2020-12-25 10:51:40 +02:00

1021 lines
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// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "repeatlist.h"
#include "jump.h"
#include "marker.h"
#include "measure.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "segment.h"
#include "tempo.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "volta.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
#include <utility> // std::pair
namespace Ms {
// RepeatSegment
RepeatSegment::RepeatSegment(int playbackCount)
: tick(0), utick(0), utime(0.0), timeOffset(0.0), pause(0.0), playbackCount(playbackCount)
void RepeatSegment::addMeasure(Measure const* const m)
if (m != nullptr) {
if (measureList.empty()) {
tick = m->tick().ticks();
if ((measureList.empty()) || (measureList.back() != m)) {
/// \brief Expands or clips my measureList up to m (including m)
void RepeatSegment::addMeasures(Measure const* const m)
if (!measureList.empty()) {
// Add up to the current measure, final measure is added outside of this condition
Measure const* lastMeasure = measureList.back()->nextMeasure();
if (lastMeasure && (lastMeasure->tick() < m->tick())) { // Ensure provided reference is later than current last
while (lastMeasure != m) {
lastMeasure = lastMeasure->nextMeasure();
//else { // Possibly clip compared to current last measure }
while (!measureList.empty() && (measureList.back()->tick() >= m->tick())) {
bool RepeatSegment::containsMeasure(Measure const* const m) const
for (Measure const* const measure : measureList) {
if (measure == m) {
return true;
return false;
bool RepeatSegment::isEmpty() const
return measureList.empty();
int RepeatSegment::len() const
return (measureList.empty()) ? 0 : (measureList.last()->endTick().ticks() - tick);
void RepeatSegment::popMeasure()
if (!measureList.empty()) {
// RepeatList
RepeatList::RepeatList(Score* s)
_score = s;
idx1 = 0;
idx2 = 0;
// ~RepeatList
// ticks
int RepeatList::ticks() const
if (length() > 0) {
const RepeatSegment* s = last();
return s->utick + s->len();
return 0;
// update
void RepeatList::update(bool expand)
if (!_scoreChanged && expand == _expanded) {
if (expand) {
} else {
_scoreChanged = false;
// updateTempo
void RepeatList::updateTempo()
const TempoMap* tl = _score->tempomap();
int utick = 0;
qreal t = 0;
for (RepeatSegment* s : *this) {
s->utick = utick;
s->utime = t;
qreal ct = tl->tick2time(s->tick);
s->timeOffset = t - ct;
utick += s->len();
t += tl->tick2time(s->tick + s->len()) - ct;
// utick2tick
int RepeatList::utick2tick(int tick) const
unsigned n = size();
if (n == 0) {
return tick;
if (tick < 0) {
return 0;
unsigned ii = (idx1 < n) && (tick >= at(idx1)->utick) ? idx1 : 0;
for (unsigned i = ii; i < n; ++i) {
if ((tick >= at(i)->utick) && ((i + 1 == n) || (tick < at(i + 1)->utick))) {
idx1 = i;
return tick - (at(i)->utick - at(i)->tick);
if (MScore::debugMode) {
qFatal("tick %d not found in RepeatList", tick);
return 0;
// tick2utick
int RepeatList::tick2utick(int tick) const
if (empty()) {
return 0;
for (const RepeatSegment* s : *this) {
if (tick >= s->tick && tick < (s->tick + s->len())) {
return s->utick + (tick - s->tick);
return last()->utick + (tick - last()->tick);
// utick2utime
qreal RepeatList::utick2utime(int tick) const
unsigned n = size();
unsigned ii = (idx1 < n) && (tick >= at(idx1)->utick) ? idx1 : 0;
for (unsigned i = ii; i < n; ++i) {
if ((tick >= at(i)->utick) && ((i + 1 == n) || (tick < at(i + 1)->utick))) {
int t = tick - (at(i)->utick - at(i)->tick);
qreal tt = _score->tempomap()->tick2time(t) + at(i)->timeOffset;
return tt;
return 0.0;
// utime2utick
int RepeatList::utime2utick(qreal t) const
unsigned n = size();
unsigned ii = (idx2 < n) && (t >= at(idx2)->utime) ? idx2 : 0;
for (unsigned i = ii; i < n; ++i) {
if ((t >= at(i)->utime) && ((i + 1 == n) || (t < at(i + 1)->utime))) {
idx2 = i;
return _score->tempomap()->time2tick(t - at(i)->timeOffset) + (at(i)->utick - at(i)->tick);
if (MScore::debugMode) {
qFatal("time %f not found in RepeatList", t);
return 0;
/// \brief Lookup the RepeatSegment containing the given utick
QList<RepeatSegment*>::const_iterator RepeatList::findRepeatSegmentFromUTick(int utick) const
return std::lower_bound(this->cbegin(), this->cend(), utick, [](RepeatSegment const* rs, int utick) {
