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* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
* MuseScore-CLA-applies
* MuseScore
* Music Composition & Notation
* Copyright (C) 2021 MuseScore BVBA and others
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "infrastructure/io/ifileinfoprovider.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "instrument.h"
namespace mu::engraving {
class EngravingProject;
class MscReader;
class MscWriter;
class ScoreReader;
class Read400;
namespace mu::engraving::compat {
class ScoreAccess;
class Read114;
class Read206;
class Read302;
class ReadStyleHook;
namespace Ms {
class Excerpt;
class MasterScore;
class Part;
class RepeatList;
class Revisions;
class TempoMap;
class TimeSigMap;
class UndoStack;
class MidiMapping
Part* _part;
std::unique_ptr<Channel> _articulation;
signed char _port;
signed char _channel;
Channel* masterChannel;
PartChannelSettingsLink link;
MidiMapping() = default; // should be created only within MasterScore
friend class MasterScore;
Part* part() { return _part; }
const Part* part() const { return _part; }
Channel* articulation() { return _articulation.get(); }
const Channel* articulation() const { return _articulation.get(); }
signed char port() const { return _port; }
signed char channel() const { return _channel; }
class MasterScore : public Score
UndoStack* _undoStack = nullptr;
TimeSigMap* _sigmap;
TempoMap* _tempomap;
RepeatList* _repeatList;
RepeatList* _repeatList2;
bool _expandRepeats = MScore::playRepeats;
bool _playlistDirty = true;
std::vector<Excerpt*> _excerpts;
std::vector<PartChannelSettingsLink> _playbackSettingsLinks;
Score* _playbackScore = nullptr;
Revisions* _revisions;
bool _readOnly = false;
CmdState _cmdState; // modified during cmd processing
Fraction _pos[3]; ///< 0 - current, 1 - left loop, 2 - right loop
int _midiPortCount = 0; // A count of ALSA midi out ports
QQueue<MidiInputEvent> _midiInputQueue; // MIDI events that have yet to be processed
std::list<MidiInputEvent> _activeMidiPitches; // MIDI keys currently being held down
std::vector<MidiMapping> _midiMapping;
bool isSimpleMidiMapping = false; // midi mapping is simple if all ports and channels
// don't decrease and don't have gaps
QSet<int> occupiedMidiChannels; // each entry is port*16+channel, port range: 0-inf, channel: 0-15
unsigned int searchMidiMappingFrom = 0; // makes getting next free MIDI mapping faster
qreal m_widthOfSegmentCell = 3;
std::weak_ptr<mu::engraving::EngravingProject> m_project;
// FIXME: Move to EngravingProject
// We can't yet, because m_project is not set on every MasterScore
IFileInfoProviderPtr m_fileInfoProvider;
bool m_isNewlyCreated { false }; /// true if the file has never been saved yet
bool m_saved { false };
bool m_autosaveDirty { true };
void reorderMidiMapping();
void rebuildExcerptsMidiMapping();
void removeDeletedMidiMapping();
int updateMidiMapping();
friend class mu::engraving::EngravingProject;
friend class mu::engraving::compat::ScoreAccess;
friend class mu::engraving::compat::Read114;
friend class mu::engraving::compat::Read206;
friend class mu::engraving::compat::Read302;
friend class mu::engraving::Read400;
MasterScore(std::weak_ptr<mu::engraving::EngravingProject> project = std::weak_ptr<mu::engraving::EngravingProject>());
MasterScore(const MStyle&, std::weak_ptr<mu::engraving::EngravingProject> project = std::weak_ptr<mu::engraving::EngravingProject>());
bool writeMscz(mu::engraving::MscWriter& mscWriter, bool onlySelection = false, bool createThumbnail = true);
bool exportPart(mu::engraving::MscWriter& mscWriter, Score* partScore);
MasterScore* clone();
Score* createScore();
Score* createScore(const MStyle& s);
std::weak_ptr<mu::engraving::EngravingProject> project() const { return m_project; }
bool isMaster() const override { return true; }
bool readOnly() const override { return _readOnly; }
void setReadOnly(bool ro) { _readOnly = ro; }
