2019-03-02 18:18:12 +00:00

120 lines
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// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __MSYNTHESIZER_H__
#define __MSYNTHESIZER_H__
#include <atomic>
#include "effects/effect.h"
#include "libmscore/synthesizerstate.h"
namespace Ms {
struct MidiPatch;
class NPlayEvent;
class Synthesizer;
class Effect;
class Xml;
// MasterSynthesizer
// hosts several synthesizers
class MasterSynthesizer : public QObject {
float _gain { 0.1f }; // -20dB
float _boost { 10.0 }; // +20dB
double _masterTuning { 440.0 };
int _dynamicsMethod { 1 }; // Default dynamics method
int _ccToUse { 1 }; // CC2
static const int MAX_BUFFERSIZE = 8192;
static const int MAX_EFFECTS = 2;
std::atomic<bool> lock1 { false };
std::atomic<bool> lock2 { true };
std::vector<Synthesizer*> _synthesizer;
std::vector<Effect*> _effectList[MAX_EFFECTS];
Effect* _effect[MAX_EFFECTS] { nullptr, nullptr };
float _sampleRate;
float effect1Buffer[MAX_BUFFERSIZE];
float effect2Buffer[MAX_BUFFERSIZE];
int indexOfEffect(int ab, const QString& name);
public slots:
void sfChanged() { emit soundFontChanged(); }
void setGain(float f);
void soundFontChanged();
void gainChanged(float);
void registerSynthesizer(Synthesizer*);
void init();
float sampleRate() { return _sampleRate; }
void setSampleRate(float val);
void process(unsigned, float*);
void play(const NPlayEvent&, unsigned);
void setMasterTuning(double val);
double masterTuning() const { return _masterTuning; }
int index(const QString&) const;
QString name(unsigned) const;
QList<MidiPatch*> getPatchInfo() const;
MidiPatch* getPatchInfo(QString synti, int bank, int program);
SynthesizerState state() const;
bool setState(const SynthesizerState&);
Synthesizer* synthesizer(const QString& name);
const std::vector<Effect*>& effectList(int ab) const { return _effectList[ab]; }
const std::vector<Synthesizer*> synthesizer() const { return _synthesizer; }
void registerEffect(int ab, Effect*);
void reset();
void allSoundsOff(int channel);
void allNotesOff(int channel);
void setEffect(int ab, int idx);
Effect* effect(int ab);
int indexOfEffect(int ab);
float gain() const { return _gain; }
float boost() const { return _boost; }
void setBoost(float v) { _boost = v; }
int dynamicsMethod() const { return _dynamicsMethod; }
void setDynamicsMethod(int val) { _dynamicsMethod = val; }
int ccToUseIndex() const { return _ccToUse; } // NOTE: this doesn't return a CC number, but returns an index instead
void setCcToUseIndex(int val) { _ccToUse = val; }
bool storeState();