Andres Fernandez de Prado 3acc363498 Solved all compilation errors on MSVC
This commit contains changes required for MuseScore to compile under MSVC with no errors.

There are several general categories of problems that resulted in errors with the compilation. Main issues:
- Variable Length Arrays (VLA). This is a non-standard extension to C++, supported by clang toolchains, but not by MSVC. The initial workaround is to use std::vector<> instead of VLAs, eventually (if needed) with the original variable pointing to the beginning of the allocated array. More efficient alternatives are possible if profiling shows any code using VLAs to be timing-critical.
- Floating-point constants not suffixed with "f" are doubles by default; in some instances, this leads to narrowing conversion errors (in other instances, just warnings).
- MSVC does not support "or"/"and"/"not" in lieu of "||"/"&&"/"!". Changed unconditionally to use standard C++ symbols.
- MSVC does not support the "__builtin_unreachable()" compiler hint. A similar, albeit not exactly equal, alternative is "__assume(0)", which is MSVC-specific.
- MSVC does not support ranges in case statements. Replaced with list of cases instead of range (non-conditionally)

Detailed changes, with per-file comments:

- all.h: opt-in to deprecated features, include <io.h> and <process.h> instead of POSIX <unistd.h>, undefine "STRING_NONE" and "small", which Microsoft defines as macros, which result in compilation errors.
- effects/compressor/zita.cpp: eliminated narrowing conversion error by appending "f" to float constants.
- fluid/voice.cpp: appended "f" to float constants to eliminate narrowing conversion errors/warnings
- libmscore/beam.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/edit.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/element.cpp: appended "f" to float constant
- libmscore/fret.cpp: changed or -> ||
- libmscore/layout.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/mscore.cpp: conditionally replaced "__builtin_unreachable()" with "__assume(0)" for MSVC
- libmscore/scorefile.coo: use correct char representation conversion for MSVC
- libmscore/stringdata.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscore/system.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA
- libmscroe/text.cpp: replaced range in case statement.
- manual/genManual.cpp: use getopt() replacement.
- midi/midifile.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA. This does not use the default replacement.
- mscore/bb.cpp: replaced range in case statement.
- mscore/capella.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA. Changed and -> &&
- mscore/driver:cpp: preclude errors due to macro redefinitions.
- mscore/editstyle.cpp: conditionally replaced "__builtin_unreachable()" with "__assume(0)" for MSVC
- mscore/importgtp-gp6.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/instrwidget.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/jackaudio.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA. Preclude errors due to macro redefinitions.
- mscore/jackweakapi.cpp: Preclude errors due to macro redefinitions. Replacement for __atribute__((constructor)) through static object construction for MSVC. Force use of LoadLibraryA instead of LoadLibrary.
- mscore/mididriver.h: Changed not -> !
- mscore/musescore.cpp: Changed not -> !. Conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/resourceManager.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- mscore/timeline.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- omr/omrpage.cpp: conditionally replaced VLA.
- synthesizer/msynthesizer.cpp: replaced UNIX sleep(1) method with MSVC Sleep(1000) (equivalent, but in ms instead of seconds)
- synthesizer/msynthsizer.h: appended "f" to float constant
- thirdparty/poppler/config.h: set defines for MSVC to preclude the use of inexistent libraries.
- thirdparty/poppler/poppler/poppler-config.h: set defines for MSVC to preclude the use of inexistent libraries. Eliminated #defines for fmin and fmax which where causing problems.
- thirdparty/poppler/poppler/ added #include <algorithm> for  std::min() and std::max(). Note this is required per-C++ standard.
- thirdparty/portmidi/pm_win/pmwinmm.c: undefined UNICODE to use char-based library functions.
- thirdparty/qzip/qzip.cpp: changed or -> ||
- thirdparty/rtf2html/rtf_keyword.h: file format changed from Apple to UNIX, as MSVC does not supported the former.

(NOT error related, just improvement on previous commit; manual/getopt/ added link to source article)
2018-08-03 09:15:42 +02:00

315 lines
20 KiB

// MuseScore
// Linux Music Score Editor
// $Id:
// jackWeakAPI based on code from Stéphane Letz (Grame)
// partly based on Julien Pommier (PianoTeq : code.
// Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Werner Schweer and others
// Copyright (C) 2009 Grame
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#if (defined (_MSCVER) || defined (_MSC_VER))
// Include stdint.h and #define _STDINT_H to prevent <systemdeps.h> from redefining types
// #undef UNICODE to force LoadLibrary to use the char-based implementation instead of the wchar_t one.
#include <stdint.h>
#define _STDINT_H 1
#include <jack/jack.h>
#include <jack/thread.h>
#include <jack/midiport.h>
#include <math.h>
#ifndef WIN32
#include <dlfcn.h>
//for backward compatibility of Jack headers. Might not be necessary.
typedef pthread_t jack_native_thread_t;
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
/* dynamically load libjack and forward all registered calls to libjack
(similar to what relaytool is trying to do, but more portably..)
typedef void (*print_function)(const char *);
typedef void *(*thread_routine)(void*);
using std::cerr;
int libjack_is_present = 0; // public symbol, similar to what relaytool does.
#ifdef WIN32
HMODULE libjack_handle = 0;
static void *libjack_handle = 0;
// Since MSVC does not support the __attribute(constructor)__ extension, an alternative through
// static object construction is implemented.
// See for a similar
// approach.
#if (!defined (_MSCVER) && !defined (_MSC_VER))
static void __attribute__((constructor)) tryload_libjack()
static int tryload_libjack();
static int tryload_static = tryload_libjack();
static int tryload_libjack()
if (getenv("SKIP_LIBJACK") == 0) { // just in case libjack is causing troubles..
#ifdef __APPLE__
libjack_handle = dlopen("libjack.0.dylib", RTLD_LAZY);
#elif defined(WIN32)
// Force char implementation of library instead of possibly wchar_t implementation to be called.
libjack_handle = LoadLibraryA("libjack.dll");
libjack_handle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY);
libjack_is_present = (libjack_handle != 0);
#if (defined (_MSCVER) || defined (_MSC_VER))
return 1;
void *load_jack_function(const char *fn_name)
void *fn = 0;
if (!libjack_handle) {
qDebug("libjack not found, so do not try to load %s ffs !", fn_name);
return 0;
#ifdef WIN32
fn = (void*)GetProcAddress(libjack_handle, fn_name);
fn = dlsym(libjack_handle, fn_name);
if (!fn) {
#ifdef WIN32
char* lpMsgBuf;
qDebug("could not GetProcAddress( %s ), %s ", fn_name, lpMsgBuf) ;
qDebug ("could not dlsym( %s ), %s ", fn_name, dlerror()) ;
return fn;
#define DECL_FUNCTION(return_type, fn_name, arguments_types, arguments) \
typedef return_type (*fn_name##_ptr_t)arguments_types; \
return_type fn_name arguments_types { \
static fn_name##_ptr_t fn = 0; \
if (fn == 0) { fn = (fn_name##_ptr_t)load_jack_function(#fn_name); } \
if (fn) return (*fn)arguments; \
else return (return_type)-1; \
#define DECL_FUNCTION_NULL(return_type, fn_name, arguments_types, arguments) \
typedef return_type (*fn_name##_ptr_t)arguments_types; \
return_type fn_name arguments_types { \
static fn_name##_ptr_t fn = 0; \
if (fn == 0) { fn = (fn_name##_ptr_t)load_jack_function(#fn_name); } \
if (fn) return (*fn)arguments; \
else return (return_type)0; \
#define DECL_VOID_FUNCTION(fn_name, arguments_types, arguments) \
typedef void (*fn_name##_ptr_t)arguments_types; \
void fn_name arguments_types { \
static fn_name##_ptr_t fn = 0; \
if (fn == 0) { fn = (fn_name##_ptr_t)load_jack_function(#fn_name); } \
if (fn) (*fn)arguments; \
DECL_VOID_FUNCTION(jack_get_version, (int *major_ptr, int *minor_ptr, int *micro_ptr, int *proto_ptr), (major_ptr, minor_ptr, micro_ptr, proto_ptr));
DECL_FUNCTION_NULL(const char *, jack_get_version_string, (), ());
DECL_FUNCTION_NULL(jack_client_t *, jack_client_open, (const char *client_name, jack_options_t options, jack_status_t *status, ...),
(client_name, options, status));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_client_close, (jack_client_t *client), (client));
DECL_FUNCTION_NULL(jack_client_t *, jack_client_new, (const char *client_name), (client_name));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_client_name_size, (), ());
DECL_FUNCTION_NULL(char*, jack_get_client_name, (jack_client_t *client), (client));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_internal_client_new, (const char *client_name,
const char *load_name,
const char *load_init), (client_name, load_name, load_init));
DECL_VOID_FUNCTION(jack_internal_client_close, (const char *client_name), (client_name));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_is_realtime, (jack_client_t *client), (client));
