anatoly-os e9864d1e83
Merge pull request #5371 from mattmcclinch/294085-has-voices
fix #294085: all elements set to normal position if all rests in voices other than voice 1 are deleted
2020-04-20 15:51:47 +03:00

2603 lines
92 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "beam.h"
#include "segment.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "chord.h"
#include "sig.h"
#include "style.h"
#include "note.h"
#include "tuplet.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "tremolo.h"
#include "measure.h"
#include "undo.h"
#include "staff.h"
#include "stafftype.h"
#include "stem.h"
#include "hook.h"
#include "mscore.h"
#include "icon.h"
#include "stemslash.h"
#include "groups.h"
#include "xml.h"
#include "spanner.h"
namespace Ms {
static const ElementStyle beamStyle {
{ Sid::beamNoSlope, Pid::BEAM_NO_SLOPE },
// BeamFragment
// position of primary beam
// idx 0 - Direction::AUTO or Direction::DOWN
// 1 - Direction::UP
struct BeamFragment {
qreal py1[2];
qreal py2[2];
// Beam
Beam::Beam(Score* s)
: Element(s)
_direction = Direction::AUTO;
_up = true;
_distribute = false;
_noSlope = false;
_userModified[0] = false;
_userModified[1] = false;
_grow1 = 1.0;
_grow2 = 1.0;
_beamDist = 0.;
_id = 0;
minMove = 0;
maxMove = 0;
_isGrace = false;
_cross = false;
// Beam
Beam::Beam(const Beam& b)
: Element(b)
_elements = b._elements;
_id = b._id;
for (const QLineF* bs : b.beamSegments)
beamSegments.append(new QLineF(*bs));
_direction = b._direction;
_up = b._up;
_distribute = b._distribute;
_userModified[0] = b._userModified[0];
_userModified[1] = b._userModified[1];
_grow1 = b._grow1;
_grow2 = b._grow2;
_beamDist = b._beamDist;
for (const BeamFragment* f : b.fragments)
fragments.append(new BeamFragment(*f));
minMove = b.minMove;
maxMove = b.maxMove;
_isGrace = b._isGrace;
_cross = b._cross;
maxDuration = b.maxDuration;
slope = b.slope;
_noSlope = b._noSlope;
// Beam
// delete all references from chords
for (ChordRest* cr : _elements)
// pagePos
QPointF Beam::pagePos() const
System* s = system();
if (s == 0)
return pos();
qreal yp = y() + s->staff(staffIdx())->y() + s->y();
return QPointF(pageX(), yp);
// canvasPos
QPointF Beam::canvasPos() const
QPointF p(pagePos());
if (system() && system()->parent())
p += system()->parent()->pos();
return p;
// add
void Beam::add(Element* e)
if (e->isChordRest())
// remove
void Beam::remove(Element* e)
if (e->isChordRest())
// addChordRest
void Beam::addChordRest(ChordRest* a)
if (!_elements.contains(a)) {
// insert element in same order as it appears
// in the score
if (a->segment() && !_elements.empty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < _elements.size(); ++i) {
Segment* s = _elements[i]->segment();
if ((s->tick() > a->segment()->tick())
|| ((s->tick() == a->segment()->tick()) && (a->segment()->next(SegmentType::ChordRest) == s))
) {
_elements.insert(i, a);
// removeChordRest
void Beam::removeChordRest(ChordRest* a)
if (!_elements.removeOne(a))
qDebug("Beam::remove(): cannot find ChordRest");
// draw
void Beam::draw(QPainter* painter) const
if (beamSegments.empty())
qreal lw2 = point(score()->styleS(Sid::beamWidth)) * .5 * mag();
// make beam thickness independent of slant
// (expression can be simplified?)
const QLineF* bs = beamSegments.front();
double d = (qAbs(bs->y2() - bs->y1())) / (bs->x2() - bs->x1());
if (beamSegments.size() > 1 && d > M_PI/6.0)
d = M_PI/6.0;
double ww = lw2 / sin(M_PI_2 - atan(d));
for (const QLineF* bs1 : beamSegments) {
QPointF(bs1->x1(), bs1->y1() - ww),
QPointF(bs1->x2(), bs1->y2() - ww),
QPointF(bs1->x2(), bs1->y2() + ww),
QPointF(bs1->x1(), bs1->y1() + ww),
// move
void Beam::move(const QPointF& offset)
for (QLineF* bs : beamSegments)
// twoBeamedNotes
// calculate stem direction of two beamed notes
// return true if two beamed notes found
bool Beam::twoBeamedNotes()
// if not two elements or elements are not chords or chords have more than 1 note, return failure
if ((_elements.size() != 2)
|| !_elements[0]->isChord()
|| !_elements[1]->isChord()) {
return false;
const Chord* c1 = toChord(_elements[0]);
const Chord* c2 = toChord(_elements[1]);
if (c1->notes().size() != 1 || c2->notes().size() != 1)
return false;
int upDnLimit = staff()->lines(Fraction(0, 1)) - 1; // was '4' hard-coded in the next 2 lines
int dist1 = c1->upLine() - upDnLimit;
int dist2 = c2->upLine() - upDnLimit;
if ((dist1 == -dist2) || (-dist1 == dist2)) {
_up = false;
Segment* s = c1->segment();
s = s->prev1(SegmentType::ChordRest);
if (s) {
Element* e = s->element(c1->track());
if (e && e->isChord()) {
Chord* c = toChord(e);
if (c->beam())
_up = c->beam()->up();
else if (qAbs(dist1) > qAbs(dist2))
_up = dist1 > 0;
_up = dist2 > 0;
return true;
// layout1
// - remove beam segments
// - detach from system
// - calculate stem direction and set chord
void Beam::layout1()
//delete old segments
setParent(nullptr); // parent is System
Chord* c1 = 0;
Chord* c2 = 0;
// TAB's with stem beside staves have special layout
if (staff()->isTabStaff(Fraction(0,1)) && !staff()->staffType(Fraction(0,1))->stemThrough()) {
//TABULATURES: all beams (and related chords) are:
// UP or DOWN according to TAB duration position
// slope 0
_up = !staff()->staffType(Fraction(0,1))->stemsDown();
slope = 0.0;
_cross = false;
minMove = maxMove = 0; // no cross-beaming in TAB's!
