Joachim Schmitz b7b35643a1 Fix Deprecation warnings with Qt 5.15 (and 5.14)
* fix 383 warnings C4996 (deprecated) with one single line change
* fix 5 'empty' warnings about invalid slots, not sure the remaining
slots serve any purpose though
* disable warnings C4127 and C4996 for thirdparty/google_analytics
* fix 30 warnings C4996 using the suggested alternatives available since
at least Qt 5.9, so won't break building against that
* change as requested in code review plus some more fixes using the same
* fixing yet more warnings
* disable deprecation warnings in qoogle_analytics for MinGW too
although I believe maxOS and Linux may use those too. Easy to extend to
those, if need be.
* Fix qml runtime warnings exactly following the advice given by that
warning, but without really know what I'm doing here or whether that is
still backwards compatible to Qt 5.9.
* Use replacements as suggested, if available and no `endl` neded with
* fix 24 more
* 2 more
* 7 more (one only seen in DEBUG mode)
* Fix the `endl` warnings
* maybe more changes this way?
* Add all warnings C5999 or bigger to the ignore list for telemetry
with Qt 5.15 Beta 1 as avoiding only C26439, C26444,C 26452, C26495,
C26498, C26812 isn't possible
* fix 2 deprecation warning new with Qt 5.15 beta 1
* fix 4 new warnings and also Qt 5.12 builds, disable some dead code
* fix deprecation warnings new with Qt 5.15's MSVC 2019 integration and
revert some (`QNetworkReply::networkError()`) that Qt 5.15 beta 2
reverted too
* fix warning reg. obsolete operator < for QVariants
* revert changes needed prior to beta 3 And clarifying some earlier
* mark ToDos
* fix warning reg QString()::null
* fix a 'regression' from a revert of an earlier change
2020-06-03 12:59:19 +02:00

1525 lines
50 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2018 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "scorediff.h"
#include "duration.h"
#include "measure.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "staff.h"
#include "xml.h"
#include "dtl/dtl.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
namespace Ms {
// MscxModeDiff
class MscxModeDiff
static constexpr const char* tagRegExpStr = "</?(?<name>[A-z_][A-z_0-9\\-.:]*)( [A-z_0-9\\-.:\\s=\"]*)?/?>";
const QRegularExpression tagRegExp;
enum TagType {
struct Tag {
int line;
TagType type;
QString name;
Tag(int l, TagType t, const QString& n)
: line(l), type(t), name(n) {}
static DiffType fromDtlDiffType(dtl::edit_t dtlType);
void adjustSemanticsMscx(std::vector<TextDiff>&);
int adjustSemanticsMscxOneDiff(std::vector<TextDiff>& diffs, int index);
int nextDiffOnShiftIndex(const std::vector<TextDiff>& diffs, int index, bool down);
static QString getOuterLines(const QString& str, int lines, bool start);
bool assessShiftDiff(const std::vector<TextDiff>&, const std::vector<Tag>& extraTags, int index, int lines);
int performShiftDiff(std::vector<TextDiff>&, int index, int lines);
void readMscx(const QString& xml, std::vector<Tag>& extraTags);
void handleTag(int line, TagType type, const QString& name, std::vector<Tag>& extraTags);
std::vector<TextDiff> lineModeDiff(const QString& s1, const QString& s2);
std::vector<TextDiff> mscxModeDiff(const QString& s1, const QString& s2);
// TextDiffParser
// Used by ScoreDiff class during parsing MSCX text diff
class TextDiffParser
const int iScore;
const int iOtherScore;
int tagLevel = 0;
int currentDiffTagLevel = 0;
std::vector<const ScoreElement*> contextsStack;
std::vector<bool> tagIsElement;
const ScoreElement* lastElementEnded = nullptr;
QString markupContext;
BaseDiff* handleToken(const QXmlStreamReader& r, const ScoreElement* newElement, bool saveDiff);
bool insideDiffTag() const { return currentDiffTagLevel != 0; }
TextDiffParser(int iScore);
void makeDiffs(const QString& mscx, const std::vector<std::pair<const ScoreElement*, QString> >& elements,
const std::vector<TextDiff>& textDiffs, std::vector<BaseDiff*>& diffs);
// MscxModeDiff::MscxModeDiff
: tagRegExp(tagRegExpStr)
// MscxModeDiff::fromDtlDiffType
DiffType MscxModeDiff::fromDtlDiffType(dtl::edit_t dtlType)
switch (dtlType) {
case dtl::SES_DELETE:
return DiffType::DELETE;
case dtl::SES_COMMON:
return DiffType::EQUAL;
case dtl::SES_ADD:
return DiffType::INSERT;
Q_ASSERT(false); // dtlType must have one of the values handled above.
return DiffType::EQUAL;
// MscxModeDiff::lineModeDiff
std::vector<TextDiff> MscxModeDiff::lineModeDiff(const QString& s1, const QString& s2)
// type declarations for dtl library
typedef QStringRef elem;
typedef std::pair<elem, dtl::elemInfo> sesElem;
typedef std::vector<sesElem> sesElemVec;
# if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 14, 0))
const QVector<QStringRef> linesVec1 = s1.splitRef('\n');
std::vector<QStringRef> lines1(linesVec1.begin(), linesVec1.end());
const QVector<QStringRef> linesVec2 = s2.splitRef('\n');
std::vector<QStringRef> lines2(linesVec2.begin(), linesVec2.end());
// QVector does not contain range constructor used inside dtl
// so we have to convert to std::vector.
