2012-08-06 12:15:42 +02:00

121 lines
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// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// $Id: select.h 5582 2012-04-27 19:16:19Z wschweer $
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __SELECT_H__
#define __SELECT_H__
class Score;
class Page;
class System;
class ChordRest;
class Element;
class Segment;
class Note;
class Measure;
// ElementPattern
struct ElementPattern {
QList<Element*> el;
int type;
int subtype;
int staff;
int voice;
const System* system;
bool subtypeValid;
// SelState
enum SelState {
SEL_NONE, // nothing is selected
SEL_LIST, // disjoint selection
SEL_RANGE, // adjacent selection, a range in one or more staves
// is selected
// Selection
// For SEL_LIST state only visible elements can be selected
// (no Chord element etc.).
class Selection {
Score* _score;
SelState _state;
QList<Element*> _el; // valid in mode SEL_LIST
int _staffStart; // valid if selState is SEL_RANGE
int _staffEnd;
Segment* _startSegment;
Segment* _endSegment; // next segment after selection
Segment* _activeSegment;
int _activeTrack;
QByteArray staffMimeData() const;
Selection() { _score = 0; _state = SEL_NONE; }
Score* score() const { return _score; }
SelState state() const { return _state; }
void setState(SelState s);
void searchSelectedElements();
const QList<Element*>& elements() const { return _el; }
bool isSingle() const { return (_state == SEL_LIST) && (_el.size() == 1); }
QList<Note*> noteList(int track = -1) const;
void add(Element*);
void deselectAll();
void remove(Element*);
void clear();
Element* element() const;
ChordRest* firstChordRest(int track = -1) const;
ChordRest* lastChordRest(int track = -1) const;
void update();
void updateState();
void dump();
QString mimeType() const;
QByteArray mimeData() const;
Segment* startSegment() const { return _startSegment; }
Segment* endSegment() const { return _endSegment; }
void setStartSegment(Segment* s) { _startSegment = s; }
void setEndSegment(Segment* s) { _endSegment = s; }
void setRange(Segment* a, Segment* b, int c, int d);
Segment* activeSegment() const { return _activeSegment; }
void setActiveSegment(Segment* s) { _activeSegment = s; }
ChordRest* activeCR() const;
bool isStartActive() const;
bool isEndActive() const;
int tickStart() const;
int tickEnd() const;
int staffStart() const { return _staffStart; }
int staffEnd() const { return _staffEnd; }
int activeTrack() const { return _activeTrack; }
void setStaffStart(int v) { _staffStart = v; }
void setStaffEnd(int v) { _staffEnd = v; }
void setActiveTrack(int v) { _activeTrack = v; }
bool canCopy() const;
void reconstructElementList();
void updateSelectedElements();
bool measureRange(Measure** m1, Measure** m2) const;