Maurizio M. Gavioli 5621af1c2b Style of the initial bar line of a system.
In some engraving styles (mainly jazz), a double system initial bar line is used at structural articulations of the piece.

The PR supports this style, by adding a `_systemInitialBarLineStyle` variable to the `Measure` class which controls the style of the system bar line when the measure is the first of the system and by default it is set to NORMAL. This variable is not accessed directly; rather it is controlled by manipulating the system bar line. A system bar line can be edited:

- by dropping on it a bar line style from the palette (structural styles, like any repeat or END are ignored);
- by selecting it and double clicking a bar line style from the palette (same note as above).

It can be reset:

- by undo;
- by dropping on it (or selecting and double clicking) a NORMAL bar line style from the palette;
- by selecting and deleting it.

As the system bar line style is stored in the measure, if the first measure of a system changes (because of some other editing), the system bar line style will follow accordingly.
2014-09-16 13:20:15 +02:00

3762 lines
156 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "page.h"
#include "sig.h"
#include "key.h"
#include "clef.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "segment.h"
#include "text.h"
#include "staff.h"
#include "style.h"
#include "timesig.h"
#include "chord.h"
#include "note.h"
#include "slur.h"
#include "tie.h"
#include "keysig.h"
#include "barline.h"
#include "repeat.h"
#include "box.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "part.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "measure.h"
#include "volta.h"
#include "beam.h"
#include "tuplet.h"
#include "sym.h"
#include "fingering.h"
#include "stem.h"
#include "layoutbreak.h"
#include "mscore.h"
#include "beam.h"
#include "accidental.h"
#include "undo.h"
#include "layout.h"
#include "lyrics.h"
#include "harmony.h"
#include "ottava.h"
#include "notedot.h"
#include "element.h"
#include "tremolo.h"
#include "marker.h"
namespace Ms {
// rebuildBspTree
void Score::rebuildBspTree()
int n = _pages.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)>rebuildBspTree();
// searchNote
// search for note or rest before or at tick position tick
// in staff
ChordRest* Score::searchNote(int tick, int track) const
ChordRest* ipe = 0;
Segment::Type st = Segment::Type::ChordRest;
for (Segment* segment = firstSegment(st); segment; segment = segment->next(st)) {
ChordRest* cr = static_cast<ChordRest*>(segment->element(track));
if (!cr)
if (cr->tick() == tick)
return cr;
if (cr->tick() > tick)
return ipe ? ipe : cr;
ipe = cr;
return 0;
// layoutChords1
// - layout upstem and downstem chords
// - offset as necessary to avoid conflict
void Score::layoutChords1(Segment* segment, int staffIdx)
Staff* staff = Score::staff(staffIdx);
// if (staff->isDrumStaff() || staff->isTabStaff())
if (staff->isTabStaff())
int upVoices = 0, downVoices = 0;
int startTrack = staffIdx * VOICES;
int endTrack = startTrack + VOICES;
QList<Note*> upStemNotes, downStemNotes;
qreal nominalWidth = noteHeadWidth() * staff->mag();
qreal maxUpWidth = 0.0;
qreal maxDownWidth = 0.0;
qreal maxUpMag = 0.0;
qreal maxDownMag = 0.0;
// dots can affect layout of notes as well as vice versa
int upDots = 0;
int downDots = 0;
for (int track = startTrack; track < endTrack; ++track) {
Element* e = segment->element(track);
if (e && (e->type() == Element::Type::CHORD)) {
Chord* chord = static_cast<Chord*>(e);
for (Chord* c : chord->graceNotes()) {
// layout grace note noteheads
layoutChords2(c->notes(), c->up());
// layout grace note chords
layoutChords3(c->notes(), staff, 0);
if (chord->up()) {
upDots = qMax(upDots, chord->dots());
maxUpMag = qMax(maxUpMag, chord->mag());
else {
downDots = qMax(downDots, chord->dots());
maxDownMag = qMax(maxDownMag, chord->mag());
if (upVoices + downVoices == 0)
// TODO: use track as secondary sort criteria?
// otherwise there might be issues with unisons between voices
// in some corner cases
maxUpWidth = nominalWidth * maxUpMag;
maxDownWidth = nominalWidth * maxDownMag;
// layout upstem noteheads
if (upVoices > 1) {
qSort(upStemNotes.begin(), upStemNotes.end(),
[](Note* n1, const Note* n2) ->bool {return n1->line() > n2->line(); } );
if (upVoices) {
qreal hw = layoutChords2(upStemNotes, true);
maxUpWidth = qMax(maxUpWidth, hw);
// layout downstem noteheads
if (downVoices > 1) {
qSort(downStemNotes.begin(), downStemNotes.end(),
[](Note* n1, const Note* n2) ->bool {return n1->line() > n2->line(); } );
if (downVoices) {
qreal hw = layoutChords2(downStemNotes, false);
maxDownWidth = qMax(maxDownWidth, hw);
qreal sp = staff->spatium();
qreal upOffset = 0.0; // offset to apply to upstem chords
qreal downOffset = 0.0; // offset to apply to downstem chords
qreal dotAdjust = 0.0; // additional chord offset to account for dots
qreal dotAdjustThreshold = 0.0; // if it exceeds this amount
// centering adjustments for whole note, breve, and small chords
qreal headDiff;
qreal centerUp = 0.0; // offset to apply in order to center upstem chords
qreal oversizeUp = 0.0; // adjustment to oversized upstem chord needed if laid out to the right
qreal centerDown = 0.0; // offset to apply in order to center downstem chords
qreal centerAdjustUp = 0.0; // adjustment to upstem chord needed after centering donwstem chord
qreal centerAdjustDown = 0.0; // adjustment to downstem chord needed after centering upstem chord
// only center chords if they differ from nominal by at least this amount
// this avoids unnecessary centering on differences due only to floating point roundoff
// it also allows for the possibility of disabling centering
// for notes only "slightly" larger than nominal, like half notes
// but this will result in them not being aligned with each other between voices
// unless you change to left alignment as described in the comments below
qreal centerThreshold = 0.01 * sp;
headDiff = maxUpWidth - nominalWidth;
if (headDiff > centerThreshold) {
// larger than nominal
centerUp = headDiff * 0.5;
// to left align rather than center, change the above to
//centerUp = headDiff;
maxUpWidth = nominalWidth + centerUp;
oversizeUp = headDiff;
else if (-headDiff > centerThreshold) {
// smaller than nominal
centerUp = headDiff * -0.5;
centerAdjustDown = centerUp;
headDiff = maxDownWidth - nominalWidth;
if (headDiff > centerThreshold) {
// larger than nominal
centerDown = headDiff * -0.5;
// to left align rather than center, change the above to
//centerAdjustUp = headDiff;
maxDownWidth = nominalWidth - centerDown;
else if (-headDiff > centerThreshold) {
// smaller than nominal
centerDown = headDiff * -0.5;
centerAdjustUp = centerDown;
// handle conflict between upstem and downstem chords
if (upVoices && downVoices) {
Note* bottomUpNote = upStemNotes.first();
Note* topDownNote = downStemNotes.last();
int separation;
if (bottomUpNote->chord()->staffMove() == topDownNote->chord()->staffMove())
separation = topDownNote->line() - bottomUpNote->line();
separation = 2; // no conflict
QList<Note*> overlapNotes;
if (separation == 1) {
// second
downOffset = maxUpWidth;
// align stems if present, leave extra room if not
if (topDownNote->chord()->stem() && bottomUpNote->chord()->stem())
downOffset -= topDownNote->chord()->stem()->lineWidth();
downOffset += 0.1 * sp;
else if (separation < 1) {
// overlap (possibly unison)
// build list of overlapping notes
for (int i = 0, n = upStemNotes.size(); i < n; ++i) {
if (upStemNotes[i]->line() >= topDownNote->line() - 1)
for (int i = downStemNotes.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (downStemNotes[i]->line() <= bottomUpNote->line() + 1)
qSort(overlapNotes.begin(), overlapNotes.end(),
[](Note* n1, const Note* n2) ->bool {return n1->line() > n2->line(); } );
// determine nature of overlap
bool shareHeads = true; // can all overlapping notes share heads?
bool matchPending = false; // looking for a unison match
bool conflictUnison = false; // unison found
bool conflictSecondUpHigher = false; // second found
bool conflictSecondDownHigher = false; // second found
int lastLine = 1000;
Note* p = overlapNotes[0];
for (int i = 0, count = overlapNotes.size(); i < count; ++i) {
Note* n = overlapNotes[i];
NoteHead::Type nHeadType;
NoteHead::Type pHeadType;
Chord* nchord = n->chord();
Chord* pchord = p->chord();
if (n->mirror()) {
if (separation < 0) {
// don't try to share heads if there is any mirroring
shareHeads = false;
// don't worry about conflicts involving mirrored notes
int line = n->line();
int d = lastLine - line;
switch (d) {
case 0:
// unison
conflictUnison = true;
matchPending = false;
nHeadType = (n->headType() == NoteHead::Type::HEAD_AUTO) ? n->chord()->durationType().headType() : n->headType();
pHeadType = (p->headType() == NoteHead::Type::HEAD_AUTO) ? p->chord()->durationType().headType() : p->headType();
// the most important rules for sharing noteheads on unisons between voices are
// that notes must be one same line with same tpc
// noteheads must be unmirrored and of same group
// and chords must be same size (or else sharing code won't work)
if (n->headGroup() != p->headGroup() || n->tpc() != p->tpc() || n->mirror() || p->mirror() || nchord->small() != pchord->small()) {
shareHeads = false;
else {
// noteheads are potentially shareable
// it is more subjective at this point
// current default is to require *either* of the following:
// 1) both chords have same number of dots, both have stems, and both noteheads are same type and are full size (automatic match)
// or 2) one or more of the noteheads is not of type AUTO, but is explicitly set to match the other (user-forced match)
// or 3) exactly one of the noteheads is invisible (user-forced match)
// thus user can force notes to be shared despite differing number of dots or either being stemless
// by setting one of the notehead types to match the other or by making one notehead invisible
// TODO: consider adding a style option, staff properties, or note property to control sharing
if ((nchord->dots() != pchord->dots() || !nchord->stem() || !pchord->stem() || nHeadType != pHeadType || n->small() || p->small()) &&
((n->headType() == NoteHead::Type::HEAD_AUTO && p->headType() == NoteHead::Type::HEAD_AUTO) || nHeadType != pHeadType) &&
(n->visible() == p->visible())) {
shareHeads = false;
case 1:
// second
// trust that this won't be a problem for single unison
if (separation < 0) {
if (n->chord()->up())
conflictSecondUpHigher = true;
conflictSecondDownHigher = true;
shareHeads = false;
// no conflict
if (matchPending)
shareHeads = false;
matchPending = true;
p = n;
lastLine = line;
if (matchPending)
shareHeads = false;
// calculate offsets
if (shareHeads) {
for (int i = overlapNotes.size() - 1; i >= 1; i -= 2) {
Note* p = overlapNotes[i-1];
Note* n = overlapNotes[i];
if (!(p->chord()->isNudged() || n->chord()->isNudged())) {
if (p->chord()->dots() == n->chord()->dots()) {
// hide one set dots
bool onLine = !(p->line() & 1);
if (onLine) {
// hide dots for lower voice
if (p->voice() & 1)
else {
// hide dots for upper voice
if (!(p->voice() & 1))
// formerly we hid noteheads in an effort to fix playback
// but this doesn't work for cases where noteheads cannot be shared
// so better to solve the problem elsewhere
else if (conflictUnison && separation == 0)
downOffset = maxUpWidth + 0.3 * sp;
else if (conflictUnison)
upOffset = maxDownWidth + 0.3 * sp;
else if (conflictSecondUpHigher)
upOffset = maxDownWidth + 0.2 * sp;
else if (conflictSecondDownHigher) {
if (downDots && !upDots)
downOffset = maxUpWidth + 0.3 * sp;
upOffset = maxDownWidth - 0.2 * sp;
else {
// no direct conflict, so parts can overlap (downstem on left)
// just be sure that stems clear opposing noteheads
qreal clearLeft = 0.0, clearRight = 0.0;
if (topDownNote->chord()->stem())
clearLeft = topDownNote->chord()->stem()->lineWidth() + 0.3 * sp;
if (bottomUpNote->chord()->stem())
clearRight = bottomUpNote->chord()->stem()->lineWidth() + qMax(maxDownWidth - maxUpWidth, 0.0) + 0.3 * sp;
downDots = 0; // no need to adjust for dots in this case
upOffset = qMax(clearLeft, clearRight);
// if downstem chord is small, don't center
// and we might not need as much dot adjustment either
if (centerDown > 0.0) {
centerDown = 0.0;
centerAdjustUp = 0.0;
dotAdjustThreshold = (upOffset - maxDownWidth) + maxUpWidth - 0.3 * sp;
// adjust for dots
if ((upDots && !downDots) || (downDots && !upDots)) {
// only one sets of dots
// place between chords
int dots;
qreal mag;
if (upDots) {
dots = upDots;
mag = maxUpMag;
else {
dots = downDots;
mag = maxDownMag;
qreal dotWidth = segment->symWidth(SymId::augmentationDot);
// first dot
dotAdjust = point(styleS(StyleIdx::dotNoteDistance)) + dotWidth;
// additional dots
if (dots > 1)
dotAdjust += point(styleS(StyleIdx::dotDotDistance)) * (dots - 1);
dotAdjust *= mag;
// only by amount over threshold
dotAdjust = qMax(dotAdjust - dotAdjustThreshold, 0.0);
if (separation == 1)
dotAdjust += 0.1 * sp;
// apply chord offsets
for (int track = startTrack; track < endTrack; ++track) {
Element* e = segment->element(track);
if (e && (e->type() == Element::Type::CHORD)) {
Chord* chord = static_cast<Chord*>(e);
if (chord->up()) {
if (upOffset != 0.0) {
chord->rxpos() += upOffset + centerAdjustUp + oversizeUp;
if (downDots && !upDots)
chord->rxpos() += dotAdjust;
chord->rxpos() += centerUp;
else {
if (downOffset != 0.0) {
chord->rxpos() += downOffset + centerAdjustDown;
if (upDots && !downDots)
chord->rxpos() += dotAdjust;
chord->rxpos() += centerDown;
// layout chords
QList<Note*> notes;
if (upVoices)
if (downVoices)
if (upVoices + downVoices > 1)
qSort(notes.begin(), notes.end(),
[](Note* n1, const Note* n2) ->bool {return n1->line() > n2->line(); } );
layoutChords3(notes, staff, segment);
// layoutChords2
// - determine which notes need mirroring
// - this is called once for each stem direction
// eg, once for voices 1&3, once for 2&4
// with all notes combined and sorted to resemble one chord
// - return maximum non-mirrored notehead width
qreal Score::layoutChords2(QList<Note*>& notes, bool up)
int startIdx, endIdx, incIdx;
qreal maxWidth = 0.0;
// loop in correct direction so that first encountered notehead wins conflict
if (up) {
// loop bottom up
startIdx = 0;
endIdx = notes.size();
incIdx = 1;
else {
// loop top down
startIdx = notes.size() - 1;
endIdx = -1;
incIdx = -1;
int ll = 1000; // line of previous note head
// hack: start high so first note won't show as conflict
bool lvisible = false; // was last note visible?
