2016-04-13 12:05:46 +02:00

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// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __MEASUREBASE_H__
#define __MEASUREBASE_H__
Definition of MeasureBase class.
#include "element.h"
#include "layoutbreak.h"
namespace Ms {
class Score;
class System;
class Measure;
#if 1
// Repeat
enum class Repeat : char {
NONE = 0,
END = 1,
START = 2,
JUMP = 8
constexpr Repeat operator| (Repeat t1, Repeat t2) {
return static_cast<Repeat>(static_cast<int>(t1) | static_cast<int>(t2));
constexpr bool operator& (Repeat t1, Repeat t2) {
return static_cast<int>(t1) & static_cast<int>(t2);
// @@ MeasureBase
/// Virtual base class for Measure, HBox and VBox
// @P lineBreak bool true if a system break is positioned on this measure
// @P nextMeasure Measure the next Measure (read-only)
// @P nextMeasureMM Measure the next multi-measure rest Measure (read-only)
// @P pageBreak bool true if a page break is positioned on this measure
// @P prevMeasure Measure the previous Measure (read-only)
// @P prevMeasureMM Measure the previous multi-measure rest Measure (read-only)
class MeasureBase : public Element {
Q_PROPERTY(bool lineBreak READ lineBreak WRITE undoSetLineBreak)
Q_PROPERTY(Ms::Measure* nextMeasure READ nextMeasure)
Q_PROPERTY(Ms::Measure* nextMeasureMM READ nextMeasureMM)
Q_PROPERTY(bool pageBreak READ pageBreak WRITE undoSetPageBreak)
Q_PROPERTY(Ms::Measure* prevMeasure READ prevMeasure)
Q_PROPERTY(Ms::Measure* prevMeasureMM READ prevMeasureMM)
MeasureBase* _next { 0 };
MeasureBase* _prev { 0 };
ElementList _el; ///< Measure(/tick) relative -elements: with defined start time
///< but outside the staff
LayoutBreak* _sectionBreak { 0 };
int _tick;
int _no { 0 }; ///< Measure number, counting from zero
int _noOffset { 0 }; ///< Offset to measure number
bool _repeatEnd { false };
bool _repeatStart { false };
bool _repeatMeasure { false };
bool _repeatJump { false };
bool _irregular { true }; ///< Irregular measure, do not count
bool _lineBreak { false }; ///< Forced line break
bool _pageBreak { false }; ///< Forced page break
bool _hasSystemHeader { false };
bool _hasSystemTrailer { false };
bool _hasCourtesyKeySig { false };
MeasureBase(Score* score = 0);
MeasureBase(const MeasureBase&);
virtual MeasureBase* clone() const = 0;
virtual Element::Type type() const = 0;
virtual void setScore(Score* s) override;
MeasureBase* next() const { return _next; }
MeasureBase* nextMM() const;
void setNext(MeasureBase* e) { _next = e; }
MeasureBase* prev() const { return _prev; }
void setPrev(MeasureBase* e) { _prev = e; }
Ms::Measure* nextMeasure() const;
Ms::Measure* prevMeasure() const;
Ms::Measure* nextMeasureMM() const;
Ms::Measure* prevMeasureMM() const;
virtual void write(Xml&) const override = 0;
virtual void write(Xml&, int, bool) const = 0;
virtual void layout();
virtual void scanElements(void* data, void (*func)(void*, Element*), bool all=true);
ElementList& el() { return _el; }
const ElementList& el() const { return _el; }
System* system() const { return (System*)parent(); }
void setSystem(System* s) { setParent((Element*)s); }
bool lineBreak() const { return _lineBreak; }
bool pageBreak() const { return _pageBreak; }
LayoutBreak* sectionBreak() const { return _sectionBreak; }
void setLineBreak(bool v) { _lineBreak = v; }
void setPageBreak(bool v) { _pageBreak = v; }
void setSectionBreak(LayoutBreak* v) { _sectionBreak = v; }
void undoSetBreak(bool v, LayoutBreak::Type type);
void undoSetLineBreak(bool v) { undoSetBreak(v, LayoutBreak::Type::LINE);}
void undoSetPageBreak(bool v) { undoSetBreak(v, LayoutBreak::Type::PAGE);}
void undoSetSectionBreak(bool v) { undoSetBreak(v, LayoutBreak::Type::SECTION);}
virtual void moveTicks(int diff) { setTick(tick() + diff); }
virtual void add(Element*) override;
virtual void remove(Element*) override;
virtual void writeProperties(Xml&) const override;
virtual bool readProperties(XmlReader&) override;
virtual int tick() const override { return _tick; }
virtual int ticks() const { return 0; }
int endTick() const { return tick() + ticks(); }
void setTick(int t) { _tick = t; }
qreal pause() const;
virtual QVariant getProperty(P_ID) const override;
virtual bool setProperty(P_ID, const QVariant&) override;
virtual QVariant propertyDefault(P_ID) const override;
void clearElements();
ElementList takeElements();
int no() const { return _no; }
void setNo(int n) { _no = n; }
bool irregular() const { return _irregular; }
void setIrregular(bool val) { _irregular = val; }
int noOffset() const { return _noOffset; }
void setNoOffset(int n) { _noOffset = n; }
bool repeatEnd() const { return _repeatEnd; }
bool repeatStart() const { return _repeatStart; }
bool repeatMeasure() const { return _repeatMeasure; }
bool repeatJump() const { return _repeatJump; }
void setRepeatEnd(bool v) { _repeatEnd = v; }
void setRepeatStart(bool v) { _repeatStart = v; }
void setRepeatMeasure(bool v) { _repeatMeasure = v; }
void setRepeatJump(bool v) { _repeatJump = v; }
bool hasSystemHeader() const { return _hasSystemHeader; }
bool hasSystemTrailer() const { return _hasSystemTrailer; }
void setHasSystemHeader(bool val) { _hasSystemHeader = val; }
void setHasSystemTrailer(bool val) { _hasSystemTrailer = val; }
bool hasCourtesyKeySig() const { return _hasCourtesyKeySig; }
void setHasCourtesyKeySig(int val) { _hasCourtesyKeySig = val; }
int index() const;
} // namespace Ms