2020-05-28 09:50:45 +02:00

524 lines
18 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "stringdata.h"
#include "chord.h"
#include "note.h"
#include "part.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "staff.h"
#include "undo.h"
#include "segment.h"
namespace Ms {
// StringData
bool StringData::bFretting = false;
StringData::StringData(int numFrets, int numStrings, int strings[])
instrString strg = { 0, false };
_frets = numFrets;
for (int i = 0; i < numStrings; i++) {
strg.pitch = strings[i];
StringData::StringData(int numFrets, QList<instrString>& strings)
_frets = numFrets;
foreach (instrString i, strings) {
// read
void StringData::read(XmlReader& e)
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
const QStringRef& tag(;
if (tag == "frets") {
_frets = e.readInt();
} else if (tag == "string") {
instrString strg; = e.intAttribute("open", 0);
strg.pitch = e.readInt();
} else {
// write
void StringData::write(XmlWriter& xml) const
xml.tag("frets", _frets);
foreach (instrString strg, stringTable) {
if ( {
xml.tag("string open=\"1\"", strg.pitch);
} else {
xml.tag("string", strg.pitch);
// convertPitch
// Finds string and fret for a note.
// Fills *string and *fret with suitable values for pitch at given tick of given staff,
// using the highest possible string.
// If note cannot be fretted, uses fret 0 on nearest string and returns false
// Note: Strings are stored internally from lowest (0) to highest (strings()-1),
// but the returned *string value references strings in reversed, 'visual', order:
// from highest (0) to lowest (strings()-1)
bool StringData::convertPitch(int pitch, Staff* staff, const Fraction& tick, int* string, int* fret) const
return convertPitch(pitch, pitchOffsetAt(staff, tick), string, fret);
// getPitch
// Returns the pitch corresponding to the string / fret combination
// at given tick of given staff.
// Returns INVALID_PITCH if not possible
// Note: frets above max fret are accepted.
int StringData::getPitch(int string, int fret, Staff* staff, const Fraction& tick) const
return getPitch(string, fret, pitchOffsetAt(staff, tick));
// fret
// Returns the fret corresponding to the pitch / string combination
// at given tick of given staff.
// Returns FRET_NONE if not possible
int StringData::fret(int pitch, int string, Staff* staff, const Fraction& tick) const
return fret(pitch, string, pitchOffsetAt(staff, tick));
// fretChords
// Assigns fretting to all the notes of each chord in the same segment of chord
// re-using existing fretting wherever possible
// Minimizes fret conflicts (multiple notes on the same string)
// but marks as fretConflict notes which cannot be fretted
// (outside tablature range) or which cannot be assigned
// a separate string
void StringData::fretChords(Chord* chord) const
int nFret, minFret, maxFret, nNewFret, nTempFret;
int nString, nNewString, nTempString;
if (bFretting) {
bFretting = true;
// we need to keep track of string allocation
#if (!defined (_MSCVER) && !defined (_MSC_VER))
int bUsed[strings()]; // initially all strings are available
// MSVC does not support VLA. Replace with std::vector. If profiling determines that the
// heap allocation is slow, an optimization might be used.
std::vector<int> bUsed(strings());
for (nString=0; nString < strings(); nString++) {
bUsed[nString] = 0;
// we also need the notes sorted in order of string (from highest to lowest) and then pitch
QMap<int, Note*> sortedNotes;
int count = 0;
// store staff pitch offset at this tick, to speed up actual note pitch calculations
// (ottavas not implemented yet)
int transp = chord->staff() ? chord->part()->instrument()->transpose().chromatic : 0; // TODO: tick?