std::vector<QStringRef> lines1 = s1.splitRef('\n').toStdVector();
std::vector<QStringRef> lines2 = s2.splitRef('\n').toStdVector();
dtl::Diff<QStringRef, std::vector<QStringRef> > diff(lines1, lines2);
const sesElemVec changes = diff.getSes().getSequence();
std::vector<TextDiff> diffs;
int line[2][2] { { 1, 1 }, { 1, 1 } }; // for correct assigning line numbers to
// DELETE and INSERT diffs we need to
// count lines separately for these diff
// types (EQUAL can use both counters).
for (const sesElem& ch : changes) {
DiffType type = fromDtlDiffType(ch.second.type);
const int iThis = (type == DiffType::DELETE) ? 0 : 1; // for EQUAL doesn't matter
if (diffs.empty() || diffs.back().type != type) {
if (!diffs.empty()) {
// sync line numbers
DiffType prevType = diffs.back().type;
const int prevThis = (prevType == DiffType::DELETE) ? 0 : 1;
const int prevOther = (prevThis == 1) ? 0 : 1;
if (prevType == DiffType::EQUAL) {
std::copy_n(line[prevThis], 2, line[prevOther]);
} else {
line[prevThis][prevOther] = line[prevOther][prevOther];
if (type == DiffType::EQUAL) {
const int iOther = (iThis == 1) ? 0 : 1;
line[iThis][iOther] = line[iOther][iOther];
TextDiff& d = diffs.back();
d.type = type;
std::copy_n(line[iThis], 2, d.start);
d.end[0] = line[iThis][0] - 1; // equal line numbers would mean an actual change in that line.
d.end[1] = line[iThis][1] - 1;
TextDiff& d = diffs.back();
d.end[iThis] = (line[iThis][iThis]++);
if (type == DiffType::EQUAL) {
const int iOther = (iThis == 1) ? 0 : 1;
d.end[iOther] = (line[iThis][iOther]++);
return diffs;
// MscxModeDiff::mscxModeDiff
std::vector<TextDiff> MscxModeDiff::mscxModeDiff(const QString& s1, const QString& s2)
std::vector<TextDiff> diffs = lineModeDiff(s1, s2);
return diffs;
// MscxModeDiff::adjustSemanticsMscx
void MscxModeDiff::adjustSemanticsMscx(std::vector<TextDiff>& diffs)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < diffs.size(); ++i) {
i = adjustSemanticsMscxOneDiff(diffs, i);
// MscxModeDiff::adjustSemanticsMscx
// Returns new index of the given diff
int MscxModeDiff::adjustSemanticsMscxOneDiff(std::vector<TextDiff>& diffs, int index)
TextDiff* diff = &diffs[index];
int iScore;
switch (diff->type) {
case DiffType::EQUAL:
case DiffType::REPLACE:
// TODO: split a REPLACE diff, though they should not be here
return index;
case DiffType::INSERT:
iScore = 1;
case DiffType::DELETE:
iScore = 0;
std::vector<Tag> extraTags;
readMscx(diff->text[iScore], extraTags);
if (extraTags.empty()) {
return index; // good, nothing to adjust
auto firstStartExtra = extraTags.begin();
auto lastStartExtra = extraTags.begin();
auto firstEndExtra = extraTags.begin();
auto lastEndExtra = extraTags.begin();
for (auto tag = extraTags.begin(); tag != extraTags.end(); ++tag) {
TagType type = tag->type;
switch (type) {
if (firstStartExtra->type != START_TAG) {
firstStartExtra = tag;
lastStartExtra = tag;
case END_TAG:
if (firstStartExtra->type != END_TAG) {
firstEndExtra = tag;
lastEndExtra = tag;
// Try to shift current diff up and down and see whether this helps
int lines = lastEndExtra->line - firstEndExtra->line + 1;
if (assessShiftDiff(diffs, extraTags, index, lines)) {
return performShiftDiff(diffs, index, lines);
} else {
lines = -(lastStartExtra->line - firstStartExtra->line + 1);
if (assessShiftDiff(diffs, extraTags, index, lines)) {
return performShiftDiff(diffs, index, lines);
return index;
// MscxModeDiff::assessShiftDiff
// Returns true if shift of the diff with the given
// index is possible and there would be no extra tags
// left after such a shift.
