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266 lines
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// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2018 Werner Schweer and others
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "libmscore/fraction.h"
#include "importmxmllogger.h"
#include "importmxmlnoteduration.h"
namespace Ms {
// noteTypeToFraction
Convert MusicXML note type to fraction.
static Fraction noteTypeToFraction(const QString& type)
if (type == "1024th")
return Fraction(1, 1024);
else if (type == "512th")
return Fraction(1, 512);
else if (type == "256th")
return Fraction(1, 256);
else if (type == "128th")
return Fraction(1, 128);
else if (type == "64th")
return Fraction(1, 64);
else if (type == "32nd")
return Fraction(1, 32);
else if (type == "16th")
return Fraction(1, 16);
else if (type == "eighth")
return Fraction(1, 8);
else if (type == "quarter")
return Fraction(1, 4);
else if (type == "half")
return Fraction(1, 2);
else if (type == "whole")
return Fraction(1, 1);
else if (type == "breve")
return Fraction(2, 1);
else if (type == "long")
return Fraction(4, 1);
else if (type == "maxima")
return Fraction(8, 1);
return Fraction(0, 0);
// calculateFraction
Convert note type, number of dots and actual and normal notes into a duration
static Fraction calculateFraction(const QString& type, const int dots, const Fraction timeMod)
// type
Fraction f = noteTypeToFraction(type);
if (f.isValid()) {
// dot(s)
Fraction f_no_dots = f;
for (int i = 0; i < dots; ++i)
f += (f_no_dots / (2 << i));
// tuplet
if (timeMod.isValid())
f *= timeMod;
// clean up (just in case)
return f;
// checkTiming
Do timing error checks.
Return empty string if OK, message in case of error.
QString mxmlNoteDuration::checkTiming(const QString& type, const bool rest, const bool grace)
//qDebug("type %s rest %d grace %d", qPrintable(type), rest, grace);
QString errorStr;
// normalize duration
if (_dura.isValid())
const auto calcDura = calculateFraction(type, _dots, _timeMod);
if (_dura.isValid() && calcDura.isValid()) {
if (_dura != calcDura) {
errorStr = QString("calculated duration (%1) not equal to specified duration (%2)")
//qDebug("rest %d type '%s' timemod %s", rest, qPrintable(type), qPrintable(_timeMod.print()));
if (rest && type == "whole" && _dura.isValid()) {
// Sibelius whole measure rest (not an error)
errorStr = "";
else if (grace && _dura == Fraction(0, 1)) {
// grace note (not an error)
errorStr = "";
else {
const int maxDiff = 3; // maximum difference considered a rounding error
if (qAbs(calcDura.ticks() - _dura.ticks()) <= maxDiff) {
errorStr += " -> assuming rounding error";
_dura = calcDura;
// Special case:
// Encore generates rests in tuplets w/o <tuplet> or <time-modification>.
// Detect this by comparing the actual duration with the expected duration
// based on note type. If actual is 2/3 of expected, the rest is part
// of a tuplet.
if (rest && !_timeMod.isValid()) {
if (2 * calcDura.ticks() == 3 * _dura.ticks()) {
_timeMod = Fraction(2, 3);
errorStr += " -> assuming triplet";
else if (_dura.isValid()) {
// do not report an error for typeless (whole measure) rests
if (!(rest && type == ""))
errorStr = "calculated duration invalid, using specified duration";
else if (calcDura.isValid()) {
if (!grace) {
errorStr = "specified duration invalid, using calculated duration";
_dura = calcDura; // overrule dura
else {
errorStr = "calculated and specified duration invalid, using 4/4";
_dura = Fraction(4, 4);
return errorStr;
// duration
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/duration node.
void mxmlNoteDuration::duration(QXmlStreamReader& e)
Q_ASSERT(e.isStartElement() && e.name() == "duration");
_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::duration", &e);
_dura.set(0, 0); // invalid unless set correctly
int intDura = e.readElementText().toInt();
if (intDura > 0) {
if (_divs > 0) {
_dura.set(intDura, 4 * _divs);
_dura.reduce(); // prevent overflow in later Fraction operations
_logger->logError("illegal or uninitialized divisions", &e);
_logger->logError("illegal duration", &e);
//qDebug("duration %s valid %d", qPrintable(dura.print()), dura.isValid());
// readProperties
Handle selected child elements of the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/duration node.
Return true if handled.
bool mxmlNoteDuration::readProperties(QXmlStreamReader& e)
const QStringRef& tag(e.name());
//qDebug("tag %s", qPrintable(tag.toString()));
if (tag == "dot") {
return true;
else if (tag == "duration") {
return true;
else if (tag == "time-modification") {
return true;
return false;
// timeModification
Parse the /score-partwise/part/measure/note/time-modification node.
void mxmlNoteDuration::timeModification(QXmlStreamReader& e)
Q_ASSERT(e.isStartElement() && e.name() == "time-modification");
_logger->logDebugTrace("MusicXMLParserPass1::timeModification", &e);
int intActual = 0;
int intNormal = 0;
QString strActual;
QString strNormal;
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
const QStringRef& tag(e.name());
if (tag == "actual-notes")
strActual = e.readElementText();
else if (tag == "normal-notes")
strNormal = e.readElementText();
else if (tag == "normal-type") {
// "measure" is not a valid normal-type,
// but would be accepted by setType()
QString strNormalType = e.readElementText();
if (strNormalType != "measure")
else {
_logger->logDebugInfo(QString("skipping '%1'").arg(e.name().toString()), &e);
intActual = strActual.toInt();
intNormal = strNormal.toInt();
if (intActual > 0 && intNormal > 0)
_timeMod.set(intNormal, intActual);
else {
_timeMod.set(1, 1);
_logger->logError(QString("illegal time-modification: actual-notes %1 normal-notes %2")
.arg(strActual).arg(strNormal), &e);