// Skip RS where endtick is less than us
return utick > (rs->utick + rs->len());
// flatten
/// Make this repeat list flat (don't expand repeats)
void RepeatList::flatten()
Measure* m = _score->firstMeasure();
if (!m) {
RepeatSegment* s = new RepeatSegment(1);
do {
m = m->nextMeasure();
} while (m);
_expanded = false;
// unwind
// implements:
// - repeats
// - volta
// - d.c. al fine
// - d.s. al fine
// - d.s. al coda
enum class RepeatListElementType {
class RepeatListElement
RepeatListElementType const repeatListElementType;
Element const* const element;
Measure const* const measure; // convenience, should be measure containing element
int repeatCount;
RepeatListElement(RepeatListElementType type, Element const* const el, Measure const* const m)
: repeatListElementType(type), element(el), measure(m)
repeatCount = (type == RepeatListElementType::REPEAT_START) ? 1 : 0;
// Voltas are cloned elements, we need to cleanup ourselves
if (repeatListElementType == RepeatListElementType::VOLTA_START) {
delete element;
int getRepeatCount() const { return repeatCount; }
void addToRepeatCount(int add) { repeatCount += add; }
/// \brief Collects all RepeatListElementType elements in the score
/// \details Those are the only type of elements that actually influence playback order
void RepeatList::collectRepeatListElements()
QList<RepeatListElement*>* sectionRLElements = new QList<RepeatListElement*>();
// Clear out previous listing
for (QList<RepeatListElement*>* srle : _rlElements) {
RepeatListElement* startFromRepeatMeasure = nullptr;
// Section breaks may occur on non-Measure frames, so must search list of all MeasureBases
// unwinding itself will only use actual Measures
MeasureBase* mb = _score->firstMeasure();
// First measure of a section/score is always used as a reference REPEAT_START point
// even if it doesn't have a start repeat
startFromRepeatMeasure = new RepeatListElement(RepeatListElementType::REPEAT_START, mb, toMeasure(mb));
// Also trace down the final actual measure of this section (in case a frame follows)
MeasureBase* sectionEndMeasureBase = nullptr;
// Used to track voltas; overlappings and real endings
Volta* volta;
std::list<Volta*> preProcessedVoltas;
// Voltas might overlap (duplicate entries on multiple staves or "real" overlaps)
// so we will pre-process them into cloned versions that handle those overlaps.
// This assumes that spanners are ordered from first to last tick-wise
for (const auto& spannerEntry : _score->spanner()) {
if ((spannerEntry.second)->isVolta()) {
volta = toVolta(spannerEntry.second)->clone();
if (preProcessedVoltas.empty()) { // First entry
} else { // Compare
std::list<Volta*> voltasToMerge;
// List all overlapping voltas
while ((!preProcessedVoltas.empty())
&& (volta->startMeasure()->tick() <= preProcessedVoltas.back()->endMeasure()->tick())
) {
while (!voltasToMerge.empty()) {
// We'll have to shorten the already stored volta and split its remainder for merging
Volta* remainder = voltasToMerge.back()->clone();
if (volta->startMeasure() != remainder->startMeasure()) {
// First part is not empty
// Store it
} //else {
// New volta and existing one start at the same moment, there is no first part, only a remainder
// remainder and volta now have the same start point
// Compare the end points and make remainder end first
if (volta->endMeasure()->tick() < remainder->endMeasure()->tick()) {
Volta* swap = volta;
volta = remainder;
remainder = swap;
// Cross-section of the repeatList
std::list<int> endings(remainder->endings().begin(), remainder->endings().end());
endings.remove_if([&volta](const int& ending) {
return !(volta->hasEnding(ending));
remainder->setEndings(QList<int>(endings.begin(), endings.end()));
// Split and merge done
if (volta->endMeasure() != remainder->endMeasure()) {
// volta extends past the end of remainder -> move its startpoint after remainder
} else {
// volta matched remainder endpoint, nothing left to merge from
preProcessedVoltas.splice(preProcessedVoltas.cend(), voltasToMerge);
delete volta;
volta = nullptr;
} // !voltasToMerge.empty()
if (volta != nullptr) {
} // spanner->isVolta
volta = nullptr;
for (; mb; mb = mb->next()) {
if (mb->isMeasure()) {
sectionEndMeasureBase = mb; // ending measure of section is the most recently encountered actual Measure
// Volta ?
