2021-01-28 15:14:31 +02:00

101 lines
3.8 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# If you get Unicode errors on Windows, try setting the environment variable
# PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8. More info at
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import os
def addMessage(f, text, comment='', category='InstrumentsXML'):
if (comment):
f.write('QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP3("'+category+'", "' + text + '", "' + comment + '"),\n')
f.write('QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("'+category+'", "' + text + '"),\n')
# Create instrumentsxml.h (must specify encoding and line ending on Windows)
f = open('instrumentsxml.h', 'w', newline='\n', encoding='utf-8')
#include template names and template categories
d = "../templates"
for o in sorted(os.listdir(d)): # sort to get same ordering on all platforms
ofullPath = os.path.join(d, o)
if os.path.isdir(ofullPath):
templateCategory = o.split("-")[1].replace("_", " ")
addMessage(f, templateCategory, '', 'Templates')
for t in sorted(os.listdir(ofullPath)): # sort to get same ordering on all platforms
if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(ofullPath, t))):
templateName = os.path.splitext(t)[0].split("-")[1].replace("_", " ")
addMessage(f, templateName, '', 'Templates')
print(" " + templateName)
tree = ET.parse('instruments.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
previousLongName = ""
for child in root:
if child.tag == "Genre":
genre = child.find("name")
print("Genre " + genre.text)
addMessage(f, genre.text)
if child.tag == "Family":
family = child.find("name")
print("Family " + family.text)
addMessage(f, family.text)
elif child.tag == "InstrumentGroup":
instrGroup = child.find("name")
print("Instr Group : " + instrGroup.text)
addMessage(f, instrGroup.text)
instruments = child.findall("Instrument")
for instrument in instruments:
longName = instrument.find("longName")
if longName is not None:
print(" longName : " + longName.text)
addMessage(f, longName.text)
previousLongName = longName.text
shortName = instrument.find("shortName")
if shortName is not None:
print(" shortName : " + shortName.text)
addMessage(f, shortName.text, previousLongName)
previousLongName = ""
trackName = instrument.find("trackName")
if trackName is not None:
print(" trackName " + trackName.text)
addMessage(f, trackName.text)
previousLongName = ""
channels = instrument.findall("Channel")
for channel in channels:
channelName = channel.get("name")
if channelName is not None:
print(" Channel name : " + channelName)
addMessage(f, channelName)
cMidiActions = channel.findall("MidiAction")
for cma in cMidiActions:
cmaName = cma.get("name")
if cmaName is not None:
print(" Channel, MidiAction name :" + cmaName)
addMessage(f, cma)
iMidiActions = instrument.findall("MidiAction")
for ima in iMidiActions:
imaName = ima.get("name")
if imaName is not None:
print(" Instrument, MidiAction name :" + imaName)
addMessage(f, ima)
tree = ET.parse('orders.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
for child in root:
if child.tag == "Order":
order = child.find("name")
print("Order " + order.text)
addMessage(f, order.text, '', "OrderXML")