Maurizio M. Gavioli 49edb8d0c3 Fixes #19155, #22861 (duplicate of the former) and #23100.

Allows to change the start and end note to which a glissando is anchored after it has been entered. Either anchor can be changed independently.

The user interface follows the current working of other 'snappable' lines. Once either the start or end grip is selected:
- `[Shift]+[Left]` snaps the anchor to the previous chord, defaulting to its top note.
- `[Shift]+[Right]` snaps to the next chord, defaulting to its top note.
- `[Shift]+[Up]` snaps to the note above (possibly in a chord, voice or staff above the current one).
- `[Shift]+[Down]` snaps to the note below (possibly in a chord, voice or staff below the current one).

This permits to set the anchor points of a glissando to any note in the score, allowing several glissandi between the notes of the same two chords and other complex configurations (glissandi skipping intermediate chords, start and end notes in different voices or staves, and so on).

It is possible to move the anchor to a different staff of the same instrument, but not to a different instrument; also, it is not possible to 'cross' a change of instrument in the same staff.

__Known limitations__:
- The `[Shift]+[Up]` and `[Shift]+[Down]` use the same note-finding functions as the `[Alt]+[Up]` and `[Alt]+[Down]`actions which move the selection cursor to the above and below note, even across voices or staves. Occasionally, in particular if the note immediately above or below is not time-aligned, the algorithm has little expected results; however, the behaviour is already known to the user. Improving the algorithm would benefit both uses.

- Most of the added infrastructure is not specific to glissando but to any spanner anchored to notes, then it should also add after-the-fact "snap to" note support to note-anchored text line.
- When moving an anchor, the algorithm usually prefers a note in the same voice/staff of the old note if it exists; if there is none, it tries other voices of the same staff.
- The change of anchor is undoable.
- The fix corrects the management of the `Chord::_endsGlissando` flag, taking into account that a chord can be the ending point of several glissandi and removing one of them not necessarily means the chord no longer ends a glissando (another glissando may still exists).
- The fix also improved the rendering of the glissando wavy line, with better alignment with anchor notes and, with glissando text, better text-line spacing.
2015-09-30 09:16:47 +02:00

