Andrei Tuicu 6460485d3f Score accessibility system.
Provides screen-reader feedback for the selected element.
2014-08-19 00:09:13 +03:00

225 lines
7.9 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __CHORD_H__
#define __CHORD_H__
Definition of classes Chord, HelpLine and NoteList.
#include <functional>
#include "chordrest.h"
class QPainter;
namespace Ms {
class Note;
class Hook;
class Arpeggio;
class Tremolo;
class Chord;
class Glissando;
class Stem;
class Chord;
class StemSlash;
class LedgerLine;
class AccidentalState;
enum class TremoloChordType : char { TremoloSingle, TremoloFirstNote, TremoloSecondNote };
enum class PlayEventType : char {
Auto, // Play events for all notes are calculated by MuseScore.
User, // Some play events are modified by user. The events must be written into the mscx file.
InvalidUser // The user modified play events must be replaced by MuseScore generated ones on
// next recalculation. The actual play events must be saved on the undo stack.
// @@ Chord
/// Graphic representation of a chord.
/// Single notes are handled as degenerated chords.
// @P notes array[Ms::Note] the list of notes (read only)
// @P lyrics array[Ms::Lyrics] the list of lyrics (read only)
// @P graceNotes array[Ms::Chord] the list of grace note chords (read only)
class Chord : public ChordRest {
struct LedgerLineData {
int line;
qreal minX, maxX;
bool visible;
bool accidental;
Q_PROPERTY(QQmlListProperty<Ms::Note> notes READ qmlNotes)
Q_PROPERTY(QQmlListProperty<Ms::Lyrics> lyrics READ qmlLyrics)
Q_PROPERTY(QQmlListProperty<Ms::Chord> graceNotes READ qmlGraceNotes)
QList<Note*> _notes; // sorted to decreasing line step
LedgerLine* _ledgerLines; // single linked list
Stem* _stem;
Hook* _hook;
StemSlash* _stemSlash; // for acciacatura
Arpeggio* _arpeggio;
Tremolo* _tremolo;
Glissando* _glissando;
ElementList _el; ///< chordline, slur
QList<Chord*> _graceNotes;
int _graceIndex; ///< if this is a grace note, index in parent list
MScore::Direction _stemDirection;
NoteType _noteType; ///< mark grace notes: acciaccatura and appoggiatura
bool _noStem;
PlayEventType _playEventType; ///< play events were modified by user
virtual qreal upPos() const;
virtual qreal downPos() const;
virtual qreal centerX() const;
void createLedgerLines(int track, std::vector<LedgerLineData> &vecLines, bool visible);
void addLedgerLines(int move);
void processSiblings(std::function<void(Element*)> func);
void layoutPitched();
void layoutTablature();
Chord(Score* s = 0);
Chord(const Chord&, bool link = false);
Chord &operator=(const Chord&) = delete;
virtual Chord* clone() const { return new Chord(*this, false); }
virtual Chord* linkedClone() { return new Chord(*this, true); }
virtual void undoUnlink() override;
virtual void setScore(Score* s);
virtual Element::Type type() const { return Element::Type::CHORD; }
virtual qreal mag() const;
virtual void write(Xml& xml) const;
virtual void read(XmlReader&);
virtual void setSelected(bool f);
virtual Element* drop(const DropData&);
void setStemDirection(MScore::Direction d) { _stemDirection = d; }
MScore::Direction stemDirection() const { return _stemDirection; }
LedgerLine* ledgerLines() { return _ledgerLines; }
void layoutStem1();
void layoutHook1(); // create hook if required
void layoutStem();
void layoutArpeggio2();
QQmlListProperty<Ms::Note> qmlNotes() { return QQmlListProperty<Ms::Note>(this, _notes); }
QQmlListProperty<Ms::Lyrics> qmlLyrics() { return QQmlListProperty<Ms::Lyrics>(this, _lyricsList); }
QQmlListProperty<Ms::Chord> qmlGraceNotes() { return QQmlListProperty<Ms::Chord>(this, _graceNotes); }
QList<Note*>& notes() { return _notes; }
const QList<Note*>& notes() const { return _notes; }
// Chord has at least one Note
Note* upNote() const;
Note* downNote() const;
virtual int upString() const;
virtual int downString() const;
qreal maxHeadWidth() const;
Note* findNote(int pitch) const;
Stem* stem() const { return _stem; }
void setStem(Stem* s);
Arpeggio* arpeggio() const { return _arpeggio; }
Tremolo* tremolo() const { return _tremolo; }
void setTremolo(Tremolo* t) { _tremolo = t; }
Glissando* glissando() const { return _glissando; }
StemSlash* stemSlash() const { return _stemSlash; }
void setStemSlash(StemSlash* s);
const QList<Chord*>& graceNotes() const { return _graceNotes; }
QList<Chord*>& graceNotes() { return _graceNotes; }
int getGraceNotesBefore(QList<Chord*>*);
int getGraceNotesAfter(QList<Chord*>*);
int graceIndex() const { return _graceIndex; }
void setGraceIndex(int val) { _graceIndex = val; }
virtual int upLine() const;
virtual int downLine() const;
virtual QPointF stemPos() const; ///< page coordinates
virtual QPointF stemPosBeam() const; ///< page coordinates
virtual qreal stemPosX() const;
bool underBeam() const;
Hook* hook() const { return _hook; }
Q_INVOKABLE virtual void add(Ms::Element*);
Q_INVOKABLE virtual void remove(Ms::Element*);
Note* selectedNote() const;
virtual void layout();
void layout2();
void updateNotes(AccidentalState*);
void cmdUpdateNotes(AccidentalState*);
NoteType noteType() const { return _noteType; }
void setNoteType(NoteType t) { _noteType = t; }
bool isGrace() const { return _noteType != NoteType::NORMAL; }
void toGraceAfter();
virtual void scanElements(void* data, void (*func)(void*, Element*), bool all=true);
virtual void setTrack(int val);
void computeUp();
qreal dotPosX() const;
bool noStem() const { return _noStem; }
void setNoStem(bool val) { _noStem = val; }
PlayEventType playEventType() const { return _playEventType; }
void setPlayEventType(PlayEventType v) { _playEventType = v; }
TremoloChordType tremoloChordType() const;
ElementList& el() { return _el; }
const ElementList& el() const { return _el; }
QPointF layoutArticulation(Articulation*);
virtual void crossMeasureSetup(bool on);
virtual QVariant getProperty(P_ID propertyId) const;
virtual bool setProperty(P_ID propertyId, const QVariant&);
virtual QVariant propertyDefault(P_ID) const;
virtual void reset();
virtual Segment* segment() const;
virtual Measure* measure() const;
void sortNotes();
virtual Element* nextElement() override;
virtual Element* prevElement() override;
virtual QString accessibleExtraInfo() override;
} // namespace Ms