bool MscxModeDiff::assessShiftDiff(const std::vector<TextDiff>& diffs, const std::vector<Tag>& origExtraTags, int index,
int lines)
if (lines == 0) {
return diffs.empty();
const bool down = (lines > 0);
const int nextDiffIdx = nextDiffOnShiftIndex(diffs, index, down);
if (nextDiffIdx == index) {
return false;
const TextDiff& diff = diffs[index];
const TextDiff& nextDiff = diffs[nextDiffIdx];
Q_ASSERT(diff.type == DiffType::DELETE || diff.type == DiffType::INSERT);
const int iScore = (diff.type == DiffType::DELETE ? 0 : 1);
const QString& diffTxt = diff.text[iScore];
const QString& nextTxt = nextDiff.text[iScore];
const QString diffChunk = getOuterLines(diffTxt, lines, down);
const QString nextChunk = getOuterLines(nextTxt, lines, down);
if (diffChunk == nextChunk) {
std::vector<Tag> extraTags(origExtraTags);
std::vector<Tag> diffExtraTags;
readMscx(diffChunk, diffExtraTags);
// merge diff chunk reading result with the result
// for the whole chunk
while (!diffExtraTags.empty()) {
auto tag = down ? diffExtraTags.begin() : (diffExtraTags.end() - 1);
if (extraTags.size() < 2) { // would normally erase 2 tags
return false;
auto firstExtra = extraTags.begin();
if ((firstExtra->type == END_TAG)
&& (firstExtra->name == tag->name)) {
} else {
return false;
auto lastExtra = extraTags.end() - 1;
if ((lastExtra->type == START_TAG)
&& (lastExtra->name == tag->name)) {
} else {
return false;
if (extraTags.empty()) {
// We have succeeded
return true;
return false;
// MscxModeDiff::performShiftDiff
// Perform a shift of the diff with the given index and
// return a new index of the diff.
int MscxModeDiff::performShiftDiff(std::vector<TextDiff>& diffs, int index, int lines)
if (lines == 0) {
return index;
const bool down = (lines > 0);
const int absLines = qAbs(lines);
const int nextDiffIdx = nextDiffOnShiftIndex(diffs, index, down);
if (nextDiffIdx == index) {
return index;
TextDiff& diff = diffs[index];
TextDiff& nextDiff = diffs[nextDiffIdx];
Q_ASSERT(diff.type == DiffType::DELETE || diff.type == DiffType::INSERT);
const int iScore = (diff.type == DiffType::DELETE ? 0 : 1);
QString& diffTxt = diff.text[iScore];
const QString diffChunk = getOuterLines(diffTxt, absLines, down);
Q_ASSERT(nextDiff.type == DiffType::EQUAL);
int chunkStart[2]; // line numbers of diffChunk in two scores
int chunkEnd[2];
if (down) {
std::copy(diff.start, diff.start + 2, chunkStart);
chunkEnd[0] = diff.start[0] + absLines - 1;
chunkEnd[1] = diff.start[1] + absLines - 1;
} else {
chunkStart[0] = diff.end[0] - (absLines - 1);
chunkStart[1] = diff.end[1] - (absLines - 1);
std::copy(diff.end, diff.end + 2, chunkEnd);
if (down) {
diffTxt.remove(0, diffChunk.size());
nextDiff.text[0].remove(0, diffChunk.size());
nextDiff.text[1].remove(0, diffChunk.size());
} else {
// shift line numbers: needed both for shifted diff and for diffs
// between the shifted diff and nextDiff
const int inc = down ? 1 : -1;
for (int i = index; i != nextDiffIdx; i += inc) {
TextDiff& d = diffs[i];
Q_ASSERT(d.type != DiffType::EQUAL); // nextDiff should be the first EQUAL diff in that direction
diff.start[0] += lines;
diff.end[0] += lines;
diff.start[1] += lines;
diff.end[1] += lines;
int* nextChunkLines = down ? nextDiff.start : nextDiff.end;
nextChunkLines[0] += lines;
nextChunkLines[1] += lines;
TextDiff eqDiff;
eqDiff.type = DiffType::EQUAL;
eqDiff.text[0] = diffChunk;
eqDiff.text[1] = diffChunk;
std::copy(chunkStart, chunkStart + 2, eqDiff.start);
std::copy(chunkEnd, chunkEnd + 2, eqDiff.end);
const int prevDiffIdx = index + (down ? -1 : 1);
bool merged = false;
if (diffs[prevDiffIdx].type == DiffType::EQUAL) {
merged = diffs[prevDiffIdx].merge(eqDiff);
if (!merged) {
const int insertIdx = down ? index : (index + 1);
diffs.insert(diffs.begin() + insertIdx, eqDiff);
if (down) {
return index;
// MscxModeDiff::getOuterLines
QString MscxModeDiff::getOuterLines(const QString& str, int lines, bool start)
lines = qAbs(lines);
const int secIdxStart = start ? 0 : (-1 - (lines - 1));
const int secIdxEnd = start ? (lines - 1) : -1;
constexpr auto secFlags = QString::SectionIncludeTrailingSep | QString::SectionSkipEmpty;
return str.section('\n', secIdxStart, secIdxEnd, secFlags);
// MscxModeDiff::nextDiffOnShiftIndex
int MscxModeDiff::nextDiffOnShiftIndex(const std::vector<TextDiff>& diffs, int index, bool down)
const DiffType diffType = diffs[index].type;
