2014-08-05 14:10:22 +02:00

928 lines
30 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "mscore.h"
#include "staff.h"
#include "part.h"
#include "clef.h"
#include "xml.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "bracket.h"
#include "keysig.h"
#include "segment.h"
#include "style.h"
#include "measure.h"
#include "stringdata.h"
#include "stafftype.h"
#include "undo.h"
#include "cleflist.h"
#include "timesig.h"
#include "instrtemplate.h"
#include "barline.h"
#include "ottava.h"
namespace Ms {
// idx
int Staff::idx() const
return _score->staffIdx(this);
// bracket
BracketType Staff::bracket(int idx) const
if (idx < _brackets.size())
return _brackets[idx]._bracket;
return BracketType::NO_BRACKET;
// bracketSpan
int Staff::bracketSpan(int idx) const
if (idx < _brackets.size())
return _brackets[idx]._bracketSpan;
return 0;
// setBracket
void Staff::setBracket(int idx, BracketType val)
for (int i = _brackets.size(); i <= idx; ++i)
_brackets[idx]._bracket = val;
while (!_brackets.isEmpty() && (_brackets.last()._bracket == BracketType::NO_BRACKET))
// setBracketSpan
void Staff::setBracketSpan(int idx, int val)
Q_ASSERT(idx >= 0);
Q_ASSERT(val >= 0);
for (int i = _brackets.size(); i <= idx; ++i)
_brackets[idx]._bracketSpan = val;
// addBracket
void Staff::addBracket(BracketItem b)
if (!_brackets.isEmpty() && _brackets[0]._bracket == BracketType::NO_BRACKET) {
_brackets[0] = b;
else {
// create new bracket level
foreach(Staff* s, _score->staves()) {
if (s == this)
// cleanupBrackets
void Staff::cleanupBrackets()
int index = idx();
int n = _score->nstaves();
for (int i = 0; i < _brackets.size(); ++i) {
if (_brackets[i]._bracket == BracketType::NO_BRACKET)
int span = _brackets[i]._bracketSpan;
if (span > (n - index)) {
span = n - index;
_brackets[i]._bracketSpan = span;
for (int i = 0; i < _brackets.size(); ++i) {
if (_brackets[i]._bracket == BracketType::NO_BRACKET)
int span = _brackets[i]._bracketSpan;
if (span <= 1)
_brackets[i] = BracketItem();
else {
// delete all other brackets with same span
for (int k = i + 1; k < _brackets.size(); ++k) {
if (span == _brackets[k]._bracketSpan)
_brackets[k] = BracketItem();
// partName
QString Staff::partName() const
return _part->partName();
// Staff
Staff::Staff(Score* s)
_score = s;
_rstaff = 0;
_part = 0;
_barLineTo = (lines()-1)*2;
Staff::Staff(Score* s, Part* p, int rs)
_score = s;
_rstaff = rs;
_part = p;
_barLineTo = (lines()-1)*2;
// ~Staff
if (_linkedStaves) {
if (_linkedStaves->isEmpty())
delete _linkedStaves;
// Staff::clefTypeList
ClefTypeList Staff::clefTypeList(int tick) const
return clefs.clef(tick);
// Staff::clef
ClefType Staff::clef(int tick) const
ClefTypeList c = clefTypeList(tick);
return score()->styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch) ? c._concertClef : c._transposingClef;
// setInitialClef
void Staff::setInitialClef(ClefType ct)
void Staff::setInitialClef(const ClefTypeList& ctl)
// initialClefTypeList
ClefTypeList Staff::initialClefTypeList() const
return clefs.initial();
// setClef
void Staff::setClef(Clef* clef)
if (clef->generated())
int tick = clef->segment()->tick();
for (Segment* s = clef->segment()->next(); s && s->tick() == tick; s = s->next()) {
if (s->segmentType() == Segment::Type::Clef && s->element(clef->track())) {
// adding this clef has no effect on the clefs list
clefs.setClef(clef->segment()->tick(), clef->clefTypeList());
// removeClef
void Staff::removeClef(Clef* clef)
if (clef->generated())
int tick = clef->segment()->tick();
for (Segment* s = clef->segment()->next(); s && s->tick() == tick; s = s->next()) {
if (s->segmentType() == Segment::Type::Clef && s->element(clef->track())) {
// removal of this clef has no effect on the clefs list
for (Segment* s = clef->segment()->prev(); s && s->tick() == tick; s = s->prev()) {
if (s->segmentType() == Segment::Type::Clef && s->element(clef->track())) {
// a previous clef at the same tick position gets valid
clefs.setClef(tick, static_cast<Clef*>(s->element(clef->track()))->clefTypeList());
// timeStretch
Fraction Staff::timeStretch(int tick) const
TimeSig* timesig = timeSig(tick);
return timesig == 0 ? Fraction(1,1) : timesig->stretch();
// timeSig
// lookup time signature before or at tick
