
261 lines
7.6 KiB

* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
* MuseScore-CLA-applies
* MuseScore
* Music Composition & Notation
* Copyright (C) 2021 MuseScore BVBA and others
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "notationmeta.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include "libmscore/tempotext.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "global/xmlwriter.h"
using namespace mu::converter;
using namespace mu::engraving;
static QString boolToString(bool b)
return b ? "true" : "false";
mu::RetVal<std::string> NotationMeta::metaJson(notation::INotationPtr notation)
IF_ASSERT_FAILED(notation) {
return make_ret(Ret::Code::UnknownError);
Ms::Score* score = notation->elements()->msScore();
return make_ret(Ret::Code::UnknownError);
QJsonObject json;
json["title"] = title(score);
json["subtitle"] = subtitle(score);
json["composer"] = composer(score);
json["poet"] = poet(score);
json["mscoreVersion"] = score->mscoreVersion();
json["fileVersion"] = score->mscVersion();
json["pages"] = static_cast<int>(score->npages()); // no = operator for size_t
json["measures"] = static_cast<int>(score->nmeasures()); // no = operator for size_t
json["hasLyrics"] = boolToString(score->hasLyrics());
json["hasHarmonies"] = boolToString(score->hasHarmonies());
json["keysig"] = score->keysig();
json["previousSource"] = score->metaTag("source");
json["timesig"] = timesig(score);
json["duration"] = score->duration();
json["lyrics"] = score->extractLyrics();
auto _tempo = tempo(score);
json["tempo"] = _tempo.first;
json["tempoText"] = _tempo.second;
json["parts"] = partsJsonArray(score);
json["pageFormat"] = pageFormatJson(score);
json["textFramesData"] = typeDataJson(score);
RetVal<std::string> result;
result.ret = make_ret(Ret::Code::Ok);
result.val = QJsonDocument(json).toJson().toStdString();
return result;
QString NotationMeta::title(const Ms::Score* score)
QString title;
const Ms::Text* text = score->getText(Ms::TextStyleType::TITLE);
if (text) {
title = text->plainText();
if (title.isEmpty()) {
title = score->metaTag("workTitle");
if (title.isEmpty()) {
title = score->name();
return title;
QString NotationMeta::subtitle(const Ms::Score* score)
QString subtitle;
const Ms::Text* text = score->getText(Ms::TextStyleType::SUBTITLE);
if (text) {
subtitle = text->plainText();
return subtitle;
QString NotationMeta::composer(const Ms::Score* score)
QString composer;
const Ms::Text* text = score->getText(Ms::TextStyleType::COMPOSER);
if (text) {
composer = text->plainText();
if (composer.isEmpty()) {
composer = score->metaTag("composer");
return composer;
QString NotationMeta::poet(const Ms::Score* score)
QString poet;
const Ms::Text* text = score->getText(Ms::TextStyleType::POET);
if (text) {
poet = text->plainText();
if (poet.isEmpty()) {
poet = score->metaTag("lyricist");
return poet;
QString NotationMeta::timesig(const Ms::Score* score)
size_t staves = score->nstaves();
size_t tracks = staves * Ms::VOICES;
const Ms::Segment* timeSigSegment = score->firstSegmentMM(Ms::SegmentType::TimeSig);
if (!timeSigSegment) {
return QString();
QString timeSig;
const Ms::EngravingItem* element = nullptr;
for (size_t track = 0; track < tracks; ++track) {
element = timeSigSegment->element(static_cast<int>(track));
if (element) {
if (element && element->isTimeSig()) {
const Ms::TimeSig* ts = Ms::toTimeSig(element);
timeSig = QString("%1/%2").arg(ts->numerator()).arg(ts->denominator());
return timeSig;
std::pair<int, QString> NotationMeta::tempo(const Ms::Score* score)
int tempo = 0;
QString tempoText;
for (const Ms::Segment* segment = score->firstSegmentMM(Ms::SegmentType::All); segment; segment = segment->next1MM()) {
auto annotations = segment->annotations();
for (const Ms::EngravingItem* annotation : annotations) {
if (annotation && annotation->isTempoText()) {
const Ms::TempoText* tt = toTempoText(annotation);
tempo = round(tt->tempo().toBPM().val);
tempoText = tt->xmlText();
return { tempo, tempoText };
QJsonArray NotationMeta::partsJsonArray(const Ms::Score* score)
QJsonArray jsonPartsArray;
for (const Ms::Part* part : score->parts()) {
QJsonObject jsonPart;
jsonPart.insert("name", part->longName().replace("\n", ""));
int midiProgram = part->midiProgram();
jsonPart.insert("program", midiProgram);
jsonPart.insert("instrumentId", part->instrumentId());
jsonPart.insert("lyricCount", part->lyricCount());
jsonPart.insert("harmonyCount", part->harmonyCount());
jsonPart.insert("hasPitchedStaff", boolToString(part->hasPitchedStaff()));
jsonPart.insert("hasTabStaff", boolToString(part->hasTabStaff()));
jsonPart.insert("hasDrumStaff", boolToString(part->hasDrumStaff()));
jsonPart.insert("isVisible", boolToString(part->show()));
return jsonPartsArray;
QJsonObject NotationMeta::pageFormatJson(const Ms::Score* score)
QJsonObject format;
format.insert("height", round(score->styleD(Ms::Sid::pageHeight) * Ms::INCH));
format.insert("width", round(score->styleD(Ms::Sid::pageWidth) * Ms::INCH));
format.insert("twosided", boolToString(score->styleB(Ms::Sid::pageTwosided)));
return format;
static void findTextByType(void* data, Ms::EngravingItem* element)
if (!element->isTextBase()) {
const Ms::TextBase* text = toTextBase(element);
auto* typeStringsData = static_cast<std::pair<TextStyleType, QStringList*>*>(data);
if (text->textStyleType() == typeStringsData->first) {
QStringList* titleStrings = typeStringsData->second;
QJsonObject NotationMeta::typeDataJson(Ms::Score* score)
QJsonObject typesData;
static std::vector<std::pair<QString, TextStyleType> > namesTypesList {
{ "titles", TextStyleType::TITLE },
{ "subtitles", TextStyleType::SUBTITLE },
{ "composers", TextStyleType::COMPOSER },
{ "poets", TextStyleType::POET }
for (auto nameType : namesTypesList) {
QJsonArray typeData;
QStringList typeTextStrings;
std::pair<TextStyleType, QStringList*> extendedTitleData = std::make_pair(nameType.second, &typeTextStrings);
score->scanElements(&extendedTitleData, findTextByType);
for (auto typeStr : typeTextStrings) {
typesData.insert(nameType.first, typeData);
return typesData;