Q_ASSERT(diffType == DiffType::DELETE || diffType == DiffType::INSERT);
int nextDiffIdx = index + (down ? 1 : -1);
while (nextDiffIdx >= 0 && nextDiffIdx < int(diffs.size())) {
const TextDiff& d = diffs[nextDiffIdx];
if (d.type == diffType) {
// Two INSERT or DELETE diffs in a row, probably shouldn't happen
return index;
if (d.type == DiffType::EQUAL) {
return nextDiffIdx;
// REPLACE is not here, the other type can be skipped
Q_ASSERT(d.type != DiffType::REPLACE);
nextDiffIdx += (down ? 1 : -1);
return index;
// MscxModeDiff::readMscx
void MscxModeDiff::readMscx(const QString& xml, std::vector<Tag>& extraTags)
int line = 0;
int nextLineIndex = xml.indexOf('\n');
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator m = tagRegExp.globalMatch(xml);
while (m.hasNext()) {
QRegularExpressionMatch match =;
QStringRef tag(match.capturedRef("name"));
while ((match.capturedStart("name") > nextLineIndex) && (nextLineIndex > 0)) {
nextLineIndex = xml.indexOf('\n', nextLineIndex + 1);
if (match.capturedRef().startsWith("</")) {
// end element
handleTag(line, END_TAG, tag.toString(), extraTags);
if (tag == "Tuplet") {
// special case: <Tuplet> / <endTuplet/> pair
handleTag(line, START_TAG, "__tupletBound", extraTags);
} else if (match.capturedRef().endsWith("/>")) {
// empty element: do nothing
if (tag == "endTuplet") {
// special case: <Tuplet> / <endTuplet/> pair
handleTag(line, END_TAG, "__tupletBound", extraTags);
} else {
// start element
handleTag(line, START_TAG, tag.toString(), extraTags);
// MscxModeDiff::handleTag
void MscxModeDiff::handleTag(int line, TagType type, const QString& name, std::vector<Tag>& extraTags)
switch (type) {
extraTags.emplace_back(line, type, name);
case END_TAG:
auto lastTag = extraTags.empty() ? nullptr : &extraTags.back();
if (lastTag
&& lastTag->type == START_TAG && lastTag->name == name) {
} else {
extraTags.emplace_back(line, type, name);
// TextDiffParser
TextDiffParser::TextDiffParser(int iScore)
: iScore(iScore), iOtherScore(iScore == 1 ? 0 : 1)
// TextDiffParser::makeDiffs
void TextDiffParser::makeDiffs(const QString& mscx, const std::vector<std::pair<const ScoreElement*,
QString> >& elements,
const std::vector<TextDiff>& textDiffs,
std::vector<BaseDiff*>& diffs)
QXmlStreamReader r(mscx);
r.readNext(); // read first tag
auto textDiff = textDiffs.begin();
auto textDiffEnd = textDiffs.end();
auto nextElement = elements.begin();
auto nextElementEnd = elements.end();
while (!r.atEnd()) {
// Scroll to the correct diff to be handled now
while (textDiff != textDiffEnd
&& textDiff->end[iScore] < r.lineNumber()) {
// Save ContextChange when leaving equal chunk
if (textDiff->type == DiffType::EQUAL) {
ContextChange* c = new ContextChange;
c->type = textDiff->type;
c->textDiff = &(*textDiff);
c->ctx[iScore] = contextsStack.back();
c->ctx[iOtherScore] = nullptr;
c->before[iScore] = lastElementEnded;
c->before[iOtherScore] = nullptr;
if (textDiff == textDiffEnd) {
bool saveDiff = false;
if (!insideDiffTag()
&& (textDiff->type == DiffType::DELETE || textDiff->type == DiffType::INSERT)
) {
const int iDiffScore = (textDiff->type == DiffType::DELETE) ? 0 : 1;
if (iScore == iDiffScore) {
saveDiff = true;
const ScoreElement* newElement = nullptr;
if (r.isStartElement()) {
if (nextElement != nextElementEnd
&& nextElement->second == {
newElement = (nextElement++)->first;
BaseDiff* diff = handleToken(r, newElement, saveDiff);
if (diff) {
diff->type = textDiff->type;
diff->textDiff = &(*textDiff);
diff->before[iScore] = lastElementEnded;
diff->before[iOtherScore] = nullptr;
if (saveDiff) {
// It is assumed that diff items are created in handleToken
// only for start tags
ItemType type = diff->itemType();
if (type == ItemType::ELEMENT || type == ItemType::PROPERTY) {
currentDiffTagLevel = tagLevel;
if (type == ItemType::ELEMENT && contextsStack.back()->isSpanner()) {
// Consider <Spanner> tag as the current differing tag
if (r.isEndElement()) {
if (currentDiffTagLevel == tagLevel) {
currentDiffTagLevel = 0;
if (r.hasError()) {
qWarning("TextDiffParser::makeDiffs: error while reading MSCX output: %s",
// TextDiffParser::handleToken
// Returns nullptr or a newly allocated BaseDiff with
// properly filled context and fields that are unique to
// descendants of BaseDiff (e.g. el[2] for ElementDiff).
// Type and textDiff are left unfilled.