for (ChordRest* cr : _elements) {
if (cr->isChord()) {
// set members maxDuration, c1, c2
if (!maxDuration.isValid() || (maxDuration < cr->durationType()))
maxDuration = cr->durationType();
c2 = toChord(cr);
if (c1 == 0)
c1 = c2;
else if (staff()->isDrumStaff(Fraction(0,1))) {
if (_direction != Direction::AUTO)
_up = _direction == Direction::UP;
else {
for (ChordRest* cr :_elements) {
if (cr->isChord()) {
c2 = toChord(cr);
_up = c2->up();
for (ChordRest* cr : _elements) {
else {
//PITCHED STAVES (and TAB's with stems through staves)
minMove = 1000;
maxMove = -1000;
_isGrace = false;
qreal mag = 0.0;
int mUp = 0;
int mDown = 0;
int upDnLimit = staff()->lines(Fraction(0,1)) - 1; // was '4' hard-coded in following code
int staffIdx = -1;
for (ChordRest* cr : _elements) {
qreal m = cr->small() ? score()->styleD(Sid::smallNoteMag) : 1.0;
mag = qMax(mag, m);
if (cr->isChord()) {
c2 = toChord(cr);
staffIdx = c2->vStaffIdx();
if (c1 == 0)
c1 = c2;
int i = c2->staffMove();
if (i < minMove)
minMove = i;
if (i > maxMove)
maxMove = i;
int line = c2->upLine();
if ((upDnLimit - line) > mUp)
mUp = upDnLimit - line;
line = c2->downLine();
if (line - upDnLimit > mDown)
mDown = line - upDnLimit;
if (!maxDuration.isValid() || (maxDuration < cr->durationType()))
maxDuration = cr->durationType();
// determine beam stem direction
if (_direction != Direction::AUTO) {
_up = _direction == Direction::UP;
else {
if (maxMove > 0) // cross staff beaming down
_up = true;
else if (minMove < 0)
_up = false;
else if (c1) {
Measure* m = c1->measure();
if (c1->stemDirection() != Direction::AUTO)
_up = c1->stemDirection() == Direction::UP;
else if (m->hasVoices(c1->staffIdx(), tick(), ticks()))
_up = !(c1->voice() % 2);
else if (!twoBeamedNotes()) {
// highest or lowest note determines stem direction
// interval higher is bigger -> downstem
// interval lower is bigger -> upstem
// down-stems is preferred if equal
_up = mUp < mDown;
_up = true;
_cross = minMove < maxMove;
if (minMove == 1 && maxMove == 1)
setTrack(staffIdx * VOICES + voice());
else if (c1)
setTrack(c1->staffIdx() * VOICES + voice());
// int idx = (_direction == Direction::AUTO || _direction == Direction::DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
slope = 0.0;
// leave initial guess alone for moved chords within a beam that crosses staves
// otherwise, assume beam direction is stem direction
for (ChordRest* cr : _elements) {
const bool staffMove = cr->isChord() ? toChord(cr)->staffMove() : false;
if (!_cross || !staffMove) {
if (cr->up() != _up) {
} // end of if/else(tablature)
// layoutGraceNotes
void Beam::layoutGraceNotes()
//delete old segments
Chord* c1 = 0;
Chord* c2 = 0;
//PITCHED STAVES (and TAB's with stems through staves)
minMove = 1000;
maxMove = -1000;
_isGrace = true;
qreal graceMag = score()->styleD(Sid::graceNoteMag);
for (ChordRest* cr : _elements) {
c2 = toChord(cr);
if (c1 == 0)
c1 = c2;
int i = c2->staffMove();
if (i < minMove)
minMove = i;
if (i > maxMove)
maxMove = i;
if (!maxDuration.isValid() || (maxDuration < cr->durationType()))
maxDuration = cr->durationType();
// determine beam stem direction
if (staff()->isTabStaff(Fraction(0,1))) {
//TABULATURES: all beams (and related chords) are:
// UP or DOWN according to TAB duration position
// slope 0
_up = !staff()->staffType(Fraction(0,1))->stemsDown();
else {
if (_direction != Direction::AUTO)
_up = _direction == Direction::UP;
else {
ChordRest* cr = _elements[0];
Measure* m = cr->measure();
if (m->hasVoices(cr->staffIdx(), tick(), ticks()))
_up = !(cr->voice() % 2);
_up = true;
int idx = (_direction == Direction::AUTO || _direction == Direction::DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
slope = 0.0;
if (!_userModified[idx]) {
for (ChordRest* cr : _elements) {
if (cr->isChord())
toChord(cr)->layoutStem1(); /* create stems needed to calculate horizontal spacing */
// layout
void Beam::layout()
System* system = _elements.front()->measure()->system();
std::vector<ChordRest*> crl;
int n = 0;
for (ChordRest* cr : _elements) {
if (cr->measure()->system() != system) {
SpannerSegmentType st;
if (n == 0)
st = SpannerSegmentType::BEGIN;
st = SpannerSegmentType::MIDDLE;
if (fragments.size() < n)
fragments.append(new BeamFragment);
layout2(crl, st, n-1);
system = cr->measure()->system();
if (!crl.empty()) {
SpannerSegmentType st;
if (n == 0)
st = SpannerSegmentType::SINGLE;
st = SpannerSegmentType::END;
if (fragments.size() < (n+1))
fragments.append(new BeamFragment);
layout2(crl, st, n);
qreal lw2 = point(score()->styleS(Sid::beamWidth)) * .5 * mag();
// ChordRest* cr = crl.front();
// Shape& s = cr->segment()->shape(staffIdx());
// QPointF offset = cr->pos() + cr->segment()->pos() + cr->segment()->measure()->pos();
for (const QLineF* bs : beamSegments) {
QPolygonF a(4);
a[0] = QPointF(bs->x1(), bs->y1());
a[1] = QPointF(bs->x2(), bs->y2());
a[2] = QPointF(bs->x2(), bs->y2());
a[3] = QPointF(bs->x1(), bs->y1());
QRectF r(a.boundingRect().adjusted(0.0, -lw2, 0.0, lw2));
//TODO s.add(r.translated(-offset));
// absLimit
inline qreal absLimit(qreal val, qreal limit)
if (val > limit)
return limit;
if (val < -limit)
return -limit;
return val;
// hasNoSlope
bool Beam::hasNoSlope()
int idx = (_direction == Direction::AUTO || _direction == Direction::DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
return _noSlope && !_userModified[idx];
// slopeZero
bool Beam::slopeZero(const std::vector<ChordRest*>& cl)
if (hasNoSlope() || cl.size() < 2)
return true;
// return true if beam spans a rest
if (cl.size() == 2 && (cl.front()->isRest() || cl.back()->isRest()))
return true;
// for (const ChordRest* cr : cl) {
// if (!cr->isChord())
// return true;
// }
int l1 = cl.front()->line();
int le = cl.back()->line();
// look for some pattern
if (cl.size() == 4) {
int l2 = cl[1]->line();
int l3 = cl[2]->line();
if ((l1 < le) && (l2 > l1) && (l2 > l3) && (l3 > le))
return true;
if ((l1 == l3) && (l2 == le))
return true;
else if (cl.size() == 6) {
int l2 = cl[1]->line();
int l3 = cl[2]->line();
int l4 = cl[3]->line();
int l5 = cl[4]->line();
if ((l2 > l1) && (l3 > l2) && (l1 == l4) && (l2 == l5) && (l3 == le))
return true;
// concave beams have a slope of 0.0
bool sameLine = true;
slope = 0.0;
if (cl.size() >= 3) {
int l4 = cl[1]->line(_up);
for (unsigned i = 1; i < cl.size()-1; ++i) {
// Don't consider interior rests
if (!cl[i]->isChord())
int l3 = cl[i]->line(_up);
if (_up) {
if (l3 < l1 && l3 < le)
return true;
else {
if (l3 > l1 && l3 > le)
return true;
sameLine = l3 == l4;
if (sameLine && (l1 == l4 || le == l4) && cl[1]->isChord()) {
if (_up) {
if (l1 == l4 && l1 < le)
return true;
if (le == l4 && le < l1)
return true;
else {
if (l1 == l4 && l1 > le)
return true;