bool mirror = false; // should current note head be mirrored?
// value is retained and may be used on next iteration
// to track mirror status of previous note
bool isLeft = notes[startIdx]->chord()->up(); // is note head on left?
int lmove = notes[startIdx]->chord()->staffMove(); // staff offset of last note (for cross-staff beaming)
for (int idx = startIdx; idx != endIdx; idx += incIdx) {
Note* note = notes[idx]; // current note
int line = note->line(); // line of current note
Chord* chord = note->chord();
int move = chord->staffMove(); // staff offset of current note
// there is a conflict
// if this is same or adjacent line as previous note (and chords are on same staff!)
// but no need to do anything about it if either note is invisible
bool conflict = (qAbs(ll - line) < 2) && (lmove == move) && note->visible() && lvisible;
// this note is on opposite side of stem as previous note
// if there is a conflict
// or if this the first note *after* a conflict
if (conflict || (chord->up() != isLeft))
isLeft = !isLeft;
// determine if we would need to mirror current note
// to get it to the correct side
// this would be needed to get a note to left or downstem or right of upstem
// whether or not we actually do this is determined later (based on user mirror property)
bool nmirror = (chord->up() != isLeft);
// by default, notes and dots are not hidden
// this may be changed later to allow unisons to share note heads
// be sure chord position is initialized
// chord may be moved to the right later
// if there are conflicts between voices
chord->rxpos() = 0.0;
// let user mirror property override the default we calculated
if (note->userMirror() == MScore::DirectionH::AUTO) {
mirror = nmirror;
else {
mirror = note->chord()->up();
if (note->userMirror() == MScore::DirectionH::LEFT)
mirror = !mirror;
// accumulate return value
if (!mirror)
maxWidth = qMax(maxWidth, note->headWidth());
// prepare for next iteration
lvisible = note->visible();
lmove = move;
ll = line;
return maxWidth;
// AcEl
struct AcEl {
Note* note;
qreal x; // actual x position of this accidental relative to origin
qreal top; // top of accidental bbox relative to staff
qreal bottom; // bottom of accidental bbox relative to staff
int line; // line of note
int next; // index of next accidental of same pitch class (ascending list)
qreal width; // width of accidental
qreal ascent; // amount (in sp) vertical strokes extend above body
qreal descent; // amount (in sp) vertical strokes extend below body
qreal rightClear; // amount (in sp) to right of last vertical stroke above body
qreal leftClear; // amount (in sp) to left of last vertical stroke below body
// resolveAccidentals
// lx = calculated position of rightmost edge of left accidental relative to origin
static bool resolveAccidentals(AcEl* left, AcEl* right, qreal& lx, qreal pd, qreal sp)
AcEl* upper;
AcEl* lower;
if (left->line >= right->line) {
upper = right;
lower = left;
else {
upper = left;
lower = right;
qreal gap = lower->top - upper->bottom;
// no conflict at all if there is sufficient vertical gap between accidentals
// the arrangement of accidentals into columns assumes accidentals an octave apart *do* clear
if (gap >= pd || lower->line - upper->line >= 7)
return false;
qreal allowableOverlap = qMax(upper->descent, lower->ascent) - pd;
// accidentals that are "close" (small gap or even slight overlap)
if (qAbs(gap) <= 0.33 * sp) {
// acceptable with slight offset
// if one of the accidentals can subsume the overlap
// and both accidentals allow it
if (-gap <= allowableOverlap && qMin(upper->descent, lower->ascent) > 0.0) {
qreal align = qMin(left->width, right->width);
lx = qMin(lx, right->x + align - pd);
return true;
// amount by which overlapping accidentals will be separated
// for example, the vertical stems of two flat signs
// these need more space than we would need between non-overlapping accidentals
qreal overlapShift = pd * 1.41;
// accidentals with more significant overlap
// acceptable if one accidental can subsume overlap
if (left == lower && -gap <= allowableOverlap) {
qreal offset = qMax(left->rightClear, right->leftClear);
offset = qMin(offset, left->width) - overlapShift;
lx = qMin(lx, right->x + offset);
return true;
// accidentals with even more overlap
// can work if both accidentals can subsume overlap
if (left == lower && -gap <= upper->descent + lower->ascent - pd) {
qreal offset = qMin(left->rightClear, right->leftClear) - overlapShift;
if (offset > 0.0) {
lx = qMin(lx, right->x + offset);
return true;
// otherwise, there is real conflict
lx = qMin(lx, right->x - pd);
return true;
// layoutAccidental
static qreal layoutAccidental(AcEl* me, AcEl* above, AcEl* below, qreal colOffset, QList<Note*>& leftNotes, qreal pnd, qreal pd, qreal sp)
qreal lx = colOffset;
Accidental* acc = me->note->accidental();
qreal mag = acc->mag();
pnd *= mag;
pd *= mag;
// extra space for ledger lines
if (me->line <= -2 || me->line >= me->note->staff()->lines() * 2)
lx = qMin(lx, -0.2 * sp);
// clear left notes
int lns = leftNotes.size();
for (int i = 0; i < lns; ++i) {
Note* ln = leftNotes[i];
int lnLine = ln->line();
qreal lnTop = (lnLine - 1) * 0.5 * sp;
qreal lnBottom = lnTop + sp;
if (me->top - lnBottom <= pnd && lnTop - me->bottom <= pnd) {
// undercut note above if possible
if (lnBottom - me->top <= me->ascent - pnd)
lx = qMin(lx, ln->x() + ln->chord()->x() + me->rightClear);
lx = qMin(lx, ln->x() + ln->chord()->x());
else if (lnTop > me->bottom)
// clear other accidentals
bool conflictAbove = false;
bool conflictBelow = false;
if (above)
conflictAbove = resolveAccidentals(me, above, lx, pd, sp);
if (below)
conflictBelow = resolveAccidentals(me, below, lx, pd, sp);
if (conflictAbove || conflictBelow)
me->x = lx - acc->width() - acc->bbox().x();
else if (colOffset != 0.0)
me->x = lx - pd - acc->width() - acc->bbox().x();
me->x = lx - pnd - acc->width() - acc->bbox().x();
return me->x;
// layoutChords3
// - calculate positions of notes, accidentals, dots
void Score::layoutChords3(QList<Note*>& notes, Staff* staff, Segment* segment)
// layout accidentals
// find column for dots
QList<Note*> leftNotes; // notes to left of origin
QList<AcEl> aclist; // accidentals
// track columns of octave-separated accidentals
int columnBottom[7] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 };
qreal sp = staff->spatium();
qreal stepDistance = sp * .5;
int stepOffset = staff->staffType()->stepOffset();
qreal lx = 10000.0; // leftmost note head position
qreal upDotPosX = 0.0;
qreal downDotPosX = 0.0;
int nNotes = notes.size();
int nAcc = 0;
for (int i = nNotes-1; i >= 0; --i) {
Note* note = notes[i];
Accidental* ac = note->accidental();
if (ac) {
AcEl acel;
acel.note = note;
int line = note->line();
acel.line = line;
acel.x = 0.0; = line * 0.5 * sp + ac->bbox().top();
acel.bottom = line * 0.5 * sp + ac->bbox().bottom();
acel.width = ac->width();
QPointF bboxNE = ac->symBbox(ac->symbol()).topRight();
QPointF bboxSW = ac->symBbox(ac->symbol()).bottomLeft();
QPointF cutOutNE = ac->symCutOutNE(ac->symbol());
QPointF cutOutSW = ac->symCutOutSW(ac->symbol());
if (!cutOutNE.isNull()) {
acel.ascent = cutOutNE.y() - bboxNE.y();
acel.rightClear = bboxNE.x() - cutOutNE.x();
else {
acel.ascent = 0.0;
acel.rightClear = 0.0;
if (!cutOutSW.isNull()) {
acel.descent = bboxSW.y() - cutOutSW.y();
acel.leftClear = cutOutSW.x() - bboxSW.x();
else {
acel.descent = 0.0;
acel.leftClear = 0.0;
int pitchClass = (line + 700) % 7; = columnBottom[pitchClass];
columnBottom[pitchClass] = nAcc;
qreal hw = note->headWidth(); // actual head width, including note & chord mag
Chord* chord = note->chord();
bool _up = chord->up();
qreal stemX = chord->stemPosX(); // stem position for nominal notehead, but allowing for mag
// for small upstem chords, set stem to minimum of actual and nominal head width
// this allows the chord alignment code in layoutChords() to function correctly
if (_up && chord->small())
stemX = qMin(noteHeadWidth(), hw);
qreal overlapMirror;
if (chord->stem()) {
qreal stemWidth = chord->stem()->lineWidth();
qreal stemWidth5 = stemWidth * 0.5;
chord->stem()->rxpos() = _up ? stemX - stemWidth5 : stemWidth5;
overlapMirror = stemWidth;
else if (chord->durationType().headType() == NoteHead::Type::HEAD_WHOLE)
overlapMirror = styleD(StyleIdx::stemWidth) * chord->mag() * sp;
overlapMirror = 0.0;
qreal x;
if (note->mirror()) {
if (_up)
x = stemX - overlapMirror;
x = stemX - hw + overlapMirror;
else {
if (_up)
x = stemX - hw;
x = 0.0;
note->rypos() = (note->line() + stepOffset) * stepDistance;
note->rxpos() = x;
// we need to do this now
// or else note pos / readPos / userOff will be out of sync
// and we rely on note->x() throughout the layout process
// find leftmost non-mirrored note to set as X origin for accidental layout
// a mirrored note that extends to left of segment X origin
// will displace accidentals only if there is conflict
qreal sx = x + chord->x(); // segment-relative X position of note
if (note->mirror() && !chord->up() && sx < 0.0)
else if (sx < lx)
lx = sx;
//if (chord->stem())
// chord->stem()->rxpos() = _up ? x + hw - stemWidth5 : x + stemWidth5;
qreal xx = x + hw + chord->pos().x();
if (chord->dots()) {
if (chord->up())
upDotPosX = qMax(upDotPosX, xx);
downDotPosX = qMax(downDotPosX, xx);
MScore::Direction dotPosition = note->userDotPosition();
if (dotPosition == MScore::Direction::AUTO && nNotes > 1 && note->visible() && !note->dotsHidden()) {
// resolve dot conflicts
int line = note->line();
Note* above = (i < nNotes - 1) ? notes[i+1] : 0;
if (above && (!above->visible() || above->dotsHidden()))
above = 0;
int intervalAbove = above ? line - above->line() : 1000;
Note* below = (i > 0) ? notes[i-1] : 0;
if (below && (!below->visible() || below->dotsHidden()))
below = 0;
int intervalBelow = below ? below->line() - line : 1000;
if ((line & 1) == 0) {
// line
if (intervalAbove == 1 && intervalBelow != 1)
dotPosition = MScore::Direction::DOWN;
else if (intervalBelow == 1 && intervalAbove != 1)
dotPosition = MScore::Direction::UP;
else if (intervalAbove == 0 && above->chord()->dots()) {
// unison
if (((above->voice() & 1) == (note->voice() & 1))) {
dotPosition = MScore::Direction::DOWN;
else {
// space
if (intervalAbove == 0 && above->chord()->dots()) {
// unison
if (!(note->voice() & 1))
dotPosition = MScore::Direction::UP;
else {
if (!(above->voice() & 1))
dotPosition = MScore::Direction::DOWN;
if (segment) {
// align all dots for segment/staff
// it would be possible to dots for up & down chords separately
// this would require space to have been allocated previously
// when calculating chord offsets
segment->setDotPosX(staff->idx(), qMax(upDotPosX, downDotPosX));
if (nAcc == 0)
QList<int> umi;
qreal pd = point(styleS(StyleIdx::accidentalDistance));
qreal pnd = point(styleS(StyleIdx::accidentalNoteDistance));
qreal colOffset = 0.0;
if (nAcc >= 2 && aclist[nAcc-1].line - aclist[0].line >= 7) {