TimeSig* Staff::timeSig(int tick) const
auto i = timesigs.upper_bound(tick);
if (i != timesigs.begin())
return (i == timesigs.end()) ? 0 : i->second;
// group
const Groups& Staff::group(int tick) const
TimeSig* ts = timeSig(tick);
if (ts) {
if (!ts->groups().empty())
return ts->groups();
return Groups::endings(ts->sig());
Measure* m = score()->tick2measure(tick);
return Groups::endings(m ? m->timesig() : Fraction(4,4));
// addTimeSig
void Staff::addTimeSig(TimeSig* timesig)
if (timesig->segment()->segmentType() == Segment::Type::TimeSig)
timesigs[timesig->segment()->tick()] = timesig;
// removeTimeSig
void Staff::removeTimeSig(TimeSig* timesig)
if (timesig->segment()->segmentType() == Segment::Type::TimeSig)
// Staff::key
// locates the key sig currently in effect at tick
Key Staff::key(int tick) const
return _keys.key(tick);
// setKey
void Staff::setKey(int tick, Key k)
_keys.setKey(tick, k);
// removeKey
void Staff::removeKey(int tick)
// prevkey
Key Staff::prevKey(int tick) const
return _keys.prevKey(tick);
// Staff::nextKeyTick
// return the tick at which the key sig after tick is located
// return 0, if no such a key sig
int Staff::nextKeyTick(int tick) const
return _keys.nextKeyTick(tick);
// Staff::currentKeyTick
// return the tick position of the key currently
// in effect at tick
// return 0, if no such a key sig
int Staff::currentKeyTick(int tick) const
return _keys.currentKeyTick(tick);
// write
void Staff::write(Xml& xml) const
int idx = score()->staffIdx(this);
xml.stag(QString("Staff id=\"%1\"").arg(idx + 1));
if (linkedStaves()) {
Score* s = score();
if (s->parentScore())
s = s->parentScore();
foreach(Staff* staff, linkedStaves()->staves()) {
if ((staff->score() == s) && (staff != this))
xml.tag("linkedTo", s->staffIdx(staff) + 1);
// for copy/paste we need to know the actual transposition
if (xml.clipboardmode) {
Interval v = part()->instr(0)->transpose();
if (v.diatonic)
xml.tag("transposeDiatonic", v.diatonic);
if (v.chromatic)
xml.tag("transposeChromatic", v.chromatic);
if (small() && !xml.excerptmode) // switch small staves to normal ones when extracting part
xml.tag("small", small());
if (invisible())
xml.tag("invisible", invisible());
if (neverHide())
xml.tag("neverHide", neverHide());
foreach(const BracketItem& i, _brackets)
xml.tagE("bracket type=\"%d\" span=\"%d\"", i._bracket, i._bracketSpan);
// for economy and consistency, only output "from" and "to" attributes if different from default
int defaultLineFrom = (lines() == 1 ? BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_FROM : 0);
int defaultLineTo;
if (_barLineSpan == 0) // if no bar line at all
defaultLineTo = _barLineTo; // whatever the current spanTo is, use as default
else { // if some bar line, default is the default for span target staff
int targetStaffIdx = idx + _barLineSpan - 1;
if (targetStaffIdx >= score()->nstaves()) {
qFatal("bad _barLineSpan %d for staff %d (nstaves %d)",
_barLineSpan, idx, score()->nstaves());
int targetStaffLines = score()->staff(targetStaffIdx)->lines();
defaultLineTo = (targetStaffLines == 1 ? BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_TO : (targetStaffLines-1) * 2);
if (_barLineSpan != 1 || _barLineFrom != defaultLineFrom || _barLineTo != defaultLineTo) {
if(_barLineFrom != defaultLineFrom || _barLineTo != defaultLineTo)
xml.tag(QString("barLineSpan from=\"%1\" to=\"%2\"").arg(_barLineFrom).arg(_barLineTo), _barLineSpan);
xml.tag("barLineSpan", _barLineSpan);
if (_userDist != 0.0)
xml.tag("distOffset", _userDist / spatium());
if (color() != Qt::black)
xml.tag("color", color());
// read
void Staff::read(XmlReader& e)
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
const QStringRef& tag(;
if (tag == "type") { // obsolete
int staffTypeIdx = e.readInt();
qDebug("Staff::read staffTypeIdx %d", staffTypeIdx);
_staffType = *StaffType::preset(StaffTypes(staffTypeIdx));
// set default barLineFrom and barLineTo according to staff type num. of lines
// (1-line staff bar lines are special)
_barLineFrom = (lines() == 1 ? BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_FROM : 0);
_barLineTo = (lines() == 1 ? BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_TO : (lines() - 1) * 2);
else if (tag == "StaffType") {;
