2016-11-19 11:51:21 +01:00

258 lines
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// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2013 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#include "groups.h"
#include "durationtype.h"
#include "chordrest.h"
#include "staff.h"
#include "tuplet.h"
#include "xml.h"
namespace Ms {
// noteGroups
static std::vector<NoteGroup> noteGroups {
{ Fraction(2,2),
Groups( { { 4, 512}, { 8, 272}, {12, 512}, {16, 273}, {20, 512}, {24, 272}, {28, 512} })
{ Fraction(4,4),
Groups( { { 4, 0x200}, { 8, 0x110}, {12, 0x200}, {16, 0x111}, {20, 0x200}, {24, 0x110}, {28, 0x200} })
{ Fraction(3,4),
Groups( { { 4, 512}, { 8, 273}, { 12, 512}, {16, 273}, { 20, 512} })
{ Fraction(2,4),
Groups( { { 4, 512}, { 8, 273}, { 12, 512}, {0, 0} })
{ Fraction(6,8),
Groups( { { 4, 512}, { 8, 512}, { 12, 273}, { 16, 512}, { 20, 512}, {0, 0} })
{ Fraction(9,8),
Groups( { { 4, 512}, { 8, 512}, { 12, 273}, { 16, 512}, { 20, 512}, {24, 273}, { 18, 512}, { 32, 512} })
{ Fraction(12,8),
Groups( { { 4, 512}, { 8, 512}, { 12, 273}, { 16, 512}, { 20, 512}, {24, 273}, { 18, 512}, { 32, 512}, {36, 273}, { 40, 512}, { 44, 512} })
{ Fraction(6,4),
Groups( { { 4, 512}, { 8, 512}, { 12, 512}, { 16, 512}, { 20, 512}, { 24, 273}, { 28, 512}, { 32, 512}, { 36, 512}, { 40, 512}, { 44, 512} })
{ Fraction(3,2),
Groups( { { 4, 512}, { 8, 272}, { 12, 512}, { 16, 273}, { 20, 512}, { 24, 272}, { 28, 512}, { 32, 273}, { 36, 512}, { 40, 272}, { 44, 512} })
{ Fraction(5,4),
Groups( { { 4, 512}, { 8, 512}, { 12, 512}, { 16, 512}, { 20, 512}, { 24, 273}, { 28, 512}, { 32, 512}, { 36, 512} })
{ Fraction(7,8),
Groups( { { 4, 512}, { 8, 512}, { 12, 273}, { 16, 512}, { 20, 273}, { 24, 512} })
{ Fraction(5,8),
Groups( { { 4, 512}, { 8, 512}, { 12, 273}, { 16, 512} })
// endBeam
Beam::Mode Groups::endBeam(ChordRest* cr, ChordRest* prev)
if (cr->isGrace() || cr->beamMode() != Beam::Mode::AUTO)
return cr->beamMode();
TDuration d = cr->durationType();
const Groups& g = cr->staff()->group(cr->tick());
Fraction stretch = cr->staff()->timeStretch(cr->tick());
int tick = (cr->rtick() * stretch.numerator()) / stretch.denominator();
Beam::Mode val = g.beamMode(tick, d.type());
// context-dependent checks
if (val == Beam::Mode::AUTO && tick) {
// if current or previous cr is in tuplet (but not both in same tuplet):
// consider it as if this were next shorter duration
if (prev && (cr->tuplet() != prev->tuplet()) && (d == prev->durationType())) {
if (d >= TDuration::DurationType::V_EIGHTH)
val = g.beamMode(tick, TDuration::DurationType::V_16TH);
else if (d == TDuration::DurationType::V_16TH)
val = g.beamMode(tick, TDuration::DurationType::V_32ND);
val = g.beamMode(tick, TDuration::DurationType::V_64TH);
// if there is a hole between previous and current cr, break beam
// exclude tuplets from this check; tick calculations can be unreliable
// and they seem to be handled well anyhow
if (cr->voice() && prev && !prev->tuplet() && prev->tick() + prev->actualTicks() < cr->tick())
val = Beam::Mode::BEGIN;
return val;
// beamMode
// tick is relative to begin of measure
Beam::Mode Groups::beamMode(int tick, TDuration::DurationType d) const
int shift;
switch (d) {
case TDuration::DurationType::V_EIGHTH: shift = 0; break;
case TDuration::DurationType::V_16TH: shift = 4; break;
case TDuration::DurationType::V_32ND: shift = 8; break;
return Beam::Mode::AUTO;
const int dm = MScore::division / 8;
for (const GroupNode& e : *this) {
if (e.pos * dm < tick)
if (e.pos * dm > tick)
int action = (e.action >> shift) & 0xf;
switch (action) {
case 0: return Beam::Mode::AUTO;
case 1: return Beam::Mode::BEGIN;
case 2: return Beam::Mode::BEGIN32;
case 3: return Beam::Mode::BEGIN64;
qDebug(" Groups::beamMode: bad action %d", action);
return Beam::Mode::AUTO;
return Beam::Mode::AUTO;
// endings
const Groups& Groups::endings(const Fraction& f)
for (const NoteGroup& g : noteGroups) {
if (g.timeSig.identical(f)) {
return g.endings;
NoteGroup g;
g.timeSig = f;
int pos = 0;
switch (f.denominator()) {
case 2: pos = 16; break;
case 4: pos = 8; break;
case 8: pos = 4; break;
case 16: pos = 2; break;
case 32: pos = 1; break;
for (int i = 1; i < f.numerator(); ++i) {
GroupNode n;
n.pos = pos * i;
n.action = 0x111;
return noteGroups.back().endings;
// write
void Groups::write(XmlWriter& xml) const
for (const GroupNode& n : *this)
xml.tagE(QString("Node pos=\"%1\" action=\"%2\"")
// read
void Groups::read(XmlReader& e)
while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
const QStringRef& tag(;
if (tag == "Node") {
GroupNode n;
n.pos = e.intAttribute("pos");
n.action = e.intAttribute("action");
// addStop
void Groups::addStop(int pos, TDuration::DurationType d, Beam::Mode bm)
int shift;
switch (d) {
case TDuration::DurationType::V_EIGHTH: shift = 0; break;
case TDuration::DurationType::V_16TH: shift = 4; break;
case TDuration::DurationType::V_32ND: shift = 8; break;
int action;
if (bm == Beam::Mode::BEGIN)
action = 1;
else if (bm == Beam::Mode::BEGIN32)
action = 2;
else if (bm == Beam::Mode::BEGIN64)
action = 3;
pos /= 60;
action <<= shift;
auto i = begin();
for (; i != end(); ++i) {
if (i->pos == pos) {
i->action = (i->action & ~(0xf << shift)) | action;
if (i->pos > pos)
insert(i, GroupNode({ pos, action }));
// dump
void Groups::dump(const char* m) const
qDebug("%s", m);
for (const GroupNode& n : *this) {
qDebug(" group tick %d action 0x%02x", n.pos * 60, n.action);