Mark McKay fdeb795e34 fix #275313: rework mixer ui 2
Moving PartEditBase into separate file.  Creating new files for
building mixer.

Creating art assets/UI design for new components.

Styling the track control.

Adding track area.

Separating out score from update.

Creating instances of mixer UI.

Creating part per voice now.

Can click on tracks to select them now.

Can now switch bwtewwn tracks.

Setting patch channel now.

Setting enabled off when no track selected.

Improving slider ui.

Turning Channel into a class and adding listener to it.

Somewhat stabalized sharing track objects between interfaces.

Can now apply volume changes to both expanded and collapsed tracks.

Pan knob is now working.

Encapsulating the rest of the fields in Channel.

Mute and solo now working.

Reverb and chorus now working.

Drumkit checkbox now working.  Port and channel somewhat working.

Adding support for colors per track.

Part name change now working.

Separating out MixerTrackItem

Finishing moving MixerTrackItem to new file.

Cleaning up code.

Moving PartEditBase into separate file.  Creating new files for
building mixer.

Creating art assets/UI design for new components.

Styling the track control.

Adding track area.

Separating out score from update.

Creating instances of mixer UI.

Creating part per voice now.

Can click on tracks to select them now.

Can now switch bwtewwn tracks.

Setting patch channel now.

Setting enabled off when no track selected.

Improving slider ui.

Turning Channel into a class and adding listener to it.

Somewhat stabalized sharing track objects between interfaces.

Can now apply volume changes to both expanded and collapsed tracks.

Pan knob is now working.

Encapsulating the rest of the fields in Channel.

Mute and solo now working.

Reverb and chorus now working.

Drumkit checkbox now working.  Port and channel somewhat working.

Adding support for colors per track.

Part name change now working.

Separating out MixerTrackItem

Finishing moving MixerTrackItem to new file.

Cleaning up code.

Setting color in collapsed mode now affects all channels.

Using shared_ptr to track MixerTrackItem.  Part changes now affect
all instruments.

Creating new track UI object to handle parts.

Using shard_ptr to track MixerTrackItem objects.

setting port and channel data now.

Changing to horizontal layout.

Fixing knob display.  Chaning track control appearance.

Setting init slider window size.

Switchong back to vertical orientation.  Fixing a few UI bugs in
the slider.

Tracks now left aligned.

Moving details panel above mixer.  Now changing track selection when
user clicks on sliders.

Pan and volume controls now reflect track color.

Showing volume and pan values in tooltips.

Creating a new slider control for mixer.

Switching Channel's volume, pan, reverb and chorus and chaning them
to doubles with a decimal range.

No longer writing out vol, pan, chor, reverb when at default values.

Nolonger writing vol, pan, chorus, reverb as controler values in
output file.

Now testing against default values on write.

More export fixes.

Manually editing test files to reflect new channel parameters.

Manually editing more test files to reflect new channel parameters.

Manually editing more test files to reflect new channel parameters.

More test changes to make Travis happy.

More test changes to make Travis happy.

Importing MusicXML now matches new volume, pan ranges.

Changing range of pan.  Fixing a few bugs with calculating MIDI.
Altering test files for Travis.

fix #275313: rework-mixer-ui-2

Moving PartEditBase into separate file. Creating new files for
building mixer.

Creating art assets/UI design for new components.

Styling the track control.

Adding track area.

Separating out score from update.

Creating instances of mixer UI.

Creating part per voice now.

Can click on tracks to select them now.

Can now switch bwtewwn tracks.

Setting patch channel now.

Setting enabled off when no track selected.

Improving slider ui.

Turning Channel into a class and adding listener to it.

Somewhat stabalized sharing track objects between interfaces.

Can now apply volume changes to both expanded and collapsed tracks.

Pan knob is now working.

Encapsulating the rest of the fields in Channel.

Mute and solo now working.

Reverb and chorus now working.

Drumkit checkbox now working.  Port and channel somewhat working.

Adding support for colors per track.

Part name change now working.

Separating out MixerTrackItem

Finishing moving MixerTrackItem to new file.

Cleaning up code.

Moving PartEditBase into separate file.  Creating new files for
building mixer.

Creating art assets/UI design for new components.

Styling the track control.

Adding track area.

Separating out score from update.

Creating instances of mixer UI.

