta.h"
#include "segment.h"
#include "marker.h"
#include "jump.h"
namespace Ms {
// searchLabel
// @param startMeasure From this measure, if nullptr from firstMeasure
// @param endMeasure Up to and including this measure, if nullptr till end of score
Measure* Score::searchLabel(const QString& s, Measure* startMeasure, Measure* endMeasure)
if (nullptr == startMeasure) {
startMeasure = firstMeasure();
if (nullptr == endMeasure) {
endMeasure = lastMeasure();
if (s == "start") {
return startMeasure;
} else if (s == "end") {
return endMeasure;
endMeasure = endMeasure->nextMeasure(); // stop comparison needs measure one past the last one to check
for (Measure* m = startMeasure; m && (m != endMeasure); m = m->nextMeasure()) {
for (auto e : m->el()) {
if ((e->isMarker())
&& (toMarker(e)->label() == s)) {
return m;
return nullptr;
// searchLabelWithinSectionFirst
Measure* Score::searchLabelWithinSectionFirst(const QString& s, Measure* sectionStartMeasure,
Measure* sectionEndMeasure)
Measure* result = searchLabel(s, sectionStartMeasure, sectionEndMeasure);
if ((nullptr == result) && (sectionStartMeasure != firstMeasure())) { // not found, expand to the front
result = searchLabel(s, nullptr, sectionStartMeasure->prevMeasure());
if ((nullptr == result) && (sectionEndMeasure != lastMeasure())) { // not found, expand to the end
result = searchLabel(s, sectionEndMeasure->nextMeasure(), nullptr);
return result;
// RepeatSegment
tick = 0;
utick = 0;
utime = 0.0;
timeOffset = 0.0;
RepeatSegment::RepeatSegment(RepeatSegment* const rs, Measure* const fromMeasure, Measure* const untilMeasure)
tick = 0;
utick = 0;
utime = 0.0;
timeOffset = 0.0;
//copy the measure list
auto it = rs->measureList.cbegin();
if (nullptr != fromMeasure) {
//skip until fromMeasure
while ((it->first != fromMeasure) && ((++it) != rs->measureList.cend())) {}
while (it != rs->measureList.cend()) {
if ((nullptr != untilMeasure) && (it->first->no() > untilMeasure->no())) {
measureList.push_back(std::make_pair(it->first, it->second));
if (!measureList.empty()) {
tick = measureList.cbegin()->first->tick().ticks();
void RepeatSegment::addMeasure(Measure* const m)
Q_ASSERT(measureList.empty() || measureList.back().first->nextMeasure() == m);
if (measureList.empty()) {
tick = m->tick().ticks();
measureList.push_back(std::make_pair(m, m->playbackCount()));
bool RepeatSegment::containsMeasure(Measure const* const m) const
for (std::pair<Measure*, int> measure : measureList) {
if (measure.first == m) {
return true;
return false;
int RepeatSegment::len() const
return (measureList.empty()) ? 0 : (measureList.last().first->endTick().ticks() - tick);
// playbackCount
// returns the playbackCount of this measure at the time it was inserted into the repeatSegment
// returns 0 if the measure is not part of this repeatSegment
int RepeatSegment::playbackCount(Measure* const m) const
for (std::pair<Measure*, int> measure : measureList) {
if (measure.first == m) {
return measure.second;
return 0;
// RepeatList
RepeatList::RepeatList(Score* s)
_score = s;
idx1 = 0;
idx2 = 0;
// ~RepeatList
// ticks
int RepeatList::ticks() const
if (length() > 0) {
const RepeatSegment* s = last();
return s->utick + s->len();
return 0;
// update
void RepeatList::update(bool expand)
if (!_scoreChanged && expand == _expanded) {
if (expand) {
} else {
_scoreChanged = false;
// updateTempo
void RepeatList::updateTempo()
const TempoMap* tl = _score->tempomap();
int utick = 0;
qreal t = 0;
for (RepeatSegment* s : *this) {
s->utick = utick;
s->utime = t;
qreal ct = tl->tick2time(s->tick);
s->timeOffset = t - ct;
utick += s->len();
t += tl->tick2time(s->tick + s->len()) - ct;
// utick2tick
int RepeatList::utick2tick(int tick) const
unsigned n = size();
if (n == 0) {
return tick;
if (tick < 0) {
return 0;
unsigned ii = (idx1 < n) && (tick >= at(idx1)->utick) ? idx1 : 0;