else if (le == l4 && le > l1)
return true;
return l1 == le;
// BeamMetric
struct Bm {
signed char l; // stem len in 1/4 spatium units
signed char s; // beam slant in 1/4 spatium units
Bm() : l(0), s(0) {}
Bm(signed char a, signed char b) : l(a), s(b) {}
static int key(int a, int b, int c) { return ((a & 0xff) << 16) | ((b & 0xff) << 8) | (c & 0xff); }
static QHash<int, Bm> bMetrics;
// initBeamMetrics
#define B(a,b,c,d,e) bMetrics[Bm::key(a, b, c)] = Bm(d, e);
static void initBeamMetrics()
// up step1 step2 stemLen1 slant
// (- up) (- up)
// =================================== C
B(1, 10, 10, -12, 0);
B(0, 3, 3, 11, 0);
B(1, 3, 3, -11, 0);
B(1, 10, 9, -12, -1);
B(1, 10, 8, -12, -4);
B(1, 10, 7, -12, -5);
B(1, 10, 6, -15, -5);
B(1, 10, 5, -16, -5);
B(1, 10, 4, -20, -4);
B(1, 10, 3, -20, -5);
B(1, 10, 11, -12, 1);
B(1, 10, 12, -13, 2); // F
B(1, 10, 13, -13, 2);
B(1, 10, 14, -13, 2);
B(1, 10, 15, -13, 2);
B(1, 3, 4, -11, 1);
B(1, 3, 5, -11, 2);
B(1, 3, 6, -11, 4);
B(1, 3, 7, -11, 5);
B(1, 3, 8, -11, 5);
B(1, 3, 9, -11, 5);
B(1, 3, 10, -11, 5);
B(0, -4, -3, 15, 1);
B(0, -4, -2, 15, 2);
B(0, -4, -1, 15, 2);
B(0, -4, 0, 15, 5);
B(0, -4, 1, 16, 5);
B(0, -4, 2, 20, 4);
B(0, -4, 3, 20, 5);
B(0, 3, 4, 13, 1);
B(0, 3, 5, 13, 2);
B(0, 3, 6, 14, 4);
B(0, 3, 7, 14, 4);
B(0, 3, 8, 14, 6);
B(0, 3, 2, 11, -1);
B(0, 3, 1, 11, -2);
B(0, 3, 0, 11, -5);
B(0, 3, -1, 11, -5);
B(0, 3, -2, 11, -5);
B(0, 3, -3, 11, -5);
B(0, 3, -4, 11, -5);
// =================================== D
B(1, 9, 9, -13, 0);
B(0, 2, 2, 12, 0);
B(1, 2, 2, -11, 0);
B(1, 9, 8, -13, -1);
B(1, 9, 7, -13, -2);
B(1, 9, 6, -13, -5);
B(1, 9, 5, -14, -5);
B(1, 9, 4, -16, -6);
B(1, 9, 3, -17, -5);
B(1, 9, 2, -17, -8);
B(1, 9, 10, -11, 1);
B(1, 9, 11, -11, 2);
B(1, 9, 12, -11, 2);
B(1, 9, 13, -11, 2);
B(1, 9, 14, -11, 2);
B(1, 9, 15, -11, 2);
B(1, 2, 3, -12, 1);
B(1, 2, 4, -12, 2);
B(1, 2, 5, -12, 4);
B(1, 2, 6, -12, 5);
B(1, 2, 7, -11, 5);
B(1, 2, 8, -12, 5);
B(1, 2, 9, -12, 8);
B(0, -5,-4, 16, 2);
B(0, -5,-3, 16, 2);
B(0, -5,-2, 17, 2);
B(0, -5,-1, 17, 2);
B(0, -5, 0, 18, 4);
B(0, -5, 1, 18, 5);
B(0, -5, 2, 21, 5);
B(0, 2, 3, 12, 1);
B(0, 2, 4, 12, 4);
B(0, 2, 5, 13, 4); // F
B(0, 2, 6, 15, 5);
B(0, 2, 7, 15, 6);
B(0, 2, 8, 16, 8);
B(0, 2, 9, 16, 8);
B(0, 2, 1, 12, -1);
B(0, 2, 0, 12, -4);
B(0, 2, -1, 12, -5);
B(0, 2, -2, 12, -5);
B(0, 2, -3, 12, -4);
B(0, 2, -4, 12, -4);
B(0, 2, -5, 12, -5);
// =================================== E
B(1, 8, 8, -12, 0);
B(0, 1, 1, 13, 0);
B(1, 1, 1, -12, 0);
B(1, 8, 7, -12, -1);
B(1, 8, 6, -12, -4);
B(1, 8, 5, -12, -5);
B(1, 8, 4, -15, -5);
B(1, 8, 3, -16, -5);
B(1, 8, 2, -17, -6);
B(1, 8, 1, -19, -6);
B(1, 15, 11, -21, -1);
B(1, 15, 10, -21, -1);
B(1, 15, 9, -21, -4);
B(1, 15, 8, -21, -5);
B(1, 1, 8, -11, 6);
B(1, 1, 7, -11, 6);
B(1, 1, 6, -12, 6);
B(1, 8, 9, -12, 1);
B(1, 8, 10, -12, 4);
B(1, 8, 11, -12, 5);
B(1, 8, 12, -12, 5);
B(1, 8, 13, -12, 4);
B(1, 8, 14, -12, 5);
B(1, 8, 15, -12, 5);
B(0, 1, 0, 11, -1);
B(0, 1, -1, 11, -2);
B(0, 1, -2, 11, -5);
B(0, 1, -3, 11, -5);
B(0, 1, -4, 11, -5);
B(0, 1, -5, 11, -5);
B(0, 1, -6, 11, -5);
B(0, 1, 2, 13, 1);
B(0, 1, 3, 13, 2);
B(0, 1, 4, 13, 5);
B(0, 1, 5, 14, 5);
B(0, 1, 6, 15, 5);
B(0, 1, 7, 17, 5);
B(0, 1, 8, 17, 8);
B(0, -6, -2, 19, 2);
B(0, -6, -1, 19, 4);
B(0, -6, 0, 20, 4);
B(0, -6, 1, 20, 5);
B(0, 8, 3, 9, -6);
B(0, 8, 2, 12, -8);
B(0, 8, 1, 12, -8);
// =================================== F
B(1, 7, 7,-13, 0); //F
B(0, 0, 0, 12, 0);
B(0, 7, 7, 12, 0);
B(1, 7, 6, -13, -1);
B(1, 7, 5, -13, -2);
B(1, 7, 4, -13, -5);
B(1, 7, 3, -14, -5);
B(1, 7, 2, -15, -6);
B(1, 7, 1, -17, -6);
B(1, 7, 0, -18, -8);
B(1, 14, 10, -19, -2);
B(1, 14, 9, -19, -2);
B(1, 14, 8, -20, -4);
B(1, 14, 7, -20, -5);
B(1, 0, 5, -9, 6);
B(1, 0, 6, -12, 8);
B(1, 0, 7, -12, 8);
B(1, 7, 8, -11, 1);
B(1, 7, 9, -11, 2);
B(1, 7, 10, -11, 5);
B(1, 7, 11, -11, 5);
B(1, 7, 12, -11, 5);
B(1, 7, 13, -11, 5);
B(1, 7, 14, -11, 5);
B(0, 0, -1, 12, -1);
B(0, 0, -2, 12, -4);
B(0, 0, -3, 12, -5);
B(0, 0, -4, 12, -5);
B(0, 0, -5, 12, -4);
B(0, 0, -6, 12, -4);
B(0, 0, -7, 12, -4);
B(0, 0, 1, 12, 1);
B(0, 0, 2, 12, 4);
B(0, 0, 3, 12, 5);
B(0, 0, 4, 15, 5);
B(0, 0, 5, 16, 5);
B(0, 0, 6, 17, 5);
B(0, 0, 7, 19, 6);
B(0, -7, -3, 21, 2);
B(0, -7, -2, 21, 2);
B(0, -7, -1, 21, 2);
B(0, -7, 0, 22, 4);
B(0, 7, 2, 12, -6);
B(0, 7, 1, 11, -6);
B(0, 7, 0, 11, -6);
// =================================== G
B(1, 6, 6, -12, 0);
B(0, -1, -1, 13, 0);
B(0, 6, 6, 11, 0);
B(1, 6, 5, -12, -1);
B(1, 6, 4, -12, -4);
B(1, 6, 3, -13, -4);
B(1, 6, 2, -15, -5);
B(1, 6, 1, -13, -7);
B(1, 6, 0, -16, -8);
B(1, 6, -1, -16, -8);
B(1, 13, 10, -17, -2);
B(1, 13, 9, -17, -2);
B(1, 13, 8, -18, -4);
B(1, 13, 7, -18, -5);
B(1, 13, 6, -21, -5);
B(1, -1, 6, -10, 8);
B(1, 6, 7, -12, 1);
B(1, 6, 8, -12, 4);
B(1, 6, 9, -12, 5);
B(1, 6, 10, -12, 5);
B(1, 6, 11, -12, 4);
B(1, 6, 12, -12, 5);
B(1, 6, 13, -12, 5);
B(0, -1, -2, 11, -1);
B(0, -1, -3, 11, -2);
B(0, -1, -4, 11, -2);
B(0, -1, -5, 11, -2);
B(0, -1, -6, 11, -2);
B(0, -1, -7, 11, -2);
B(0, -1, 0, 13, 1);
B(0, -1, 1, 13, 2);
B(0, -1, 2, 13, 5);
B(0, -1, 3, 14, 5);
B(0, -1, 4, 17, 6);
B(0, -1, 5, 18, 5);
B(0, -1, 6, 18, 8);
B(0, 6, 5, 12, -4);
B(0, 6, 4, 12, -4);
B(0, 6, 3, 12, -4);
B(0, 6, 2, 12, -6);
B(0, 6, 1, 11, -6);
B(0, 6, 0, 12, -7);
B(0, 6, -1, 12, -8);
// =================================== A
B(1, 5, 5, -11, 0);
B(0, -2, -2, 12, 0);
B(0, 5, 5, 11, 0);
B(1, 5, 4, -13, -1);
B(1, 5, 3, -13, -2);
B(1, 5, 2, -14, -4);
B(1, 5, 1, -15, -4);
B(1, 5, 0, -15, -6);
B(1, 12, 11, -15, -1);
B(1, 12, 10, -15, -2);
B(1, 12, 9, -15, -2);
B(1, 12, 8, -15, -5);
B(1, 12, 7, -16, -5);
B(1, 12, 6, -20, -4);
B(1, 12, 5, -20, -5);
B(1, 5, 6, -11, 1);
B(1, 5, 7, -11, 2);
B(1, 5, 8, -11, 5);
B(1, 5, 9, -11, 5);
B(1, 5, 10, -11, 5);
B(1, 5, 11, -11, 5);
B(1, 5, 12, -11, 5);
B(0, -2, -1, 12, 1);
B(0, -2, 0, 12, 4);
B(0, -2, 1, 12, 5);
B(0, -2, 2, 15, 5);
B(0, -2, 3, 16, 5);
B(0, -2, 4, 20, 4);
B(0, -2, 5, 20, 5);
B(0, -2, -3, 12, -1);
B(0, -2, -4, 13, -2);
B(0, -2, -5, 13, -2);
B(0, -2, -6, 13, -2);
B(0, -2, -7, 13, -2);
B(0, 5, 4, 11, -1);
B(0, 5, 3, 11, -2);
B(0, 5, 2, 11, -4);
B(0, 5, 1, 11, -5);
B(0, 5, 0, 11, -5);
B(0, 5, -1, 11, -5);
B(0, 5, -2, 11, -5);
// =================================== B
B(1, 4, 4, -12, 0);
B(1, 11, 11, -13, 0);
B(0, 4, 4, 12, 0);
B(0, -3, -3, 13, 0);
B(1, 11, 10, -13, -1);
B(1, 11, 9, -13, -2);
B(1, 11, 8, -13, -5);
B(1, 11, 7, -14, -5);
B(1, 11, 6, -18, -4);
B(1, 11, 5, -18, -5);
B(1, 11, 4, -21, -5);
B(1, 4, 3, -12, -1);
B(1, 4, 2, -12, -4);
B(1, 4, 1, -14, -4);
B(1, 4, 0, -16, -4);
B(1, 11, 12, -14, 1);
B(1, 11, 13, -14, 1);
B(1, 11, 14, -14, 1);
B(1, 11, 15, -15, 2);
B(1, 11, 16, -15, 2);
B(1, 4, 5, -12, 1);
B(1, 4, 6, -12, 4);
B(1, 4, 7, -12, 5);
B(1, 4, 8, -12, 5);