Creating part per voice now.

Can click on tracks to select them now.

Can now switch bwtewwn tracks.

Setting patch channel now.

Setting enabled off when no track selected.

Improving slider ui.

Turning Channel into a class and adding listener to it.

Somewhat stabalized sharing track objects between interfaces.

Can now apply volume changes to both expanded and collapsed tracks.

Pan knob is now working.

Encapsulating the rest of the fields in Channel.

Mute and solo now working.

Reverb and chorus now working.

Drumkit checkbox now working.  Port and channel somewhat working.

Adding support for colors per track.

Part name change now working.

Separating out MixerTrackItem

Finishing moving MixerTrackItem to new file.

Cleaning up code.

Setting color in collapsed mode now affects all channels.

Using shared_ptr to track MixerTrackItem.  Part changes now affect
all instruments.

Creating new track UI object to handle parts.

Using shard_ptr to track MixerTrackItem objects.

setting port and channel data now.

Changing to horizontal layout.

Fixing knob display.  Chaning track control appearance.

Setting init slider window size.

Switchong back to vertical orientation.  Fixing a few UI bugs in
the slider.

Tracks now left aligned.

Moving details panel above mixer.  Now changing track selection when
user clicks on sliders.

Pan and volume controls now reflect track color.

Showing volume and pan values in tooltips.

Creating a new slider control for mixer.

Switching Channel's volume, pan, reverb and chorus and chaning them
to doubles with a decimal range.

No longer writing out vol, pan, chor, reverb when at default values.

Nolonger writing vol, pan, chorus, reverb as controler values in
output file.

Now testing against default values on write.

More export fixes.

Manually editing test files to reflect new channel parameters.

Manually editing more test files to reflect new channel parameters.

Manually editing more test files to reflect new channel parameters.

More test changes to make Travis happy.

More test changes to make Travis happy.

Importing MusicXML now matches new volume, pan ranges.

Changing range of pan.  Fixing a few bugs with calculating MIDI.
Altering test files for Travis.

Restoring the volume, pan, chorus, reverb to original char data type
& range.  UI now shows different 'user friendly' ranges.

Overwriting tests with versions from master.


Restoring test files to original state.

Restoring test files to original state.

Restoring old values for importing files.

Restoring part methods.


Rearranging UI components for better feel.

Improving UI.  Fixed crash when changing part name.

Adding support for two lighting modes.  Showing part name over
channel expansion.

Adding master gain control to mixer.

Changing color of gain slider.

Adapting to latest source in main.

Changing master gain slider to use decibel calculation.

CSS now set on tracks whenever a Paint event received.

Restoring mixer slider values to refect MIDI ranges.  Fixing crash when drumkit checked.

Fixing crash when closing score.

Fixing alignment in mixer details.