//WS DECL_VOID_FUNCTION(jack_on_shutdown, (jack_client_t *client, JackShutdownCallback shutdown_callback, void *arg), (client, shutdown_callback, arg));
//DECL_VOID_FUNCTION(jack_on_info_shutdown, (jack_client_t* client, JackInfoShutdownCallback shutdown_callback, void* arg), (client, shutdown_callback, arg));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_set_process_callback, (jack_client_t *client,
JackProcessCallback process_callback,
void *arg), (client, process_callback, arg));
DECL_FUNCTION(jack_nframes_t, jack_thread_wait, (jack_client_t *client, int status), (client, status));
DECL_FUNCTION(jack_nframes_t, jack_cycle_wait, (jack_client_t *client), (client));
DECL_VOID_FUNCTION(jack_cycle_signal, (jack_client_t *client, int status), (client, status));
//DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_set_process_thread, (jack_client_t *client,
// JackThreadCallback fun,
// void *arg), (client, fun, arg));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_set_thread_init_callback, (jack_client_t *client,
JackThreadInitCallback thread_init_callback,
void *arg), (client, thread_init_callback, arg));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_set_freewheel_callback, (jack_client_t *client,
JackFreewheelCallback freewheel_callback,
void *arg), (client, freewheel_callback, arg));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_set_freewheel, (jack_client_t *client, int onoff), (client, onoff));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_set_buffer_size, (jack_client_t *client, jack_nframes_t nframes), (client, nframes));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_set_buffer_size_callback, (jack_client_t *client,
JackBufferSizeCallback bufsize_callback,
void *arg), (client, bufsize_callback, arg));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_set_sample_rate_callback, (jack_client_t *client,
JackSampleRateCallback srate_callback,
void *arg), (client, srate_callback, arg));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_set_client_registration_callback, (jack_client_t *client,
JackClientRegistrationCallback registration_callback,
void *arg), (client, registration_callback, arg));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_set_port_registration_callback, (jack_client_t *client,
JackPortRegistrationCallback registration_callback,
void *arg), (client, registration_callback, arg));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_set_port_connect_callback, (jack_client_t *client,
JackPortConnectCallback connect_callback,
void *arg), (client, connect_callback, arg));
//WS DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_set_port_rename_callback, (jack_client_t *client,
// JackPortRenameCallback rename_callback,
// void *arg), (client, rename_callback, arg));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_set_graph_order_callback, (jack_client_t *client,
JackGraphOrderCallback graph_callback,
void *arg), (client, graph_callback, arg));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_set_xrun_callback, (jack_client_t *client,
JackXRunCallback xrun_callback,
void *arg), (client, xrun_callback, arg));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_activate, (jack_client_t *client), (client));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_deactivate, (jack_client_t *client), (client));
DECL_FUNCTION_NULL(jack_port_t *, jack_port_register, (jack_client_t *client, const char *port_name, const char *port_type,
unsigned long flags, unsigned long buffer_size),
(client, port_name, port_type, flags, buffer_size));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_port_unregister, (jack_client_t *client, jack_port_t* port), (client, port));
DECL_FUNCTION_NULL(void *, jack_port_get_buffer, (jack_port_t *port, jack_nframes_t nframes), (port, nframes));
DECL_FUNCTION_NULL(const char*, jack_port_name, (const jack_port_t *port), (port));
DECL_FUNCTION_NULL(const char*, jack_port_short_name, (const jack_port_t *port), (port));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_port_flags, (const jack_port_t *port), (port));
DECL_FUNCTION_NULL(const char*, jack_port_type, (const jack_port_t *port), (port));
//WS DECL_FUNCTION(jack_port_type_id_t, jack_port_type_id, (const jack_port_t *port), (port));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_port_is_mine, (const jack_client_t *client, const jack_port_t* port), (client, port));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_port_connected, (const jack_port_t *port), (port));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_port_connected_to, (const jack_port_t *port, const char *port_name), (port, port_name));
