Marc Sabatella 4eadb70636 fix #287245: allow symbols and images on barlines
It sometimes comes up that the best way to solve some particular problem
would be to attach a symbol to a barline
(eg, think about the commonly-requested multimeasure repeat symbol).
But we don't support symbols on barlines, so you end up settling for
attaching to the first note or rest in the bar then moving manually,
and this adjustment does not necessarily survicve layout changes.

This commit adds direct support for symbols on barlines.
Also images, since the code involved is so similar, they are handled here as well.
Symbols and images are recorded as child elements,
which were already being laid out so no special handling was needed
beyond adding & removing, reading nd writing.
Although I did need to make sure the track & score were managed correctly.
2019-08-29 09:59:58 -06:00

151 lines
6.1 KiB

// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __BARLINE_H__
#define __BARLINE_H__
#include "element.h"
#include "mscore.h"
namespace Ms {
class MuseScoreView;
class Segment;
static const int MIN_BARLINE_FROMTO_DIST = 2;
static const int MIN_BARLINE_SPAN_FROMTO = -2;
// bar line span for 1-line staves is special: goes from 2sp above the line to 2sp below the line;
static const int BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_FROM = -4;
static const int BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_TO = 4;
// data for some preset bar line span types
static const int BARLINE_SPAN_TICK1_FROM = -1;
static const int BARLINE_SPAN_TICK1_TO = -7;
static const int BARLINE_SPAN_TICK2_FROM = -2;
static const int BARLINE_SPAN_TICK2_TO = -6;
static const int BARLINE_SPAN_SHORT1_FROM = 2;
static const int BARLINE_SPAN_SHORT1_TO = -2;
static const int BARLINE_SPAN_SHORT2_FROM = 1;
static const int BARLINE_SPAN_SHORT2_TO = -1;
// BarLineTableItem
struct BarLineTableItem {
BarLineType type;
const char* userName; // user name, translatable
const char* name;
// @@ BarLine
class BarLine final : public Element {
int _spanStaff { 0 }; // span barline to next staff if true, values > 1 are used for importing from 2.x
int _spanFrom { 0 }; // line number on start and end staves
int _spanTo { 0 };
BarLineType _barLineType { BarLineType::NORMAL };
mutable qreal y1;
mutable qreal y2;
ElementList _el; ///< fermata or other articulations
void getY() const;
void drawDots(QPainter* painter, qreal x) const;
void drawTips(QPainter* painter, bool reversed, qreal x) const;
bool isTop() const;
bool isBottom() const;
void drawEditMode(QPainter*, EditData&);
BarLine(Score* s = 0);
virtual ~BarLine();
BarLine(const BarLine&);
BarLine &operator=(const BarLine&) = delete;
virtual BarLine* clone() const override { return new BarLine(*this); }
virtual ElementType type() const override { return ElementType::BAR_LINE; }
virtual void write(XmlWriter& xml) const override;
virtual void read(XmlReader&) override;
virtual void draw(QPainter*) const override;
virtual QPointF canvasPos() const override; ///< position in canvas coordinates
virtual QPointF pagePos() const override; ///< position in page coordinates
virtual void layout() override;
void layout2();
virtual void scanElements(void* data, void (*func)(void*, Element*), bool all=true) override;
virtual void setTrack(int t) override;
virtual void setScore(Score* s) override;
virtual void add(Element*) override;
virtual void remove(Element*) override;
virtual bool acceptDrop(EditData&) const override;
virtual Element* drop(EditData&) override;
virtual bool isEditable() const override { return true; }
Segment* segment() const { return toSegment(parent()); }
Measure* measure() const { return toMeasure(parent()->parent()); }
void setSpanStaff(int val) { _spanStaff = val; }
void setSpanFrom(int val) { _spanFrom = val; }
void setSpanTo(int val) { _spanTo = val; }
int spanStaff() const { return _spanStaff; }
int spanFrom() const { return _spanFrom; }
int spanTo() const { return _spanTo; }
virtual void startEdit(EditData& ed) override;
virtual void endEdit(EditData&) override;
virtual void editDrag(EditData&) override;
virtual void endEditDrag(EditData&) override;
virtual void updateGrips(EditData&) const override;
virtual Shape shape() const override;
ElementList* el() { return &_el; }
const ElementList* el() const { return &_el; }
static QString userTypeName(BarLineType);
static const BarLineTableItem* barLineTableItem(unsigned);
QString barLineTypeName() const;
static QString barLineTypeName(BarLineType t);
void setBarLineType(const QString& s);
void setBarLineType(BarLineType i) { _barLineType = i; }
BarLineType barLineType() const { return _barLineType; }
static BarLineType barLineType(const QString&);
virtual int subtype() const override { return int(_barLineType); }
virtual QString subtypeName() const override { return qApp->translate("barline", barLineTypeName().toUtf8()); }
virtual QVariant getProperty(Pid propertyId) const override;
virtual bool setProperty(Pid propertyId, const QVariant&) override;
virtual QVariant propertyDefault(Pid propertyId) const override;
virtual Pid propertyId(const QStringRef& xmlName) const override;
virtual void undoChangeProperty(Pid id, const QVariant&, PropertyFlags ps);
using ScoreElement::undoChangeProperty;
static qreal layoutWidth(Score*, BarLineType);
QRectF layoutRect() const;
virtual Element* nextSegmentElement() override;
virtual Element* prevSegmentElement() override;
virtual QString accessibleInfo() const override;
virtual QString accessibleExtraInfo() const override;
static const std::vector<BarLineTableItem> barLineTable;
} // namespace Ms