516 lines
17 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "navigate.h"
#include "element.h"
#include "clef.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "note.h"
#include "rest.h"
#include "chord.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "segment.h"
#include "lyrics.h"
#include "harmony.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "measure.h"
#include "page.h"
#include "spanner.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "staff.h"
#include "barline.h"
namespace Ms {
// nextChordRest
// return next Chord or Rest
ChordRest* nextChordRest(ChordRest* cr, bool skipGrace)
if (!cr)
return 0;
if (cr->isGrace()) {
// cr is a grace note
Chord* c = static_cast<Chord*>(cr);
Chord* pc = static_cast<Chord*>(cr->parent());
if (skipGrace) {
cr = static_cast<ChordRest*>(cr->parent());
else if (cr->isGraceBefore()) {
QList<Chord*> cl = pc->graceNotesBefore();
auto i = std::find(cl.begin(), cl.end(), c);
if (i == cl.end())
return 0; // unable to find self?
if (i != cl.end())
return *i;
// if this was last grace note before, return parent
return pc;
else {
QList<Chord*> cl = pc->graceNotesAfter();
auto i = std::find(cl.begin(), cl.end(), c);
if (i == cl.end())
return 0; // unable to find self?
if (i != cl.end())
return *i;
// if this was last grace note after, fall through to find next main note
cr = pc;
else {
// cr is not a grace note
if (cr->type() == Element::Type::CHORD && !skipGrace) {
Chord* c = static_cast<Chord*>(cr);
if (!c->graceNotes().empty()) {
QList<Chord*> cl = c->graceNotesAfter();
if (!cl.isEmpty())
return cl.first();
int track = cr->track();
Segment::Type st = Segment::Type::ChordRest;
for (Segment* seg = cr->segment()->next1MM(st); seg; seg = seg->next1MM(st)) {
ChordRest* e = static_cast<ChordRest*>(seg->element(track));
if (e) {
if (e->type() == Element::Type::CHORD && !skipGrace) {
Chord* c = static_cast<Chord*>(e);
if (!c->graceNotes().empty()) {
QList<Chord*> cl = c->graceNotesBefore();
if (!cl.isEmpty())
return cl.first();
return e;
return 0;
// prevChordRest
// return previous Chord or Rest
// if grace is true, include grace notes
ChordRest* prevChordRest(ChordRest* cr, bool skipGrace)
if (!cr)
return 0;
if (cr->isGrace()) {
// cr is a grace note
Chord* c = static_cast<Chord*>(cr);
Chord* pc = static_cast<Chord*>(cr->parent());
if (skipGrace) {
cr = static_cast<ChordRest*>(cr->parent());
else if (cr->isGraceBefore()) {
QList<Chord*> cl = pc->graceNotesBefore();
auto i = std::find(cl.begin(), cl.end(), c);
if (i == cl.end())
return 0; // unable to find self?
if (i != cl.begin())
return *--i;
// if this was first grace note before, fall through to find previous main note
cr = pc;
else {
QList<Chord*> cl = pc->graceNotesAfter();
auto i = std::find(cl.begin(), cl.end(), c);
if (i == cl.end())
return 0; // unable to find self?
if (i != cl.begin())
return *--i;
// if this was first grace note after, return parent
return pc;
else {
// cr is not a grace note
if (cr->type() == Element::Type::CHORD && !skipGrace) {
Chord* c = static_cast<Chord*>(cr);
QList<Chord*> cl = c->graceNotesBefore();
if (!cl.isEmpty())
return cl.last();
int track = cr->track();
Segment::Type st = Segment::Type::ChordRest;
for (Segment* seg = cr->segment()->prev1MM(st); seg; seg = seg->prev1MM(st)) {
ChordRest* e = static_cast<ChordRest*>(seg->element(track));
if (e) {
if (e->type() == Element::Type::CHORD && !skipGrace) {
QList<Chord*> cl = static_cast<Chord*>(e)->graceNotesAfter();
if (!cl.isEmpty())
return cl.last();
return e;
return 0;
// upAlt
// element: Note() or Rest()
// return: Note() or Rest()
// return next higher pitched note in chord
// move to previous track if at top of chord
Element* Score::upAlt(Element* element)
Element* re = 0;
if (element->type() == Element::Type::REST)
re = prevTrack(static_cast<Rest*>(element));
else if (element->type() == Element::Type::NOTE) {
Chord* chord = static_cast<Note*>(element)->chord();
const QList<Note*>& notes = chord->notes();
int idx = notes.indexOf(static_cast<Note*>(element));
if (idx < notes.size()-1) {
re = notes.value(idx);
else {
re = prevTrack(chord);
if (re->track() == chord->track())
re = element;
if (re == 0)
return 0;
if (re->type() == Element::Type::CHORD)
re = static_cast<Chord*>(re)->notes().front();
return re;
// upAltCtrl
// select top note in chord
Note* Score::upAltCtrl(Note* note) const
return note->chord()->upNote();
// downAlt
// return next lower pitched note in chord
// move to next track if at bottom of chord
Element* Score::downAlt(Element* element)
Element* re = 0;
if (element->type() == Element::Type::REST)
re = nextTrack(static_cast<Rest*>(element));
else if (element->type() == Element::Type::NOTE) {
Chord* chord = static_cast<Note*>(element)->chord();
const QList<Note*>& notes = chord->notes();
int idx = notes.indexOf(static_cast<Note*>(element));
if (idx > 0) {
re = notes.value(idx);
else {
re = nextTrack(chord);
if (re->track() == chord->track())
re = element;
if (re == 0)
return 0;
if (re->type() == Element::Type::CHORD)
