Andrei Tuicu 9caa98b130 Added 4 new navigation commands:
- next element
- previous element
- first element
- last element
2014-08-17 17:25:21 +03:00

569 lines
20 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "timesig.h"
#include "xml.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "style.h"
#include "sym.h"
#include "symbol.h"
#include "staff.h"
#include "stafftype.h"
namespace Ms {
// TimeSig
// Constructs an invalid time signature element.
// After construction first call setTrack() then
// call setSig().
// Layout() is static and called in setSig().
TimeSig::TimeSig(Score* s)
: Element(s)
setFlags(ElementFlag::SELECTABLE | ElementFlag::ON_STAFF);
_showCourtesySig = true;
customText = false;
_stretch.set(1, 1);
_sig.set(0, 1); // initialize to invalid
_timeSigType = TimeSigType::NORMAL;
_largeParentheses = false;
customText = false;
_needLayout = true;
// clone
TimeSig* TimeSig::clone() const
TimeSig* ts = new TimeSig(*this);
ts->setNeedLayout(true); // relayout of the ts is needed in parts #24571
return ts;
// mag
qreal TimeSig::mag() const
return staff() ? staff()->mag() : 1.0;
// setSig
void TimeSig::setSig(const Fraction& f, TimeSigType st)
if (_sig != f)
_sig = f;
if (st == TimeSigType::FOUR_FOUR || st == TimeSigType::ALLA_BREVE)
customText = false;
_timeSigType = st;
_needLayout = true;
_largeParentheses = false;
// acceptDrop
bool TimeSig::acceptDrop(const DropData& data) const
return data.element->type() == Element::Type::TIMESIG;
// drop
Element* TimeSig::drop(const DropData& data)
Element* e = data.element;
if (e->type() == Element::Type::TIMESIG) {
// change timesig applies to all staves, can't simply set subtype
// for this one only
// ownership of e is transferred to cmdAddTimeSig
score()->cmdAddTimeSig(measure(), staffIdx(), static_cast<TimeSig*>(e), false);
return 0;
delete e;
return 0;
// setNumeratorString
void TimeSig::setNumeratorString(const QString& a)
_numeratorString = a;
// text is custom if only one string is present or if either string is not the default string
customText = _numeratorString.isEmpty() != _denominatorString.isEmpty()
|| ( !_numeratorString.isEmpty() && _numeratorString != QString::number(_sig.numerator()) )
|| ( !_denominatorString.isEmpty() && _denominatorString != QString::number(_sig.denominator()) );
_needLayout = true;
// setDenominatorString
void TimeSig::setDenominatorString(const QString& a)
_denominatorString = a;
// text is custom if only one string is present or if either string is not the default string
customText = _numeratorString.isEmpty() != _denominatorString.isEmpty()
|| ( !_numeratorString.isEmpty() && _numeratorString != QString::number(_sig.numerator()) )
|| ( !_denominatorString.isEmpty() && _denominatorString != QString::number(_sig.denominator()) );
_needLayout = true;
// write TimeSig
void TimeSig::write(Xml& xml) const
if (timeSigType() != TimeSigType::NORMAL)
xml.tag("subtype", int(timeSigType()));
xml.tag("sigN", _sig.numerator());
xml.tag("sigD", _sig.denominator());
if (stretch() != Fraction(1,1)) {
xml.tag("stretchN", stretch().numerator());
xml.tag("stretchD", stretch().denominator());
if (customText) {
xml.tag("textN", _numeratorString);
xml.tag("textD", _denominatorString);
if (!_groups.empty())
xml.tag("showCourtesySig", _showCourtesySig);
// TimeSig::read
void TimeSig::read(XmlReader& e)
int n=0, z1=0, z2=0, z3=0, z4=0;
bool old = false;
customText = false;
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
const QStringRef& tag(;
if (tag == "den") {
old = true;
n = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "nom1") {
old = true;
z1 = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "nom2") {
old = true;
z2 = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "nom3") {
old = true;
z3 = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "nom4") {
old = true;
z4 = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "subtype") {
int i = e.readInt();
if (score()->mscVersion() < 122 && score()->mscVersion() > 114) {
