
343 lines
10 KiB

* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
* MuseScore-CLA-applies
* MuseScore
* Music Composition & Notation
* Copyright (C) 2021 MuseScore BVBA and others
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "shadownote.h"
#include "accidental.h"
#include "articulation.h"
#include "drumset.h"
#include "hook.h"
#include "rest.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "draw/pen.h"
using namespace mu;
namespace Ms {
// ShadowNote
ShadowNote::ShadowNote(Score* s)
: EngravingItem(ElementType::SHADOW_NOTE, s), m_noteheadSymbol(SymId::noSym)
m_lineIndex = 1000;
m_duration = TDuration(DurationType::V_INVALID);
m_isRest = false;
bool ShadowNote::isValid() const
return m_noteheadSymbol != SymId::noSym;
void ShadowNote::setState(SymId noteSymbol, TDuration duration, bool rest, qreal segmentSkylineTopY, qreal segmentSkylineBottomY)
m_noteheadSymbol = noteSymbol;
m_duration = duration;
m_isRest = rest;
m_segmentSkylineTopY = segmentSkylineTopY;
m_segmentSkylineBottomY = segmentSkylineBottomY;
bool ShadowNote::hasStem() const
return !m_isRest && m_duration.hasStem();
bool ShadowNote::hasFlag() const
return hasStem() && m_duration.hooks() > 0;
SymId ShadowNote::flagSym() const
if (!hasStem()) {
return SymId::noSym;
bool straight = score()->styleB(Sid::useStraightNoteFlags);
int hooks = computeUp() ? m_duration.hooks() : -m_duration.hooks();
return Hook::symIdForHookIndex(hooks, straight);
// computeUp
bool ShadowNote::computeUp() const
const StaffType* staffType = this->staffType();
bool tabStaff = staffType && staffType->isTabStaff();
if (tabStaff && (staffType->stemless() || !staffType->stemThrough())) {
// if TAB staff with no stems or stem beside staff
return true;
if (score()->tick2measure(m_tick)->hasVoices(staffIdx()) || voice() != 0) {
return !(voice() & 1);
} else {
return m_lineIndex > (staffType ? staffType->middleLine() : 4);
// draw
void ShadowNote::draw(mu::draw::Painter* painter) const
using namespace mu::draw;
if (!visible() || !isValid()) {
PointF ap(pagePos());
qreal lw = score()->styleMM(Sid::stemWidth) * mag();
Pen pen(engravingConfiguration()->highlightSelectionColor(voice()), lw, PenStyle::SolidLine, PenCapStyle::FlatCap);
bool up = computeUp();
// Draw the accidental
SymId acc = Accidental::subtype2symbol(score()->inputState().accidentalType());
if (acc != SymId::noSym) {
PointF posAcc;
posAcc.rx() -= symWidth(acc) + score()->styleMM(Sid::accidentalNoteDistance) * mag();
drawSymbol(acc, painter, posAcc);
// Draw the notehead
drawSymbol(m_noteheadSymbol, painter);
// Draw the dots
qreal sp = spatium();
qreal sp2 = sp / 2;
qreal noteheadWidth = symWidth(m_noteheadSymbol);
PointF posDot;
if (m_duration.dots() > 0) {
qreal d = score()->styleMM(Sid::dotNoteDistance) * mag();
qreal dd = score()->styleMM(Sid::dotDotDistance) * mag();
posDot.rx() += (noteheadWidth + d);
if (m_isRest) {
posDot.ry() += Rest::getDotline(m_duration.type()) * sp2 * mag();
} else {
posDot.ry() -= (m_lineIndex % 2 == 0 ? sp2 : 0);
if (hasFlag() && up) {
posDot.rx() = qMax(posDot.rx(), noteheadWidth + symBbox(flagSym()).right());
for (int i = 0; i < m_duration.dots(); i++) {
posDot.rx() += dd * i;
drawSymbol(SymId::augmentationDot, painter, posDot, 1);
posDot.rx() -= dd * i;
// Draw stem and flag
if (hasStem()) {
qreal x = up ? (noteheadWidth - (lw / 2)) : lw / 2;
qreal y1 = symSmuflAnchor(m_noteheadSymbol, up ? SmuflAnchorId::stemUpSE : SmuflAnchorId::stemDownNW).y();
qreal y2 = (up ? -3.5 : 3.5) * sp;
if (hasFlag()) {
SymId flag = flagSym();
drawSymbol(flag, painter, PointF(x - (lw / 2), y2), 1);
y2 += symSmuflAnchor(flag, up ? SmuflAnchorId::stemUpNW : SmuflAnchorId::stemDownSW).y();
painter->drawLine(LineF(x, y1, x, y2));
// Draw ledger lines if needed
if (!m_isRest && m_lineIndex < 100 && m_lineIndex > -100) {
qreal extraLen = score()->styleS(Sid::ledgerLineLength).val() * sp * mag();
qreal x1 = -extraLen;