re = static_cast<Chord*>(re)->notes().back();
return re;
// downAltCtrl
// niedrigste Note in Chord selektieren
Note* Score::downAltCtrl(Note* note) const
return note->chord()->downNote();
// firstElement
Element* Score::firstElement()
return this->firstSegment()->element(0);
// lastElement
Element* Score::lastElement()
Element* re =0;
Segment* seg = this->lastSegment();
while (true) {
for(int i = (this->staves().size() -1) * VOICES; i < this->staves().size() * VOICES; i++){
if(seg->element(i) != 0){
re = seg->element(i);
if(re->type() == Element::Type::CHORD){
return static_cast<Chord*>(re)->notes().first();
return re;
seg = seg->prev1MM(Segment::Type::All);
// upStaff
ChordRest* Score::upStaff(ChordRest* cr)
Segment* segment = cr->segment();
if (cr->staffIdx() == 0)
return cr;
for (int track = (cr->staffIdx() - 1) * VOICES; track >= 0; --track) {
Element* el = segment->element(track);
if (!el)
if (el->type() == Element::Type::NOTE)
el = static_cast<Note*>(el)->chord();
if (el->isChordRest())
return static_cast<ChordRest*>(el);
return 0;
// downStaff
ChordRest* Score::downStaff(ChordRest* cr)
Segment* segment = cr->segment();
int tracks = nstaves() * VOICES;
if (cr->staffIdx() == nstaves() - 1)
return cr;
for (int track = (cr->staffIdx() + 1) * VOICES; track < tracks; --track) {
Element* el = segment->element(track);
if (!el)
if (el->type() == Element::Type::NOTE)
el = static_cast<Note*>(el)->chord();
if (el->isChordRest())
return static_cast<ChordRest*>(el);
return 0;
// nextTrack
// returns note at or just before current (cr) position
// in next track for this measure
// that contains such an element
ChordRest* Score::nextTrack(ChordRest* cr)
if (!cr)
return 0;
ChordRest* el = 0;
Measure* measure = cr->measure();
int track = cr->track();
int tracks = nstaves() * VOICES;
while (!el) {
// find next non-empty track
while (++track < tracks){
if (measure->hasVoice(track))
// no more tracks, return original element
if (track == tracks)
return cr;
// find element at same or previous segment within this track
for (Segment* segment = cr->segment(); segment; segment = segment->prev(Segment::Type::ChordRest)) {
el = static_cast<ChordRest*>(segment->element(track));
if (el)
return el;
// prevTrack
// returns ChordRest at or just before current (cr) position
// in previous track for this measure
// that contains such an element
ChordRest* Score::prevTrack(ChordRest* cr)
if (!cr)
return 0;
ChordRest* el = 0;
Measure* measure = cr->measure();
int track = cr->track();
while (!el) {
// find next non-empty track
while (--track >= 0){
if (measure->hasVoice(track))
// no more tracks, return original element
if (track < 0)
return cr;
// find element at same or previous segment within this track
for (Segment* segment = cr->segment(); segment != 0; segment = segment->prev(Segment::Type::ChordRest)) {
el = static_cast<ChordRest*>(segment->element(track));
if (el)
return el;
// nextMeasure
ChordRest* Score::nextMeasure(ChordRest* element, bool selectBehavior, bool mmRest)
if (!element)
return 0;
Measure* measure = 0;
if (mmRest)
measure = element->measure()->nextMeasureMM();
measure = element->measure()->nextMeasure();
if (measure == 0)
return 0;
int endTick = element->measure()->last()->nextChordRest(element->track(), true)->tick();
bool last = false;
if (selection().isRange()) {
if (element->tick() != endTick && selection().tickEnd() <= endTick) {
measure = element->measure();
last = true;
else if (element->tick() == endTick && selection().isEndActive())
last = true;
else if (element->tick() != endTick && selectBehavior) {
measure = element->measure();
last = true;
if (!measure) {
measure = element->measure();
last = true;
int staff = element->staffIdx();
Segment* startSeg = last ? measure->last() : measure->first();
for (Segment* seg = startSeg; seg; seg = last ? seg->prev() : seg->next()) {
int etrack = (staff+1) * VOICES;
for (int track = staff * VOICES; track < etrack; ++track) {
Element* pel = seg->element(track);
if (pel && pel->isChordRest())
return static_cast<ChordRest*>(pel);
return 0;
// prevMeasure
ChordRest* Score::prevMeasure(ChordRest* element, bool mmRest)
if (!element)
return 0;
Measure* measure = 0;
if (mmRest)
measure = element->measure()->prevMeasureMM();
measure = element->measure()->prevMeasure();
int startTick = element->measure()->first()->nextChordRest(element->track())->tick();
bool last = false;
if ((selection().isRange())
&& selection().isEndActive() && selection().startSegment()->tick() <= startTick)
last = true;
else if (element->tick() != startTick) {
measure = element->measure();
if (!measure) {
measure = element->measure();
last = false;
int staff = element->staffIdx();
Segment* startSeg = last ? measure->last() : measure->first();
for (Segment* seg = startSeg; seg; seg = last ? seg->prev() : seg->next()) {
int etrack = (staff+1) * VOICES;
for (int track = staff * VOICES; track < etrack; ++track) {
Element* pel = seg->element(track);
if (pel && pel->isChordRest())
return static_cast<ChordRest*>(pel);
return 0;