BaseDiff* TextDiffParser::handleToken(const QXmlStreamReader& r, const ScoreElement* newElement, bool saveDiff)
if (!r.isStartElement() && !r.isEndElement()) {
return nullptr;
BaseDiff* diff = nullptr;
const QStringRef tag(;
if (r.isStartElement()) {
if (newElement) {
if (saveDiff) {
ElementDiff* d = new ElementDiff;
diff = d;
d->ctx[iScore] = contextsStack.back();
d->el[iScore] = newElement;
d->el[iOtherScore] = nullptr;
} else if (tag == "Spanner") {
markupContext = tag.toString();
} else if (saveDiff) {
const ScoreElement* ctx = contextsStack.back();
if (markupContext == "Spanner" && !(ctx && ctx->isSpanner())) {
// some property inside the end of a spanner
} else if (tag == "prev" || tag == "next") {
// Ignore these tags
} else if (tag == "location" || tag == "voice") {
if (ctx && ctx->isMeasure()) {
MarkupDiff* d = new MarkupDiff;
diff = d;
d->ctx[iScore] = ctx;
d->name = tag.toString();
const ScoreElement* widerCtx = *(contextsStack.end() - 2);
if (widerCtx && widerCtx->isStaff()) {
d->info = toStaff(widerCtx)->idx();
} else {
Pid propId = ctx ? ctx->propertyId(tag) : Pid::END;
if (propId != Pid::END) {
PropertyDiff* d = new PropertyDiff;
diff = d;
d->ctx[iScore] = contextsStack.back();
d->pid = propId;
} else {
MarkupDiff* d = new MarkupDiff;
diff = d;
d->ctx[iScore] = contextsStack.back();
d->name = tag.toString();
if (tag == "metaTag") {
d->info = r.attributes().value("name").toString();
} else { // end element
if ((tagIsElement.back() && !contextsStack.back()->isSpanner())
|| (tag == "Spanner" && contextsStack.back()->isSpanner())
) {
lastElementEnded = contextsStack.back();
if (!markupContext.isEmpty() && tag == markupContext) {
if (diff) {
diff->ctx[iOtherScore] = nullptr;
return diff;
// lineNumberSort
static bool lineNumberSort(BaseDiff* d1, BaseDiff* d2)
const TextDiff* t1 = d1->textDiff;
const TextDiff* t2 = d2->textDiff;
return (t1->end[0] < t2->end[0]) || (t1->end[1] < t2->end[1]);
// positionSort
static bool positionSort(BaseDiff* d1, BaseDiff* d2)
return d1->afrac(0) < d2->afrac(0) || d1->afrac(1) < d2->afrac(1);
// scoreToMscx
static QString scoreToMscx(Score* s, XmlWriter& xml)
QString mscx;
xml.setString(&mscx, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
s->write(xml, /* onlySelection */ false);
return mscx;
// ScoreDiff
// s1, s2 are scores to compare.
// ScoreDiff does NOT take ownership of the scores.
ScoreDiff::ScoreDiff(Score* s1, Score* s2, bool textDiffOnly)
: _s1(s1), _s2(s2), _textDiffOnly(textDiffOnly)
// makeDiffs
static void makeDiffs(const QString& mscx1, const QString& mscx2, const XmlWriter& xml1, const XmlWriter& xml2,
const std::vector<TextDiff>& textDiffs, std::vector<BaseDiff*>& diffs)
TextDiffParser p1(0);
p1.makeDiffs(mscx1, xml1.elements(), textDiffs, diffs);
TextDiffParser p2(1);
p2.makeDiffs(mscx2, xml2.elements(), textDiffs, diffs);
std::stable_sort(diffs.begin(), diffs.end(), lineNumberSort);
// Fill correct contexts for diffs
const ScoreElement* lastCtx[2] {};
const ScoreElement* lastBefore[2] {};
for (BaseDiff* diff : diffs) {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
if (diff->ctx[i]) {
lastCtx[i] = diff->ctx[i];
} else {
diff->ctx[i] = lastCtx[i];
if (diff->before[i]) {
lastBefore[i] = diff->before[i];
} else {
diff->before[i] = lastBefore[i];
// Filter out EQUAL diffs and dummy ContextChange items
std::vector<BaseDiff*> filteredDiffs;
for (BaseDiff* diff : diffs) {
if ((diff->itemType() == ItemType::CONTEXTCHANGE)
|| (diff->type == DiffType::EQUAL)) {
delete diff;
} else {
std::swap(diffs, filteredDiffs);
// ScoreDiff::update
// Updates the diff according to the current state of
// the compared scores.
void ScoreDiff::update()
if (updated()) {
XmlWriter xml1(_s1);
XmlWriter xml2(_s2);
QString mscx1(scoreToMscx(_s1, xml1));
QString mscx2(scoreToMscx(_s2, xml2));
_textDiffs = MscxModeDiff().mscxModeDiff(mscx1, mscx2);
if (!_textDiffOnly) {
makeDiffs(mscx1, mscx2, xml1, xml2, _textDiffs, _diffs);
std::stable_sort(_diffs.begin(), _diffs.end(), positionSort);
_scoreState1 = _s1->state();
_scoreState2 = _s2->state();
// ~ScoreDiff
// deleteDiffs
static void deleteDiffs(std::vector<BaseDiff*>& diffsList, const std::vector<BaseDiff*>& toDelete)
for (BaseDiff* diff : toDelete) {
for (auto it = diffsList.begin(); it != diffsList.end(); ++it) {
if (*it == diff) {
delete diff;
// measureToMscx
static QString measureToMscx(const Measure* m, XmlWriter& xml, int staff)
QString mscx;
xml.setString(&mscx, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
m->write(xml, staff, false, false);
return mscx;
// measureInfo
struct MeasureInfo {
const Measure* m1;
const Measure* m2;
int staff;
MeasureInfo(const Measure* m1, const Measure* m2, int staff)
: m1(m1), m2(m2), staff(staff) {}
bool operator==(const MeasureInfo& other) { return m1 == other.m1 && m2 == other.m2 && staff == other.staff; }
bool operator!=(const MeasureInfo& other) { return !(*this == other); }
// ScoreDiff::processMarkupDiffs
// Find MarkupDiffs and convert them to the appropriate
// diffs of other types if needed.