DECL_FUNCTION_NULL(const char**, jack_port_get_connections, (const jack_port_t *port), (port));
DECL_FUNCTION_NULL(const char**, jack_port_get_all_connections, (const jack_client_t *client,const jack_port_t *port), (client, port));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_port_tie, (jack_port_t *src, jack_port_t *dst), (src, dst));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_port_untie, (jack_port_t *port), (port));
DECL_FUNCTION(jack_nframes_t, jack_port_get_latency, (jack_port_t *port), (port));
DECL_FUNCTION(jack_nframes_t, jack_port_get_total_latency ,(jack_client_t * client, jack_port_t *port), (client, port));
DECL_VOID_FUNCTION(jack_port_set_latency, (jack_port_t * port, jack_nframes_t frames), (port, frames));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_recompute_total_latency, (jack_client_t* client, jack_port_t* port), (client, port));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_recompute_total_latencies, (jack_client_t* client),(client));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_port_set_name, (jack_port_t *port, const char *port_name), (port, port_name));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_port_set_alias, (jack_port_t *port, const char *alias), (port, alias));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_port_unset_alias, (jack_port_t *port, const char *alias), (port, alias));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_port_get_aliases, (const jack_port_t *port, char* const aliases[2]), (port,aliases));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_port_request_monitor, (jack_port_t *port, int onoff), (port, onoff));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_port_request_monitor_by_name, (jack_client_t *client, const char *port_name, int onoff), (client, port_name, onoff));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_port_ensure_monitor, (jack_port_t *port, int onoff), (port, onoff));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_port_monitoring_input, (jack_port_t *port) ,(port));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_connect, (jack_client_t * client, const char *source_port, const char *destination_port), (client, source_port, destination_port));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_disconnect, (jack_client_t * client, const char *source_port, const char *destination_port), (client, source_port, destination_port));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_port_disconnect, (jack_client_t * client, jack_port_t * port), (client, port));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_port_name_size,(),());
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_port_type_size,(),());
DECL_FUNCTION(jack_nframes_t, jack_get_sample_rate, (jack_client_t *client), (client));
DECL_FUNCTION(jack_nframes_t, jack_get_buffer_size, (jack_client_t *client), (client));
DECL_FUNCTION_NULL(const char**, jack_get_ports, (jack_client_t *client, const char *port_name_pattern, const char * type_name_pattern,
unsigned long flags), (client, port_name_pattern, type_name_pattern, flags));
DECL_FUNCTION_NULL(jack_port_t *, jack_port_by_name, (jack_client_t * client, const char *port_name), (client, port_name));
DECL_FUNCTION_NULL(jack_port_t *, jack_port_by_id, (jack_client_t *client, jack_port_id_t port_id), (client, port_id));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_engine_takeover_timebase, (jack_client_t * client), (client));
DECL_FUNCTION(jack_nframes_t, jack_frames_since_cycle_start, (const jack_client_t * client), (client));
DECL_FUNCTION(jack_time_t, jack_get_time, (), ());
DECL_FUNCTION(jack_nframes_t, jack_time_to_frames, (const jack_client_t *client, jack_time_t time), (client, time));
DECL_FUNCTION(jack_time_t, jack_frames_to_time, (const jack_client_t *client, jack_nframes_t frames), (client, frames));
DECL_FUNCTION(jack_nframes_t, jack_frame_time, (const jack_client_t *client), (client));
DECL_FUNCTION(jack_nframes_t, jack_last_frame_time, (const jack_client_t *client), (client));
DECL_FUNCTION(float, jack_cpu_load, (jack_client_t *client), (client));
DECL_FUNCTION_NULL(jack_native_thread_t, jack_client_thread_id, (jack_client_t *client), (client));
DECL_VOID_FUNCTION(jack_set_error_function, (print_function fun), (fun));
DECL_VOID_FUNCTION(jack_set_info_function, (print_function fun), (fun));