qreal x2 = noteheadWidth + extraLen;
lw = score()->styleMM(Sid::ledgerLineWidth) * mag();
for (int i = -2; i >= m_lineIndex; i -= 2) {
qreal y = sp2 * (i - m_lineIndex);
painter->drawLine(LineF(x1, y, x2, y));
int l = staff()->lines(tick()) * 2; // first ledger line below staff
for (int i = l; i <= m_lineIndex; i += 2) {
qreal y = sp2 * (i - m_lineIndex);
painter->drawLine(LineF(x1, y, x2, y));
void ShadowNote::drawArticulations(mu::draw::Painter* painter) const
qreal noteheadWidth = symWidth(m_noteheadSymbol);
qreal ms = spatium();
qreal x1 = noteheadWidth * .5 - (ms * mag());
qreal x2 = x1 + 2 * ms * mag();
ms *= .5;
qreal y1 = -ms * (m_lineIndex) + m_segmentSkylineTopY;
qreal y2 = -ms * (m_lineIndex) + m_segmentSkylineBottomY;
RectF boundRect = RectF(PointF(x1, y1), PointF(x2, y2));
for (const SymId& artic: score()->inputState().articulationIds()) {
bool isMarcato = QString(Articulation::symId2ArticulationName(artic)).contains("marcato");
if (isMarcato) {
drawMarcato(painter, artic, boundRect);
} else {
drawArticulation(painter, artic, boundRect);
void ShadowNote::drawMarcato(mu::draw::Painter* painter, const SymId& artic, RectF& boundRect) const
PointF coord;
qreal spacing = spatium();
qreal topY = boundRect.y();
if (topY > 0) {
topY = 0;
coord.ry() = topY - symHeight(artic);
boundRect.setTop(boundRect.y() - symHeight(artic) - spacing);
drawSymbol(artic, painter, coord);
void ShadowNote::drawArticulation(mu::draw::Painter* painter, const SymId& artic, RectF& boundRect) const
PointF coord;
qreal spacing = spatium();
bool up = !computeUp();
if (up) {
qreal topY = boundRect.y();
if (topY > 0) {
topY = 0;
coord.ry() = topY - symHeight(artic);
boundRect.setTop(topY - symHeight(artic) - spacing);
} else {
qreal bottomY = boundRect.bottomLeft().y();
if (bottomY < 0) {
bottomY = symHeight(m_noteheadSymbol);
coord.ry() = bottomY + symHeight(artic);
boundRect.setHeight(bottomY + symHeight(artic) + spacing);
drawSymbol(artic, painter, coord);
// layout
void ShadowNote::layout()
if (!isValid()) {
qreal _spatium = spatium();
RectF newBbox;
RectF noteheadBbox = symBbox(m_noteheadSymbol);
bool up = computeUp();
// TODO: Take into account accidentals and articulations?
// Layout dots
qreal dotWidth = 0;
if (m_duration.dots() > 0) {
qreal noteheadWidth = noteheadBbox.width();
qreal d = score()->styleMM(Sid::dotNoteDistance) * mag();
qreal dd = score()->styleMM(Sid::dotDotDistance) * mag();
dotWidth = (noteheadWidth + d);
if (hasFlag() && up) {
dotWidth = qMax(dotWidth, noteheadWidth + symBbox(flagSym()).right());
for (int i = 0; i < m_duration.dots(); i++) {
dotWidth += dd * i;
newBbox.setRect(noteheadBbox.x(), noteheadBbox.y(), noteheadBbox.width() + dotWidth, noteheadBbox.height());
// Layout stem and flag
if (hasStem()) {
qreal x = noteheadBbox.x();
qreal w = noteheadBbox.width();
qreal stemWidth = score()->styleMM(Sid::stemWidth);
qreal stemLength = (up ? -3.5 : 3.5) * _spatium;
qreal stemAnchor = symSmuflAnchor(m_noteheadSymbol, up ? SmuflAnchorId::stemUpSE : SmuflAnchorId::stemDownNW).y();
newBbox |= RectF(up ? x + w - stemWidth : x,
stemLength - stemAnchor);
if (hasFlag()) {
RectF flagBbox = symBbox(flagSym());
newBbox |= RectF(up ? x + w - stemWidth : x,
stemAnchor + stemLength + flagBbox.y(),
// Layout ledger lines if needed
if (!m_isRest && m_lineIndex < 100 && m_lineIndex > -100) {
qreal extraLen = score()->styleMM(Sid::ledgerLineLength) * mag();
qreal x = noteheadBbox.x() - extraLen;
qreal w = noteheadBbox.width() + 2 * extraLen;
qreal lw = score()->styleMM(Sid::ledgerLineWidth);
InputState ps = score()->inputState();
RectF r(x, -lw * .5, w, lw);
for (int i = -2; i >= m_lineIndex; i -= 2) {
newBbox |= r.translated(PointF(0, _spatium * .5 * (i - m_lineIndex)));
int l = staff()->lines(tick()) * 2; // first ledger line below staff
for (int i = l; i <= m_lineIndex; i += 2) {
newBbox |= r.translated(PointF(0, _spatium * .5 * (i - m_lineIndex)));