2016-04-13 11:35:21 +02:00

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// MuseScore
// Linux Music Score Editor
// Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Schweer and others
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "libmscore/score.h"
#include "importxmlfirstpass.h"
#include "musicxml.h" // for the creditwords and MusicXmlPartGroupList definitions
#include "musicxmlsupport.h"
namespace Ms {
typedef QMap<QString, Part*> PartMap;
typedef std::map<int,MusicXmlPartGroup*> MusicXmlPartGroupMap;
// MxmlOctaveShiftDesc
struct MxmlOctaveShiftDesc {
enum class Type : char { UP, DOWN, STOP, NONE };
Type tp;
short size;
Fraction time;
short num;
MxmlOctaveShiftDesc() : tp(Type::NONE), size(0), num(-1) {}
MxmlOctaveShiftDesc(Type _tp, short _size, Fraction _tm) : tp(_tp), size(_size), time(_tm), num(-1) {}
class MusicXMLParserPass1 {
MusicXMLParserPass1(Score* score);
void initPartState(const QString& partId);
Score::FileError parse(QIODevice* device);
Score::FileError parse();
void scorePartwise();
void identification();
void credit(CreditWordsList& credits);
void defaults(int& pageWidth, int& pageHeight);
void pageLayout(PageFormat& pf, const qreal conversion, int& pageWidth, int& pageHeight);
void partList(MusicXmlPartGroupList& partGroupList);
void partGroup(const int scoreParts, MusicXmlPartGroupList& partGroupList, MusicXmlPartGroupMap& partGroups);
void scorePart();
void scoreInstrument(const QString& partId);
void midiInstrument(const QString& partId);
void part();
void measure(const QString& partId, const Fraction time, Fraction& mdur, VoiceOverlapDetector& vod);
void attributes(const QString& partId);
void clef(const QString& partId);
void time();
void divisions();
void staffDetails(const QString& partId);
void staffTuning(StringData* t);
void staves(const QString& partId);
void direction(const QString& partId, const Fraction cTime);
void directionType(const Fraction cTime, QList<MxmlOctaveShiftDesc>& starts, QList<MxmlOctaveShiftDesc>& stops);
void handleOctaveShift(const Fraction cTime, const QString& type, short size, MxmlOctaveShiftDesc& desc);
void note(const QString& partId, const Fraction cTime, Fraction& dura, VoiceOverlapDetector& vod);
void notePrintSpacingNo(Fraction& dura);
void duration(Fraction& dura);
void forward(Fraction& dura);
void backup(Fraction& dura);
void timeModification(Fraction& timeMod);
void pitch(int& step, float& alter, int& oct);
void rest();
QString getParseStatus() const { return _parseStatus; }
void logDebugTrace(const QString& info);
void logDebugInfo(const QString& info);
void logError(const QString& error);
void skipLogCurrElem();
bool determineMeasureLength(QVector<Fraction>& ml) const;
VoiceList getVoiceList(const QString id) const;
bool determineStaffMoveVoice(const QString& id, const int mxStaff, const QString& mxVoice,
int& msMove, int& msTrack, int& msVoice) const;
int trackForPart(const QString& id) const;
bool hasPart(const QString& id) const;
Part* getPart(const QString& id) const { return _partMap.value(id); }
MusicXMLDrumset getDrumset(const QString& id) const { return _drumsets.value(id); }
void setDrumsetDefault(const QString& id, const QString& instrId, const NoteHead::Group hg, const int line, const Direction sd);
MusicXmlInstrList getInstrList(const QString id) const;
Fraction getMeasureStart(const int i) const;
int octaveShift(const QString& id, const int staff, const Fraction f) const;
// functions
void setFirstInstr(const QString& id, const Fraction stime);
// generic pass 1 data
QXmlStreamReader _e;
int _divs; ///< Current MusicXML divisions value
QMap<QString, MusicXmlPart> _parts; ///< Parts data, mapped on part id
QVector<Fraction> _measureLength; ///< Length of each measure
QVector<Fraction> _measureStart; ///< Start time of each measure
PartMap _partMap; ///< TODO merge into MusicXmlPart ??
QMap<QString, MusicXMLDrumset> _drumsets; ///< Drumset for each part, mapped on part id
QString _parseStatus; ///< Parse status (typicallay a short error message)
Score* _score; ///< MuseScore score
// part specific data (TODO: move to part-specific class)
Fraction _timeSigDura; ///< Measure duration according to last timesig read
QMap<int, MxmlOctaveShiftDesc> _octaveShifts; ///< Pending octave-shifts
Fraction _firstInstrSTime; ///< First instrument start time
QString _firstInstrId; ///< First instrument id
} // namespace Ms