B(1, 4, 9, -13, 6);
B(1, 4, 10, -12, 4);
B(1, 4, 11, -12, 5);
B(0, 4, 3, 12, -1);
B(0, 4, 2, 12, -4);
B(0, 4, 1, 12, -5);
B(0, 4, 0, 12, -5);
B(0, 4, -1, 13, -6);
B(0, 4, -2, 12, -4);
B(0, 4, -3, 12, -5);
B(0, 4, 5, 12, 1);
B(0, 4, 6, 12, 4);
B(0, -3, -4, 14, -1);
B(0, -3, -5, 14, -1);
B(0, -3, -6, 14, -1);
B(0, -3, -7, 15, -2);
B(0, -3, -8, 15, -2);
B(0, -3, -9, 15, -2);
B(0, -3, -2, 13, 1);
B(0, -3, -1, 13, 2);
B(0, -3, 0, 13, 5);
B(0, -3, 1, 14, 5);
B(0, -3, 2, 18, 4);
B(0, -3, 3, 18, 5);
B(0, -3, 4, 21, 5);
// beamMetric1
// table driven
static Bm beamMetric1(bool up, char l1, char l2)
static int initialized = false;
if (!initialized) {
initialized = true;
return bMetrics[Bm::key(up, l1, l2)];
// adjust
// adjust stem len for notes between start-end
// return 1/4 spatium units
static int adjust(qreal _spatium4, int slant, const std::vector<ChordRest*>& cl)
size_t n = cl.size();
const ChordRest* c1 = cl[0];
const ChordRest* c2 = cl[n-1];
QPointF p1(c1->stemPosBeam()); // canvas coordinates
qreal slope = (slant * _spatium4) / (c2->stemPosBeam().x() - p1.x());
int ml = -1000;
if (c1->up()) {
for (size_t i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
QPointF p3(cl[i]->stemPosBeam());
qreal yUp = p1.y() + (p3.x() - p1.x()) * slope;
int l = lrint((yUp - p3.y()) / (_spatium4));
ml = qMax(ml, l);
else {
for (size_t i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
const ChordRest* c = cl[i];
QPointF p3(c->stemPosBeam());
qreal yUp = p1.y() + (p3.x() - p1.x()) * slope;
int l = lrint((p3.y() - yUp) / (_spatium4));
ml = qMax(ml, l);
// on tab staff, reduce a bit the stems (value 4 is experimental)
// TODO : proper fix should adapt all the numeric vaues used in Beam::computeStemLen() below
// to variable line distance
if (c1->staff() && c1->staff()->isTabStaff(Fraction(0,1))) {
ml = (ml != 0) ? ml - 4 : 0;
return ml;
return (ml > 0) ? ml : 0;
// adjust2
// adjust stem position for single beams
static void adjust2(Bm& bm, const ChordRest* c1)
static const int dd[4][4] = {
// St H -- S
{0, 0, 1, 0}, // St
{0, 0, -1, 0}, // S
{1, 1, 1, -1}, // --
{0, 0, -1, 0} // H
int ys = bm.l + c1->line() * 2;
int e1 = qAbs((ys + 1000) % 4);
int e2 = qAbs((ys + 1000 + bm.s) % 4);
bm.l -= dd[e1][e2];
// minSlant
static int minSlant(uint interval)
static const int minSlantTable[] = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 5 };
if (interval > 4)
return 5;
return minSlantTable[interval];
// maxSlant
static int maxSlant(uint interval)
static const int maxSlantTable[] = { 0, 1, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
if (interval > 7)
return 8;
return maxSlantTable[interval];
// slantTable
static int* slantTable(uint interval)
static int t[8][5] = {
{ 0, -1, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 1, -1, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 3, 4, 2, -1, 0 },
{ 4, 5, -1, 0, 0 },
{ 5, -1, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 5, 6, -1, 0, 0 },
{ 6, 5, 7, -1, 0 },
{ 6, 7, 5, 8, -1 },
if (interval > 7)
interval = 7;
return &t[interval][0] ;
// computeStemLen
void Beam::computeStemLen(const std::vector<ChordRest*>& cl, qreal& py1, int beamLevels)
qreal _spatium = spatium();
qreal _spatium4 = _spatium * .25;
// TAB: scale to staff line distance for vert. pos. within a staff
qreal _spStaff4 = staff()->isTabStaff(Fraction(0,1)) ? _spatium4 * staff()->lineDistance(Fraction(0,1)) : _spatium4;
const ChordRest* c1 = cl.front();
const ChordRest* c2 = cl.back();
qreal dx = c2->pagePos().x() - c1->pagePos().x();
bool zeroSlant = slopeZero(cl);
int l1 = c1->line() * 2;
int l2 = c2->line() * 2;
Bm bm;
// shorten stem length if grace notes beam is under main notes beam.
// Value 4 estimated. Desired: to find a good formula.
int graceStemLengthCorrection;
if (_isGrace)
graceStemLengthCorrection = static_cast<const Chord*>(c1)->underBeam() ? 4 : 3;
graceStemLengthCorrection = 0;
if (beamLevels == 1) {
bm = beamMetric1(_up, l1 / 2, l2 / 2);
if (hasNoSlope())
bm.s = 0.0;
// special case for two beamed notes: flatten to max of 1sp
static int maxShortSlant = 4;
if (bm.l && elements().size() == 2) {
//qDebug("computeStemLen: l = %d, s = %d", (int)bm.l, (int)bm.s);
if (bm.s > maxShortSlant) {
// slant downward
// lengthen first stem if down
if (bm.l > 0)
bm.l += bm.s - maxShortSlant;
// flatten beam
bm.s = maxShortSlant;
else if (bm.s < -maxShortSlant) {
// slant upward
// lengthen first stem if up
if (bm.l < 0)
bm.l -= -maxShortSlant - bm.s;
// flatten beam
bm.s = -maxShortSlant;
if (bm.l) {
if (bm.l > 0)
bm.l -= graceStemLengthCorrection;
bm.l += graceStemLengthCorrection;
if (bm.l && !(zeroSlant && cl.size() > 2)) {
if (cl.size() > 2) {
if (_up)
bm.l = -12 - adjust(_spStaff4, bm.s, cl);
bm.l = 12 + adjust(_spStaff4, bm.s, cl);
adjust2(bm, c1);
else {
int* st = slantTable(zeroSlant ? 0 : qAbs((l2 - l1) / 2));
int ll1;
if (_up) {
ll1 = l1 - ((l1 & 3) ? 11 : 12);
int ll1m = l1 - 10;
int rll1 = ll1;
if ((l1 > 20) && (l2 > 20)) {
st = slantTable(zeroSlant ? 0 : 1);
rll1 = (zeroSlant || (l2 < l1)) ? 9 : 8;
for (int n = 0; ; ll1--) {
int i;
for (i = 0; st[i] != -1; ++i) {
int slant = (l2 > l1) ? st[i] : -st[i];
int lll1 = qMin(rll1, ll1m - n - adjust(_spStaff4, slant, cl));
int ll2 = lll1 + slant;
static bool ba[4][4] = {
{ true, true, false, true },
{ true, true, false, true },
{ false, false, false, true },
{ true, true, false, true }
if (ba[lll1 & 3][ll2 & 3]) {
ll1 = lll1;
bm.s = slant;
if (st[i] != -1)
if (++n > 4) {
qDebug("beam note not found 1");
else {
ll1 = ((l1 & 3) ? 11 : 12) + l1;
int rll1 = ll1;
if ((l1 < -4) && (l2 < -4)) {
// extend to middle line, slant is always 0 <= 1
st = slantTable(zeroSlant ? 0 : 1);
rll1 = (zeroSlant || (l2 > l1)) ? 7 : 8;
for (int n = 0;;ll1++) {
int i;
for (i = 0; st[i] != -1; ++i) {
int slant = (l2 > l1) ? st[i] : -st[i];
int lll1 = qMax(rll1, ll1 + adjust(_spStaff4, slant, cl));
int e1 = lll1 & 3;
int ll2 = lll1 + slant;
int e2 = ll2 & 3;
static bool ba[4][4] = {
{ true, true, false, true },
{ true, true, false, true },
{ false, false, false, true },
{ true, true, false, true }
if (ba[e1][e2]) {
ll1 = lll1;
bm.s = slant;
if (st[i] != -1)
if (++n > 4) {
qDebug("beam not found 2");
bm.l = ll1 - l1;
else if (beamLevels == 2) {
int minS, maxS;
if (zeroSlant)
minS = maxS = 0;
else {
uint interval = qAbs((l2 - l1) / 2);
minS = minSlant(interval);
maxS = maxSlant(interval);
if (elements().size() == 2) {
minS = qMin(minS, 2);
maxS = qMin(maxS, 4);
int ll1;
if (_up) {
ll1 = l1 - 12; // sp minimum to primary beam
int rll1 = ll1;
if ((l1 > 20) && (l2 > 20)) {
minS = zeroSlant ? 0 : 1;
maxS = minS;
rll1 = (zeroSlant || (l2 < l1)) ? 9 : 8;
for (int n = 0; ; ll1--) {
int i;
for (i = minS; i <= maxS; ++i) {
int slant = (l2 > l1) ? i : -i;