if ((!preProcessedVoltas.empty()) && (preProcessedVoltas.front()->startMeasure() == mb)) {
if (volta != nullptr) {
//if (volta->endMeasure()->tick() < mb->tick()) {
// The previous volta was supposed to end before us (open volta case) -> insert the end
sectionRLElements->push_back(new RepeatListElement(RepeatListElementType::VOLTA_END,
volta, toMeasure(mb->prevMeasure())));
// volta = nullptr; // No need, replaced immediately further down
//} else {
// Overlapping voltas; this should not happen as preProcessedVoltas should've dealt with this already
// Now insert the start of the current volta
volta = preProcessedVoltas.front();
sectionRLElements->push_back(new RepeatListElement(RepeatListElementType::VOLTA_START,
volta, toMeasure(mb)));
// Look for start of next volta
// Start
if (mb->repeatStart()) {
if (volta != nullptr) {
if (volta->startMeasure() != toMeasure(mb)) {
// Volta and Start repeat are not on the same measure
// assume the previous volta was supposed to end before us (open volta case) -> insert the end
// Warning: This might "break" a volta prematurely if its explicit notated end is later than this point
// Consider splitting the volta or ignoring this repeat all together
sectionRLElements->push_back(new RepeatListElement(RepeatListElementType::VOLTA_END,
volta, toMeasure(mb->prevMeasure())));
volta = nullptr;
//else { // Volta and Start Repeat coincide on the same measure, see test::repeat56.mscx }
startFromRepeatMeasure = new RepeatListElement(RepeatListElementType::REPEAT_START,
mb, toMeasure(mb));
// Jumps and Markers
for (Element* e : mb->el()) {
if (e->isJump()) {
sectionRLElements->push_back(new RepeatListElement(RepeatListElementType::JUMP,
e, toMeasure(mb)));
if (volta != nullptr) {
if ((volta->endMeasure()->tick() < mb->tick())
|| ((volta->endMeasure()->tick() == mb->tick())
&& (volta->getProperty(Pid::END_HOOK_TYPE).value<HookType>() == HookType::NONE)
) {
// The previous volta was supposed to end before us
// or open volta ends together with us -> insert the end
sectionRLElements->push_back(new RepeatListElement(RepeatListElementType::VOLTA_END,
volta, toMeasure(mb)));
volta = nullptr;
} //else { // Volta is spanning past this jump instruction }
} else if (e->isMarker()) {
RepeatListElement* markerRLE = new RepeatListElement(RepeatListElementType::MARKER,
e, toMeasure(mb));
// There may be multiple markers in the same measure and there is no guarantee we're reading
// them from left to right. The only way available to guess their order is to look at their
// text alignment and order them left to right
// At the same time, we should ensure Markers are evaluated before Jumps
Align markerRLEalignmentH = static_cast<Align>(
static_cast<char>(toMarker(e)->align()) & static_cast<char>(Align::HMASK)
auto insertionIt = sectionRLElements->end() - 1;
while ((*insertionIt)->measure == markerRLE->measure) {
bool markerShouldGoBefore = false;
if (((*insertionIt)->repeatListElementType == RepeatListElementType::MARKER)
&& (markerRLEalignmentH != Align::RIGHT) // We can be the end when right aligned
) {
Align storedMarkerAlignmentH = static_cast<Align>(
& static_cast<char>(Align::HMASK)
if (markerRLEalignmentH == Align::HCENTER) {
markerShouldGoBefore = (storedMarkerAlignmentH == Align::RIGHT);
} else { //(markerRLEalignmentH == Align::LEFT)
markerShouldGoBefore = (storedMarkerAlignmentH != Align::LEFT);
if (markerShouldGoBefore
|| ((*insertionIt)->repeatListElementType == RepeatListElementType::JUMP)
) {
// Decrease position
// This should always be possible as the list always starts with a REPEAT_START element
Q_ASSERT(insertionIt != sectionRLElements->begin());
} else {
// Found location after which we should go
// We should be inserted right after insertionIt
sectionRLElements->insert(insertionIt + 1, markerRLE);
// End
if (mb->repeatEnd()) {
sectionRLElements->push_back(new RepeatListElement(RepeatListElementType::REPEAT_END,
mb, toMeasure(mb)));
if (startFromRepeatMeasure != nullptr) {