UndoStack* undoStack() const override { return _undoStack; }
TimeSigMap* sigmap() const override { return _sigmap; }
TempoMap* tempomap() const override { return _tempomap; }
bool playlistDirty() const override { return _playlistDirty; }
void setPlaylistDirty() override;
void setPlaylistClean() { _playlistDirty = false; }
void setExpandRepeats(bool expandRepeats);
bool expandRepeats() const { return _expandRepeats; }
void updateRepeatListTempo();
const RepeatList& repeatList() const override;
const RepeatList& repeatList2() const override;
std::vector<Excerpt*>& excerpts() { return _excerpts; }
const std::vector<Excerpt*>& excerpts() const { return _excerpts; }
QQueue<MidiInputEvent>* midiInputQueue() override { return &_midiInputQueue; }
std::list<MidiInputEvent>& activeMidiPitches() override { return _activeMidiPitches; }
void setUpdateAll() override;
void setLayoutAll(staff_idx_t staff = mu::nidx, const EngravingItem* e = nullptr);
void setLayout(const Fraction& tick, staff_idx_t staff, const EngravingItem* e = nullptr);
void setLayout(const Fraction& tick1, const Fraction& tick2, staff_idx_t staff1, staff_idx_t staff2, const EngravingItem* e = nullptr);
CmdState& cmdState() override { return _cmdState; }
const CmdState& cmdState() const override { return _cmdState; }
void addLayoutFlags(LayoutFlags val) override { _cmdState.layoutFlags |= val; }
void setInstrumentsChanged(bool val) override { _cmdState._instrumentsChanged = val; }
void setExcerptsChanged(bool val) { _cmdState._excerptsChanged = val; }
bool excerptsChanged() const { return _cmdState._excerptsChanged; }
bool instrumentsChanged() const { return _cmdState._instrumentsChanged; }
Revisions* revisions() { return _revisions; }
void setTempomap(TempoMap* tm);
int midiPortCount() const { return _midiPortCount; }
void setMidiPortCount(int val) { _midiPortCount = val; }
std::vector<MidiMapping>& midiMapping() { return _midiMapping; }
MidiMapping* midiMapping(int channel) { return &_midiMapping[channel]; }
void addMidiMapping(Channel* channel, Part* part, int midiPort, int midiChannel);
void updateMidiMapping(Channel* channel, Part* part, int midiPort, int midiChannel);
int midiPort(int idx) const { return _midiMapping[idx].port(); }
int midiChannel(int idx) const { return _midiMapping[idx].channel(); }
void rebuildMidiMapping();
void checkMidiMapping();
bool exportMidiMapping() { return !isSimpleMidiMapping; }
int getNextFreeMidiMapping(int p = -1, int ch = -1);
int getNextFreeDrumMidiMapping();
void enqueueMidiEvent(MidiInputEvent ev) { _midiInputQueue.enqueue(ev); }
void rebuildAndUpdateExpressive(Synthesizer* synth);
void updateExpressive(Synthesizer* synth);
void updateExpressive(Synthesizer* synth, bool expressive, bool force = false);
void setSoloMute();
using Score::pos;
Fraction pos(POS pos) const { return _pos[int(pos)]; }
void setPos(POS pos, Fraction tick);
void addExcerpt(Excerpt*, size_t index = mu::nidx);
void removeExcerpt(Excerpt*);
void deleteExcerpt(Excerpt*);
void initAndAddExcerpt(Excerpt*, bool);
void initEmptyExcerpt(Excerpt*);
void setPlaybackScore(Score*);
Score* playbackScore() { return _playbackScore; }
const Score* playbackScore() const { return _playbackScore; }
Channel* playbackChannel(const Channel* c) { return _midiMapping[c->channel()].articulation(); }
const Channel* playbackChannel(const Channel* c) const { return _midiMapping[c->channel()].articulation(); }
MasterScore* unrollRepeats();
IFileInfoProviderPtr fileInfo() const;
void setFileInfoProvider(IFileInfoProviderPtr fileInfoProvider);
bool isNewlyCreated() const;
void setNewlyCreated(bool val);
bool saved() const;
void setSaved(bool v);
bool autosaveDirty() const;
void setAutosaveDirty(bool v);
QString name() const override;
void setWidthOfSegmentCell(qreal val) { m_widthOfSegmentCell = val; }
qreal widthOfSegmentCell() const { return m_widthOfSegmentCell; }
extern Ms::MasterScore* gpaletteScore;