BWW2MXML is a simple, command line only, BWW to MusicXML converter.
BWW is a common format for bagpipe music on the Internet. It is produced
by the commercial program Bagpipe Music Writer.
MusicXML is an open format for musical scores supported by many applications.
See: http://www.musicxml.org/xml.html.
BWW2MXML is part of MuseScore.
MuseScore is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Please read the file COPYING in this directory for more
- qt4 gui lib version (built/tested using qt4.6.x)
Note that many linux distributions split packages into a user
and developer package and that you need to install both.
Build (using Qt only, no MuseScore dependencies):
- qmake
- make
bww2mxml file.bww file.xml
This is a very preliminary version. It basically extracts only the notes
and the measure structure.
TuneTempo, title, type, composer, footer, line breaks
clef, key, time signature, (dotted) notes, ties, triplets,
(some) strikes, doublings, slurs, throws, birls, grips and taorluaths
Not supported:
MIDINoteMappings, FrequencyMappings, InstrumentMappings,
GracenoteDurations, FontSizes, TuneFormat, parts