((i >> 24) & 0x3f)
+ ((i >> 18) & 0x3f)
+ ((i >> 12) & 0x3f)
+ ((i >> 6) & 0x3f), i & 0x3f), TimeSigType::NORMAL);
else if (score()->mscVersion() <= 114) {
if (i == 0x40000104)
_timeSigType = TimeSigType::FOUR_FOUR;
else if (i == 0x40002084)
_timeSigType = TimeSigType::ALLA_BREVE;
_timeSigType = TimeSigType::NORMAL;
_timeSigType = TimeSigType(i);
else if (tag == "showCourtesySig")
_showCourtesySig = e.readInt();
else if (tag == "sigN")
else if (tag == "sigD")
else if (tag == "stretchN")
else if (tag == "stretchD")
else if (tag == "textN")
else if (tag == "textD")
else if (tag == "Groups");
else if (!Element::readProperties(e))
if (old) {
_sig.set(z1+z2+z3+z4, n);
customText = false;
_needLayout = true;
// layout1
void TimeSig::layout1()
qreal _spatium = spatium();
setbbox(QRectF()); // prepare for an empty time signature
pointLargeLeftParen = QPointF();
pz = QPointF();
pn = QPointF();
pointLargeRightParen = QPointF();
qreal lineDist = 1.0; // assume dimensions a standard staff
int numOfLines = 5;
TimeSigType sigType = timeSigType();
Staff* _staff = staff();
if (_staff) {
// if staff is without time sig, format as if no text at all
if (!_staff->staffType()->genTimesig() ) {
// reset position and box sizes to 0
pointLargeLeftParen.rx() = 0.0;
pn.rx() = 0.0;
pz.rx() = 0.0;
pointLargeRightParen.rx() = 0.0;
// leave everything else as it is:
// draw() will anyway skip any drawing if staff type has no time sigs
// update to real staff values
numOfLines = _staff->lines();
lineDist = _staff->lineDistance();
// if some symbol
// compute vert. displacement to center in the staff height
// determine middle staff position:
qreal yoff = _spatium * (numOfLines-1) *.5 * lineDist;
// C and Ccut are placed at the middle of the staff: use yoff directly
if (sigType == TimeSigType::FOUR_FOUR) {
pz = QPointF(0.0, yoff);
_numeratorString = score()->scoreFont()->toString(SymId::timeSigCommon);
else if (sigType == TimeSigType::ALLA_BREVE) {
pz = QPointF(0.0, yoff);
_numeratorString = score()->scoreFont()->toString(SymId::timeSigCutCommon);
else {
if (!customText) {
_numeratorString = QString("%1").arg(_sig.numerator()); // build numerator string
_denominatorString = QString("%1").arg(_sig.denominator()); // build denominator string
QString ns = toTimeSigString(_numeratorString);
QString ds = toTimeSigString(_denominatorString);
QFont font = score()->scoreFont()->font();
QFontMetricsF fm(font);
qreal mag = magS();
QRectF numRect = fm.tightBoundingRect(ns); // get 'tight' bounding boxes for strings
QRectF denRect = fm.tightBoundingRect(ds);
// really Qt does not provide a QRectF::scale() method?!!
numRect = QRect(numRect.x()*mag, numRect.y()*mag, fm.width(ns)*mag, numRect.height()*mag);
denRect = QRect(denRect.x()*mag, denRect.y()*mag, fm.width(ds)*mag, denRect.height()*mag);
// position numerator and denominator; vertical displacement:
// number of lines is odd: 0.0 (strings are directly above and below the middle line)
// number of lines even: 0.05 (strings are moved up/down to leave 1/10sp between them)
qreal displ = (numOfLines & 1) ? 0.0 : (0.05 * _spatium);
//align on the wider
if (numRect.width() >= denRect.width()) {
// numerator: one space above centre line, unless denomin. is empty (if so, directly centre in the middle)
pz = QPointF(0.0, yoff - ((denRect.width() < 0.01) ? 0.0 : (displ + _spatium)) );
// denominator: horiz: centred around centre of numerator | vert: one space below centre line
pn = QPointF((numRect.width() - denRect.width())*.5, yoff + displ + _spatium);
else {
// denominator: horiz: centred around centre of numerator | vert: one space below centre line
pn = QPointF(0.0, yoff + displ + _spatium);
// numerator: one space above centre line, unless denomin. is empty (if so, directly centre in the middle)
pz = QPointF((denRect.width() - numRect.width())*.5, yoff - ((denRect.width() < 0.01) ? 0.0 : (displ + _spatium)) );
// centering of parenthesis so the middle of the parenthesis is at the divisor marking level