DECL_FUNCTION(float, jack_get_max_delayed_usecs, (jack_client_t *client), (client));
DECL_FUNCTION(float, jack_get_xrun_delayed_usecs, (jack_client_t *client), (client));
DECL_VOID_FUNCTION(jack_reset_max_delayed_usecs, (jack_client_t *client), (client));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_release_timebase, (jack_client_t *client), (client));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_set_sync_callback, (jack_client_t *client, JackSyncCallback sync_callback, void *arg), (client, sync_callback, arg));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_set_sync_timeout, (jack_client_t *client, jack_time_t timeout), (client, timeout));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_set_timebase_callback, (jack_client_t *client,
int conditional,
JackTimebaseCallback timebase_callback,
void *arg), (client, conditional, timebase_callback, arg));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_transport_locate, (jack_client_t *client, jack_nframes_t frame), (client, frame));
DECL_FUNCTION(jack_transport_state_t, jack_transport_query, (const jack_client_t *client, jack_position_t *pos), (client, pos));
DECL_FUNCTION(jack_nframes_t, jack_get_current_transport_frame, (const jack_client_t *client), (client));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_transport_reposition, (jack_client_t *client, const jack_position_t *pos), (client, pos));
DECL_VOID_FUNCTION(jack_transport_start, (jack_client_t *client), (client));
DECL_VOID_FUNCTION(jack_transport_stop, (jack_client_t *client), (client));
// DECL_VOID_FUNCTION(jack_get_transport_info, (jack_client_t *client, jack_transport_info_t *tinfo), (client,tinfo));
// DECL_VOID_FUNCTION(jack_set_transport_info, (jack_client_t *client, jack_transport_info_t *tinfo), (client,tinfo));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_client_real_time_priority, (jack_client_t* client), (client));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_client_max_real_time_priority, (jack_client_t* client), (client));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_acquire_real_time_scheduling, (jack_native_thread_t thread, int priority), (thread, priority));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_client_create_thread, (jack_client_t* client,
jack_native_thread_t *thread,
int priority,
int realtime, // boolean
thread_routine routine,
void *arg), (client, thread, priority, realtime, routine, arg));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_drop_real_time_scheduling, (jack_native_thread_t thread), (thread));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_client_stop_thread, (jack_client_t* client, jack_native_thread_t thread), (client, thread));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_client_kill_thread, (jack_client_t* client, jack_native_thread_t thread), (client, thread));
#ifndef WIN32
//WS DECL_VOID_FUNCTION(jack_set_thread_creator, (jack_thread_creator_t jtc), (jtc));
DECL_FUNCTION(char *, jack_get_internal_client_name, (jack_client_t *client, jack_intclient_t intclient), (client, intclient));
DECL_FUNCTION(jack_intclient_t, jack_internal_client_handle, (jack_client_t *client, const char *client_name, jack_status_t *status), (client, client_name, status));
DECL_FUNCTION(jack_intclient_t, jack_internal_client_load, (jack_client_t *client,
const char *client_name,
jack_options_t options,
jack_status_t *status
, ...), (client, client_name, options, status, ...));
DECL_FUNCTION(jack_status_t, jack_internal_client_unload, (jack_client_t *client, jack_intclient_t intclient), (client, intclient));
DECL_VOID_FUNCTION(jack_free, (void* ptr), (ptr));
DECL_FUNCTION(jack_nframes_t, jack_midi_get_event_count, (void* port_buffer), (port_buffer));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_midi_event_get, (jack_midi_event_t* event, void* port_buffer, jack_nframes_t event_index), (event, port_buffer, event_index)) ;
DECL_VOID_FUNCTION(jack_midi_clear_buffer, (void* port_buffer), (port_buffer));
DECL_FUNCTION(size_t, jack_midi_max_event_size, (void* port_buffer), (port_buffer));
DECL_FUNCTION_NULL(jack_midi_data_t*, jack_midi_event_reserve, (void* port_buffer, jack_nframes_t time, size_t data_size), (port_buffer, time, data_size));
DECL_FUNCTION(int, jack_midi_event_write, (void* port_buffer, jack_nframes_t time, const jack_midi_data_t* data, size_t data_size), (port_buffer, time, data, data_size));
DECL_FUNCTION(jack_nframes_t, jack_midi_get_lost_event_count, (void* port_buffer), (port_buffer));