startFromRepeatMeasure->addToRepeatCount(toMeasure(mb)->repeatCount() - 1);
if (volta != nullptr) {
//if (volta->endMeasure()->tick() < mb->tick()) {
// The previous volta was supposed to end before us (open volta case) -> insert the end
sectionRLElements->push_back(new RepeatListElement(RepeatListElementType::VOLTA_END,
volta, toMeasure(mb)));
volta = nullptr;
//} else {
// // Volta is spanning over this end repeat, consider splitting the volta
// // or ignoring this repeat all together
// Volta end
if ((volta != nullptr)
&& (volta->endMeasure()->tick() == mb->tick())
&& (volta->getProperty(Pid::END_HOOK_TYPE).value<HookType>() != HookType::NONE)
) {
// end of closed volta
sectionRLElements->push_back(new RepeatListElement(RepeatListElementType::VOLTA_END,
volta, toMeasure(mb)));
volta = nullptr;
// Section break (or end of score)
if (mb->sectionBreak() || !mb->nextMeasure()) {
if (sectionEndMeasureBase != nullptr) {
if (volta != nullptr) {
//if (volta->endMeasure()->tick() < mb->tick()) {
// The previous volta was supposed to end before us (open volta case) -> insert the end
sectionRLElements->push_back(new RepeatListElement(RepeatListElementType::VOLTA_END,
volta, toMeasure(mb)));
volta = nullptr;
//} else {
// // Volta is spanning over this section break, consider splitting the volta
// // and adding it again at the start of the next section
sectionRLElements->push_back(new RepeatListElement(RepeatListElementType::SECTION_BREAK,
mb, toMeasure(sectionEndMeasureBase)));
sectionEndMeasureBase = nullptr; // reset to indicate not having found the end for the next section
// store section
// prepare for new section
if (mb->nextMeasure()) {
sectionRLElements = new QList<RepeatListElement*>();
// First measure of a section/score is always used as a reference REPEAT_START point
// even if it doesn't have a start repeat
startFromRepeatMeasure = new RepeatListElement(RepeatListElementType::REPEAT_START,
mb->nextMeasure(), toMeasure(mb->nextMeasure()));
// Loop will forward one measureBase, so return one now
// this logic aids in skipping multiple frames between sections
mb = mb->nextMeasure()->prev();
} else {
// no more measures -> done
/// \brief Finds a matching marker in the score (section first)
/// \remark Special case labels:
/// "start" will result in start of current section
/// "end" will result in end of current section
std::pair<QList<QList<RepeatListElement*>*>::const_iterator, QList<RepeatListElement*>::const_iterator> RepeatList::findMarker(
QString label, QList<QList<RepeatListElement*>*>::const_iterator referenceSectionIt,
QList<RepeatListElement*>::const_iterator referenceRepeatListElementIt) const
bool found = false;
QList<QList<RepeatListElement*>*>::const_iterator foundSectionIt;
QList<RepeatListElement*>::const_iterator foundRepeatListElementIt;
// Start in the current section
foundSectionIt = referenceSectionIt;
// Handle special label casing first
if (label == "start") {
foundRepeatListElementIt = (*referenceSectionIt)->cbegin();
found = true;
} else if (label == "end") {
foundRepeatListElementIt = (*referenceSectionIt)->cend() - 1;
found = true;
} else {
foundRepeatListElementIt = referenceRepeatListElementIt;
// Search backwards in this section
while (!found && (foundRepeatListElementIt != (*referenceSectionIt)->cbegin())) {
if (((*foundRepeatListElementIt)->repeatListElementType == RepeatListElementType::MARKER)
&& ((toMarker((*foundRepeatListElementIt)->element))->label() == label)
) {
found = true;
// Search forwards in this section
if (!found) {
foundRepeatListElementIt = referenceRepeatListElementIt + 1;
while (!found && (foundRepeatListElementIt != (*referenceSectionIt)->cend())) {
if (((*foundRepeatListElementIt)->repeatListElementType == RepeatListElementType::MARKER)
&& ((toMarker((*foundRepeatListElementIt)->element))->label() == label)
) {
found = true;
// Search backwards through all previous sections
if (!found) {
while (!found && (foundSectionIt != _rlElements.cbegin())) {