// accidentals spread over an octave or more
// set up columns for accidentals with octave matches
// these will start at right and work to the left
// unmatched accidentals will use zig zag approach (see below)
// starting to the left of the octave columns
qreal minX = 0.0;
int columnTop[7] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 };
// find columns of octaves
for (int pc = 0; pc < 7; ++pc) {
if (columnBottom[pc] == -1)
// calculate column height
for (int j = columnBottom[pc]; j != -1; j = aclist[j].next)
columnTop[pc] = j;
// compute reasonable column order
// use zig zag
QList<int> column;
QList<int> unmatched;
int n = nAcc - 1;
for (int i = 0; i <= n; ++i, --n) {
int pc = (aclist[i].line + 700) % 7;
if (aclist[columnTop[pc]].line != aclist[columnBottom[pc]].line) {
if (!column.contains(pc))
if (i == n)
pc = (aclist[n].line + 700) % 7;
if (aclist[columnTop[pc]].line != aclist[columnBottom[pc]].line) {
if (!column.contains(pc))
int nColumns = column.size();
int nUnmatched = unmatched.size();
// handle unmatched accidentals
for (int i = 0; i < nUnmatched; ++i) {
// first try to slot it into an existing column
AcEl* me = &aclist[unmatched[i]];
// find column
bool found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < nColumns; ++j) {
int pc = column[j];
int above = -1;
int below = -1;
// find slot within column
for (int k = columnBottom[pc]; k != -1; k = aclist[k].next) {
if (aclist[k].line < me->line) {
above = k;
below = k;
// check to see if accidental can fit in slot
qreal myPd = pd * me->note->accidental()->mag();
bool conflict = false;
if (above != -1 && me->top - aclist[above].bottom < myPd)
conflict = true;
else if (below != -1 && aclist[below].top - me->bottom < myPd)
conflict = true;
if (!conflict) {
// insert into column
found = true;
me->next = above;
if (above == -1)
columnTop[pc] = unmatched[i];
if (below != -1)
aclist[below].next = unmatched[i];
columnBottom[pc] = unmatched[i];
// if no slot found, then add to list of unmatched accidental indices
if (!found)
nAcc = umi.size();
if (nAcc > 1)
// lay out columns
for (int i = 0; i < nColumns; ++i) {
int pc = column[i];
AcEl* below = 0;
// lay out accidentals
for (int j = columnBottom[pc]; j != -1; j = aclist[j].next) {
qreal x = layoutAccidental(&aclist[j], 0, below, colOffset, leftNotes, pnd, pd, sp);
minX = qMin(minX, x);
below = &aclist[j];
// align within column
int next = -1;
for (int j = columnBottom[pc]; j != -1; j = next) {
next = aclist[j].next;
if (next != -1 && aclist[j].line == aclist[next].line)
aclist[j].x = minX;
// move to next column
colOffset = minX;
else {
for (int i = 0; i < nAcc; ++i)
if (nAcc) {
// for accidentals with no octave matches, use zig zag approach
// layout right to left in pairs, (next) highest then lowest
AcEl* me = &aclist[umi[0]];
AcEl* above = 0;
AcEl* below = 0;
// layout top accidental
layoutAccidental(me, above, below, colOffset, leftNotes, pnd, pd, sp);
// layout bottom accidental
int n = nAcc - 1;
if (n > 0) {
above = me;
me = &aclist[umi[n]];
layoutAccidental(me, above, below, colOffset, leftNotes, pnd, pd, sp);
// layout middle accidentals
if (n > 1) {
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i, --n) {
// next highest
below = me;
me = &aclist[umi[i]];
layoutAccidental(me, above, below, colOffset, leftNotes, pnd, pd, sp);
if (i == n - 1)
// next lowest
above = me;
me = &aclist[umi[n-1]];
layoutAccidental(me, above, below, colOffset, leftNotes, pnd, pd, sp);
for (const AcEl& e : aclist) {
// even though we initially calculate accidental position relative to segment
// we must record pos for accidental relative to note,
// since pos is always interpreted relative to parent
Note* note = e.note;
qreal x = e.x + lx - (note->x() + note->chord()->x());
note->accidental()->setPos(x, 0);
#define beamModeMid(a) (a == Beam::Mode::MID || a == Beam::Mode::BEGIN32 || a == Beam::Mode::BEGIN64)
// beamGraceNotes
void Score::beamGraceNotes(Chord* mainNote, bool after)
ChordRest* a1 = 0; // start of (potential) beam
Beam* beam = 0; // current beam
Beam::Mode bm = Beam::Mode::AUTO;
QList<Chord*> graceNotes;
if (after)
foreach (ChordRest* cr, graceNotes) {
bm = Groups::endBeam(cr);
if ((cr->durationType().type() <= TDuration::DurationType::V_QUARTER) || (bm == Beam::Mode::NONE)) {
if (beam) {
beam = 0;
if (a1) {
a1 = 0;
if (beam) {
bool beamEnd = bm == Beam::Mode::BEGIN;
if (!beamEnd) {
cr = 0;
beamEnd = (bm == Beam::Mode::END);
if (beamEnd) {
beam = 0;
if (!cr)
if (a1 == 0)
a1 = cr;
else {
if (!beamModeMid(bm) && (bm == Beam::Mode::BEGIN)) {
a1 = cr;
else {
beam = a1->beam();
if (beam == 0 || beam->elements().front() != a1) {
beam = new Beam(this);
a1 = 0;
if (beam)
else if (a1)
// layoutStage2
// auto - beamer
void Score::layoutStage2()
int tracks = nstaves() * VOICES;
bool crossMeasure = styleB(StyleIdx::crossMeasureValues);
for (int track = 0; track < tracks; ++track) {
if (!staff(track2staff(track))->show())
ChordRest* a1 = 0; // start of (potential) beam
Beam* beam = 0; // current beam
Measure* measure = 0;
Beam::Mode bm = Beam::Mode::AUTO;
Segment::Type st = Segment::Type::ChordRest;
for (Segment* segment = firstSegment(st); segment; segment = segment->next1(st)) {
ChordRest* cr = static_cast<ChordRest*>(segment->element(track));
if (cr == 0)
if (cr->type() == Element::Type::CHORD) {
Chord* chord = static_cast<Chord*>(cr);
beamGraceNotes(chord, false); // grace before
beamGraceNotes(chord, true); // grace after
// set up for cross-measure values as soon as possible
// to have all computations (stems, hooks, ...) consistent with it
if (!chord->isGrace())
bm = Groups::endBeam(cr);
// if chord has hooks and is 2nd element of a cross-measure value
// set beam mode to NONE (do not combine with following chord beam/hook, if any)
if (cr->durationType().hooks() > 0 && cr->crossMeasure() == CrossMeasure::SECOND)
bm = Beam::Mode::NONE;
if (cr->measure() != measure) {
if (measure && !beamModeMid(bm)) {
if (beam) {
beam = 0;
else if (a1) {
a1 = 0;
measure = cr->measure();
if (!beamModeMid(bm)) {
a1 = 0;
beam = 0;
if ((cr->durationType().type() <= TDuration::DurationType::V_QUARTER) || (bm == Beam::Mode::NONE)) {
if (beam) {
beam = 0;
if (a1) {
a1 = 0;
if (beam) {
bool beamEnd = bm == Beam::Mode::BEGIN;
if (!beamEnd) {
cr = 0;
beamEnd = (bm == Beam::Mode::END);
if (beamEnd) {
beam = 0;
if (!cr)
if (a1 == 0)
a1 = cr;
else {
if (!beamModeMid(bm)
(bm == Beam::Mode::BEGIN
|| (a1->segment()->segmentType() != cr->segment()->segmentType())
|| (a1->tick() + a1->actualTicks() < cr->tick())
) {
a1 = cr;
else {
beam = a1->beam();
if (beam == 0 || beam->elements().front() != a1) {
beam = new Beam(this);
a1 = 0;
if (beam)
else if (a1)
// layoutStage3
void Score::layoutStage3()
Segment::Type st = Segment::Type::ChordRest;
for (int staffIdx = 0; staffIdx < nstaves(); ++staffIdx) {
if (!staff(staffIdx)->show())
for (Segment* segment = firstSegment(st); segment; segment = segment->next1(st)) {
layoutChords1(segment, staffIdx);
// layout
// - measures are akkumulated into systems
// - systems are akkumulated into pages
// already existent systems and pages are reused
void Score::doLayout()
// printf("doLayout %p cmd %d undo empty %d\n", this, undo()->active(), undo()->isEmpty());
if (!undo()->active() && !undo()->isEmpty() && !undoRedo()) {
qDebug("layout outside cmd and dirty undo");
// _layoutAll = false;
// abort();
// return;
_scoreFont = ScoreFont::fontFactory(_style.value(StyleIdx::MusicalSymbolFont).toString());
_noteHeadWidth = _scoreFont->width(SymId::noteheadBlack, spatium() / (MScore::DPI * SPATIUM20));
if (layoutFlags & LayoutFlag::FIX_TICKS)
if (layoutFlags & LayoutFlag::FIX_PITCH_VELO)
if (layoutFlags & LayoutFlag::PLAY_EVENTS)
int measureNo = 0;
for (Measure* m = firstMeasure(); m; m = m->nextMeasure()) {
Measure* measure = static_cast<Measure*>(m);
measureNo += measure->noOffset();
if (measure->sectionBreak() && measure->sectionBreak()->startWithMeasureOne())
measureNo = 0;
else if (measure->irregular()) // dont count measure
for (MeasureBase* m = first(); m; m = m->next()) // set layout break
layoutFlags = 0;
int nstaves = _staves.size();
if (_staves.isEmpty() || first() == 0) {
// score is empty
Page* page = addPage();
page->setPos(0.0, 0.0);
qDebug("layout: empty score");
_layoutAll = false;
for (Measure* m = firstMeasure(); m; m = m->nextMeasure())
if (styleB(StyleIdx::createMultiMeasureRests))
layoutStage2(); // beam notes, finally decide if chord is up/down
layoutStage3(); // compute note head horizontal positions
if (layoutMode() == LayoutMode::LINE)
layoutSystems(); // create list of systems
// place Spanner & beams
int tracks = nstaves * VOICES;
for (int track = 0; track < tracks; ++track) {
for (Segment* segment = firstSegmentMM(); segment; segment = segment->next1MM()) {
if (track == tracks-1) {
for (Element* e : segment->annotations())
Element* e = segment->element(track);
if (!e)
if (e->isChordRest()) {
if (!staff(track2staff(track))->show())
ChordRest* cr = static_cast<ChordRest*>(e);
if (cr->beam() && cr->beam()->elements().front() == cr)
if (cr->type() == Element::Type::CHORD) {
Chord* c = static_cast<Chord*>(cr);
for (Chord* cc : c->graceNotes()) {
if (cc->beam() && cc->beam()->elements().front() == cc)
for (Element* e : cc->el()) {
if (e->type() == Element::Type::SLUR)
for (Note* n : c->notes()) {
Tie* tie = n->tieFor();
if (tie)
for (Spanner* sp : n->spannerFor())
else if (e->type() == Element::Type::BAR_LINE)
if (lastSegment())
checkSpanner(0, lastSegment()->tick());
for (auto s : {
Spanner* sp = s.second;
if (sp->type() == Element::Type::OTTAVA && sp->ticks() == 0) {
// 1.3 scores can have ties in this list (ws: should not happen anymore)
if (sp->type() != Element::Type::TIE) {
if (sp->tick() == -1) {
qDebug("bad spanner %s %d - %d", sp->name(), sp->tick(), sp->tick2());
if (layoutMode() != LayoutMode::LINE) {
layoutPages(); // create list of pages
for (Measure* m = firstMeasureMM(); m; m = m->nextMeasureMM())
for (auto s : { // DEBUG
Spanner* sp = s.second;
if (sp->type() == Element::Type::SLUR) {
for (MuseScoreView* v : viewer) {
_layoutAll = false;
// _mscVersion is used during read and first layout
// but then it's used for drag and drop and should be set to new version
if (_mscVersion <= 114)
_mscVersion = MSCVERSION; // for later drag & drop usage
// layoutSpanner
// called after dragging a staff
void Score::layoutSpanner()
int tracks = ntracks();
for (int track = 0; track < tracks; ++track) {
for (Segment* segment = firstSegment(); segment; segment = segment->next1()) {
if (track == tracks-1) {
int n = segment->annotations().size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
Chord* c = static_cast<Chord*>(segment->element(track));
if (c && c->type() == Element::Type::CHORD) {
for (Note* n : c->notes()) {
Tie* tie = n->tieFor();
if (tie)
for (Spanner* sp : n->spannerFor())
// addSystemHeader
/// Add elements to make this measure suitable as the first measure
/// of a system.