int lll1 = qMin(rll1, ll1 - adjust(_spStaff4, slant, cl));
int ll2 = lll1 + slant;
static bool ba[4][4] = {
{ true, true, false, false },
{ true, true, false, false },
{ false, false, false, false },
{ false, false, false, false }
if (ba[lll1 & 3][ll2 & 3]) {
ll1 = lll1;
if (i <= maxS) {
bm.s = l2 > l1 ? i : -i;
if (++n > 4) {
qDebug("beam note not found 1 %d-%d", minS, maxS);
else {
ll1 = 12 + l1;
int rll1 = ll1;
bool down = l2 > l1;
if ((l1 < -4) && (l2 < -4)) {
// extend to middle line, slant is always 0 <= 1
minS = zeroSlant ? 0 : 1;
maxS = minS;
rll1 = (zeroSlant || down) ? 7 : 8;
for (int n = 0;;ll1++) {
int i;
for (i = minS; i <= maxS; ++i) {
int slant = down ? i : -i;
int lll1 = qMax(rll1, ll1 + adjust(_spStaff4, slant, cl));
int ll2 = lll1 + slant;
static bool ba[4][4] = {
{ true, false, false, true },
{ false, false, false, false },
{ false, false, false, false },
{ true, false, false, true }
if (ba[lll1 & 3][ll2 & 3]) {
ll1 = lll1;
bm.s = slant;
if (i <= maxS)
if (++n > 4) {
qDebug("beam not found 2");
bm.l = ll1 - l1;
else if (beamLevels == 3) {
int slant;
bool outside;
if (zeroSlant) {
outside = (_up && qMin(l1, l2) <= 10) ||
(!_up && qMax(l1, l2) >= 6);
slant = 0;
else {
outside = (_up && (l1 <= 10) && (l2 <= 10)) ||
(!_up && (l1 >= 6) && (l2 >= 6));
if (outside)
slant = *slantTable(qAbs(l1-l2) / 2);
slant = 4;
if (l1 > l2)
slant = -slant;
int ll1;
if (_up) {
static const int t[4] = { 3, 0, 1, 2 };
ll1 = l1 - 15 - adjust(_spStaff4, slant, cl);
ll1 = qMin(ll1, 5);
if (!outside)
ll1 -= t[ll1 & 3]; // extend to sit on line
else {
ll1 = 15 + l1 + adjust(_spStaff4, slant, cl);
ll1 = qMax(ll1, 11);
if (!outside)
ll1 += 3 - (ll1 & 3); // extend to hang on line
bm.s = slant;
bm.l = ll1 - l1;
else if (beamLevels == 4) {
int slant = zeroSlant ? 0 : (l2 > l1 ? 4 : -4);
int ll1;
if (_up) {
ll1 = l1 - 17 - adjust(_spStaff4, slant, cl);
ll1 = qMin(ll1, 1);
static const int t[4] = { 3, 0, 1, 2 };
ll1 -= t[ll1 & 3]; // extend to sit on line
else {
ll1 = 17 + l1 + adjust(_spStaff4, slant, cl);
ll1 = qMax(ll1, 15);
ll1 += 3 - (ll1 & 3); // extend to hang on line
bm.s = slant;
bm.l = ll1 - l1;
else { // if (beamLevels > 4) {
//static const int t[] = { 0, 0, 4, 4, 8, 12, 15, 18, 21 }; // spatium4 added to stem len
//int n = t[beamLevels] + 12;
int n = (3 * (beamLevels - 5)) + 24;
bm.s = 0;
if (_up) {
bm.l = -n;
bm.l -= adjust(_spStaff4, bm.s, cl);
else {
bm.l += n;
bm.l += adjust(_spStaff4, bm.s, cl);
if (_isGrace && (beamLevels > 1) && bm.l) {
if (bm.l > 0)
bm.l -= graceStemLengthCorrection;
bm.l += graceStemLengthCorrection;
if (dx == 0.0)
slope = 0.0;
slope = (bm.s * _spatium4) / dx;
int dy = (c1->line(_up) - c1->line(!_up)) * 2;
// Ensure the resulting stem lengths are not less than a reasonable minimum
qreal firstStemLenPoints = bm.l * _spStaff4;
const qreal sgn = (firstStemLenPoints < 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0);
const QPointF p1 = cl[0]->stemPosBeam();
for (const ChordRest* cr : cl) {
if (cr->isChord()) {
const qreal minAbsLen = toChord(cr)->minAbsStemLength();
const QPointF p2 = cr->stemPosBeam();
const qreal crStemAbsLen = std::abs((p2.x() - p1.x()) * slope - p2.y() + p1.y() + firstStemLenPoints);
if (crStemAbsLen < minAbsLen) {
const qreal dl = minAbsLen - crStemAbsLen;
firstStemLenPoints += sgn * dl;
bm.l += sgn * dl / _spStaff4;
py1 += (dy + bm.l) * _spStaff4;
// layout2
void Beam::layout2(std::vector<ChordRest*>crl, SpannerSegmentType, int frag)
if (_distribute)
score()->respace(&crl); // fix horizontal spacing of stems
if (crl.empty()) // no beamed Elements
const ChordRest* c1 = crl.front(); // first chord/rest in beam
const ChordRest* c2 = crl.back(); // last chord/rest in beam
int beamLevels = 1;
for (const ChordRest* c : crl)
beamLevels = qMax(beamLevels, c->durationType().hooks());
BeamFragment* f = fragments[frag];
int dIdx = (_direction == Direction::AUTO || _direction == Direction::DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
qreal& py1 = f->py1[dIdx];
qreal& py2 = f->py2[dIdx];
qreal _spatium = spatium();
QPointF _pagePos(pagePos());
qreal beamMinLen = score()->styleP(Sid::beamMinLen) * mag();
if (beamLevels == 4)
_beamDist = score()->styleP(Sid::beamWidth) * (1 + score()->styleD(Sid::beamDistance)*4/3);
_beamDist = score()->styleP(Sid::beamWidth) * (1 + score()->styleD(Sid::beamDistance));
_beamDist *= mag();
_beamDist *= c1->staff()->mag(c1);
size_t n = crl.size();
const StaffType* tab = 0;
if (staff()->isTabStaff(Fraction(0,1)) )
tab = staff()->staffType(Fraction(0,1));
if (tab && !tab->stemThrough()) {
// TAB STAVES with stems beside staves: beam position is fixed depending on TAB parameters and chordrest up/down
// (all the chordrests of a beam have the same up/down, as it depends on TAB parameters if there are no voices
// or from the voice the beam belongs to if there are voices; then, it is enough to check only the first chordrest)
_up = c1->up();
// compute vert. pos. of beam, relative to staff (top line = 0)
y *= _spatium;
py1 = py2 = y; // in this case, beams are always horizontal: py1 = py2
else {
// PITCHED STAVES (or TAB with stems through staves)
qreal px1 = c1->stemPosX() + c1->pageX();
qreal px2 = c2->stemPosX() + c2->pageX();
if (_userModified[dIdx]) {
py1 += _pagePos.y();
py2 += _pagePos.y();
qreal beamY = py1;
slope = (py2 - py1) / (px2 - px1);
// set stem direction for every chord
bool relayoutGrace = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
ChordRest* cr =;
if (!cr->isChord())
Chord* c = toChord(cr);
QPointF p = c->upNote()->pagePos();
qreal y1 = beamY + (p.x() - px1) * slope;
bool nup = y1 < p.y();
if (c->up() != nup) {
// guess was wrong, have to relayout
if (!_isGrace) {
score()->layoutChords1(c->segment(), c->staffIdx());
// DEBUG: attempting to layout during beam edit causes crash
// probably because ledger lines are deleted and added back
// if (editFragment == -1)
else {
relayoutGrace = true;
score()->layoutChords3(c->notes(), c->staff(), 0);
_up = crl.front()->up();
if (relayoutGrace)
else if (_cross) {
qreal beamY = 0.0; // y position of main beam start
qreal y1 = -200000;
qreal y2 = 200000;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
const ChordRest* c =;
qreal y;
if (c->isRest())
continue; //y = c->pagePos().y();
y = toChord(c)->upNote()->pagePos().y();
y1 = qMax(y1, y);
y2 = qMin(y2, y);
if (y1 > y2)
beamY = y2 + (y1 - y2) * .5;
beamY = _up ? y2 : y1;
py1 = beamY;
// set stem direction for every chord
for (ChordRest* cr : crl) {
if (!cr->isChord())
Chord* c = toChord(cr);
qreal y = c->upNote()->pagePos().y();
bool nup = beamY < y;
if (c->up() != nup) {
// guess was wrong, have to relayout
score()->layoutChords1(c->segment(), c->staffIdx());