Tweaking UI for better appearance.
2018-11-13 12:43:19 -05:00

803 lines
29 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "instrtemplate.h"
#include "bracket.h"
#include "drumset.h"
#include "stafftype.h"
#include "style.h"
#include "sym.h"
#include "stringdata.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "xml.h"
namespace Ms {
QList<InstrumentGroup*> instrumentGroups;
QList<MidiArticulation> articulation; // global articulations
QList<InstrumentGenre*> instrumentGenres;
// searchGenre
static InstrumentGenre * searchInstrumentGenre(const QString& genre)
foreach(InstrumentGenre* ig, instrumentGenres) {
if (ig->id == genre)
return ig;
return nullptr;
// searchInstrumentGroup
static InstrumentGroup* searchInstrumentGroup(const QString& name)
foreach(InstrumentGroup* g, instrumentGroups) {
if (g->id == name)
return g;
return nullptr;
// searchArticulation
static MidiArticulation searchArticulation(const QString& name)
foreach(MidiArticulation a, articulation) {
if ( == name)
return a;
return MidiArticulation();
// readStaffIdx
static int readStaffIdx(XmlReader& e)
int idx = e.intAttribute("staff", 1) - 1;
if (idx >= MAX_STAVES)
idx = MAX_STAVES-1;
if (idx < 0)
idx = 0;
return idx;
// read InstrumentGroup
void InstrumentGroup::read(XmlReader& e)
id = e.attribute("id");
name = qApp->translate("InstrumentsXML", e.attribute("name").toUtf8().data());
extended = e.intAttribute("extended", 0);
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
const QStringRef& tag(;
if (tag == "instrument" || tag == "Instrument") {
QString sid = e.attribute("id");
InstrumentTemplate* t = searchTemplate(sid);
if (t == 0) {
t = new InstrumentTemplate;
t->articulation.append(articulation); // init with global articulation
else if (tag == "ref") {
InstrumentTemplate* ttt = searchTemplate(e.readElementText());
if (ttt) {
InstrumentTemplate* t = new InstrumentTemplate(*ttt);
qDebug("instrument reference not found <%s>", e.text().toUtf8().data());
else if (tag == "name")
name = qApp->translate("InstrumentsXML", e.readElementText().toUtf8().data());
else if (tag == "extended")
extended = e.readInt();
if (id.isEmpty())
id = name.toLower().replace(" ", "-");
// clear InstrumentGroup
void InstrumentGroup::clear()
// InstrumentTemplate
staves = 1;
minPitchA = 0;
maxPitchA = 127;
minPitchP = 0;
maxPitchP = 127;
staffGroup = StaffGroup::STANDARD;
staffTypePreset = 0;
useDrumset = false;
drumset = 0;
extended = false;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STAVES; ++i) {
clefTypes[i]._concertClef = ClefType::G;
clefTypes[i]._transposingClef = ClefType::G;
staffLines[i] = 5;
smallStaff[i] = false;
bracket[i] = BracketType::NO_BRACKET;
bracketSpan[i] = 0;
barlineSpan[i] = false;
transpose.diatonic = 0;
transpose.chromatic = 0;
InstrumentTemplate::InstrumentTemplate(const InstrumentTemplate& t)
// init
void InstrumentTemplate::init(const InstrumentTemplate& t)
longNames = t.longNames;
shortNames = t.shortNames;
musicXMLid = t.musicXMLid;
staves = t.staves;
extended = t.extended;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STAVES; ++i) {
clefTypes[i] = t.clefTypes[i];
staffLines[i] = t.staffLines[i];
smallStaff[i] = t.smallStaff[i];
bracket[i] = t.bracket[i];
bracketSpan[i] = t.bracketSpan[i];
barlineSpan[i] = t.barlineSpan[i];
minPitchA = t.minPitchA;
maxPitchA = t.maxPitchA;
minPitchP = t.minPitchP;
maxPitchP = t.maxPitchP;
transpose = t.transpose;
staffGroup = t.staffGroup;
staffTypePreset = t.staffTypePreset;
useDrumset = t.useDrumset;
if (t.drumset)
drumset = new Drumset(*t.drumset);
drumset = 0;
stringData = t.stringData;
midiActions = t.midiActions;
channel =;
delete drumset;
// write
void InstrumentTemplate::write(XmlWriter& xml) const
xml.stag(QString("Instrument id=\"%1\"").arg(id));
longNames.write(xml, "longName");
shortNames.write(xml, "shortName");
if (longNames.size() > 1)
xml.tag("trackName", trackName);
xml.tag("description", description);
xml.tag("musicXMLid", musicXMLid);
if (extended)
xml.tag("extended", extended);
if (staves > 1)
xml.tag("staves", staves);