for (unsigned i = ii; i < n; ++i) {
if ((tick >= at(i)->utick) && ((i + 1 == n) || (tick < at(i + 1)->utick))) {
idx1 = i;
return tick - (at(i)->utick - at(i)->tick);
if (MScore::debugMode) {
qFatal("tick %d not found in RepeatList", tick);
return 0;
// tick2utick
int RepeatList::tick2utick(int tick) const
if (empty()) {
return 0;
for (const RepeatSegment* s : *this) {
if (tick >= s->tick && tick < (s->tick + s->len())) {
return s->utick + (tick - s->tick);
return last()->utick + (tick - last()->tick);
// utick2utime
qreal RepeatList::utick2utime(int tick) const
unsigned n = size();
unsigned ii = (idx1 < n) && (tick >= at(idx1)->utick) ? idx1 : 0;
for (unsigned i = ii; i < n; ++i) {
if ((tick >= at(i)->utick) && ((i + 1 == n) || (tick < at(i + 1)->utick))) {
int t = tick - (at(i)->utick - at(i)->tick);
qreal tt = _score->tempomap()->tick2time(t) + at(i)->timeOffset;
return tt;
return 0.0;
// utime2utick
int RepeatList::utime2utick(qreal t) const
unsigned n = size();
unsigned ii = (idx2 < n) && (t >= at(idx2)->utime) ? idx2 : 0;
for (unsigned i = ii; i < n; ++i) {
if ((t >= at(i)->utime) && ((i + 1 == n) || (t < at(i + 1)->utime))) {
idx2 = i;
return _score->tempomap()->time2tick(t - at(i)->timeOffset) + (at(i)->utick - at(i)->tick);
if (MScore::debugMode) {
qFatal("time %f not found in RepeatList", t);
return 0;
// dump
void RepeatList::dump() const
#if 0
qDebug("==Dump Repeat List:==");
for (const RepeatSegment* s : *this) {
qDebug("%p tick: %3d(%d) %3d(%d) len %d(%d) beats %f + %f", s,
s->utick / MScore::division,
s->utick / MScore::division / 4,
s->tick / MScore::division,
s->tick / MScore::division / 4,
s->len() / MScore::division,
s->len() / MScore::division / 4,
s->utime, s->timeOffset);
// flatten
/// Make this repeat list flat (don't expand repeats)
void RepeatList::flatten()
Measure* m = _score->firstMeasure();
if (!m) {
RepeatSegment* s = new RepeatSegment;
s->tick = 0;
s->utick = 0;
s->utime = 0.0;
s->timeOffset = 0.0;
do {
m = m->nextMeasure();
}while (m);
_expanded = false;
// unwind
// implements:
// - repeats
// - volta
// - d.c. al fine
// - d.s. al fine
// - d.s. al coda
void RepeatList::unwind()
Measure* fm = _score->firstMeasure();
if (!fm) {
for (Measure* m = fm; m; m = m->nextMeasure()) {
MeasureBase* sectionStartMeasureBase = NULL; // NULL indicates haven't discovered starting Measure of section
MeasureBase* sectionEndMeasureBase = NULL;
// partition score by section breaks and unwind individual sections separately
// note: section breaks may occur on non-Measure frames, so must search list of all MeasureBases
for (MeasureBase* mb = _score->first(); mb; mb = mb->next()) {
// unwindSection only deals with real Measures, so sectionEndMeasureBase and sectionStartMeasureBase will only point to real Measures
if (mb->isMeasure()) {
sectionEndMeasureBase = mb; // ending measure of section is the most recently encountered actual Measure
// starting measure of section will be the first non-NULL actual Measure encountered
if (sectionStartMeasureBase == NULL) {
sectionStartMeasureBase = mb;
// if found section break or reached final MeasureBase of score, then unwind
if (mb->sectionBreak() || !mb->nextMeasure()) {
// only unwind if section starts and ends with actual real measure
if (sectionStartMeasureBase && sectionEndMeasureBase) {
sectionStartMeasureBase = 0; // reset to NULL to indicate that don't know starting Measure of next section after starting new section
sectionEndMeasureBase = 0;
} else {
"Will not unroll a section that doesn't start or end with an actual measure. sectionStartMeasureBase = %p, sectionEndMeasureBase = %p",
sectionStartMeasureBase, sectionEndMeasureBase);
_expanded = true;
// preProcessVoltas
// determine the real effective endpoint of voltas
// because an open volta doesn't necessarily end on its end anchorpoint
// MUST be called before unwinding(Section) logic!
