Marc Sabatella a780a36dea fix #301259

See also

The problem occurs in several different overrides to
getPropertyStyle() for various different text classes.
The function is supposed to determine
which Sid to use for Pid::OFFSET, based on placement above/below.
But that calculation should only be relevant
if the element is using the default text style for its type.
Otherwise it should use the offset in the current text style.

This code removes the overrides for getPropertyStyle() in each class,
instead modifying TextBase::getPropertyStyle() to check
if the element is using its default text style or not,
and then only if so does it use the placement to select a Sid.
Otherwise it uses the offset of the current text style.
2020-04-15 18:07:27 -06:00

656 lines
22 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "lyrics.h"
#include "chord.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "sym.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "xml.h"
#include "staff.h"
#include "segment.h"
#include "undo.h"
#include "textedit.h"
#include "measure.h"
namespace Ms {
// lyricsElementStyle
static const ElementStyle lyricsElementStyle {
{ Sid::lyricsPlacement, Pid::PLACEMENT },
// Lyrics
Lyrics::Lyrics(Score* s)
: TextBase(s, Tid::LYRICS_ODD)
_even = false;
_no = 0;
_ticks = Fraction(0,1);
_syllabic = Syllabic::SINGLE;
_separator = 0;
Lyrics::Lyrics(const Lyrics& l)
: TextBase(l)
_even = l._even;
_no = l._no;
_ticks = l._ticks;
_syllabic = l._syllabic;
_separator = 0;
if (_separator)
// scanElements
void Lyrics::scanElements(void* data, void (*func)(void*, Element*), bool /*all*/)
func(data, this);
/* DO NOT ADD EITHER THE LYRICSLINE OR THE SEGMENTS: segments are added through the system each belongs to;
LyricsLine is not needed, as it is internally manged.
if (_separator)
_separator->scanElements(data, func, all); */
// write
void Lyrics::write(XmlWriter& xml) const
if (!xml.canWrite(this))
writeProperty(xml, Pid::VERSE);
if (_syllabic != Syllabic::SINGLE) {
static const char* sl[] = {
"single", "begin", "end", "middle"
xml.tag("syllabic", sl[int(_syllabic)]);
xml.tag("ticks", _ticks.ticks(), 0); // pre-3.1 compatibility: write integer ticks under <ticks> tag
writeProperty(xml, Pid::LYRIC_TICKS);
// read
void Lyrics::read(XmlReader& e)
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
if (!readProperties(e))
if (!isStyled(Pid::OFFSET) && !e.pasteMode()) {
// fix offset for pre-3.1 scores
// 3.0: y offset was meaningless if autoplace is set
QString version = masterScore()->mscoreVersion();
if (autoplace() && !version.isEmpty() && version < "3.1") {
QPointF off = propertyDefault(Pid::OFFSET).toPointF();
ryoffset() = off.y();
// readProperties
bool Lyrics::readProperties(XmlReader& e)
const QStringRef& tag(;
if (tag == "no")
_no = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "syllabic") {
QString val(e.readElementText());
if (val == "single")
_syllabic = Syllabic::SINGLE;
else if (val == "begin")
_syllabic = Syllabic::BEGIN;
else if (val == "end")
_syllabic = Syllabic::END;
else if (val == "middle")
_syllabic = Syllabic::MIDDLE;
qDebug("bad syllabic property");
else if (tag == "ticks") // obsolete
_ticks = e.readFraction(); // will fall back to reading integer ticks on older scores
else if (tag == "ticks_f")
_ticks = e.readFraction();
else if (readProperty(tag, e, Pid::PLACEMENT))
else if (!TextBase::readProperties(e))
return false;
return true;
// add
void Lyrics::add(Element* el)
// el->setParent(this);
// if (el->type() == ElementType::LINE)
// _separator.append((Line*)el); // ignore! Internally managed
// ;
// else
qDebug("Lyrics::add: unknown element %s", el->name());
// remove
void Lyrics::remove(Element* el)
if (el->isLyricsLine()) {
// only if separator still exists and is the right one
if (_separator && el == _separator) {
// Lyrics::remove() and LyricsLine::removeUnmanaged() call each other;
// be sure each finds a clean context
LyricsLine* separ = _separator;
_separator = 0;
//done in undo/redo? delete separ;
qDebug("Lyrics::remove: unknown element %s", el->name());
// isMelisma
bool Lyrics::isMelisma() const
// entered as melisma using underscore?
if (_ticks > Fraction(0,1))
return true;
// hyphenated?