// The system header can contain a Clef, a KeySig and a
// RepeatBarLine.
void Score::addSystemHeader(Measure* m, bool isFirstSystem)
if (undoRedo()) // no change possible in this state
int tick = m->tick();
int i = 0;
foreach (Staff* staff, _staves) {
if (!m->system()->staff(i)->show()) {
KeySig* keysig = 0;
Clef* clef = 0;
int strack = i * VOICES;
// we assume that keysigs and clefs are only in the first
// track (voice 0) of a staff
KeySigEvent keyIdx;
for (Segment* seg = m->first(); seg; seg = seg->next()) {
// search only up to the first ChordRest
if (seg->segmentType() == Segment::Type::ChordRest)
Element* el = seg->element(strack);
if (!el)
switch (el->type()) {
case Element::Type::KEYSIG:
keysig = static_cast<KeySig*>(el);
case Element::Type::CLEF:
clef = static_cast<Clef*>(el);
bool needKeysig = // keep key sigs in TABs: TABs themselves should hide them
isFirstSystem || styleB(StyleIdx::genKeysig);
if (needKeysig && !keysig && (keyIdx.key() != Key::C)) {
// create missing key signature
keysig = keySigFactory(keyIdx);
if (keysig) {
keysig->setTrack(i * VOICES);
Segment* seg = m->undoGetSegment(Segment::Type::KeySig, tick);
else if (!needKeysig && keysig)
else if (keysig && keysig->keySigEvent() != keyIdx)
undo(new ChangeKeySig(keysig, keyIdx, keysig->showCourtesy()));
bool needClef = isFirstSystem || styleB(StyleIdx::genClef);
if (needClef) {
if (!clef) {
// create missing clef
clef = new Clef(this);
clef->setTrack(i * VOICES);
Segment* s = m->undoGetSegment(Segment::Type::Clef, tick);
clef->setClefType(staff->clefType(tick)); // set before add !
undo(new AddElement(clef));
// undoAddElement(clef);
else if (clef->generated()) {
ClefTypeList cl = staff->clefType(tick);
if (cl != clef->clefTypeList())
undo(new ChangeClefType(clef, cl._concertClef, cl._transposingClef));
else {
if (clef && clef->generated())
undo(new RemoveElement(clef));
// undoRemoveElement(clef);
m->setStartRepeatBarLine(m->repeatFlags() & Repeat::START);
// getNextSystem
System* Score::getNextSystem(bool isFirstSystem, bool isVbox)
System* system;
if (curSystem >= _systems.size()) {
system = new System(this);
else {
system = _systems[curSystem];
system->clear(); // remove measures from system
if (!isVbox) {
int nstaves = Score::nstaves();
for (int i = system->staves()->size(); i < nstaves; ++i)
int dn = system->staves()->size() - nstaves;
for (int i = 0; i < dn; ++i)
return system;
// validMMRestMeasure
// return true if this might be a measure in a
// multi measure rest
static bool validMMRestMeasure(Measure* m)
if (!m->isEmpty())
return false;
#if 0
auto l = m->score()->spannerMap().findOverlapping(m->tick(), m->endTick());
for (::Interval<Spanner*> isp : l) {
Spanner* s = isp.value;
if (s->type() == Element::VOLTA && (s->tick() == m->tick() || s->tick2() == m->tick()))
return false;
for (Segment* s = m->first(); s; s = s->next()) {
for (Element* e : s->annotations()) {
if (e->type() != Element::Type::REHEARSAL_MARK &&
e->type() != Element::Type::TEMPO_TEXT &&
e->type() != Element::Type::HARMONY &&
e->type() != Element::Type::STAFF_TEXT)
return false;
return true;
// breakMultiMeasureRest
// return true if this measure should start a new
// multi measure rest
static bool breakMultiMeasureRest(Measure* m)
if (m->breakMultiMeasureRest())
return true;
auto sl = m->score()->spannerMap().findOverlapping(m->tick(), m->endTick());
foreach (auto i, sl) {
Spanner* s = i.value;
if (s->type() == Element::Type::VOLTA && (s->tick() == m->tick() || s->tick2() == m->tick()))
return true;
// break for marker in this measure
for (Element* e : *m->el()) {
if (e->type() == Element::Type::MARKER) {
Marker* mark = static_cast<Marker*>(e);
if (!(mark->textStyle().align() & AlignmentFlags::RIGHT))
return true;
// break for marker & jump in previous measure
Measure* pm = m->prevMeasure();
if (pm) {
for (Element* e : *pm->el()) {
if (e->type() == Element::Type::JUMP) {
return true;
else if (e->type() == Element::Type::MARKER) {
Marker* mark = static_cast<Marker*>(e);
if (mark->textStyle().align() & AlignmentFlags::RIGHT)
return true;
for (Segment* s = m->first(); s; s = s->next()) {
for (Element* e : s->annotations()) {
if (e->type() == Element::Type::REHEARSAL_MARK ||
e->type() == Element::Type::TEMPO_TEXT ||
((e->type() == Element::Type::HARMONY || e->type() == Element::Type::STAFF_TEXT) && (e->systemFlag() || m->score()->staff(e->staffIdx())->show())))
return true;
return false;
// createMMRests
void Score::createMMRests()
// create mm rest measures
for (Measure* m = firstMeasure(); m; m = m->nextMeasure()) {
Measure* nm = m;
Measure* lm = nm;
int n = 0;
Fraction len;
while (validMMRestMeasure(nm)) {
MeasureBase* mb = _showVBox ? nm->next() : nm->nextMeasure();
if (breakMultiMeasureRest(nm) && n)
len += nm->len();
lm = nm;
nm = static_cast<Measure*>(mb);
if (!nm || (nm->type() != Element::Type::MEASURE))
if (n >= styleI(StyleIdx::minEmptyMeasures)) {
// create a multi measure rest from m to lm (inclusive)
// attach the measure to m
for (Measure* mm = m->nextMeasure(); mm; mm = mm->nextMeasure()) {
if (mm->mmRest())
undo(new ChangeMMRest(mm, 0));
if (mm == lm)
Measure* mmr;
if (m->mmRest()) {
mmr = m->mmRest();
if (mmr->len() != len) {
Segment* s = mmr->findSegment(Segment::Type::EndBarLine, mmr->endTick());
if (s)
else {
mmr = new Measure(this);
undo(new ChangeMMRest(m, mmr));
BarLineType t = lm->endBarLineGenerated() ? BarLineType::NORMAL : lm->endBarLineType();
mmr->setEndBarLineType(t, false, lm->endBarLineVisible(), lm->endBarLineColor());
for (Element* e : *m->el()) {
if (e->type() == Element::Type::MARKER)
for (Element* e : *lm->el())
Segment* s = mmr->undoGetSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, m->tick());
for (int staffIdx = 0; staffIdx < _staves.size(); ++staffIdx) {
int track = staffIdx * VOICES;
if (s->element(track) == 0) {
Rest* r = new Rest(this);
undo(new AddElement(r));
// check for clefs
Segment* cs = lm->findSegment(Segment::Type::Clef, lm->endTick());
Segment* ns = mmr->findSegment(Segment::Type::Clef, lm->endTick());
if (cs) {
if (ns == 0)
ns = mmr->undoGetSegment(Segment::Type::Clef, lm->endTick());
for (int staffIdx = 0; staffIdx < _staves.size(); ++staffIdx) {
int track = staffIdx * VOICES;
Clef* clef = static_cast<Clef*>(cs->element(track));
if (clef) {
if (ns->element(track) == 0)
else {
//TODO: check if same clef
else if (ns)
undo(new RemoveElement(ns));
// check for time signature
cs = m->findSegment(Segment::Type::TimeSig, m->tick());
ns = mmr->findSegment(Segment::Type::TimeSig, m->tick());
if (cs) {
if (ns == 0)
ns = mmr->undoGetSegment(Segment::Type::TimeSig, m->tick());
for (int staffIdx = 0; staffIdx < _staves.size(); ++staffIdx) {
int track = staffIdx * VOICES;
TimeSig* ts = static_cast<TimeSig*>(cs->element(track));
if (ts) {
if (ns->element(track) == 0) {
TimeSig* nts = ts->clone();
undo(new AddElement(nts));
else {
//TODO: check if same time signature
else if (ns)
undo(new RemoveElement(ns));
// check for key signature
cs = m->findSegment(Segment::Type::KeySig, m->tick());
ns = mmr->findSegment(Segment::Type::KeySig, m->tick());
if (cs) {
if (ns == 0)
ns = mmr->undoGetSegment(Segment::Type::KeySig, m->tick());
for (int staffIdx = 0; staffIdx < _staves.size(); ++staffIdx) {
int track = staffIdx * VOICES;
KeySig* ts = static_cast<KeySig*>(cs->element(track));
KeySig* nts = static_cast<KeySig*>(ns->element(track));
if (ts) {
if (!nts) {
KeySig* nks = ts->clone();
undo(new AddElement(nks));
else {
if (nts->keySigEvent() != ts->keySigEvent()) {
undo(new ChangeKeySig(nts, ts->keySigEvent(), nts->showCourtesy()));
else if (ns && ns->isEmpty())
undo(new RemoveElement(ns));
// check for rehearsal mark etc.
