When editing fingering with a "User" text style applied and then hitting Space, we try to create a new text element on the next note, but the attempt fails because cmdAddText() keys off the text style, and there is no handling for user styles (not clear what element type should be created). Unfortunately there are no further checks for this and eventually there is a crash as we attempt to update the text toolbar on the non-existent text element. I should note that Alt+Right does not crash, but the operation still fails for the same reason. This commit addresses the underlying problem directly by making sure we create the element correctly: passing in the *default* Tid for the desired element type in cmdAddText(), and then overriding the Tid afterwards if necessary. Thus, we never fail to create the text and thereby avoid any ill effects. As a bonus, we gain the ability to add texts with a style different from the default. Also fixed a gltich in Inspector not updating after using Space for fingering. The update happens for Alt+Left/Right because those are in ScoreView::MuseScore::cmd() which calls results in an eventual call to MuseScore::endCmd() but this doesn't happen during TextBase::edit(), which is where Space is processed.
427 lines
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427 lines
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// MuseScore
// Music Composition & Notation
// Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Werner Schweer
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
// as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
// the file LICENCE.GPL
#ifndef __SCANVAS_H__
#define __SCANVAS_H__
#include "globals.h"
#include "libmscore/element.h"
#include "libmscore/durationtype.h"
#include "libmscore/mscore.h"
#include "libmscore/mscoreview.h"
#include "libmscore/pos.h"
#include "libmscore/harmony.h"
namespace Ms {
class ChordRest;
class Rest;
class Element;
class Page;
class XmlWriter;
class Note;
class Lasso;
class FotoLasso;
class ShadowNote;
class Segment;
class Measure;
class System;
class Score;
class ScoreView;
class Text;
class MeasureBase;
class Staff;
class OmrView;
class PositionCursor;
class ContinuousPanel;
class Tuplet;
class FretDiagram;
class Bend;
class TremoloBar;
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
#define CONTROL_MODIFIER Qt::AltModifier
#define CONTROL_MODIFIER Qt::ControlModifier
enum class Grip : int;
enum class POS : char;
enum class MagIdx : char;
// ViewState
enum class ViewState {
// ScoreView
class ScoreView : public QWidget, public MuseScoreView {
ViewState state;
OmrView* _omrView;
// the next elements are used during dragMove to give some visual
// feedback:
// dropTarget: if valid, the element is drawn in a different color
// to mark it as a valid drop target
// dropRectangle: if valid, the rectangle is filled with a
// color to visualize a valid drop area
// dropAnchor: if valid the line is drawn from the current
// cursor position to the current anchor point
// Note:
// only one of the elements is active during drag
const Element* dropTarget; ///< current drop target during dragMove
QRectF dropRectangle; ///< current drop rectangle during dragMove
QLineF dropAnchor; ///< line to current anchor point during dragMove
QTransform _matrix, imatrix;
MagIdx _magIdx;
QFocusFrame* focusFrame;
EditData editData;
//--input state:
PositionCursor* _cursor;
ShadowNote* shadowNote;
// Realtime state: Note: always set allowRealtimeRests to desired value before starting a timer.
QTimer* realtimeTimer; // multi-shot timer for advancing in automatic realtime mode
QTimer* extendNoteTimer; // single-shot timer for initial advancement when a note is held
bool allowRealtimeRests; // Allow entering rests in realtime mode? (See note above)
bool tripleClickPending = false;
bool popupActive = false;
// Loop In/Out marks in the score
PositionCursor* _curLoopIn;
PositionCursor* _curLoopOut;
// Continuous panel
ContinuousPanel* _continuousPanel;
Lasso* lasso; ///< temporarily drawn lasso selection
FotoLasso* _foto;
QColor _bgColor;
QColor _fgColor;
QPixmap* _bgPixmap;
QPixmap* _fgPixmap;
// By default when the view will prevent viewpoint changes if
// it is inactive. Set this flag to true to change this behaviour.
bool _moveWhenInactive = false;
virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent*);
void paint(const QRect&, QPainter&);
void objectPopup(const QPoint&, Element*);
void measurePopup(QContextMenuEvent* ev, Measure*);
void saveChord(XmlWriter&);
virtual bool event(QEvent* event) override;
virtual bool gestureEvent(QGestureEvent*); // ??
virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*) override;
virtual void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent*) override;
virtual void dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent*) override;
virtual void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent*) override;
virtual void dropEvent(QDropEvent*) override;
virtual void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent*) override;
virtual void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent*) override;
virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent*) override;
virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent*) override;
virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*) override;
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*) override;
virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent*);
virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*) override;
virtual void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent*) override;
virtual void inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent*) override;
virtual void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent*) override;
void mousePressEventNormal(QMouseEvent*);
void escapeCmd();
bool startTextEditingOnMouseRelease(QMouseEvent*);
void adjustCursorForTextEditing(QMouseEvent*);
void constraintCanvas(int *dxx, int *dyy);
void contextItem(Element*);
void lassoSelect();
void setShadowNote(const QPointF&);
void drawElements(QPainter& p,QList<Element*>& el, Element* editElement);
bool dragTimeAnchorElement(const QPointF& pos);
bool dragMeasureAnchorElement(const QPointF& pos);
virtual void lyricsTab(bool back, bool end, bool moveOnly) override;
virtual void lyricsReturn() override;
virtual void lyricsEndEdit() override;
virtual void lyricsUpDown(bool up, bool end) override;
virtual void lyricsMinus() override;
virtual void lyricsUnderscore() override;
virtual void textTab(bool back = false) override;
void harmonyEndEdit();
void harmonyTab(bool back);
void harmonyBeatsTab(bool noterest, bool back);
void harmonyTicksTab(const Fraction& ticks);
void figuredBassTab(bool meas, bool back);
void figuredBassTicksTab(const Fraction& ticks);
void figuredBassEndEdit();
void realtimeAdvance(bool allowRests);
void cmdAddFret(int fret);
void cmdAddChordName(HarmonyType ht);
void cmdAddText(Tid tid, Tid customTid = Tid::DEFAULT);
void cmdEnterRest(const TDuration&);
void cmdEnterRest();
void cmdTuplet(int n, ChordRest*);
void cmdTuplet(int);
void cmdCreateTuplet(ChordRest* cr, Tuplet* tuplet);
void cmdRepeatSelection();
void cmdChangeEnharmonic(bool);
MeasureBase* insertMeasure(ElementType, MeasureBase*);
MeasureBase* checkSelectionStateForInsertMeasure();
void appendMeasures(int, ElementType);
MeasureBase* appendMeasure(ElementType);
void cmdInsertMeasure(ElementType);
void createElementPropertyMenu(Element* e, QMenu*);
void genPropertyMenu1(Element* e, QMenu* popup);
void genPropertyMenuText(Element* e, QMenu* popup);
void elementPropertyAction(const QString&, Element* e);
void paintPageBorder(QPainter& p, Page* page);
bool dropCanvas(Element*);
void editCmd(const QString&);
void setLoopCursor(PositionCursor* curLoop, const Fraction& tick, bool isInPos);
void cmdMoveCR(bool left);
void cmdGotoElement(Element*);
bool checkCopyOrCut();
QVariant inputMethodQuery(Qt::InputMethodQuery query) const override;
void startFotomode();
void stopFotomode();
void startFotoDrag();
void endFotoDrag();
void endFotoDragEdit();
QImage getRectImage(const QRectF& rect, double dpi, bool transparent, bool printMode);
virtual void startEdit();
void endEdit();
void startDrag();
void endDrag();
void endDragEdit();
void startNoteEntry();
virtual void startNoteEntryMode() override;
void endNoteEntry();
void endLasso();
Element* getDropTarget(EditData&);
private slots:
void posChanged(POS pos, unsigned tick);
void loopToggled(bool);
void triggerCmdRealtimeAdvance();
void cmdRealtimeAdvance();
void extendCurrentNote();
void seqStopped();
void tripleClickTimeOut();
public slots:
void setViewRect(const QRectF&);
void deselectAll();
void editCopy();
void editCut();
void editPaste();
void editSwap();
void normalCut();
void normalCopy();
void fotoModeCopy(bool includeLink = false);
bool normalPaste(Fraction scale = Fraction(1, 1));
void normalSwap();
void cloneElement(Element* e);
void doFotoDragEdit(QMouseEvent* ev);
void updateContinuousPanel();