// if so, it is a melisma only if there is no lyric in same verse on next CR
if (_syllabic == Syllabic::BEGIN || _syllabic == Syllabic::MIDDLE) {
// find next CR on same track and check for existence of lyric in same verse
ChordRest* cr = chordRest();
if (cr) {
Segment* s = cr->segment()->next1();
ChordRest* ncr = s ? s->nextChordRest(cr->track()) : 0;
if (ncr && !ncr->lyrics(_no, placement()))
return true;
// default - not a melisma
return false;
// layout
// - does not touch vertical position
void Lyrics::layout()
if (!parent()) { // palette & clone trick
// parse leading verse number and/or punctuation, so we can factor it into layout separately
bool hasNumber = false; // _verseNumber;
// find:
// 1) string of numbers and non-word characters at start of syllable
// 2) at least one other character (indicating start of actual lyric)
// 3) string of non-word characters at end of syllable
//QRegularExpression leadingPattern("(^[\\d\\W]+)([^\\d\\W]+)");
const QString text = plainText();
QString leading;
QString trailing;
if (score()->styleB(Sid::lyricsAlignVerseNumber)) {
QRegularExpression punctuationPattern("(^[\\d\\W]*)([^\\d\\W].*?)([\\d\\W]*$)", QRegularExpression::UseUnicodePropertiesOption);
QRegularExpressionMatch punctuationMatch = punctuationPattern.match(text);
if (punctuationMatch.hasMatch()) {
// leading and trailing punctuation
leading = punctuationMatch.captured(1);
trailing = punctuationMatch.captured(3);
//QString actualLyric = punctuationMatch.captured(2);
if (!leading.isEmpty() && leading[0].isDigit())
hasNumber = true;
bool styleDidChange = false;
if ((_no & 1) && !_even) {
initTid(Tid::LYRICS_EVEN, /* preserveDifferent */ true);
_even = true;
styleDidChange = true;
if (!(_no & 1) && _even) {
initTid(Tid::LYRICS_ODD, /* preserveDifferent */ true);
_even = false;
styleDidChange = true;
if (styleDidChange)
if (isMelisma() || hasNumber)
if (isStyled(Pid::ALIGN)) {
QPointF o(propertyDefault(Pid::OFFSET).toPointF());
rxpos() = o.x();
qreal x = pos().x();
qreal centerAdjust = 0.0;
qreal leftAdjust = 0.0;
if (score()->styleB(Sid::lyricsAlignVerseNumber)) {
// Calculate leading and trailing parts widths. Lyrics
// should have text layout to be able to do it correctly.
Q_ASSERT(rows() != 0);
if (!leading.isEmpty() || !trailing.isEmpty()) {
// qDebug("create leading, trailing <%s> -- <%s><%s>", qPrintable(text), qPrintable(leading), qPrintable(trailing));
const TextBlock& tb = textBlock(0);
const qreal leadingWidth = tb.xpos(leading.length(), this) - tb.boundingRect().x();
const int trailingPos = text.length() - trailing.length();
const qreal trailingWidth = tb.boundingRect().right() - tb.xpos(trailingPos, this);
leftAdjust = leadingWidth;
centerAdjust = leadingWidth - trailingWidth;
ChordRest* cr = chordRest();
if (align() & Align::HCENTER) {
// center under notehead, not origin
// however, lyrics that are melismas or have verse numbers will be forced to left alignment
// center under note head
qreal nominalWidth = symWidth(SymId::noteheadBlack);
x += nominalWidth * .5 - cr->x() - centerAdjust * 0.5;
else if (!(align() & Align::RIGHT)) {
// even for left aligned syllables, ignore leading verse numbers and/or punctuation
x -= leftAdjust;
rxpos() = x;
if (_ticks > Fraction(0,1) || _syllabic == Syllabic::BEGIN || _syllabic == Syllabic::MIDDLE) {
if (!_separator) {
_separator = new LyricsLine(score());
// HACK separator should have non-zero length to get its layout
// always triggered. A proper ticks length will be set later on the
// separator layout.
// bbox().setWidth(bbox().width()); // ??
else {
if (_separator) {
delete _separator;
_separator = 0;
// layout2
// compute vertical position
void Lyrics::layout2(int nAbove)
qreal lh = lineSpacing() * score()->styleD(Sid::lyricsLineHeight);
if (placeBelow()) {
qreal yo = segment()->measure()->system()->staff(staffIdx())->bbox().height();
rypos() = lh * (_no - nAbove) + yo - chordRest()->y();
rpos() += styleValue(Pid::OFFSET, Sid::lyricsPosBelow).toPointF();
else {
rypos() = -lh * (nAbove - _no - 1) - chordRest()->y();
rpos() += styleValue(Pid::OFFSET, Sid::lyricsPosAbove).toPointF();
// paste
void Lyrics::paste(EditData& ed)
MuseScoreView* scoreview = ed.view;
#if defined(Q_OS_MAC) || defined(Q_OS_WIN)
QClipboard::Mode mode = QClipboard::Clipboard;
QClipboard::Mode mode = QClipboard::Selection;
QString txt = QApplication::clipboard()->text(mode);
QString regex = QString("[^\\S") + QChar(0xa0) + QChar(0x202F) + "]+";