cs = m->findSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, m->tick());
if (cs) {
for (Element* e : cs->annotations()) {
if (e->type() != Element::Type::REHEARSAL_MARK &&
e->type() != Element::Type::TEMPO_TEXT &&
e->type() != Element::Type::HARMONY &&
e->type() != Element::Type::STAFF_TEXT)
bool found = false;
for (Element* ee : s->annotations()) {
if (ee->type() == e->type() && ee->track() == e->track()) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
Element* ne = e->linkedClone();
undo(new AddElement(ne));
for (Element* e : s->annotations()) {
if (e->type() != Element::Type::REHEARSAL_MARK &&
e->type() != Element::Type::TEMPO_TEXT &&
e->type() != Element::Type::HARMONY &&
e->type() != Element::Type::STAFF_TEXT)
bool found = false;
for (Element* ee : cs->annotations()) {
if (ee->type() == e->type() && ee->track() == e->track()) {
found = true;
if (!found)
undo(new RemoveElement(e));
m = lm;
else {
if (m->mmRest())
undo(new ChangeMMRest(m, 0));
/* Update Notes After creating mmRest Because on load, mmRest->next() was not set
on first pass in updateNotes() and break occur */
// cautionaryWidth
// Compute the width difference of actual measure m
// and the width of m if it were the last measure in a
// staff. The reason for any difference are courtesy
// time signatures and key signatures.
qreal Score::cautionaryWidth(Measure* m)
qreal w = 0.0;
if (m == 0)
return w;
Measure* nm = m ? m->nextMeasure() : 0;
if (nm == 0 || (m->sectionBreak() && _layoutMode != LayoutMode::FLOAT))
return w;
int tick = m->tick() + m->ticks();
// locate a time sig. in the next measure and, if found,
// check if it has caut. sig. turned off
Segment* ns = nm->findSegment(Segment::Type::TimeSig, tick);
TimeSig* ts = 0;
bool showCourtesy = styleB(StyleIdx::genCourtesyTimesig) && ns;
if (showCourtesy) {
ts = static_cast<TimeSig*>(ns->element(0));
if (ts && !ts->showCourtesySig())
showCourtesy = false; // this key change has court. sig turned off
Segment* s = m->findSegment(Segment::Type::TimeSigAnnounce, tick);
if (showCourtesy && !s)
w += ts->space().width();
else if (!showCourtesy && s && s->element(0))
w -= static_cast<TimeSig*>(s->element(0))->space().width();
// courtesy key signatures
qreal wwMin = 0.0;
qreal wwMax = 0.0;
int n = _staves.size();
for (int staffIdx = 0; staffIdx < n; ++staffIdx) {
int track = staffIdx * VOICES;
ns = nm->findSegment(Segment::Type::KeySig, tick);
KeySig* ks = 0;
showCourtesy = styleB(StyleIdx::genCourtesyKeysig) && ns;
if (showCourtesy) {
ks = static_cast<KeySig*>(ns->element(track));
if (ks && !ks->showCourtesy())
showCourtesy = false;
Segment* s = m->findSegment(Segment::Type::KeySigAnnounce, tick);
if (showCourtesy && !s && ks)
wwMax = qMax(wwMax, ks->space().width());
else if (!showCourtesy && s && s->element(track))
wwMin = qMin(wwMin, -static_cast<KeySig*>(s->element(track))->space().width());
if (wwMax > 0.0)
w += wwMax;
w += wwMin;
return w;
// layoutSystem
// return true if line continues
bool Score::layoutSystem(qreal& minWidth, qreal w, bool isFirstSystem, bool longName)
if (undoRedo()) // no change possible in this state
return layoutSystem1(minWidth, isFirstSystem, longName);
System* system = getNextSystem(isFirstSystem, false);
qreal xo = 0;
if (curMeasure->type() == Element::Type::HBOX)
xo = point(static_cast<Box*>(curMeasure)->boxWidth());
qreal minMeasureWidth = point(styleS(StyleIdx::minMeasureWidth));
minWidth = system->leftMargin();
qreal systemWidth = w;
bool continueFlag = false;
bool isFirstMeasure = true;
Measure* firstMeasure = 0;
Measure* lastMeasure = 0;
qreal measureSpacing = styleD(StyleIdx::measureSpacing);
for (; curMeasure;) {
MeasureBase* nextMeasure;
if (curMeasure->type() == Element::Type::MEASURE && !_showVBox)
nextMeasure = curMeasure->nextMeasureMM();
nextMeasure = curMeasure->nextMM();
Q_ASSERT(nextMeasure != curMeasure);
System* oldSystem = curMeasure->system();
qreal ww = 0.0;
qreal cautionaryW = 0.0;
if (curMeasure->type() == Element::Type::HBOX) {
ww = point(static_cast<Box*>(curMeasure)->boxWidth());
if (!isFirstMeasure) {
// try to put another system on current row
// if not a line break
switch(_layoutMode) {
case LayoutMode::FLOAT:
case LayoutMode::LINE:
case LayoutMode::PAGE:
case LayoutMode::SYSTEM:
continueFlag = !(curMeasure->lineBreak() || curMeasure->pageBreak());
else if (curMeasure->type() == Element::Type::MEASURE) {
Measure* m = static_cast<Measure*>(curMeasure);
m->createEndBarLines(); // TODO: type not set right here
if (isFirstMeasure) {
firstMeasure = m;
addSystemHeader(m, isFirstSystem);
ww = m->minWidth2();
ww = m->minWidth1();
Segment* s = m->last();
if ((s->segmentType() == Segment::Type::EndBarLine) && s->element(0)) {
BarLine* bl = static_cast<BarLine*>(s->element(0));
BarLineType ot = bl->barLineType();
BarLineType nt = m->endBarLineType();
if (m->repeatFlags() & Repeat::END)
nt = BarLineType::END_REPEAT;
else {
Measure* nm = m->nextMeasureMM();
if (nm && (nm->repeatFlags() & Repeat::START))
nt = BarLineType::START_REPEAT;
if (ot != nt) {
qreal mag = bl->magS();
ww += BarLine::layoutWidth(this, nt, mag)
- BarLine::layoutWidth(this, ot, mag);
qreal stretch = m->userStretch() * measureSpacing;
cautionaryW = 0.0; // TODO: cautionaryWidth(m) * stretch;
ww *= stretch;
if (ww < minMeasureWidth)
ww = minMeasureWidth;
isFirstMeasure = false;
// collect at least one measure
bool empty = system->measures().isEmpty();
if (!empty && (minWidth + ww + cautionaryW > systemWidth)) {
if (curMeasure->type() == Element::Type::MEASURE)
lastMeasure = static_cast<Measure*>(curMeasure);
Element::Type nt;
if (_showVBox)
nt = curMeasure->nextMM() ? curMeasure->nextMM()->type() : Element::Type::INVALID;
nt = curMeasure->nextMeasureMM() ? curMeasure->nextMeasureMM()->type() : Element::Type::INVALID;
int n = styleI(StyleIdx::FixMeasureNumbers);
bool pbreak;
switch (_layoutMode) {
case LayoutMode::PAGE:
case LayoutMode::SYSTEM:
pbreak = curMeasure->pageBreak() || curMeasure->lineBreak();
case LayoutMode::FLOAT:
case LayoutMode::LINE:
pbreak = false;
if ((n && system->measures().size() >= n)
|| continueFlag
|| pbreak
|| (nt == Element::Type::VBOX || nt == Element::Type::TBOX || nt == Element::Type::FBOX)
) {
if (_layoutMode != LayoutMode::SYSTEM)
curMeasure = nextMeasure;
curMeasure = nextMeasure;
if (minWidth + minMeasureWidth > systemWidth)
break; // next measure will not fit
minWidth += ww;
// remember line breaks in list of measures
int n = system->measures().size() - 1;
if (n >= 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
undoChangeProperty(system->measure(i), P_ID::BREAK_HINT, false);
undoChangeProperty(system->measures().last(), P_ID::BREAK_HINT, true);
if (!undoRedo() && firstMeasure && lastMeasure && firstMeasure != lastMeasure)
removeGeneratedElements(firstMeasure, lastMeasure);
hideEmptyStaves(system, isFirstSystem);
return continueFlag && curMeasure;
// hideEmptyStaves
void Score::hideEmptyStaves(System* system, bool isFirstSystem)
// hide empty staves
int staves = _staves.size();
int staffIdx = 0;
bool systemIsEmpty = true;
foreach (Staff* staff, _staves) {
SysStaff* s = system->staff(staffIdx);
bool oldShow = s->show();
if (styleB(StyleIdx::hideEmptyStaves)
&& (staves > 1)
&& !(isFirstSystem && styleB(StyleIdx::dontHideStavesInFirstSystem))
&& !staff->neverHide()
) {
bool hideStaff = true;
foreach(MeasureBase* m, system->measures()) {
if (m->type() != Element::Type::MEASURE)
Measure* measure = static_cast<Measure*>(m);
if (!measure->isMeasureRest(staffIdx)) {
hideStaff = false;
// check if notes moved into this staff
Part* part = staff->part();
int n = part->nstaves();
if (hideStaff && (n > 1)) {
int idx = part->staves()->front()->idx();
for (int i = 0; i < part->nstaves(); ++i) {
int st = idx + i;
foreach(MeasureBase* mb, system->measures()) {
if (mb->type() != Element::Type::MEASURE)
Measure* m = static_cast<Measure*>(mb);
for (Segment* s = m->first(Segment::Type::ChordRest); s; s = s->next(Segment::Type::ChordRest)) {
for (int voice = 0; voice < VOICES; ++voice) {
ChordRest* cr = static_cast<ChordRest*>(s->element(st * VOICES + voice));
if (cr == 0 || cr->type() == Element::Type::REST)
int staffMove = cr->staffMove();
if (staffIdx == st + staffMove) {
hideStaff = false;
if (!hideStaff)
if (!hideStaff)
s->setShow(hideStaff ? false : staff->show());
if (s->show()) {
systemIsEmpty = false;
else {
systemIsEmpty = false;
if (oldShow != s->show()) {
foreach (MeasureBase* mb, system->measures()) {
if (mb->type() != Element::Type::MEASURE)
if (systemIsEmpty) {
foreach (Staff* staff, _staves) {
SysStaff* s = system->staff(staff->idx());
if (staff->showIfEmpty() && !s->show()) {
// layoutSystem1
// used in undoRedo state
// return true if line continues
bool Score::layoutSystem1(qreal& minWidth, bool isFirstSystem, bool longName)
System* system = getNextSystem(isFirstSystem, false);
qreal xo = 0;
if (curMeasure->type() == Element::Type::HBOX)
xo = point(static_cast<Box*>(curMeasure)->boxWidth());
qreal minMeasureWidth = point(styleS(StyleIdx::minMeasureWidth));
minWidth = system->leftMargin();
bool continueFlag = false;
bool isFirstMeasure = true;
for (; curMeasure;) {
MeasureBase* nextMeasure;
if (curMeasure->type() == Element::Type::MEASURE && !_showVBox)
nextMeasure = curMeasure->nextMeasureMM();
nextMeasure = curMeasure->nextMM();
// System* oldSystem = curMeasure->system();
qreal ww = 0.0;
if (curMeasure->type() == Element::Type::HBOX) {
ww = point(static_cast<Box*>(curMeasure)->boxWidth());
if (!isFirstMeasure) {
// try to put another system on current row
// if not a line break
switch(_layoutMode) {
case LayoutMode::FLOAT:
case LayoutMode::LINE:
case LayoutMode::PAGE:
case LayoutMode::SYSTEM:
continueFlag = !(curMeasure->lineBreak() || curMeasure->pageBreak());
else if (curMeasure->type() == Element::Type::MEASURE) {
Measure* m = static_cast<Measure*>(curMeasure);
m->createEndBarLines(); // TODO: type not set right here
if (isFirstMeasure) {
addSystemHeader(m, isFirstSystem);
ww = m->minWidth2();
ww = m->minWidth1();
ww *= m->userStretch() * styleD(StyleIdx::measureSpacing);
if (ww < minMeasureWidth)
ww = minMeasureWidth;
isFirstMeasure = false;
minWidth += ww;
Element::Type nt = curMeasure->next() ? curMeasure->next()->type() : Element::Type::INVALID;
int n = styleI(StyleIdx::FixMeasureNumbers);
bool pbreak;
switch (_layoutMode) {
case LayoutMode::PAGE:
case LayoutMode::SYSTEM:
pbreak = curMeasure->pageBreak() || curMeasure->lineBreak();
case LayoutMode::FLOAT:
case LayoutMode::LINE:
pbreak = false;
if ((n && system->measures().size() >= n)
|| continueFlag || pbreak || (nt == Element::Type::VBOX || nt == Element::Type::TBOX || nt == Element::Type::FBOX)) {
if (_layoutMode != LayoutMode::SYSTEM)
curMeasure = nextMeasure;
// do not change line break
if (curMeasure->breakHint()) {
curMeasure = nextMeasure;
curMeasure = nextMeasure;
return continueFlag && curMeasure;
// removeGeneratedElements (System Header + TimeSig Announce)
// helper function
void Score::removeGeneratedElements(Measure* sm, Measure* em)
for (Measure* m = sm; m; m = m->nextMeasureMM()) {
// remove generated elements from all measures in [sm;em]
// assume: generated elements are only living in voice 0
// - do not remove end bar lines
// - set size of clefs to small
for (Segment* seg = m->first(); seg; seg = seg->next()) {
Segment::Type st = seg->segmentType();
if (st == Segment::Type::EndBarLine)
if (st == Segment::Type::StartRepeatBarLine && m != sm) {
if (!undoRedo())
qDebug("remove repeat segment in undo/redo");
for (int staffIdx = 0; staffIdx < nstaves(); ++staffIdx) {
Element* el = seg->element(staffIdx * VOICES);
if (el == 0)
if (el->generated() && ((st == Segment::Type::TimeSigAnnounce && m != em)
|| (el->type() == Element::CLEF && seg->tick() != sm->tick())
|| (el->type() == Element::KEYSIG && seg->tick() != sm->tick())))
// courtesy time sigs and key sigs: remove if not in last measure (generated or not!)