// set default barLineFrom and barLineTo according to staff type num. of lines
// (1-line staff bar lines are special)
_barLineFrom = (lines() == 1 ? BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_FROM : 0);
_barLineTo = (lines() == 1 ? BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_TO : (lines() - 1) * 2);
else if (tag == "small")
else if (tag == "invisible")
else if (tag == "neverHide")
else if (tag == "keylist"), _score);
else if (tag == "bracket") {
BracketItem b;
b._bracket = BracketType(e.intAttribute("type", -1));
b._bracketSpan = e.intAttribute("span", 0);
else if (tag == "barLineSpan") {
// WARNING: following statement assumes number of staff lines to be correctly set
// must read <StaffType> before reading the <barLineSpan>
int defaultSpan = (lines() == 1 ? BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_FROM : 0);
_barLineFrom = e.attribute("from", QString::number(defaultSpan)).toInt();
// the proper default SpanTo depends upon the barLineSpan
// as we do not know it yet, set a generic (UNKNOWN) default
_barLineTo = e.intAttribute("to", defaultSpan);
// ready to read the main value...
_barLineSpan = e.readInt();
//...and to adjust the SpanTo value if the source did not provide an explicit value
// if no bar line or single staff span, set _barLineTo to this staff height
// if span to another staff (yet to be read), leave as unknown
// (Score::read() will retrieve the correct height of the target staff)
if (_barLineTo == UNKNOWN_BARLINE_TO && _barLineSpan <= 1)
_barLineTo = lines() == 1 ? BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_TO : (lines() - 1) * 2;
else if (tag == "distOffset")
_userDist = e.readDouble() * spatium();
else if (tag == "linkedTo") {
int v = e.readInt() - 1;
// if this is an excerpt, link staff to parentScore()
if (score()->parentScore()) {
Staff* st = score()->parentScore()->staff(v);
if (st)
else {
qDebug("staff %d not found in parent", v);
else {
int idx = score()->staffIdx(this);
if (v >= 0 && v < idx)
else if (tag == "color")
_color = e.readColor();
else if (tag == "transposeDiatonic")
else if (tag == "transposeChromatic")
// height
qreal Staff::height() const
return (lines() == 1 ? 2 : lines()-1) * spatium() * _staffType.lineDistance().val();
// spatium
qreal Staff::spatium() const
return _score->spatium() * mag();
// mag
qreal Staff::mag() const
return _small ? score()->styleD(StyleIdx::smallStaffMag) : 1.0;
// channel
int Staff::channel(int tick, int voice) const
if (_channelList[voice].isEmpty())
return 0;
QMap<int, int>::const_iterator i = _channelList[voice].upperBound(tick);
if (i == _channelList[voice].begin())
return 0;
return i.value();
// lines
int Staff::lines() const
return _staffType.lines();
// setLines
void Staff::setLines(int val)
if (val == lines())
_staffType.setLines(val); // TODO: make undoable
// line distance
qreal Staff::lineDistance() const
return _staffType.lineDistance().val();
// slashStyle
bool Staff::slashStyle() const
return _staffType.slashStyle();
// setSlashStyle
void Staff::setSlashStyle(bool val)
// linkTo
void Staff::linkTo(Staff* staff)
if (!_linkedStaves) {
if (staff->linkedStaves()) {
_linkedStaves = staff->linkedStaves();
else {
_linkedStaves = new LinkedStaves;
else {
if (!staff->linkedStaves())
staff->_linkedStaves = _linkedStaves;
// unlink
void Staff::unlink(Staff* staff)
// add
void LinkedStaves::add(Staff* staff)
// remove
void LinkedStaves::remove(Staff* staff)
// isLinked
/// return true if staff is different and
/// linked to this staff
bool Staff::isLinked(Staff* staff)
if (staff == this || !_linkedStaves)
return false;
for(Staff* s : _linkedStaves->staves()) {
if(s == staff)
return true;
return false;
// primaryStaff
/// if there are linked staves, the primary staff is
/// the one who is played back
bool Staff::primaryStaff() const
QList<Staff*> s;
if (!_linkedStaves)
return true;
foreach(Staff* staff, _linkedStaves->staves()) {
if (staff->score() == score())
return s.front() == this;
// setStaffType
void Staff::setStaffType(const StaffType* st)
if (_staffType == *st)
int linesOld = lines();
int linesNew = st->lines();
_staffType = *st;
if (linesNew != linesOld) {
int sIdx = score()->staffIdx(this);
if (sIdx < 0) { // staff does not belong to score (yet?)