void ticksTab(const Fraction& ticks); // helper function
void viewRectChanged();
void scaleChanged(double);
void offsetChanged(double, double);
void sizeChanged();
ScoreView(QWidget* parent = 0);
QPixmap* fgPixmap() { return _fgPixmap; }
virtual void startEdit(Element*, Grip) override;
virtual void startEditMode(Element*) override;
void moveCursor(const Fraction& tick);
Fraction cursorTick() const;
void setCursorOn(bool);
void setBackground(QPixmap*);
void setBackground(const QColor&);
void setForeground(QPixmap*);
void setForeground(const QColor&);
Page* addPage();
virtual void setScore(Score* s);
virtual void removeScore() { _score = 0; }
void setMag(qreal m);
bool navigatorVisible() const;
void cmd(const QAction*);
void cmd(const char*);
void startUndoRedo(bool);
void zoomStep(qreal step, const QPoint& pos);
void zoom(qreal _mag, const QPointF& pos);
void contextPopup(QContextMenuEvent* ev);
bool editKeyLyrics();
bool editKeySticking();
void dragScoreView(QMouseEvent* ev);
void doDragElement(QMouseEvent* ev);
void doDragLasso(QMouseEvent* ev);
void doDragFoto(QMouseEvent* ev);
void doDragEdit(QMouseEvent* ev);
bool testElementDragTransition(QMouseEvent* ev);
bool fotoEditElementDragTransition(QMouseEvent* ev);
void addSlur();
virtual void cmdAddSlur(ChordRest*, ChordRest*) override;
virtual void cmdAddHairpin(HairpinType);
void cmdAddNoteLine();
bool noteEntryMode() const { return state == ViewState::NOTE_ENTRY; }
bool editMode() const { return state == ViewState::EDIT; }
bool fotoMode() const;
virtual void setDropRectangle(const QRectF&);
virtual void setDropTarget(const Element*) override;
void setDropAnchor(const QLineF&);
const QTransform& matrix() const { return _matrix; }
qreal mag() const;
qreal lmag() const;
MagIdx magIdx() const { return _magIdx; }
void setMag(MagIdx idx, double mag);
qreal xoffset() const;
qreal yoffset() const;
void setOffset(qreal x, qreal y);
QSizeF fsize() const;
void screenNext();
void screenPrev();
void pageNext();
void pagePrev();
void pageTop();
void pageEnd();
QPointF toLogical(const QPoint& p) const { return imatrix.map(QPointF(p)); }
QPointF toPhysical(const QPointF& p) const {return _matrix.map(p); }
QRectF toLogical(const QRectF& r) const { return imatrix.mapRect(r); }
QRect toPhysical(const QRectF& r) const { return _matrix.mapRect(r).toRect(); }
bool searchMeasure(int i);
bool searchPage(int i);
bool searchRehearsalMark(const QString& s);
void gotoMeasure(Measure*);
void setFocusRect();
void changeVoice(int voice);
virtual void drawBackground(QPainter* p, const QRectF& r) const;
bool fotoScoreViewDragTest(QMouseEvent*);
bool fotoScoreViewDragRectTest(QMouseEvent*);
void doDragFotoRect(QMouseEvent*);
void fotoContextPopup(QContextMenuEvent*);
bool fotoRectHit(const QPoint& p);
void paintRect(bool printMode, QPainter& p, const QRectF& r, double mag);
bool saveFotoAs(bool printMode, const QRectF&);
void fotoDragDrop(QMouseEvent*);
void changeEditElement(Element*);
void cmdAppendMeasures(int, ElementType);
void cmdInsertMeasures(int, ElementType);
void cmdAddRemoveBreaks();
void cmdCopyLyricsToClipboard();
ScoreState mscoreState() const;
void setCursorVisible(bool v);
void showOmr(bool flag);
void midiNoteReceived(int pitch, bool chord, int velocity);
virtual void moveCursor() override;
virtual void layoutChanged();
virtual void dataChanged(const QRectF&);
virtual void updateAll() { update(); }
virtual void adjustCanvasPosition(const Element* el, bool playBack, int staff = -1) override;
virtual void setCursor(const QCursor& c) { QWidget::setCursor(c); }
virtual QCursor cursor() const { return QWidget::cursor(); }
void loopUpdate(bool val) { loopToggled(val); }
void updateShadowNotes();
OmrView* omrView() const { return _omrView; }
void setOmrView(OmrView* v) { _omrView = v; }
FotoLasso* fotoLasso() const { return _foto; }
Element* getEditElement();
void onElementDestruction(Element*) override;
virtual Element* elementNear(QPointF);
QList<Element*> elementsNear(QPointF);
// void editFretDiagram(FretDiagram*);
void editBendProperties(Bend*);
void editTremoloBarProperties(TremoloBar*);
EditData& getEditData() { return editData; }
void changeState(ViewState);
virtual const QRect geometry() const override { return QWidget::geometry(); }
bool clickOffElement;
void updateGrips();
bool moveWhenInactive() const { return _moveWhenInactive; }
bool moveWhenInactive(bool move) { bool m = _moveWhenInactive; _moveWhenInactive = move; return m; }
} // namespace Ms