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* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
* MuseScore-CLA-applies
* MuseScore
* Music Composition & Notation
* Copyright (C) 2021 MuseScore BVBA and others
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef __REST_H__
#define __REST_H__
#include "chordrest.h"
#include "notedot.h"
#include "symid.h"
namespace Ms {
class TDuration;
// @@ Rest
/// This class implements a rest.
class Rest : public ChordRest
~Rest() { qDeleteAll(m_dots); }
void hack_toRestType();
// Score Tree functions
EngravingObject* scanParent() const override;
EngravingObject* scanChild(int idx) const override;
int scanChildCount() const override;
Rest& operator=(const Rest&) = delete;
Rest* clone() const override { return new Rest(*this, false); }
EngravingItem* linkedClone() override { return new Rest(*this, true); }
Measure* measure() const override { return parent() ? toMeasure(parent()->parent()) : 0; }
qreal mag() const override;
void draw(mu::draw::Painter*) const override;
void scanElements(void* data, void (* func)(void*, EngravingItem*), bool all = true) override;
void setTrack(int val) override;
bool acceptDrop(EditData&) const override;
EngravingItem* drop(EditData&) override;
void layout() override;
bool isGap() const { return m_gap; }
virtual void setGap(bool v) { m_gap = v; }
void reset() override;
virtual void add(EngravingItem*) override;
virtual void remove(EngravingItem*) override;
void read(XmlReader&) override;
void write(XmlWriter& xml) const override;
SymId getSymbol(TDuration::DurationType type, int line, int lines, int* yoffset);
void checkDots();
void layoutDots();
NoteDot* dot(int n);
int getDotline() const { return m_dotline; }
static int getDotline(TDuration::DurationType durationType);
SymId sym() const { return m_sym; }
bool accent();
void setAccent(bool flag);
int computeLineOffset(int lines);
int upLine() const override;
int downLine() const override;
mu::PointF stemPos() const override;
qreal stemPosX() const override;
mu::PointF stemPosBeam() const override;
qreal rightEdge() const override;
void localSpatiumChanged(qreal oldValue, qreal newValue) override;
mu::engraving::PropertyValue propertyDefault(Pid) const override;
void resetProperty(Pid id) override;
bool setProperty(Pid propertyId, const mu::engraving::PropertyValue& v) override;
mu::engraving::PropertyValue getProperty(Pid propertyId) const override;
void undoChangeDotsVisible(bool v);
EngravingItem* nextElement() override;
EngravingItem* prevElement() override;
QString accessibleInfo() const override;
QString screenReaderInfo() const override;
Shape shape() const override;
void editDrag(EditData& editData) override;
bool shouldNotBeDrawn() const;
Rest(const ElementType& type, Segment* parent = 0);
Rest(const ElementType& type, Segment* parent, const TDuration&);
Rest(const Rest&, bool link = false);
Sid getPropertyStyle(Pid pid) const override;
virtual mu::RectF numberRect() const { return mu::RectF(); } // TODO: add style to show number over 1-measure rests
friend class mu::engraving::Factory;
Rest(Segment* parent);
Rest(Segment* parent, const TDuration&);
// values calculated by layout:
SymId m_sym;
int m_dotline { -1 }; // depends on rest symbol
bool m_gap { false }; // invisible and not selectable for user
std::vector<NoteDot*> m_dots;
mu::RectF drag(EditData&) override;
qreal upPos() const override;
qreal downPos() const override;
void setOffset(const mu::PointF& o) override;
} // namespace Ms