int pitchOffset = /*chord->staff()->pitchOffset(chord->segment()->tick())*/ -transp;
// if chord parent is not a segment, the chord is special (usually a grace chord):
// fret it by itself, ignoring the segment
if (chord->parent()->type() != ElementType::SEGMENT) {
sortChordNotes(sortedNotes, chord, pitchOffset, &count);
} else {
// scan each chord of seg from same staff as 'chord', inserting each of its notes in sortedNotes
Segment* seg = chord->segment();
int trk;
int trkFrom = (chord->track() / VOICES) * VOICES;
int trkTo = trkFrom + VOICES;
for (trk = trkFrom; trk < trkTo; ++trk) {
Element* ch = seg->elist().at(trk);
if (ch && ch->type() == ElementType::CHORD) {
sortChordNotes(sortedNotes, toChord(ch), pitchOffset, &count);
// determine used range of frets
minFret = INT32_MAX;
maxFret = INT32_MIN;
foreach (Note* note, sortedNotes) {
if (note->string() != STRING_NONE) {
if (note->fret() != FRET_NONE && note->fret() < minFret) {
minFret = note->fret();
if (note->fret() != FRET_NONE && note->fret() > maxFret) {
maxFret = note->fret();
// scan chord notes from highest, matching with strings from the highest
foreach (Note* note, sortedNotes) {
nString = nNewString = note->string();
nFret = nNewFret = note->fret();
note->setFretConflict(false); // assume no conflicts on this note
// if no fretting (any invalid fretting has been erased by sortChordNotes() )
if (nString == STRING_NONE /*|| nFret == FRET_NONE || getPitch(nString, nFret) != note->pitch()*/) {
// get a new fretting
if (!convertPitch(note->pitch(), pitchOffset, &nNewString, &nNewFret)) {
// no way to fit this note in this tab:
// mark as fretting conflict
// store fretting change without affecting chord context
if (nFret != nNewFret) {
note->undoChangeProperty(Pid::FRET, nNewFret);
if (nString != nNewString) {
note->undoChangeProperty(Pid::STRING, nNewString);
// note can be fretted: use string
else {
// if the note string (either original or newly assigned) is also used by another note
if (bUsed[nNewString] > 1) {
// attempt to find a suitable string, from topmost
for (nTempString=0; nTempString < strings(); nTempString++) {
if (bUsed[nTempString] < 1
&& (nTempFret=fret(note->pitch(), nTempString, pitchOffset)) != FRET_NONE) {
bUsed[nNewString]--; // free previous string
bUsed[nTempString]++; // and occupy new string
nNewFret = nTempFret;
nNewString = nTempString;
// TODO : try to optimize used fret range, avoiding eccessively open positions
// if fretting did change, store as a fret change
if (nFret != nNewFret) {
note->undoChangeProperty(Pid::FRET, nNewFret);
if (nString != nNewString) {
note->undoChangeProperty(Pid::STRING, nNewString);
// check for any remaining fret conflict
foreach (Note* note, sortedNotes) {
if (bUsed[note->string()] > 1) {
bFretting = false;
// frettedStrings
// Returns the number of fretted strings.
int StringData::frettedStrings() const
int num = 0;
for (auto s : stringTable) {
if (! {
return num;
// pitchOffsetAt
// Computes the pitch offset relevant for string data calculation at the given point.
// For string data calculations, pitch offset may depend on transposition, capos and, possibly, ottavas.
int StringData::pitchOffsetAt(Staff* staff, const Fraction& /*tick*/)
int transp = staff ? staff->part()->instrument()->transpose().chromatic : 0; // TODO: tick?
return /*staff->pitchOffset(tick)*/ -transp;
// convertPitch
// Finds string and fret for a note.
// Fills *string and *fret with suitable values for pitch / pitchOffset,
// using the highest possible string.
// If note cannot be fretted, uses fret 0 on nearest string and returns false
// Note: Strings are stored internally from lowest (0) to highest (strings()-1),
// but the returned *string value references strings in reversed, 'visual', order:
// from highest (0) to lowest (strings()-1)
bool StringData::convertPitch(int pitch, int pitchOffset, int* string, int* fret) const
int strings = stringTable.size();
if (strings < 1) {
return false;
pitch += pitchOffset;
// if above max fret on highest string, fret on first string, but return failure
if (pitch > - 1).pitch + _frets) {
*string = 0;
*fret = 0;
return false;
// look for a suitable string, starting from the highest
// NOTE: this assumes there are always enough frets to fill
// the interval between any fretted string and the next
for (int i = strings - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
instrString strg =;
if (pitch >= strg.pitch) {
if (pitch == strg.pitch || ! {
*string = strings - i - 1;
*fret = pitch - strg.pitch;
return true;
// if no string found, pitch is below lowest string:
// fret on last string, but return failure
*string = strings - 1;
*fret = 0;
return false;
// getPitch
// Returns the pitch corresponding to the string / fret / pitchOffset combination.
