2016-09-16 19:49:30 +02:00

211 lines
6.2 KiB

// Zerberus
// Zample player
// Copyright (C) 2013 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __MVOICE_H__
#define __MVOICE_H__
#include <cstdint>
#include <math.h>
class Channel;
struct Zone;
class Sample;
class Zerberus;
enum class LoopMode : char;
enum class OffMode : char;
enum class Trigger : char;
static const int INTERP_MAX = 256;
static const int EG_SIZE = 256;
// Envelope
struct Envelope {
static float egPow[EG_SIZE];
static float egLin[EG_SIZE];
int steps, count;
bool constant = false;
float offset = 0.0;
float max = 1.0;
float val;
float* table;
void setTable(float* f) { table = f; }
bool step() {
if (count) {
if (!constant)
val = table[EG_SIZE * count/steps]*(max-offset)+offset;
return false;
return true;
void setTime(float ms, int sampleRate);
void setConstant(float v) { constant = true; val = v; }
void setVariable() { constant = false; }
// Phase
// Playing pointer for voice playback
// When a sample is played back at a different pitch, the playing pointer
// in the source sample will not advance exactly one sample per output sample.
// This playing pointer is implemented using Phase.
struct Phase {
union {
int64_t data;
struct {
uint8_t _fract;
void operator+=(const Phase& p) { data +=; }
void set(int b) { data = b * 256; }
void set(double b) { data = b * 256.0; }
void setIndex(int b) { data = b * 256 + _fract; }
int index() const { return data >> 8; }
unsigned fract() const { return _fract; }
Phase() {}
Phase(int64_t v) : data(v) {}
enum class VoiceState : char {
enum V1Envelopes : int {
// Voice
class Voice {
Voice* _next;
Zerberus* _zerberus;
VoiceState _state = VoiceState::OFF;
Channel* _channel;
int _key;
int _velocity;
int audioChan;
short* data;
int eidx;
LoopMode _loopMode;
OffMode _offMode;
int _offBy;
int _loopStart;
int _loopEnd;
bool _looping;
int _samplesSinceStart;
float gain;
Phase phase, phaseIncr;
float fres; // the resonance frequency, in cents (not absolute cents)
float last_fres; // Current resonance frequency of the IIR filter
// Serves as a flag: A deviation between fres and last_fres
// indicates, that the filter has to be recalculated.
float q_lin; // the q-factor on a linear scale
float filter_gain; // Gain correction factor, depends on q
float hist1r, hist2r; // Sample history for the IIR filter
float hist1l, hist2l;
bool filter_startup; // Flag: If set, the filter will be set directly.
// Else it changes smoothly.
// filter coefficients
// b0 and b2 are identical >= b02
float b02; // b0 / a0
float b1; // b1 / a0
float a1; // a0 / a0
float a2; // a1 / a0
float b02_incr;
float b1_incr;
float a1_incr;
float a2_incr;
int filter_coeff_incr_count;
float modenv_val;
float modlfo_val;
int currentEnvelope;
Envelope envelopes[V1Envelopes::COUNT];
static float interpCoeff[INTERP_MAX][4];
void updateFilter(float fres);
Trigger trigger;
const Zone* z;
Voice* next() const { return _next; }
void setNext(Voice* v) { _next = v; }
void start(Channel* channel, int key, int velo, const Zone*, double durSinceNoteOn);
void updateEnvelopes();
void process(int frames, float*);
void updateLoop();
short getData(int pos);
Channel* channel() const { return _channel; }
int key() const { return _key; }
int velocity() const { return _velocity; }
bool isPlaying() const { return _state == VoiceState::PLAYING || _state == VoiceState::ATTACK; }
bool isSustained() const { return _state == VoiceState::SUSTAINED; }
bool isOff() const { return _state == VoiceState::OFF; }
bool isStopped() const { return _state == VoiceState::STOP; }
void stop() { envelopes[currentEnvelope].step(); envelopes[V1Envelopes::RELEASE].max = envelopes[currentEnvelope].val; currentEnvelope = V1Envelopes::RELEASE; _state = VoiceState::STOP; }
void stop(float time);
void sustained() { _state = VoiceState::SUSTAINED; }
void off() { _state = VoiceState::OFF; }
const char* state() const;
LoopMode loopMode() const { return _loopMode; }
int getSamplesSinceStart() { return _samplesSinceStart; }
float getGain() { return gain; }
OffMode offMode() const { return _offMode; }
int offBy() const { return _offBy; }
static void init();