void RepeatList::preProcessVoltas()
Volta* nextVolta = nullptr; //work backwards as a volta can end because the next one starts
for (auto rit = _score->spanner().crbegin(); rit != _score->spanner().crend(); ++rit) {
Spanner* s = (*rit).second;
if (!s->isVolta()) {
Volta* volta = toVolta(s);
if (volta) {
if (_voltaRanges.find(volta) == _voltaRanges.end()) { // not yet determined the real endpoint, should always be true
// start by assuming the end of the spanner == the end of this volta (closed volta)
Measure* voltaEndMeasure = volta->endMeasure();
// open volta may end past its spanner
if (volta->getProperty(Pid::END_HOOK_TYPE).value<HookType>() == HookType::NONE) {
Measure* nextMeasureToInspect = voltaEndMeasure->nextMeasure();
// open volta ends:
while ((nextMeasureToInspect) // end of score
&& (!voltaEndMeasure->sectionBreak()) // or end of section
&& (!voltaEndMeasure->repeatEnd()) // hitting an endRepeat
&& (!nextMeasureToInspect->repeatStart()) // or starting a new repeat
&& (!nextVolta || (nextMeasureToInspect != nextVolta->startMeasure())) // or if another volta starts
&& (!voltaEndMeasure->repeatJump()) //or hitting a jump, otherwise the part after the jump might be considered under this volta as well…
) { // nextMeasureToInspect is still part of this volta
voltaEndMeasure = nextMeasureToInspect;
nextMeasureToInspect = voltaEndMeasure->nextMeasure();
// found the real ending of this volta, store it to minimize search efforts
_voltaRanges.insert(std::pair<Volta*, Measure*>(volta, voltaEndMeasure));
nextVolta = volta; // this volta might indicate the end of the previous one
} else {
qDebug("Found same volta twice in the spannermap");
} // end spannerloop
// searchVolta
// return the iterator in _voltaRanges for the volta spanning the given measure
std::map<Volta*, Measure*>::const_iterator RepeatList::searchVolta(Measure* const measure) const
std::map<Volta*, Measure*>::const_iterator voltaRange;
for (voltaRange = _voltaRanges.cbegin(); voltaRange != _voltaRanges.cend(); ++voltaRange) {
if ((voltaRange->first->startMeasure()->tick() <= measure->tick())
&& (measure->tick() <= voltaRange->second->tick())
) {
return voltaRange;
// unwindSection
// unwinds from sectionStartMeasure through sectionEndMeasure
void RepeatList::unwindSection(Measure* const sectionStartMeasure, Measure* const sectionEndMeasure)
// qDebug("unwind %d-measure section starting %p through %p", sectionEndMeasure->no()+1, sectionStartMeasure, sectionEndMeasure);
if (!sectionStartMeasure || !sectionEndMeasure) {
qDebug("invalid section start/end");
RepeatSegment* rs = nullptr; // no measures to be played yet