int centerY = yoff/2 + _spatium;
int widestPortion = numRect.width() > denRect.width() ? numRect.width() : denRect.width();
pointLargeLeftParen = QPointF(-_spatium, centerY);
pointLargeRightParen = QPointF(widestPortion + _spatium, centerY);
setbbox(numRect.translated(pz)); // translate bounding boxes to actual string positions
if (_largeParentheses) {
addbbox(QRect(pointLargeLeftParen.x(), pointLargeLeftParen.y() - denRect.height(), _spatium / 2, numRect.height() + denRect.height()));
addbbox(QRect(pointLargeRightParen.x(), pointLargeRightParen.y() - denRect.height(), _spatium / 2, numRect.height() + denRect.height()));
_needLayout = false;
// adjustReadPos();
// draw
void TimeSig::draw(QPainter* painter) const
if (staff() && !staff()->staffType()->genTimesig())
QString ns = toTimeSigString(_numeratorString);
QString ds = toTimeSigString(_denominatorString);
drawSymbols(ns, painter, pz);
drawSymbols(ds, painter, pn);
if (_largeParentheses) {
drawSymbol(SymId::timeSigParensLeft, painter, pointLargeLeftParen);
drawSymbol(SymId::timeSigParensRight, painter, pointLargeRightParen);
// space
Space TimeSig::space() const
return Space(point(score()->styleS(StyleIdx::timesigLeftMargin)), width());
// setFrom
void TimeSig::setFrom(const TimeSig* ts)
_timeSigType = ts->timeSigType();
_numeratorString = ts->_numeratorString;
_denominatorString = ts->_denominatorString;
_sig = ts->_sig;
_stretch = ts->_stretch;
customText = ts->customText;
_needLayout = true;
// ssig
QString TimeSig::ssig() const
return QString("%1/%2").arg(_sig.numerator()).arg(_sig.denominator());
// setSSig
void TimeSig::setSSig(const QString& s)
QStringList sl = s.split("/");
if (sl.size() == 2) {
// undoSetShowCourtesySig
void TimeSig::undoSetShowCourtesySig(bool v)
score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_ID::SHOW_COURTESY, v);
// undoSetNumeratorString
void TimeSig::undoSetNumeratorString(const QString& s)
score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_ID::NUMERATOR_STRING, s);
// undoSetDenominatorString
void TimeSig::undoSetDenominatorString(const QString& s)
score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_ID::DENOMINATOR_STRING, s);
// undoSetGroups
void TimeSig::undoSetGroups(const Groups& g)
score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_ID::GROUPS, QVariant::fromValue(g));
// getProperty
QVariant TimeSig::getProperty(P_ID propertyId) const
switch(propertyId) {
case P_ID::SHOW_COURTESY: return int(showCourtesySig());
case P_ID::NUMERATOR_STRING: return numeratorString();
case P_ID::DENOMINATOR_STRING: return denominatorString();
case P_ID::GROUPS: return QVariant::fromValue(groups());
case P_ID::TIMESIG: return QVariant::fromValue(_sig);
case P_ID::TIMESIG_GLOBAL: return QVariant::fromValue(globalSig());
case P_ID::TIMESIG_TYPE: return QVariant::fromValue(int(_timeSigType));
return Element::getProperty(propertyId);
// setProperty
bool TimeSig::setProperty(P_ID propertyId, const QVariant& v)
switch(propertyId) {
case P_ID::GROUPS:
_timeSigType = (TimeSigType)(v.toInt());
if (!Element::setProperty(propertyId, v))
return false;
_needLayout = true;
return true;
// propertyDefault
QVariant TimeSig::propertyDefault(P_ID id) const
switch(id) {
case P_ID::SHOW_COURTESY: return true;
case P_ID::NUMERATOR_STRING: return QString();
case P_ID::DENOMINATOR_STRING: return QString();
case P_ID::TIMESIG: return QVariant::fromValue(Fraction(4,4));
case P_ID::TIMESIG_GLOBAL: return QVariant::fromValue(Fraction(1,1));
case P_ID::TIMESIG_TYPE: return int(TimeSigType::NORMAL);
default: return Element::propertyDefault(id);
// spatiumChanged
void TimeSig::spatiumChanged(qreal /*oldValue*/, qreal /*newValue*/)
_needLayout = true;
// layout
void TimeSig::layout()
if (_needLayout)
// nextElement
Element* TimeSig::nextElement()
return segment()->firstInNextSegments(staffIdx());
// prevElement
Element* TimeSig::prevElement()
return segment()->lastInPrevSegments(staffIdx());