for (int i = 0; i < staves; ++i) {
if (clefTypes[i]._concertClef == clefTypes[i]._transposingClef) {
QString tag = ClefInfo::tag(clefTypes[i]._concertClef);
if (i)
xml.tag(QString("clef staff=\"%1\"").arg(i+1), tag);
xml.tag("clef", tag);
else {
QString tag1 = ClefInfo::tag(clefTypes[i]._concertClef);
QString tag2 = ClefInfo::tag(clefTypes[i]._transposingClef);
if (i) {
xml.tag(QString("concertClef staff=\"%1\"").arg(i+1), tag1);
xml.tag(QString("transposingClef staff=\"%1\"").arg(i+1), tag2);
else {
xml.tag("concertClef", tag1);
xml.tag("transposingClef", tag2);
if (staffLines[i] != 5) {
if (i)
xml.tag(QString("stafflines staff=\"%1\"").arg(i+1), staffLines[i]);
xml.tag("stafflines", staffLines[i]);
if (smallStaff[i]) {
if (i)
xml.tag(QString("smallStaff staff=\"%1\"").arg(i+1), smallStaff[i]);
xml.tag("smallStaff", smallStaff[i]);
if (bracket[i] != BracketType::NO_BRACKET) {
if (i)
xml.tag(QString("bracket staff=\"%1\"").arg(i+1), int(bracket[i]));
xml.tag("bracket", int(bracket[i]));
if (bracketSpan[i] != 0) {
if (i)
xml.tag(QString("bracketSpan staff=\"%1\"").arg(i+1), bracketSpan[i]);
xml.tag("bracketSpan", bracketSpan[i]);
if (barlineSpan[i]) {
if (i)
xml.tag(QString("barlineSpan staff=\"%1\"").arg(i+1), barlineSpan[i]);
xml.tag("barlineSpan", barlineSpan[i]);
if (minPitchA != 0 || maxPitchA != 127)
xml.tag("aPitchRange", QString("%1-%2").arg(int(minPitchA)).arg(int(maxPitchA)));
if (minPitchP != 0 || maxPitchP != 127)
xml.tag("pPitchRange", QString("%1-%2").arg(int(minPitchP)).arg(int(maxPitchP)));
if (transpose.diatonic)
xml.tag("transposeDiatonic", transpose.diatonic);
if (transpose.chromatic)
xml.tag("transposeChromatic", transpose.chromatic);
if (useDrumset)
xml.tag("drumset", int(useDrumset));
if (drumset)
foreach(const NamedEventList& a, midiActions)
a.write(xml, "MidiAction");
foreach(const Channel& a, channel)
a.write(xml, nullptr);
foreach(const MidiArticulation& ma, articulation) {
bool isGlobal = false;
for (const MidiArticulation& ga : Ms::articulation) {
if (ma == ga) {
isGlobal = true;
if (!isGlobal)
// write1
// output only translatable names
void InstrumentTemplate::write1(XmlWriter& xml) const
xml.stag(QString("Instrument id=\"%1\"").arg(id));
longNames.write(xml, "longName");
shortNames.write(xml, "shortName");
if (longNames.size() > 1)
xml.tag("trackName", trackName);
xml.tag("description", description);
// read
void InstrumentTemplate::read(XmlReader& e)
id = e.attribute("id");
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
const QStringRef& tag(;
if (tag == "longName" || tag == "name") { // "name" is obsolete
int pos = e.intAttribute("pos", 0);
for (QList<StaffName>::iterator i = longNames.begin(); i != longNames.end(); ++i) {
if ((*i).pos() == pos) {
longNames.append(StaffName(qApp->translate("InstrumentsXML", e.readElementText().toUtf8().data()), pos));
else if (tag == "shortName" || tag == "short-name") { // "short-name" is obsolete
int pos = e.intAttribute("pos", 0);
for (QList<StaffName>::iterator i = shortNames.begin(); i != shortNames.end(); ++i) {
if ((*i).pos() == pos) {
shortNames.append(StaffName(qApp->translate("InstrumentsXML", e.readElementText().toUtf8().data()), pos));
else if (tag == "trackName")
trackName = qApp->translate("InstrumentsXML", e.readElementText().toUtf8().data());
else if (tag == "description")
description = e.readElementText();
else if (tag == "extended")
extended = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "staves") {
staves = e.readInt();
bracketSpan[0] = staves;
// for (int i = 0; i < staves-1; ++i)
// barlineSpan[i] = true;
else if (tag == "clef") { // sets both transposing and concert clef
int idx = readStaffIdx(e);
QString val(e.readElementText());
bool ok;
int i = val.toInt(&ok);
ClefType ct = ok ? ClefType(i) : Clef::clefType(val);
clefTypes[idx]._concertClef = ct;
clefTypes[idx]._transposingClef = ct;
else if (tag == "concertClef") {
int idx = readStaffIdx(e);
QString val(e.readElementText());
bool ok;
int i = val.toInt(&ok);
clefTypes[idx]._concertClef = ok ? ClefType(i) : Clef::clefType(val);