Measure* prevMeasure = nullptr; // the last processed measure that is part of this RepeatSegment
Measure* currentMeasure = sectionStartMeasure; // the measure to be processed/evaluated
Measure* startFrom = sectionStartMeasure; //the last StartRepeat encountered in this loop; we should return here upon hitting a repeat
int startFromRepeatStartCount = findStartFromRepeatCount(startFrom);
std::map<Volta*, Measure*>::const_iterator voltaRange = _voltaRanges.cend();
Measure* playUntilMeasure = nullptr; // used during jumping
Measure* continueAtMeasure = nullptr; // used during jumping
while (currentMeasure && (currentMeasure != sectionEndMeasure->nextMeasure())) {
if ((voltaRange != _voltaRanges.cend())
&& (currentMeasure == voltaRange->second->nextMeasure())
) { // volta was active -> not anymore
voltaRange = _voltaRanges.cend();
// Should we play or skip this measure: --> look for volta
if (voltaRange == _voltaRanges.cend()) {
voltaRange = searchVolta(currentMeasure);
if ((voltaRange != _voltaRanges.cend())
&& !voltaRange->first->hasEnding(startFrom->playbackCount())
) {
// volta does not apply for expected playbackCount --> skip it
// but first finalize the current RepeatSegment
if (rs) {
rs = nullptr;
// now skip the volta
currentMeasure = voltaRange->second->nextMeasure();
voltaRange = _voltaRanges.cend();
// restart processing for the new measure
prevMeasure = nullptr;
// include this measure into the current RepeatSegment
currentMeasure->setPlaybackCount(currentMeasure->playbackCount() + 1);
if (nullptr == rs) {
rs = new RepeatSegment();
prevMeasure = currentMeasure;
if (currentMeasure->repeatStart()) {
// always start from the last encountered repeat
startFrom = currentMeasure;
startFromRepeatStartCount = findStartFromRepeatCount(startFrom);
if ((currentMeasure->repeatEnd())
&& (currentMeasure->playbackCount() < currentMeasure->repeatCount()) // not yet exhausted our number of repeats
) {
// finalize this RepeatSegment
rs = nullptr;
// we already know where to start from now, so continue right away with the new reference
currentMeasure = startFrom;
prevMeasure = nullptr;
voltaRange = _voltaRanges.cend();
// we will now check for jumps, these should only be followed upon the last pass through a measure
if ((startFrom->playbackCount() == startFromRepeatStartCount) // means last pass through this set of repeats
|| ((voltaRange != _voltaRanges.cend())
&& (startFrom->playbackCount() == voltaRange->first->lastEnding()) // or last pass through this volta
) {
if (currentMeasure->repeatJump()) { // found a jump, should we follow it?
// fetch the jump
Jump* jump = nullptr;
for (Element* e : currentMeasure->el()) {
if (e->isJump()) {
jump = toJump(e);
// have we processed it already?