foundRepeatListElementIt = (*foundSectionIt)->cend();
while (!found && (foundRepeatListElementIt != (*foundSectionIt)->cbegin())) {
if (((*foundRepeatListElementIt)->repeatListElementType == RepeatListElementType::MARKER)
&& ((toMarker((*foundRepeatListElementIt)->element))->label() == label)
) {
found = true;
// Search forwards through all following sections
if (!found) {
foundSectionIt = referenceSectionIt + 1;
while (foundSectionIt != _rlElements.cend()) {
foundRepeatListElementIt = (*foundSectionIt)->cbegin();
while (!found && (foundRepeatListElementIt != (*foundSectionIt)->cend())) {
if (((*foundRepeatListElementIt)->repeatListElementType == RepeatListElementType::MARKER)
&& ((toMarker((*foundRepeatListElementIt)->element))->label() == label)
) {
found = true;
if (found) {
return std::make_pair(foundSectionIt, foundRepeatListElementIt);
/// \brief RepeatList::performJump
/// \param sectionIt [in] Section of the jump target
/// \param repeatListElementTargetIt [in] RepeatListElement of the jump target within the section
/// \param withRepeats [in] Whether first or last playtrough of the target is the actual target, influences playbackCount
/// \param playbackCount [out] Will contain the resulting playbackCount value
/// \param activeVolta [out] Contains a reference to the active Volta for jump target
/// \param startRepeatReference [out] Reference point to return to and compare against for jump target
void RepeatList::performJump(QList<QList<RepeatListElement*>*>::const_iterator sectionIt,
QList<RepeatListElement*>::const_iterator repeatListElementTargetIt,
bool withRepeats, int* const playbackCount,
Volta const** const activeVolta, RepeatListElement const** const startRepeatReference) const
QList<RepeatListElement*>::const_iterator repeatListElementIt;
// Fast forward processing up to our desired marker
*activeVolta = nullptr;
*startRepeatReference = *((*sectionIt)->cbegin());
for (repeatListElementIt = (*sectionIt)->cbegin(); repeatListElementIt != repeatListElementTargetIt; ++repeatListElementIt) {
switch ((*repeatListElementIt)->repeatListElementType) {
case RepeatListElementType::VOLTA_START: {
*activeVolta = toVolta((*repeatListElementIt)->element);
} break;
case RepeatListElementType::VOLTA_END: {
*activeVolta = nullptr;
} break;
case RepeatListElementType::REPEAT_START: {
*startRepeatReference = *repeatListElementIt;
} break;
default: {
// nothing to do
} break;
// Set the correct playbackCount
if (withRepeats) {
if (*activeVolta != nullptr) {
*playbackCount = (*activeVolta)->firstEnding();
if (*playbackCount == 0) {
*playbackCount = 1;
} else {
*playbackCount = 1;
} else { // Final repeat after jump
if (*activeVolta != nullptr) {
*playbackCount = (*activeVolta)->lastEnding();
if (*playbackCount == 0) {
*playbackCount = (*startRepeatReference)->getRepeatCount();
} else {
*playbackCount = (*startRepeatReference)->getRepeatCount();
/// \brief RepeatList::unwind
void RepeatList::unwind()
if (!_score->firstMeasure()) {
// Following variables are used during unwinding, but may be altered when following jumps
// Therefor they are declared outside of the loop
RepeatSegment* rs = nullptr;
int playbackCount;
Volta const* activeVolta = nullptr;
std::pair<QList<QList<RepeatListElement*>*>::const_iterator, QList<RepeatListElement*>::const_iterator> playUntil = std::make_pair(
_rlElements.cend(), _rlElements[0]->cend());
std::pair<QList<QList<RepeatListElement*>*>::const_iterator, QList<RepeatListElement*>::const_iterator> continueAt = std::make_pair(
_rlElements.cend(), _rlElements[0]->cend());
Jump const* activeJump = nullptr;
bool forceFinalRepeat = false; // Used during jump processing
QList<RepeatListElement*>::const_iterator repeatListElementIt;
for (QList<QList<RepeatListElement*>*>::const_iterator sectionIt = _rlElements.cbegin(); sectionIt != _rlElements.cend(); ++sectionIt) {
// Unwind this section
RepeatListElement const* startRepeatReference;
playbackCount = 1;