else if (tag == "transposingClef") {
int idx = readStaffIdx(e);
QString val(e.readElementText());
bool ok;
int i = val.toInt(&ok);
clefTypes[idx]._transposingClef = ok ? ClefType(i) : Clef::clefType(val);
else if (tag == "stafflines") {
int idx = readStaffIdx(e);
staffLines[idx] = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "smallStaff") {
int idx = readStaffIdx(e);
smallStaff[idx] = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "bracket") {
int idx = readStaffIdx(e);
bracket[idx] = BracketType(e.readInt());
else if (tag == "bracketSpan") {
int idx = readStaffIdx(e);
bracketSpan[idx] = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "barlineSpan") {
int idx = readStaffIdx(e);
int span = e.readInt();
for (int i = 0; i < span-1; ++i)
barlineSpan[idx+i] = true;
else if (tag == "aPitchRange")
setPitchRange(e.readElementText(), &minPitchA, &maxPitchA);
else if (tag == "pPitchRange")
setPitchRange(e.readElementText(), &minPitchP, &maxPitchP);
else if (tag == "transposition") { // obsolete
int i = e.readInt();
transpose.chromatic = i;
transpose.diatonic = chromatic2diatonic(i);
else if (tag == "transposeChromatic")
transpose.chromatic = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "transposeDiatonic")
transpose.diatonic = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "StringData");
else if (tag == "drumset")
useDrumset = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "Drum") {
// if we see one of this tags, a custom drumset will
// be created
if (drumset == 0) {
drumset = new Drumset(*smDrumset);
else if (tag == "MidiAction") {
NamedEventList a;;
else if (tag == "Channel" || tag == "channel") {
Channel a;, nullptr);
else if (tag == "Articulation") {
MidiArticulation a;;
int n = articulation.size();
int i;
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (articulation[i].name == {
articulation[i] = a;
if (i == n)
else if (tag == "stafftype") {
int staffIdx = readStaffIdx(e);
QString xmlPresetName = e.attribute("staffTypePreset", "");
QString stfGroup = e.readElementText();
if (stfGroup == "percussion")
staffGroup = StaffGroup::PERCUSSION;
else if (stfGroup == "tablature")
staffGroup = StaffGroup::TAB;
staffGroup = StaffGroup::STANDARD;
staffTypePreset = 0;
if (!xmlPresetName.isEmpty())
staffTypePreset = StaffType::presetFromXmlName(xmlPresetName);
if (!staffTypePreset || staffTypePreset->group() != staffGroup)
staffTypePreset = StaffType::getDefaultPreset(staffGroup);
if (staffTypePreset)
staffLines[staffIdx] = staffTypePreset->lines();
else if (tag == "init") {
QString val(e.readElementText());
InstrumentTemplate* ttt = searchTemplate(val);
if (ttt)
qDebug("InstrumentTemplate:: init instrument <%s> not found", qPrintable(val));
else if (tag == "musicXMLid") {
musicXMLid = e.readElementText();
else if (tag == "genre") {
QString val(e.readElementText());
if (channel.empty()) {
Channel a;
if (useDrumset) {
if (channel[0].bank() == 0 && channel[0].synti().toLower() != "zerberus")
if (trackName.isEmpty() && !longNames.isEmpty())
trackName = longNames[0].name();
if (description.isEmpty() && !longNames.isEmpty())
description = longNames[0].name();
if (id.isEmpty())
id = trackName.toLower().replace(" ", "-");
if (staves == 0)
qDebug(" 2Instrument: staves == 0 <%s>", qPrintable(id));
// setPitchRange
void InstrumentTemplate::setPitchRange(const QString& s, char* a, char* b) const
QStringList sl = s.split("-");
if (sl.size() != 2) {
*a = 0;
*b = 127;
*a = sl[0].toInt();
*b = sl[1].toInt();
// saveInstrumentTemplates
bool saveInstrumentTemplates(const QString& instrTemplates)
QFile qf(instrTemplates);
if (! {
qDebug("cannot save instrument templates at <%s>", qPrintable(instrTemplates));
return false;
XmlWriter xml(0, &qf);
xml << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
foreach(const InstrumentGenre* genre, instrumentGenres)
xml << "\n";
foreach(const MidiArticulation& a, articulation)
xml << "\n";
foreach(InstrumentGroup* group, instrumentGroups) {
xml.stag(QString("InstrumentGroup id=\"%1\"").arg(group->id));
xml.tag("name", group->name);
if (group->extended)