if (_jumpsTaken.find(jump) == _jumpsTaken.end()) { // not yet processed
// processing it now
// validate the jump
Measure* jumpToMeasure = _score->searchLabelWithinSectionFirst(
jump->jumpTo(), sectionStartMeasure, sectionEndMeasure);
playUntilMeasure = _score->searchLabelWithinSectionFirst(
jump->playUntil(), sectionStartMeasure, sectionEndMeasure);
continueAtMeasure = _score->searchLabelWithinSectionFirst(
jump->continueAt(), sectionStartMeasure, sectionEndMeasure);
if (jumpToMeasure && playUntilMeasure && (continueAtMeasure || jump->continueAt().isEmpty())) {
// we will jump, but first finalize the current RepeatSegment
rs = nullptr;
// now jump
// basically, replay the score from jumpToMeasure all the way up the to last occurrence of playUntilMeasure
// this replay lookup uses mostly indexes over iterators as push_back of new segments might invalidate an iterator
// step 1: find the last occurrence of playUntilMeasure
Measure* copyUntilMeasure = playUntilMeasure; // assume we can rewind back to the playUntilMeasure
int copyUntilIdx = this->size() - 1; // assume we will find the copyUntilMeasure in the (currently) last repeatSegment
int playUntilIdx = this->size();
do {
}while ((!(this->at(playUntilIdx)->containsMeasure(playUntilMeasure)))
&& (playUntilIdx > 0)
if (isFinalPlaythrough(playUntilMeasure, (this->cbegin() + playUntilIdx))) {
copyUntilIdx = playUntilIdx;
} else { // not found or not final playthrough
// -> currentMeasure is the most recent parsed measure that should be included into the replay
copyUntilMeasure = currentMeasure;
// step 2: find jumpToMeasure
auto copyFromIdx = -1;
Measure* copyFromMeasure = jumpToMeasure;
if (jump->playRepeats()) {
// we want to replay as much from the score as possible
// => find most recent occurrence of first playBack of jumpToMeasure #270332
for (int jumpToIdx = playUntilIdx; jumpToIdx >= 0; --jumpToIdx) {
if (this->at(jumpToIdx)->playbackCount(jumpToMeasure) == 1) {
copyFromIdx = jumpToIdx;
} else { // no repeats upon jumping => find final occurrence of jumpToMeasure
int jumpToIdx = this->size();
do {
}while ((!(this->at(jumpToIdx)->containsMeasure(jumpToMeasure)))
&& (jumpToIdx > 0)
if (isFinalPlaythrough(jumpToMeasure, (this->cbegin() + jumpToIdx))) {
copyFromIdx = jumpToIdx;
// step 3 : duplicate the part we would otherwise have to rewind
if (copyFromIdx != -1) {
if (jump->playRepeats()) {
// all should be replayed, simply copy over
for (int idx = copyFromIdx; idx <= copyUntilIdx; ++idx) {
this->push_back(new RepeatSegment(
(idx == copyFromIdx) ? copyFromMeasure : nullptr,
(idx == copyUntilIdx) ? copyUntilMeasure : nullptr
} else { // only most recent passes should be played
// so we have to inspect each measure to be it's most recent playthrough
int idx = copyFromIdx;
while (idx <= copyUntilIdx) {
RepeatSegment* referenceSegment = this->at(idx);
auto referenceIt = referenceSegment->measureList.cbegin();
bool forwardToMoreRecentPlaythrough = false;
if (idx == copyFromIdx) {
// skip start of segment
while ((referenceIt->first != copyFromMeasure)
&& ((++referenceIt) != referenceSegment->measureList.cend())) {}
// start copy
while (((referenceIt != referenceSegment->measureList.cend())
&& !forwardToMoreRecentPlaythrough)
&& ((idx != copyUntilIdx)
|| (referenceIt->first->no() <= copyUntilMeasure->no()))
) {
// find most recent occurrence of this measure
auto mostRecentRepeatSegmentIdx = copyUntilIdx; // look backwards to find to most recent first
while ((mostRecentRepeatSegmentIdx > idx) && !forwardToMoreRecentPlaythrough) {
RepeatSegment* mostRecentSegment = this->at(mostRecentRepeatSegmentIdx);
if ((mostRecentSegment->playbackCount(referenceIt->first)
>= referenceIt->second)
&& (referenceIt->first->no() <= copyUntilMeasure->no())
) {
// found a more recent playthrough => continue our copy from there
forwardToMoreRecentPlaythrough = true;
// save continueCopyPosition
copyFromMeasure = referenceIt->first;
idx = mostRecentRepeatSegmentIdx;
if (!forwardToMoreRecentPlaythrough) {
// this is the most recent playthrough of this measure -> copy it