repeatListElementIt = (*sectionIt)->cbegin(); // Should always be a REPEAT_START indicator
startRepeatReference = *repeatListElementIt;
activeVolta = nullptr;
playUntil.first = _rlElements.cend();
continueAt.first = _rlElements.cend();
forceFinalRepeat = false;
rs = new RepeatSegment(playbackCount);
while (repeatListElementIt != (*sectionIt)->cend()) {
if (rs) {
switch ((*repeatListElementIt)->repeatListElementType) {
case RepeatListElementType::SECTION_BREAK: {
if ((rs != nullptr) && (!rs->isEmpty())) {
} break;
case RepeatListElementType::VOLTA_START: {
activeVolta = toVolta((*repeatListElementIt)->element);
if (!(activeVolta->hasEnding(playbackCount))) {
// Should be skipped, remove our measure from rs
if (!rs->isEmpty()) {
// Skip the volta
do {
} while ((*repeatListElementIt)->repeatListElementType != RepeatListElementType::VOLTA_END);
activeVolta = nullptr;
// Start next rs on the following measure
Measure const* const possibleNextMeasure = (*repeatListElementIt)->measure->nextMeasure();
if (possibleNextMeasure == nullptr) {
rs = nullptr; // end of score, but will still encounter section break, notify it
} else {
rs = new RepeatSegment(playbackCount);
// else { take the volta, it's already set as activeVolta, so just continue }
} break;
case RepeatListElementType::VOLTA_END: {
activeVolta = nullptr;
} break;
case RepeatListElementType::REPEAT_START: {
if (rs == nullptr) { // Sent here by an end-repeat
rs = new RepeatSegment(playbackCount);
} else {
int desiredPlaybackCount = (forceFinalRepeat) ? (*repeatListElementIt)->getRepeatCount() : 1;
if (rs->playbackCount != desiredPlaybackCount) {
// Restart a segment as we have a new playbackCount reference
if (!rs->isEmpty()) {
playbackCount = desiredPlaybackCount;
rs = new RepeatSegment(playbackCount);
startRepeatReference = *repeatListElementIt;
} break;
case RepeatListElementType::REPEAT_END: {
if ((playbackCount < startRepeatReference->getRepeatCount())
&& ((*repeatListElementIt)->getRepeatCount() < (*repeatListElementIt)->measure->repeatCount())
) {
// Honor the repeat
rs = nullptr;
do { // rewind
if ((*repeatListElementIt)->repeatListElementType == RepeatListElementType::VOLTA_START) {
activeVolta = nullptr;
} else if ((*repeatListElementIt)->repeatListElementType == RepeatListElementType::VOLTA_END) {
activeVolta = toVolta((*repeatListElementIt)->element);
} while ((*repeatListElementIt) != startRepeatReference);
continue; // Force evaluation of the start repeat
//else { // Exhausted repeats, just continue }
} break;
case RepeatListElementType::JUMP: {
if (activeJump == toJump((*repeatListElementIt)->element)) {
// We've reached this jump again after just having taken it
// If this jump forced final repeat playthrough of measures
// it only forces so up to this point - see test::repeat23
forceFinalRepeat = false;
// TODO future improvement, use the repeatList property from the Jump to verify if it should be honored
// For now (or in case of an empty repeatList property) a Jump is only honored on final playthrough
// of the measure, and only taken once
if ((playbackCount >= startRepeatReference->getRepeatCount())
|| ((activeVolta != nullptr) && (playbackCount == activeVolta->lastEnding()))
) {
std::pair<Jump const* const,
int> jumpOccurence = std::make_pair(toJump((*repeatListElementIt)->element), playbackCount);
if (_jumpsTaken.find(jumpOccurence) == _jumpsTaken.end()) { // Not yet processed
// Processing it now
// Find the jump targets
QList<RepeatListElement*>::const_iterator> jumpTo = findMarker(
jumpOccurence.first->jumpTo(), sectionIt, repeatListElementIt);
playUntil = findMarker(jumpOccurence.first->playUntil(), sectionIt, repeatListElementIt);
continueAt = findMarker(jumpOccurence.first->continueAt(), sectionIt, repeatListElementIt);
// Execute
if (jumpTo.first != _rlElements.cend()) {
rs = nullptr;
activeJump = jumpOccurence.first;
performJump(jumpTo.first, jumpTo.second,
activeJump->playRepeats(), &playbackCount, &activeVolta, &startRepeatReference);