// TODO: this might affect chord space, which might affect segment position
// we should relayout entire measure
// this probably means starting over for beam as well
// see
// also see
qreal yDownMax = -300000;
qreal yUpMin = 300000;
for (ChordRest* cr : crl) {
if (!cr->isChord())
Chord* c = toChord(cr);
bool _up1 = c->up();
qreal y = (_up1 ? c->upNote() : c->downNote())->pagePos().y();
if (_up1)
yUpMin = qMin(y, yUpMin);
yDownMax = qMax(y, yDownMax);
qreal slant = hasNoSlope() ? 0 : _spatium;
if (crl.front()->up())
slant = -slant;
py1 = yUpMin + (yDownMax - yUpMin) * .5 - slant * .5;
slope = slant / (px2 - px1);
if (_direction == Direction::AUTO)
_up = crl.front()->up();
else {
py1 = c1->stemPos().y();
py2 = c2->stemPos().y(); // for debug
computeStemLen(crl, py1, beamLevels);
py2 = (px2 - px1) * slope + py1; // for debug
py2 -= _pagePos.y();
py1 -= _pagePos.y();
// create beam segments
qreal x1 = crl[0]->stemPosX() + crl[0]->pageX() - pageX();
int baseLevel = 0; // beam level that covers all notes of beam
#if (!defined (_MSCVER) && !defined (_MSC_VER))
int crBase[n]; // offset of beam level 0 for each chord
// MSVC does not support VLA. Replace with std::vector. If profiling determines that the
// heap allocation is slow, an optimization might be used.
std::vector<int> crBase(n);
bool growDown = _up;
for (int beamLevel = 0; beamLevel < beamLevels; ++beamLevel) {
// loop through the different groups for this beam level
// inner loop will advance through chordrests within each group
for (size_t i = 0; i < n;) {
ChordRest* cr1 = crl[i];
int l1 = cr1->durationType().hooks() - 1;
if ((cr1->type() == ElementType::REST && i) || l1 < beamLevel) {
// at the beginning of a group
// loop through chordrests looking for end
size_t currentChordRestIndex = i;
bool b32 = false, b64 = false;
for (; i < n; ++i) {
ChordRest* c = crl[i];
ChordRest* p = i ? crl[i - 1] : 0;
int l = c->durationType().hooks() - 1;
Mode bm = Groups::endBeam(c, p);
b32 = (beamLevel >= 1) && (bm == Mode::BEGIN32);
b64 = (beamLevel >= 2) && (bm == Mode::BEGIN64);
if ((l >= beamLevel && (b32 || b64)) || (l < beamLevel)) {
if (i > 1 && crl[i-1]->type() == ElementType::REST) {
// found end of group
size_t chordRestEndGroupIndex = i;
ChordRest* cr2 = crl[chordRestEndGroupIndex - 1];
// if group covers whole beam, we are still at base level
if (currentChordRestIndex == 0 && chordRestEndGroupIndex == n)
baseLevel = beamLevel;
// default assumption - everything grows in same direction
int bl = growDown ? beamLevel : -beamLevel;
bool growDownGroup = growDown;
// calculate direction for this group
if (beamLevel > baseLevel) {
if ((currentChordRestIndex && (cr1->up() == cr2->up()))
|| ((chordRestEndGroupIndex == n) && (cr1->up() != cr2->up()))) {
// matching direction for outer stems, not first group
// or, opposing direction for outer stems, last group
// recalculate beam for this group based on its *first* cr
growDownGroup = cr1->up();
else if (!currentChordRestIndex && (chordRestEndGroupIndex < n) && (cr1->up() != cr2->up())) {
// opposing directions for outer stems, first (but not only) group
// recalculate beam for this group if necessary based on its *last* cr
growDownGroup = cr2->up();
// recalculate segment offset bl
int base = crBase[currentChordRestIndex];
if (growDownGroup && base <= 0)
bl = base + beamLevel;
else if (growDownGroup)
bl = base + 1;
else if (!growDownGroup && base >= 0)
bl = base - beamLevel;
else if (!growDownGroup)
bl = base - 1;
// if there are more beam levels,
// record current beam offsets for all notes of this group for re-use
if (beamLevel < beamLevels - 1) {
for (size_t i1 = currentChordRestIndex; i1 < chordRestEndGroupIndex; ++i1)
crBase[i1] = bl;
qreal stemWidth = (cr1->isChord() && toChord(cr1)->stem()) ? toChord(cr1)->stem()->lineWidthMag() : 0.0;
qreal x2 = cr1->stemPosX() + cr1->pageX() - _pagePos.x();
qreal x3;
if ((chordRestEndGroupIndex - currentChordRestIndex) > 1) {
ChordRest* chordRest2 = crl[chordRestEndGroupIndex-1];
// create segment
x3 = chordRest2->stemPosX() + chordRest2->pageX() - _pagePos.x();
if (tab) {
x2 -= stemWidth * 0.5;
x3 += stemWidth * 0.5;
else {
if (cr1->up())
x2 -= stemWidth;
if (!chordRest2->up())
x3 += (chordRest2->isChord() && toChord(chordRest2)->stem()) ? toChord(chordRest2)->stem()->lineWidthMag() : 0.0;
else {
// create broken segment
if (cr1->type() == ElementType::REST)
size_t sizeChordRests = crl.size();
qreal len = beamMinLen;
// find direction (by default, segment points to right)
// if first or last of group (including tuplet groups)
// unconditionally set beam at right or left side
Tuplet* tuplet = cr1->tuplet();
if (currentChordRestIndex == 0)
else if (currentChordRestIndex == sizeChordRests - 1)
len = -len;
else if (tuplet && cr1 == tuplet->elements().front())
else if (tuplet && cr1 == tuplet->elements().back())
len = -len;
else if (b32 || b64) // end of a sub-beam group
len = -len;
else if (!(cr1->isGrace())) {
// inside group - here it gets more complex
// see,
// our strategy:
// decide if we have reached the end of a "logical" grouping
// even if we are not literally at the end of a beam group
// we do this two ways:
// 1) see if beam groups would have indicated a break or sub-beam if the next chord were same length as this
// 2) see if next note is on a "sub-beat" as defined by 2 * current note duration
// in either case, broken segment should point left; otherwise right
// however, we should try to be careful to avoid "floating" segments
// caused by mismatches between number of incoming versus outgoing beams
// so, we favor the side with more beams (to the extent we can count reliably)
// if there is a corner case missed, this would probably be where
ChordRest* prevCR = crl[currentChordRestIndex-1];
ChordRest* nextCR = crl[currentChordRestIndex+1];
TDuration currentDuration = cr1->durationType();
int currentHooks = currentDuration.hooks();
// since we have already established that we are not at end of sub-beam,
// outgoing beams should always be # hooks of next chord
int beamsOut = nextCR->durationType().hooks();
// incoming beams is normally # hooks of previous chord
// unless this is start of sub-beam
const Groups& g = cr1->staff()->group(cr1->measure()->tick());
Fraction stretch = cr1->staff()->timeStretch(cr1->measure()->tick());
int currentTick = (cr1->rtick() * stretch).ticks();
Beam::Mode bm = g.beamMode(currentTick, currentDuration.type());
int beamsIn;
if (bm == Beam::Mode::BEGIN32)
beamsIn = 1;
else if (bm == Beam::Mode::BEGIN64)
beamsIn = 2;
beamsIn = prevCR->durationType().hooks();
// remember, we are checking whether nextCR would have started sub-beam *if* same duration as this
int nextTick = (nextCR->rtick() * stretch).ticks();