// clefs & keysig: remove if generated and not at beginning of first measure
if ( ((st == Segment::Type::TimeSigAnnounce || st == Segment::Type::KeySigAnnounce) && m != em)
|| ((el->type() == Element::Type::CLEF || el->type() == Element::Type::KEYSIG) && el->generated() && seg->tick() != sm->tick())
else if (el->type() == Element::Type::CLEF) {
Clef* clef = static_cast<Clef*>(el);
System* s = m->system();
bool small = seg != m->first() || s->firstMeasure() != m;
if (clef->small() != small) {
// if measure is not the first in the system, the clef at
// measure start has to be moved to the end of the previous measure
if (s->firstMeasure() != m && seg->tick() == m->tick()) {
Measure* pm = m->prevMeasure();
Segment* s = pm->undoGetSegment(Segment::Type::Clef, m->tick());
Clef* nc = clef->clone();
if (m == em)
// addPage
Page* Score::addPage()
Page* page = new Page(this);
return page;
// connectTies
/// Rebuild tie connections.
void Score::connectTies(bool silent)
int tracks = nstaves() * VOICES;
Measure* m = firstMeasure();
if (!m)
Segment::Type st = Segment::Type::ChordRest;
for (Segment* s = m->first(st); s; s = s->next1(st)) {
for (int i = 0; i < tracks; ++i) {
Chord* c = static_cast<Chord*>(s->element(i));
if (c == 0 || c->type() != Element::Type::CHORD)
for (Note* n : c->notes()) {
Tie* tie = n->tieFor();
if (!tie || tie->endNote())
Note* nnote;
if (_mscVersion <= 114)
nnote = searchTieNote114(n);
nnote = searchTieNote(n);
if (nnote == 0) {
if (!silent) {
qDebug("next note at %d track %d for tie not found (version %d)", s->tick(), i, _mscVersion);
delete tie;
else {
// connect two note tremolos
Tremolo* tremolo = c->tremolo();
if (tremolo && tremolo->twoNotes() && !tremolo->chord2()) {
for (Segment* ls = s->next1(st); ls; ls = ls->next1(st)) {
Chord* nc = static_cast<Chord*>(ls->element(i));
if (nc == 0)
if (nc->type() != Element::Type::CHORD)
qDebug("cannot connect tremolo");
else {
tremolo->setChords(c, nc);
// layoutFingering
// - place numbers above a note execpt for the last
// staff in a multi stave part (piano)
// - does not handle chords
void Score::layoutFingering(Fingering* f)
if (f == 0)
Note* note = f->note();
Chord* chord = note->chord();
Staff* staff = chord->staff();
Part* part = staff->part();
int n = part->nstaves();
bool below = (n > 1) && (staff->rstaff() == n-1);
qreal x = 0.0;
qreal y = 0.0;
qreal headWidth = note->headWidth();
qreal headHeight = note->headHeight();
qreal fh = headHeight; // TODO: fingering number height
if (chord->notes().size() == 1) {
x = headWidth * .5;
if (below) {
// place fingering below note
y = fh + spatium() * .4;
if (chord->stem() && !chord->up()) {
// on stem side
y += chord->stem()->height();
x -= spatium() * .4;
else {
// place fingering above note
y = -headHeight - spatium() * .4;
if (chord->stem() && chord->up()) {
// on stem side
y -= chord->stem()->height();
x += spatium() * .4;
f->setUserOff(QPointF(x, y));
// layoutSystemRow
// return height in h
QList<System*> Score::layoutSystemRow(qreal rowWidth, bool isFirstSystem, bool useLongName)
bool raggedRight = MScore::layoutDebug;
QList<System*> sl;
qreal ww = rowWidth;
qreal minWidth;
for (bool a = true; a;) {
a = layoutSystem(minWidth, ww, isFirstSystem, useLongName);
ww -= minWidth;
// dont stretch last system row, if minWidth is <= lastSystemFillLimit
if (curMeasure == 0 && ((minWidth / rowWidth) <= styleD(StyleIdx::lastSystemFillLimit)))
raggedRight = true;
// Round II
// stretch measures
// "nm" measures fit on this line of score
bool needRelayout = false;
foreach (System* system, sl) {
// set system initial bar line type here, as in System::layout...() methods
// it is either too early (in System::layout() measures are not added to the system yet)
// or too late (in System::layout2(), horizontal spacing has already been done
// and bar line width will be ignored).
// We only set bar line type here; track and bar line span values are set in System::layout2()
if (system->barLine() && system->firstMeasure())
// add cautionary time/key signatures if needed
if (system->measures().isEmpty()) {
qFatal("System %p is empty", system);
Measure* m = system->lastMeasure();
bool hasCourtesyKeysig = false;
Measure* nm = m ? m->nextMeasure() : 0;
Segment* s;
if (m && nm && !(m->sectionBreak() && _layoutMode != LayoutMode::FLOAT)) {
int tick = m->tick() + m->ticks();
// locate a time sig. in the next measure and, if found,
// check if it has cout. sig. turned off
TimeSig* ts;
Segment* tss = nm->findSegment(Segment::Type::TimeSig, tick);
bool showCourtesySig = tss && styleB(StyleIdx::genCourtesyTimesig);
if (showCourtesySig) {
ts = static_cast<TimeSig*>(tss->element(0));
if (ts && !ts->showCourtesySig())
showCourtesySig = false; // this key change has court. sig turned off
if (showCourtesySig) {
// if due, create a new courtesy time signature for each staff
s = m->undoGetSegment(Segment::Type::TimeSigAnnounce, tick);
int nstaves = Score::nstaves();
for (int track = 0; track < nstaves * VOICES; track += VOICES) {
TimeSig* nts = static_cast<TimeSig*>(tss->element(track));
if (!nts)
ts = static_cast<TimeSig*>(s->element(track));
if (ts == 0) {
ts = new TimeSig(this);
else {
// remove any existing time signatures
Segment* tss = m->findSegment(Segment::Type::TimeSigAnnounce, tick);
if (tss) {
// courtesy key signatures
int n = _staves.size();
for (int staffIdx = 0; staffIdx < n; ++staffIdx) {
int track = staffIdx * VOICES;
Staff* staff = _staves[staffIdx];
showCourtesySig = false;
Key key1 = staff->key(tick - 1);
Key key2 = staff->key(tick);
if (styleB(StyleIdx::genCourtesyKeysig) && (key1 != key2)) {
// locate a key sig. in next measure and, if found,
// check if it has court. sig turned off
s = nm->findSegment(Segment::Type::KeySig, tick);
showCourtesySig = true; // assume this key change has court. sig turned on
if (s) {
KeySig* ks = static_cast<KeySig*>(s->element(track));
if (ks && !ks->showCourtesy())
showCourtesySig = false; // this key change has court. sig turned off
if (showCourtesySig) {
hasCourtesyKeysig = true;
s = m->undoGetSegment(Segment::Type::KeySigAnnounce, tick);
KeySig* ks = static_cast<KeySig*>(s->element(track));
if (!ks) {
ks = new KeySig(this);
else if (ks->key() != key2) {
KeySigEvent ke = ks->keySigEvent();
undo(new ChangeKeySig(ks, ke, ks->showCourtesy()));
// change bar line to qreal bar line
// m->setEndBarLineType(BarLineType::DOUBLE, true); // this caused issue #12918
if (!showCourtesySig) {
// remove any existent courtesy key signature
Segment* s = m->findSegment(Segment::Type::KeySigAnnounce, tick);
if (s && s->element(track))
// courtesy clefs: show/hide of courtesy clefs moved to Clef::layout()
// compute repeat bar lines
bool firstMeasure = true;
const QList<MeasureBase*>& ml = system->measures();
MeasureBase* lmb = ml.back();
for (MeasureBase* mb : ml) {
if (mb->type() != Element::Type::MEASURE)
Measure* m = static_cast<Measure*>(mb);
// first measure repeat?
bool fmr = firstMeasure && (m->repeatFlags() & Repeat::START);
if (mb == lmb) { // last measure in system?