QStringList sl = txt.split(QRegExp(regex), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (sl.empty())
QStringList hyph = sl[0].split("-");
bool minus = false;
bool underscore = false;
if(hyph.length() > 1) {
score()->undo(new InsertText(cursor(ed), hyph[0]), &ed);
sl[0] = hyph.join("-");
minus = true;
else if (sl.length() > 1 && sl[1] == "-") {
score()->undo(new InsertText(cursor(ed), sl[0]), &ed);
minus = true;
else if (sl[0].startsWith("_")) {
sl[0].remove(0, 1);
if (sl[0].isEmpty())
underscore = true;
else if (sl[0].contains("_")) {
int p = sl[0].indexOf("_");
score()->undo(new InsertText(cursor(ed), sl[0]), &ed);
sl[0] = sl[0].mid(p + 1);
if (sl[0].isEmpty())
underscore = true;
else if (sl.length() > 1 && sl[1] == "_") {
score()->undo(new InsertText(cursor(ed), sl[0]), &ed);
underscore = true;
else {
score()->undo(new InsertText(cursor(ed), sl[0]), &ed);
txt = sl.join(" ");
QApplication::clipboard()->setText(txt, mode);
if (minus)
else if (underscore)
scoreview->lyricsTab(false, false, true);
// endTick
Fraction Lyrics::endTick() const
return segment()->tick() + ticks();
// acceptDrop
bool Lyrics::acceptDrop(EditData& data) const
return data.dropElement->isText() || TextBase::acceptDrop(data);
// drop
Element* Lyrics::drop(EditData& data)
ElementType type = data.dropElement->type();
if (type == ElementType::SYMBOL || type == ElementType::FSYMBOL) {
return 0;
if (!data.dropElement->isText()) {
delete data.dropElement;
data.dropElement = 0;
return 0;
Text* e = toText(data.dropElement);
return e;
// endEdit
void Lyrics::endEdit(EditData& ed)
// removeFromScore
void Lyrics::removeFromScore()
if (_separator) {
delete _separator;
_separator = 0;
// getProperty
QVariant Lyrics::getProperty(Pid propertyId) const
switch (propertyId) {
case Pid::SYLLABIC:
return int(_syllabic);
case Pid::LYRIC_TICKS:
return _ticks;
case Pid::VERSE:
return _no;
return TextBase::getProperty(propertyId);
// setProperty
bool Lyrics::setProperty(Pid propertyId, const QVariant& v)
switch (propertyId) {
case Pid::PLACEMENT:
case Pid::SYLLABIC:
_syllabic = Syllabic(v.toInt());
case Pid::LYRIC_TICKS:
_ticks = v.value<Fraction>();
case Pid::VERSE:
_no = v.toInt();
if (!TextBase::setProperty(propertyId, v))
return false;
return true;
// propertyDefault
QVariant Lyrics::propertyDefault(Pid id) const
switch (id) {
case Pid::SUB_STYLE:
return int((_no & 1) ? Tid::LYRICS_EVEN : Tid::LYRICS_ODD);
case Pid::PLACEMENT:
return score()->styleV(Sid::lyricsPlacement);
case Pid::SYLLABIC:
return int(Syllabic::SINGLE);
case Pid::LYRIC_TICKS:
return Fraction(0,1);
case Pid::VERSE:
return 0;
case Pid::ALIGN:
if (isMelisma())
return score()->styleV(Sid::lyricsMelismaAlign);
// fall through
return TextBase::propertyDefault(id);
// forAllLyrics
void Score::forAllLyrics(std::function<void(Lyrics*)> f)
for (Segment* s = firstSegment(SegmentType::ChordRest); s; s = s->next1(SegmentType::ChordRest)) {
for (Element* e : s->elist()) {
if (e) {
for (Lyrics* l : toChordRest(e)->lyrics()) {
// undoChangeProperty
void Lyrics::undoChangeProperty(Pid id, const QVariant& v, PropertyFlags ps)
if (id == Pid::VERSE && no() != v.toInt()) {
for (Lyrics* l : chordRest()->lyrics()) {
if (l->no() == v.toInt()) {
// verse already exists, swap
l->TextBase::undoChangeProperty(id, no(), ps);
Placement p = l->placement();
l->TextBase::undoChangeProperty(Pid::PLACEMENT, int(placement()), ps);
TextBase::undoChangeProperty(Pid::PLACEMENT, int(p), ps);
TextBase::undoChangeProperty(id, v, ps);
else if (id == Pid::AUTOPLACE && v.toBool() != autoplace()) {
if (v.toBool()) {
// setting autoplace
// reset offset
else {
// unsetting autoplace
// rebase offset
QPointF off = offset();
qreal y = pos().y() - propertyDefault(Pid::OFFSET).toPointF().y();
off.ry() = placeAbove() ? y : y - staff()->height();
undoChangeProperty(Pid::OFFSET, off, PropertyFlags::UNSTYLED);
TextBase::undoChangeProperty(id, v, ps);
#if 0
// TODO: create new command to do this
if (id == Pid::PLACEMENT) {
if (Placement(v.toInt()) == Placement::ABOVE) {
// change placment of all verse for the same voice upto this one to ABOVE
score()->forAllLyrics([this,id,v,ps](Lyrics* l) {
if (l->no() <= no() && l->voice() == voice())
l->TextBase::undoChangeProperty(id, v, ps);
else {
// change placment of all verse for the same voce starting from this one to BELOW
score()->forAllLyrics([this,id,v,ps](Lyrics* l) {
if (l->no() >= no() && l->voice() == voice())
l->TextBase::undoChangeProperty(id, v, ps);
TextBase::undoChangeProperty(id, v, ps);