void ScoreDiff::processMarkupDiffs()
std::vector<BaseDiff*> abandonedDiffs;
std::vector<MeasureInfo> measuresToProcess;
Pid pids[] { Pid::TRACK, Pid::POSITION }; // list of pids to be accepted on measures processing
for (BaseDiff* diff : _diffs) {
if (diff->itemType() != ItemType::MARKUP) {
MarkupDiff* d = static_cast<MarkupDiff*>(diff);
const QString& name = d->name;
if (name == "voice" || name == "location") {
if (d->ctx[0]->isMeasure() && d->ctx[1]->isMeasure()) {
MeasureInfo m(toMeasure(d->ctx[0]), toMeasure(d->ctx[1]), d->info.toInt());
bool add = true;
for (auto& mScheduled : measuresToProcess) {
if (mScheduled == m) {
add = false;
if (add) {
std::vector<BaseDiff*> newDiffs;
for (auto& m : measuresToProcess) {
XmlWriter xml1(m.m1->score());
QString mscx1 = measureToMscx(m.m1, xml1, m.staff);
XmlWriter xml2(m.m2->score());
QString mscx2 = measureToMscx(m.m2, xml2, m.staff);
std::vector<TextDiff> textDiffs = MscxModeDiff().mscxModeDiff(mscx1, mscx2);
makeDiffs(mscx1, mscx2, xml1, xml2, textDiffs, newDiffs);
for (BaseDiff* newDiff : newDiffs) {
bool save = false;
if (newDiff->itemType() == ItemType::PROPERTY) {
PropertyDiff* pDiff = static_cast<PropertyDiff*>(newDiff);
for (Pid pid : pids) {
if (pDiff->pid == pid) {
save = true;
if (pDiff->pid == Pid::TRACK) {
pDiff->pid = Pid::VOICE;
if (pDiff->ctx[0]->isMeasure() || pDiff->ctx[1]->isMeasure()) {
save = false;
if (save) {
newDiff->textDiff = nullptr;
} else {
delete newDiff;
deleteDiffs(_diffs, abandonedDiffs);
// ScoreDiff::mergeInsertDeleteDiffs
// Merge INSERT and DELETE diffs to REPLACE diffs where
// possible.
void ScoreDiff::mergeInsertDeleteDiffs()
const ScoreElement* lastCtx1 = _s1;
const ScoreElement* lastCtx2 = _s2;
std::vector<BaseDiff*> diffsToMerge;
std::vector<BaseDiff*> abandonedDiffs;
for (BaseDiff* diff : _diffs) {
if ((diff->ctx[0] != lastCtx1) || (diff->ctx[1] != lastCtx2)) {
lastCtx1 = diff->ctx[0];
lastCtx2 = diff->ctx[1];
bool merge = false;
for (auto diff2It = diffsToMerge.begin(); diff2It != diffsToMerge.end(); ++diff2It) {
BaseDiff* diff2 = (*diff2It);
if (diff->type == DiffType::DELETE) {
if ((diff2->type == DiffType::INSERT) && diff->sameItem(*diff2)) {
merge = true;
} else if (diff->type == DiffType::INSERT) {
if ((diff2->type == DiffType::DELETE) && diff->sameItem(*diff2)) {
merge = true;
if (merge) {
// To preserve the correct order of diffs, we should
// leave diff2 in place since it appeared earlier in
// the _diffs list.