bm = g.beamMode(nextTick, currentDuration.type());
if (currentHooks - beamsOut > 1 && beamsIn > beamsOut && currentHooks > beamsIn) {
// point left to avoid floating segment
len = -len;
else if (beamsIn < beamsOut) {
// point right to avoid floating segment
else if (bm != Beam::Mode::AUTO) {
// beam group info suggests this is a logical group end as per 1) above
len = -len;
else {
// determine if this is a logical group end as per 2) above
Fraction baseTick = tuplet ? tuplet->tick() : cr1->measure()->tick();
Fraction tickNext = nextCR->tick() - baseTick;
if (tuplet) {
// for tuplets with odd ratios, apply ratio
// thus, we are performing calculation relative to apparent rather than actual beat
// for tuplets with even ratios, use actual beat
// see
Fraction r = tuplet->ratio();
if (r.numerator() & 1)
tickNext = tickNext * r;
// determine the tick length of a chord with one beam level less than this
// (i.e. twice the ticks of this)
int tickMod = cr1->ticks().ticks() * 2; // (tickNext - (crl[c1]->tick() - baseTick)) * 2;
// if this completes, within the measure or tuplet, a unit of tickMod length, flip beam to left
// (allow some tolerance for tick rounding in tuplets
// without tuplet tolerance, could be simplified)
static const int BEAM_TUPLET_TOLERANCE = 6;
int mod = tickNext.ticks() % tickMod;
len = -len;
if (tab) {
if (len > 0)
x2 -= stemWidth * 0.5;
x2 += stemWidth * 0.5;
else {
bool stemUp = cr1->up();
if (stemUp && len > 0)
x2 -= stemWidth;
else if (!stemUp && len < 0)
x2 += stemWidth;
x3 = x2 + len;
//feathered beams
qreal yo = py1 + bl * _beamDist * _grow1;
qreal yoo = py1 + bl * _beamDist * _grow2;
qreal ly1 = (x2 - x1) * slope + yo;
qreal ly2 = (x3 - x1) * slope + yoo;
if (!qIsFinite(x2) || !qIsFinite(ly1)
|| !qIsFinite(x3) || !qIsFinite(ly2)) {
qDebug("bad beam segment: slope %f", slope);
else {
beamSegments.push_back(new QLineF(x2, ly1, x3, ly2));
// calculate stem length
for (ChordRest* cr : crl) {
if (!cr->isChord())
Chord* c = toChord(cr);
if (c->hook())
QPointF stemPos(c->stemPosX() + c->pagePos().x(), c->stemPos().y());
qreal x2 = stemPos.x() - _pagePos.x();
qreal y1 = (x2 - x1) * slope + py1 + _pagePos.y();
qreal y2 = stemPos.y();
// qreal fuzz = _spatium * .1;
qreal fuzz = _spatium * .4; // something is wrong
qreal by = y2 < y1 ? -1000000 : 1000000;
for (const QLineF* l : beamSegments) {
if ((x2+fuzz) >= l->x1() && (x2-fuzz) <= l->x2()) {
qreal y = (x2 - l->x1()) * slope + l->y1();
by = y2 < y1 ? qMax(by, y) : qMin(by, y);
if (by == -1000000 || by == 1000000) {
if (beamSegments.empty())
qDebug("no BeamSegments");
else {
qDebug("BeamSegment not found: x %f %f-%f",
x2, beamSegments.front()->x1(),
by = 0;
Stem* stem = c->stem();
if (stem) {
bool useTablature = staff() && staff()->isTabStaff(cr->tick());
qreal sw2 = useTablature ? 0.f : stem->lineWidthMag() * .5;
if (c->up())
sw2 = -sw2;
stem->rxpos() = c->stemPosX() + sw2;
qreal l = y2 - (by + _pagePos.y());
StemSlash* stemSlash = c->stemSlash();
if (stemSlash)
Tremolo* tremolo = c->tremolo();
if (tremolo)
c->segment()->createShape(c->vStaffIdx()); // recreate shape
// spatiumChanged
void Beam::spatiumChanged(qreal oldValue, qreal newValue)
int idx = (_direction == Direction::AUTO || _direction == Direction::DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
if (_userModified[idx]) {
qreal diff = newValue / oldValue;
for (BeamFragment* f : fragments) {
f->py1[idx] = f->py1[idx] * diff;
f->py2[idx] = f->py2[idx] * diff;
// write
void Beam::write(XmlWriter& xml) const
if (_elements.empty())
writeProperty(xml, Pid::STEM_DIRECTION);
writeProperty(xml, Pid::DISTRIBUTE);
writeProperty(xml, Pid::BEAM_NO_SLOPE);
writeProperty(xml, Pid::GROW_LEFT);
writeProperty(xml, Pid::GROW_RIGHT);
int idx = (_direction == Direction::AUTO || _direction == Direction::DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
if (_userModified[idx]) {
qreal _spatium = spatium();
for (BeamFragment* f : fragments) {
xml.tag("y1", f->py1[idx] / _spatium);
xml.tag("y2", f->py2[idx] / _spatium);
// this info is used for regression testing
// l1/l2 is the beam position of the layout engine
if (MScore::testMode) {
qreal _spatium4 = spatium() * .25;
for (BeamFragment* f : fragments) {
xml.tag("l1", int(lrint(f->py1[idx] / _spatium4)));
xml.tag("l2", int(lrint(f->py2[idx] / _spatium4)));
// read
void Beam::read(XmlReader& e)
qreal _spatium = spatium();
if (score()->mscVersion() < 301)
_id = e.intAttribute("id");
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
const QStringRef& tag(;
if (tag == "StemDirection") {
readProperty(e, Pid::STEM_DIRECTION);
else if (tag == "distribute")
else if (readStyledProperty(e, tag))
else if (tag == "growLeft")
else if (tag == "growRight")
else if (tag == "y1") {
if (fragments.empty())
fragments.append(new BeamFragment);
BeamFragment* f = fragments.back();
int idx = (_direction == Direction::AUTO || _direction == Direction::DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
_userModified[idx] = true;
f->py1[idx] = e.readDouble() * _spatium;
else if (tag == "y2") {
if (fragments.empty())
fragments.append(new BeamFragment);
BeamFragment* f = fragments.back();
int idx = (_direction == Direction::AUTO || _direction == Direction::DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
_userModified[idx] = true;
f->py2[idx] = e.readDouble() * _spatium;
else if (tag == "Fragment") {
BeamFragment* f = new BeamFragment;
int idx = (_direction == Direction::AUTO || _direction == Direction::DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
_userModified[idx] = true;
qreal _spatium1 = spatium();
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
const QStringRef& tag1(;
if (tag1 == "y1")
f->py1[idx] = e.readDouble() * _spatium1;
else if (tag1 == "y2")
f->py2[idx] = e.readDouble() * _spatium1;
else if (tag == "l1" || tag == "l2") // ignore
else if (tag == "subtype") // obsolete
else if (!Element::readProperties(e))
// BeamEditData
class BeamEditData : public ElementEditData {
int editFragment;
virtual EditDataType type() override { return EditDataType::BeamEditData; }
// editDrag
void Beam::editDrag(EditData& ed)
int idx = (_direction == Direction::AUTO || _direction == Direction::DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
qreal dy =;
BeamEditData* bed = static_cast<BeamEditData*>(ed.getData(this));
BeamFragment* f = fragments[bed->editFragment];
qreal y1 = f->py1[idx];
qreal y2 = f->py2[idx];
if (ed.curGrip == Grip::START)
y1 += dy;
else if (ed.curGrip == Grip::END)
y2 += dy;
else if (ed.curGrip == Grip::MIDDLE) {
y1 += dy;
y2 += dy;
qreal _spatium = spatium();
// Because of the logic in Beam::setProperty(),
// changing Pid::BEAM_POS only has an effect if Pid::USER_MODIFIED is true.