if (nullptr == rs) {
rs = new RepeatSegment();
rs->tick = referenceIt->first->tick().ticks();
// test & copy next measure
// store what we've copied from this repeatSegment
if (rs) {
rs = nullptr;
// move to the next repeatSegment
if (!forwardToMoreRecentPlaythrough) {
// step 4 : determine the next measure to evaluate
if (copyFromIdx == -1) {
// still everything to process, because we couldn't copy from the jumpToMeasure yet
currentMeasure = jumpToMeasure; // so start there now
} else {
if (copyUntilMeasure == playUntilMeasure) {
// fully processed this jump, we know where to continue, so jump there
currentMeasure = continueAtMeasure;
// end of processing this jump
playUntilMeasure = nullptr;
continueAtMeasure = nullptr;
} else {
// we have copied stuff, but not yet all of it
currentMeasure = copyUntilMeasure->nextMeasure();
if (currentMeasure) {
startFrom = findStartRepeat(currentMeasure); // not yet happy with these, but not worse than before
startFromRepeatStartCount = findStartFromRepeatCount(startFrom);
// restart processing
prevMeasure = nullptr;
voltaRange = _voltaRanges.cend();
if (currentMeasure == playUntilMeasure) {
// end of processing this jump
playUntilMeasure = nullptr;
// finalize the current RepeatSegment
rs = nullptr;
// we know where to continue, so jump there
currentMeasure = continueAtMeasure;
continueAtMeasure = nullptr;
// restart processing
prevMeasure = nullptr;
voltaRange = _voltaRanges.cend();
// keep looping until reach end of score or end of the section
currentMeasure = currentMeasure->nextMeasure();
// append the final repeat segment of that section
if (rs) {
if (prevMeasure) {
if (rs->len()) {
rs = nullptr;
} else {
delete rs;
} else { // not even a single measure included in the segment -> it is empty
delete rs;
// findStartRepeat
// search backwards starting at a given measure to find a repeatStart
// @return the measure having the repeatStart or start of section
Measure* RepeatList::findStartRepeat(Measure* const measure) const
Measure* m = measure;
while ((!m->repeatStart())
&& (m != _score->firstMeasure())
&& (!m->prevMeasure()->sectionBreak()))
m = m->prevMeasure();
return m;
// findStartFromRepeatCount
// @param startFrom starting measure for this repeat subsection
// @return number of times playback passes the start repeat barline (not accounting for jumps)
int RepeatList::findStartFromRepeatCount(Measure* const startFrom) const
Measure* m = startFrom;
int startFromRepeatCount = (m->repeatEnd()) ? (m->repeatCount()) : 1;
m = m->nextMeasure();
while (m && !m->repeatStart()) {
if (m->repeatEnd()) {
startFromRepeatCount += m->repeatCount() - 1;
m = (m->sectionBreak()) ? nullptr : m->nextMeasure();
return startFromRepeatCount;
// isFinalPlaythrough
// @param measure the measure to verify
// @param repeatSegment consider measure with its playbackCount in this specific RepeatSegment
// @return true if that measure has its final playthrough in the given repeatSegment
bool RepeatList::isFinalPlaythrough(Measure* const measure, QList<RepeatSegment*>::const_iterator repeatSegmentIt) const
bool finalPlaythrough = false;
if ((repeatSegmentIt != this->cend())
&& ((*repeatSegmentIt)->containsMeasure(measure))
) {
// step 1 : so go and look back for the relevant startRepeatMeasure
Measure* startRepeatMeasure = findStartRepeat(measure);
auto startRepeatIt = repeatSegmentIt;
while ((startRepeatIt != this->cbegin())
&& (!(*startRepeatIt)->containsMeasure(startRepeatMeasure))
) {
int startRepeatPlaybackCount = (*startRepeatIt)->playbackCount(startRepeatMeasure);
// step 2 : does this measure belong to a volta?
auto voltaRange = searchVolta(measure);
// step 3 : is it the final playThrough of this measure?
if ((startRepeatPlaybackCount == findStartFromRepeatCount(startRepeatMeasure))
|| ((voltaRange != _voltaRanges.cend())
&& (startRepeatPlaybackCount == voltaRange->first->lastEnding())
) {
finalPlaythrough = true;
//else: found, but not yet final playthrough -> nothing to do
//else: measure not found == not part of this RepeatSegment -> nothing to do
return finalPlaythrough;