diff2->type = DiffType::REPLACE;
if (diff->textDiff && diff2->textDiff) {
TextDiff* mergedTextDiff = new TextDiff(*diff2->textDiff);
diff2->textDiff = mergedTextDiff;
} else if (!diff2->textDiff) {
diff2->textDiff = diff->textDiff;
int idx1 = (diff->type == DiffType::DELETE) ? 0 : 1;
switch (diff2->itemType()) {
case ItemType::ELEMENT:
ElementDiff* d = static_cast<ElementDiff*>(diff);
ElementDiff* d2 = static_cast<ElementDiff*>(diff2);
// d2->el[idx2] is already filled
d2->el[idx1] = d->el[idx1];
case ItemType::PROPERTY:
case ItemType::MARKUP:
// nothing to fill
break; // loop on diffsToMerge
if (!merge) {
deleteDiffs(_diffs, abandonedDiffs);
// ScoreDiff::mergeElementDiffs
// Merge element diffs with equal elements
void ScoreDiff::mergeElementDiffs()
std::map<const ScoreElement*, ElementDiff*> elementDiffs;
std::vector<BaseDiff*> abandonedDiffs;
for (BaseDiff* diff : _diffs) {
if (diff->itemType() != ItemType::ELEMENT) {
ElementDiff* elDiff = static_cast<ElementDiff*>(diff);
auto foundDiffIt1 = elementDiffs.find(elDiff->el[0]);
auto foundDiffIt2 = elementDiffs.find(elDiff->el[1]);
ElementDiff* foundDiff = nullptr;
if (foundDiffIt1 != elementDiffs.end()) {
foundDiff = foundDiffIt1->second;
} else if (foundDiffIt2 != elementDiffs.end()) {
foundDiff = foundDiffIt2->second;
if (foundDiff && foundDiff->type == elDiff->type
&& foundDiff->el[0] == elDiff->el[0]
&& foundDiff->el[1] == elDiff->el[1]) {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
const ScoreElement* se = foundDiff->el[i];
if (!se) {
if (!se->isMeasure() && se->isElement()) {
const Element* m = toElement(se)->findMeasure();
if (m) {
foundDiff->ctx[i] = m;
} else {
foundDiff->ctx[i] = se->score();
} else {
foundDiff->ctx[i] = se->score();
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
if (const ScoreElement* se = elDiff->el[i]) {
elementDiffs[se] = elDiff;
deleteDiffs(_diffs, abandonedDiffs);
// ScoreDiff::editPropertyDiffs
// Merge property diffs with equal elements, edit some
// diffs if necessary
void ScoreDiff::editPropertyDiffs()
std::multimap<const ScoreElement*, PropertyDiff*> propertyDiffs;
std::vector<BaseDiff*> abandonedDiffs;
for (BaseDiff* diff : _diffs) {
if (diff->itemType() != ItemType::PROPERTY) {
PropertyDiff* pDiff = static_cast<PropertyDiff*>(diff);
if (pDiff->pid == Pid::TPC1 || pDiff->pid == Pid::TPC2) {
// Special case: "tpc" and "pitch" properties are partially
// overlapped so we will mark tpc changes as pitch changes
pDiff->pid = Pid::PITCH;
auto foundRange = propertyDiffs.equal_range(pDiff->ctx[0]);
bool merged = false;
for (auto it = foundRange.first; it != foundRange.second; ++it) {
PropertyDiff* foundDiff = it->second;
if (foundDiff && foundDiff->type == pDiff->type
&& foundDiff->ctx[0] == pDiff->ctx[0]
&& foundDiff->ctx[1] == pDiff->ctx[1]
&& foundDiff->pid == pDiff->pid
) {
merged = true;
if (!merged) {
propertyDiffs.emplace(pDiff->ctx[0], pDiff);
deleteDiffs(_diffs, abandonedDiffs);
// ScoreDiff::equal
bool ScoreDiff::equal() const
for (const TextDiff& td : _textDiffs) {
if (td.type != DiffType::EQUAL) {
return false;
return true;
// ScoreDiff::rawDiff
QString ScoreDiff::rawDiff(bool skipEqual) const
QStringList list;
for (const TextDiff& td : _textDiffs) {
if (!skipEqual || td.type != DiffType::EQUAL) {
return list.join('\n');
// ScoreDiff::userDiff
QString ScoreDiff::userDiff() const
QStringList list;
for (const BaseDiff* d : _diffs) {
return list.join('\n');
// TextDiff::merge
bool TextDiff::merge(const TextDiff& other)
if (type == other.type) {
if (other.end[0] == (start[0] - 1) && other.end[1] == (start[1] - 1)) {
start[0] = other.start[0];
start[1] = other.start[1];
} else if ((end[0] + 1) == other.start[0] && (end[1] + 1) == other.start[1]) {
end[0] = other.end[0];
end[1] = other.end[1];
} else {
qWarning("TextDiff:merge: invalid argument: wrong line numbers");
return false;
} else if ((type == DiffType::INSERT && other.type == DiffType::DELETE)
|| (type == DiffType::DELETE && other.type == DiffType::INSERT)
) {
type = DiffType::REPLACE;
const int iOther = (other.type == DiffType::DELETE) ? 0 : 1;
start[iOther] = other.start[iOther];
end[iOther] = other.end[iOther];
text[iOther] = other.text[iOther];
} else {
qWarning("TextDiff:merge: invalid argument: wrong types");
return false;
return true;
// addLinePrefix
static QString addLinePrefix(const QString& str, const QString& prefix)
if (prefix.isEmpty()) {
return str;
QVector<QStringRef> lines = str.splitRef('\n');
if (lines.back().isEmpty()) {
QStringList processedLines;
for (QStringRef& line : lines) {
return processedLines.join('\n');
// TextDiff::toString
// type argument allows to define which part of diff
// should be printed. For example, it allows to print
// only deleted chunk for REPLACE diff item.