undoChangeProperty(Pid::USER_MODIFIED, true);
undoChangeProperty(Pid::BEAM_POS, QPointF(y1 / _spatium, y2 / _spatium));
undoChangeProperty(Pid::GENERATED, false);
// gripsPositions
std::vector<QPointF> Beam::gripsPositions(const EditData& ed) const
int idx = (_direction == Direction::AUTO || _direction == Direction::DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
BeamEditData* bed = static_cast<BeamEditData*>(ed.getData(this));
BeamFragment* f = fragments[bed->editFragment];
ChordRest* c1 = nullptr;
ChordRest* c2 = nullptr;
int n = _elements.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (_elements[i]->isChordRest()) {
c1 = toChordRest(_elements[i]);
for (int i = n-1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (_elements[i]->isChordRest()) {
c2 = toChordRest(_elements[i]);
int y = pagePos().y();
qreal middleX = (c1->stemPosX() + c1->pageX() + c2->stemPosX() + c2->pageX()) / 2;
qreal middleY = (f->py1[idx] + y + f->py2[idx] + y) / 2;
return {
QPointF(c1->stemPosX() + c1->pageX(), f->py1[idx] + y),
QPointF(c2->stemPosX() + c2->pageX(), f->py2[idx] + y),
QPointF(middleX, middleY)
// setBeamDirection
void Beam::setBeamDirection(Direction d)
_direction = d;
if (d != Direction::AUTO)
_up = d == Direction::UP;
// reset
void Beam::reset()
if (distribute())
undoChangeProperty(Pid::DISTRIBUTE, false);
if (growLeft() != 1.0)
undoChangeProperty(Pid::GROW_LEFT, 1.0);
if (growRight() != 1.0)
undoChangeProperty(Pid::GROW_RIGHT, 1.0);
if (userModified()) {
undoChangeProperty(Pid::BEAM_POS, QVariant(beamPos()));
undoChangeProperty(Pid::USER_MODIFIED, false);
undoChangeProperty(Pid::STEM_DIRECTION, QVariant::fromValue<Direction>(Direction::AUTO));
// startEdit
void Beam::startEdit(EditData& ed)
// endEdit
void Beam::endEdit(EditData& ed)
// triggerLayout
void Beam::triggerLayout() const
if (!_elements.empty()) {
// acceptDrop
bool Beam::acceptDrop(EditData& data) const
return (data.dropElement->type() == ElementType::ICON)
&& ((toIcon(data.dropElement)->iconType() == IconType::FBEAM1)
|| (toIcon(data.dropElement)->iconType() == IconType::FBEAM2));
// drop
Element* Beam::drop(EditData& data)
if (!data.dropElement->isIcon())
return 0;
Icon* e = toIcon(data.dropElement);
qreal g1;
qreal g2;
if (e->iconType() == IconType::FBEAM1) {
g1 = 1.0;
g2 = 0.0;
else if (e->iconType() == IconType::FBEAM2) {
g1 = 0.0;
g2 = 1.0;
return 0;
if (g1 != growLeft())
undoChangeProperty(Pid::GROW_LEFT, g1);
if (g2 != growRight())
undoChangeProperty(Pid::GROW_RIGHT, g2);
return 0;
// beamPos
// misuse QPointF for y1-y2 real values
QPointF Beam::beamPos() const
if (fragments.empty())
return QPointF(0.0, 0.0);
BeamFragment* f = fragments.back();
int idx = (_direction == Direction::AUTO || _direction == Direction::DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
qreal _spatium = spatium();
return QPointF(f->py1[idx] / _spatium, f->py2[idx] / _spatium);
// setBeamPos
void Beam::setBeamPos(const QPointF& bp)
if (fragments.empty())
fragments.append(new BeamFragment);
BeamFragment* f = fragments.back();
int idx = (_direction == Direction::AUTO || _direction == Direction::DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
_userModified[idx] = true;
qreal _spatium = spatium();
f->py1[idx] = bp.x() * _spatium;
f->py2[idx] = bp.y() * _spatium;
// userModified
bool Beam::userModified() const
int idx = (_direction == Direction::AUTO || _direction == Direction::DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
return _userModified[idx];
// setUserModified
void Beam::setUserModified(bool val)
int idx = (_direction == Direction::AUTO || _direction == Direction::DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
_userModified[idx] = val;
// getProperty
QVariant Beam::getProperty(Pid propertyId) const
switch (propertyId) {
case Pid::STEM_DIRECTION: return QVariant::fromValue<Direction>(beamDirection());
case Pid::DISTRIBUTE: return distribute();
case Pid::GROW_LEFT: return growLeft();
case Pid::GROW_RIGHT: return growRight();
case Pid::USER_MODIFIED: return userModified();
case Pid::BEAM_POS: return beamPos();
case Pid::BEAM_NO_SLOPE: return noSlope();
return Element::getProperty(propertyId);
// setProperty
bool Beam::setProperty(Pid propertyId, const QVariant& v)
switch (propertyId) {
case Pid::GROW_LEFT:
case Pid::GROW_RIGHT:
case Pid::BEAM_POS:
if (userModified())
case Pid::BEAM_NO_SLOPE:
if (!Element::setProperty(propertyId, v))
return false;
return true;
// propertyDefault
QVariant Beam::propertyDefault(Pid id) const
switch (id) {
// case Pid::SUB_STYLE: return int(Tid::BEAM);
case Pid::STEM_DIRECTION: return QVariant::fromValue<Direction>(Direction::AUTO);
case Pid::DISTRIBUTE: return false;
case Pid::GROW_LEFT: return 1.0;
case Pid::GROW_RIGHT: return 1.0;
case Pid::USER_MODIFIED: return false;
case Pid::BEAM_POS: return beamPos();
default: return Element::propertyDefault(id);
// addSkyline
// add beam shape to skyline
void Beam::addSkyline(Skyline& sk)
if (beamSegments.empty() || !addToSkyline())
qreal lw2 = point(score()->styleS(Sid::beamWidth)) * .5 * mag();
const QLineF* bs = beamSegments.front();
double d = (qAbs(bs->y2() - bs->y1())) / (bs->x2() - bs->x1());
if (beamSegments.size() > 1 && d > M_PI/6.0)
d = M_PI/6.0;
double ww = lw2 / sin(M_PI_2 - atan(d));
qreal _spatium = spatium();
for (const QLineF* beamSegment : beamSegments) {
qreal x = beamSegment->x1();
qreal y = beamSegment->y1();
qreal w = beamSegment->x2() - x;
int n = (d < 0.01) ? 1 : int(ceil(w / _spatium));
qreal s = (beamSegment->y2() - y) / w;
w /= n;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
qreal y2 = y + w * s;
qreal yn, ys;
if (y2 > y) {
yn = y;
ys = y2;
else {
yn = y2;
ys = y;
sk.north().add(x, yn - ww, w);
sk.south().add(x, ys + ww, w);
x += w;
y = y2;
// tick
Fraction Beam::tick() const
return _elements.empty() ? Fraction(0, 1) : _elements.front()->segment()->tick();
// rtick
Fraction Beam::rtick() const
return _elements.empty() ? Fraction(0, 1) : _elements.front()->segment()->rtick();
// ticks
// calculate the ticks of all chords and rests connected by the beam
Fraction Beam::ticks() const
Fraction ticks = Fraction(0, 1);
for (ChordRest* cr : _elements)
ticks += cr->actualTicks();
return ticks;
// iconType
IconType Beam::iconType(Mode mode)
switch (mode) {
case Mode::BEGIN:
return IconType::SBEAM;
case Mode::MID:
return IconType::MBEAM;
case Mode::NONE:
return IconType::NBEAM;
case Mode::BEGIN32:
return IconType::BEAM32;
case Mode::BEGIN64:
return IconType::BEAM64;
case Mode::AUTO:
return IconType::AUTOBEAM;
return IconType::NONE;
// drag
QRectF Beam::drag(EditData& ed)
int idx = (_direction == Direction::AUTO || _direction == Direction::DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
qreal dy = ed.pos.y() - ed.lastPos.y();
BeamEditData* bed = static_cast<BeamEditData*>(ed.getData(this));
BeamFragment* f = fragments[bed->editFragment];
qreal y1 = f->py1[idx];
qreal y2 = f->py2[idx];
y1 += dy;
y2 += dy;
qreal _spatium = spatium();
// Because of the logic in Beam::setProperty(),
// changing Pid::BEAM_POS only has an effect if Pid::USER_MODIFIED is true.
undoChangeProperty(Pid::USER_MODIFIED, true);
undoChangeProperty(Pid::BEAM_POS, QPointF(y1 / _spatium, y2 / _spatium));
undoChangeProperty(Pid::GENERATED, false);
return canvasBoundingRect();
// isMovable
bool Beam::isMovable() const
return true;
// initBeamEditData
void Beam::initBeamEditData(EditData& ed)
BeamEditData* bed = new BeamEditData();
bed->e = this;
bed->editFragment = 0;
QPointF pt(ed.normalizedStartMove - pagePos());
qreal ydiff = 100000000.0;
int idx = (_direction == Direction::AUTO || _direction == Direction::DOWN) ? 0 : 1;
int i = 0;
for (BeamFragment* f : fragments) {
qreal d = fabs(f->py1[idx] - pt.y());
if (d < ydiff) {
ydiff = d;
bed->editFragment = i;
// startDrag
void Beam::startDrag(EditData& editData)