// if last bar has a courtesy key signature,
// create a double bar line as end bar line
BarLineType bl = hasCourtesyKeysig ? BarLineType::DOUBLE : BarLineType::NORMAL;
if (m->repeatFlags() & Repeat::END)
m->setEndBarLineType(BarLineType::END_REPEAT, m->endBarLineGenerated());
else if (m->endBarLineGenerated())
m->setEndBarLineType(bl, true);
if (m->setStartRepeatBarLine(fmr))
else {
MeasureBase* mb = m->next();
while (mb && mb->type() != Element::Type::MEASURE && (mb != lmb))
mb = mb->next();
Measure* nm = 0;
if (mb && mb->type() == Element::Type::MEASURE)
nm = static_cast<Measure*>(mb);
needRelayout |= m->setStartRepeatBarLine(fmr);
if (m->repeatFlags() & Repeat::END) {
if (nm && (nm->repeatFlags() & Repeat::START))
m->setEndBarLineType(BarLineType::END_START_REPEAT, m->endBarLineGenerated());
m->setEndBarLineType(BarLineType::END_REPEAT, m->endBarLineGenerated());
else if (nm && (nm->repeatFlags() & Repeat::START))
m->setEndBarLineType(BarLineType::START_REPEAT, m->endBarLineGenerated());
else if (m->endBarLineGenerated())
m->setEndBarLineType(BarLineType::NORMAL, m->endBarLineGenerated());
if (m->createEndBarLines())
firstMeasure = false;
minWidth = 0.0;
qreal totalWeight = 0.0;
foreach(System* system, sl) {
foreach (MeasureBase* mb, system->measures()) {
if (mb->type() == Element::Type::HBOX)
minWidth += point(((Box*)mb)->boxWidth());
else if (mb->type() == Element::Type::MEASURE) {
Measure* m = (Measure*)mb;
if (needRelayout)
minWidth += m->minWidth2();
totalWeight += m->ticks() * m->userStretch();
minWidth += system->leftMargin();
// stretch incomplete row
qreal rest;
if (MScore::layoutDebug)
rest = 0;
else {
rest = rowWidth - minWidth;
if (raggedRight) {
if (minWidth > rest)
rest = rest * .5;
rest = minWidth;
rest /= totalWeight;
qreal xx = 0.0;
qreal y = 0.0;
foreach(System* system, sl) {
QPointF pos;
bool firstMeasure = true;
foreach(MeasureBase* mb, system->measures()) {
qreal ww = 0.0;
if (mb->type() == Element::Type::MEASURE) {
if (firstMeasure) {
pos.rx() += system->leftMargin();
firstMeasure = false;
Measure* m = static_cast<Measure*>(mb);
if (styleB(StyleIdx::FixMeasureWidth)) {
ww = rowWidth / system->measures().size();
else {
qreal weight = m->ticks() * m->userStretch();
ww = m->minWidth2() + rest * weight;
else if (mb->type() == Element::Type::HBOX) {
ww = point(static_cast<Box*>(mb)->boxWidth());
pos.rx() += ww;
system->setPos(xx, y);
qreal w = pos.x();
foreach(MeasureBase* mb, system->measures()) {
if (mb->type() == Element::Type::HBOX) {
xx += w;
return sl;
// layoutSystems
// create list of systems
void Score::layoutSystems()
curMeasure = _showVBox ? firstMM() : firstMeasureMM();
curSystem = 0;
bool firstSystem = true;
bool startWithLongNames = true;
qreal w = pageFormat()->printableWidth() * MScore::DPI;
while (curMeasure) {
Element::Type t = curMeasure->type();
if (t == Element::Type::VBOX || t == Element::Type::TBOX || t == Element::Type::FBOX) {
System* system = getNextSystem(false, true);
foreach(SysStaff* ss, *system->staves())
delete ss;
VBox* vbox = static_cast<VBox*>(curMeasure);
system->rxpos() = 0.0;
curMeasure = curMeasure->nextMM();
else {
QList<System*> sl = layoutSystemRow(w, firstSystem, startWithLongNames);
for (int i = 0; i < sl.size(); ++i)
sl[i]->setSameLine(i != 0);
firstSystem = false;
startWithLongNames = false;
if (!sl.isEmpty()) {
Measure* lm = sl.back()->lastMeasure();
firstSystem = lm && lm->sectionBreak() && _layoutMode != LayoutMode::FLOAT;
startWithLongNames = firstSystem && lm->sectionBreak()->startWithLongNames();
qDebug("empty system!");
// TODO: make undoable:
while (_systems.size() > curSystem)
// layoutSystems2
// update distanceUp, distanceDown
void Score::layoutSystems2()
int n = _systems.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
System* system =;
if (!system->isVbox()) {
// layoutLinear
void Score::layoutLinear()
curMeasure = first();
curSystem = 0;
System* system = getNextSystem(true, false);
qreal xo = 0;
Measure* fm = firstMeasure();
for (MeasureBase* m = first(); m != fm ; m = m->next()) {
if (m->type() == Element::Type::HBOX)
xo += point(static_cast<Box*>(m)->boxWidth());
system->setPos(0.0, spatium() * 10.0);
curPage = 0;
Page* page = getEmptyPage();
for (MeasureBase* mb = _measures.first(); mb; mb = mb->next()) {
Element::Type t = curMeasure->type();
if (t == Element::Type::VBOX || t == Element::Type::TBOX || t == Element::Type::FBOX) {
curMeasure = curMeasure->next();
if (styleB(StyleIdx::createMultiMeasureRests) && t == Element::Type::MEASURE) {
Measure* m = static_cast<Measure*>(mb);
if (m->hasMMRest())
mb = m->mmRest();
if (system->measures().isEmpty())
addSystemHeader(firstMeasureMM(), true);
removeGeneratedElements(firstMeasureMM(), lastMeasureMM());
QPointF pos(0.0, 0.0);
bool isFirstMeasure = true;
foreach (MeasureBase* mb, system->measures()) {
qreal w = 0.0;
if (mb->type() == Element::Type::MEASURE) {
if(isFirstMeasure) {
pos.rx() += system->leftMargin();
isFirstMeasure = false;
Measure* m = static_cast<Measure*>(mb);
Measure* nm = m->nextMeasure();
if (m->repeatFlags() & Repeat::END) {
if (nm && (nm->repeatFlags() & Repeat::START))
m->setEndBarLineType(BarLineType::END_START_REPEAT, m->endBarLineGenerated());
m->setEndBarLineType(BarLineType::END_REPEAT, m->endBarLineGenerated());
else if (nm && (nm->repeatFlags() & Repeat::START))
m->setEndBarLineType(BarLineType::START_REPEAT, m->endBarLineGenerated());
w = m->minWidth1() * styleD(StyleIdx::linearStretch);
qreal minMeasureWidth = point(styleS(StyleIdx::minMeasureWidth));
if (w < minMeasureWidth)
w = minMeasureWidth;
else {
w = mb->width();
pos.rx() += w;
page->setHeight(system->height() + 12 * spatium());
while (_pages.size() > 1)
// getEmptyPage
Page* Score::getEmptyPage()
Page* page = curPage >= _pages.size() ? addPage() : _pages[curPage];
qreal x = (curPage == 0) ? 0.0 : _pages[curPage - 1]->pos().x()
+ page->width() + (((curPage+_pageNumberOffset) & 1) ? 50.0 : 1.0);
page->setPos(x, 0.0);
return page;
// SystemRow
struct SystemRow {
QList<System*> systems;
qreal height() const {
qreal h = 0.0;
foreach(System* s, systems) {
if (s->height() > h)
h = s->height();
return h;
bool isVbox() const {
return (systems.size() > 0) ? systems.back()->isVbox() : false;
VBox* vbox() const {
return (systems.size() > 0) ? systems.back()->vbox() : 0;
bool pageBreak() const {
return (systems.size() > 0) ? systems.back()->pageBreak() : false;
qreal tm() const {
qreal v = 0.0;
foreach(System* s, systems) {
if (!s->staves()->isEmpty())
v = qMax(s->distanceUp(0), v);
return v;
qreal bm() const {
qreal v = 0.0;
foreach(System* s, systems) {
int staffIdx = s->staves()->size() - 1;
if (staffIdx >= 0)
v = qMax(s->distanceDown(staffIdx), v);
return v;
void clear() {
// PageContext
struct PageContext {
qreal _spatium;
qreal slb;
Score* score;
Page* page;
qreal ey;
qreal y;
int gaps;
SystemRow sr;
System* lastSystem;
qreal prevDist;
PageContext(Score* s) : score(s) {
_spatium = score->spatium();
slb = score->styleS(StyleIdx::staffLowerBorder).val() * _spatium;
void newPage() {
page = score->getEmptyPage();
ey = page->height() - page->bm();
y = page->tm();
gaps = 0;
lastSystem = 0;
prevDist = 0.0;
void layoutPage() {
qreal d = sr.isVbox() ? sr.vbox()->bottomGap() : slb;
score->layoutPage(*this, d);
qreal bm() const { return; }
qreal tm() const { return; }
// layoutPages
// create list of pages
void Score::layoutPages()
const qreal _spatium = spatium();
const qreal slb = styleS(StyleIdx::staffLowerBorder).val() * _spatium;
const qreal sub = styleS(StyleIdx::staffUpperBorder).val() * _spatium;
const qreal systemDist = styleS(StyleIdx::minSystemDistance).val() * _spatium;
const qreal systemFrameDistance = styleS(StyleIdx::systemFrameDistance).val() * _spatium;
const qreal frameSystemDistance = styleS(StyleIdx::frameSystemDistance).val() * _spatium;
curPage = 0;
PageContext pC(this);
int nSystems = _systems.size();
for (int i = 0; i < nSystems; ++i) {
// collect system row
for (;;) {
System* system = _systems[i];;
if (i+1 == nSystems)
if (!_systems[i+1]->sameLine())
qreal tmargin = 0.0; // top system margin
qreal bmargin; // bottom system margin
if ( {
VBox* vbox =;
bmargin = vbox->bottomGap();
tmargin += vbox->topGap();
if (pC.lastSystem) {
if (pC.lastSystem->isVbox())
tmargin += pC.lastSystem->vbox()->bottomGap();
tmargin += systemFrameDistance;
else {
if (pC.lastSystem) {
if (pC.lastSystem->isVbox())
tmargin = pC.lastSystem->vbox()->bottomGap() + frameSystemDistance;
tmargin = qMax(, systemDist);
tmargin = qMax(, sub);
bmargin =;
tmargin = qMax(tmargin, pC.prevDist);
qreal h =;
if (pC.lastSystem && (pC.y + h + tmargin + qMax(bmargin, slb) > pC.ey)) {
// prepare next page
qreal d;
if (pC.lastSystem->isVbox())
d = pC.lastSystem->vbox()->bottomGap();
d = slb;
layoutPage(pC, d);
if (
tmargin =>topGap();
tmargin = qMax(, sub);
qreal x =>lm();
pC.y += tmargin;
pC.prevDist = bmargin;
foreach(System* system, {
system->setPos(x, pC.y);
x += system->width();>appendSystem(system);
if (pC.lastSystem) {
bool addStretch = !pC.lastSystem->isVbox() && !;
if (addStretch)
pC.y += h;
if ( && (_layoutMode == LayoutMode::PAGE)) {
if ((i + 1) == nSystems)
pC.lastSystem =;
if (
// Remove not needed pages. TODO: make undoable:
while (_pages.size() > curPage)
// systemDistCompare
static bool systemDistCompare(System* s1, System* s2)
return s1->distance() < s2->distance();
// layoutPage
// increase system distance upto maxSystemDistance
// to fill page
void Score::layoutPage(const PageContext& pC, qreal d)
Page* page =;
int gaps = pC.gaps;
qreal restHeight = pC.ey - pC.y - d;
if (!gaps || MScore::layoutDebug) {
if (_layoutMode == LayoutMode::FLOAT) {
qreal y = restHeight * .5;
int n = page->systems()->size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
System* system = page->systems()->at(i);
system->move(0, y);
const qreal maxStretch = styleP(StyleIdx::maxSystemDistance) - styleP(StyleIdx::minSystemDistance);
QList<System*> slist;
int n = page->systems()->size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
System* system = page->systems()->at(i);
qreal lastY1 = system->pos().y() + system->height();
if (system->addStretch()) {
System* ns = page->systems()->at(i + 1);
qreal dist = ns->pos().y() - lastY1;
qSort(slist.begin(), slist.end(), systemDistCompare);
n = slist.size();
for (int i = 0; i < (n-1); ++i) {
System* s1 =;
System* s2 = + 1);
qreal td = s2->distance() - s1->distance();
if (td > 0.001) {
int nn = i + 1;
qreal tdd = td * nn;
if (tdd > restHeight) {
tdd = restHeight;
td = tdd / nn;
if (s1->stretchDistance() + td > maxStretch) {
td = maxStretch - s1->stretchDistance();
tdd = td * nn;
for (int k = 0; k <= i; ++k)>addStretchDistance(td);
restHeight -= tdd;
qreal td = restHeight / n;
if (td > 0.001) {
qreal sd =>stretchDistance();
if (sd + td > maxStretch)
td = maxStretch - sd;
for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k)>addStretchDistance(td);
qreal y = 0.0;
n = page->systems()->size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
System* system = page->systems()->at(i);
system->move(0, y);
if (system->addStretch())
y += system->stretchDistance();
// doLayoutSystems
// layout staves in a system
// layout pages
void Score::doLayoutSystems()
foreach(System* system, _systems)
if (layoutMode() != LayoutMode::LINE)
_updateAll = true;
for (MuseScoreView* v : viewer)
// doLayoutPages
// small wrapper for layoutPages()
void Score::doLayoutPages()
_updateAll = true;
foreach(MuseScoreView* v, viewer)
// sff
// compute 1/Force for a given Extend
