
249 lines
9.5 KiB

#include "importmidi_chord.h"
#include "importmidi_inner.h"
#include "importmidi_chord.h"
#include "importmidi_clef.h"
#include "libmscore/mscore.h"
namespace Ms {
namespace MChord {
ReducedFraction minAllowedDuration()
const static auto minDuration = ReducedFraction::fromTicks(MScore::division) / 32;
return minDuration;
ReducedFraction maxNoteLen(const QList<MidiNote> &notes)
ReducedFraction maxLen(0, 1);
for (const auto &note: notes) {
if (note.len > maxLen)
maxLen = note.len;
return maxLen;
int findAveragePitch(const QList<MidiNote> &notes)
int avgPitch = 0;
for (const auto &note: notes)
avgPitch += note.pitch;
return notes.size() ? avgPitch / notes.size() : 0;
int findAveragePitch(const std::map<ReducedFraction, MidiChord>::const_iterator &startChordIt,
const std::map<ReducedFraction, MidiChord>::const_iterator &endChordIt)
int avgPitch = 0;
int counter = 0;
for (auto it = startChordIt; it != endChordIt; ++it) {
avgPitch += findAveragePitch(it->second.notes);
if (counter)
avgPitch /= counter;
if (avgPitch == 0)
avgPitch = MidiClef::midPitch();
return avgPitch;
// remove overlapping notes with the same pitch
void removeOverlappingNotes(std::multimap<int, MTrack> &tracks)
for (auto &track: tracks) {
auto &chords = track.second.chords;
for (auto it = chords.begin(); it != chords.end(); ++it) {
auto &firstChord = it->second;
const auto &firstOnTime = it->first;
for (auto &note1: firstChord.notes) {
auto ii = it;
for (; ii != chords.end(); ++ii) {
auto &secondChord = ii->second;
const auto &secondOnTime = ii->first;
for (auto &note2: secondChord.notes) {
if (note2.pitch != note1.pitch)
if (secondOnTime >= (firstOnTime + note1.len))
qDebug("Midi import: overlapping events: %d+%d %d+%d",
firstOnTime.ticks(), note1.len.ticks(),
secondOnTime.ticks(), note2.len.ticks());
note1.len = secondOnTime - firstOnTime;
ii = chords.end();
if (note1.len <= ReducedFraction(0, 1)) {
qDebug("Midi import: duration <= 0: drop note at %d",
} // for note1
// based on quickthresh algorithm
// (link date 9 July 2013)
// here are default values for audio, in milliseconds
// for midi there will be another values, in ticks
// all notes received in the left inlet within this time period are collected into a chord
// threshTime = 40 ms
// if there are any incoming values within this amount of time
// at the end of the base thresh time,
// the threshold is extended to allow more notes to be added to the chord
// fudgeTime = 10 ms
// this is an extension value of the base thresh time, which is used if notes arrive
// in the object's inlet in the "fudge" time zone
// threshExtTime = 20 ms
void collectChords(std::multimap<int, MTrack> &tracks)
for (auto &track: tracks) {
auto &chords = track.second.chords;
if (chords.empty())
ReducedFraction threshTime = minAllowedDuration() / 2;
ReducedFraction fudgeTime = threshTime / 4;
ReducedFraction threshExtTime = threshTime / 2;
ReducedFraction startTime(-1, 1); // invalid
ReducedFraction curThreshTime(-1, 1);
// if intersection of note durations is less than min(minNoteDuration, threshTime)
// then this is not a chord
ReducedFraction tol(-1, 1); // invalid
ReducedFraction beg(-1, 1);
ReducedFraction end(-1, 1);
// chords here consist of a single note
// because notes are not united into chords yet
for (auto it = chords.begin(); it != chords.end(); ) {
const auto &note = it->second.notes[0];
// this should not be executed when it == chords.begin()
if (it->first <= startTime + curThreshTime) {
if (it->first > beg)
beg = it->first;
if (it->first + note.len < end)
end = it->first + note.len;
if (note.len < tol)
tol = note.len;
if (end - beg >= tol) {
// add current note to the previous chord
auto prev = it;
if (it->first >= startTime + curThreshTime - fudgeTime)
curThreshTime += threshExtTime;
it = chords.erase(it);
else {
startTime = it->first;
beg = startTime;
end = startTime + note.len;
tol = threshTime;
if (curThreshTime != threshTime)
curThreshTime = threshTime;
void sortNotesByPitch(std::multimap<ReducedFraction, MidiChord> &chords)
struct {
bool operator()(const MidiNote &note1, const MidiNote &note2)
return note1.pitch < note2.pitch;
} pitchSort;
for (auto &chordEvent: chords) {
// in each chord sort notes by pitches
auto &notes = chordEvent.second.notes;
qSort(notes.begin(), notes.end(), pitchSort);
void sortNotesByLength(std::multimap<ReducedFraction, MidiChord> &chords)
struct {
bool operator()(const MidiNote &note1, const MidiNote &note2)
return note1.len < note2.len;
} lenSort;
for (auto &chordEvent: chords) {
// in each chord sort notes by pitches
auto &notes = chordEvent.second.notes;
qSort(notes.begin(), notes.end(), lenSort);
// find notes of each chord that have different durations
// and separate them into different chords
// so all notes inside every chord will have equal lengths
void splitUnequalChords(std::multimap<int, MTrack> &tracks)
for (auto &track: tracks) {
std::vector<std::pair<ReducedFraction, MidiChord>> newChordEvents;
auto &chords = track.second.chords;
for (auto &chordEvent: chords) {
auto &chord = chordEvent.second;
auto &notes = chord.notes;
ReducedFraction len;
for (auto it = notes.begin(); it != notes.end(); ) {
if (it == notes.begin())
len = it->len;
else {
ReducedFraction newLen = it->len;
if (newLen != len) {
MidiChord newChord;
newChord.voice = chord.voice;
for (int j = it - notes.begin(); j > 0; --j)
newChord.notes.push_back(notes[j - 1]);
newChordEvents.push_back({chordEvent.first, newChord});
it = notes.erase(notes.begin(), it);
for (const auto &event: newChordEvents)
ReducedFraction findMinDuration(const QList<MidiChord> &midiChords,
const ReducedFraction &length)
ReducedFraction len = length;
for (const auto &chord: midiChords) {
for (const auto &note: chord.notes) {
if ((note.len < len) && (note.len != ReducedFraction(0, 1)))
len = note.len;
return len;
} // namespace MChord
} // namespace Ms