// Returns INVALID_PITCH if not possible
// Note: frets above max fret are accepted.
int StringData::getPitch(int string, int fret, int pitchOffset) const
int strings = stringTable.size();
if (string < 0 || string >= strings) {
instrString strg = - string - 1);
return strg.pitch - pitchOffset + ( ? 0 : fret);
// fret
// Returns the fret corresponding to the pitch / string / pitchOffset combination.
// returns FRET_NONE if not possible
int StringData::fret(int pitch, int string, int pitchOffset) const
int strings = stringTable.size();
if (strings < 1) { // no strings at all!
return FRET_NONE;
if (string < 0 || string >= strings) { // no such a string
return FRET_NONE;
pitch += pitchOffset;
int fret = pitch - stringTable[strings - string - 1].pitch;
// fret number is invalid or string cannot be fretted
if (fret < 0 || fret >= _frets || (fret > 0 && stringTable[strings - string - 1].open)) {
return FRET_NONE;
return fret;
// sortChordNotes
// Adds to sortedNotes the notes of Chord in string/pitch order
// Note: notes are sorted first by string (top string being 0),
// then by negated pitch (higher pitches resulting in lower key),
// then by order of submission to disambiguate notes with the same pitch.
// Everything else being equal, this makes notes in higher-numbered voices
// to be sorted after notes in lower-numbered voices (voice 2 after voice 1 and so on)
// Notes without a string assigned yet, are sorted according to the lowest string which can accommodate them.
void StringData::sortChordNotes(QMap<int, Note*>& sortedNotes, const Chord* chord, int pitchOffset, int* count) const
int key, string, fret;
foreach (Note* note, chord->notes()) {
string = note->string();
fret = note->fret();
// if note not fretted yet or current fretting no longer valid,
// use most convenient string as key
if (string <= STRING_NONE || fret <= FRET_NONE
|| getPitch(string, fret, pitchOffset) != note->pitch()) {
convertPitch(note->pitch(), pitchOffset, &string, &fret);
key = string * 100000;
key += -(note->pitch() + pitchOffset) * 100 + *count; // disambiguate notes of equal pitch
sortedNotes.insert(key, note);
#if 0
// MusicXMLStepAltOct2Pitch
Convert MusicXML \a step / \a alter / \a octave to midi pitch.
Note: similar to (part of) xmlSetPitch in mscore/importxml.cpp.
TODO: combine ?
static int MusicXMLStepAltOct2Pitch(char step, int alter, int octave)
int istep = step - 'A';
// a b c d e f g
static int table[7] = { 9, 11, 0, 2, 4, 5, 7 };
if (istep < 0 || istep > 6) {
qDebug("MusicXMLStepAltOct2Pitch: illegal step %d, <%c>", istep, step);
return -1;
int pitch = table[istep] + alter + (octave + 1) * 12;
if (pitch < 0) {
pitch = -1;
if (pitch > 127) {
pitch = -1;
return pitch;
// Read MusicXML
void StringData::readMusicXML(XmlReader& e)
_frets = 25;
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
const QStringRef& tag(;
if (tag == "staff-lines") {
int val = e.readInt();
if (val > 0) {
// resize the string table and init with zeroes
stringTable = QVector<int>(val).toList();
} else {
qDebug("StringData::readMusicXML: illegal staff-lines %d", val);
} else if (tag == "staff-tuning") {
int line = e.intAttribute("line");
QString step;
int alter = 0;
int octave = 0;
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
const QStringRef& tag(;
if (tag == "tuning-alter") {
alter = e.readInt();
} else if (tag == "tuning-octave") {
octave = e.readInt();
} else if (tag == "tuning-step") {
step = e.readElementText();
} else {
if (0 < line && line <= stringTable.size()) {
int pitch = MusicXMLStepAltOct2Pitch(step[0].toLatin1(), alter, octave);
if (pitch >= 0) {
stringTable[line - 1] = pitch;
} else {
qDebug("StringData::readMusicXML invalid string %d tuning step/alter/oct %s/%d/%d",
line, qPrintable(step), alter, octave);
} else if (tag == "capo") {
// not supported: silently ignored
} else {
// others silently ignored
// Write MusicXML
void StringData::writeMusicXML(XmlWriter& /*xml*/) const