xml.tag("extended", group->extended);
for (InstrumentTemplate* it : group->instrumentTemplates) {
xml << "\n";
xml << "\n";
return true;
// saveInstrumentTemplates1
bool saveInstrumentTemplates1(const QString& instrTemplates)
QFile qf(instrTemplates);
if (! {
qDebug("cannot save instrument templates at <%s>", qPrintable(instrTemplates));
return false;
XmlWriter xml(0, &qf);
xml << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
foreach(const InstrumentGenre* genre, instrumentGenres)
foreach(InstrumentGroup* group, instrumentGroups) {
xml.stag(QString("InstrumentGroup id=\"%1\"").arg(group->id));
xml.tag("name", group->name);
for (InstrumentTemplate* it : group->instrumentTemplates) {
xml << "\n";
xml << "\n";
return true;
// clearInstrumentTemplates
void clearInstrumentTemplates()
for (InstrumentGroup* g : instrumentGroups)
// loadInstrumentTemplates
bool loadInstrumentTemplates(const QString& instrTemplates)
QFile qf(instrTemplates);
if (! | QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
qDebug("cannot load instrument templates at <%s>", qPrintable(instrTemplates));
return false;
XmlReader e(&qf);
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
if ( == "museScore") {
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
const QStringRef& tag(;
if (tag == "instrument-group" || tag == "InstrumentGroup") {
QString idGroup(e.attribute("id"));
InstrumentGroup* group = searchInstrumentGroup(idGroup);
if (group == 0) {
group = new InstrumentGroup;
else if (tag == "Articulation") {
// read global articulation
QString name(e.attribute("name"));
MidiArticulation a = searchArticulation(name);;
else if (tag == "Genre") {
QString idGenre(e.attribute("id"));
InstrumentGenre* genre = searchInstrumentGenre(idGenre);
if (!genre) {
genre = new InstrumentGenre;
// saveInstrumentTemplates1("/home/ws/mops.xml");
return true;
// searchTemplate
InstrumentTemplate* searchTemplate(const QString& name)
foreach (InstrumentGroup* g, instrumentGroups) {
for (InstrumentTemplate* it : g->instrumentTemplates) {
if (it->id == name)
return it;
return 0;
// searchTemplateForMusicXMLid
InstrumentTemplate* searchTemplateForMusicXmlId(const QString& mxmlId)
foreach(InstrumentGroup* g, instrumentGroups) {
for (InstrumentTemplate* it : g->instrumentTemplates) {
if (it->musicXMLid == mxmlId)
return it;
return 0;
// linkGenre
// link the current instrument template to the genre list specified by "genre"
// Each genre is a list of pointers to instrument templates
// The list of genres is at application level
void InstrumentTemplate::linkGenre(const QString& genre)
InstrumentGenre *ig = searchInstrumentGenre(genre);
if (ig)
// genreMember
// is this instrument template a member of the supplied genre
bool InstrumentTemplate::genreMember(const QString& name)
bool rVal=false;
foreach(InstrumentGenre *instrumentGenre, genres ) {
if(instrumentGenre->id == name) {
rVal = true;
return rVal;
void InstrumentGenre::write(XmlWriter& xml) const
xml.stag(QString("Genre id=\"%1\"").arg(id));
xml.tag("name", name);
void InstrumentGenre::write1(XmlWriter& xml) const
void InstrumentGenre::read(XmlReader& e)
id = e.attribute("id");
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
const QStringRef& tag(;
if (tag == "name") {
name = qApp->translate("InstrumentsXML", e.readElementText().toUtf8().data());
// clefType
ClefTypeList InstrumentTemplate::clefType(int staffIdx) const
if (staffIdx < staves)
return clefTypes[staffIdx];
return clefTypes[0];
// defaultClef
// traverse the instrument list for first instrument
// with midi patch 'program'. Return the default clef
// for this instrument.
ClefType defaultClef(int program)
if (program >= 25 && program < 32) // this are guitars
return ClefType::G8_VB;
else if (program >= 33 && program < 41) // this is bass
return ClefType::F8_VB;
for (InstrumentGroup* g : instrumentGroups) {
for (InstrumentTemplate* it : g->instrumentTemplates) {
if (it->channel[0].bank() == 0 && it->channel[0].program() == program){
return (it->clefTypes[0]._concertClef);
return ClefType::G;