QString TextDiff::toString(DiffType dt, bool prefixLines) const
if (dt == DiffType::REPLACE) {
QStringList l;
l.push_back(toString(DiffType::DELETE, prefixLines));
l.push_back(toString(DiffType::INSERT, prefixLines));
return l.join('\n');
int idx = (dt == DiffType::INSERT) ? 1 : 0;
const char* prefix = (dt == DiffType::INSERT) ? ">" : "<";
QString lines[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
if ((i != idx && dt != DiffType::EQUAL)
|| end[i] <= start[i]
) {
lines[i] = QString::number(start[i]);
} else {
lines[i] = QString("%1--%2")
return QString("@%1;%2\n%3")
.arg(prefixLines ? addLinePrefix(text[idx], prefix) : text[idx]);
// BaseDiff::sameItem
bool BaseDiff::sameItem(const BaseDiff& other) const
if (itemType() != other.itemType()
|| ctx[0] != other.ctx[0] || ctx[1] != other.ctx[1]) {
return false;
if (textDiff == other.textDiff) {
return true;
} else if (!textDiff || !other.textDiff) {
return false;
return textDiff->start[0] == other.textDiff->start[0]
&& textDiff->start[1] == other.textDiff->start[1]
// BaseDiff::afrac
// Returns position of the changed chunk
Fraction BaseDiff::afrac(int score) const
Q_ASSERT(score == 0 || score == 1);
if (ctx[score] && ctx[score]->isElement()) {
return toElement(ctx[score])->tick();
if (before[score] && before[score]->isElement()) {
const Element* bef = toElement(before[score]);
Fraction f = bef->tick();
if (bef->isDurationElement()) {
const DurationElement* de = toDurationElement(bef);
return f + de->actualTicks();
return f;
return Fraction(0,1);
// describeContext
static QString describeContext(const ScoreElement* ctx)
if (!ctx) {
return QString("no context");
QString descr;
if (ctx->isElement()) {
const Element* e = toElement(ctx);
if (const Measure* m = toMeasure(e->findMeasure())) {
descr += QString("%1 %2").arg(m->userName()).arg(m->no() + 1);
if (!ctx->isMeasure()) {
if (!descr.isEmpty()) {
descr += ": ";
descr += ctx->userName();
// TODO: add more info
return descr;
// ContextChange::toString
// ContextChange elements are not intended to be shown
// to user, this function is for debugging purposes.
QString ContextChange::toString() const
return QString("Context change: ctx1 (%1), ctx2(%2)").arg(describeContext(ctx[0])).arg(describeContext(ctx[1]));
// ElementDiff::sameItem
bool ElementDiff::sameItem(const BaseDiff& other) const
return BaseDiff::sameItem(other);
// ElementDiff::afrac
// Returns position of the changed chunk
Fraction ElementDiff::afrac(int score) const
Q_ASSERT(score == 0 || score == 1);
const ScoreElement* se = el[score];
if (se && se->isElement()) {
return toElement(se)->tick();
return BaseDiff::afrac(score);
// ElementDiff::toString
QString ElementDiff::toString() const
QString ctxDescr = describeContext(ctx[0]);
switch (type) {
case DiffType::DELETE:
return QObject::tr("%1: removed element %2", "scorediff").arg(ctxDescr).arg(el[0]->userName());
case DiffType::INSERT:
return QObject::tr("%1: inserted element %2", "scorediff").arg(ctxDescr).arg(el[1]->userName());
case DiffType::REPLACE:
return QObject::tr("%1: replaced element %2 with element %3",
case DiffType::EQUAL:
Q_ASSERT(el[0]->type() == el[1]->type());
return QObject::tr("%1: equal element %2", "scorediff").arg(ctxDescr).arg(el[0]->userName());
return ctxDescr;
// PropertyDiff::sameItem
bool PropertyDiff::sameItem(const BaseDiff& otherBase) const
if (!BaseDiff::sameItem(otherBase)) {
return false;
if (itemType() != otherBase.itemType()) {
return false;
const PropertyDiff& other = static_cast<const PropertyDiff&>(otherBase);
return pid ==;
// PropertyDiff::toString
QString PropertyDiff::toString() const
QString ctxDescr = describeContext(ctx[0]);
QString propName = propertyUserName(pid);
switch (propertyType(pid)) {
case P_TYPE::BOOL:
bool b1 = ctx[0]->getProperty(pid).toBool();
Q_ASSERT(b1 != ctx[1]->getProperty(pid).toBool());
QString t;
if (b1) {
t = QObject::tr("%1: property %2 is turned off", "scorediff");
} else {
t = QObject::tr("%1: property %2 is turned on", "scorediff");
return t.arg(ctxDescr).arg(propName);
QString val1 = ctx[0]->propertyUserValue(pid);
QString val2 = ctx[1]->propertyUserValue(pid);
QString t = QObject::tr("%1: property %2 changed from %3 to %4", "scorediff");
return t.arg(ctxDescr).arg(propName).arg(val1).arg(val2);
// MarkupDiff::sameItem
bool MarkupDiff::sameItem(const BaseDiff& otherBase) const
if (!BaseDiff::sameItem(otherBase)) {
return false;
if (itemType() != otherBase.itemType()) {
return false;
const MarkupDiff& other = static_cast<const MarkupDiff&>(otherBase);
return name ==;
// MarkupDiff::toString
QString MarkupDiff::toString() const
QString ctxDescr = describeContext(ctx[0]);
if (name == "metaTag") {
QString tagName = info.toString();
return QObject::tr("%1: %2 changed from %3 to %4", "scorediff")
return QObject::tr("%1: markup changes: %2", "scorediff")