Peter Jonas c2ac2846dd New Score Wizard: Template page: implement as tree view
- Template list is QTreeWidget
- Show template preview
- Move searchbox to be above list
- Create mscore/widgets subdirectory to improve organisation
- New FilterableView class and SearchBox widget to search item views
- Pressing Up or Down key in searchbox controls the tree view
2019-01-06 01:53:21 +00:00

221 lines
7.1 KiB

// MusE Score
// Linux Music Score Editor
// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Werner Schweer and others
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef __NEWWIZARD_H__
#define __NEWWIZARD_H__
#include "ui_timesigwizard.h"
#include "ui_newwizard.h"
#include <QWizard>
#include "libmscore/timesig.h"
#include "libmscore/key.h"
#include "libmscore/fraction.h"
namespace Ms {
class Score;
class Palette;
class StaffListItem;
class InstrumentsWidget;
class TemplateBrowser;
// TimesigWizard
class TimesigWizard : public QWidget, private Ui::TimesigWizard {
private slots:
void commonTimeToggled(bool);
void cutTimeToggled(bool);
void fractionToggled(bool);
TimesigWizard(QWidget* parent = 0);
int measures() const;
Fraction timesig() const;
bool pickup(int* z, int* n) const;
TimeSigType type() const;
// TitleWizard
class TitleWizard : public QWidget, public Ui::NewWizard {
TitleWizard(QWidget* parent = 0);
// NewWizardInfoPage
// Enter score information such as title and composer
class NewWizardInfoPage : public QWizardPage {
TitleWizard* w;
NewWizardInfoPage(QWidget* parent = 0);
QString title() const { return w->title->text(); }
QString subtitle() const { return w->subtitle->text(); }
QString composer() const { return w->composer->text(); }
QString poet() const { return w->poet->text(); }
QString copyright() const { return w->copyright->text(); }
virtual void initializePage() override;
// NewWizardInstrumentsPage
// Choose instruments to appear in the score
class NewWizardInstrumentsPage : public QWizardPage {
bool complete;
InstrumentsWidget* instrumentsWidget;
public slots:
void setComplete(bool);
NewWizardInstrumentsPage(QWidget* parent = 0);
virtual bool isComplete() const override;
void createInstruments(Score* s);
virtual void initializePage() override;
// NewWizardTimesigPage
// Choose time signature for the score
class NewWizardTimesigPage : public QWizardPage {
TimesigWizard* w;
NewWizardTimesigPage(QWidget* parent = 0);
int measures() const { return w->measures(); }
Fraction timesig() const { return w->timesig(); }
bool pickupMeasure(int* z, int* n) const { return w->pickup(z, n); }
TimeSigType timesigType() const { return w->type(); }
// NewWizardTemplatePage
// Choose a template on which to base the score
class NewWizardTemplatePage : public QWizardPage {
TemplateBrowser* templateFileBrowser;
QString path;
private slots:
void templateChanged(const QString&);
void fileAccepted(const QString&);
NewWizardTemplatePage(QWidget* parent = 0);
virtual bool isComplete() const override;
QString templatePath() const;
virtual void initializePage();
void buildTemplatesList();
// NewWizardKeysigPage
// Choose key signature for the score
class NewWizardKeysigPage : public QWizardPage {
Palette* sp;
QDoubleSpinBox* _tempo;
QGroupBox* tempoGroup;
NewWizardKeysigPage(QWidget* parent = 0);
virtual bool isComplete() const override { return true; }
KeySigEvent keysig() const;
double tempo() const { return _tempo->value(); }
bool createTempo() const { return tempoGroup->isChecked(); }
void init();
// NewWizard
// New Score Wizard - create a new score
class NewWizard : public QWizard {
NewWizardInfoPage* infoPage;
NewWizardInstrumentsPage* instrumentsPage;
NewWizardTimesigPage* timesigPage;
NewWizardTemplatePage* templatePage;
NewWizardKeysigPage* keysigPage;
virtual void hideEvent(QHideEvent*);
private slots:
void idChanged(int);
NewWizard(QWidget* parent = 0);
friend class QWizardPage;
virtual int nextId() const;
enum Page { Invalid = -1, Type, Instruments, Template, Keysig, Timesig};
QString templatePath() const { return templatePage->templatePath(); }
int measures() const { return timesigPage->measures(); }
Fraction timesig() const { return timesigPage->timesig(); }
void createInstruments(Score* s) { instrumentsPage->createInstruments(s); }
QString title() const { return infoPage->title(); }
QString subtitle() const { return infoPage->subtitle(); }
QString composer() const { return infoPage->composer(); }
QString poet() const { return infoPage->poet(); }
QString copyright() const { return infoPage->copyright(); }
KeySigEvent keysig() const { return keysigPage->keysig(); }
bool pickupMeasure(int* z, int* n) const { return timesigPage->pickupMeasure(z, n); }
TimeSigType timesigType() const { return timesigPage->timesigType(); }
double tempo() const { return keysigPage->tempo(); }
bool createTempo() const { return keysigPage->createTempo(); }
bool emptyScore() const;
void updateValues() const;
} // namespace Ms