qreal sff(qreal x, qreal xMin, const SpringMap& springs)
if (x <= xMin)
return 0.0;
iSpring i = springs.begin();
qreal c = i->second.stretch;
if (c == 0.0) //DEBUG
c = 1.1;
qreal f = 0.0;
for (; i != springs.end();) {
xMin -= i->second.fix;
f = (x - xMin) / c;
if (i == springs.end() || f <= i->first)
c += i->second.stretch;
return f;
// respace
void Score::respace(QList<ChordRest*>* elements)
ChordRest* cr1 = elements->front();
ChordRest* cr2 = elements->back();
int n = elements->size();
qreal x1 = cr1->segment()->pos().x();
qreal x2 = cr2->segment()->pos().x();
qreal width[n-1];
int ticksList[n-1];
int minTick = 100000;
for (int i = 0; i < n-1; ++i) {
ChordRest* cr = (*elements)[i];
ChordRest* ncr = (*elements)[i+1];
Space space(cr->space());
Space nspace(ncr->space());
width[i] = + nspace.lw();
ticksList[i] = ncr->segment()->tick() - cr->segment()->tick();
minTick = qMin(ticksList[i], minTick);
// compute stretches
SpringMap springs;
qreal minimum = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n-1; ++i) {
qreal w = width[i];
int t = ticksList[i];
// qreal str = 1.0 + .6 * log(qreal(t) / qreal(minTick)) / log(2.0);
qreal str = 1.0 + 0.865617 * log(qreal(t) / qreal(minTick));
qreal d = w / str;
springs.insert(std::pair<qreal, Spring>(d, Spring(i, str, w)));
minimum += w;
// distribute stretch to elements
qreal force = sff(x2 - x1, minimum, springs);
for (iSpring i = springs.begin(); i != springs.end(); ++i) {
qreal stretch = force * i->second.stretch;
if (stretch < i->second.fix)
stretch = i->second.fix;
width[i->second.seg] = stretch;
qreal x = x1;
for (int i = 1; i < n-1; ++i) {
x += width[i-1];
ChordRest* cr = (*elements)[i];
qreal dx = x - cr->segment()->pos().x();
cr->rxpos() += dx;
// computeMinWidth
/// compute the minimum width of a measure with
/// segment list fs
qreal Score::computeMinWidth(Segment* fs)
int _nstaves = nstaves();
if (_nstaves == 0)
return 1.0;
qreal _spatium = spatium();
qreal clefKeyRightMargin = styleS(StyleIdx::clefKeyRightMargin).val() * _spatium;
qreal minNoteDistance = styleS(StyleIdx::minNoteDistance).val() * _spatium;
qreal minHarmonyDistance = styleS(StyleIdx::minHarmonyDistance).val() * _spatium;
qreal maxHarmonyBarDistance = styleS(StyleIdx::maxHarmonyBarDistance).val() * _spatium;
qreal rest[_nstaves]; // fixed space needed from previous segment
memset(rest, 0, _nstaves * sizeof(qreal));
qreal hRest[_nstaves]; // fixed space needed from previous harmony
memset(hRest, 0, _nstaves * sizeof(qreal));
qreal clefWidth[_nstaves];
memset(clefWidth, 0, _nstaves * sizeof(qreal));
std::vector<QRectF> hLastBbox(_nstaves); // bbox of previous harmony to test vertical separation
int segmentIdx = 0;
qreal x = 0.0;
const Segment* pSeg = 0;
for (Segment* s = fs; s; s = s->next(), ++segmentIdx) {
qreal elsp = s->extraLeadingSpace().val() * _spatium;
qreal etsp = s->extraTrailingSpace().val() * _spatium;
if ((s->segmentType() == Segment::Type::Clef) && (s != fs)) {
for (int staffIdx = 0; staffIdx < _nstaves; ++staffIdx) {
if (!staff(staffIdx)->show())
int track = staffIdx * VOICES;
Element* e = s->element(track);
if (e) {
clefWidth[staffIdx] = e->width() + _spatium + elsp;
bool rest2[_nstaves];
bool hRest2[_nstaves];
bool spaceHarmony = false;
Segment::Type segType = s->segmentType();
qreal segmentWidth = 0.0;
qreal harmonyWidth = 0.0;
qreal stretchDistance = 0.0;
Segment::Type pt = pSeg ? pSeg->segmentType() : Segment::Type::BarLine;
for (int staffIdx = 0; staffIdx < _nstaves; ++staffIdx) {
if (!staff(staffIdx)->show())
qreal minDistance = 0.0;
Space space;
Space hSpace;
Space naSpace; // space needed for full measure rests (and potentially other non-aligned elements)
QRectF hBbox;
int track = staffIdx * VOICES;
bool found = false;
bool hFound = false;
bool eFound = false;
if (segType & (Segment::Type::ChordRest)) {
qreal llw = 0.0;
qreal rrw = 0.0;
Lyrics* lyrics = 0;
for (int voice = 0; voice < VOICES; ++voice) {
ChordRest* cr = static_cast<ChordRest*>(s->element(track+voice));
if (!cr)
found = true;
if (pt & (Segment::Type::StartRepeatBarLine | Segment::Type::BarLine | Segment::Type::TimeSig)) {
// check for accidentals in chord
bool accidental = false;
bool grace = false;
qreal accidentalX = 0.0;
qreal noteX = 0.0;
if (cr->type() == Element::Type::CHORD) {
Chord* c = static_cast<Chord*>(cr);
if (c->getGraceNotesBefore(0))
grace = true;
else {
for (Note* note : c->notes()) {
if (note->accidental()) {
accidental = true;
// segment-relative
accidentalX = qMin(accidentalX, note->accidental()->x() + note->x() + c->x());
// segment-relative
noteX = qMin(noteX, note->x() + c->x());
qreal sp;
qreal bnd = styleS(StyleIdx::barNoteDistance).val() * _spatium;
if (accidental) {
qreal bad = styleS(StyleIdx::barAccidentalDistance).val() * _spatium;
qreal diff = qMax(noteX - accidentalX, 0.0);
sp = qMax(bad, bnd - diff);
else if (grace)
sp = styleS(StyleIdx::barAccidentalDistance).val() * _spatium;
sp = bnd;
if (pt & Segment::Type::TimeSig)
sp += clefKeyRightMargin - bnd;
minDistance = qMax(minDistance, sp);
if (!(pt & Segment::Type::TimeSig))
stretchDistance = sp * .7;
else if (pt & Segment::Type::ChordRest) {
minDistance = qMax(minDistance, minNoteDistance);
else {
// if (pt & (Segment::Type::KeySig | Segment::Type::Clef))
bool firstClef = (pt == Segment::Type::Clef) && (pSeg && pSeg->rtick() == 0);
if ((pt & Segment::Type::KeySig) || firstClef)
minDistance = qMax(minDistance, clefKeyRightMargin);
// calculate space needed for segment
// take cr position into account
// by converting to segment-relative space
// chord space itself already has ipos offset built in
// but lyrics do not
// and neither have user offsets
qreal cx = cr->ipos().x();
qreal cxu = cr->userOff().x();
qreal lx = qMax(cxu, 0.0); // nudge left shouldn't require more leading space
qreal rx = qMin(cxu, 0.0); // nudge right shouldn't require more trailing space
Space crSpace = cr->space();
Space segRelSpace(crSpace.lw()-lx,;
// always allocate sufficient space
// but in Measure::layoutX() we will ignore full measure rests
// since they do not need to affect spacing in other voices
if (cr->durationType() != TDuration::DurationType::V_MEASURE)
// lyrics
foreach (Lyrics* l, cr->lyricsList()) {
if (!l)
if (!l->isEmpty()) {
lyrics = l;
if (!lyrics->isMelisma()) {
QRectF b(l->bbox().translated(l->pos()));
llw = qMax(llw, -(b.left()+lx+cx));
rrw = qMax(rrw, b.right()+rx+cx);
if (lyrics)
space.max(Space(llw, rrw));
// add spacing for chord symbols
foreach (Element* e, s->annotations()) {
if (e->type() != Element::Type::HARMONY || e->track() < track || e->track() >= track+VOICES)
Harmony* h = static_cast<Harmony*>(e);
// call full layout here
// which also triggers layout of associated fret diagram if present
// otherwise the vertical position of the chord symbols cannot be known
h->layout(); // h->calculateBoundingRect();
QRectF b(h->bboxtight().translated(h->pos()));
if (hFound)
hBbox |= b;
hBbox = b;
hFound = true;
spaceHarmony = true;
// allow chord to be dragged
qreal xoff = h->pos().x();
qreal bl = -b.left() + qMin(xoff, 0.0);
qreal br = b.right() - qMax(xoff, 0.0);
hSpace.max(Space(bl, br));
else {
// current segment (s) is not a ChordRest
Element* e = s->element(track);
if ((segType == Segment::Type::Clef) && (pt != Segment::Type::ChordRest))
minDistance = styleP(StyleIdx::clefLeftMargin);
else if (segType == Segment::Type::StartRepeatBarLine)
minDistance = .5 * _spatium;
else if (segType == Segment::Type::TimeSig && pt == Segment::Type::Clef) {
// missing key signature, but allocate default margin anyhow
minDistance = styleP(StyleIdx::keysigLeftMargin);
else if ((segType == Segment::Type::EndBarLine) && segmentIdx) {
if (pt == Segment::Type::Clef)
minDistance = styleP(StyleIdx::clefBarlineDistance);
stretchDistance = styleP(StyleIdx::noteBarDistance);
if (e == 0) {
// look for barline
for (int i = track - VOICES; i >= 0; i -= VOICES) {
e = s->element(i);
if (e)
if (e) {
eFound = true;
if (!s->next()) // segType & Segment::Type::EndBarLine
spaceHarmony = true; // to space last Harmony to end of measure
space += Space(elsp, etsp);
if (found || eFound) {
space.rLw() += clefWidth[staffIdx];
qreal sp = minDistance + rest[staffIdx] + qMax(space.lw(), stretchDistance);
rest[staffIdx] =;
rest2[staffIdx] = false;
segmentWidth = qMax(segmentWidth, sp);
rest2[staffIdx] = true;
// space chord symbols separately from segments
if (hFound || eFound) {
qreal sp = 0.0;
// space chord symbols unless they miss each other vertically
if (eFound || (hFound && < hLastBbox[staffIdx].bottom() && hBbox.bottom() > hLastBbox[staffIdx].top()))
sp = hRest[staffIdx] + minHarmonyDistance + hSpace.lw();
// barline: limit space to maxHarmonyBarDistance
if (eFound && !hFound && spaceHarmony)
sp = qMin(sp, maxHarmonyBarDistance);
hLastBbox[staffIdx] = hBbox;
hRest[staffIdx] =;
hRest2[staffIdx] = false;
harmonyWidth = qMax(harmonyWidth, sp);
hRest2[staffIdx] = true;
clefWidth[staffIdx] = 0.0;
// make room for harmony if needed
segmentWidth = qMax(segmentWidth, harmonyWidth);
x += segmentWidth;
// if (segmentIdx && pSeg)
// pSeg->setbbox(QRectF(0.0, 0.0, segmentWidth, _spatium * 5)); //??
for (int staffIdx = 0; staffIdx < _nstaves; ++staffIdx) {
if (!staff(staffIdx)->show())
if (rest2[staffIdx])
rest[staffIdx] -= qMin(rest[staffIdx], segmentWidth);
if (hRest2[staffIdx])
hRest[staffIdx] -= qMin(hRest[staffIdx], segmentWidth);
// set pSeg only to used segments
for (int voice = 0; voice < _nstaves * VOICES; ++voice) {
if (!staff(voice/VOICES)->show()) {
voice += VOICES-1;
if (s->element(voice)) {
pSeg = s;
qreal segmentWidth = 0.0;
for (int staffIdx = 0; staffIdx < _nstaves; ++staffIdx) {
if (!staff(staffIdx)->show())
segmentWidth = qMax(segmentWidth, rest[staffIdx]);
segmentWidth = qMax(segmentWidth, hRest[staffIdx]);
x += segmentWidth;
return x;
// updateBarLineSpans
/// updates bar line span(s) when the number of lines of a staff changes
void Score::updateBarLineSpans(int idx, int linesOld, int linesNew)
int nStaves = nstaves();
Staff* _staff;
// scan staves and check the destination staff of each bar line span
// barLineSpan is not changed; barLineFrom and barLineTo are changed if they occur in the bottom half of a staff
// in practice, a barLineFrom/To from/to the top half of the staff is linked to the staff top line,
// a barLineFrom/To from/to the bottom half of the staff is linked to staff bottom line;
// this ensures plainchant and mensurstrich special bar lines keep their relationships to the staff lines.
// 1-line staves are traited as a special case.
for(int sIdx = 0; sIdx < nStaves; sIdx++) {
_staff = staff(sIdx);
// if this is the modified staff
if(sIdx == idx) {
// if it has no bar line, set barLineTo to a default value
if(_staff->barLineSpan() == 0)
_staff->setBarLineTo( (linesNew-1) * 2);
// if new line number is 1, set default From for 1-line staves
else if(linesNew == 1)
// if barLineFrom was below the staff middle position
// raise or lower it to account for new number of lines
else if(_staff->barLineFrom() > linesOld - 1)
_staff->setBarLineFrom(_staff->barLineFrom() + (linesNew - linesOld)*2);
// if the modified staff is the destination of the current staff bar span:
if(sIdx + _staff->barLineSpan() - 1 == idx) {
// if new line number is 1, set default To for 1-line staves
if(linesNew == 1)
// if barLineTo was below its middle position, raise or lower it
else if(_staff->barLineTo() > linesOld - 1)
_staff->setBarLineTo(_staff->barLineTo() + (linesNew - linesOld)*2);