if (linesNew == 1) { // 1-line staves have special bar lines
else { // set default barLineFrom/to (from first to last staff line)
_barLineFrom = 0;
_barLineTo = (linesNew-1)*2;
else // update barLineFrom/To in whole score context
score()->updateBarLineSpans(sIdx, linesOld, linesNew /*, true*/);
// check for right clef-type and fix
// if necessary
ClefType ct = clefs.initial()._concertClef;
StaffGroup csg = ClefInfo::staffGroup(ct);
if ( != csg) {
switch( {
case StaffGroup::TAB:
ct = ClefType(score()->styleI(StyleIdx::tabClef));
case StaffGroup::STANDARD:
ct = ClefType::G; // TODO: use preferred clef for instrument
case StaffGroup::PERCUSSION:
ct = ClefType::PERC;
// init
void Staff::init(const InstrumentTemplate* t, const StaffType* staffType, int cidx)
// set staff-type-independent parameters
if (cidx > MAX_STAVES) {
else {
setBracket(0, t->bracket[cidx]);
setBracketSpan(0, t->bracketSpan[cidx]);
const StaffType* pst = staffType ? staffType : t->staffTypePreset;
if (!pst)
pst = StaffType::getDefaultPreset(t->staffGroup);
// if (pst->group() == ArticulationShowIn::PITCHED_STAFF) // if PITCHED (in other staff groups num of lines is determined by style)
// setLines(t->staffLines[cidx]); // use number of lines from instr. template
// initFromStaffType
void Staff::initFromStaffType(const StaffType* staffType)
// get staff type if given (if none, get default preset for default staff group)
if (!staffType)
staffType = StaffType::getDefaultPreset(StaffGroup::STANDARD);
// use selected staff type
// spatiumChanged
void Staff::spatiumChanged(qreal oldValue, qreal newValue)
_userDist = (_userDist / oldValue) * newValue;
// show
bool Staff::show() const
return _part->show();
// genKeySig
bool Staff::genKeySig()
if ( == StaffGroup::TAB)
return false;
return _staffType.genKeysig();
// showLedgerLines
bool Staff::showLedgerLines()
if ( == StaffGroup::TAB)
return false;
return _staffType.showLedgerLines();
// updateOttava
void Staff::updateOttava()
int staffIdx = idx();
for (auto i : score()->spanner()) {
const Spanner* s = i.second;
if (s->type() == Element::Type::OTTAVA && s->staffIdx() == staffIdx) {
const Ottava* o = static_cast<const Ottava*>(s);
_pitchOffsets.setPitchOffset(o->tick(), o->pitchShift());
_pitchOffsets.setPitchOffset(o->tick2(), 0);
// undoSetColor
void Staff::undoSetColor(const QColor& /*val*/)
// score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_ID::COLOR, val);
// insertTime
void Staff::insertTime(int tick, int len)
KeyList kl2;
for (auto i = _keys.upper_bound(tick); i != _keys.end();) {
Key kse = i->second;
int k = i->first;
kl2[k + len] = kse;
_keys.insert(kl2.begin(), kl2.end());
ClefList cl2;
for (auto i = clefs.upper_bound(tick); i != clefs.end();) {
ClefTypeList ctl = i->second;
int key = i->first;
cl2.setClef(key + len, ctl);
clefs.insert(cl2.begin(), cl2.end());
// staffList
// return list of linked staves
QList<Staff*> Staff::staffList() const
QList<Staff*> staffList;
if (_linkedStaves)
staffList = _linkedStaves->staves();
return staffList;