sectionIt = jumpTo.first;
repeatListElementIt = jumpTo.second;
forceFinalRepeat = !(activeJump->playRepeats());
// Re-evaluate our repeat count for end repeat measures
if (playUntil.first != _rlElements.cend()) { // Only required if we have an end target
for (auto rleIt = repeatListElementIt + 1; rleIt != (*sectionIt)->cend(); ++rleIt) {
if (((*rleIt)->repeatListElementType == RepeatListElementType::REPEAT_END)
&& ((*rleIt)->getRepeatCount() != 0)
) { // We've been played before - see test::repeat22 for why only then
// Clear out our current repeat count
if (forceFinalRepeat) {
// Set repeat count to the maximum number for this repeat
if (activeVolta != nullptr) {
// We jumped into a volta, which might not be the only one of this startRepeatReference
// If our jump didn't take us to the last playthrough, we must re-evaluate
// all voltas related to this startRepeatReference
if (playbackCount < startRepeatReference->getRepeatCount()) {
// test::repeat52 and test::repeat53
QList<RepeatListElement*>::const_iterator findRepeatIt = repeatListElementIt;
do {
} while ((*findRepeatIt) != startRepeatReference);
++findRepeatIt; // Start volta analysis past this start repeat
Volta const* voltaReference = nullptr;
int processedRepeatCount = 1;
while ((findRepeatIt != (*sectionIt)->cend())
&& ((*findRepeatIt)->repeatListElementType != RepeatListElementType::REPEAT_START)
&& (processedRepeatCount < startRepeatReference->getRepeatCount())
) {
if ((*findRepeatIt)->repeatListElementType == RepeatListElementType::VOLTA_START) {
voltaReference = toVolta((*findRepeatIt)->element);
if (voltaReference->lastEnding() < playbackCount) {
// We won't pass here anymore - no need to adjust end repeat to this volta
voltaReference = nullptr;
} else if ((*findRepeatIt)->repeatListElementType == RepeatListElementType::REPEAT_END) {
if (voltaReference != nullptr) {
int remainingRepeatsCount = 0;
for (int ending : voltaReference->endings()) {
if (ending >= playbackCount) {
// Apply new remainingRepeatsCount
(*findRepeatIt)->measure->repeatCount() - remainingRepeatsCount - 1);
processedRepeatCount += (*findRepeatIt)->measure->repeatCount() - 1;
// We've arrived at the target marker
rs = new RepeatSegment(playbackCount);
} // End of jump execution
} break;
case RepeatListElementType::MARKER: {
if (((sectionIt == playUntil.first) && (repeatListElementIt == playUntil.second))
&& ((playbackCount == startRepeatReference->getRepeatCount())
|| ((activeVolta != nullptr) && (playbackCount == activeVolta->lastEnding()))
) { // Found final playThrough of this Marker
rs = nullptr;
playUntil.first = _rlElements.cend(); // Clear this reference - processed
forceFinalRepeat = false;
if (continueAt.first != _rlElements.cend()) {
performJump(continueAt.first, continueAt.second, true, &playbackCount, &activeVolta, &startRepeatReference);
sectionIt = continueAt.first;
repeatListElementIt = continueAt.second;
if (startRepeatReference->measure != (*(continueAt.second))->measure) {
// Use the continueAt target as repeat reference if it wasn't this measure already
// Check for measure is required as REPEAT_START is processed before a marker
// see test::repeat23 m12
startRepeatReference = *(continueAt.second);
// We've arrived at the target marker
rs = new RepeatSegment(playbackCount);
continueAt.first = _rlElements.cend(); // Clear this reference - processed
} else { // Nowhere to go to, break out of this section loop and onto the next section
repeatListElementIt = (*sectionIt)->cend();
} break;
// Reached the end of this section
// Inform the last RepeatSegment that the Section Break pause property should be honored now
rs = this->back();
repeatListElementIt = (*sectionIt)->cend() - 1;
Q_ASSERT((*repeatListElementIt)->repeatListElementType == RepeatListElementType::SECTION_BREAK);
LayoutBreak const* const sectionBreak = toMeasureBase((*repeatListElementIt)->element)->sectionBreakElement();
if (sectionBreak != nullptr) {
rs->pause = sectionBreak->pause();
_expanded = true;